IAFV :: Volume #9

#815: Attempts the suppress Heavenly Dao authority, only True World( sought subscription)

This Sealed Immortal grand ceremony, can the imperial edict seal to end by eight Immortal Realm exist(ence) finally. 这场封仙大典,最终以八位仙境存在得以敕封而结束。 Although various behind Dao Orthodoxy aristocratic families offered sacrifices the thing of many background, but is actually not able to inspire the Investiture of the Immortals slightest again. 尽管后面各道统世家献祭了诸多底蕴之物,但是却无法再引动封仙榜分毫。 But these imperial edicts seal into Investiture of the Immortals exist(ence), is rouses, by god country incense and candle enforcement, the prestige of feasible Immortal Dao, this is causes the person simply by every exuviate immortal and a becoming an immortal huge chance. 而那些敕封入封仙榜存在,皆是振奋不已,受神国香火加持,可行仙道之威,这简直就是使人由凡蜕仙、一步登仙的天大机缘。 Their forms such as fuzzy god, shines above Investiture of the Immortals, the surroundings immortal light winds around, is sacred and big, but easily overlooks various clans, powerful peerless. 他们的身影如模糊的神祗般,映照在封仙榜之上,周围仙光缭绕,神圣且高大,可轻易地俯瞰各族,强大绝伦。 However is incomparably respectfully kneel down before Gu Changge, Yue Mingkong and the others, fully realized that is who granted them all these. 但是都是无比恭敬地伏跪顾长歌月明空等人面前,深知是谁赐予了他们这一切。 Because a wisp of source real soul reposes in the Investiture of the Immortals reason, in cultivator eye that in their these can the imperial edict seal, Gu Changge exist(ence), is no different than the most ancient period the lord of heaven and earth, control various immortal. 而且因为一缕本源真魂寄托于封仙榜的缘故,在他们这些得以敕封的修士眼中,顾长歌存在,无异于最古时期的天地之主,统御诸仙。 Although they have the Immortal Dao strength, however in the eye of Gu Changge, is with the ants not different. 他们虽已经拥有仙道的力量,但是在顾长歌的眼中,还是和蝼蚁无异。 This matter ended, missed many influences of this chance, deeply felt grieved and regrettable, after knowing this Sealed Immortal grand ceremony ended, if they want again to touch Investiture of the Immortals, price that must spend, perhaps was not that simple. 此事落幕,错过了这场机缘的很多势力,都深感心痛和遗憾,知晓这场封仙大典结束后,他们若是想要再触动封仙榜,那所要花费的代价,恐怕就不是那么简单了。 Even if Imperishable Dao Orthodoxy, it is estimated that loses everything, uses the strength of entire clan, was still very difficult saying that obtained a Sealed Immortal command. 就算是不朽道统,估计就是倾家荡产,举全族之力,也很难说得到一枚封仙令。 Because of this grand ceremony, by the following time, in several immortal artifact investment altars, has not obtained the slight response, the day tablet has not responded, Investiture of the Immortals has not dropped the immortal splendor. 因为这场大典,到了后面的时候,数件仙器投入祭坛之中,也没有得到丝毫的反应,天碑不曾回应,封仙榜也不曾落下仙辉。 This command these take the lead by table loyal influence Dao Orthodoxy, rejoiced secretly, luckily they are the first batch offer sacrifices, otherwise wants a Sealed Immortal command, does not know difficultly. 这令那些率先以表忠诚的势力道统,都暗自庆幸,幸亏他们是第一批献祭的,不然想要得到一枚封仙令,不知道有多困难。 Naturally, Gu Changge gave them an opportunity, every hundred years, Investiture of the Immortals again obviously, again the matter of imperial edict sealing. 当然,顾长歌还是给了他们一个机会,每隔百年,封仙榜会再度显化,再行敕封之事。 In these hundred years, various clan various Dao Orthodoxy, all may prepare for the next Sealed Immortal grand ceremony time, compares in painstaking cultivation Immortal Ascension and experience innumerable disasters, finally has not been possible to arrive this step. 在这百年间,各族各道统,皆可为了下一次的封仙大典而准备,相比较于苦修成仙、经历无数的劫难,最后还不一定能走到这一步。 Enters Investiture of the Immortals, results in the imperial edict to seal, holds the strength of Immortal Dao, enjoys the endless life span. 封仙榜,得敕封,掌仙道之力,享受无尽寿命。 