IAFV :: Volume #9

#817: Eternal All Heavens, floats the fresh sea is a play, cuts down the truth of day of war( sought subscription)

Huge and ancient memory, mountain sea burst a dike at this moment probably generally, emerged in the Gu Changge mind crazily. 庞大而古老的记忆,此刻像是山海决堤了一般,疯狂地在顾长歌脑海之中涌现。 In tranquil and still spiritual sea, is blustery, various types motley and frightening aura, spurts thinly there. 平静且岑寂的灵海之中,更是风起云涌,各种斑驳而恐怖的气息,在那里喷薄。 If examines carefully at this moment, will discover in Gu Changge spiritual sea, appears the colorful fearsome shackles, these shackles are breaking. 若是这一刻细看的话,会发现顾长歌灵海之中,浮现五颜六色的可怖枷锁,这些枷锁在断裂掉。 Above each shackles, has the to cause one/to make one alarmed and afraid strange aura. 每一根枷锁之上,都是带着令人惊惧的诡异气息。 The immortal light is faint, the multi-colored sunlight that the Great Dao contention, assorted varies, is unable to prevent to spout. 仙光隐隐,大道争鸣,各色各异的霞光,更是无法阻止地喷出。 How is this?” “怎么了这是?” Big Red Bird looks at all these shocking, does not know that Gu Changge body has what seed/type to change. 大红鸟震惊地看着这一切,不知道顾长歌身上发生着何种变化。 Only thought that his facial expression, resembling must be much more indifferent than the past, the vision deep place, is undisguised regarding all living things is the ants. 只觉得他的神情,似比以往都要更冷漠得多,目光深处,是丝毫不掩饰的视众生为蝼蚁。 Not is only all living things, probably this All Heavens Myriad Domains, the inexhaustible vast world, in his eyes, resembles the ants to be the same. 不仅仅是众生,更好像是这诸天万域,无穷尽的浩瀚世界,在他眼中,都似蝼蚁一般。 Ancient Immortal Continent outside vault of heaven, in this moment thoroughly dark, the stars hidden go, the dark cloud is boundless, among heaven and earth floods to cause one/to make one to constrain, but scared frightening aura. 仙古大陆外面的天穹,在这一刻彻底地暗了下来,星辰隐去,乌云磅礴,天地间充斥着令人压抑而胆寒的恐怖气息。 Entire All Heavens as if being hard carrying/sustaining type of aura, must crash thoroughly, Great Dao rumble, the heaven and earth will shivers, all cultivator lives, from the heart deep place, have that type base and low such as the mood of ants. 整个诸天仿佛都难以承载这种气息,要彻底地崩塌下来,大道隆隆,天地意志颤抖,所有的修士生灵,都自内心深处,生出那种卑微如蝼蚁的情绪来。 Imitates if among this heaven and earth, some types cannot the knowledge exist(ence) that thought that cannot explain in words to say recover. 仿若这天地间,有某种不可知想、不可言说的存在复苏了。 However such fluctuation, vanished merely instantly, the quick skylight clears, the dark cloud diverges, the sunlight shines to sprinkle, Ancient Immortal Continent is the vigorous sign of life abundant. 不过这样的波动,也仅仅只是刹那就消失了,很快天光放晴,乌云散去,阳光照耀洒落,仙古大陆更是一片生机盎然。 Big Red Bird almost suspected that oneself misread, but it is impossible to misread. 大红鸟差点怀疑自己看错了,但是它绝不可能看错。 In this moment, Gu Changge body, indeed had some to cause one/to make one the change that is inconceivable, although Gu Changge seemed like has restored the nature now, was not unusual. 在这一刻,顾长歌身上,的确是发生了某种令人难以想象的变化,虽然现在顾长歌看起来已经恢复了自然,并无异常。 Xian'er this life, since is third, then you should be first time, accompanies side her?” 仙儿今世既然是第三世,那么你应该是第一世的时候,就陪在她身边的?” The Gu Changge facial expression restored not to have the wave still, looked at Big Red Bird, asked. 顾长歌神情恢复了岑寂无波,看了眼大红鸟,问道。 He actually also had had before puzzled, so-called Demon Lord memory, is extremely mixed in the class, some places are remote ancient, flooding the headstrong desolate is vast. 他之前其实也有过困惑,所谓的魔主记忆,太过于班杂模糊,一些地方更加久远古老,充斥着莽荒浩瀚。 However at that time, Gu Changge has not gone to ponder, now after many memory recover, he also understands that is his original writing skill. 但是那时候,顾长歌也并未去细想,如今诸多记忆复苏后,他也明白,那都是他原本的手笔。 Exactly said that Demon Lord this status something that gives one away, is he speaks thoughtlessly to say arranged. 确切的说,就连魔主这个身份马脚,也是他随口所言布下的。 In fact, this All Heavens Myriad Domains, and even before is remote many era time, read to save and read to extinguish because of him...... 事实上,这诸天万域,乃至更久远前的许多纪元时代,都因他一念而存、一念而灭…… Stated differently, Demon Lord this status, is he in the status that time walks, but also is only so. 不同的是,魔主这个身份,算是他在那个时代行走的身份,但也仅是如此。 