IAFV :: Volume #9

#818: All truth, nothing but on practicing small-sized road( sought subscription)

The Gu Changge vision is profound, in the mind many memory are reappearing. 顾长歌目光深邃,脑海里诸多记忆都在浮现。 Related Gu Qingyi, related cuts down a day of war for the first time, even Taboo Era , before is cuts down a day of war for the second time, he holds the shatter All Heavens reason. 有关顾青衣、有关第一次伐天之战,甚至于禁忌纪元,也就是第二次伐天之战之前,他一掌破灭诸天的原因。 This said in his layout, before the this World quantity tribulation arrives, his incarnation Demon Lord, as living in seclusion in other True World cuts down day of former sage, no one knows the origin. 这说起来都是在他的布局之中,在此界量劫降临之前,他化身魔主,作为隐居于其余真界的伐天前贤,无人知晓来历。 That cuts down a day of war, he naturally is also involved, accompanies other expert, tries to capture source to go. 那场伐天之战,他自然也参与其中,随同其余强者,试图攻入本源界去。 After all wanted to hide the truth from the passing away person, has hidden the truth from another two source real ancestors again, he must hide the truth from oneself, otherwise annexed the plans of suppress another two source real ancestors, sooner or later failed. 毕竟想要瞒过世人,再瞒过另外两位本源真祖,他必须要瞒过自己,不然吞并取缔另外两位本源真祖的计划,迟早失败。 Three people all are this world biggest frightening, read can understand clearly world all sorts, has stood erect unknowable ceiling realm, the causes and effects concept was invincible, achieves realm that the cultivator life was hard to guess. 三人皆是这世间最大的恐怖,一念便可洞悉世间一切种种,早已屹立在不可知的天花板境界,因果概念无敌,达到了修士生灵难以揣测的境界 Each other balance, each other fetter, even there is an agreement, each hundred million load capacity tribulations, are started the big clean by the one source real ancestor management. 彼此制衡,又彼此束缚,甚至有过约定,每个亿载量劫,由一位本源真祖主持发动大清洗。 Gu Changge as the one source real ancestor, has planned the layout to carry for this reason innumerably, together with passing through memory variable, builds specially, Transcendence beyond the destiny, molds this origin. 顾长歌作为其中一位本源真祖,为此早已计划布局了无数载,连同穿越记忆异数,也特意营造,超脱于命运之外,塑造出这一来历来。 Regarding this All Heavens True World, variable are many, the transmigrator status, naturally has appeared much. 对于这诸天真界来讲,异数并不少,穿越者的身份,自然出现过不少。 Since epoch-making at the beginning, has presented variable, too many are too many, transmigrator is also only that's all. 自开天辟地之初以来,出现过的异数,太多太多,穿越者也只是其中一种罢了 What variable? Is born beyond the Heavenly Dao deduction, real origin to become secret, very difficult through deduction, understands clearly clearly becomes aware its all. 何谓异数?诞生于天道推演之外,真实来历成秘,很难通过推演,洞悉明悟其一切。 variable often has unknowable huge destiny, can change the Heavenly Dao general trend, achieves common cultivator unreachable realm. 异数往往拥有不可知的庞大气运,可以改变天道大势所趋,达到寻常修士所不能达到的境界 How can this describe? 这要如何形容? Regarding three source real ancestors, the cultivator life that among this All Heavens True World is born, they only need to look at one, can know its past and present, in the future, when knows him born, when falls 003 to fall, when the samsara, or goes to what situation. 对于三位本源真祖来讲,这诸天真界间诞生的修士生灵,他们只需要看一眼,就能知晓其过去、现在、未来,知晓他何时诞生,何时陨003落,又何时轮回,或是达到何种地步。 Secret that this world they cannot know. 这世间没有他们不能知晓的秘密。 They control the future, clear(ly) became aware the destiny, understood clearly Heavenly Dao, understood omniscient nothing which is not, read may make All Heavens True World repeat, read may make all belong to the chaos...... 他们掌控未来,明悟命运,洞悉天道,无所不知无所不晓,一念可令诸天真界重演,一念可令一切归于混沌…… But these, only have variable is the exceptions. 但在这其中,唯有异数是例外。 variable bracelet beyond causes and effects fate, origin to become puzzle, even if the source real ancestor, will be surprised, moreover achievement and situation that variable can achieve, far surpass these common cultivator lives. 异数跳脱于因果命数之外,来历成谜,哪怕是本源真祖,也会对此感到意外,而且异数所能达到的成就和地步,也远超那些一般的修士生灵。 Since trillion quantity tribulations, the birth has presented variable are many, some people even achieve have exceeded True Spirit, to exceed the world the Lord strength, dares to speak the last words the source real ancestor. 