IAFV :: Volume #9

#822: Steps into Immortal Domain, the aura of heaven and earth being hard carrying/sustaining( sought subscription)

Exceedingly high Ancient City, this is this broad Ancient City name, the incomparable vicissitudes are glorious, the full arrange/cloth the traces of various types of sword and spear sword halberds, were experiencing hardship to the full. 通天古城,这是这座恢弘古城的名字,无比的沧桑悠久,满布着各种刀枪剑戟的痕迹,饱经风霜。 Only was the city wall opened the universe probably, stood erect Imperishable, does not know that by what material quality forging, is covering entirely the bloodstain and ancient, some places collapsed, obviously initially had had how frigid war here. 光是城墙就好像撑开了天宇,屹立不朽,不知道以何种材质锻造,布满着血迹和古老,一些地方都坍塌了,可见当初在这里发生过多么惨烈的大战。 The city that at the present this vanishes in Immortal Domain, in manifest from void, wild ancient murdering aura, the probably invincible armies, is killing simply from the remote space and time. 而今这座消失在了仙域的城池,正在自虚空之中显化出来,蛮荒古老的杀伐气息,简直像是有一支无敌大军,从遥远的时空杀来。 this scene shocked everyone. 这一幕震惊了所有人。 No matter Immortal Domain Lost Clan, is the foreign land life, all the towards this place gathering catches up. 不管是仙域遗民,还是异域生灵,皆朝这个地方汇聚赶来。 Above the vault of heaven spirit rainbow one after another, big shot of various foreign land clans, are harnessing carriage or winds around the immortal qi mount. 天穹之上神虹一道道,还有异域各族的大人物,驾着辇车或者缭绕仙气的坐骑而来。 And the strength is weakest, was cultivation 1 million years of Supreme. 其中实力最弱的,也是修行了百万年之久的至尊 In addition, the young people are also in the majority, overwhelming majorities come from the foreign land. 除此之外,年轻人也居多,绝大多数都是来自于异域。 Rarely the part is this piece of Western Immortal Domain, original people, but they have surrendered in the foreign land now, becomes the attached ethnic groups of foreign land these large clans. 只有很少部分是这片西方仙域,原有的子民,不过现在他们已经归降于异域,成为异域那些大族的附属族群。 Servant maidservant who once Heaven's Chosen Saintess, degenerated into the foreign land young people, living on dishonorably, was no longer magnificent. 曾经的天骄圣女,沦为异域年轻人们的奴仆侍女,苟且偷生,不复辉煌。 Their body bring immortal qi, is the Immortal Domain locally born life, this immortal qi is not because of entering into the Immortal Dao domain, because of growing in this, after nourishing of this World spiritual energy, but immortal qi that presents. 他们的身上带着仙气,乃是仙域土生土长的生灵,这仙气并不是因为迈入仙道领域,而是因为生长在这界,经此界灵气的滋养,而出现的仙气 If the flying upwards channel of legend, that means, the back of this leaf of gateway, is that world that I and others until now yearn.” “若是传说的飞升通道,那就意味着,这扇门户的背后,乃是我等一直以来所向往的那个世界。” When the time comes my clan inevitably first, leading the army to kill, captures the this World source, recovers my world.” “到时候我族势必第一时间,带领大军杀去,夺得此界本源,光复我界。” In the war of future True World, my world can survive......” “未来的真界之战中,我界才能生存下来……” The young people in many foreign land in opens the mouth, they or brilliant, or facial features shining white. 很多异域的年轻人在开口,他们或是头角峥嵘,或是面容莹白。 Perhaps the on the back grows both wings, are very similar to the Immemorial ethnic group, but many places, Human Race also has much similarly. 或是背生双翅,和太古族群很类似,但是很多地方,很人族也有着相似。 However at this moment, is the exciting vibration, fights intent to boil, stares at that leaf to congeal stubbornly the solid gateway from the empty space. 然而此刻,皆是兴奋震动不已,战意沸腾,死死地盯着那扇正自虚空间凝实的门户。 stone door is broad and lordly, resembles to flow the sidewise compression the eternal aura, heaven and earth because it shivers. 石门恢弘而气派,似流淌横压着万古的气息,天地都因为其颤抖。 At this moment, this leaf of incomparable high stone door, condenses among the nihilities, is changing to the entity unceasingly, then starts to be promoted, as if that side is having what character, must walk. 