IAFV :: Volume #9

#814: All Heavens boiled, fate one strength( sought subscription)

The Nine Heavens heavy dark blue armor and cloud boundary/world the square flag, is supreme treasure that is inconceivable, may suppress clan background innumerable years, at the present all changes to two spirit light, submerges in the Sealed Immortal altar. 九天重沧铠和云界四方旗,皆是难以想象的至宝,可镇压一族底蕴无数年,而今皆化作两道神光,没入封仙祭坛之中。 There time radiance is intermittent, even there is the sound of Great Dao to appear, resounds through in the All Heavens entire world, the golden lotus revolves, then blooms the brilliant ray, all ministers and people incomparably shock look there. 那里顿时间光华阵阵,甚至有大道之音出现,响彻在诸天寰宇间,金莲旋转,然后绽放出绚烂的光芒,所有的大臣以及子民都无比震撼地看着那里。 The Sealed Immortal altar seems like the black hole that one side looks at does not bottom, shiny black, is too deep to see the bottom, resembles the connection the one side vast world. 封仙祭坛像是一方看不见底的黑洞,黑黝黝,深不见底,其中似连通着一方浩瀚的世界。 In a wisp of internal energy that dissipates, made everyone body tremble lightly, does not dare to approach, feared that was swallowed ~. 在其中所逸散出来的一缕气机,就令所有人身躯都在轻颤,根本不敢靠近,怕被吞噬进去~。 Gu Changge as well as behind Yue Mingkong and the others, calmly looks at this scene, in waiting day of tablet there,- reappearing halo. 就连顾长歌以及身后的月明空等人,也都静静看着这一幕,在等待天碑那里,-浮现光晕。 Two immortal artifact exchange a Sealed Immortal command, the present, can be appropriately.” “两件仙器兑换一枚封仙令,在如今来讲,也算得上合适。” Yin Mei wears the formal dress, is solemn and elegant, stands with Jiang Chuchu in Gu Changge behind, is a little behind Yue Mingkong half-step. 尹湄身着正装,端庄且典雅,和江楚楚立在顾长歌身后,稍微落后于月明空半步 At the present looks at radiance that there is presenting, was talking to oneself in a soft voice. 而今望着那里出现的光华,在轻声自语。 The casting process of day tablet, has full authority and responsibility for by her, therefore is very clear regarding nowadays exchange standard. 天碑的铸就过程,是由她全权负责的,所以对于现如今的兑换标准很清楚。 „After that wants to exchange the Sealed Immortal command, is very difficult?” The Jiang Chuchu eye pupil winks, inquired Gu Changge said. “那以后想要兑换封仙令,岂不是会很困难?”江楚楚眼眸微眨,不禁询问顾长歌道。 Gu Changge nods, said, Sealed Immortal made is not that can obtain easily, but now, these influences reveal the determination time.” 顾长歌点了点头,道,“封仙令可不是那么容易就能获得的,而现在,正是这些势力表露决心的时候。” They will intertwine hesitant, will be worried that the later life was controlled by me, is not always able to turn over/to stand up, but this is also I gives their only advantage and opportunities...... in these influences that behind waits and sees, although is careful, wants to look how the crest of wave changes, makes a decision again.” “他们会纠结犹豫,会担心以后命脉遭我控制,永世无法翻身,但这也正是我给他们唯一的好处和机会……在后面观望的那些势力,虽然小心谨慎,想看风头如何变化,再来决断。” But, will so make them miss the this time best opportunity.” “可正是如此,会让他们错过这次最好的机会。” If later wants into Investiture of the Immortals, the price of must paying, but not only was so simple......” “以后若是想要入封仙榜,所要付出的代价,可就不仅仅那么简单了……” Speaking of behind, some Gu Changge meaningfully smiled. 说到后面,顾长歌有些意味深长地笑了笑 He explained, Jiang Chuchu understood immediately, this actually bets similar to the position, most start slightly to great, if the following person wants to continue to slice, price that must pay, is bigger. 他这么解释,江楚楚顿时就懂了,这其实就和站位赌一场差不多,最开始是以小博大,后面的人若是想继续分一杯羹,那所要付出的代价,就更大的。 This actually is also the simplest human nature. 