IAFV :: Volume #13

#1294: At the point of death also wants to go bad your dao heart, in 1000 time( sought subscription)

clear/pain Xinyue wrote off by Gu Changge direct make a move, lets everyone Gao dwell on flying boat, but also in hesitant puzzled many clear/pain younger clan cousin children, is looks to be alarmed and afraid and tremble li, from the start does not have 楚心月被顾长歌直接出手抹杀,让飞舟上的所有人都杲住了,还在犹豫纠结的诸多楚族弟子,更是面露惊惧和颤蔾,压根就没 Thinks that Gu Changge so murders decisively, rubbish with them. 想到顾长歌如此杀伐果断,根本就不和他们废话。 At that moment, many both legs one soft, in the place, must open the mouth to beg for mercy weak, wants to live. 当下,很多人双腿一软,瘫软在地,就要开口求饶,想要活下来。 Ouyang season everyone of free heavenly palace, dumbfounded directly, the facial features tremble with fear. 欧阳季在内的逍遥天宫的所有人,也是直接呆住了,面容惊颤。 I give you to elect ~ the opportunity of selecting. „ “我给过你们选~择的机会。“ Gu Changge shakes the head gently, the sleeves fling, the person who next moment these beg for mercy at present changes to the flying ash instantaneously, even/including Jiufu for does not attempt, 顾长歌轻轻摇头,衣袖一甩,下一刻眼前这些求饶的人瞬间化作飞灰,连酒浮替不图, Writes off clear/pain Xinyue, to him looks like pinches the dead one ants to be equally simple. 抹杀楚心月,对他而言就像是捏死一只蝼蚁一样简单。 What thinks as for these clear/pain Clan survivor hearts is anything, he is also clear, is naturally impossible to make them remain, to become future trouble. 至于这些楚族余孽心中想的是什么,他也一清二楚,自然不可能让他们留下来,以成后患。 After leaving this place, Gu Changge makes the white Bone Ancestor king go that to seal clear/pain directly not dead young a white jade bottle of wisp of real soul to give the champion Hou Chuheng. 随后离开此地后,顾长歌直接让白骨祖王去将那个封存着楚无殇一缕真魂的白色玉瓶交给冠军侯楚恒。 After seeing this white jade bottle, champion Hou Chuheng should know how should do, returning can continue the vinegar to disappear fights with all might dry/does. 在见到这个白色玉瓶后,冠军侯楚恒就应该知道该怎么做了,回能继续醋消干拼杀。 He after all is outside immortal Chu Hao earth abatement Monarch clear/pain Gucheng, the minister who the most prestigious person, these is not willing to go to will want stupid, not to understand how when the time comes should choose. 他毕竟是仙楚浩土除却国主楚孤城外,最有威望的人,那些不愿赴死的大臣只要不蠢,到时候就会明白应该怎么选择。 The following many things, Gu Changge did not prepare to act to participate, making others process the aftermath. 接下来的诸多事情,顾长歌都不准备出面参与了,让其余人来处理残局。 The muddy clan and muddy clan of Immortal Spirit civilization have sneaked across, is stationed in various places, now various immortal clear/pain Jie earth chaos, good time that also they fish in troubled waters. 仙灵文明的浊族、浑族早已偷渡过来,正驻扎在各处,如今仙楚洁土各处大乱,也正是他们浑水摸鱼的好时候。 This to Gu Changge, is lets cut down a day of pledge to infiltrate to come, the bird occupies the dove nest, shop shape hernia for the vast Tian Caike system. 这对顾长歌来说,也是让伐天盟渗透而来,雀占鸠巢,店形疝替浩田猜坷的制。 The Dao Orthodoxy influence that wants to slice as for these, the thought that Gu Changge has not stopped, because of behind these Dao Orthodoxy influences, will be is definitely subdued by him, will become one of the cutting down a day of pledge 至于那些想要分一杯羹的道统势力,顾长歌也没有阻拦的念头,因为后面这些道统势力,肯定是会被他收服,成为伐天盟的一 Part. 