IAFV :: Volume #13

#1293: The immortal Chu Hao earth removes from various world, this reason enough( sought subscription)

Many disciples of immortal clear/pain Jie earth imperial family, as well as clear/pain Gucheng some trusted subordinate trusted aides, the surface inked ribbon thick sad Yihe is at this moment angry, as well as is unwilling. 仙楚洁土皇室的诸多弟子,以及楚孤城的一些亲信心腹,此刻都面色带着浓浓的悲意和愤怒,以及不甘。 In one day, the big immortal Chu Hao earth will crash the destruction from now on. 一日之内,偌大的仙楚浩土自此崩塌覆灭。 Their members of the same family subordinates, to help them escapes, died in all on the way, perished. 他们的亲族手下,为了帮助他们逃命,都尽数死在了途中,就此殒命。 Sees everywhere is the ruins wreckage, the remnant of destroyed building, once aloof and remote, overlooked they of innumerable cultivator and life, will degenerate into stray cur from now on, can only flee from calamity everywhere. 所见到处是废墟残骸,断壁残垣,曾经高高在上、俯瞰无数修行者和生灵的他们,也自此沦为丧家之犬,只能四处逃难。 season youth, the later day, can only depend on you. At present perhaps we cannot continue to treat in Greek Yuan civilization, is only hoping can go to the rising sun day civilization I harmonies the palace. „ “季郎,以后的日子,就只能靠你了。目前我们恐怕也不能继续待在希元文明了,只盼着能去旭旦文明I通谐才宫。“ Various son Yuan civilization Dao Orthodoxy influences, only feared that must be ruthless to us, stamps out the source of trouble. „ “帑元文明各道统势力,只怕要对我们赶尽杀绝,斩草除根。“ Above the flying boat, clear/pain Xinyue closely is holding the jade bottle in hand, saw eye behind many brothers and sisters, as well as other heir later generations of Chu, then slightly have to the Ouyang season of body bank 飞舟之上,楚心月紧紧抱着手中的玉瓶,看了眼身后的诸多兄弟姐妹,以及楚家的其余子嗣后辈,然后才对身畔的欧阳季略有 The apology said. 歉意地说道。 This is the only means that she can think at present, this catastrophe came quickly, radically not to the time that they prepared. 这是她目前所能想到的唯一办法,这场浩劫来得太快了,根本就没有给他们准备的时间。 She two Princess as immortal Chu Hao earth, has Yang Turen to stare at them deficiently. 她身为仙楚浩土的二公主,匱早就有阳图人盯正了他们。 Therefore clear/pain Xinyue also can only try to find the solution, making everyone escape separatedly, she leads some person and Ouyang season and the others fled to the rising sun day civilization, goes for shelter free heavenly palace. 所以楚心月也只能想办法,让所有人分开逃,她带着部分人和欧阳季等人逃往旭旦文明,去投奔逍遥天宫。 So long as they still, that have the opportunity of avenging a grievance. 只要他们还在,那就有报仇雪恨的机会。 These people come was really quick, I worry now, only feared has not returned to the rising sun day civilization, will be intercepted by the halfway. „ “这些人来的实在是太快了,我现在就担心,只怕还没有回到旭旦文明,就会被半路拦截。“ Hears this saying, on Ouyang season face is also revealed that several points worry, the cheek to not have is said 听到这话,欧阳季脸上也是显露出几分担忧来,颐为无系地说道 clear/pain Xinyue clenches teeth saying that „, if really to that time , can only try to find the solution, making some people remain to bring up the rear, leaves behind talent stronger running away, here has my immortal Chu Hao 楚心月咬了咬牙道,“如果真的到了那个时候,也只能想办法,让部分人留下来殿后,留下天赋更强的逃走,这里有我仙楚浩 earth most fire seeds, they are the immortal Chu Hao earth future hopes, cannot easily fall from the sky. „ 土绝大多数的火种,他们都是仙楚浩土将来的希望,不能轻易陨落。