这其实也是最简单的人性。 As the Gu Changge words fall, the square runs out of the boundless immortal light everywhere suddenly, even there is ancient Imperial Palace pavilion and other phantom, appears to condense there. 而随着顾长歌的话语落下,广场四处忽然冲出茫茫仙光,甚至有古老的宫阙楼阁等虚影,在那里浮现凝聚。 This is vast the scene of shocking, everyone noticed that one side ancient immortal error appears there, the Imperial Palace pavilion is broad, temple temple Large expanse, immortal mountain is palatial, the immortal fog is rich. 这是浩大的而震撼的场面,所有人都看到一方古老的仙阙出现在那里,宫阙楼阁恢弘,神殿庙宇成片,仙山巍峨,仙雾浓郁。 The one after another day tablet is shivering, spurts radiance that is thin, was extremely radiant, gives to illuminate the trim entire world simply. 一块块天碑都在颤抖,喷薄出的光华,太过于璀璨了,简直把整片寰宇都给照亮。 This could it be is real Immortal Domain, is phantom......” “这难道是真的仙域,还是虚影……” Even if background exist(ence), has the hope, looks at that illumination the world, has the rich immortal material to fill the air. 哪怕是底蕴存在,也是心生渴望,看着那个发光的世界,有浓郁的长生物质在弥漫。 kneel down in frontline immortal Ji Patriarch, gives birth at heart unprecedentedly excitedly and comes excitedly, felt that has the rich Immortal Ascension factor, his whole person package, the pore is swallowing the absorption every inchs, has the strong hope. 伏跪在最前方的长生季家家主,心里生出前所未有的激动和兴奋来,感觉有浓郁的成仙因子,将他整个人包裹,每一寸毛孔都在吞噬吸收,生出浓烈的渴望。 These Immortal Ascension factors, since the flesh infiltrated in the bottom of one's heart, bloodlines and skeleton, finally gathered in spiritual sea. 这些成仙因子,自肌肤渗透到了肺腑、血脉、骨骼之中去,最后更是汇聚在了灵海之中。 Everyone sees Patriarch of immortal Ji, the whole body is all shining, in the spiritual sea position of abdomen, has the immortal light to spurt thinly, even fuzzy and dim Immortal phantom appears, sits cross-legged there, overlooks among heaven and earth. 所有人都看到长生季家的家主,浑身皆在发光,在腹部的灵海位置,更是有仙光喷薄,甚至有一尊模糊且朦胧的仙人虚影出现,盘坐在那里,俯瞰天地间。 This is also not the congealing reality, then shocks the Eight Desolates frightening aura, made all minister people in square, all was the vibration with amazement. 这是还未凝实,便震慑八荒恐怖气息,令广场上的所有大臣子民,皆是震动骇然。 This is the strength of immortal, I obtained Investiture of the Immortals to approve......” “这是仙的力量,我得到封仙榜认可了……” Patriarch of immortal Ji, is difficult to cover the pleasant surprise and excitement on facial features, the whole person seemed like must actinic fly upwards simply. 长生季家的家主,难掩面容上的惊喜和激动,整个人简直像是要光化飞升了。 In many old ancestors of his behind immortal Ji, the complexion changed, has the excitement, but also has to envy, regret, regret and other mood, immortal Ji Jia makes this decision, actually is also the consideration long time. 在他身后的长生季家的许多老祖,面色都变了,有激动,但也有羡慕、遗憾、后悔等情绪,长生季家做出这个决定,其实也是考虑良久的。 After all this is two may suppress the background immortal artifact, said that not grieved drop blood, that is not possible. 毕竟这可是两件可镇压底蕴的仙器啊,说不心痛滴血,那是不可能的。 Moreover, who knows into after Investiture of the Immortals, what kind of shackles will be restricted and? Was sealed by the god country imperial edict, becomes True Immortal, is true or false? 而且,谁知道入了封仙榜后,会受到怎么样的桎梏和限制?受神国敕封,成为真仙,又是真是假 Therefore, after the consideration business discussed for a long time, they unanimously decided, recommended this generation of Patriarch probed, this Patriarch strength, just arrived at Supreme Realm, was very remote from Quasi-Emperor Realm. 所以,考虑商论许久后,他们一致决定,推举出这一代的家主来试探,这位家主的实力,刚到至尊境,距离准帝境无比遥远。 