部分的。 Now they plunder snatch away many resources, when the time comes can one and spits. 现在他们抢掠夺走多少资源,到时候都会一并吐出来。 clear/pain Gucheng dies, the immortal Chu Hao earth nature is difficult the aspect that escapes to disintegrate. 楚孤城一死,仙楚浩土自然难逃分崩离析的局面。 But champion Hou Chuheng is Gu Changge selects, plans the object who supports, he comes to process the following aftermath firmly 而冠军侯楚恒便是顾长歌选中,打算扶持的对象,他来為固处理接下来的残局 That side the monster courtyard has seven crown prince Emperor Kun, but that side the Zixiao mountain has the purple ten thousand rivers, after these board game pieces are the Gu Changge careful choices, determines. 妖庭那边有七太子帝坤,而紫霄山那边则有紫万河,这些棋子都是顾长歌仔细挑选后确定的。 When he does not plan and say/way prosperous True World such, true unify hopes the Yuan civilization, but is plans to divide and rule, making these Dao Orthodoxy influences an member who cuts down a day of pledge. 因为他并不打算和道昌真界时那样,真正一统希元文明,而是打算分而治之,让这些道统势力都成为伐天盟的一份子。 But the matter that he must handle controls these board game pieces, making these board game pieces use for him on the line. 而他所要做的事情就是掌控住这些棋子,让这些棋子为他所用就行。 This in view of the general situation of immortal Chu Hao earth, was draws in a net now finally, but now he must do all traces gives to erase he has participated in[ outside EE leaving matter. 这场针对仙楚浩土的大局,如今也算是终于收网了,而他现在要做的就是将他参与过的所有痕迹都给抹除[EE抽身事外。 Master, how does this fellow want to solve? „ 主上,这家伙要怎么解决?“ The spirit of empty pale form eternal life flutters erratically, pulls out from the Uncle Fu forehead, it is looking at a rickets old man of this face dispirited and grey defeat, the tone full is cold and gloomy. 永生之灵虚淡的身影飘荡不定,自福伯的眉心抽离出来,它望着这个一脸颓丧、灰败的佝偻老头,语气满是森冷。 Immortal Chu Hao earth such destruction “仙楚浩土就这么覆灭了啊” Uncle Fu has not actually paid attention to the spirit of eternal life at this moment, but looks at the remote place full is being the immortal Chu Hao earth of chaos caused by war and flame, full is on the face that dark blue hangs[ bitter and astringent and vacant and pain. 福伯此刻却是并未理会永生之灵,而是望着遥远之地满是战乱和火光的仙楚浩土,满是沧垂的脸上[苦涩和茫然、痛苦。 The spirit of eternal life occupies his mortal body this period of time, although he can see the behavior of spirit of eternal life, but is actually not able to prevent, but sometimes, the spirit of eternal life will receive him 永生之灵占据他肉身的这段时间,他虽然能看到永生之灵的所为,但是却无法阻止,不过有些时候,永生之灵还是会受到他强 The disturbing effect of fierce will. 烈意志的干扰影响。 However, for does not affect the Gu Changge general situation, the spirit of eternal life does not dare to swallow the consciousness of Uncle Fu truly. 不过,为了不影响到顾长歌的大局,永生之灵也不敢真正吞噬福伯的意识。 Yes, immortal Chu Hao earth destruction.” The Gu Changge slight nod, is calm. “是啊,仙楚浩土覆灭了。”顾长歌微微点头,语气平静。 To him, Mo leads is difficult to know that now he encircles by the demon immortal fine wine cleanly person. 对他而言,陌導如今难知道他围以魔仙醑洁正的人。 The spirit of eternal life occupies this period of time of Uncle Fu consciousness, he naturally can also hear the spirit of eternal life with the words of Gu Changge conversation, knows Gu Changge many behaviors. 