“ During the speeches, clear/pain Xinyue the vision has swept, in person who this time she takes away. 说话间,楚心月目光扫过,此次她带走的人之中。 Having is the people of talent tyrannical destiny, so long as does not fall to dissolve, in the future will greatly possibly become boundary exist(ence) very much. 有很多都是天赋强横的气运之人,只要不陨溶,将来很大可能成为道境存在 This is the energy and capital that she will avenge a grievance in the future. 这将是她未来报仇雪恨的底气和资本。 Ouyang season shakes the head. 欧阳季摇了摇头。 clear/pain Xinyue also knows that now will face the aspect of living under subjugation, therefore not good to say anything to Ouyang season again. 楚心月也知道如今将面临寄人篱下的局面,所以也不好对欧阳季再说些什么。 She can also guess, these people who perhaps the free heavenly palace is not willing to give shelter to the immortal Chu Hao earth. 她也猜得出来,逍遥天宫恐怕不愿收留仙楚浩土的这些人。 Because behind, once the settlement starts, the ballad day is difficult to draw wants the storehouse to affect. 因为后面一旦清算开始,谣天难绘要库波及。 However now, except for free and unfettered day of beyond the words, her also no other destination, does not have other choice. 但是现在,除了逍遥天言外,她也别无去处,也没有别的选择。 Does could it be turn to that illusory Yin Dynasty ruins hole? 难道去投靠那虚无缥缈的殷墟洞? When the war breaks out, that star Ms. brave of Yin Dynasty ruins hole went into hiding. 在大战爆发之际,殷墟洞的那名星英老妪就销声匿迹了。 The white eyebrows 903 star Monarch somewhat keeping old friendships in mind day sentiments, have not perhaps chosen to escape immediately, but is many ministers and gods will collaborate the anti- enemy, but now is dead or alive from not knowing 白眉903星君或许还有些念旧日情,并未在第一时间选择逃命,而是和诸多大臣、神将联手抗敌,但如今是生是死也不从得知 clear/pain Xinyue also has other plan, she does not prepare to treat in the free and unfettered heavenly palace, waits for the situation to be slightly stabler, leads everyone to leave, in addition seeks the destination. 楚心月本身也有着另外的打算,她并不准备在逍遥天宫一直待下去,等局势稍微稳定一些,就带着所有人离开,另寻去处。 A free and unfettered day of word is only the shelter that she chooses at present. 逍遥天言只是她目前所选的庇护所。 season youth, the father once left leeway several space and times to hide away, immortal clear/pain Jie earth more than 100 eras many rare and precious background accumulate the pickling, to provide against contingencies, keeps in “季郎,父亲曾留有几处时空秘藏,将仙楚洁土一百多纪元来的诸多珍稀底蕴积累都封藏于其中,就是为了以防万一,留作于 Capital of staging a comeback. „ 东山再起的资本。“ This time I fled from calamity also to carry off many background of immortal Chu Hao earth, when returned to the free heavenly palace after safely, words that both of us got married, caused my number.” “此次我逃难也带走了仙楚浩土的很多底蕴,等安然回到逍遥天宫后,我俩成婚的话,使我的数。” " I know that made you help the immortal Chu Hao earth get through this difficult time, somewhat felt embarrassed, but I to you indeed was an absolute sincerity sincerity, m "我知道让你帮仙楚浩土渡过此次难关,是有些为难了,但我对你的确是一片赤诚的真心,m clear/pain Xinyue the vision is gentle, looks to the Ouyang season of body bank, in the tone also full is the tender feelings. 楚心月目光柔和,望向身畔的欧阳季,语气里似也满是柔情。 Her looks were peerless, skin white such as snow, figure tall and slender is beautiful, during this moment speeches, delicate hand moves several wisps of beautiful hair between volumes gently, seems charming and sultry. 