IAFV :: Volume #9

#816: Third body of Xian'er, Gu Changge true status( sought subscription)

The time passes gradually, in an instant several months passed by, the Upper Realm situation even more stabilizes steadily. 时间渐渐流逝,转眼间数月过去了,上界局势越发平稳安定。 Peach Village is situated north the side of god country's now the bank, that piece of Land of Immortal Abandonment, finally also by Gu Changge by supreme big divine ability transferring Xian'er Imperial Palace. 桃村如今坐落在神国的极北之畔,就连那片仙弃之地,最后也被顾长歌无上神通给挪移到了仙儿宫阙 Xian'er Imperial Palace is vast pure lands, be continuous does not see among Great Desolate of edge, there is a mountain peak fog to wind around, has the Yinbao green lake, green. 仙儿宫阙乃是一片浩大的净土,绵延不见边缘的大荒间,有山峰云雾缭绕,更有银瀑绿湖,一片苍翠。 The Imperial Palace pavilion, complements Large expanse, incomparable grand, side near Peach Village, is the mountain peak folds the green jade. 宫阙楼阁,掩映成片,无比的壮阔,毗邻桃村的一边,便是山峰叠翠。 Has one side to be from the vast galaxy boundless lake, the surroundings bamboo grove rustle, among piece of green bamboo sea, there are pavilion several. 一方取自于浩瀚星河的无垠湖,周围竹林沙沙,一片苍翠的竹海间,有亭台几间。 In the boundless lake, rare and precious dragon fish, drags the tail to flash past, all over the body clear, in the flesh contains astonishing divinity, there are to have the Kun carp of Kunpeng bloodlines. 无垠湖中,许多珍稀的龙鱼,摇曳着尾巴一闪而过,通体晶莹,血肉里蕴含着惊人的神性,也有带有鲲鹏血脉的鲲鲤。 Is difficult to seek one in outside world, here has, in addition, various great antiquity variation, the Ancient Immortal bloodlines, come from All Heavens Myriad Domains, or in various clans tribute, seeks in certain vestiges...... 外界难寻一条,这里却有许多,除此之外,还有各种洪荒异种,仙古血脉,来自于诸天万域,或是各族上贡,或是在某些遗迹之中寻到…… However finally, fell in the Gu Xian'er belt-bag, being greedy for money custom until now, has not reformed. 但是最后,都落到了顾仙儿的腰包里去,一直以来的贪财习惯,都没有改过。 Here environment is especially quiet and beautiful, the one side is these years Gu Xian'er from a stretch of divine medicine field that Gu Changge there squeezing comes. 这里环境格外清幽,一旁便是这些年来顾仙儿顾长歌那里压榨而来的一片神药田。 Is the sandy soil is only astonishing on the value, has the maintaining mental tranquility earth and blood immortal sand, the five colors god earth...... silk threads Chaos Qi fills the air, is being full various five colors immortal fog. 光是沙土就价值惊人,有养神土、血仙砂,五色神土……丝丝缕缕的混沌气弥漫,充盈着各种五色仙雾。 Various types or deep green clear, or the morning sun winds around, or the fiery red shining divine medicine planter is one of them, is filling the rich delicate fragrance, light/only smells one, seems makes the person of energy emergence flying immortal general. 各种或是碧绿晶莹、或是曦光缭绕、或是火红灿灿的神药种植在其中,弥漫着浓郁的清香,光是嗅一口,就好似使人能羽化飞仙一般。 Where to play chess to have the truth of reneging on a promise?” “下棋哪有反悔的道理?” Nearby the medicine field, jade lake is limpid, the pavilion depends on Imperial Palace, Gu Changge is playing chess with Gu Xian'er. 在药田一旁,碧湖清澈,亭台靠着宫阙,顾长歌正在和顾仙儿对弈。 He is the azure clothing, hair has not pulled as before, seems especially sluggish. 他依旧是青色着装,发丝未挽,显得格外懒散。 In his front Gu Xian'er 10, is the knife edge the chin, on the small face full shames the angry facial expression. 在他面前的顾仙儿十,更是支棱着下巴,小脸上满是羞恼的神情。 Playing chess when you study, how don't I know?” “你什么时候学的下棋,我怎么不知道?” The Gu Xian'er a little unhappy say/way, obtains an ancient chess manual from Da Hong there accident/surprise this period of time, above recorded the All Heavens star to change, uses the star as the chess, incomparable vastness. 顾仙儿有点怏怏不乐道,这段时间自大红那里意外得到一副古老棋谱,上面记载了诸天星斗变化,以星斗为棋,无比的浩瀚。 