永生之灵占据福伯意识的这段时间,他自然也能听到永生之灵和顾长歌交谈的话语,知晓顾长歌的诸多所为。 This lets Uncle Fu is scared and frightened, trembles, he indeed has not thought that monster courtyard and immortal clear/pain Jietu conflict, because of planning of Gu Changge. 这让福伯更是胆寒、恐惧、战栗,他的确是万万没想到,妖庭和仙楚洁土的冲突,也是因顾长歌的算计而起。 That is shot the day to bend by the rare treasure that clear/pain white obtained, was Gu Changge refines unexpectedly personally, then discarding to various world. 那件被楚白所得到的异宝射日弓,竟然是顾长歌亲自炼制,然后投落到诸世间。 Shot innate Artifact Spirit in day bow, circle Gu Changge secure Fan. 射日弓之中的先天器灵,匝顾长歌安翻的。 The fuse cause of immortal Chu Hao earth and monster courtyard war, all are Gu Changge are promoting to plan secretly. 楚浩土和妖庭大战的导火线起因,一切都是顾长歌在幕后推动算计。 All these all, have by him, was promoted by him secretly. 这一切的一切,都是由他而起,被他在幕后所推动。 Before clear/pain Gucheng, has believed, the back of immortal Chu Hao earth seems a pair of not visible frightening big hand to promote, making it gradually move toward the beyond redemption hopeless situation. 楚孤城之前就一直认为,仙楚浩土的背后似有一双看不见的恐怖大手在推动着,让其一步步走向万劫不复的绝境。 Now looks like, at that time clear/pain Gucheng idea is right, is not he intends makes the immortal Chu Hao earth move toward so the position to have the promoter to plan the class to delimit in the back. 现在看来,当时楚孤城的想法就是对的,并不是他有意让仙楚浩土走向如此境地的是有推手在背算计课划。 great tribulation that originally the law Saint senior deduced initially, can be this, even I had been planned...” On the Uncle Fu face a piece is grieved and despairs, the tears, full are “原来法圣前辈当初所推演到的大劫,会是这样的,连我都早已被算计在内…”福伯脸上一片惨然、绝望,老泪纵横,满是 Distressed, regret. 痛心、后悔。 But understands these now, there is what using? 可现在明白这些了,又有何用? Even if understood all these initially, they facing Gu Changge this archenemy, will have other means? 哪怕是当初明白这一切,那他们面对顾长歌这个大敌,就会有别的办法吗? He once looks at the immortal clear/pain Jie earth with own eyes from the one side small and weak state, grows gradually, until present such Imperishable state, looks down at various world 他曾亲眼看着仙楚洁土自一方弱小国度,渐渐成长起来,直至如今这样的不朽国度,瞰诸世间 At the present, he also once looks at this side Imperishable state, in a day crashes no longer exist(ence), just like illusion shatter, actually became coming to naught in the end. 而今,他也曾看着这方不朽国度,一日之间崩塌不复存在,宛如镜花水月破灭,到头来却成了一场空。 „The immortal Chu Hao earth existed, have you also no longer wanted to revenge for it?” “仙楚浩土已经不复存在了,你还想为它报仇吗?” Gu Changge sees the old man of this desperate sorrowful cry, in the eye does not have the slight mood mighty waves at present. 顾长歌看着眼前这个绝望恸哭的老头,眼里没有丝毫情绪波澜。 Mentioned reasonably, Uncle Fu was only the person of knowledge Dao Immortal Chu Hao earth destruction truth, so long as erased it, the mark cooperated because of world uplifting net. 按理说来,福伯是唯个知道仙楚浩土覆灭真相的人,只要将其抹除,痕协因自世间隆升净。 He can leave to go from this matter truly, some people do not know that all these are related with him. 那他就能真正从这件事中抽身而去,不会有人知道这一切和他有关。 Cuts down a day of pledge also to be able the bird to occupy the dove nest justifiablily, displaces the immortal Chu Hao earth. 