她姿容本就绝世,肤白如雪,身段高挑婀娜,此刻说话间,素手轻轻撩动额间的几缕秀发,更显得风情万种。 Ouyang Jisi was also touched because of this saying, staring had not been allowing to be happy with the grass. 欧阳季似也因为她这话而被触动到了,瞪正原未容和草喜。 Heart moon/month, you could rest assured that I have said that the matter of your immortal Chu Hao earth, is my matter, I will definitely try to help your.” He guarantees to say immediately, on pulsation “心月,你放心,我早就说过,你们仙楚浩土的事情,就是我的事情,我肯定会尽全力帮你的。”他当即保证说道,就差拍着 Chest guarantee. 胸膛保证了。 clear/pain Xinyue hearing this, is shows the delightful smile. 楚心月闻言,也是露出甜美的笑容来。 Has season court attendant your saying, I felt relieved thoroughly.” “有季郎你这话,我就彻底放心了。” She ejects this saying intentionally, the circle wants to move away the Saint. 她故意抛出这话,匝想动距圣。 The will of the people are the value deliberates, clear/pain Xinyue did not count on that Ouyang season has helped her. 人心是值不起推敲的,楚心月也不指望欧阳季会一直帮她。 Once the free heavenly palace covets that some space and times to hide away, that assures their securities inevitably, before obtaining that some space and times hides away, has helped them cover up the trace, the avoidance pursues 逍遥天宫一旦觊觎那部分时空秘藏,那必然保证他们的安全,在没有得到那部分时空秘藏前,会一直帮他们遮掩痕迹,躲避追 . 查。 clear/pain Xinyue also calculates that this point, a free and unfettered day of officer faded to dissolve day after day, now possibly gives up at present extremely easy to obtain big cash cow? 楚心月也正是算准了这一点,逍遥天官日渐衰溶,如今又怎么可能放弃眼前唾手可得的大肥肉? Matter that „ Uncle Fu, comforts the will of the people, was exhausted you, perhaps now the immortal Chu Hao earth destruction, the father they had also died in battle, flame that my immortal Chu Hao earth only saved here L 福伯,安抚人心的事情,劳烦您了,如今仙楚浩土覆灭,父亲他们恐怕也已经战死,我仙楚浩土仅存的火苗都在这里了L Opening must male be tired you pledge, 启还得多男累您老人家了盟, Afterward, clear/pain Xinyue looks the rickets old man of one old vicissitudes to the crowd. 随后,楚心月又看向人群之中一名年迈沧桑的佝偻老者。 When Uncle Fu follows her father from declining is small and weak to rise, grows to the immortal Chu Hao earth guo Lord that step, witnessed the innumerable myths and miracles with own eyes. 福伯追随着她父亲自式微弱小时崛起,一路成长到仙楚浩土囯主的那一步,亲眼见证了无数的神话和奇迹。 Therefore clear/pain Xinyue when escape, gave one him and took, wants to make Uncle Fu assist her. 所以楚心月在逃命时,也将他给一并带上了,想让福伯辅佐她。 Heart moon/month young lady felt relieved, these things, hand over on secure after the chart power. „ “心月小姐放心,这些事情,就安交经图权吧。“ The Uncle Fu face vicissitudes, full are the fold, resembling was all of a sudden older this period of time 福伯面庞沧桑,满是褶皱,似这段时间一下子苍老了很多 Hears clear/pain Xinyue this saying, immediately replied. 听闻楚心月这话,当即回答道。 clear/pain Xinyue slightly feels happily, then she looked that searches for others on flying boat to this 楚心月略感欣慰,而后她又看向这搜飞舟上的其余人 This immortal Chu Hao earth met with the unprecedented disaster, Monarch they fights against the powerful enemy, and others delayed the time of escaping for me, now had perhaps died. This extinguishes the enmity of country, we “此次仙楚浩土遭逢前所未有的大难,国主他们抗击强敌,为我等拖延逃命的时间,如今恐怕已经罹难了。