IAFV :: Volume #9

#831: The sacrifice refining up for big medicine Immortal King, probably brand mark in bone( sought subscription)

This struck to vibrate the universe, myriad Star Territory are trembling, originally was dim a piece, before falling into was silent forever and dark exceedingly high Ancient City . 这一击震动了天宇,万千星域都在颤栗,本来昏暗一片,陷入永远寂静和黑暗的通天古城前。 All lives despair, was degenerated really hou this to swallow, the vitality is dissipating fast. 所有生灵都绝望,被堕落真犼这一口吞下,生机在快速消逝。 The ray of sun and moon stars is dissipating, heaven and earth long night, Eight Desolates all lonesome. 日月星辰的光芒都在消散,天地永夜,八荒皆寂。 This is not phantom, but is the real exist(ence) scene, is extinguishing the world to be the same simply probably. 这并不是虚影,而是真实存在的景象,简直像是在灭世一般。 half-step Immortal King, in front of this divine ability, the means of also having no. 就连半步仙王,在这种神通面前,也没有任何的办法。 The gold dollar angrily roars, the whole body spurts thin Xianguang, Great Dao rune interweaves, tries to struggle, but was actually defeated, can only witness the own vitality to pass fast, was degenerated really hou to swallow. 金元怒吼一声,浑身喷薄仙光,大道符文交织,试图挣扎出来,但是却失败了,只能亲眼目睹自己的生机在快速流逝,然后被堕落真犼吞下。 Distant place Kun profound Immortal King, azure deep Immortal King and the others, in the heart are also the vibration, has not thought that degenerates really hou Immortal King, has so fearsome killing to incur. 远处的坤玄仙王、青冥仙王等人,心中也是震动不已,没想到堕落真犼仙王,有如此可怖的杀招。 They bragged that killed to incur facing this, evades its spearhead carefully, cannot easily resist hardly. 他们自诩面对这等杀招,也得小心地避其锋芒,不能轻易硬抗。 If were degenerated really hou to swallow down, even if they, is very difficult to break open its body to run out. 若是被堕落真犼吞下去,哪怕是他们,也很难破开它的身躯冲出。 Only can say that has no qualms in the foreign land present king, its mortal body strong enough to has been able to collapse the universe at will the situation. 只能说无愧于异域如今的王,它肉身已经强到可以随意崩开宇宙的地步。 Perhaps the hardest Imperishable immortal gold/metal, in its front, must change to the fragment powder. 最坚硬的不朽仙金,在其面前,恐怕也得化作齑粉。 Degenerates really hou Immortal King, once had contaminated the source strange material, causes its mortal body Imperishable, casts the mortal body in the most fearful method, does not fear any pain, is equivalent to the immunity ache......, moreover vitality unceasingly......” “堕落真犼仙王,曾沾染过本源界的奇异物质,导致它肉身不朽,以最可怕的方法铸就肉身,不惧任何痛感,相当于免疫疼痛……而且生机不绝……” Kun profound Immortal King sighed lightly said that regarding having degeneration really hou Immortal King of such good fortune, somewhat envied. 坤玄仙王轻叹说道,对于拥有如此造化的堕落真犼仙王,还是有些羡慕的。 This grade of mortal body, far surpass their degrees, from some perspective, degenerate really the hou Immortal King strength, stronger on a section compared with their three people. 这等肉身,远超他们的程度,从某方面来讲,堕落真犼仙王的实力,要比他们三人都要强上一截。 Degenerates no wonder really hou Immortal King, is so self-confident, dares one person to kill, robs before me and others......” “怪不得堕落真犼仙王,如此自信,敢一人杀去,抢夺在我等之前……” Azure deep Immortal King said, in the indifferent pupil, passed over gently and swiftly the meaning of vibration, although he is variant beast, was known as that has world extreme speed, exceeds the time, may reach the azure deep other shore. 青冥仙王说道,冷漠的眸子里,掠过震动之意,他虽然是异兽所化,号称拥有世间极速,超越时间,可达青冥彼岸。 However this is only hearsay that's all, although his mortal body is strong, may after the steamroll of time, but actually knew that is far from degenerating hou Immortal King so to be really powerful. 