伐天盟也能名正言顺地雀占鸠巢,将仙楚浩土取而代之。 Champion Hou Chuheng also never knows, plans his person truly is actually his Gu Changge. 冠军侯楚恒也永远都不会知道,真正算计他的人其实是他顾长歌 May look because at this moment desperate, laments the old man who is bigger than loses hope, the Gu Changge actually grass famous place thinks another one form, lifted the palm[ put. 可看着此刻因为绝望、哀恸大于心死的老头,顾长歌却草名地想到了另一道身影,本来抬起的手掌[放了下去。 old man can I also revenge for it? earth turns over to the earth, the dust to turn over to the dust, all these had dissipated, now old man does not have the ability to revenge for it.” Uncle Fu said with a smile grieved. “老头我还能为它报仇吗?土归土,尘归尘,这一切都已经消散了,现在老头已经没能力为它报仇了。”福伯惨然笑道。 In the spirit of eternal life occupies his mortal body period, his real soul was nibbled unceasingly, perhaps the present strength common say/way boundary does not beat continually. 在永生之灵占据他肉身的期间,他的真魂不断被蚕食,如今的实力恐怕连寻常道境都不敌。 Counted on that he does revenge for immortal clear/pain Jietu? Counted on that he does cope with Gu Changge? This simply is dream of a fool. 指望他为仙楚洁土报仇?指望他对付顾长歌?这简直就是痴人说梦。 Young Master Gu you, if must kill the old man, that begins, now is old man living, is actually unimportant.” Uncle Fu falls in the place L chaotic eye dejected 顾公子你如果要杀了老头的话,那就动手吧,现在老头活不活着,其实都已经不重要了。”福伯颓然地跌坐在地L浑沌的眼 The bandits conceal by the hernia fine wine that Ou Xian embezzles but are actually done from cleanly. 匪倒匿被欧陷所吞没的疝醑洁干自都。 Gu Changge looks at him tranquilly, said that „ before you, once had said that if not clear/pain Gucheng also wants your help, you have actually wanted to seek a tranquil mortal village, crosses 顾长歌平静地看着他,道,“你之前曾说过,如果不是楚孤城还要你的帮助的话,你其实早就想寻一处平静的凡人村落,过凡 Person such pleasures of old age, day of enjoying old age in peace. ” 人那样含饴弄孙,安享晚年的日子。” Hears this saying, in the Uncle Fu eye flashes through wipes absent-minded, he has not actually thought Gu Changge actually still remembers this saying. 听到这话,福伯眼里闪过一抹恍惚,他其实也没想到顾长歌竟然还记得这话。 This was Gu Changge on day of clear/pain Gucheng the birthday feast, after when arriving the immortal Chu Hao earth looked for him, two people in the teahouse talk words that he spoke. 原本这是顾长歌在楚孤城寿宴之日,来到仙楚浩土找上他后,两人在茶楼之中交谈时他所说的话。 Never expected that Young Master Gu actually still remembers the words that the old man spoke at that time......” on the Uncle Fu face appear wipe bitterly and astringently. “没想到顾公子竟然还记得老头当时所说的话……”福伯脸上浮现一抹苦涩。 I once was only the house slave of Chu, has taken care of Monarch father that generation, if behind were not his cultivation base has, picked from Chu me, perhaps I could not contact such broadly “我曾经只是楚家的家奴,服侍过国主的父亲那一辈,后面如果不是他修为有成,将我自楚家接走,我恐怕也接触不到这么广 Extravagant clean vast heaven and earth, cannot be so exactly long, had changed to the bleached bone. „ 阔洁瀚的天地,也不能活那么久,早就化作了枯骨。