Even if in immortal Ji also merely is only a later generation, can be replaced by decision old ancestor and the others of momentarily. 哪怕在长生季家也仅仅只是个后辈,随时能被决策的老祖等人换掉。 This indeed is the strength of immortal......” “这的确是仙的力量……” The background person object plane look changes of immortal Ji, has the sigh and regretted, felt that type of aura that profoundly made their palpitation. 长生季家的底蕴人物面色变了,带着感叹和遗憾,深刻感受到了那种令他们心悸的气息。 Compares Yu Changsheng Ji Jia's response, the people of other Dao Orthodoxy aristocratic families, responded that wants the play to be big, looks simply stubbornly to at present this scene. 相比于长生季家的反应,其余道统世家的人,反应更要剧大,简直是死死地看向眼前这一幕 !!! 咔嚓!!! The vault of heaven split, Investiture of the Immortals blooms immeasurable radiance, then one group misty sprinkles brilliance, a token, was covered by five-colors dense radiance, finally falls to immortal Ji Patriarch body. 天穹裂开了,封仙榜绽放无量的光华,接着一团蒙蒙光辉洒落,其中一口令牌,被五彩氤氲光华所笼罩,最后落向长生季家家主身上 Looks......” “看……” That is the immortal Ji Patriarch name.” “那是长生季家家主的名字。” Many ministers call out in alarm, looks on Investiture of the Immortals with own eyes, there is an ancient vast handwriting to reappear, the silver hook iron delimits, has the imposing and sacred brilliance. 很多大臣都惊呼起来,亲眼看着封仙榜上,有古老浩大的字迹在浮现,银钩铁划,带着凛然而神圣的光辉。 That is the immortal Ji Patriarch name, at the present is being recorded by Investiture of the Immortals, inscribes above, after offering sacrifices two immortal artifact, obtained the Sealed Immortal approval. 那是长生季家家主的名字,而今正被封仙榜记录,铭刻在其上,在献祭两件仙器后,得到了封仙认可。 this scene shines in All Heavens, the cultivator lives of many universes, are away from the endless remote distance, sees scene that shocks. 这一幕映照在诸天间,许多宇宙的修士生灵,都隔着无尽遥远的距离,看到那震撼的景象。 Sealed Immortal extremely was glorious radiant, gathers in first above the square unceasingly, making many people unable to open the eye. 封仙光辉太过于璀璨了,不断汇聚先广场之上,令许多人都睁不开眼睛。 „Did this succeed?” “这就成功了?” „Did I and others witness the birth of one immortal?” “我等见证了一位仙的诞生?” Above the square, the immortal fog flutters, the person's shadow like the sea, all ministers all shocks, but with amazement. 广场之上,仙雾飘荡,人影如海,所有大臣皆震惊而骇然。 They look at immortal Ji Patriarch of kneel down before imperial palace, looks on his face to reappear the excited wild with joy facial expression, freely is paying homage to kotow to Gu Changge. 他们看着伏跪在皇宫之前的长生季家家主,看着他脸上浮现激动万分的狂喜神情,不住地对着顾长歌膜拜叩首。 My Immortal Ascension, this is the strength of immortal......” “我成仙了,这是仙的力量……” Many thanks your majesty bestows the graciousness, immortal Ji Jia hopes always for the god country obligation......” “多谢陛下赐恩,长生季家愿永世为神国驱使……” Patriarch of immortal Ji, is excited speaks incoherently. 长生季家的家主,已经激动得语无伦次了。 Originally after he is the family decision discussed that draws to try the water a board game piece. 本来他就是家族决策商议后,拉出来试水的一枚棋子。 But who once thinks, he really must above Investiture of the Immortals, the acquired not unimaginable strength, be in an instant entitled, really overlooks immortal Ji Jia, making these old ancestor low eyebrows bow the head. 但谁曾想,他真得在封仙榜之上,获得无法想象的力量,转眼就有资格,真的俯瞰长生季家,令那些老祖低眉俯首。 At this moment, his spiritual platform empty, the immortal light is faint, order chains, wind around to reappear around the hands and feet, domineering peerless. 这一刻,他灵台空明,仙光隐隐,一根根秩序锁链,在手脚周围缭绕浮现,强势绝伦。 