IAFV :: Volume #9

#821: Already no longer magnificent, exceedingly high Ancient City in legend presently( sought subscription)

Is it possible that is various clans in that road of seeking......” “莫非是各族都在寻找的那条路……” „, Western Immortal Domain met shatter mistakenly initially, because of me and other old ancestors of clans, deduces that road in this place.” “错不了,当初西方仙域破灭,就是因为我等各族的老祖,推演到那条路在此地。” This is the innumerable years ago, Immortal Domain and that world together with gateway as well as path......” “这是无数年前,仙域和那个世界所连同的门户以及通路……” This crowd of foreign land lives are very powerful, the body vitality is astonishing, after the flurry, rapidly gets back, looks at the vast scenery that distant place that is spurting presents thinly, shows the pleasantly surprised and exciting facial expression. 这群异域生灵很是强大,身上气血惊人,在慌乱之后,快速恢复过来,望着远处那喷薄出现的浩瀚之景,露出惊喜而兴奋的神情。 This has to let them so, because at the present Immortal Domain, already shatter, radically no longer past magnificence. 这不得不让他们如此,因为而今的仙域,早已破碎,根本不复以往的辉煌。 In Royal Family of foreign land, easily can lead the army, tramples flat various Immortal Domain cities, many Star Territory were occupied, the past Immortal Domain descendant, degenerated into the slave either, either degenerated into the blood food. 在异域的王族,轻易便可带领大军,踏平仙域各处城池,诸多星域都被占据,以往的仙域后裔,要么沦为奴隶,要么沦为血食。 Innumerable years ago, after Immortal Domain encounters the war, is divided into the east, south, west, and north, as well as Immortal Domain five, all disperse in various places, each other seal, lives on dishonorably respectively. 无数年前,仙域遭遇大战之后,分为东南西北,以及中仙域五处,皆分散于各处,彼此封闭,各自苟活。 At the present their location western Immortal Domain, is many years ago, by foreign land supreme expert breaking through. 而今他们脚下所在的西方仙域,更是早在许多年前,就被异域至强者给攻破。 10 Western Immortal Domain kings, the bloodstained in the expansive sky, the behind corpse was wrapped to conduct the back by the war flag, hence Western Immortal Domain falls to the enemy thoroughly. 十西方仙域的王,染血于长空,后面尸体被战旗包裹着驮回,至此西方仙域彻底沦陷。 Besides Western Immortal Domain, south Immortal Domain and northern Immortal Domain are also broken, but was inferior that Western Immortal Domain is so thorough, these years fight day after day, falling to the enemy will also be sooner or later things. 除了西方仙域之外,南方仙域、北方仙域也已残破,只是不如西方仙域那么彻底,这些年来大战连天,沦陷也是早晚的事情。 But Immortal Domain to this place, is really remote, various clan various Dao Orthodoxy, cannot close off a mountain area, tries to breathe the last breath of life, but facing the huge vast foreign land army, will also be broken through sooner or later...... 而中仙域相距此地,实在是遥远,其中各族各道统,封山不出,试图残喘,但面对庞大浩瀚的异域大军,迟早也会被攻破…… Immortal Domain has not been the innumerable years ago, can that side world that contends with the foreign land, the vitality is on the wane, Immortal Dao is broken, even Immortal Dao characters in hidden world. 仙域早已不是无数年前,可以和异域抗衡的那方世界了,生机凋零,仙道残破,连仙道人物都在隐世。 Even these invincible Immortal King, still the vitality is once feeble nowadays, five fading are difficult to cross. 就算那些曾经无敌的仙王,现如今也气血衰弱,五衰难渡。 Once was cut a blade by Heavenly Will, body brings the shackles, even if vertical died a war, was impossible to put together the king in foreign land. 曾被天意斩去一刀,身上带着枷锁,哪怕纵死一战,也不可能拼得过异域的王。 This is a general trend, the big declining tendency, Immortal Domain is impossible to contend, but the foreign land besides the king, more ancient exist(ence) assumes personal command, even with remote Immortal Domain beside, has the relation. 这是一种大趋势,大颓势,仙域根本不可能抗衡得住,而异域除了王以外,还有更为古老的存在坐镇,甚至和遥远的仙域之外,有着联系。 Because if not for Immortal Domain Heaven and Earth Rules is repelling, invincible exist(ence) of foreign land, has killed, conquers by killing all...... 