This regarding various clan various Dao Orthodoxy, is as for All Heavens Myriad Domains all lives, is the huge seduction that is inconceivable, no one may escape by luck. 这对于各族各道统,乃至于诸天万域所有生灵来说,都是难以想象的天大诱惑,没有人可幸免。 In afterward, many background characters comes as before, outside the imperial palace, seeks an interview Gu Changge, wants to result in a Sealed Immortal command, no matter pays what price. 就在事后,依旧有不少底蕴人物现身,在皇宫之外,求见顾长歌,想得一枚封仙令,不管付出什么代价都可以。 They also earnestly seek Immortal Ascension, moreover from ancient to present, even if they by various secret technique forbidden art, prolong the life span, but has one day of depletion eventually. 他们同样渴求成仙,而且自古至今,哪怕他们以各种秘法禁术,延长寿命,但终究有枯竭的一天。 In this time, Gu Changge operates the god country, even these in the evil immortal that in River of Time appears, lifts the palm destruction. 在这个时代,顾长歌执掌神国,连那些在时间长河之中浮现的邪仙,也是抬掌覆灭。 Background exist(ence) that these lives dry up, who dares to start the dark turmoil? 这些寿元枯竭的底蕴存在,谁敢发动黑暗动乱? However facing earnestly seeking of numerous background character, Gu Changge has not paid attention, spoke frankly that next Sealed Immortal grand ceremony, conducts hundred years later. 不过面对一众底蕴人物的渴求,顾长歌并未理会,直言下一次封仙大典,在百年之后举办。 If they want to accept the imperial edict to seal, then must within these hundred years, seek the appropriate thing, can inspire a day of tablet, was approved by Investiture of the Immortals. 他们若想接受敕封,那么必须在这百年之内,寻到合适之物,可以引动天碑,被封仙榜认可。 The All Heavens Myriad Domains incomparable length and breadth, many regions have not inquired about, the thing of some inside absolutely many ancient times or were immortal treasure of burying in chaos. 诸天万域无比广袤,很多区域都还未曾探寻过,里面绝对有不少远古之物或者是埋葬在混沌之中的仙珍 These background characters, if wants the Sealed Immortal command, then must try to find the solution inevitably, takes the danger of life, goes to these places to inquire about strange thing. 这些底蕴人物,若是想要得到封仙令,那么势必得想办法,冒着生命之危,去那些地方探寻奇物。 Common Mystical Abilities, was unable to obtain a day of tablet to approve. 寻常的功法神通,已经无法得到天碑认可了。 After the grand ceremony ended, this matter vibrated All Heavens without a doubt, although the square on the same day, almost gathered expert and the leader various clan various influences. 大典结束之后,这件事毫无疑问地震动了诸天,虽然广场当日,几乎汇聚了各族各势力的强者、领袖人物。 But this All Heavens how vast length and breadth, many ethnic groups have not arrived at the scene, let alone witnesses this vast magnificent ceremony. 但这诸天何其浩瀚广袤,许多族群都没有亲临现场,更别说是亲眼目睹这场浩大盛典。 Naturally, in each region, has the news dissemination about this matter as before , some pictures were recorded in Image Stone and ancient book, observes and emulates for the later generation. 当然,在各地间,依旧有关于此事的消息传播,也有一些画面被记载于留影石、典籍之中,供后世观摩。 These days, each region all has the god temple to rise straight from the ground, many cultivator lives spontaneously are Gu Changge build the temple, the incense and candle unceasingly, has many cultivator lives to go to pay homage to all day long every day. 这段时间,各地皆有神主庙拔地而起,很多修士生灵自发地为顾长歌建立庙宇,其中香火终日不绝,每天都有诸多修士生灵前去膜拜。 Among All Heavens Myriad Domains, everywhere is the sound of sacrificial offering prayer, from elder brother extremely calamity in the past shortly, has restored in the past prosperous peaceful, various clan multiplication live, continuous growth. 诸天万域间,到处都是祭祀祷告之音,自昆极之祸过去才不久,已然恢复以往的繁盛安宁,各族繁衍生息,不断壮大。 After the Sealed Immortal grand ceremony ended, in various ancient holy cities, the one after another Heavenly Dao tablet rises straight from the ground, plain, but the vicissitudes, build by the inconceivable material quality. 