亿万量劫以来,诞生出现过的异数不少,有人甚至达到过超越真灵、超越世界之主的实力,敢叫板本源真祖。 Naturally, these variable, the final result, is the tragic death, was analyzed to learn about unceasingly, lets the source real ancestor, the understanding variable is deeper. 当然,这些异数,最后的结果,都是惨死,被不断拆分知悉,让本源真祖,对异数的了解更深。 Therefore the Gu Changge choice by the transmigrator variable status, incarnation Demon Lord, participates in this side True World cuts down in a day of war. 所以顾长歌选择以穿越者异数身份,化身魔主,参与到这方真界的伐天之战中去。 Another two source real ancestors regarding these variable exist(ence), have understood clearly to understand, does not care accidentally/surprisingly, will not suspect. 另外两位本源真祖对于这些异数存在,早就洞悉明了,根本就不意外在意,也并不会怀疑。 They are even waiting, wait for these variable, grows to can stand in their front that moment. 他们甚至在等待,等待这些异数,成长到能够站立在他们面前的那一刻。 Even achieves the world the Lord strength, bragged that may Emperor to seal/confer Weixian, however before the source real ancestor, such as the ants is still ordinary.” “就算达到世界之主的实力,自诩可封为仙帝,但是在本源真祖面前,依旧如蝼蚁一般。” Even the source real ancestor, has not exposed the true body from beginning to end, revealed that in the source form, is only the tip under iceberg, true main body, in cannot guess, beyond the unimaginable innumerable spaces......” “甚至本源真祖,从始至终都没有展露过真身,显露于本源界的身影,只是冰山下的一角,真正的本尊,在不可揣测、不可想象的无数空间外……” So-called cuts down a day of war, in the source real ancestor eyes, actually crosses each family to be the same on such as the child.” “所谓的伐天之战,在本源真祖眼中,其实就如孩子过家家一般。” In the Gu Changge heart is very transparent regarding these, knows the source real ancestor's strength, regarding these cultivator lives, be the same in this world like...... should not exist(ence). 顾长歌心中对于这些无比明了,知晓本源真祖的实力,对于这些修士生灵来讲,就如同……不该存在于这世界一样。 Because of the level and latitude, is different, ants again how strong, as before is the ants, human only needs to press gently, can press the fragment powder it. 因为层次和纬度,早就不同,蝼蚁再怎么强壮,也依旧是蝼蚁,人类只需要轻轻一摁,就能把它压成齑粉。 But disparity between source real ancestor and cultivator, compared with it ants and human disparity, but also wants frightening to be much more. 而本源真祖和修士间的差距,比之蝼蚁和人类的的差距,还要恐怖得多得多。 This world, only has variable, has the true qualifications, the growth stands in the source real ancestor's front, but...... also only this that's all. 这世间,唯有异数,才有真正的资格,成长来站在本源真祖的面前,但是……也仅此而已 Therefore I to plan another two source real ancestors, in the variable way, changes to Demon Lord, walks in All Heavens True World, layout all.” “于是我为了算计另外两位本源真祖,以异数的方式,化作魔主,于诸天真界间行走,布局一切。” Mountain sea True World, is now my present location this World, is only one in All Heavens True World.” “山海真界,也就是现在我如今所在此界,只是诸天真界中的一界。” Gu Qingyi as True Spirit that this World is born, when the quantity tribulation arrives, starts to cut down a day of war for the first time, later the incarnation world will, leading this World other to cut down day, attacks to source.” 顾青衣作为此界诞生的真灵,在量劫降临之际,发动第一次伐天之战,随后化身世界意志,带领此界其余伐天者,攻向本源界。” In that war, the ethnic group that encounters source counter-attacks, experiences personally the heavy losses, but my incarnation Demon Lord, cuts down the day of former sage status by other True World, presented and saved her promptly, leading mountain sea True World other to cut down a day of evacuation......” “在那一战中,遭遇本源界的族群反攻,身受重创,而我化身魔主,以其余真界伐天前贤的身份,及时出现并救了她,带领山海真界其余伐天者撤离……” Xian'er, then falls from the sky cutting down day one of the in that war, as mountain sea True World Son of World, was sent to the samsara by Gu Qingyi. The mountain sea True World quantity tribulation therefore postpones......” 仙儿,则是陨落在那一战中的伐天者之一,身为山海真界界子,被顾青衣送去轮回。