若不是因为仙域天地规则在排斥,异域的无敌存在,早已杀至,血洗一切…… But at this moment, in this incomplete primitive mainland. 而此刻,在这片残缺的原始大陆上。 Besides this crowd by that piece of foreign land life that shocks the scene to blow, other cultivator, looks unbelievable. 除了这群被那片震撼景象镇住的异域生灵外,其余修士,也都难以置信地看去。 Sacred radiance, in that place shooting up into the sky, has the vast world probably, appears in that direction, sprinkles everywhere the light rain, is evolving together with trim heaven and earth. 神圣的光华,在那个地方冲霄而起,像是有浩瀚的世界,在那个方向浮现,洒落漫天的光雨,连同整片天地都在演化。 Various fearful phenomenon, appear one after another, that was the bright big day, shining such as the full moon of blood, as well as various types of broken starry skies, one side is ancient, but the vault of heaven of length and breadth, shone there...... 各种可怕的异象,相继浮现,那是煌煌的大日、灿灿如血的满月、以及各种残破的星空,一方古老而广袤的天穹,在那里映照出来…… Broad stone door, the palatial and boundless city wall, is outlining the fuzzy embryonic form probably, the ray passed through heaven and earth. 恢弘的石门、巍峨而磅礴的城墙,像是在勾勒模糊的雏形,光芒贯穿了天地 The great antiquity ancient aura, the pressed and covered the sun and moon vault of heaven, bloomed the immeasurable ray, was extremely radiant, seems telling a phase of incomparably ancient and boundless history. 洪荒古老的气息,压盖了日月苍穹,绽放无量的光芒,太过璀璨了,仿佛是在诉说一段无比古老且磅礴的历史。 Hurries here matter, report/give report gives in the clan, that road that fellow ancient ancestor must seek, that door appeared......” “赶紧把这里的事情,禀报给族内,各位古祖所要寻找的那条路,那扇门出现了……” Responded foreign land life that is too busy to pass on here news, this is the big stir. 反应过来的异域生灵,忙不迭地把这里的消息传回去,这是大轰动。 Not only need vibrate Western Immortal Domain, even here foreign land life, was feared, becoming is excited and wild with joy. 不仅仅要震动西方仙域,连这里的异域生灵,都被惊住了,变得兴奋而狂喜。 Some cultivation base powerful person, by one group of light wrapping, are presenting in the upper air, flew toward this place. 一些修为强大者,更是被一团光给包裹着,出现在了高空,往此地飞了过来。 They wear the clothing of foreign land, the facial features and Immortal Domain descendant, there is a very big difference. 他们身着异域的服饰,面容和仙域后裔,也有很大的区别。 What however is their body has not been sending out immortal qi, but is a fuzzy light, brings the azure black air/Qi. 不过的是他们身上并没有散发着仙气,而是一种模糊的光,带着青黑之气。 If is really that road, perhaps king alarmed......” “若真是那条路,恐怕就连王都会被惊动的……” It is said behind that road, is breeding the Immortal Domain source, even if Immortal Domain shatter, so long as that side world still, can breed again, Immortal Domain many expert, go out from there.” “据说那条路背后,孕育着仙域的本源,哪怕仙域破灭,只要那方世界还在,便再可孕育出来,仙域的许多强者,都是从那里走出的。” They are whispering, in the vision has the ray of burning hot, was too radiant, like bright big day, in staring at that leaf is reappearing stone door gradually in expansive sky. 他们在低语,目光里带着炙热的光芒,太璀璨了,如同煌煌大日,在盯着那扇渐渐浮现在长空中的石门。 stone door is broad and ancient, incomparable big, the surroundings have various fearful restriction exist(ence), originally hidden in not visible void. 石门恢弘且古老,无比的高大,周围有着各种可怕的禁制存在,本来是隐藏在一片看不见的虚空之中。 But now, there is not only shining, including a fuzzy path, is reappearing. 可是现在,那里不仅仅在发光,连着一条模糊的道路,都在浮现。 Faint within, the people hear there disseminate tiema binghe the blood and iron sound, has the mighty force to gallop, brings murderous aura, to/clashes toward them, under the cavalry, may tread to break all. 隐隐间,众人听到那里传出铁马冰河的铁血声音,有千军万马在奔腾,带着杀气,朝着他们冲来,铁骑之下,可踏破一切。 That is the passing history and phantom, already not existed. 那是过往的历史和虚影,早已就不存在了 But at this moment, in both sides of stone door, starts to have the city wall the congealing reality, covers entirely the trace of sword and spear sword halberd, there is a bloodstain to fill the air, does not know when is what time stays behind, incomparable big, probably Imperishable Divine Mountain. 