IAFV :: Volume #9

#813: Is controlling the Immortal Ascension turning point, got down the initial capital to seek the Sealed Immortal command( sought subscription)

Outside the imperial palace, is a vast square, is fluttering the mist, limitless. 皇宫之外,乃是片浩瀚的广场,飘荡着雾气,无边无际。 All around is the dense and numerous person's shadows, but is maintaining silence, many ministers are respectful wait here, wait for the god to come, hold the this time Sealed Immortal grand ceremony. 四周全是密密麻麻的人影,但是都保持着肃静,诸多大臣都恭敬在此等候,等着神主现身,举行这次封仙大典。 As the name suggests, this grand ceremony, is Sealed Immortal conducts specially, almost All Heavens Myriad Domains each corner, has life cultivator to catch up, must witness this magnificent feat. 顾名思义,这场大典,专为封仙而举办,几乎诸天万域各个角落,都有生灵修士赶来,要亲眼目睹这场壮举。 Many people are also curious, want to know, this so-called Investiture of the Immortals, has is so mysterious, but to cause one/to make one vertical Immortal Ascension that Gu Changge said that whether can let Supreme above cultivator, by every exuviate immortal. 很多人也都是好奇,想要知道,这所谓的封仙榜,是不是有顾长歌所说的那么神奇,可令人立地成仙,是否能让至尊以上的修士,由凡蜕仙。 In the frontline of imperial palace, the position that these ministers stand is most near the top. 在皇宫的最前方,那些大臣所站立的位置最为靠前。 But they influence most glorious frightening, several background characters assume personal command behind, in addition, immortal artifact saves the world, even if in present Upper Realm, as before is the overlord who deserves. 而他们身后势力最为悠久恐怖,有数尊底蕴人物坐镇,除此之外,还有仙器存世,纵然是在如今的上界,也依旧是当之无愧的霸主。 Also is enjoys to venerate the position in the god country, the fiefdom is vast, the power and influence is dreadful. 在神国也是享有尊崇地位,封地浩瀚,权势滔天。 Naturally, situated in quite front row, when is Grand Void God Clan and hidden world An Clan as well as Absolute Beginning Divine Cult. 当然,其中位于较为前列的当属太虚神族、隐世安族以及太初神教 Grand Void God Clan at the present Patriarch, is labeled as the universe marquis, very by regard highly, in addition, the Grand Void God Clan one background character, Jinyang and one god imperial concubine relates very intimately. 太虚神族的而今家主,被封为太虚侯,很受器重,除此之外,太虚神族一位底蕴人物,金阳和一位神妃关系很亲密。 This also causes Grand Void God Clan is very at the present high in the god country position, even if were other Imperishable influences and Supreme Dao Orthodoxy, was very polite. 这也导致了太虚神族而今在神国地位很高,哪怕是其余不朽势力、无上道统,也对其很客气。 But Absolute Beginning Divine Cult, is Absolute Beginning Demonic Cult in the world population, it can be said that most receives the god faith the potential 963 strength, has the name of national religion, because of Absolute Beginning Divine Cult Cult Master, is god Gu Changge Maternal Grandfather. 太初神教,也就是世人口中的太初魔教,可以说是最受神主信赖的势963力,有国教之称,因为太初神教教主,乃是神主顾长歌外公 As for Immortal Gu Family, in Sovereign Clan that the god country deserves...... 至于长生顾家,在神国可是当之无愧的皇族…… In the frontline of imperial palace, Palace Lord of Sealed Immortal palace appears, is one wears the big form of bronze mask, wears the azure long gown, cannot see clearly the facial features, the revealed pupil is profound and ice-cold, does not resemble the mediocre mood. 在皇宫的最前方,封仙殿的殿主出现,乃是一位戴着青铜面具的高大身影,身着青色长袍,看不清面容,露出的眸子深邃而冰冷,似没有凡俗的情绪。 