IAFV :: Volume #9

#819: The road of true certainly day passing, one crowd of loser that's all( sought subscription)

In the end of this road, everywhere sunset glow, there endless blood light is filling the air obviously, probably heaven and earth is weeping blood, incomparable astonishment. 在这条路的尽头,可见漫天的红霞,那里无尽的血光在弥漫,像是天地在泣血,无比的惊人。 The trim vault of heaven was falling into that type strange and in the palpitation blood-color. 连带着整片天穹都陷入了那种诡异而心悸的血色之中。 This is a dead end that is inconceivable, probably near the cliff, the blood red thick fog fills the air, blows the cold wind of fishy smell. 这是一条难以想象的绝路,像是走在悬崖边上,血红色的大雾弥漫,吹来略带腥味的寒风。 The surroundings have the ancient trace, that is the broken-down wall remnant wall of celestial pavilion pavilion, some do not know crashes the stars wreckage that from where, pounds ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) gulf, some lakes are also dry, not compared with Gu Changge the scene that comes to see previous time. 周围有古老的痕迹,那是天阙楼阁的破壁残垣,还有一些不知道从何处坠落下来的星辰残骸,砸出万丈深坑,一些湖泊也早已干涸,不比顾长歌上一次前来所见的景象。 In these lakes, but also obviously some skeletons, having to be similar to the golden giant are so big, the so palatial mountain peak is common, collapses in that place. 在那些湖泊之中,还可见一些尸骸,有类似于黄金巨人那么高大的,如此巍峨的山峰一般,倒塌在那个地方。 Some clear such as the skeleton of jade, is flowing the glow, very exquisite elegant, should be matchless beauty. 还有一些晶莹如玉的尸骨,流淌着辉光,很小巧秀美,生前应该是位绝代佳人 In addition, the skeletons of various ethnic groups, such as the True Dragon general huge skeleton group, as well as various phoenix classes...... here two sides gulfs, buried too many skeletons, dense and numerous. 此外,还有各种族群的尸骨,如真龙一般的庞大尸骸群、以及各种凰类……这里的两边深坑之中,埋葬了太多的尸骨,密密麻麻。 Previous Gu Changge comes this time, but also sees a green vast scene, heaven and earth is shining, has the Immortal Dao aura to fill the air to interweave, but has remained one piece now desolately ruined. 上一次顾长歌来此的时候,还见到一片苍翠浩瀚景象,天地都在发光,有仙道气息在弥漫交织,可是如今已剩一片苍凉破败。 During this, this place has had the fearful war, these blood light fresh, is not the ancient period remains ~ next. 这期间此地发生过可怕的大战,那些血光都还是新鲜的,并不是古老时期所留~下的。 Now, even the end of this road, collapsed, there presented the fearsome big rift valley, the heaven and earth thorough minute/share certainly- opened. 如今,连这条路的尽头,都崩断了,那里出现可怖的大裂谷,将天地彻底分绝-开。 Some stars let fall in this, boundless Chaos Qi fills the air, these do not know that blows the blood-color fog that from where. 一些星辰垂落于此,茫茫的混沌气弥漫,还有那些不知道从何处吹来的血色雾霭。 Even if the life that visits this place, was very difficult to find the road ahead, sought true Immortal Domain. 哪怕是踏足此地的生灵,也很难找到前路,寻到真正的仙域 „Before immortal buries the time, this road is actually all living things kills to the day road that source opens, the army is enormous and powerful, buries the bone in this, the innumerable eras pass by, some are decayed, but some also bury in most deep place, is waiting for rotten that day.” “仙葬时代之前,这条路其实是众生杀向本源界所开辟的天路,大军浩荡,埋骨于此,无数纪元过去,有些已经腐朽了,而有些还埋葬于最深处,等待着腐烂的那一天。” Big Red Bird is kicking the wing, follows in Gu Changge behind, looks at these scenes, the expression incomparably complex said/tunnel. 大红鸟扑腾着翅膀,跟随在顾长歌身后,看着这些景象,表情无比复杂地道。 It saw that enormous and powerful and unprecedented, all cuts down day of former sage, takes place of the fallen, ignores the life and death the time, originally ice-cold blood, gradually became must hot. 恍惚间,它又见到了那场浩荡、一往无前、所有伐天前贤们,前仆后继,不顾生死的时代,本来已经冰冷的血,也渐渐的变得热了起来。 Cuts down day a war, finally how, you should still remember.” “伐天一战,结果如何,你应该还记得。” They are the losers , there is nothing to recall.” “他们都是失败者,没什么可缅怀的。” The Gu Changge light words, actually resemble basin cold water, irrigates suddenly on Big Red Bird, making its hot blooded cool, full was startled and forced smile. 