山海真界的量劫因此推迟……” Many cut down day, falls from the sky, in cuts down in a day of war for the first time, Gu Qingyi together with True Spirit , is damaged seriously. The this World vitality is on the wane, the spiritual energy is thin, falls into Dharma End Period, is the immortal that in the Big Red Bird mouth said buries the time.” “诸多伐天者,陨落在第一次伐天之战中,连同真灵在内的顾青衣,也是受创严重。此界生机凋零,灵气稀薄,陷入末法时期,也就是大红鸟口中所说的仙葬时代。” „After immortal buries the time, this World presented the big piece blank era, the cultivator trail extinction, the life was hard the birth spirit wisdom, after the innumerable years, had improvement, restored the heaven and earth spiritual energy......” “仙葬时代之后,此界出现了大片空白纪元,修士踪迹绝灭,生灵难以诞生灵智,经过无数岁月,才有了好转,恢复天地灵气……” „The cultivator trail appears, said the gate to establish, Dao Orthodoxy sect stood in great numbers, mountain sea True World restored to be angry, sent in cutting down day of samsara, starts reincarnation, marched into cultivation.” 修士踪迹浮现,道门建立,道统宗门林立,山海真界恢复生气,一些送入轮回的伐天者,也是开始转世,步入修行。” However I to avoid another two source real ancestors suspected, personally make a move, causing the this World quantity tribulation to arrive again ahead of time, tries to obliterate Demon Lord this variable sockpuppet, at this time mountain sea True World not yet restores most flourishing, 1/10.” “而我为了避免另外两位本源真祖怀疑,亲自出手,致使此界量劫再度提前降临,试图磨灭魔主这个异数马甲,此时山海真界尚未恢复全盛,连十分之一都不到。” In the Gu Qingyi heart worried, with body of business theory my Demon Lord, tries to seek the law of decoding, therefore had Taboo Era of later generation, Demon Lord palm destruction this World, hits to collapse All Heavens, degenerates into the taboo.” 顾青衣心中担忧,和我的魔主之身商论,试图寻求破解之法,于是才有了后世的禁忌纪元,魔主一掌覆灭此界,打崩诸天,沦为禁忌。” In the Gu Changge heart many trains of thought all appear. 顾长歌心中诸多思绪皆浮现。 Actually a lot at this time, became clear, resembled the fog to open out, all understood. 其实很多事情在这个时候,都变得清晰了,似云雾拨开,一切明了。 Before Taboo Era, cut down a day of war not to start for the second time, measures the tribulation then to arrive. 禁忌纪元之前,第二次伐天之战还未开始,量劫便降临了。 If not make the preparation, then this World will turn over to the ruins thoroughly, these expert that samsara shatter, once fell from the sky, including will wipe the real soul also collapse powder to extinguish finally, real disappearance in this world. 若是不做出准备,那么此界就会彻底归墟,轮回破灭,曾经陨落的那些强者,连最后一抹真魂也会崩溃散灭,真正的消失在这世间。 Therefore, Gu Qingyi can discuss with him, plays a trick to act in a play collapses noisily, therefore hits to sink this World All Heavens, made all again falling samsara, caused mountain sea True World, delayed arrival of quantity tribulation again. 所以,顾青衣才会和他商量,设局演戏闹崩,因此打沉此界诸天,令一切再陷轮回,使得山海真界,再一次延缓了量劫的降临。 But as Demon Lord he, is a scapegoat for this act naturally, degenerated into later generation various world to dread the frightened taboo character. 而身为魔主的他,也自然而然地替此举背锅,沦为了后世诸世忌惮恐惧的禁忌人物。 Naturally, all these present said that is very simple, initially to achieve all these, Gu Qingyi also paid the enormous price. 当然,这一切现在说起来很简单,当初为了做到这一切,顾青衣也是付出了极大的代价。 Because she knows, does that may cause source Ruler to be furious, the anger affects Gu Changge, frequently has destroy both body and soul, not to enter the fate of samsara. 因为她知道,这么做,可能会引得本源界的主宰震怒,怒火波及到顾长歌,动辄有形神俱灭、不入轮回的下场。 But Gu Changge to coordinate to enter the play, behind is even moved, beyond the endless nihility space, arrives at one anger heavenly tribulation, hit to collapse Demon Lord this variable sockpuppet personally. 顾长歌为了配合入戏,后面甚至动念,于无尽虚无空间外,降临一道怒火天劫,亲自打崩了魔主这具异数马甲 Naturally, this matter naturally also during the layout plans, Gu Qingyi has expected will cause that side source, will arrive at the penalty anger. 当然,此事自然也在布局谋划之中,顾青衣早就料到会引得本源界那边,会降临惩罚怒火。 Therefore early and Gu Changge plans to discuss, delivers a Gu Changge wisp of real soul by forbidden art to the samsara, avoids obliterating thoroughly, in later generation reincarnation. 所以早早和顾长歌谋划商量,以禁术顾长歌一缕真魂到轮回之中,避免彻底磨灭,于后世转世 However, Gu Qingyi does not know, the Gu Changge true status, has treated as Demon Lord to treat him, waits for him to awaken to restore memory that day. 