封仙大典结束之后,各座古老圣城之中,一座座天道碑拔地而起,古朴而沧桑,以不可思议的材质打造而成。 Has started since the mortal body boundary, displays is eternal, supreme Heaven's Chosen of same boundary, if this tablet, may result in the day tablet to approve, results in the supreme reward. 从肉身境开始,罗列万古以来,同境的至强天骄,若位列此碑,可得天碑认可,得无上奖励。 Common cultivator has not approached, will feel tyrannicalally, but the frightening pressure, must bend the both legs of person simply, the to cause one/to make one mortal body must blast out. 寻常修士还未靠近,都会感受到强横而恐怖的威压,简直要把人的双腿压弯,令人肉身要炸开。 Facing the Heavenly Dao tablet, simply looks like facing ancient Immemorial True God, even if Supreme Realm cultivator, feels the palpitation, can only observe, does not dare to approach. 面对天道碑,简直就像是面对一尊古老的太古真神,哪怕是至尊境修士,也感觉心悸,只能远观,不敢靠近。 The Heavenly Dao tablet once were reappeared, immediately in All Heavens Myriad Domains, triggers the stir of frightening. 天道碑一经浮现,顿时在诸天万域间,引发恐怖的轰动。 This is endures compared with Investiture of the Immortals also wants to cause one/to make one to shock the frightened magnificent feat. 这是堪比封仙榜还要令人震撼惊悚的壮举。 Since all that has been displays is eternal supreme Heaven's Chosen, from ancient to present, how long? 毕竟那可是罗列万古以来的至强天骄,从古至今,到底有多久? This no one talks clearly, even if were once exist(ence) of these achievement immortal positions, does not dare to speak frankly, knows to understand clearly all these secrets. 这谁也说不清,纵然是曾经那些成就仙位的存在,也不敢直言,知晓洞悉这一切秘密。 However, after Gu Changge establishes operates the god country, first sets up Investiture of the Immortals, breaks the cultivation custom, has since latter displayed is eternal supreme Heaven's Chosen, must set up the Heavenly Dao tablet. 然而,顾长歌建立执掌神国之后,先是立封仙榜,打破修行规矩,后又罗列万古以来的至强天骄,要立天道碑。 Many influence Dao Orthodoxy realized, Gu Changge this action, attempts really in a big way, he feared that really plans to fall Heavenly Dao authority thorough suppress. 很多势力道统都意识到,顾长歌这个举动,所图甚大,他怕是真的打算将天道权柄彻底取缔掉。 If the success, that this All Heavens Myriad Domains, will really become his alone/one person back garden. 如果真的成功了,那这诸天万域,将成为他一个人的后花园。 However, regarding younger generation, this is the turning point that is inconceivable, not only can know clearly, since they and eternal many supreme Heaven's Chosen, many disparities. 但是,对于年轻一辈而言,这则是难以想象的契机,不仅可以清楚地知晓,他们和万古以来的诸多至强天骄,有多少差距。 Moreover, can enter the Heavenly Dao tablet, but can also obtain supreme opportunity, may make their cultivation base make further progress go a step further. 而且,能入天道碑,还能得到无上机缘,可令他们修为百尺竿头更进一步。 However, from the current situation, the Heavenly Dao tablet just appeared a embryonic form, has not evolved it to come truly mysteriously, let alone since has displayed is eternal all Heaven's Chosen. 不过,从目前的局势来讲,天道碑只是刚浮现出个雏形,还没有真正演化出其玄妙来,更别说罗列万古以来的所有天骄 Gu Changge this action, is equivalent to the world all living things, first ejects to indicate that's all 顾长歌这个举动,也只是相当于给世人众生,先抛出个预示罢了 This matter is also makes them clearly become aware clearly, in the near future, the Heavenly Dao tablet will be the same like Investiture of the Immortals, appears in All Heavens Myriad Domains, triggers the momentous change. 此事也是让他们明悟清楚,在不久的将来,天道碑会如封仙榜一样,出现在诸天万域间,引发巨大变化。 In addition, related empty matter, Gu Changge also during the plan plans. 除此之外,有关虚界的事情,顾长歌也是在计划打算之中。 He evolves wisp of dao rule Dharma Body personally, the control enormous and powerful army, since Taboo Era, vestiges will sweep clear in these broken Great World of various universe most deep places. 他亲自演化一缕道则法身,统御浩荡大军,将自禁忌纪元以来,所残余在各片宇宙最深处的那些残破大世界清扫一空。 