这灭国之仇,我们 Engraves on one's memory, another day will certainly make all enemies pay the price, but also this group. „ 铭记于心,他日必将让所有敌人付出代价,还这团。“ My clear/pain Xinyue distributes the Great Dao great aspirations in this today, this enmity did not report, in the future must by highest heaven god thunder Hongding, the real soul crash into Nine Serenities Hell, always can not be reincarnated. „ “我楚心月今日于此发下大道宏愿,此仇不报,将来必遭九霄神雷轰顶,真魂坠入九幽地狱,永世不得超生。“ She full is the deeply ingrained hatred sound resounds, contains blood and iron meaning. 她满是刻骨恨意的声音响起,更蕴含铁血般的意味。 During is darkly void, at this moment also as if there is single layer Great Dao of single layer to resound suddenly thunders, the chaos real thunder crack, is echoing with the Great Dao great aspirations that she establishes. 冥冥虚空之中,此刻也仿佛有一重又一重的大道骤然响起轰鸣,混沌真雷炸响,在和她立下的大道宏愿相呼应。 Original face dispirited and grey defeat, but also the people in pain and hatred of immersion in Xianchu clean earth destruction, hear this saying, all loses face dejected I becomes along with the live mood inspires in 本来一脸颓丧、灰败,还沉浸于仙楚洁土覆灭的痛苦、仇恨之中的众人,听到这话,皆一扫脸上的颓然I随活情绪变得振在 Granary gets up. 廒起来。 This enmity is absolutely irreconcilable, I and others must tit for fat, returns the blood by the blood. „ “此仇不共戴天,我等必以牙还牙,以血还血。“ Many people follow to distribute to pledge decent. 很多人更是有模有样跟着发下誓言来。 clear/pain Xinyue slightly feels happily nods, simultaneously enclasped the jade bottle in hand. 楚心月略感欣慰地点了点头,同时抱紧了手中的玉瓶。 The speed that they flee from calamity is quick, so long as were separated from this region, quick can leave the immortal Chu Hao earth the area, civilized it. 他们逃难的速度很快,只要脱离了这片区域,很快就能离开仙楚浩土的疆域,文明之。 Ouyang season looks at self-confident clear/pain Xinyue, slightly cannot check shakes the head 欧阳季看着自信满满的楚心月,微不可查地摇了摇头 If neglects many factors, clear/pain Xinyue is actually an extraordinary character, even may pursue her father clear/pain Gucheng. 如果忽略掉很多因素,楚心月其实还是个了不得的人物,甚至可追赶她的父亲楚孤城。 Even if to this critical time, she can also think that make a move segment to come stands firm everyone, stands firm the free heavenly palace 哪怕是到了这种生死攸关的时候,她还能想出手段来稳住所有人,稳住逍遥天宫 However, Ouyang Li Genzhu to broadcasting the chart of heart moon/month. 不过,欧阳李跟豬到播心月的图。 That several space and times that she said hide away is true or false, remained unknown. 她所说的那几处时空秘藏是真是假,也无从得知。 If before trading does, he for this reason will be perhaps excited, finding the way from clear/pain Xinyue the mouth to inquire its location, then seeks. 若是换做之前,他恐怕还会为此心动,想办法从楚心月口中打探到其所在,然后谋求而来。 However now, clear/pain Xinyue has been unable to defend oneself, but also is thinking revenging, this simply is dream of a fool. 但是现在,楚心月已经自身难保了,还在想着报仇,这简直就是痴人说梦。 Ouyang Jiyan passed over gently and swiftly the ridicule that wipes slightly cannot be checked. 欧阳季眼里掠过一抹微不可查的嘲弄。 ! 哧! The flying boat breaks open the universe, grazes in the vast space and time mighty current, Star Territory vanishes after behind. 飞舟破开宇宙,在浩瀚的时空洪流之中飞掠而过,大片大片的星域消失于身后。 From now in the future, world will not have the immortal Chu Hao earth again. „ “自今往后,世间将再无仙楚浩土。