而此刻,在石门的两旁,开始有城墙在凝实,布满刀枪剑戟的痕迹,也有血迹弥漫,不知道是什么时代时所留下,无比的高大,像是不朽的神山。 Even if only phantom, the true appearance in this world, may not pass the air/Qi of murdering as before, may shatter all clouds to be small. 哪怕只是虚影,未曾真正的出现在这世间,可依旧透着杀伐之气,可震裂所有霄小。 This is exceedingly high Ancient City in legend, has not thought that really appeared......” “这是传说中的通天古城,没想到真的出现了……” But it appears should not be the time.” “可是它出现的不该是时候啊。” There phenomenon, alarmed many Immortal Domain descendants. 那里的异象,也惊动了许多仙域后裔。 one is silver-haired, body leads the immortal qi old man, appears on the mountain peak, may not believe the earth tremor sound said completely. 一位白发苍苍,身上带着仙气的老者,出现在山峰上,满是不可置信地颤声道。 Although Western Immortal Domain had been attacked and occupied by the foreign land, but some powerful Immortal Domain descendants, hide in various places as before. 虽然西方仙域已经被异域攻占,但依旧有许多强大的仙域后裔,躲藏于各处。 They attempt in these places, seeks some old books, the record had once magnificence, or cultivation technique. 他们试图在这些地方,寻到一些古史古籍,记载有曾经的辉煌,亦或功法 Before these young men and women who in this incomplete mainland searched for the old book, was the Immortal Domain descendant, the back has the tribe, at the present is perching in the deep place of this mainland. 之前在这片残缺大陆上搜寻古籍的那些年轻男女,都是仙域后裔,背后有着部落,而今正栖息在这片大陆的深处。 These fragmentary tribes, actually, although rarely has strength extraordinary exist(ence), but has to the old man of Immortal Domain history extremely understanding. 这些零零星星的部落,其实很多,虽然其中很少有实力超绝的存在,但是却有对仙域历史极为了解的老者。 The king in foreign land, after attacking and occupying this side immortal 787 territories, once displayed big divine ability, making many Immortal Domain descendants, the bloodlines be blocked, is hard to induce immortal qi, cannot breakthrough very high realm. 异域的王,在攻占此方仙787域后,曾施展大神通,令诸多仙域后裔,血脉受阻,难以感应仙气,不能突破很高的境界 If there is powerful person, breaks this curse, finally will also be induced to detect by them, is moved to cut to kill. 若是有强大者,打破这诅咒,最终也会被他们感应察觉到,然后动念斩杀。 The king in foreign land, that is true invincible exist(ence), lifts the palm destruction universe stars, read to extinguish all living things. 异域的王,那是真正的无敌存在,抬掌覆灭宇宙星辰,一念灭去众生。 Common cultivator in its front, the qualifications of ants is even insufficient. 寻常修士在其面前,连蝼蚁的资格都不够。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Western Immortal Domain is very big, is the unions of many universes, the area is vast, among all Star Territory, has many life stars and mainland. 西方仙域很大,乃是诸多宇宙的结合,疆域浩瀚,各方星域间,更是有许多的生命星辰和大陆。 However at this time, by this primitive wild forest the news of reappearing scene, feared thoroughly. 不过这个时候,都被这片原始荒林的所浮现景象的消息,给彻底惊住了。 In the one after another universe, all has supreme expert to rush, either the tearing starry sky, spans the galaxy, either crosses the nihility, one step crosses trillion li (0.5 km) from. 一方方宇宙中,皆有至强者赶赴过来,要么撕裂星空、跨越星河,要么横渡虚无,一步就越过亿万里距离。 Sins......” “造孽啊……” This crowd of damn foreign land lives, they want to become extinct the Immortal Domain root.” “这群该死的异域生灵,他们是想绝灭仙域的根啊。” In this mainland, the Immortal Domain descendants of many tribes, reveal the frigid facial expression, in the heart is very sorrowful. 这片大陆上,许多部落的仙域后裔,都流露惨烈的神情,心中无比悲痛。 Whiz whiz whiz...... 嗖嗖嗖…… The vault of heaven end, many forms catch up, from this place recent some cities, obtains the news foreign land life, all comes. 天穹的尽头,很多身影赶来,距离此地最近的一些城池中,得到消息的异域生灵,皆现身过来。 And even many young forms, valiant, the imposing manner is spirited, only from the facial features, very difficult distinguishes them and foreign lands. 其中甚至有不少年轻身影,英姿勃发,气势昂扬,单从面容来看,很难将他们和异域分辨开来。 Because many surrenders in foreign land successor of some ethnic group Dao Orthodoxy. 因为其中不乏投诚于异域的一些族群道统传人
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