IAFV :: Volume #9

#823: Immortal Domain also or the foreign land is all same, or a young king?

The exceedingly high Ancient City shock, broad and big stone door, is that leaf of gateway in legend. 通天古城剧震,恢弘而高大的石门,乃是神话传说中的那扇门户。 Today melts in world again obviously, moreover was shoved open, rumble, sends out shooting up into the sky, and vast ray. 今天再度显化于世间,而且被推开了,轰隆隆中,发出冲霄且浩瀚的光芒。 All lives, felt that must under the collision of two world aura, changes to the repercussions, the skeleton not saves. 所有的生灵,都感觉要在两个世间气息的碰撞下,化作劫灰,尸骨无存。 This type of enormous and powerful internal energy, two big universes, had not the unimaginable collision simply probably, before eternal swept across to come, to pass to this life. 这种浩荡气机,简直像是两个大宇宙,发生了无法想象的碰撞,自万古前席卷而来,传到了今世。 The stars outside Heavenly Domain, are swaying, must crash. 天域外的星辰,都在摇晃,要坠落下来。 However what most is inconceivable is, this leaf of stone door was shoved open by the life of another world, he walks tranquilly, the footsteps are not quick, but made the heart of person probably blast out. 然而最令人不可思议的还是,这扇石门是被另外一个世界的生灵推开的,他平静走来,脚步并不快,但却令人的心脏都要炸开。 This side heaven and earth, seems unable carrying/sustaining his aura. 这方天地,仿佛都无法承载他的气息。 Entire exceedingly high Ancient City, because of his arrival, the unceasing shock, these covers the trace in city wall, in obviously. 整座通天古城,因为他的到来,不断剧震,那些覆盖在城墙上的痕迹,更是在显化。 Mighty current rune, interweaves everywhere light beam, is radiant and eye-catching, no one can look straight ahead. 洪流般的符文,交织出漫天光束,璀璨且夺目,无人能够直视。 Front all cultivator lives, no matter came from the foreign land, was Immortal Domain once descendant, all lost one's voice to tremble, was shocked by the present scene, is unable to say the words. 面前的所有修士生灵,不管是来自于异域,还是仙域曾经的后裔,皆失声颤栗,被眼前的景象所震撼,无法说出话来。 Regarding Dao Achiever of foreign land, they were simply frightened to the pinnacle, scalp tingles, in this moment, only wants to change to spirit light to run away, from the start does not want to stay here. 对于异域的成道者而言,他们简直惊悚到了极致,头皮发麻,在这一刻,只想化作神光逃走,压根不想留在这里。 Clamour 117 domineering dark blood Golden Crow clan Dao Achiever, have also changed to everywhere a moment ago nowadays the blood fog, the skeleton not saves, tragic death in front of stone door. 刚才还嚣117张强势的暗血金乌成道者,现如今已经化作漫天的血雾,尸骨无存,惨死在了石门前面。 Although they have not seen clearly to have anything, but actually knows, Dao Achiever of dark blood Golden Crow clan, by that pretty man, was definitely patted conveniently, is similar to pats the fly that dead one humming sound randomly calls. 虽然他们都没有看清发生了什么,但是却知道,暗血金乌族的成道者,肯定是被那个清俊男子,随手拍死的,就如同拍死一只嗡嗡乱叫的苍蝇。 So simple, even only exudes the sound to call out pitifully with enough time, then does not have the trail again. 如此简单,甚至只来得及发出声惨叫,便再无踪迹。 This is the old ancestors of dark blood Golden Crow clan, overlooks one side big, the cultivate dao 1 million years, domineering peerless, moreover is in the maturity, finally died a tragic death. 这可是暗血金乌族的老祖啊,俯瞰一方大界,修道百万年,强势绝伦,而且正处于壮年,结果就这么惨死了。 In their heart, only appears at this moment Great Terror, is filled with all trembles. 在他们心头,此刻只浮现大恐怖,满心皆是颤栗。 Moreover, under the vision of this young man, their divine soul was frozen, from the start cannot have the thought of running away. 而且,在这个年轻男子的目光下,他们神魂似都被冻结了,压根就生不出逃走的念头。 Or if dares to run away, then their fates, just like the dark blood Golden Crow Elder ancestor, can die a tragic death absolutely instantaneously. 或者说,若是敢逃走,那么他们的下场,绝对和刚才的暗血金乌族老祖一样,会瞬间惨死。 Did not say that world shatter, the rule is incomplete, is impossible born to exceed the Immortal Dao character?” “不是说,那个世界早已破碎,规则残缺,不可能诞生超越仙道的人物吗?” Who is this person?” “此人到底是谁?” ancient ancestor once word, that piece of heaven and earth is tattered, the door of day passing, not possible to be opened by the that world person certainly.” “古祖曾言,那片天地早已破烂,绝地天通之门,不可能被那一界的人打开。” Foreign land many expert, the heart fears, the whole body is the chill in the air, by these scenes, was shocked unable to speak, the sound is trembling. 