His cultivation base frightening, the common background character will tremble to feel timid extremely lightly. 他的修为极为恐怖,一般的底蕴人物都会轻颤发怵。 This person, was the Hell once fourth palace Palace Lord Yama, was bestowed A San by Gu Changge, his cultivation base long ago, achieved the boundary of Remnant Immortal. 此人,正是地狱曾经的第四殿殿主阎罗,也被顾长歌赐名阿三,他的修为早在很久以前,就达到残仙之境。 Besides Gu Changge, Upper Realm rare exist(ence) can easily defeat him. 除了顾长歌以外,上界罕有存在能够轻易战胜他。 Behind Sealed Immortal palace Palace Lord, but also the court eunuches with many no white beard, various clan lives all has, cultivation base is all immeasurably deep, their simultaneously row of numerous, stand respectfully outside the imperial palace. 封仙殿殿主后面,还跟着诸多面无白须的太监,各族生灵皆有,修为皆深不可测,他们齐齐排众而出,恭敬地立在皇宫之外。 Besides the Sealed Immortal palace, the Asura palace, the Heavenly Mystery palace and sword and spear sword halberd four...... subordinate in the Sovereign Clan influence appears, either is a leader, either is a manager, stands outside the imperial palace respectfully. 除了封仙殿之外,修罗殿、天机殿、刀枪剑戟四堂……许多隶属于皇族的势力出现,要么是领袖,要么是总管,都恭敬地站在皇宫之外。 This Sealed Immortal grand ceremony, is very vast, is the All Heavens Myriad Domains important matter. 这场封仙大典,无比浩大,乃是诸天万域的大事。 After several god imperial concubine as well as emperor, must come. 就连几位神妃以及帝后都要现身。 Above the vast square, all ministers by this scene shocking, saw clearly the tip of the iceberg of god country background intuitively. 浩瀚的广场之上,所有大臣都被这一幕给震撼住,最为直观地看清了神国底蕴的冰山一角。 Your majesty!!!” “陛下到!!!” But at this time, along with the vast ding, the trim universe is trembling, the innumerable cultivator lives, heard the broad world sound to get up. 而这时,伴随着浩大的钟声,整片宇宙都在颤栗,无数的修士生灵,听到了恢弘的世界音响起。 In this All Heavens Myriad Domains corner, has the sacrificial offering sound to get up. 在这诸天万域的角落里,都有祭祀音响起。 one slender as by the form that the bright immortal light covers, appeared outside the imperial palace, even hair is overflowing the five colors immortal light, from the facial features, incomparable young, traditionally beautiful, the pupil was gentle and profound, might completely understand that All Heavens was eternal all secrets, will understand clearly in the future the past and present. 一道修长似被煌煌仙光所笼罩的身影,出现在了皇宫之外,连发丝都在溢出五色仙光,从面容来看,无比的年轻,丰神如玉,眸子平和且深邃,似可看透诸天万古间的所有秘密,洞悉未来古今。 His Dharma Body appears in the summit of god country, high, if dauntless, the stars are even tiny in periphery seem like the dust to be the same. 他的法身浮现在神国之巅,高若顶天立地,连星辰在周围都渺小得像是尘埃一样。 Even if outside god country, the lives between these boundless universes, is gives birth to induce, the shock and awe awes, respectfully toward god country direction kneel down under. 哪怕是在神国之外,那些茫茫宇宙间的生灵,也是生出感应来,震慑而敬畏,恭敬地朝着神国方向伏跪而下。 In Gu Changge behind, after the emperor, Yue Mingkong and god imperial concubine Yin Mei and Jiang Chuchu are all following, along with him appeared outside the imperial palace. 顾长歌的身后,帝后月明空、神妃尹湄江楚楚皆跟随着,随他一齐出现在了皇宫外。 I and others paid a visit the god.” “我等拜见神主。” God country Imperishable, lives forever.” “神国不朽,永世长存。” The vast respectful sound, simultaneously resounds through in this square. 浩大的恭敬声音,齐齐响彻在这片广场上。 All minister lives, all worship on bended knees toward the front, the facial expression does not dare to reveal that disrespects slightly. 