Even before is, these Dao Achiever that he awes, background exist(ence), because of his vision, but the palpitation, resembled to encounter the frightening ominous beast, does not dare to look at each other. 哪怕是之前他所敬畏的那些成道者,底蕴存在,也因为他的目光而心悸,似遭遇了恐怖凶兽,不敢对视。 However under the Gu Changge vision, he has the deep fear as before, resembles the thought of opposite party, then can make his unravelling innumerable. 但是在顾长歌的目光之下,他依旧是有着深深的恐惧,似对方的一个念头,便能令他灰飞烟灭无数次。 I , if there is Immortal Dao strength, your majesty his present strength......” “我若是拥有仙道力量的话,那陛下他现在的实力……” Perhaps above Immortal Dao, this is also too inconceivable.” “恐怕早就在仙道之上了,这也太不可思议了。” Patriarch of immortal Ji, is completely flooded by an exciting exciting mood at heart. 长生季家的家主,心里全然被一种激动兴奋情绪所充斥。 This is the strength of immortal, I have stood erect in the summit of this world.” “这就是仙的力量啊,我已然屹立在此世之巅。” Has saying that this strength has the attraction and seduction extremely, even if knew perfectly well that the front is the bonfire, is the moth ignores the life and death to throw as before. 不得不说,这种力量极其具有吸引和诱惑,哪怕明知前方是篝火,也依旧是飞蛾般不顾生死地扑上去。 Numerous old ancestors of immortal Ji, this moment state of mind is very complex, is not only excited excited, is the difficult bitterness and astringency. 长生季家的一众老祖,此刻心绪无比复杂,既是激动兴奋,也是难名苦涩。 Later generation that before wielded the destiny at will, in an instant becomes overlooks them, exist(ence) that even they also need to awe. 之前一个随意执掌命运的后辈,转眼间就成为了俯瞰他们,连他们也需要敬畏的存在 This is the true immortal position. 这是真正的仙位啊。 Even if the imperial edict were sealed by the god country, with true Immortal Dao exist(ence), has very big difference, but they in its front, such as the ants are common. 哪怕是受神国所敕封,和真正的仙道存在,有很大区别,但他们在其面前,也如蝼蚁一般。 Looks at kneel down in the place, is kotowing immortal Ji Patriarch that pays homage to Gu Changge unceasingly, the following many minister people, are hard to self-restrain, was crazy. 看着伏跪在地,不断对着顾长歌叩首膜拜的长生季家家主,后面的诸多大臣子民,都难以自抑,要疯狂了。 Many Imperishable Dao Orthodoxy, shivered excitedly the pinnacle, their ancestors have not been born Immortal Dao exist(ence), called not Exalted Immortal level Dao Orthodoxy. 很多不朽道统,更是激动颤抖到了极致,他们祖上并未诞生过仙道存在,称不上仙级道统 However today, all these as if can change. 然而今天,这一切似乎能够更改。 Mt. Wuliangshan 100 eight Sea Clan offer Exalted Immortal to refine Jinxia clothes one, to understand clearly the Nine Heavens profound jade same place, desires Sealed Immortal to make......” “无量山一百零八海族献上仙炼金霞衣一件、圣明九天玄玉一块,欲求封仙令……” Being converted temple offers too moon's orbit sword 36, nine immortals spend one and place immortal net moon/month bottle, desires Sealed Immortal to make......” “皈依神殿献上太白道剑三十六口,九叶仙花一株、地仙净月瓶一口,欲求封仙令……” Golden God Clan offers the primordial chaos Wielding Heavens Tower remnant body and purple deep red Immortal Scripture and sky immeasurable golden body definitely......” “黄金神族献上鸿蒙掌天塔残身、紫绛仙经一本、昊天无量金身决一部……” ...... …… At this moment, above the square boiled, across All Heavens is also one piece shocks in an uproar, the leaders of various clans stood, all ministers are impossible to sit still. 这一刻,广场之上沸腾了,诸天各地也是一片震撼哗然,各族的领袖都站了出来,所有大臣都不可能坐得住。 Even if such as emperor's relatives the numerous old ancestors of Peerless Immortal Dynasty, is the vision is earnest, let alone was others. 哪怕是如皇亲国戚的无双仙朝的一众老祖,也是目光热切,更别说是其余人了。 