“ Suddenly, one is light, the sound of probably does not have any mood mighty waves, in this space and time resounds[, if the god sock of non- stalk is sentencing to live, 突然间,一道平淡冷漠,像是没有任何情绪波澜的声音,在这片时空之中响起[如不秆的神袜在判生, The ice-cold space and time deep place, the one flowing light passes through toward here 冰冷的时空深处,一道流光朝着这边贯穿而来 The dazzling brilliant ray just like the light arrow, directly jet black profound universe illuminating. 刺目绚烂的光芒犹如光箭般,直接将漆黑深邃的宇宙给照亮。 clear/pain Xinyue comforts everyone, in the heart is slightly peaceful. 楚心月安抚完所有人,心中稍安。 Sound that but this resounds suddenly, is lets her facial features instantaneous drastic change, the dimple full being hard chart letter/believes. 但这道忽然响起的声音,却是让她面容瞬间剧变,靥满难以圖信。 How possibly? „ “怎么可能?“ She sets out suddenly, before arriving at the flying boat, the palm refers to spirit light being radiant, the flying goes, must meet the approaching enemy to that streams light/only. 她豁然起身,来到飞舟之前,掌指间神光璀璨,飞身而去,要迎击向那道流光。 Bang! 轰! The fluctuation of energy of frightening, comes in this space and time impact instantaneously, Chaos Qi of probably trillion hooks blast out, circle because of the by place. 恐怖的能量波动,瞬间在这片时空冲击而来,像是有亿万钩的混沌气炸开,圆因以地。 clear/pain Xinyue does not beat instantaneously, the jet blood, flew horizontally, the form hit on the flying boat, dropped. 楚心月瞬间不敌,喷出口血,横飞了出去,身影撞击到了飞舟上,跌落下来。 The arm that only meets the approaching enemy is lets fall softly, by blood immerse. 那只迎击的手臂更是软绵绵地垂落下来,被鲜血所浸没。 Two Princess “二公主 In the flying boat everyone, facial features one drastic change, many cultivation base strong people encircled the coming up mouth to help one another for the moon/month. 飞舟内所有人,面容都一阵剧变,很多修为较强的人都围了上来口想要相助替月。 You escape quickly. „ “你们快逃。“ clear/pain Xinyue is pale, struggles stands up, but strikes merely, her arm was abandoned, but the opposite party intends to keep the result of hand. 楚心月脸色苍白,挣扎地站起身来,但仅仅是一击,她的手臂就被废了,而还是对方有意留手的结果。 Such archenemy, is ancestor said absolutely boundary above exist(ence),( aecg she is not an opponent. 这样的大敌,绝对是祖道境以上的存在,(aecg她根本就不是对手。 She is unwilling with completely desperately 她心里满是不甘和绝望 They run away to here, how possibly can also be given to catch up? 他们都已经逃到这里了,怎么可能还能被人给追上? Moreover, this flying boat rare treasure may cover up Heavenly Mystery obviously, was not deduced to investigate by the enemy, how do their trails expose? 而且,明明这件飞舟异宝可遮掩天机,不被敌人所推演探查到,他们的踪迹又是如何暴露的? could it be is really the day wants perishing immortal clear/pain Jietu today, doesn't keep any hope to them? 难道今日真的是天要亡仙楚洁土,不给他们留任何的希望? „The immortal Chu Hao earth starting today, removes from various world, no one can attempt.” “仙楚浩土自今日起,自诸世间除名,没有人能图。” Above the flying boat, the one form appears silently, the pupil light looks at clear/pain Xinyue lightly. 飞舟之上,一道身影无声无息地浮现,眸光平淡地看着楚心月。 Is you? „ “是你?“ clear/pain Xinyue stares the big eye, is staring at this form stubbornly, on the face full is the unbelievable facial expression. 楚心月瞪大眼睛,死死地盯着这道身影,脸上满是难以置信的神情。 Chief criminal who her younger brother clear/pain Xiaoshen of that evil dies, she has a dream the archenemy who wants to massacre, however met the field to swallow this presently, 那个害的她弟弟楚霄身死的罪魁祸首,她做梦都想杀掉的大敌,原然会田现吞这至, It seems like you are actually very accidental/surprised. „ “看来你对此倒是挺意外的。