这一刻,这扇无比之高的石门,自虚无间凝聚,在不断化作实体,然后开始被推动,仿佛那边正有什么人物,要走过来。 Actually is not only Western Immortal Domain, several other Immortal Domain, learn of the news of related exceedingly high Ancient City present world at the present. 其实不仅仅是西方仙域,另外几处仙域,而今也得知了有关通天古城现世的消息。 Regarding the Immortal Domain life, exceedingly high Ancient City is the place of final hope. 对于仙域生灵来讲,通天古城乃是最后的希望之地。 Hands down ancient, world that Immortal Domain and in exceedingly high Ancient City that road institute connects, is a body, that is Ancestral Land of Immortal Domain all lives, the place of origin. 古老相传中,仙域和通天古城内那条路所连通的世界,乃是一体的,那是仙域所有生灵的祖地,起源之地。 Even if the king of invincible Immortal Domain, was once born in that world, after untold hardships, cultivation innumerable years, in Immortal Domain, achievement so base industry, various control Immortal Domain clans. 哪怕是无敌的仙域之王,曾经也是诞生于那个世界,历经千辛万苦,修行了无数岁月,才在仙域,成就如此基业,统御仙域各族。 Behind, somehow, causes Immortal Domain and that world severing the connection between heaven and earth, is unable to contact again. 只是后面,不知何故,导致仙域那一界地绝天通,无法再接触到。 Hence Immortal Domain such as that does not have a duckweed, lost the basis of origin. 至此仙域也如那无根之浮萍,失去了起源之基。 The innumerable years passed by, have been the building will lean, cannot maintain the past magnificence, five side Immortal Domain each other proclaim, in order to lives on dishonorably in this tumultuous times. 无数岁月过去了,早已是大厦将倾,不能维持住以往的辉煌,五方仙域彼此自封,以求在此乱世中苟活。 Reappearing of exceedingly high Ancient City, not different to the hearts of many Immortal Domain people , an indescribable heavy hammer, made them originally the desperate heart, again became excited, wanted to see the hope from there. 通天古城的浮现,无异是给诸多仙域子民的心头上,一记难以言喻的重锤,令他们本已绝望的心,再度变得激动起来,想要自那里看到希望。 Hehe, simply is laughable, initially Immortal Domain and its origin separation, although is helpless bureau, but also is because this World survived a catastrophe, many Immortal Dao exist(ence), have to lead the clan people to run away......” “呵呵,简直就是可笑,当初仙域和其起源之界分隔,虽然是无奈之局,但也是因为此界经历了一场浩劫,诸多仙道存在,不得不带着族民逃走……” My clan first ancestors have deduced, if the origin the appearance, that heaven and earth is broken, not possible birth Immortal Dao exist(ence).” “我族始祖已经推演说过,若是起源之界出现,那其中天地残破,不可能诞生仙道存在。” After the day passes certainly, origin the life, wants to enter Immortal Domain again, pursue higher realm, has become the empty talk, does not have the actual time, does not have the accurate position, gave up any idea of that arrives at Immortal Domain.” “在绝地天通后,起源之界的生灵,想要再进入仙域,追求更高的境界,已经成为了空谈,没有确切的时间,没有确切的位置,休想来到仙域。” Sees in the cultivator life that the gathering comes, many these Immortal Domain descendants, many foreign land older generation expert, all are sneers, is not worried about that side origin, birth extraordinary exist(ence). 见汇聚而来的修士生灵中,不乏那些仙域后裔,诸多异域老一辈强者,皆是冷笑起来,根本就不担心那边的起源之界内,会诞生了不得的存在 !!! 呼!!! heaven and earth dim, the sunlight moon/month is hidden to go, the distant place has the huge frightening form to arrive, that is the shape like the Golden Winged Great Peng life, each plume feather is shining shiningly, resembles the gold to construct. 天地黯淡了下来,曦月都在隐没而去,远处有庞大的恐怖身影在降临,那是形如金翅大鹏般的生灵,每一根翎羽都在灿灿发光,似黄金所浇筑而成。 This impressively is Dao Achiever of foreign land, arrives powerful in a complete mess, the speed will exceed, will only appear in this place shortly. 这赫然是一尊异域的成道者,强大到一塌糊涂,速度超越了光,顷刻间就出现在了此地。 He descends in the place, changes to a shining middle-aged person, does not get angry from the prestige, is winding around the black fog. 他降落在地,化作一个金光灿灿的中年人,不怒自威,缭绕着黑雾。 Even Dao Achiever of foreign land came, lets here ebullition even more. 