IAFV :: Volume #9

#820: Only the hand passes Immortal Domain, shatter western Immortal Domain( sought subscription)

Broad stone door, the plain lithical texture, is contaminating the blood-color, some places were broken, is very plain. 恢宏的石门,古朴的石质纹理,沾染着血色,一些地方都残破了,很是古朴。 As Gu Changge brings Big Red Bird to come here, this leaf of stone door resembled to have some type to induce, these incomplete appearance gloss, then became to the utmost brilliant! 而随着顾长歌带着大红鸟来到这里,这扇石门似生出了某种感应来,那些残缺的出现光泽,而后变得极尽绚烂! Big Red Bird is excited, never expected that oneself some day, but can also come here again. 大红鸟激动万分,没想到自己有朝一日,还能够再次来到这里。 Its form becomes empty pale fuzzy, changes to one spirit light, must break to stone door, but the Gu Changge vision moves slightly, suddenly make a move prevented to advocate it. 它的身影变得虚淡模糊,化作一道神光,要冲入到石门之中,不过顾长歌目光微动,忽然出手阻止主了它。 This leaf of stone door does not have the vitality, perhaps your main body, has dissipated.” “这扇石门已经没有生机了,你的本体,或许早就消散了。” He says, the tone is quiet. 他开口说道,语气平静无波。 The Big Red Bird form lives, in the front of stone door, stops forcefully, looks at all these unbelievable. 大红鸟的身影顿住,在石门的面前,硬生生停住,难以置信地看着这一切。 Its form from empty pale, becomes the congealing reality, then falls in front of stone door, finally resembled is calms the mind to induce, revealed the mirthless smile. 它身影又从虚淡,变得凝实,然后落在石门面前,最后似是静心感应了下,才露出惨笑来。 Had really dissipated, my sensation does not arrive at its existed.” “真的已经消散了,我感知不到它的存在了。” Initially this leaf of stone door, but can keep off ten thousand Ma Qianjun, now incomplete......” “当初这扇石门,可是能挡万马千军的,现在都残缺了……” In the final analysis, it is only a wisp of say/way soul that the main body splits up, to seek Gu Xian'er reincarnated body. 说到底,它只是本体所分化出去的一缕道魂,为了寻到顾仙儿转世身 The genuine main body, actually pins in this leaf of stone door. 真正的本体,其实是寄托在这扇石门之中在的。 What exactly had, these bloodstains were stayed behind in recent years?” “到底发生了什么,这些血迹是近年才留下的吗?” Big Red Bird spent a long time, to get back from the sorrow, has to accept this fact. 大红鸟花了很长一段时间,才从悲痛之中恢复过来,不得不接受这个事实。 Gu Changge nods gently, can look is in recent years, causes some that Immortal Domain presents startled to change. 顾长歌轻轻点头,看得出来是近些年来,才导致仙域出现的某种惊变。 Moreover, in a while ago, him tried to receive and instruct Immortal Domain to arrive, but was actually defeated finally. 而且,在前段时间,他试图接引仙域降临,但最后却是失败了。 Upper Realm Heaven and Earth Rules, happened to touch with Immortal Domain, there is a peerless enormous and powerful murderous intention to fill the air, may wash all, swings the net evil charm. 上界天地规则,和仙域发生碰触之间,有绝世浩荡的杀机弥漫,可洗涤一切,荡净邪魅。 This indicated that has super expert make a move in Immortal Domain, is preventing all these. 这说明在仙域有超级强者出手,在阻止这一切。 Perhaps wants through this means that to protect Upper Realm......” “或许是想通过这个办法,保护上界……” Gu Changge guessed, thinks the so-called foreign land, True World breeding was born at the same time, the air/Qi of decompose Yin-Yang, presented Yin-Yang True World. 顾长歌猜测道,想到了所谓的异域,真界孕育诞生的同时,阴阳之气化分,出现了阴阳真界 Before Taboo Era, Upper Realm and Immortal Domain are the parts of Yang True World. 禁忌纪元之前,上界仙域都是阳真界的部分。 But part that opposes, is Yin True World, in the eye of Yang True World, there is the foreign land, year to year goes on an expedition and be contradictory difficult to gather. 而所对立的部分,则是阴真界,在阳真界的眼中,那里就是异域,常年征战、矛盾难合。 Some Yin True World ethnic groups, had been accepted to hold by these ancient clan Dao Orthodoxy of source...... 