然而这只是传闻罢了,他肉身虽强,可经过时间的碾压,但是却自知远没有堕落真犼仙王那么强大。 That piece of Star Territory before exceedingly high Ancient City, was swallowed, becomes the absolute nihility, incomparable frightening. 通天古城前的那片星域,都被吞下了,成为了绝对的虚无,无比的恐怖 All these said that is very slow, but is actually only the flash 10 things, Kun profound Immortal King, azure deep Immortal King and the others arrive to come fast, in the heart is saving some vigilantly, is not lax. 这一切说起来很慢,但其实只是一瞬间十的事情,坤玄仙王、青冥仙王等人快速降临而来,心中还是存着一些警惕,并没有就此松懈下来。 They can arrive this step, is not the person of stupid general idea/careless. 他们能走到这一步,都不是蠢笨大意之人。 Degenerating really hou Immortal King dares is so adventurous, that is because of it to the own mortal body, has the enormous self-confidence. 堕落真犼仙王敢如此冒险,那是因为它对自己的肉身,有着极大的自信。 Bang!!! 轰!!! However, must arrive in three kings instantly. 不过,也就是在三王要降临下来的刹那。 Rich black light, blasts out there, probably a pitch-black Sun blooms, the ray shines upon All Heavens. 浓郁的乌光,在那里炸开,像是一颗乌黑的太阳绽放,光芒映照诸天 Degenerates really hou Immortal King to send out stuffily, then roars lowly, the huge body shock, resembling to crack. 堕落真犼仙王在发出闷哼,然后低吼,庞大的身躯剧震,似要崩裂开。 „Not good......” “不好……” Three king Mianse changes suddenly, wants make a move, tries to assist to degenerate really hou Immortal King. 三王面色骤变,就要出手,试图相助堕落真犼仙王 Also in this instantly, a hand arm across the sky, probably before eternal pats, then from degenerating really the mouth of hou Immortal King chops to fall, the immeasurable brilliance blooms to spurt thinly. 也就在这刹那,一只手臂横空,像是自万古前拍来,然后自堕落真犼仙王的嘴边劈落,无量的光辉绽放喷薄。 The vast energy, a piece of endless Wang Yang, must thoroughly that place submerging simply probably. 浩瀚的能量,简直像是一片无尽王阳,要彻底将那个地方给淹没。 Degenerated really hou Immortal King Dharma Body to blast out, was split up, its mouth by collapse open/start, the dripping with blood, injury frightening, was almost set up from the beginning chops blasting open. 堕落真犼仙王法身炸开了,四分五裂,它的嘴巴被崩开,鲜血淋漓,伤势恐怖,差点被从头立劈炸裂。 Gu Changge stands there, even/including Yipao have not raised, the pupil light has not changed from beginning to end. 顾长歌站立在那里,连衣袍都未曾掀起,眸光从始至终都没有丝毫变化。 Is still profound and indifferent. 岑寂深邃、冷漠。 Why does not know, three kings in this moment, think ancient eternal Heavenly Dao Will, overlooks the boundless common people ants. 不知为何,三王在这一刻,想到了亘古永恒的天道意志,俯瞰茫茫苍生蝼蚁。 They hit to tremble unexpectedly, making their oneself think that incredible, unable to accept. 他们竟然打了个寒颤,令他们自己都觉得不可置信、无法接受。 As Immortal King exist(ence), this world also has anything, can make them dread, anxiously, and even gives birth to be alarmed and afraid. 身为仙王存在,这世间还有什么事情,能够让他们畏惧、不安,乃至生出惊惧来。 This made them unable to accept. 这令他们无法接受。 Degenerated the hou Immortal King mortal body to be really collapsed, perhaps has injured and to the source......” “堕落真犼仙王肉身被崩开了,恐怕已经伤及到了本源……” In was extremely self-confident, this consequence will only make the matter be difficult to solve.” “太过于自信了,这个后果只会让事情更难解决。” Kun profound Immortal King notices to be held by Gu Changge, head already collapse open/start degeneration really hou, complexion in rapid change. 坤玄仙王注意到被顾长歌抓住,头颅已经崩开的堕落真犼,面色在急剧变化。 He altogether had seven pagodas to offer a sacrifice, shining, seven, probably a mainland was so at this moment palatial, since the upper air fell, shook to fall, tried to rescue to degenerate really hou. 他共有七层的宝塔祭了出来,金灿灿,共有七层,此刻像是一片大陆般那么巍峨,从高空落下,震落下去,试图解救堕落真犼。 