“ old man to Monarch he is grateful, may say does not fear Young Master Gu to scoff actually, the old man I have no pursue to cultivation from the start, has not thought how long must live, has not thought “老头对国主他是心存感恩的,可说出来其实不怕顾公子耻笑,老头我对修行压根没有什么追求,也没想过要活多久,也没想 Must have the have vast magic powers how ability. Most starts me only to take good care Monarch their generation, falls a good reputation, then old time, resigns on account of age and returns to one's home place, with outskirts 过要有多么神通广大的能耐。最开始我就只想好好照料国主他们那一辈,落个好名声,然后年纪大的时候,就告老还乡,和村头的 These old men and children boasted when the boast is young experience, looks the vision that their face respect admires, that day thinks comfortably ....... 那些老头子、小孩子们吹噓吹噓年轻时的所见所闻,看着他们一脸崇敬佩服的目光,那日子想想就舒坦啊…….” But the old man I was taken Cultivation World by Monarch afterward, becomes in the mortal eyes flying immortal escaping place Immortal, but day such, the old man I am not joyful “可后来老头我被国主带上了修行界,成为了凡人眼中飞仙遁地的仙人,可那样的日子,老头我不快乐啊” Looks to fall into recollection Uncle Fu silent, Gu Changge, has not broken him.( Reads violent crisp novel, on flies Lu!) 看着似陷入了回忆的福伯,顾长歌也沉默了下来,没有打断他。(看暴爽小说,就上飞卢!) Perhaps these words language, the old man I do not have the qualifications to Young Master Gu people like you, but actually in your eyes that Supreme Great Dao, that boundless infinite, cannot see cultivating of end “或许这番话语,老头我没资格对顾公子你这样的人来说,可其实你们眼中那至高无上大道,那茫茫无穷,看不到尽头的修 Ok, will really make you feel joyful? „ 行,真的会让你们感到快乐吗?“ Young Master Gu your how long had not felt heartfelt joyful and happy? Monarch he also young time, because breakthrough small realm, but joyful is very long, to comprehend one 顾公子你多久没有感到由衷的快乐和高兴了?国主他还年轻的时候,会因为突破了一个小境界而欣喜很久,会为领悟了一个 But new divine ability joyful is very long, but after his cultivation base is getting more and more powerful, actually cannot feel to satisfy, the smile on his face were also getting fewer and fewer. „ 新的神通而快乐很久,可当他修为越来越强大之后,却总也感觉不到满足,他脸上的笑容也越来越少了。“ After he becomes immortal Chu Hao earth Monarch, every day is very busy, sometimes seclusion is several thousand years, tens of thousands years, his strength was getting stronger and stronger, god who he comprehends “当他成为仙楚浩土的国主后,每一天都很忙碌,有时候一个闭关就是几千年,几万年,他的实力越来越强了,他所领悟的神 Passes also more and more frightening, but before he does not have again, was so heartfelt the joyful smile, the old man I had also once asked him, such was cultivation, the life that he once pursued? On that day 通也越来越恐怖,可他却再没有以前那样由衷快乐的笑容了,老头我也曾问过他,这样子的修行,是他曾经追求的生活吗?那一天 , Monarch he silent was very long, finally he does not know how should reply me. ” ,国主他沉默了很久,最后他也不知道该怎么回答我。” 0... asked the fresh flower 0…求鲜花 He actually also discovered, he had changed, he pursues, his oneself does not know that is anything ....... “他其实也发现了,他早已变了,他所追求的,连他自己都不知道是什么……. Uncle Fu looks is constructed by these yan pavilions that the flame swallows, these gradually dim galaxy in universe deep space, finally also gradually silent. 福伯望着被火焰吞噬的那些棪阁建筑,那些在宇宙深空中渐渐黯淡的星系,最后也渐渐沉默了下来。 Just as you said that the pursue of everyone is different, the cultivation strengthen is not the only pursue, but is actually this vast world, infinite life the say/way of only survival. To live “正如你所说,每个人的追求都不一样,修行变强也不是唯一的追求,但却是这浩瀚世间,无穷生灵的唯一存活之道。