Afterward takes these broken Great World sources, the smelting is a furnace, planned that about offering a sacrifice to for empty, guides Six Paths Samsara, the ghost is cloudy, all living things move back and forth. 随后又取那些残破大世界的本源,熔炼为一炉,打算合祭为虚界,引导六道轮回,亡魂阴灵,众生往复。 Yin Cao Hell and Nine Serenities in Hell empty correspondence myth, if the empty birth, will definitely affect the revolution of Heaven and Earth Rules. 虚界对应神话之中的阴曹地府九幽地狱,若是虚界诞生,势必影响天地规则的运转。 Because since eternal, the heaven and earth revolution is self-contained, all living things samsara whether real exist(ence), this also discusses separately. 因为万古以来,天地运转自成一体,众生轮回是否真的存在,这还另说。 However Gu Changge this action, quite therefore is actually robbing the Heavenly Dao authority, read him, integrates in the universe All Heavens revolution path. 但是顾长歌这个举动,却相当于是在抢夺天道权柄,将他所念,纳入宇宙诸天的运转轨迹之中。 After empty thorough suppress legend exist(ence) Nine Serenities Hell, then this world all living things samsara moves back and forth, lives or dies, actually also in Gu Changge instant. 当虚界彻底取缔传说中存在九幽地府后,那么这世间众生轮回往复,生或死,其实也都是在顾长歌的一念之间。 Even if the life is dry, the life dries up, he also has the means that made its reentry samsara, lived again first, and even eternal life. 哪怕是寿元干涸,生命枯竭,他也有办法,令其再入轮回,再活一世,乃至永生。 Does that may pay the price that is inconceivable. 只是这么做,或许会付出难以想象的代价。 Therefore, birth of empty, extremely in difficult, even its difficulty looks like in Gu Changge, being no different reopens Immortal Domain, divides the chaos again. 所以,虚界的诞生,太过于困难,甚至其难度在顾长歌看来,无异于是重开仙域,再分混沌。 Merely about offering a sacrifice to World Source, met the unprecedented hugeness to trouble 0 仅仅是合祭世界本源,就遇到了前所未有的巨大麻烦0 Empty, if stands, Six Paths Samsara, Yellow Springs Nine Serenities, must integrate......” “虚界若立,六道轮回,黄泉九幽,也必须要纳入其中……” This is a mammoth project, in a short time is impossible to complete.” “这是个浩大的工程,短时间内不可能完成。” The Gu Changge main body sits cross-legged in the boundless void end, at present spirit light is radiant, one group of misty brilliance are filling the air to sprinkle. 顾长歌本尊盘坐在无垠虚空尽头,眼前神光璀璨,有一团蒙蒙光辉在弥漫洒落。 The surroundings have the one after another fist size and colorful Ancient World source fragment ups and downs. 周围还有一块块拳头大小、五彩斑斓的古界本源碎片在沉浮。 He is smelting these sources, tries the sacrifice to refine empty, however in this process, among heaven and earth, not only does not have so-called karmic virtue breeding. 他在熔炼这些本源,试图祭炼虚界,但是在这个过程之中,天地间不仅没有所谓的功德孕育。 Does not have the omen born, instead is mysteriously and inexorably, drops several chaos real thunder, chops to fall in his direction. 也没有预兆诞生,反而是冥冥之中,落下数道混沌真雷,朝着他这个方向劈落。 Six Paths Samsara is within the Heavenly Dao authority revolution, the Gu Changge present action, not different wants this All Heavens will, thorough suppress falls. 六道轮回本身乃是在天道权柄运转之内,顾长歌现在的举动,无异是想将这诸天意志,彻底取缔掉。 Will suffer so backlash, he is not accidental/surprised, is only mysteriously and inexorably, has not a right premonition. 会遭受如此反噬,他并不意外,只是冥冥之中,生出一种不对劲的预感来。 Trip extremely in difficult, by my present strength, if forcibly promotes again, perhaps the body will split......” “此行太过于困难,凭借我现在的实力,若是再强行推动的话,恐怕身躯会裂开……” Gu Changge notices the position of oneself forehead, does not know when presented a crack. 顾长歌注意到自己眉心的位置,不知道何时出现了一丝裂纹。 Follows is he who comes shines upon among that dao technique body in All Heavens, is appears the one crack. 伴随而来的就是他映照在诸天间的那道法身,也是浮现一道裂纹。 In the god temple, the incense and candle winds around, above many cultivator lives, in the paying homage to god resembles, are actually seeing suddenly appear a crack, immediately shocks terrified. 