She came the interest, has been evolving cultivation this chess manual. 她来了兴趣,一直在演化修行这副棋谱。 For these days Gu Changge came to come to see her, therefore she clamored must steamroll Gu Changge on the chess say/way, making him be sincerely convinced. 恰好这几天顾长歌现身来看她,于是她叫嚣着要在棋道上面碾压顾长歌,让他心服口服。 Finally is not accidental/surprised, even if comprehended that chess manual, she as before is not the Gu Changge opponent, already regret several chess. 结果毫无意外,哪怕参悟了那副棋谱,她依旧不是顾长歌的对手,已经悔了好几步棋。 World Myriad Daos, reaches the same goal or conclusion from different approaches, chess say/way Dower that's all......” “世间万道,殊途同归,棋道不过其中小道尔罢了……” You are far less than me regarding comprehending of Great Dao, even if on chess say/way, could not occupy cheaply slightly.” “你对于大道的参悟远不如我,哪怕是在棋道上,也根本占不了丝毫便宜。” Gu Changge smiles, sets out from the rush cushion on, he naturally can see this chess manual the mystery. 顾长歌轻轻一笑,自蒲团上起身,他自然看得出这副棋谱的玄妙。 However by his nowadays vision and strength, could not have had a liking , the necessity that even studies does not have. 不过以他现如今的眼界和实力来讲,已经是看不上了,连研究的必要也没有。 Listened to him saying that Gu Xian'er also understood, since this period of time, the Gu Changge strength has been even more immeasurably deep, god country control All Heavens, the incense and candle is continuous, believes does not extinguish. 听他这么说,顾仙儿也是明了,这段时间以来,顾长歌的实力是越发深不可测了,神国统御诸天,香火连绵,信仰不灭。 Perhaps only needs the one thought that Gu Changge can easily write off background character a lot. 恐怕只需要一道念头,顾长歌就能轻易地抹杀底蕴人物千百遍。 Snort, knew your very fierce line?” “哼,知道你很厉害行了吧?” You come to here, should be not only asks me is so simple?” “你来这里,应该是不单单找我那么简单吧?” Gu Xian'er light snort/hum, later also asked that could look at Gu Changge seems like has the concern. 顾仙儿轻哼一声,随后又问道,看得出来顾长歌似乎是有着心事。 hearing this, Gu Changge had not planned hides the truth from her actually at this matter, after all also has the connection with her. 闻言,顾长歌倒是没打算在这件事情上瞒她,毕竟和她也有关联。 I come to here, is looks for your side that Big Red Bird......” “我来这里,是来找你身边的那头大红鸟的……” Gu Changge says, he is attempting to receive and instruct Immortal Domain to arrive this period of time, starts to border on with Upper Realm, however on Ancient Immortal Continent that road, actually met troublesome. 顾长歌开口说道,他这段时间在尝试接引仙域降临,和上界开始接壤,但是在仙古大陆那条路上,却遇到了麻烦。 Several hundred years ago, he also when Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace cultivation, then knows the place of Immortal Spirit come into the world from the Yue Mingkong mouth, because that is Immortal Road receives and instructs. 在数百年前,他还在道天仙宫修行的时候,便自月明空口中得知仙灵出世之地,因为那是仙路接引地。 Once poured the worthy people of former times on that road, body falling innumerable years later, the whole body source scattered, becomes incomparably precious Immortal Spirit. 曾经倒在那条路上的先贤们,身陨无数年后,浑身本源散落,成为了无比珍贵的仙灵 Because at that time Immortal Gate by shining the way appears, does not arrive truly, the momentum that therefore build ups is not very frightening. 因为当时仙门只是以映照的方式出现,并不是真正降临,所以造成的声势不是很恐怖 Gu Changge also relies on Great Dao Precious Vase, is resisting pressure, sneaks, in many Ancient Existence hands, snatch away several cans of Immortal Spirit. 顾长歌也凭借大道宝瓶,抵御着其中的威压,潜入其中,于诸多古老存在手中,夺走了数罐仙灵 In, he also by being struck by lightning, the body had been burned black, spends to restore for a long time. 在其中的时候,他还遭过雷劈,身躯焦黑破烂,花了很长时间才恢复过来。 Therefore Gu Changge has guessed, true Immortal Road, actually in Ancient Immortal Continent there. 