I am Xian'er she cut down Artifact Spirit of Sky Sword......” “我是仙儿她伐天剑的器灵……” After Taboo Era, becomes Immortal Domain and gateway Artifact Spirit on Upper Realm severing the connection between heaven and earth that road.” “不过在禁忌纪元之后,成为了仙域上界地绝天通那条路上的门户器灵。” „After behind regains consciousness previous life memory, is separated from the main body, arrives at Upper Realm, seeks Xian'er in Peach Village.” “后面苏醒前世记忆后,脱离本体,来到上界,在桃村寻到仙儿。” Big Red Bird hearing this eye of reveal several points of vicissitudes, shake the head, answered. 大红鸟闻言目露几分沧桑,摇了摇头,解释道。 It does not know that Gu Changge body had anything a moment ago. 它也不知道顾长歌刚才身上是发生了什么。 Regarding it, no matter Demon Lord is also good, is Gu Changge, actually such as brings the level dense fog to be the same, to cause one/to make one cannot see clearly and ascertains airtight. 对于它来讲,不管是魔主也好,还是顾长歌也罢,其实都如带着层迷雾一般,令人看不清、捉摸不透。 The Demon Lord origin, is always the riddle of difficult solution. 魔主的来历,更是个永世难解的谜。 Before Taboo Era, the immortal god is radiant, behind experiences to bury the immortal time, during middle blank very long, the later generation had so-called Taboo Era. 禁忌纪元之前,仙神璀璨,后面经历葬仙时代,中间空白了很长一段期间,后世才有了所谓的禁忌纪元 But Demon Lord Taboo Era time peerless expert that braves, including at that time control All Heavens Immortal Palace, dreads in him, does not dare to step into Demon Lord location Demonic Mountain. 魔主正是禁忌纪元的时候冒出来的绝世强者,连当时统御诸天仙宫,也畏惧于他,不敢踏入魔主所在魔山 As for the origin, Big Red Bird guessed, perhaps also with burying the immortal time is related, perhaps buries expert that the immortal time falling from the sky samsara or shuns the world. 至于来历,大红鸟猜测,或许也和葬仙时代有关,没准是葬仙时代陨落轮回或者避世的强者 Cuts down Sky Sword?” “伐天剑?” Gu Changge hears this name, in the heart actually stares slightly. 顾长歌听到这个名字,心中却是微微一愣。 Indeed the Gu Xian'er that is difficult he to know very well now, grasps to cut down Sky Sword with that loudly shouted "kill" on the Nine Heavens form to relate. 的确很难将现在他所熟知的这个顾仙儿,和那个手持伐天剑,大喊杀上九天的身影联系起来。 Cuts down day a war, this indeed is extremely in remote. 伐天一战,这的确是太过于久远。 However samsara...... 不过轮回…… This side True World indeed had not been corroded, has not remoulded the samsara, six Ren stand, the principle circulation, grows continually. 这方真界的确还未受到侵蚀,没有重塑轮回,六道任立,法则流转,生生不息。 But this is not useful. 可这并没有什么用。 Upper Realm side world, is actually only that's all in vast True World, beside True World, source. 上界所处的这方世界,其实只是浩瀚真界之中的一界罢了,在真界之外,还有本源界。 However the experience carries the vicissitudes innumerably, now True World also saves many, this is unable to know, only then source to high does not extinguish on and Imperishable. 不过经历无数载沧桑,如今真界还存多少,这也无从知晓,只有本源界至高在上、不朽不灭。 The three source real ancestors in Big Red Bird mouth, are source to high Ruler, wields this world all rules, all sources and all materials, the space and times, years and causes and effects...... are the products of their thought. 大红鸟口中的三位本源真祖,便是本源界的至高主宰,执掌这世间的一切规则、一切本源、一切物质,时空、岁月、因果……都是他们意念的产物。 Exactly said, three source real ancestors, are the Heavenly Dao main bodies, they, are true to the high Heavenly Dao birth thought that the true concept does not extinguish. 确切的说,三位本源真祖,乃是天道本体,他们本身,便是真正的至高天道诞生意念所化,真正的概念不灭。 Heavenly Dao does not have the physique, the mysteriously and inexorably actually Ruler myriad things, but this invisible exist(ence), cannot make all living things awe eventually. 天道没有形体,冥冥之中主宰万物,但这种无形的存在,终究是不能够使得众生敬畏。 Therefore for quite some time, the Heavenly Dao birth selfish desire, had the emotion, presented three sources to tall Zhenzu. 于是不知从何时开始,天道诞生私欲,有了情感,就出现了三位本源至高真祖。 Three source real ancestors, regarding all living things, that are the shape in Heavenly Dao exist(ence), is born because of its reason. 三位本源真祖,对于众生来讲,那就是形同于天道存在,也是因其原因才诞生。 But this world myriad things, so long as has the thought to have the emotion, that will have a desire, even Heavenly Dao is unable to escape by luck. 但这世间万物,只要是有意念有情感,那就会有所欲望,连天道本身都无法幸免。 Three source real ancestors, creation source True World, sit to the high void deep place with joint forces high, brutally resembles not wants. 三位本源真祖,合力创造本源真界,高坐至高虚空深处,似无情无欲。 In measures each time the tribulation approaches, will harvest the All Heavens all True World sources, obliterates all, conducts the big clean, in order to avoid the birth threatens own heaven defying level exist(ence). 