神主庙内,香火缭绕,很多修士生灵,正在膜拜神主像,却蓦然间看到其上浮现一丝裂纹,顿时悚然震惊。 However that crack, was only the flash restored merely, making many people think that presented the illusion. 不过那丝裂纹,也仅仅只是一刹那就恢复了,令很多人都以为是出现了幻觉。 The nihility deep place, Gu Changge took away these World Source that gathers offers a sacrifice , the crack of forehead, heals slowly, vanishes instantly. 虚无深处,顾长歌收走了那些正在合祭的世界本源,眉心的裂纹,也是缓缓愈合,刹那消失。 During he actually fell into pondered over. 他却陷入了思忖之中。 This backlash is very inconceivable, including him in without in detecting, happened, no omen. 这种反噬很是不可思议,连他在没有察觉之中,就这么发生了,没有一丝的预兆。 If continues again, perhaps his Dharma Body will disrupt. 若是再继续下去,恐怕他法身都会碎裂掉。 Is time not yet is mature, is this act heaven defying, at present is cultivation base unbearable?” “是时机尚未成熟,还是此举逆天,目前修为难以承受?” Gu Changge pondered over, his divine soul realm is very powerful, the far surpass present strength, however the current mortal body, not yet experiences the true immortal tribulation baptism, unavoidably will cause the mutation. 顾长歌思忖,他神魂境界很强大,远超如今的实力,但是目前的肉身,尚未经历真正的仙劫洗礼,难免会引得异变。 The consideration hence, Gu Changge decides to put aside for the time being this matter. 思虑至此,顾长歌决定暂且将此事搁置下来。 Similar that this period of time accumulates, should be receives and instructs true Immortal Domain to arrive, making oneself march into busy Immortal Realm. 这段时间积累的差不多,也该是接引真正的仙域降临,令自身步入无暇仙境 But in Gu Changge planned that receives and instructs Immortal Domain to arrive, borders on with Upper Realm. 而就在顾长歌打算接引仙域降临,和上界接壤的时候。 4.3 rumble!!! 4.3隆隆!!! In a boundless vast world sea, has the shocking great waves to reappear suddenly, swats, front Ancient World layer upon layer, then the simultaneously collapse breaks, changes to everywhere the fragment powder. 一片无垠浩瀚的世界海中,陡然有惊天浪涛浮现,一个扑打,面前的层层古界,便齐齐崩溃断裂掉,化作漫天的齑粉。 In this boundless world sea, there is fuzzy ships to cross, but Great Dao storm incomparable frightening of this place, chops the real thunder that falls continually, has the frightening ruination. 在这片无垠的世界海中,有模糊的船只在横渡,但是此地的大道风暴无比恐怖,连劈落下来的真雷,都带着恐怖的毁灭性。 A heaven and earth boundlessness, fog heavy, one wisp after another, winds around in various places, obviously one by one Ancient World and big universe ups and downs, but from the place that the day and place contact, has a fuzzy mirror surface to reappear. 天地一片苍茫,雾霭沉沉,一缕又一缕,缭绕于各处,可见一个个古界、大宇宙在沉浮,而在距离天和地相接触的地方,有层模糊的镜面浮现。 Outside the mirror surface, has compared to impressively Ancient World and big universe shines in the ups and downs, the high and low overlap, seeming the paragenesis is ordinary. 在镜面之外,赫然有着相对于的古界、大宇宙在沉浮映照,上下交迭,好似共生一般。 However now, in the world outside mirror surface and mirror surface, is actually contacting slowly, is having some unknowable strange change, the place that the interlocking touches, has the collapse to disintegrate, there is to fuse suppress...... 不过现在,镜面之内和镜面之外的世界,却在缓缓地接触,在发生某种不可知的诡异变化,相接触到的地方,有崩溃瓦解,也有融合取缔…… Collapse instantly, the world barrier vanishes, but the suppress instance, has the new student/life aiming at breeding, incomparable mysterious mysterious. 崩溃的刹那,世界屏障消失,而取缔的瞬间,却有新生之意在孕育,无比的玄妙神奇。 All these seem like very slow, but is actually conducting methodically, each other collision, then melts. 这一切看似很缓慢,但却是在有条不紊地进行着,彼此碰撞,然后再消融。 „The birth of only True World, was quick, really quick......” “唯一真界的诞生,很快了,真的很快了……” On these fuzzy ships, there is ancient Shenban whispering to resound, there is a Innate God indifferent vision to gaze, is ancient and ice-cold. 在那些模糊的船只上,有古神般的低语在响起,也有先天神祗般的冷漠目光在注视,亘古而冰冷。
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