所以顾长歌一直猜测,真正的仙路,其实是在仙古大陆那里。 He by the say/way of deduction fate, discovered that a there indeed mistiness, Heavenly Mystery is chaotic, a hidden reveal several points of chaos light, resembles epoch-making then existed. 他以命数之道推演,发现那里的确一片蒙蒙,天机混乱,隐露几分混沌光,似开天辟地便存在了 Moreover, most made him feel what strange was, he actually felt the familiar aura there. 而且,最令他感到奇异的是,他竟然在那里感觉到了熟悉的气息。 Behind after the deduction verification, Gu Changge discovered that say/way familiar aura, came from Gu Xian'er side that mysterious Big Red Bird unexpectedly. 后面经过推演印证,顾长歌发现那道熟悉气息,竟然是来自于顾仙儿身边那头神秘的大红鸟 That aura is not the ancient times stays behind, but is this era stays behind, but also is very fresh , happened in the recent years. 那道气息并不是古时留下的,而是这个纪元留下的,还很新鲜,也就是在近些年发生的。 If not for his cultivation base has arrived at the exceedingly high penetrating place the situation, it is estimated that could not detect. 若不是他修为已到通天彻地的地步,估计也察觉不到。 Before Gu Changge also thinks, side Gu Xian'er the Big Red Bird, origin, although was mystical, but will not be astonishing. 之前顾长歌本来还以为,顾仙儿身边的这头大红鸟,来历虽然神秘,但也不会太惊人。 However he has not really thought, this Big Red Bird, can be connected with Immortal Road. 但是他真的没想到,这头大红鸟,会和仙路有所关联。 „Are you look for Da Hong?” “你是来找大红的?” Gu Xian'er is somewhat surprised. 顾仙儿有些吃惊。 The Gu Changge nod said, perhaps you also know, this Big Red Bird of your side, the origin is not only simple.” 顾长歌点头道,“你恐怕也知道,你身边的这只大红鸟,来历并不简单。” Gu Xian'er agreed actually, her many chances, relied on Da Hong to seek. 顾仙儿对此倒是表示认同,她的许多机缘,都还是凭借大红才寻到的。 Moreover before is reborn in paradise the future scene that the lake sees, depends on Da Hong, can seek for that place. 而且之前在往生湖见到的未来景象,也是靠着大红,才能寻找到那个地方。 Actually, did not need Gu Changge saying that Big Red Bird also detected his purpose in coming, the boundless lakeside from distant place, kicked the wing to fly. 其实,并不需要顾长歌说,大红鸟也察觉到了他的来意,自远处的无垠湖畔,扑腾着翅膀飞来。 In the past however this time, it does not have the facial expression that type looked disdainfully to disdain again, has the meaning of several points of vicissitudes on the contrary. 不过这一次,它再也没有以往那种睥睨不屑的神情,反倒是带着几分沧桑之意。 It seems like, was detected eventually by you......” “看来,还是终究被你察觉到了……” It says, although is the immature child's voice, but also has a feeling. 它开口说道,虽然是稚嫩的童声,但也带着一种感慨。 Before for a long time, when with the Gu Changge first contact, it thought that the Gu Changge incomparable danger, from head to toe is passing the to cause one/to make one palpitation anxious aura, therefore it also persuaded Gu Xian'er repeatedly, must be far away from Gu Changge. 在许久以前,在和顾长歌第一次接触的时候,它就觉得顾长歌无比危险,浑身上下都透着令人心悸不安的气息,所以它也多次劝说顾仙儿,要远离顾长歌 However Gu Xian'er this silly thing, has rubbed toward his side, does not listen to advice, it also guards in secret vigilantly, wants to protect Gu Xian'er. 但是顾仙儿这傻丫头,一直往他身边蹭,一点都不听劝,它也暗中提防警惕,想保护顾仙儿 But is good because of Gu Changge treats Gu Xian'er to be good, will only bully her orally. 但好在顾长歌对待顾仙儿还好,只会在口头上欺负她。 Therefore, Big Red Bird also felt relieved gradually. 所以渐渐的,大红鸟也就放下心来。 Da Hong......” 大红……” Gu Xian'er also the first time is Big Red Bird that sees so the appearance so facial expression, is even more surprised. 顾仙儿也是第一次看到如此模样如此神情的大红鸟,越发吃惊。 Gu Changge selects the eyebrow slightly, in the heart has the difference, why thought that Big Red Bird origin, perhaps is not only related with Immortal Road. 顾长歌略微挑眉,心中生出异样来,为何觉得大红鸟的来历,或许不仅仅和仙路有关。 