连异域的成道者都现身了,让这里越发的沸腾。 At the present Immortal Domain, the Immortal Dao character does not reveal, does not know that hides where, is worried to suffer foreign land extermination of king, overcautious. 而今的仙域,仙道人物不显,不知躲藏在何处,担心遭受异域的王的清剿,谨小慎微。 These Immortal Domain descendant people, cultivation base strongest expert, but Saint Realm, Supreme Realm has not even achieved. 那些仙域的后裔子民,修为最强者,不过圣境,连至尊境都未曾达到。 In front of Dao Achiever of foreign land, trembling, is only wisp of aura, extinguishes sufficiently kills their ten million times. 在异域的成道者面前,战战兢兢,光是一缕气息,就足以灭杀他们千万次。 Really is that road......” “果然是那条路……” The middle-aged man in foreign land, in the vision projected two Sky Sword probably, zheng zheng makes noise. 异域的这名中年男子,目光里像是射出了两道天剑,铮铮作响。 He is staring at that say/way reappearing stone door stubbornly, never expected that city and that door in legend appeared. 他死死地盯着那道浮现的石门,没想到传说中的那座城、那扇门都浮现了。 Quick, here have several saying that the frightening form arrives, is Dao Achiever of foreign land, is winding around the black fog, the facial features are fuzzy, just like flood Heavenly Demon shadow, stands erect in the vault of heaven end, looks at exceedingly high Ancient City indifferently. 很快,这里又有数道恐怖的身影降临,皆是异域的成道者,缭绕着黑雾,面容模糊,宛如滔天魔影,矗立在天穹尽头,冷漠地看着通天古城 All cultivator lives, in their front, have the type base and low, if the feeling of ants. 所有的修士生灵,在他们的面前,都有种卑微若蝼蚁的感觉。 Even if wisp of aura of Dao Achiever unknowingly divulging, made ordinary Supreme blast out sufficiently, in western Immortal Domain of present, foreign land Dao Achiever assumes one side, may suppress all. 哪怕成道者不经意间泄露的一缕气息,也足以令普通的至尊炸开,在如今的西方仙域,异域成道者坐镇一方,可镇压一切。 I have a look actually, exceedingly high Ancient City in this legend, what is.” “我倒是看看,这传说中的通天古城,到底是何物。” Was the heaven and earth environment changed, some people are up to mischief.” “是天地环境变了,还是有人在搞鬼。” Foreign land Dao Achiever is very indifferent, in the pupil has the golden light to spurt comes out thinly. 异域一尊成道者很是冷漠,眸子里有金光喷薄出来。 He sneers, takes with stride, directly soars that by the empty revolutions reality, is shining upon the world that leaf of stone door to go. 他冷笑一声,大步迈出,直奔那正在由虚转实,正在映照天下的那扇石门而去。 He has frightening aura, the whole body golden light to rush, is burning down like the roaring flame, examining carefully these is the symbols, is the orderly construction. 他带着一股恐怖的气息,浑身金光澎湃,如同烈焰在焚烧,细看那些都是符号,是有秩序构建的。 Bang! 轰! Bloomed on his back one round of golden big day, was higher than him, covered him in middle, and Golden Crow cried to send out, vibration vault of heaven. 在他的背后一轮金色大日绽放,比他还要高,将他笼罩在当中,并且有一声金乌啼鸣发出,震动苍穹。 The trim vault of heaven vibrates because of his aura, the Beyond Heavens stars were shaken down. 整片天穹都因为他的气息而震动,天外的星辰都被摇落下来。 „A Achieving Dao old ancestor of dark blood Golden Crow clan......” “暗血金乌一族的成道老祖……” Many lives of foreign land, kneel down under this aura, pay homage to devotionally. 异域的很多生灵,伏跪在这气息下,虔诚膜拜。 Especially those younger generation, respects the pinnacle, shouted there lowly, must visit them with own eyes the invincible character, drove out that say/way stone door. 尤其是那些年轻一辈,更是崇敬到极致,在那里低呼,要亲眼看着他们这边的无敌人物,轰开那道石门。 But Immortal Domain clan people, is trembling, many tribes under that piece of mainland, cannot withstand, many people only felt one must blast out under this type of aura. 仙域族民,则是战战兢兢,下方那片大陆上的诸多部落,更是不堪,很多人只感觉自身要在这种气息下炸开。 Dao Achiever of this dark blood Golden Crow clan, not has scruples obviously, tries to investigate the genuine and fake actual situation of that say/way stone door. 这位暗血金乌一族的成道者,显然毫无顾忌,试图探查那道石门的真假虚实。 Bang!!! 