Azure deep Immortal King and another (one) Immortal King, in make a move, trillion dao technique divine chains, gathered in the sea here, boiled unceasingly turbulently, submerged to Gu Changge. 青冥仙王另一位仙王,也在出手,亿万道法神链,在这里汇聚成了海洋,不断沸腾汹涌,淹没向顾长歌 However, in the Gu Changge body bank, has the ripples to proliferate, is not obvious, resembles the mist that around the blue lotus arouses, resembles the star splendor of contract. 然而,在顾长歌的身畔,有涟漪扩散,并不明显,似青莲周围激起的雾气,也似承接的星辉。 All attacking, in front of the ripples, dissipate silently, from the start cannot touch him. 所有的攻伐,在涟漪面前,都无声无息地消散,压根不能触碰到他本人。 divine ability spiritual power immunity......” 神通法力免疫……” Is the ten thousand techniques of law not invading?” “还是万法不侵之术?” In Kun profound Immortal King heart vibrates again, this is to cause one/to make one envies the envy divine art. 坤玄仙王心中再度震动,这是一种令人羡慕嫉妒的神术 He had also heard, the ancestor of foreign land one Emperor Clan, then as if had this grade of Innate Talent, his later generation clansman, all can display, but can only have an effect in the Immortal Dao domain, because this is the limit. 曾经他也听闻过,异域一位帝族之祖,便似乎拥有这等天赋神通,其后辈族人,皆能施展,但是只能是在仙道领域起作用,因为这已经是极限。 In the Immortal King domain, how possibly also to reappear? 仙王领域,怎么可能还再现? He is unbelievable, this is the scene that personally sees, before had not imagined. 他难以置信,这是亲眼所见的景象,之前都未曾想象过。 „Does could it be this person, have the relations with the ancestor of that Emperor Clan?” 难道此人,和那位帝族之祖有关系?” Azure deep Immortal King was also shocked by this scene, before has not thought, the Gu Changge body bank appears the glimmer, all attacked on the immunity to his magecraft divine ability. 青冥仙王也被这一幕震惊到了,之前根本就没想到,顾长歌身畔浮现出微光,就免疫了一切攻伐向他的术法神通 This is divine ability of Immortal King level, frequently destroys the universe, tears the universe, destruction Eight Desolates. 这可是仙王层次的神通啊,动辄毁灭宇宙,撕裂天宇,覆灭八荒 But in front of Gu Changge, actually like the clay ox entering the sea, cannot create the slight spray. 可是在顾长歌面前,却如泥牛入海般,激不起丝毫的浪花。 How you achieve......” “你是如何做到的……” Degenerates really hou in the opens the mouth, in the vision contains unbelievable, the main body by Gu Changge holding, was imprisoned probably, cannot move. 堕落真犼在开口,目光里蕴含着难以置信,本体被顾长歌给抓住了,像是被禁锢住,动弹不得。 At this moment, in its look, thinks the frightened fear it. 此刻,它的眼神中,有一丝连它都觉惊悚的恐惧。 In this young people body, it had named the frightened mood again, after its achievement Immortal King dao fruit, many years, its oneself has recorded is unclear. 在这个年轻人身上,它再度生出了名叫恐惧的情绪,在它成就仙王道果之后,已经多少岁月了,它自己都记不清了。 But today, actually gives birth to fear as before. 可是今天,却依旧生出恐惧来。 The Gu Changge facial expression visits it tranquilly, did not explain, later chuckle, said that your oneself delivers to front of me, I do not know how must thank in you.” 顾长歌神情平静地看着它,并不解释,随后轻笑一声,道,“你自己送到我面前,我都不知道要如何感谢于你。” What do you mean?” “你是什么意思?” Degenerates really the hou mouth to drip to bleed freely, sends out to shout, these are the Immortal King blood, colorful, a drop then resembles the implication myriad world. 堕落真犼嘴里不住地淌出血来,发出嘶吼来,这些都是仙王血,五彩斑斓,一滴便似蕴含万千世界。 If pounds to fall on other places, perhaps is only one drop, the destruction falls one side Ancient World sufficiently. 若是砸落在其余地方,恐怕光是一滴,就足以覆灭掉一方古界 Surrounding Immortal Domain and foreign land life, by dying to be lived, saw the daylight again, the soul is dissipated, was frightened, but also had desperate, has not restored. 周围的仙域、异域生灵,由死而生,再度见到天日,魂都被消散了,被吓得不行,还心存绝望,没有恢复过来。 