还有一些阴真界的族群,早已被本源界的那些古族道统所接受容纳…… Protects Upper Realm?” “保护上界?” The Big Red Bird hearing this form trembles, thought of anything suddenly, somewhat unbelievable facial expression, but is also full is bitter and astringent. 大红鸟闻言身影一颤,猛然想到了什么,有几分难以置信的神情,但又满是苦涩。 In All Heavens True World, mountain sea True World, actually also being able to stand in line given name. 诸天真界中,山海真界,其实也排得上名号。 However the innumerable eras alternate, many True World, have annihilated in River of Time. 不过无数纪元更迭,许多的真界,已经湮灭在时间长河之中。 Nowadays, mountain sea True World , to restore the past magnificence, except for must defend the archenemy from foreign land, other True World rival. 现如今,山海真界若想恢复以往的辉煌,除了要防御来自异域的大敌,还有别的真界的敌手。 Some True World spirits, to expand oneself body, does not hesitate governing to cause in ethnic group Dao Orthodoxy, goes on an expedition All Heavens, swallows other True World source. 一些真界的界灵,为了壮大己身,不惜御使界内族群道统,征战诸天,吞噬别的真界本源。 This matter, since the eternal era, has happened frequently, arrives compared with it quantity tribulation, even is brutal. 这种事情,在万古纪元以来,经常发生,比之量劫降临,甚至还要残酷。 Gu Changge nods gently, thought that Immortal Domain has the mutation reason, greatly possibly has the war to happen very much, some invasion ethnic groups, try to seek the mountain sea True World root, is tracking down the Upper Realm whereabouts. 顾长歌轻轻颔首,觉得仙域发生异变的原因,很大可能是有大战发生,一些入侵族群,试图寻到山海真界的根源,在追寻上界下落。 No matter how said, the mountain sea True World root, falls in Upper Realm. 不管怎么说,山海真界的根,是落在上界中的。 Moreover, according to the plan of Gu Qingyi, mountain sea True World overwhelming majorities cut down day initially, in samsara. 而且,按照顾青衣的计划,当初山海真界的绝大多数伐天者,都还在轮回之中。 Many person reincarnation in Upper Realm, but has not regained consciousness now in the past memory. 很多人转世上界,不过现在还未曾苏醒以往记忆 Afterward, the Gu Changge vision, falls in front broad stone door, as if may haunch the vault of heaven, cannot see the top of the head deeply arched. 随后,顾长歌的目光,落在面前恢弘的石门上,仿佛可撑起天穹,看不到头顶深穹。 „The day passes certainly!” “绝地天通!” That four characters, made person divine soul tremble simply, in the heart palpitated, they were very clearly sacred, but actually also one type greatly dignified, making person primordial spirit shake. 那四个字,简直令人神魂颤栗,心中悸动,它们分明很神圣,但是却也有一种大威严,让人元神为之而摇动。 Immortal Domain happened startled changes, wants to open this leaf of gateway, from here is not possible.” 仙域发生惊变,想要打开这扇门户,从这里是毫无可能的。” Does not know Demon Lord, has the means?” “就是不知道魔主,有没有办法?” Big Red Bird in the surroundings kicking wing, the scared said/tunnel, had felt finally is unable to open this leaf of gateway. 大红鸟在周围扑腾翅膀而过,最后不禁失魂落魄地道,感觉无法打开这扇门户。 It wants to know now the Immortal Domain situation. 它很想知道现在仙域的情况。 If wants to shove open this leaf of gateway, at least must have the Immortal King strength, is in present Upper Realm, even if the heaven and earth environment is changing, who also has the Immortal King strength? 但是若想推开这扇门户,至少得有仙王的实力,可是在现在的上界,哪怕天地环境在变,谁又有仙王的实力呢? Although Gu Changge is wrapped in a shroud of obscurity, the strength is unable to imagine, but he is impossible to break this custom. 顾长歌虽然神秘莫测,实力无法想象,但他也不可能打破这个规矩。 Bang!!! 轰!!! However, Big Red Bird was just thinking, actually stared in a big way the eye suddenly, unbelievable. 不过,大红鸟刚这么想着,却猛然瞪大了眼睛,难以置信。 The Gu Changge facial expression is light, body has the fuzzy internal energy to wind around. 顾长歌神情平淡,身上有着模糊的气机在缭绕。 His palm places the front, pushes gently. 他手掌放在前方,轻轻一推。 This is the quite astonishing accident, as if prehistoric giant beast is opening the eyes, although brings the radiant light rain, but also the terrifying is boundless! 