想要活 Gets down, must become powerful, you can think that it is not right, but it actually not wrong. ” Gu Changge said calmly. 下去,就必须要变得强大,你可以觉得它不对,但它却没有错。”顾长歌平静地说道。 old man knows these things, everyone some different understanding, but in old man opinion, how long I do not need to live, when I look back to look, this life no one, does not have the matter to let me “老头知道这些事情,每个人都有不同的理解,但在老头看来,我不需要活多久,当我回首看去,这一生没有人、没有事让我 Regretted, when I remember something, but can also reveal heartfelt smiling, my area with enough. „ 遗憾,当我想起某件事情的时候,还能露出由衷的会心一笑,那我区就同够了。“ Uncle Fu had not looked that wreaked havoc the immortal Chu Hao earth that by the flames of war again to that embezzles, the last minute of life, he resembled to remember anything, the corners of the mouth hung up wiped the satisfied happy expression, closed 福伯并未再看向那被战火肆虐吞没的仙楚浩土,生命的最后一刻,他似想起了什么,嘴角挂上了一抹满足的笑意,就此闭上了 Eye. 眼睛。 He chose mediated, has not made Gu Changge begin to kill him. 他选择了自我了断,并没有让顾长歌动手杀他。 Master, this old man, wants to go bad your dao heart at the point of death unexpectedly, made him die, was really cheap he.” The spirit of eternal life flutters in the midair, looks Uncle Fu that commits suicide, 主上,这老头临死了,竟然还想坏您的道心,这么让他死去,真是便宜他了。”永生之灵飘荡在半空中,看着自尽的福伯, Quite disdain said. 颇为不屑地说道. 0...... 0…… Gu Changge has not actually paid attention to it, slightly silent, in the palm gives birth to flame, falls on the Uncle Fu corpse, fired the ashes him. 顾长歌却是并未理会它,略微沉默了下,手掌之中生出一蓬火焰,随之落在福伯的尸体上,将他烧成了灰烬。 The voluminous everywhere ashes, from falling gently, along with the immortal Chu Hao earth buried together here. 洋洋洒洒的漫天灰烬,就自飘落,随仙楚浩土一起埋葬在了这里。 The immortal fog flutters, by jade lake of tranquil glassy surface, the female of one beautiful beautiful woman, calmly plays a qin certainly, the veil covered up the face, the black hair moved with the breeze. 仙雾飘荡,平静如镜面的碧湖旁,一名绝丽倾城的女子,静静抚琴,面纱遮掩了脸庞,青丝随着微风吹动。 The slender white hands move the string, probably is moving Great Dao, the aura ups and downs of mysterious and unpredictable, to cause/make one has meaning of the awe. 纤细玉手撩动琴弦,像是在拨动一根根大道,玄妙莫测的气息沉浮,令人心生一股敬畏之意。 These years cut down the day of pledge development momentum, are even more fearful, the initial immortal Chu Hao earth and it compared, simply “这些年伐天盟的发展势头,越发可怕啊,当初的仙楚浩土和它比起来,简直 Feels dwarfed, the qualifications of even comparing do not have. „ 就是小巫见大巫,甚至连比较的资格都没有。“ The one silver temples jade ornamental hairpin, the word installs the peerless beautiful woman of long skirt, stands is in the tranquil glassy surface lake surface, the black eyebrow slightly wrinkle said. 一名云鬓玉钗,言装长裙的绝色美妇,立身在平静如镜面的湖面上,黛眉微皱地说道。 Cutting down day of pledge these years is stable, without sign of acting unreasonably, although the development momentum somewhat is indeed scary, but is also reasonable, how does the Senior Sister you want to meddle the stop? „ “伐天盟这些年还算安定,也没有乱来的迹象,虽然发展势头的确有些吓人,但也在情理之中,怎么师姐你想插手阻拦吗?“ The playing a qin female, hearing this loosened the string, lifts the bright eyes, asked calmly. 正在抚琴的女子,闻言松开了琴弦,抬起明眸,平静问道。 