It has kept side Gu Xian'er, should have other reason, is not because Gu Xian'er is the relations of Daughter of Destiny. 它会一直留在顾仙儿身边,应该有别的缘故,并不是因为顾仙儿气运之女的关系。 could it be, Xian'er this girl, but also there is an origin that what I do not know to be inadequate?” 难道,仙儿这丫头,还有什么我所不知道的来历不成?” In the Gu Changge heart is thinking, facial expression slightly doubts. 顾长歌心中想着,神情略有一丝疑惑。 But Big Red Bird guesses correctly in his heart to think, kicks the wing to fly to the upper air, said, „something, should have the connection with you.” 大红鸟似是猜到他心中所想,扑腾着翅膀飞向高空,道,“有些事情,应该和你也有关联。” These words, it does not plan and Gu Xian'er obviously speaks frankly, only wants to tell Gu Changge. 这些话语,它显然并不打算和顾仙儿直说,只想告诉顾长歌 Seeing that the Gu Changge facial expression is tranquil, actually with the past. 见状,顾长歌神情平静,倒是跟了过去。 A person of bird passed through this piece of Heavenly Domain quickly, crosses the vast starry sky, finally appears in a length and breadth, but in prosperous mainland. 一人一鸟很快就穿过了这片天域,越过浩瀚星空,最后出现在一片广袤而繁盛的大陆之中。 Ancient Immortal Continent......” 仙古大陆……” Sees this place, the Gu Changge vision has one suddenly, to know actually, Big Red Bird must say anything to oneself. 看见此地,顾长歌目光有一丝的恍然,倒是想知道,大红鸟要对自己说些什么。 Two people had gone to that mainland outside Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace restricted area, Gu Changge had come Ancient Immortal Continent. 两人已经来到了道天仙宫禁地之外的那片大陆,也就是曾经顾长歌来过的仙古大陆 He had once written off here Ye Ling obtained Ancient Heavenly Venerate Samsara inheritance, patted Long Aotian to flow Son of Destiny Long Teng...... also once to leave behind the subsequent hand here, control various Ancient Immortal clans. 他曾在这里抹杀过得到轮回古天尊传承叶凌,也拍死过龙傲天气运之子龙腾……也曾在这里留下后手,统御了仙古各族。 Also is here, Yin Mei to his thorough thoughts of returning home. 也是在这里,尹湄对他彻底归心。 „Can Demon Lord know the third body?” 魔主可知三世身?” After here, the Big Red Bird facial expression even more vicissitudes, are kicking the wing, falls in ruins. 到了这里之后,大红鸟神情越发沧桑,扑腾着翅膀,落在一片遗址内。 It, had actually long ago guessed the Gu Changge origin, but can confirm that's all nowadays. 它其实在很久以前,就猜测过顾长歌的来历,只是现如今才得以确认罢了 Why as for called Demon Lord, was Demon Lord from where? It actually does not know, this world also no one knows, as if Demon Lord emerges out of thin air. 至于为何叫魔主,魔主又是从何而来?它却不知道,这世间也无人知晓,仿佛魔主就是凭空出现的。 Gu Changge knows that this ruins, then Immortal Road shone upon that region that appears initially. 顾长歌知道这片遗址,便是当初仙路映照浮现的那块区域。 However called him regarding Big Red Bird for Demon Lord, his facial expression did not have many changes actually. 不过对于大红鸟称呼他为魔主,他神情倒是没有多少变化。 Third body? previous life, this life, in the future?” “三世身?前世,今生,未来?” You want to tell me, does Xian'er have the third body?” “你是想告诉我,仙儿拥有三世身?” His facial expression asked calmly. 他神情平静地问道。 Before Taboo Era, Gu Xian'er once the incarnation was Dao Immortal, in Zi Yang small day Monarch previous life location sect cultivation, pursued Immortal Dao wholeheartedly, but does not want to collapse before the era, fell from the sky in great tribulation, True Spirit does not extinguish, reincarnation was Gu Xian'er. 禁忌纪元之前,顾仙儿曾化身为道仙,在紫阳小天君前世所在宗门一心修行,追求仙道,但不曾想在纪元崩溃之前,陨落在大劫其中,真灵不灭,转世顾仙儿 This point, Gu Changge indeed knows. 这一点,顾长歌的确是知道的。 „The meaning of not this third......” “并不是这三世的意思……” Big Red Bird shakes the head, the facial expression is complex, then answered, Xian'er this era, was her third, if this world ended, she should also to continue the samsara, until retrieving once did not extinguish True Spirit......” 