轰!!! However exceedingly high Ancient City that say/way stone door, was actually being shoved open at this moment slowly, before had reappeared the slit. 不过通天古城的那道石门,此刻却是在缓缓地被推开,之前早就浮现了缝隙。 This moment inside ran out of the vast light, the aura of two world, in the ebullition, are colliding, even presented the shooting up into the sky light beam, linked up trim Star Territory directly. 此刻里面更是冲出了浩大的光,两个世界的气息,在沸腾,在碰撞,甚至出现了冲霄的光束,直接贯通了整片星域 Really is the aura of another world, there also has the group......” “果然是另一个世界的气息,那里也有路……” Other foreign land Dao Achiever, all are in the heart vibrates, closely is staring at that side stone door, must see clearly scene. 异域其余成道者,皆是心中震动,紧紧盯着那方石门,要看清其中的景象。 They can feel that side transmits vastly, but the world aura of length and breadth, and vicissitudes are ancient, is glorious than it Immortal Domain. 他们能够感觉那边传来浩瀚而广袤的世界气息,沧桑且古老,比之仙域都还要悠久。 This made them somewhat excited, thinks back on many hearsay, related to the source secret of this side world. 这令他们有些激动,遥想到了很多的传闻,涉及到了这方世界的本源秘密。 „It is not right, there has the person's shadow, some people in......” “不对,那里有人影,有人在走过来……” could it be was he shoved open that door, punctured severing the connection between heaven and earth.” 难道是他推开了那扇门,打穿了地绝天通。” However next moment, resembled to notice anything, their expression drastic changes, are unable to remain the mood again. 不过下一刻,似注意到了什么,他们的表情剧变,无法再保持刚才的情绪。 „Who are you?” “你是什么人?” At this time, the dark blood Golden Crow clan that Dao Achiever old ancestor's voice, resounded suddenly, brings alarmed and afraid and shivers, as well as unbelievable. 这时,暗血金乌族那位成道者的老祖的声音,陡然响起,带着惊惧和颤抖,以及难以置信。 Of bang, there erupts Myriad Daos spirit light, each spirit light is rule rune, in the middle of this has the supreme symbol, bone rune of dark blood Golden Crow clan, interwines, divine might shakes the world. 轰的一声,那里爆发出万道神光,每一道神光都是一条规则符文,这当中有至强符号,还有暗血金乌族的骨文,交织在一起,神威震世。 This is Dao Achiever the prestige of supreme, he was going all out, the illustrious entire world, making here many people unable to open the eye, is unable to look straight ahead. 这是属于成道者至强之威,他在拼命了,光耀寰宇,让这边很多人都睁不开眼睛,无法直视。 However later actually along with the pitiful yell, bang, the blood fog blasts out there, all rays are dissipating, resemble by the inexhaustible darkness swallowing. 不过随后却是伴随着惨叫,砰的一声,血雾在那里炸开,所有的光芒都在消逝,似被无穷尽的黑暗给吞噬。 „Not good......” “不好……” Foreign land all Dao Achiever, the complexion changed, the whole body sends coldly, absolutely terrified. 异域所有的成道者,面色都变了,浑身发寒,毛骨悚然。 Other gather in the foreign land life of this place, the Immortal Domain descendant, loses one's voice suddenly, becoming the deathly stillness is peaceful, looks that behind that leaf of stone door the broad scene is precipitating, the ray dissipates. 其余汇聚在此地的异域生灵,仙域后裔,也是骤然失声,变得死寂安静下来,看着那扇石门背后恢弘的景象在沉淀下来,光芒消逝。 On exceedingly high Ancient City, the city wall is still palatial, but actually sprinkles the blood of one Dao Achiever at the present again, the skeleton not saves. 通天古城上面,城墙依旧巍峨,可而今却再度洒上一位成道者的血液,尸骨无存。 stone door opened, goes out of a young man, azure silk clothes, very pretty tall and straight, body has winding around of five colors immortal qi, but quick vanishes, gives up affectation, extraordinary and refined placard. 石门开了,其中走出一个年轻男子,青色丝衣,很是清俊挺拔,身上有五色仙气的缭绕,但很快又消失,返璞归真,超凡脱俗帖。 He walks simply, at a moderate pace, with is only kicking Big Red Bird of wing, the vision is very tranquil, probably vast deep sea and boundless void. 他就这么简单地走来,不紧不慢,身后跟着只扑腾着翅膀的大红鸟,目光很是平静,像是浩瀚的深海、无垠的虚空。 However trim heaven and earth, in the shock, the day must collapse, resembling is hard to withstand his aura. 但是整片天地,都在剧震,天都要塌了下来,似难以承受住他的气息。
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