异域很多强者,心头恐惧,浑身都是寒意,被这些景象,震撼地说不出话来,声音在发颤。 This is from expert that the place of that origin goes out of......” “这是自那片起源之地走出的强者啊……” The Immortal Domain descendant is excited excited, in various place incomplete mainland, many vision fall, saw these scenes. 仙域后裔则是激动兴奋不已,各处残缺的大陆上,很多目光都落来,看到了刚才的那些景象。 This made one shock, looked like in many people, matter that cannot believe simply. 这太让人震撼了,在很多人看来,简直就是不敢相信的事情。 Immortal Domain really has changed......” 仙域真的已经变了啊……” Big Red Bird follows excitedly in Gu Changge behind, felt the Immortal Domain aura again. 大红鸟激动地跟随在顾长歌的身后,再度感受到了仙域的气息。 However this time, what it is more is realized before that type and , different heaven and earth environment, life cultivator all around is not the Immortal Domain clan people, but came from the life of foreign land. 不过这一次,它更多的是体会到了那种和以前不同的天地环境,周遭的生灵修士都不是仙域族民,而是来自于异域的生灵。 Naturally, it can understand in Immortal Domain the language of life, judges from their words. 当然,它听得懂仙域内生灵的语言,从他们的话语里判断出。 Perhaps at the present Immortal Domain met with the big change, the foreign land has attacked and occupied to come, making Immortal Domain fall to the enemy. 而今的仙域遭逢大变,异域恐怕已经攻占而来,使得仙域沦陷。 Regarding this, although it the regret is disappointed, but also knows, this is the matter that has no alternative. 对此,它虽然遗憾怅然,但也知道,这是无可奈何的事情。 Dao Achiever of foreign land?” “异域的成道者?” Gu Changge walks gradually from stone door that side, the facial expression is very tranquil, not because of many lives that gazing at to come, but has the slight mighty waves change. 顾长歌缓步自石门那边走过来,神情很是平静,并未因为注视而来的诸多生灵,而有丝毫的波澜变化。 His body fluctuation extinguishes, gives up affectation general, whole person just like vast boundless void, resembles the ordinary life. 身上波动消弭,返璞归真一般,整个人宛如浩瀚的无垠虚空,又似普通的生灵。 However personally is seeing, one Dao Achiever, died a tragic death before him, here any life, does not dare to be regarded as the average person to regard him. 但是亲眼见着,一位成道者,在他面前惨死,这里的任何生灵,都不敢将他当做是普通人看待。 Sees Gu Changge to walk at a moderate pace, all foreign land lives, all are the heart tremble, drew back toward behind unrestrainedly several steps. 顾长歌不紧不慢地走来,所有的异域生灵,皆是心头直颤,情不自禁地朝后面退了数步。 These harness the life that god carriage is arriving, is alarmed and afraid anxious, felt that the mount is very panic-stricken, shivers there, then has to from decline spatially. 那些驾着神辇到来的生灵,更是惊惧不安,感觉坐骑无比惊恐,在那里颤抖,然后不得不从空中落了下来。 The young people in many foreign lands, similarly are complexion alarmed and afraid difficult secure, after all from the appearance, Gu Changge and they are almost big, even compared with them, is young. 诸多异域的年轻人,同样是面色惊惧难安,毕竟从外貌来看,顾长歌和他们差不多大,甚至比起他们来讲,都还要年轻。 Moreover, his body does not have that type of old aura, real is not absolutely old. 而且,他身上毫无那种苍老的气息,真实年纪绝对不大。 Outstanding person as foreign land peer, they, when drafts the War Immortal territory, shines the brilliance greatly, looks disdainfully Immortal Domain many young Heaven's Chosen, boasts of being outstanding expert, in the future Achieving Dao, and will enter the Immortal Dao domain. 身为异域同辈的佼佼者,他们在征战仙域的时候,大放光彩,睥睨仙域这边的许多年轻天骄,自诩为盖代强者,未来可成道,乃至进入仙道领域。 May never think, the personally is seeing with own eyes young people, pats Dao Achiever conveniently . Moreover, but also shoved open in that legend, belongs to certainly the gate of day passing the king break. 可从未想到,会亲眼见着一个年轻人,随手拍死一尊成道者,而且,还推开了那道传说中,非王不可破的绝地天通之门。 Can this be king of the young Immortal Domain? 难道这会是一尊年轻的仙域之王? Thinks of here, they all are the complexion blanches, cannot believe simply, does not dare to imagine all these. 一想到这里,他们皆是面色发白,简直不敢相信,也不敢想象这一切。 