“ The Gu Changge pupil light does not have the mighty waves as before, light. 顾长歌眸光依旧没有波澜,平淡至极。 I have not really thought...” clear/pain Xinyue mirthless smile gets up suddenly, she looked all around all around, was also encouraged a moment ago, wants for everyone who the immortal Chu Hao earth revenged, now actually hits just like the frost “我真的没想到…”楚心月陡然惨笑起来,她环顾周遭,刚才还振奋不已,想为仙楚浩土报仇的所有人,现在却宛如霜打了 The eggplant is the same, the whole face fears and trembles. 的茄子一样,满脸都是恐惧和颤栗。 This her father and gold/metal and the others collaborated, lift the archenemy who all strengths of immortal Chu Hao earth are unable to defeat, however will present here the column specially they. 这个她父亲、金老等人联手,举仙楚浩土的所有力量都无法战胜的大敌,然会特意出现在这里柱他们。 Who can think of such matter? 谁能想到这样的事情? She does not blame the despair and frightened of everyone whole face, does not dare to meet the approaching enemy. 她也不怪所有人都满脸的绝望和恐惧,不敢迎击。 Such dead end, even if her father is alive, is impossible to reduce and solve 这样的死局,纵然是她父亲在世,也不可能化解 In this bottle, it seems like thinks of the last wisp of real soul that clear/pain not dies young? Do you also want to help him remould the mortal body, among the other countries' present oil?” “这个瓶子里,看来就装着楚无殇的最后一缕真魂?你还想帮他重塑肉身,他国现油间?” I think that clear/pain Gucheng really can this punishing guilty family members situation, it seems like I overestimate him cruel-heartedly.” “我本以为楚孤城真能狠心到这种大义灭亲的地步,看来我还是高估他了。” The Gu Changge vision falls, in clear/pain Xinyue is holding in that white jade bottle, saw through thing that houses. 顾长歌目光落在楚心月抱着的那个白玉瓶子上,一眼就看穿了其中所承装的东西。 He before then, actually did not determine clear/pain Gucheng did have above the main hall kills clear/pain not dead young personally. 他在这之前,其实也不确定楚孤城到底有没有在大殿之上亲手杀了楚无殇。 Although clear/pain Gucheng somewhat fierce and ambitious disposition, but for the youngest son, does not hesitate to make war with the monster courtyard unexpectedly, for this reason is penny-wise and pound foolish. 楚孤城虽然有几分枭雄心性,但是为了小儿子,竟然不惜和妖庭开战,为此因小失大。 Perhaps he cannot achieve executes personally 他恐怕也做不到亲手格杀 Matter that kills the oneself heir. 击毙自己子嗣的事情。 By a Gu Changge language, clear/pain Xinyue the complexion was been again grieved. 顾长歌一语所中,楚心月脸色再度惨然。 Before the allied armies of various Dao Orthodoxy influences arrive, clear/pain Gucheng not dies young to think ahead of time for clear/pain the escape route, screened out his wisp of real soul, seals in the vessel. 在各道统势力的联军降临之前,楚孤城就为楚无殇提前想好了退路,抽走他的一缕真魂,封存于容器之中。 Then practices trickery, performed in a punishing guilty family members good play in the main hall, has hidden the truth from everyone. 然后瞒天过海,在大殿之中演了一出大义灭亲的好戏,瞒过了所有人。 Seals the clear/pain not dying young real soul that vessel, was given clear/pain Xinyue by clear/pain Gucheng, is taken care by her, when the conditions are ripe, the fine knot not dies young obstructs the mortal body again. 封存有楚无殇真魂的那个容器,则被楚孤城交给楚心月,由她来保管,等到时机成熟,精結无殇重壅肉身。 