I may not have that courage , but this cuts down the day of pledge development momentum, many makes me somewhat anxious, actually Junior Sister you, since initially since the immortal Chu Hao earth got out of trouble, started self-cultivation “我可没那个胆量,只是这伐天盟的发展势头,多少让我有些不安,倒是师妹你自从当初自仙楚浩土脱困后,就开始修身养性 Gets up, hopes the Yuan civilized matter regarding the present, thrived returns. „ 起来,对于如今希元文明的事情,也∏茁不过回了。“ The peerless beautiful woman hopes the sound, she is looking at present Greek Yuan Saintess, shakes the head slightly reluctantly, thinks that oneself this natural talent is overbearing, talent Junior Sister who talent shows disdain for the past and present, is 绝色美妇正是希音,她望着眼前的希元圣女,略微无奈地摇了摇头,以为自己这个天资骄横、才情傲视古今的天才师妹,是经 After that matter, came under the attack. 那一件事情后,就受到了打击。 Inquiring is the same, Senior Sister actually after going out, has not stopped, the aftermath of immortal Chu Hao earth tidies up with great difficulty safely, since this starts to worry other “过不过问都是一样的,师姐倒是自出关之后,就没有停下来过,仙楚浩土的残局好不容易才收拾稳妥,这就开始担忧起别的 Matter came, you do not rest, did not fear that was exhausted? „ 事情来了,你也不休息休息,就不怕累坏了?“ Greek Yuan Saintess received the guqin to set out, pure white such as the delicate hands of jade shouldered after behind, the barefoot victory snow, stepped on the tranquil lake surface, several points are teasing in a tone with a touch. 希元圣女收起了古琴起身,素白如玉的纤手背负在身后,赤足胜雪,踩在平静的湖面上,语气略带着几分调笑。 Greek sound regarding this Junior Sister, continuously quite pamper, to this teasing, some not original. 希音对于这个师妹,一直就颇为宠溺,对她这番调笑,有些无原。 From the immortal Chu Hao earth destruction, has passed in 1000 she to sigh slightly “自仙楚浩土覆灭,已经过了一千年啊”她略微叹息一声 The Greek Yuan Saintess facial expression also becomes has slight complex. 希元圣女神情也变得有些微的复杂。 Yes, never expected that is away from that war, has passed in 1000, but felt that this actually seems like the matter that yesterday had to be the same.” “是啊,没想到距离那一战,已经过了一千年了,但感觉这却像是昨天才发生的事情一样。” The immortal Chu Hao earth was jointly crusaded against the destruction by all Dao Orthodoxy influence, has been possible positive 楚浩土遭各方道统势力联合讨伐覆灭,距今已经可了正 In that shocking everybody encircling war, Monarch clear/pain Gucheng of immortal Chu Hao earth died in battle, its Master method Saint also perishes similarly. 那场惊世骇俗的围剿大战中,仙楚浩土的国主楚孤城战死,其师尊法圣也同样殒命。 In addition, various gods, minister and say/way boundary exist(ence) casualty is also serious 除此之外,各神将、大臣、道境存在死伤也是惨重 Immortal Chu Hao earth that the vitality has damaged severely, facing all parties' punitive expedition, almost does not have any possibility of resistance. 早就元气大伤的仙楚浩土,面对各方的讨伐,几乎没有任何抵御的可能。 star Ms. brave who that says from the Yin Dynasty ruins hole, runs away finally, presses original 那名自称来自于殷墟洞的星英老妪,最后逃走,压原 But her Junior Brother, is white eyebrows star Monarch of immortal Chu Hao earth, by ancestor of all Dao Orthodoxy influence was said boundary exist(ence) besieges jointly, was captured alive to take B...... 而她的师弟,也就是仙楚浩土的白眉星君,则被各方道统势力的祖道境存在联手围攻,被生擒拿下乙……
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