这是相当惊人的变故,仿佛有一头史前巨兽在睁开双眼,虽然带着璀璨光雨,但是却也恐怖无边! Plain stone door, sent out passed through the eternal light, it was too holy, the first wisp of light after like epoch-making, to lead to Imperishable and eternal. 古朴的石门,发出了贯穿万古的光,它太圣洁了,如同开天辟地后的第一缕光,通向不朽与永恒。 In stone door, appears various marks, was telling opens a day of secret, the riddle of chaos, many ancients appear, is only too fuzzy, does not look clearly. 石门上,浮现出各种印记,讲述着开天之秘,混沌之谜,有诸多先民浮现,只是太模糊,看不真切。 If hidden without a gap, long dao sound transmits, washes divine soul of person, making one as if probably complete an evolution! 若隐若无间,悠悠道音传来,洗涤人的神魂,让人仿佛要完成一次进化! This leaf of stone door was shoved open, reappearing crack, including the blood rain to infiltrate, tick-tock, pounds directly in the surrounding stone wall, the scene is astonishing. 这扇石门被推开了,浮现裂缝,其中有血雨渗透出来,滴滴答答,直接砸在周围的石壁上,景象惊人。 Big Red Bird by this scene, the vibration could not be spoken. 大红鸟这一幕,震动地说不出话来。 Is it possible that Gu Changge nowadays, has strength that compares favorably with Immortal King? 莫非顾长歌现如今,已经有了媲美仙王的实力? At this moment, the Gu Changge form is fuzzy and dim, resembles one group of light sparkles, but as if command All Heavens, making the universe infinite life kotow and pay homage, aloof and remote, shoved open that stone door directly. 这一刻,顾长歌身影模糊且朦胧,似一团光闪耀,仿佛可号令诸天,让宇宙无穷生灵叩首、膜拜,高高在上,直接推开了那石门。 Immortal Domain and Upper Realm bordered on because of him, this place eruption immeasurable light, illuminated the square universe directly, the ray runs out from Ancient Immortal Continent, shines in Upper Realm. 仙域上界因他而接壤了,此地爆发无量光来,直接把四方宇宙都照亮了,光芒自仙古大陆冲出,在上界之中映照。 The cultivator lives of many universes, felt there fluctuation, shocked the pinnacle, saw the inexhaustible light shadow, appeared in the heaven and earth end. 许多宇宙的修士生灵,都感受到了那里的波动,震撼到了极致,看到了无穷尽的光影,在天地尽头浮现。 A fuzzy path, passes through there, then a strange internal energy arrives, Heaven and Earth Rules in the distance evolution, the spiritual energy boils unceasingly. 一条模糊的道路,贯穿在那里,然后一种奇异的气机降临,天地规则都在距离地演化,灵气不断沸腾。 Various clan various Dao Orthodoxy Dao Achiever and background character, induction regarding this, most profound, all dull in same place, does not dare to believe. 各族各道统成道者、底蕴人物,对此的感应,最为深刻,皆呆愣在原地,不敢置信。 Is it possible that was Immortal Domain arrives?” “莫非,是仙域降临了?” They muttered, felt Upper Realm Heaven and Earth Rules, at this time, presented a change that was inconceivable. 他们喃喃道,感觉上界天地规则,在这个时候,出现了一种难以想象的变化。 „Is this writing before Ancient Immortal?” “这难道是仙古前的文字?” But at this moment, in a broken mainland, is very primitive, towering old tree, but also has the tribe and ethnic group of life 0 而此刻,在一片残破的大陆上,很原始,古木参天,但也有生活的部落和族群0 One group of young men and women are inquiring about a sudden vestige, this moment one young girl is looking at a present stele shocking, the shock said. 一群年轻男女正在探寻一处突然出现的遗迹,此刻一名妙龄少女正震惊地看着眼前的一块石碑,震惊道。 The above writing is very strange, is not the present age writing. 上面的文字很陌生,不是当代文字。 Moreover, this stele is very to them ancient, ten thousand years are the inestimable years, let alone take for 1 million years as the digit. 而且,这块石碑对于他们来说无比古老,万年已经是不可估量的岁月,更别说以百万年为计数单位。 They are studying the writing in this inscribed text, wanted to understand once that extremely magnificent radiant time. 他们正在研究这块碑文上的文字,想要了解曾经那极度辉煌璀璨的时代。 The older generations hundred fight do not die, hot blooded rushes, is the fight foreign land, although ten thousand die, but its heart not regret! 先辈百战不死,热血澎湃,为抗击异域,虽万死而其心不悔! Hears the old people in tribe to talk about this incomplete each time, they can feel that type unyielding and fight intent, flows in the blood vessel! 