Everyone on flying boat was also feared, they have not thought that the Crown Prince clear/pain not war casualty competes however has not died, but also leaves leeway a wisp of real soul in 飞舟上的所有人也都被惊住了,他们没想到大皇子楚无殇竞然没有死,还留有一缕真魂在 That said at that time in main hall, is Monarch clear/pain Gucheng that punishing guilty family members behavior, actually acts in a play to deceive everyone? 那岂不是说当时在大殿的时候,国主楚孤城那番大义灭亲的行为,其实都是演戏诓骗所有人? This is the immortal Chu Hao earth that you must protect, Monarch that must give loyalty to? Finally saw clearly his true colors? „ Gu Changge notices on the flying boat the mood of people to change, mouth “这就是你们要守护的仙楚浩土,要效忠的国主?是不是终于看清了他的真面目?“顾长歌注意到飞舟上众人的情绪变化,嘴 The corner/horn revealed that wipes the light curve. 角显露一抹淡淡的弧度。 His conveniently move, that by the white jade bottle that clear/pain Xinyue grasps stubbornly, was absorbed asking for by him directly. 他随手一招,那个被楚心月死死抱住的白玉瓶子,被他直接摄了讨。 Looks facial expression that everyone changes, clear/pain Xinyue over the face is bitter and astringent and weak, she also knows how now to explain again is not good. 看着所有人变化的神情,楚心月满面苦涩和无力,她也知道现在再怎么解释也不行了。 Let alone even if Gu Changge must kill them, is still only a thought matter, even if she explanation were clear is also useful? 何况顾长歌就算要杀他们所有人,也只是一个念头的事情,她就算解释清楚了又有什么用? Young Master Gu... „ 顾公子…“ Ouyang season said slightly submissively, regarding the arrival of Gu Changge, is actually not accidental/surprised, Gu Changge have vast magic powers he has experienced to cross L to ripple slightly to and looks to honor. 欧阳季微微拱手道,对于顾长歌的到来,倒是并不意外,顾长歌神通广大他已经见识过了L对里有漾小的和望崇。 If obeys the free and unfettered day of word these old fogies' instruction , to continue to hit to relate with immortal clear/pain Jietu. 如果听从逍遥天言那些老家伙们的吩咐,继续和仙楚洁土打好关系。 That estimate continually free and unfettered heavenly palace strong by the disaster of mackerel shad, for this reason in constant anxiety. 那估计连逍遥天宫都会遒受池鱼之灾,为此惶惶不可终日。 Sees Ouyang season to treat the Gu Changge respectful attitude, clear/pain Xinyue also one stares, without responding. 看见欧阳季对待顾长歌的恭敬态度,楚心月还有些一愣,没反应过来。 If Ouyang season wants to maintain a livelihood, returns to inadequate this the attitude of releasing 欧阳季如果想活命的话,回不成该该释的态度 Suddenly, her whole body trembles, responded, the complexion is pale, because whole person extreme angry and unwilling, but the face shakes. 陡然,她浑身颤,反应了过来,脸色更是惨白,整个人都因为极度的愤怒、不甘而颜抖起来。 Ouyang season, you...... you have been deceiving me unexpectedly...” “欧阳季,你……你竟然一直在欺骗我…” Her face shakes is pointing at Ouyang season, in the eye is the deeply ingrained hatred and anger 她颜抖地指着欧阳季,眼里是刻骨的怨毒和愤怒 If she could not have responded that until now, that did not match to do because of meeting with clean field fang Duke 如果直到现在她还反应不过来的话,那也不配作因晤洁田的匚公了 Since this period of time, she has thought Ouyang season adores in her, is willing to handle anything for her, this is regarded as the oneself person him, informed his many things. 这段时间以来,她一直以为欧阳季倾慕于她,甘愿为她做任何事情,这才把他当做是自己人,告知了他不少事情。 But who knows, Ouyang season deceives her unexpectedly, all adores in her appearance, disguises? 