顾长歌的平淡话语,却似一盆冷水,骤然间浇在大红鸟头上,令它的热血冷却下来,满是愕然和苦笑。 Indeed, these are the losers who cut down a day of war. 的确,这些都是伐天之战的失败者。 How even if they put together completely all, in the end has not fallen on that road, even does not have the qualifications to enter source to go. 哪怕他们拼尽一切又如何,到头来还不是倒在了那条路上,甚至都没资格杀入本源界去。 One crowd is not glad to the loser who dies. 一群不甘于死的失败者。 Gu Changge does not have Big Red Bird is so sentimental, not possible like it, regarding this has very deep feelings. 顾长歌没有大红鸟那么多愁善感,也不可能像它那样,对此有很深的感触。 Although in the Big Red Bird eye, he also cuts down the leader who in a day of war ranks among the best, but these cut down a day of loser, in the Gu Changge eye, with ordinary ants, does not have any difference. 虽然在大红鸟眼中,他也算是伐天之战之中数一数二的领袖,但这些伐天失败者,在顾长歌眼中,和普通的蝼蚁,没有任何区别。 Their so-called hot blooded, he cannot realize, because in his vision, in long to is also that innumerable and during the era is inconceivable, cuts down a day of war, how many times exactly happened? 他们所谓的热血,他也体会不到,因为在他的眼界之中,在漫长到根本也数不清、难以想象的纪元之中,伐天之战,到底发生了多少次? Really innumerable. 真的数不清。 This world True World is vast, before the quantity tribulation arrives, always some fish slip through of past quantity tribulation lived. 这世间真界浩瀚,在量劫到来之前,总有些以往量劫的漏网之鱼活下来。 Is some understands clearly the truth ahead of time expert, gathers spontaneously, tries to change this timeless destiny. 或者是一些提前洞悉真相的强者,自发地聚集起来,试图改变这场亘古不变的命运。 Time and time again, like samsara, but is not the samsara...... 一次又一次,如同轮回,但又不是轮回…… In the source real ancestor eyes, these are some fish that tries to jump out of that river, after jumping out of the river, actually dies on the shallow seas and tidelands dry. 在本源真祖眼中,这些就是一些试图跳出那条河的鱼,但是当跳出河之后,却干涸死在滩涂上。 Immortal Domain now and Upper Realm is unable to contact, feared that happened startled changed.” 仙域如今和上界无法接触,怕是发生了惊变。” Is other True World reasons? The relations of foreign land?” “是其余真界的缘故?还是异域的关系?” Gu Changge and Big Red Bird lead the way, in the front end, saw a leaf of broad stone door, but the middle has the abyss that cuts off, is too deep to see the bottom, probably by some terrifying power, was traversed directly, is unable to pass. 顾长歌大红鸟一路前行,在前方的尽头,看到了一扇恢弘的石门,不过中间有断绝掉的深渊,深不见底,像是被某种恐怖力量,直接横断掉,无法过去。 That leaf of stone door is broad and big, stands erect in the end of this road, is contaminating the blood-color, has the bloodstain to fill the air from the crack in a door , the surroundings have the war the trace, is filling the air fearsome aura that made the person palpitation. 那扇石门恢弘而高大,屹立在这条路的尽头,沾染着血色,有血迹自门缝里弥漫出来,周围还有大战过的痕迹,弥漫着令人心悸的可怖气息。 As if so long as approaches, the mortal body will crack to blast out. 仿佛只要靠近,肉身就会崩裂炸开。 Obviously these bloodstains Host/Master, strength terrifying. 可见那些血迹的主人,实力到底有多恐怖。 This is the road of severing the connection between heaven and earth......” “这是地绝天通之路……” „If no Immortal King cultivation base, is unable to cross, is the biggest barrier that Upper Realm and Immortal Domain isolate, in this abyss, buried does not know that many tried to cross, actually plunged to death in supreme expert.” “若无仙王修为,无法横渡过去,也是上界仙域隔绝开的最大屏障,在这片深渊之中,埋葬了不知道多少试图横渡过去,却摔死于其中的至强者。” The Big Red Bird expression somewhat said complex, it once took Artifact Spirit of front that say/way stone door, after the later generation regains consciousness memory, through an extremely special method, splits up some spirits, across front that piece of restriction, can arrive at Upper Realm. 大红鸟表情有些复杂地说道,它曾作为前方那道石门的器灵,后世苏醒记忆后,通过一种极为特殊的手段,分化出部分魂灵,穿过前方那片禁制,才得以来到上界 Its genuine main body, actually also in the front that say/way stone door. 