所有的大臣生灵,皆是朝着前方跪拜下来,神情不敢显露丝毫不敬。 This is to make All Heavens Myriad Domains sufficiently the scene of vibration, among heaven and earth is flooding the boundless sacrificial offering light. 这是足以令诸天万域而震动的景象,天地间充斥着茫茫的祭祀光。 one wisp after another silver Power of Faith, gathers sky over the god country, like Wang Yang who a piece does not bottom, finally floods into that wheel bright day. 一缕又一缕的银色信仰之力,在神国上空汇聚,如同一片不见底的王阳,最后涌入那轮煌煌大日中去。 The clear light rain sprinkles, the golden lotus blooms, among heaven and earth resounds through dao sound, almost all cultivator lives, have divine soul to be insightful, the spiritual platform elusive feeling, the facial expression becomes more reverent. 晶莹的光雨洒落,金莲绽放,天地间响彻道音,几乎所有的修士生灵,都有种神魂通透,灵台空灵的感觉,神情变得更加虔诚。 At this moment, the national destiny of god country's soars to the heavens, even in the vault of heaven end, the sun and moon same splendor, All Heavens was dim, is shines upon River of Time to come, the torrential river water tumbles the rough seas. 这一刻,神国的国运冲天,甚至在天穹尽头,日月同辉,诸天都黯淡了,而后更是映照出时间长河来,滔滔河水翻滚出大浪。 From River of Time this end, shines to another end, in the past the future powerful life, gave birth to induce, shocks completely. 时间长河这一端,映照到另一端,过去未来的强大生灵,都生出感应来,满是震撼。 everyone please get up.” 诸位请起。” Gu Changge nods gently, the vision is quiet, hints everyone in square to set out, finally looks at the vision to that side Sealed Immortal altar. 顾长歌轻轻颔首,目光平静无波,示意广场上的所有人起身,最后才将目光看向那方封仙祭坛。 This Sealed Immortal grand ceremony, in his opinion, is demonstrates the Immortal Ascension turning point to entire Upper Realm most good opportunity, therefore is vast. 这场封仙大典,在他看来,乃是向整个上界展示成仙契机的最好机会,所以必须要浩大。 As a minister sets out, Gu Changge waves gently, among heaven and earth is the blooming immeasurable light, a Zhang Jinbang appears, the shining and ancient Sealed Immortal two characters, radiance shines All Heavens, incomparable radiance. 而随着一众大臣起身,顾长歌轻轻一挥手,天地间更是绽放无量光,一张金榜浮现,灿灿而古老的封仙二字,光华照耀诸天,无比的璀璨。 Above has to pinnacle Power of Faith richly, even the corner is filling the meaning of flying immortal. 其上有浓郁到极致的信仰之力,连边角都弥漫着飞仙之意。 In this moment, even the background characters have the hope, felt that in this Investiture of the Immortals, contains the Immortal Ascension opportunity absolutely. 在这一刻,连底蕴人物都心生渴望,感觉这张封仙榜内,绝对蕴含成仙机会。 Era Tree and Dao Fruit of Era all control in the Gu Changge hand, he through building up these two thing, naturally can easily control the Immortal Ascension turning point. 纪元树纪元道果皆掌控在顾长歌手中,他通过炼化这两物,自然可以轻易地掌控成仙契机。 Even if when the heaven and earth environment improves Ancient Immortal era that step, perhaps the average person does not have the qualifications to contact Immortal Ascension that road, after all Immortal Ascension this matter, is absolutely mammoth, Gu Changge can't could it be induce? 哪怕是等到天地环境完善到仙古纪元那一步,一般人恐怕也没资格接触成仙那条路,毕竟成仙此事,绝对声势浩大,顾长歌难道感应不到吗? He can personally see, one True Immortal rises, thus threatens oneself? 他能亲眼见着,一位真仙崛起,从而威胁到自己 The birth of this Investiture of the Immortals, had actually been doomed all these, after Gu Changge unify All Heavens, this is the only Immortal Ascension opportunity, was sealed by the god country imperial edict, enjoys the incense and candle belief of god country's, but also by the god country and Gu Changge restraint, the life was pinched by him in the hand. 