可谁知道,欧阳季竟然欺骗她,所有倾慕于她的样子,都是假装出来的? Ouyang season hearing this looked at her one eyes lightly, no meaning of paying attention 欧阳季闻言只是平淡地看了她一眼,没有任何理会的意思 clear/pain Xinyue thinks intelligent, fat person yan generally, when sinks in E that her stone plants 楚心月自以为聪明,肥人郾当概沉的于她石种下的E子 Today's retribution , can only say that bears the consequences of evil acts. 今日的报应,也只能说是自食恶果。 I have care for all living things, does not want to create innocent slaughtering, if you want to revenge for the immortal Chu Hao earth, insists on opposing with me, that gets down to accompany her together. „ The Gu Changge complexion is tranquil “我有好生之德,不想造成无辜的杀戮,你们若是想为仙楚浩土报仇,执意和我作对,那就一起下去陪她。“顾长歌面色平静 , Has swept others on flying boat. ,扫过飞舟上的其余人。 His saying lets these and immortal Chu Hao earth imperial family not many cultivator of bloodlines relations, a complexion change. 他这话让那些和仙楚浩土皇室没有多少血脉关系的修行者,面色一阵变化。 Many people felt that intent moves very much, until the present, after their shape to meet necessary puts together completely the celestial body, cleanly business, but 很多人都感觉很是意动,直到如今,他们形必要为晤洁拼尽圜后商而 Monarch clear/pain Gucheng until the last minute, is still deceiving to deceive them, died with it like this inexplicably, is living actually not carelessly, Gu Changge such exist(ence), is it possible that can also 国主楚孤城直到最后一刻,都还在愚弄欺骗他们,与其这样不明不白地死去,倒不是苟且活着,顾长歌这样的存在,莫非还会 Deceiving their these unimportant people are inadequate? 诓骗他们这些小人物不成? At that moment, many hesitant, starts to make noise, the choice surrenders 当下,不少人犹豫一阵,都开始出声,选择归降 Even if some and immortal Chu Hao earth imperial family has the disciple who the bloodlines relate, so, wants to go on living. 哪怕是一些和仙楚浩土皇室有血脉关系的弟子,也是如此,想要活下去。 Two Princess, the old servant did not do right by you, the old servant did matter for a lifetime for immortal clear/pain Jietu, but a good reputation not to have in the end. Now[ the old water insect wants for by king living “二公主,老奴对不住你们了,老奴为仙楚洁土做了一辈子的事情,可到头来连个好名声都没有。现在[老水虫想为由王活着 fang " 匚" On the Uncle Fu face reveals some guilty, finally also chose surrendering. 福伯脸上显露一些愧疚,最后也选择了归降。 Sees with own eyes even the loyal and devoted old minister of immortal Chu Hao earth, finally also chose surrendering disappointedly 眼见连仙楚浩土的这位忠心耿耿的老臣,最后也寒心选择了归降 Other also some people of vacillation, are intertwine hesitant, in the heart struggled, then submitted to the seeking livehood desire at heart. 其余还有些动摇的人,更是纠结犹豫,心中挣扎了下,然后还是屈从了心里的求生欲。 „ The immortal Chu Hao earth and you do not have the enmity to be not resentful obviously, when Chen Weishen wants to very clean field “仙楚浩土和你明明无仇无怨,陈为什要支么对时酷洁田 Looks at this scene, clear/pain Xinyue is everywhere desperate, the sound shivers was saying grieved. 看着这一幕,楚心月更是满目绝望,声音颤抖着惨然说道。 Not having the enmity is not resentful? To me, it blocked my road, this reason was enough. „ Gu Changge said lightly. “无仇无怨吗?对我而言,它挡住了我的路,这个理由就足够了。“顾长歌淡淡说道。 The words fall, as soon as he directs, clear/pain Xinyue brow blasting open, whole person including the divine soul same place, in light of this destroy both body and soul...... 话语落下,他一指点出,楚心月眉头炸裂,整个人包括神魂一起,就此形神俱灭……
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