Investiture of the Immortals shines spans in heaven and earth, bestows the one after another immortal light, the mysteriously and inexorably one wisp after another mark, by brand mark record above. 封仙榜映照横亘于天地间,赐下一道道仙光,冥冥之中一缕又一缕的印记,被烙印记载于其上。 The Gu Changge facial expression stands tranquilly in the imperial palace entrance, looks at the these scenes scene, the pupil ancient well without ripples. 顾长歌神情平静地立在皇宫门口,看着这一幕幕场景,眸子古井不波。 Investiture of the Immortals leaves, in his opinion, is only god country unify All Heavens, the prologue that opening next step plans. 封仙榜出,在他看来,只是神国一统诸天,开启下一步计划的序幕。 Among the dark nihilities, his true body sits cross-legged there, a fuzzy river appears, ascends the different thoughts. 冥冥虚无间,他真身盘坐在那里,一条模糊的长河出现,在其中升腾起不同的意念。 What Sealed Immortal? However one crowd of false immortal that's all, do not get the heaven and earth approval, was sealed by a country imperial edict, if no a float, depends on the life in others.” “何谓封仙?不过一群伪仙罢了,不得天地认可,受一国敕封,如无根之浮游,将性命依托于他人。” „Since has been eternal, without such action, being no different this heaven and earth future, will all wield in his hand.” “万古以来,皆没有这样的举动,无异于是将这天地的未来,执掌于他手。” I will overthrow this dark state sooner or later......” “我迟早会推翻这黑暗的国度……” The Gu Changge profound indifferent pupil moved, catches the origin of this wisp of thought that came from some space and time of future unexpectedly. 顾长歌深邃冷漠的眸子一动,捕捉到了这缕意念的来历,竟然是来自于未来的某段时空。 His facial expression has the difference, Investiture of the Immortals, brilliance All Heavens Myriad Domains, even River of Time shines. 他神情微有异样,封仙榜一出,光耀诸天万域,连时间长河都映照出来。 However has not thought, actually will make in the future to change, heaven and earth variable birth...... 但是还是没想到,竟然会令未来有变,天地异数诞生…… „Is this strength of destiny?” “这是命运的力量吗?” The Gu Changge light language, is away from the dark endless nihility, to that space and time of future, a palm is falling. 顾长歌轻语,隔着冥冥无尽虚无,对着未来的那段时空,一掌落去。 Calamity, universe all lonesome, bang, the river of destiny in fuzzy, the youngster who immediately after that sends out brave words, looks completely with amazement a palm falls from the vault of heaven on. 天塌地陷,宇宙皆寂,轰隆一声,命运之河在模糊,紧接着那个发出豪言壮语的少年,满是骇然地看着一掌自天穹上落下。 Heaven and Earth Rules withdraws, Myriad Daos is sounding together. 天地规则都退避,万道都在齐鸣。 He has not realized the own Zhuang with enough time, then blasted open, annihilated silently, resembles to encounter scourge backlash, later heaven and earth belonged to again quietly. 他还没有来得及实现自己的壮语,便炸裂了,无声无息地湮灭,似遭遇了天谴反噬,随后天地再次归于沉寂。 This has not involved the River of Time strength, but was the mysteriously and inexorably fate causes and effects played the role, making Gu Changge have the feeling, clear(ly) becomes aware that space and time of future, will have the mutation. 这并没有涉及到时间长河的力量,而是冥冥之中的命数因果发挥了作用,让顾长歌有感,明悟未来的那段时空,会发生异变。 His present strength, wanting trek River of Time is not difficult, but needs to withstand huge backlash, will not be relaxed. 他现在的实力,想要跋涉时间长河并不难,但是需要承受巨大反噬,不会那么轻松。 The say/way of fate, compared with it time, but must be more mysterious. 命数之道,比之时间来讲,还要更加玄妙。 Because is the relations of variable, Transcendence in established path, even if erases , to world revolution path, will not produce anything to affect, naturally cannot produce backlash. 而且因为是异数的关系,超脱在既定轨迹之中,哪怕是抹除掉,也不会对世间运转轨迹,产生什么影响,自然不会产生反噬
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