However now is actually seeing, that domineering peerless to degeneration really hou Immortal King that being inconceivable, was given to hold by Gu Changge, tries to struggle to run away. 然而现在却见着,那位强势绝伦到难以想象的堕落真犼仙王,被顾长歌给抓住,试图挣扎逃走。 However the body actually seems like the chinaware to split open, various cracks go fast densely covered, quick covered entirely its body. 但是身躯却像是瓷器般开裂,各种裂纹快速密布而去,很快就布满了它的身躯。 The sad scene, making them absolutely terrified, trembled alarmed and afraid. 如此惨象,令他们毛骨悚然,惊惧颤栗。 This thinks that this mysterious man, will be degenerated really hou Immortal King to swallow. 本以为这个神秘男子,会被堕落真犼仙王一口吞下。 But has not thought that he so easily broke open all these, and will degenerate really the hou Immortal King main body to imprison. 但不曾想他如此轻易地就破开了这一切,并且将堕落真犼仙王本体禁锢住。 Such method, has been above their imagination, was unable to describe their feelings with the awe. 此等手段,已经超乎了他们的想象,用敬畏已经无法形容他们的心情。 Sir...... very powerful......” “大人……好强大……” The gold/metal cloud sound trembles, after becoming half-step Immortal King, he thinks that oneself is big shot that south Immortal Domain ranks among the best, overlooks the living of immeasurable life and universe extinguishes. 金云声音微颤,成为半步仙王后,他本以为自己已经算是南方仙域数一数二的大人物,俯瞰无量生灵和宇宙的生灭。 However today, if actually the ants tremble, realized again when that type, just stepped into cultivation tiny base and low. 然而今天,却如蝼蚁般发颤,再度体会到了那种,刚踏入修行时的渺小卑微。 You want to swallow me, is actually even my arm, does not nip broken.” “你想吞了我,可是却连我的手臂,都咬不碎。” „Was this you a moment ago the so self-confident energy?” “这就是你刚才如此自信的底气?” Gu Changge does not pay attention to the vibrations of surrounding people to respond, but looks at to holding degeneration really hou, in the eye has some thought-provoking. 顾长歌并不理会周围众人的震动反应,只是看向抓住的堕落真犼,眼里带着些许的耐人寻味。 Degenerates really hou to shout, among the main bodies has the secret strength to flow, must break away, but a Gu Changge palm racket falls, made its skull blast out directly, various color blood blowout, divine soul dragged, almost disrupted. 堕落真犼嘶吼,本体间有秘力流淌,要挣开来,不过顾长歌一掌拍落,直接令它头盖骨炸开,各种颜色的血喷出,神魂摇曳,差点碎裂掉。 Saves me......” “救我……” Alarmed and afraid that degenerating hou heart reappearing is really difficult to cover, before the self-confidence, have not been shouting to Kun profound Immortal King and the others, attempt makes their make a move rescue oneself. 堕落真犼心头浮现难掩的惊惧,早已没有之前的自信,对着坤玄仙王等人呼喊,试图让他们出手营救自己 Otherwise it really felt, oneself may perish today here, by Gu Changge domineering suppress and kill. 不然它真的感觉,自己今天可能会殒命在这里,会被顾长歌强势镇杀 Bang!!! 轰!!! The vast strength emerges, here has the ray to spurt again thinly, Kun profound Immortal King, azure deep Immortal King and the others, again make a move, dao technique deduction of various frightening. 浩瀚的力量涌现,这里有光芒再度喷薄,坤玄仙王、青冥仙王等人,再度出手,各种恐怖道法演绎。 Even if knew perfectly well that Gu Changge can immunity spiritual power, they are still domineering make a move, thought that is impossible continuously the immunity, has a limit. 哪怕明知顾长歌可以免疫法力,他们依旧强势出手,觉得不可能一直免疫,有个限度。 So long as breaks that limit, then can injure to Gu Changge. 只要打破那个限度,便能伤到顾长歌 Buzz!!! 嗡!!! However, Gu Changge has not fallen the vision to them, the palm refers to has the rich black energy to flow, changes to Great Dao Precious Vase that the black light winds around. 不过,顾长歌连目光都未曾落向他们那边,掌指间有浓郁的黑色能量流淌,化作乌光缭绕的大道宝瓶 The bottle mouth lets fall boundless black light, just like waterfall. 瓶口垂落茫茫乌光,宛如瀑布般。 