但是在每次量劫来临之际,会收割诸天所有真界的本源,磨灭一切,进行大清洗,以免诞生威胁到自身的逆天存在 Also to further Transcendence be powerful, with the Heavenly Dao complete separation. 同时也是为了进一步超脱强大,和天道完整分离。 Therefore, when when the quantity tribulation approaches, is source extinguishes the world, all destroys, including the cultivator life and rule six, obliterates entirely. 于是,每到量劫来临之际,也就是本源界灭世之际,将一切毁去,包括修士生灵、规则六道,通通磨灭。 Measures these True World after tribulation, the samsara no longer, expert that the calamity, the tragic death fell from the sky in the past, is impossible to reenter the samsara, is impossible to have the new student/life again, quite therefore true annihilation. 量劫之后的那些真界,轮回不复,天塌地陷,以往惨死陨落的强者,不可能再入轮回,也不可能再有新生,相当于是真正的湮灭。 Therefore, after measuring the tribulation, heaven and earth dries up, all was harvested many True World, returns in the chaos, waits to evolve the day again, breeds the new student/life to start once again...... 所以,量劫之后,天地枯竭,所有被收割多的真界,都重归于混沌,再次等候演化开天,孕育新生周而复始…… So moves back and forth all sorts, does not have long known that circulated many times. 如此往复种种,早已不知道循环了多少次。 However, in this process, will have the unknowable matter to happen as before, unavoidable, that is variable. 但是,在这过程之中,依旧会有不可知的事情发生,无法避免,那就是异数 Even three source real ancestors, are unable through the deduction, to see clearly variable. 就算是三位本源真祖,也无法通过推演,看清异数 Therefore, under these in the big clean, exterminates expert that survives greatly, starts to plan to cut down a day of war, since has not had tribulation as far as possible, cuts down a day of war, has early are innumerable. 于是,那些在大清洗、大清剿下存活下来的强者,开始谋划伐天之战,无尽量劫以来,伐天之战,早有过无数次。 It looks like in three source real ancestors, this process, but makes them be able to clean up these variable that's all simply, not possible to create to them threatens slightly. 只是在三位本源真祖看来,这个过程,只是让他们能够更简单地清理那些异数罢了,并不可能对他们造成丝毫威胁。 But cuts down a day of war, actually also alleviated the arrival of quantity tribulation, because of that war, fell from the sky loss expert is too many...... this also to become many True World, means that the circumvention tribulation arrived. 而伐天之战,其实也是缓解了量劫的到来,因为那一战,陨落损失的强者太多……这也成了许多真界,规避量劫降临的办法。 This eternal All Heavens, floats the fresh sea is a play......” “这万古诸天、浮生沧海都是一场戏……” The Gu Changge corners of the mouth have several points to self-ridicule. 顾长歌嘴角带着几分自嘲。 Before has not regained consciousness memory, he has aimed at powerful, as for is why powerful, can only say that must survive in this side world, clear(ly) became aware the own origin and status while convenient. 在未苏醒记忆之前,他一直以强大自身为目标,至于为何要强大,只能说是要在这方世界生存下去,顺便明悟自己的来历以及身份。 At the present the dense fog blows, passing appears, all actually look like that to float the fresh sea, indistinct is not real, in the water in the moon/month and mirror spends. 而今迷雾吹开,过往浮现,一切却又像那浮生沧海,缥缈不真实,水中月、镜中花。 However such looks like, as if also does not have too many influences. 不过这么看来,却似乎又没有太多的影响。 Because even he now is that not presumable variable. 因为连他现在都是那不可推测的异数 As for goal that this until now layout plans, by the reason of Demon Lord status walk world, is actually simpler...... 至于这一直以来布局算计的目的,以魔主身份行走世间的原因,其实更简单…… Because, Gu Changge he must swallow suppress another two source real ancestors, cancels them thoroughly. 因为,顾长歌他要吞噬取缔另外两位本源真祖,将他们彻底抹去。 Demon Lord status, was only he once participated to cut down sockpuppet that's all in day of war. 魔主的身份,也只是他曾参与到伐天之战中的一个马甲罢了 transmigrator status, to agree with this variable, plans one point in layout. 穿越者的身份,也只是为了更契合这一异数,所谋划布局中的一环。 Gu Qingyi, she is actually this side True World True Spirit, in this World cuts down for the first time day a wartime, was planned by my initial Demon Lord sockpuppet, the coincidence rescues, in that time acquaintance...... knowledge 顾青衣,她其实是这方真界真灵,在此界的第一次伐天一战时,被我当初的魔主马甲算计,巧合所救,也是于那时相识……识” Cuts down a day of war for the second time , before Taboo Era......” “第二次伐天之战,也就是在禁忌纪元之前……” The Gu Changge pupil color is gradually profound. 顾长歌的眸色渐渐深邃。
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