它真正的本体,其实还在前方的那道石门之中。 Gu Changge nods, regarding these things that Big Red Bird said that is very clear, initially the road of severing the connection between heaven and earth, is Gu Qingyi stands. 顾长歌点了点头,对于大红鸟所说的这些事情,都很清楚,当初地绝天通之路,也是顾青衣所立。 This place is equipped with 1 million li (0.5 km) to ban the spatial god territory, if complete, may block Immortal King to cross, at the present the innumerable eras pass by, perhaps have expired many. 此地设有百万里禁空神域,若是完整的话,可阻仙王横渡,而今无数纪元过去,恐怕已经失效许多。 But some big reasons that severing the connection between heaven and earth presents, is actually not the Upper Realm rule is broken, is unable to hold exceeds the Immortal Realm strength, but is Upper Realm needs a quite peaceful calm and steady environment, supplies the later generation multiplication to live, restores to expand. 地绝天通出现的很大部分原因,其实并非是上界规则残破,无法容纳超越仙境的力量,而是上界需要一个较为和平安稳的环境,来供后世繁衍生息,恢复壮大。 In this vast All Heavens True World, besides facing era quantity tribulation, actually also needs to guard against the invasions of some True World to attack and occupy. 这浩瀚的诸天真界中,除了面临纪元量劫外,其实还需要提防一些真界的入侵攻占。 Source spoke and All Heavens, because three big source real ancestors' exist(ence), his subordinate was born many fearful ethnic group influences, these ethnic group influences, or occupy some True World, starts the grayish white black tricolor big sacrifice from source, ahead of time exterminates some not law-abiding factor. 本源界辐及诸天,因为三大本源真祖的存在,其麾下诞生了许多可怕的族群势力,那些族群势力,或是占据一些真界,或是自本源界内发动灰白黑三色大祭,提前清剿一些不安分因素。 After all, exist(ence) of era quantity tribulation, to clean All Heavens True World, making all orders restore to the situation that the source real ancestor approves. 毕竟,纪元量劫的存在,是为了清洗诸天真界,让一切秩序恢复到本源真祖所认可的地步。 This so-called big sacrifice, aims at the shatter entire world, to remould the order, but in fact, to extinguish the world, or for offering sacrifices all living things, implored to three source really ancestor, obtained the supreme strength or the power and influence. 这所谓的大祭,以破灭寰宇、重塑秩序为目的,但实际上,还是为了灭世,或者说为了献祭众生,向三位本源真祖祈求,获得无上的力量或者权势。 The source real ancestor is omnipotent, naturally can easily grant these ethnic group eternal lives as well as higher realm. 本源真祖无所不能,自然可以轻易地赐予那些族群永生以及更高的境界 Facing the quantity tribulation, not everyone is useful the courage becomes cuts down day. 面对量劫,并不是所有人都有用勇气成为伐天者的。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Afterward, Gu Changge brings Big Red Bird to take a step to go, must cross this abyss, under transmits the fearsome momentum. 随后,顾长歌带着大红鸟迈步而去,要横渡过这片深渊,下方传来可怖的声势。 Various restriction triggering, the peerless murderous intention bursts out, resembles supreme sword qi, passes through this space directly, falls to Upper Realm, cuts to fall the innumerable stars, shocked innumerable life cultivator. 各种禁制触发,绝世杀机迸发,似无上剑气,直接贯穿这片空间,落到上界之中去,斩落无数星辰,震惊了无数的生灵修士 However, the Gu Changge complexion is unrelieved, resembles the flat land to take a step, the surroundings seem the fuzzy internal energy to flow. 不过,顾长歌面色毫无变化,似平地迈步,周围似有模糊的气机在流淌。 All radiance, fall on his body, extinguishes in invisible, cannot prevent his footsteps. 一切的光华,落在他身上,都消弭于无形,并不能阻止他的脚步。 He soon brings Big Red Bird to arrive at the front that door outdoors, settles down in this, might be away from this leaf of gateway, understands clearly to detect another side situation. 他很快带着大红鸟来到前方的那扇门户外,在此驻足,似可隔着这扇门户,洞悉察觉到另一边的情况。 I can open this gateway.” A Big Red Bird eye of reveal recalls, later assured said/tunnel, because of its main body then in this. “我可以打开这道门户。”大红鸟目露缅怀,随后笃定地道,因为它本体便是在此。
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