This Great Dao Precious Vase that is condensed by Great Dao rune departs, was flying to Kun profound Immortal King, azure deep Immortal King and the others, enlarges unceasingly, then gave to cover heaven and earth. 这个由大道符文所凝聚的大道宝瓶飞出,对着坤玄仙王、青冥仙王等人飞去,不断放大,然后将天地都给笼罩了。 And probably looked the abyss that does not bottom appears, may swallow the world myriad things, even the Great Dao rule in breaks. 其中像是有一口看不见底的深渊浮现,可吞噬世间万物,连大道规则都在咔嚓咔嚓地断裂掉。 This is anything......” “这是什么……” As if in some unit of taboo ancient book, had once seen......” “似乎曾在某部禁忌典籍之中,见过……” Kun profound Immortal King complexion drastic change, is staring at that treasured vase carefully, but can only see the fuzzy outline. 坤玄仙王面色剧变,仔细盯着那个宝瓶,但是只能看到模糊的轮廓。 Has some traces interweaves, clarity that cannot look. 有些许的纹路在其中交织,并不能看的清楚。 His pagoda is vacillating, at this moment was swallowed the strength to imprison by that type boundless. 他的宝塔在动摇,此刻被那种磅礴吞噬力所禁锢。 Then really had some cracks, dao mark that above inscribes, is extinguishing fast, becomes the fragment powder. 然后竟然有了一些裂纹,上面所铭刻的道痕,在快速地消弭,成为了齑粉。 This made in Kun profound Immortal King heart in the drop blood, his magical artifact followed his life. 这令坤玄仙王心中都在滴血,他的法器伴随了他一生。 Even if in the battle of same level, damage ancient slightest. 哪怕是在同级者的交战中,都未曾损毁古分毫。 Behind he refining up by various rare divine materials sacrifices, indestructible. 后面他更是以各种稀世神材祭炼,坚不可摧。 However today, actually must crack, that fuzzy treasured vase cannot contact. 然而今天,却要崩裂开,连那个模糊的宝瓶都不能接触。 My also a little impression, possibly is really that thing in taboo ancient book, is only the replica, then has such divine might.” “我也有点印象,可能真的是禁忌典籍中的那物,只是仿制品,便有如此神威。” Does not dare to imagine......” “不敢想象……” Azure deep Immortal King is serious, he was blocked by these black light, even if the extreme speed is impossible to put on. 青冥仙王面色凝重,他被那些乌光挡住了,哪怕是极速也不可能穿得过去。 There has black energy sea to spurt probably thinly, Star Territory was submerged, isolates their three kings, cannot pass through, is not naturally able to rescue to degenerate really hou Immortal King. 那里像是有一片黑色能量大海在喷薄,星域都被淹没了,将他们三王所隔绝住,并不能穿过去,自然无法营救堕落真犼仙王 Moreover, what making them be hard to accept, Gu Changge was only thing of casual wield such taboo Imitation, blocked them? 而且,令他们难以接受的是,顾长歌只是随便祭出这么件禁忌之物的仿品,就挡住了他们? „......” “啊……” At this time, degenerated really the pitiful yell of hou to transmit, was Immortal King, the firmness of will, hundred cultivated immortality the gold/metal to be firmer than it. 这时,堕落真犼的惨叫传来,身为仙王,意志之坚定,比之百炼仙金都还要坚固。 Will this world also has what kind of matter, make it send out to call out pitifully? 这世间还有何等事情,会让其发出惨叫来? Even if facing death, is impossible so to shame one Immortal King, this will be its shame. 哪怕是面对死亡,也不可能如此羞辱一位仙王,这将是它的耻辱。 But after 667 see that side scene, even if Kun profound Immortal King and the others, is absolutely terrified, the whole body is sending coldly, even scalp tingles. 可667看到那边的景象后,哪怕是坤玄仙王等人,也是毛骨悚然,浑身在发寒,甚至头皮发麻。 Among heaven and earth had the medicine to float fragrant, the fire of Great Dao is burning, fired unceasingly degenerates really hou. 天地间有了药香飘来,大道之火在燃烧,不断灼烧堕落真犼。 It was being built up, was treated as the society the big medicine, was swallowed the absorption by Gu Changge, is in front of their, the source is dissipating fast. 它在被炼化,被当做人世间的大药,被顾长歌吞噬吸收,当着他们的面,本源在快速消逝。 Immortal King dao fruit congealing reality, even congealed the shape of fruit. 仙王道果凝实,甚至凝结出了果子的形状。 That is real hou of one reduction several times, glittering and translucent carving, has the medicine to fill the air fragrant. 