封仙榜的诞生,其实早就将这一切注定了,顾长歌一统诸天后,这将是唯一的成仙机会,被神国敕封,享受神国的香火信仰,但是也被神国以及顾长歌约束,性命被他捏在手中。 At this moment, god country's all minister people, are looking at most above that Zhang Jinbang, limitless, stands erect above cloud Dian, might span half side universe. 此刻,神国的所有大臣子民,都望着最上方的那张金榜,无边无际,屹立在云巅之上,似可横亘半方宇宙。 Grand ceremony starts.” “大典开始。” As the court eunuch of one Dao Achiever strength loudly shouts, is these ministers frontline imperial palace, the whole body shakes, then goes out without hesitation. 随着一位成道者实力的太监大喝一声,位列于皇宫最前方的那些大臣,浑身都是一震,然后毫不犹豫地走出。 They are looking at Gu Changge respectfully, is without hesitation typical, I and others was willing the generation to follow the god, submits to in Shenguo, this heart heaven and earth may reflect, all living things may hear......” 他们恭敬地望着顾长歌,皆是毫不犹豫地道,“我等愿世代追随神主,臣服于神国,此心天地可鉴,众生可闻……” As their words fall, mysteriously and inexorably seems the induction. 而随着他们的话语落下,冥冥之中似有感应。 On these days tablet above Huanggong Plaza, started to have the misty golden light to sprinkle, shines covers in their body. 在皇宫广场之上的那些天碑上,开始有蒙蒙金光洒落,映照覆盖在他们身上 Immortal Ji offers immortal artifact Nine Heavens sea armor one and cloud boundary/world square flag, desires Sealed Immortal to make one......” “长生季家献上仙器九天沧海铠一副、云界四方旗一杆,欲求封仙令一枚……” A military might big middle-aged man goes out, is Patriarch of immortal Ji, 一个威武高大的中年男子走出,正是长生季家的家主, He said respectfully, appears one side ancient small world, the light of rich Immortal Dao appears, two thing packages, brilliance shining, then changes to two streams light/only, submerges in the Sealed Immortal altar directly. 他恭敬说道,身后浮现一方古老的小世界,浓郁的仙道之光出现,将两物包裹,光辉灿灿,而后化作两道流光,直接没入封仙祭坛之中。 rumble!!! 隆隆!!! The day tablet shivers, sends out the heaven and earth simultaneous/uniform shakes momentum, above has the mysterious brilliance and rule is flowing, resembles is weighing the values of these two thing, whether can Sealed Immortal make one. 天碑颤动,发出天地齐震的声势,其上有玄妙的光辉和规则在流淌,似在衡量这两物的价值,是否能够得到封仙令一枚。 All ministers all are shock look at this scene, the Nine Heavens sea armor, but one of the immortal Ji background, once puts on, even if the Immortal Dao character, is very difficult to eradicate. 所有大臣皆是震撼地看着这一幕,九天沧海铠可是长生季家底蕴之一,一旦穿上,纵然是仙道人物,也很难破除。 But cloud boundary/world the square flag, is the Upper Realm illustrious innate thing, it is said is the ancient period, air/Qi of cloud boundary/world the four directions breeds, when four, brandish wonderful likely dense, heaven and earth is all chaos, may defend suppress and seal, mysterious infinite. 而云界四方旗,更是上界赫赫有名的先天之物,据说乃是古老时期,云界四方之气所孕育,共有四杆,挥舞时奇象氤氲,天地皆混沌,可御敌可封镇,玄妙无穷。 If four flag all assembleds, but arranged four directions grand formation, even/including immortal may also kill. 若是四旗聚齐,可布下四方大阵,连仙也可打杀。 Immortal Ji Jia to seek a Sealed Immortal command, it can be said that really got down the initial capital, this command many Immortal Aristocrat Family Patriarch, the complexion is changing. 长生季家为求一枚封仙令,可以说是真的下了血本,这令很多长生世家家主,面色都在微变。
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