不过,顾青衣并不知道,顾长歌的真正身份,一直将他当做魔主对待,等待他觉醒恢复记忆的那天。 But the middle quite a lot taboo, because of variable these two characters, was actually worried source that side Ruler, regains consciousness ahead of time, detected that Demon Lord this variable has not died. 而中间的颇多忌讳,其实都因为异数这二字,担心本源界那边的主宰,提前苏醒,察觉到魔主这个异数未死。 Therefore this, I am always coordinating her to act in a play, coordinates to play variable this role......” “所以这一直以来,我都是在配合着她演戏,也配合着扮演异数这个角色……” Goal is to work as this variable, grows to comparing favorably with my own situation, thus with joint forces suppress another two source real ancestors.” “目的就是当这个异数,成长到媲美我自己的地步,从而合力取缔另外两位本源真祖。” After all, my oneself most understands oneself, knows, needs what kind of strength.” “毕竟,我自己才最了解自己,才知晓,需要拥有何等力量。” The Gu Changge facial expression returned to normal, regained consciousness many memory at this time, him, is not the misdemeanor. 顾长歌神情恢复了平静,在这个时候苏醒了诸多记忆,于他来说,也并不是什么坏事。 Present he, is at least deferring to the plan layout conduct, without flaw careless mistake. 至少现在的他,正在按照计划布局行事,没有破绽纰漏。 Simply speaking, present he, in by variable way, on practicing small-sized road, the goal is to grow to the situation of large size. 简单来说,现在的他,就是在以异数的方式,在练小号的路上,目的是成长到大号的地步。 Then two unite, through many layouts, suppress two source real ancestors, thus last step that takes him to think. 而后两身合一,通过诸多布局,取缔两位本源真祖,从而迈出他所认为的最后一步。 Afterward, Gu Changge and Big Red Bird left, stepped Immortal Road of that exist(ence) outside Ancient Immortal Continent, bright light from bloomed, then had the astonishing immortal aiming at flowing. 随后,顾长歌大红鸟动身,踏上了那条存在仙古大陆外的仙路,煌煌之光从其中绽放,而后更是有惊人的仙意在流淌。 The immortal light is shining, is very rich, a fuzzy and empty pale way, the probably big crack, appears in the upper air of this ruins. 仙光灿灿,无比浓郁,一条模糊且虚淡的路径,像是大裂缝般,在这片遗址的高空出现。 At this moment, even the entire Ancient Immortal Continent ethnic group, felt such fluctuation, the shock, thought Immortal Road to reappear, has the scene of ancient times to repeat. 这一刻,甚至于整个仙古大陆的族群,都感受到了这样的波动,震惊不已,以为仙路再现,有远古之景象重演。 Immortal Domain and Upper Realm day passes certainly, at the present heaven and earth environment drastic change, on the way of bordering on, changes that cannot be guessed, causing Immortal Road to cut off, is hard to contact truly. 仙域上界绝地天通,而今天地环境剧变,在接壤途中,更是发生了不可揣测的变化,导致仙路断绝,难以真正接触。 Big Red Bird also spoke frankly, Immortal Domain changed, after Taboo Era, many changes caused mountain sea True World irrelevant shatter of later generation. 大红鸟也直言,仙域发生了变化,禁忌纪元之后,诸多变化导致了后世的山海真界支离破碎 one side complete True World, besides Upper Realm and outside Immortal Domain these parts, Life-Bound breeding Yin True World, is the foreign land in mountain sea True World indigenous people mouth. 一方完整的真界,除了上界仙域这些部分外,还有所伴生孕育的阴真界,也就是山海真界原住民口中的异域。 However Immortal Domain irrelevant shatter, Upper Realm Heaven and Earth Rules is incomplete, is unable to compose complete Yang True World, to true mountain sea True World, has very big distance. 但是仙域支离破碎,上界天地规则残缺不全,无法组成完整的阳真界,离真正的山海真界,更是有很大的距离。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Gu Changge and Big Red Bird, along that fuzzy channel, walked. 顾长歌大红鸟,沿着那条模糊的通道,走了进去。 One type boundless and frightening ancient aura, immediately suppresses to come, however is falling on two people body instantly, extinguishes in invisible. 一种磅礴而恐怖的古老气息,顿时压制而来,但是在落在两人身上的刹那,就消弭于无形。 This Immortal Road, has abandoned......” “这条仙路,已经废了……” Gu Changge looks at present the desolated ruined scene, shakes the head to say gently. 顾长歌看着眼前荒芜破败的景象,轻轻摇头道。 This and he entered into initially compares, does not know that missed many times, even may see the end of this road, has the rich blood light to fill the air, making the vault of heaven dye blood red. 这和他当初迈入进来的时候比起来,不知道差了多少倍,甚至可看到这条路的尽头,有浓郁的血光在弥漫,让天穹都染得一片血红。
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