大红鸟摇了摇头,神情复杂,然后解释道,“仙儿这一世,是她的第三世,若是此世结束,她应该还要继续轮回,直到找回曾经的不灭真灵……” Third 543, before then, had Xian'er also once had first?” “第三世543,在这之前,仙儿还曾有过一世?” hearing this, Gu Changge first stares, later selects the eyebrow say/way. 闻言,顾长歌先是一愣,随后挑眉道。 Regarding this he does not know the circumstances of the matter slightly, perhaps if not for the Big Red Bird opens the mouth, he does not know. 对此他可是丝毫也不知情,若不是大红鸟开口,他恐怕一直都不会知道。 „Before Taboo Era, but also once some magnificent prosperous to pinnacle time, the immortal god is radiant, Innate God emerges one after another incessantly, Myriad Daos contention, but also is that time, buried all immortal gods, all traces were buried......” 禁忌纪元之前,还曾有许多辉煌繁盛到了极致的时代,仙神璀璨,先天神祗层出不穷,万道争鸣,但是也是那个时代,葬下了所有的仙神,一切的痕迹都被葬下……” These time, compared with it Taboo Era, but also wants frightening to be much more, among heaven and earth, besides immortal god, day once breeding god and ethnic group, as well as that innumerable common origin True World beside boundlessness.” “那些时代,比之禁忌纪元,还要恐怖得多得多,天地间,除了仙神外,还有开天就曾孕育的神祗、族群,以及那在苍茫之外的数不清的同源真界。” Each common origin True World, endures compared with this vast All Heavens, but wants vast grand.” “每一个同源真界,都堪比这浩大的诸天,可想其中浩瀚壮阔。” „The so-called Ancient Immortal time, is actually the immortal buries behind the time, gradually restored the part the scene on the wane, already no longer once.” “所谓的仙古时代,其实已经是仙葬时代后面,逐渐恢复部分的凋零场景了,早已不复曾经。” Big Red Bird is saying miserably, seems recalls, but many regretting and recall. 大红鸟惨笑着说着,似有缅怀,但更多的遗憾和追忆。 Immortal buries the time is only its one......” “仙葬时代只是其一……” Gu Changge light language, the fog in mind, at this time, is dispersing, making him only think that the brow was painful. 顾长歌轻语,脑海之中的云雾,在这个时候,也是散开,令他只觉眉头生疼。 Big Red Bird actually visits him, expression complex say/way, that time, although the pinnacle is radiant, the pinnacle is brilliant, however outside that innumerable common origin True World, actually three to tall Zhenzu, overlooks all these , to promote alternation of era, Ruler all.” 大红鸟却是看着他,表情复杂道,“那个时代虽然极致璀璨,极致绚烂,但是在那无数的同源真界外,却有三位至高真祖,俯瞰这一切,推动纪元的更迭,主宰一切。” They are the Heavenly Dao will incarnations, for the Wielding Heavens power, is maintaining the All Heavens boundless all well-mannered revolutions, they are Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao is also they.” “他们是天道的意志化身,代掌天权,维持着诸天苍茫所有规矩的运转,他们是天道,天道亦是他们。” But does not know when from starts, they had the own mood, had the own selfish desire......” “但是不知道从什么时候开始,他们有了自己的情绪,有了自己的私欲……” Gu Changge is silent, in the mind is actually the ache wants to crack, in spiritual sea that the original piece empties ignorant/veiled, at this moment is probably glossy, has too much mist to be deleted. 顾长歌沉默着,脑海里却是疼痛欲裂,本来一片空蒙的灵海之中,此刻像是镜面般,有太多雾气被擦去。 Many memory are recovering, has Taboo Era, has the immortal to bury the time, is remote...... 诸多记忆在复苏,有禁忌纪元的,有仙葬时代的,也有更久远的…… Long time long time, some probably cannot explain in words memory is gushing out, this piece of heaven and earth changed. 良久良久,像是某种不可言记忆在涌出,这片天地都变了。 Xian'er she is this side True World Son of World......” 仙儿她是这方真界界子……” Afterward, Gu Changge muttered in a soft voice. 随后,顾长歌轻声喃喃道。 As for his beforehand sockpuppet Demon Lord, said that also indeed is sockpuppet, after all he is one of the three real ancestors. 至于他以前的马甲魔主,说起来也的确是马甲,毕竟他可是三位真祖之一。 The Gu Changge corners of the mouth plunder to wipe to self-ridicule the curve. 顾长歌嘴角掠起抹自嘲弧度来。
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