In their opinion, that world, although is called the origin of Immortal Domain, but passed through the innumerable years after that fights the taboo disaster, all shatter, the incomparable bitter cold, was impossible born to exceed Immortal Dao exist(ence). 在他们看来,那个世界,虽然被称为仙域的起源之界,但是经过了无数年的那一战禁忌祸患后,一切都破碎了,无比的苦寒,不可能诞生出超越仙道存在 At most in the boundary of Dao Achiever, going out is very far. 顶多是在成道者之境,走出很远。 At the present Immortal Domain, who is a king?” “而今的仙域,谁人为王?” Gu Changge opens the mouth tranquilly, goes out from exceedingly high Ancient City , the city gate is very great, is the city gate hole broad astonishment, walks here, stretches to the horizon, grand incredible. 顾长歌平静地开口,自通天古城内走出,城门很宏大,就是城门洞子都恢宏的惊人,走在这里,一望无垠,壮阔的令人难以置信。 The dust stony soil, the smooth path, cannot come to the end probably, as he enters slowly, that say/way stone door, then slowly closed, has not opened wide. 灰褐色的石地,平坦的道路,像是走不到尽头,随着他缓缓走进,那道石门,则是在缓缓地闭合,不会一直洞开。 He spoke, the vision fell on some Immortal Domain descendant body of front broken mainland. 他说话的时候,目光落在前方残破大陆的一些仙域后裔身上 By his present realm, naturally can understand clearly to have anything, can judge, which cultivator lives come from Immortal Domain, which come from Yin True World, is the foreign land. 以他现在的境界来讲,自然能洞悉发生了什么,也能判断出,哪些修士生灵来自于仙域,哪些来自于阴真界,也就是异域。 Returns to...... reply the Sir......” “回……回禀大人……” At the present western Immortal Domain, does not have the king, several million years ago, Western Immortal Domain day Ye Immortal King was counted king Weigong dead in battle by the foreign land, binds the corpse to turn over , the exceedingly high Ancient City also day Ye Immortal King seal hidden......” “而今的西方仙域,早已无王,数百万年前,西方仙域的天烨仙王被异域数王围攻战死,裹尸而归,通天古城也正是天烨仙王封印隐藏的……” Hears the Gu Changge words, in that group of Immortal Domain descendants, the one silver-haired old man stood, flutters to reply, brings sorrowfully. 听闻顾长歌的话,那群仙域后裔中,一名白发苍苍的老者站了出来,颤声回答道,带着悲痛。 Day Ye Immortal King, is Western Immortal Domain king, once the control crossed Western Immortal Domain, naturally besides day Ye Immortal King, Western Immortal Domain also has other Immortal King, but also without a trace. 天烨仙王,乃是西方仙域的王,曾统御过西方仙域,当然除了天烨仙王外,西方仙域还有其余的仙王,不过也早已无影无踪。 Some people suspected that their choke-out pass/test disappears without a trace, some people felt, they possibly go to other True World, abandoned Immortal Domain. 有人怀疑他们闭死关不知去向,也有人觉得,他们可能是前往别的真界,抛弃了仙域 Naturally, some people felt, they have fallen from the sky, was killed secretly by the foreign land. 当然,也有人觉得,他们早已陨落,遭受异域暗害。 Doesn't have the king?” “早已无王?” Gu Changge nods, pouring is not accidental/surprised, the matter that if has several million years ago, at the present Immortal Domain will evolve so the pitiful condition, pours also normally. 顾长歌点了点头,倒也不意外,若是是在数百万年前就发生的事情,而今的仙域会演变成如此惨状,倒也正常。 However, he comes in Immortal Domain, did not plan saying that for the Immortal Domain descendant over, wanted the justice. 不过,他现身于仙域,并不是打算说替仙域后裔出头,讨回公道的。 In his eyes, Immortal Domain also or the foreign land is the same, is a part of mountain sea True World. 在他眼中,仙域亦或异域都是一样,皆是山海真界的一部分。 But at the present situation, mountain sea True World was separated to open. 只不过从而今的情况来看,山海真界被分隔而开。 In the foreign land, some ethnic groups, had possibly turned to source in secret, or turned to other True World, tries to seek the mountain sea True World source, swallows it, achievement only True World. 异域之中,可能有些族群,已经暗中投靠了本源界,或者是投靠了别的真界,试图寻到山海真界的本源,将其吞噬,成就唯一真界 This only True World, is the truth of since old times spreading, when the only True World birthday, source will suffer the tremendous blow, but this is also most essential cuts down a day of action. 这唯一真界,乃是自古流传的真理,当唯一真界诞生之日,本源界将遭受巨大冲击,而这也是最为关键的伐天之举。
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