那是一只缩小数倍的真犼,晶莹剔透,有着药香弥漫。 Wisp of aura, made common cultivator fly upwards sufficiently, and even was reborn. 只是一缕气息,就足以令寻常修士飞升,乃至脱胎换骨。 However now, but was treated as the big medicine, to treat as the common fruit to gobble up by Gu Changge. 但是现在,只是被顾长歌当做大药、当做寻常果实吞吃。 The unusuality that his facial expression nature, and has no, incomparable free, probably these actions, have done innumerable, the brand mark in the bone and divine soul. 他神情自然,并无任何的异常,无比的自若,像是这些举动,已经做了无数遍,烙印在了骨子和神魂之中。 Degenerates really the hou Immortal King main body to fire in the flame, that is Great Dao is really hot, may burn down the universe, extinction all. 堕落真犼仙王的本体在火焰之中灼烧,那是大道真火,可焚烧宇宙,绝灭一切。 Now is treated as one medicine fire, was used for the sacrifice to refine its Immortal King source by Gu Changge, then refining up to change into dao fruit, swallows for him. 现在只是被当做一种药火,被顾长歌用来祭炼其仙王本源,然后炼化为道果,供他吞噬。 „......” “啊……” Saves me......” “救我……” Degenerated really hou Immortal King to send out the pitiful yell, that pain and humiliation, were hard to describe in the spoken language. 堕落真犼仙王发出了惨叫,那种痛苦和屈辱,难以用言语去形容。 It personally sees oneself to be built up, own cultivation and essence, become the nourishment. 它亲眼见着自己被炼化,自己的道行和精华,都成为了养料。 In the fire of this Great Dao, got rid of the bad and retained the good, becomes the glittering and translucent carving big medicine. 在这大道之火中,被去芜存菁,成为了晶莹剔透的大药。 Then was swallowed by Gu Changge at a moderate pace, his vision nature, the manner also brings serene, even the feeling of god. 然后被顾长歌不紧不慢地吞下,他目光自然,举止还带着云淡风轻,甚至给人一种神雅之感。 But now, makes foreign land all lives, sends to the whole body with amazement coldly, was shouting, is hard to accept. 可是现在,却令异域所有生灵,骇然到浑身发寒,在大喊,难以接受。 In their mind invincible king, degenerated into the big medicine nourishment unexpectedly? 他们心目中无敌的王,竟然沦为了大药养料? this scene is to make Kun profound Immortal King, azure deep Immortal King and the others, the scalp probably blast out, alarmed and afraid. 这一幕更是令坤玄仙王、青冥仙王等人,头皮都要炸开,惊惧至极。 As Immortal King, they are honored, is this innumerable years, supreme Heaven's Chosen that among heaven and earth is born, the forcing innumerable peers, arrived this step. 身为仙王,他们何等尊贵,乃是这无数岁月来,天地间所诞生的至强天骄,力压无数同辈,才走到了这一步。 They can die in battle, can be killed, but actually cannot so the humiliation die. 他们可以战死,可以被人所杀,但是却不能如此屈辱地死去。 This is their first sight, as Immortal King, even mortal body divine soul becomes the immortal material medicine, was treated as the source big medicine to swallow. 这还是他们第一次见到,身为仙王,连肉身神魂都成为了仙材药物,被人当做本源大药所吞噬。 Do not worry, swallowed it, quick was one's turn you.” “你们不要着急,吞了它,很快就轮到你们了。” Gu Changge does not pay attention to Kun profound Immortal King, azure deep Immortal King and the others the alarmed and afraid angers, at a moderate pace degenerating really hou Immortal King source swallowing. 顾长歌并不理会坤玄仙王、青冥仙王等人的惊惧愤怒,不紧不慢地将堕落真犼仙王的本源给吞下。 Has saying that Immortal King source compared with the True Immortal source, indeed not on the same level. 不得不说,仙王本源比起真仙本源,的确不是一个层次的。 The dao technique regular fragment that contains, can simply with magnanimous and endless described. 所蕴含的道法规则碎片,简直可以用海量和无尽来形容。 This grade of taste, even if were he enters into Immortal Dao domain that day, is unable to place on a par. 这等滋味,哪怕是他迈入仙道领域的那天,也无法相提并论。 This indeed meets to cause one/to make one to immerse. 这的确是会令人沉醉的。
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