每次听闻部落内的老人谈及这部残缺古史,他们都能感受到那种不屈和战意,在血管里流淌! Rumble! 轰隆隆! Here has the Immortal Domain descendant!” “这里有仙域后裔!” Suddenly, here filled murderous aura of soaring to the heavens. 突然,这里弥漫起了冲天的杀气。 One crowd of foreign land lives appeared, is riding the ominous beast, oversteps the vault of heaven, must sweep across wreaks havoc this broken mainland, the search once Immortal Domain descendant. 一群异域生灵出现了,骑着凶兽,踏过天穹,要席卷肆虐这片残破大陆,搜寻曾经的仙域后裔。 Now regional is occupying the life, has Immortal Domain and foreign land mixes to occupy. 如今各地居住着的生灵,有仙域和异域混居。 But also had once to survive the Immortal Domain life, hid in various places, supreme expert disdains to begin to search. 但也有曾经存活下来仙域生灵,躲藏在各处,至强者不屑动手搜寻。 They are foreign land various goals of clan hunting. 他们正是异域各族狩猎的目标。 „Not good......” “不好……” In this primitive mainland, many old people and man, the complexion big change, is all of a sudden pale. 这片原始大陆上,很多老人和男子,面色大变,一下子苍白下来。 Ha, found, here also has the Immortal Domain descendant.” “哈哈哈,又找到了,这里还有仙域后裔。” This flock of prey, anyone of you do not snatch with me.” “这群猎物,你们谁都别和我抢。” This crowd of foreign land lives are laughing, sit well on the ominous beast, probably the aloof and remote god, overlooks this to have several thousand people of tribes fully. 这群异域生灵都在大笑,端坐在凶兽上,像是高高在上的神,俯瞰这个足有数千人的部落。 They are very callous, is very cruel, aloof and remote, brings teasing of cat play mouse. 他们很冷酷,也很残忍,高高在上,带着猫戏老鼠的戏谑。 However at this time, all men of this tribe stood, in the surface has not dreaded , the fear, has not been only firm and resolute, takes the weapon, protects all old and young wife and daughters behind. 但是在这个时候,这个部落的所有男子都站了出来,面上没有畏惧,也没有害怕,只是一片坚毅,拿着武器,把所有老幼妻女都护在身后。 Their behind old and young 5.7 wife and daughters, is a hardness, not scared, has not made noise. 他们身后的老幼5.7妻女,也是一片坚硬,没有恐慌,没有出声。 Back of Immortal Domain Lost Clan, never oh! 仙域遗族的脊梁,永远不倒! Really senseless......” “果真无趣……” this scene, making the foreign land life think that does not have the meaning to get up, teases the happy expression to vanish, becomes indifferent, after all could not see that type facing the death and desperate panic. 这一幕,让异域生灵都觉得没有意思起来,戏谑笑意消失,变得冷漠,毕竟见不到那种面对死亡和绝望的恐慌。 This slaughtering, making them feel senseless. 这种杀戮,让他们觉得无趣。 Killed them.” In which leader opens the mouth, all foreign land lives start to bend the bow the nocking. “杀了他们。”其中的首领开口,所有异域生灵开始弯弓搭箭。 Bang!!! 轰!!! However in this moment, in the deep place of this incomplete mainland, has the immeasurable light to erupt, is faint the obvious leaf of gateway to pass through the universe, is connecting one vast and world of length and breadth, various phantom are running out. 不过就在这一刻,在这片残缺大陆的深处,有无量的光在爆发,隐隐间可见一扇门户贯穿天宇,连通着一个浩瀚而广袤的世界,各种虚影都在冲出。 This crowd of foreign land lives by that to the shock, in the vision were been all difficult to cover meaning with amazement. 这群异域生灵皆被那一幕给震惊不已,目光里难掩骇然之意。 Some people responded, could not bear mutters excitedly, 有人反应过来,更是忍不住兴奋地喃喃道, Western Immortal Domain shatter, had been trod broken by my clan supreme expert, what is that this?” “西方仙域早已破灭,被我族至强者所踏破,那这又是什么?” It is said Western Immortal Domain, is hiding a mysterious road and a door, when Western Immortal Domain king falls from the sky, by supreme divine ability, its camouflage......, but, various clan expert all are always seeking.” “据说西方仙域,隐藏着一条神秘的路和一扇门,西方仙域的王陨落时,以无上神通,将其遮蔽……但一直以来,各族强者皆在找寻。” Appears today?” “难道今日出现了?”
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