IAFV :: Volume #13

#1292: Enemy who forever could not conquer, I was various world the day( sought subscription)

This not unimaginable archenemy, stood erect again in immortal Chu Hao earth Beyond Heavens, such as that day was still tranquil. 这个无法想象的大敌,再度屹立在了仙楚浩土的天外,依旧如那日般平静冷漠。 In the profound eye pupil seems like does not have any mood, because of all these will not give birth to slightly the mighty waves. 深邃眼眸之中像是没有任何的情绪,更不会因为这一切而生出丝毫波澜。 Why, why finally this? m “为何,为何最后还是这样?m clear/pain Gucheng was jointly besieged by several people again, in the oronasals the overflowing blood, organism shatter, even the mail-armor and helmet also blasted open thoroughly, his eye is staring at Gu Changge stubbornly, middle full is unwilling. 楚孤城再度被数人联合围攻,口鼻间溢血,肌体破碎,连甲冑也彻底炸裂了,他眼睛死死地盯着顾长歌,当中满是不甘心。 On the same day alarmed the real place after accidentally/surprisingly, Gu Changge departed on the choice floating, has not continued make a move, turned this solitary one field to arrive in Kuwait by the opportunity of taste breath 当日意外惊动了真实之地后,顾长歌就选择飘然离去了,没有继续出手,繙孤场雅到科以味息的机会 He thinks that will at least obtain some time recuperation. 他本以为至少会得到一段时间的休整。 However who can think, this crossed less than in January/one month, immortal clear/pain Jietu encountered the sure-kill. 但是谁能想到,这才过了不到一月,仙楚洁土就遭到了绝杀。 All these really came are too quick, that time to regroup, was fleeting. 这一切来得实在是太快了,那份喘息机会,也是稍纵即逝。 The result seemed like had been doomed on the same day, his these days all efforts, the circle wasted is only hundred fee/spent strengths 结局似乎当日就已经注定了,他这些天来的所有努力,匝白费净即百费力气 Gu Changge looks at all these in Beyond Heavens tranquilly, from beginning to end has not meddled, waits for the curtain of immortal Chu Hao earth to fall. 顾长歌天外平静地看着这一切,从始至终都没有插手,等着仙楚浩土的这场帷幕落下。 Encounters several people of besieging clear/pain Gucheng, has actually been staring at him stubbornly, in the eye is completely unwilling. 遭遇数人围攻的楚孤城,却是一直死死地盯着他,眼里尽是不甘。 Suddenly at this moment, he noticed the lip of Gu Changge as if to move slightly, but separated is away from is far, he could not hear Gu Changge to say anything to him. 忽然这一刻,他注意到顾长歌的嘴唇似乎微微动了下,但隔得距离太远,他根本听不到顾长歌在对他说什么。 clear/pain Gucheng is unwilling, the deathtrap stares to look that as before the nature long delays. 楚孤城不甘心,依旧死地盯看质长耽。 But Gu Changge sees this one, resembled also to have some pitying mood to clear/pain Gucheng finally, the corners of the mouth plundered to wipe the curve, probably looks that one was on the verge of death the small insect that struggled. 顾长歌见此一幕,似也终于对楚孤城生出了些许的怜悯情绪,嘴角掠起了一抹弧度,像是看着一只濒死挣扎的小虫子。 clear/pain Gucheng was hit a palm again, that piece of mail-armor and helmet of chest is split up, the trim chest was nearly passed through, but he also identified Gu Changge to say anything finally a moment ago, 楚孤城再度被人一掌击中,胸口的那片甲胄四分五裂,整片胸膛险些被贯穿,而他也终于辨认出顾长歌刚才在说什么了, Because I am an enemy who you will never possibly conquer.” “因为我是你永远也不可能战胜的敌人。” So that's how it is, so that's how it is m “原来如此,原来如此m clear/pain Gucheng over the face is grieved, the form crashes from the vault of heaven, organism shatter, the blood immerse his face five senses, infiltrated from each pore, battle dress thorough 楚孤城满面惨然,身影自天穹之中坠落下来,肌体破碎,血液浸没了他的面孔五官,从每一个毛孔之中渗透出来,战袍被彻底 Incarnadine. 染红。 Monarch...” 国主…” The subordinate military officers of many fighting with all might are calling out in alarm, some people want to fly, catches clear/pain Gucheng the body. 很多拼杀的部下将领都在惊呼,有人想要飞过来,接住楚孤城的身体。 But the distant place one frightening fist seal falls, shocks heaven and earth, bang, this person blasts out immediately, changes to the blood fog, field shape entirely to extinguish. 但远处一道恐怖的拳印落下,震慑天地,轰的一声,这人顿时炸开,化作血雾,场形俱灭。 Kills, these people want the destruction our immortal Chu Hao earth, that spelled with them, no one can trample our native land areas. „ “杀啊,这些人要覆灭我们仙楚浩土,那就和他们都拼了,没有人能践踏我们的故土疆域。“ clear/pain Gucheng once subordinate, by eight True God that the imperial edict sealed, he once almost went to the Immortal Spirit civilization, the investigation cuts down a day of pledge the matter, behind was recalled by clear/pain Gucheng on the way, this can escape 楚孤城曾经的部下,被敕封的八首真神,他曾差点去往仙灵文明,调查伐天盟的事情,后面在途中被楚孤城召回,这才得以逃 A tribulation. 过一劫。 At this moment his eye was red, eye on each head, is spurting the thin anger. 此刻他眼睛都红了,每一个脑袋上的眼睛,都在喷薄怒火。 He is bellowing rushing, did not have the past caution and care, but becomes does not fear courageously, slaughters with one boundary exist(ence), infinite can xia blast out there, finally sweeps across 他大吼着冲了上去,没有了以往的谨慎小心,而是变得奋勇不惧,和一位道境存在厮杀,无穷的能昰在那里炸开,最后席卷开 Come, ling solid beautiful extinguished. 来,囹固的都丽灭了。 Afterward, another (one) boundary exist(ence) joined the battlefield, two people collaborate, finally kills eight True God, blood splashing deep space. 随后,另一位道境存在加入了战场,两人联手,最终将八首真神击毙,血溅深空。 clear/pain Gucheng pours in the pool of blood, at present all scenes are blurring. 楚孤城倒在血泊之中,眼前所有景象都在模糊。 He saw once subordinate, is fighting with all might furiously, before , above the main hall, has clashes of opinion champion Hou Chuheng who with him nearly gets angry, at this moment is also slaughtering in a big way with many enemies 他看到了曾经的部下,都在奋力拼杀,就连之前在大殿之上,和他闹矛盾险些翻脸的冠军侯楚恒,此刻也在和多名敌人厮杀大 The war, leads many subordinates, fights a bloody battle. 战,带着诸多下属,浴血奋战。 Other boundary, so frigid, some people surrender the escape, some people are unwillying to do, keeps in view the bottom. 其余地界,也是如此的惨烈,有人归降逃命,也有人誓死不从,顾到底。 His some heir later generations, are also fighting with all might, once young person female family members, some people had greatly are being resources escape , some people of bloody battles to life at the last minute. 他的一些子嗣后辈,也在拼杀,曾经的红颜女眷,有人带着大是的资源逃命,也有人血战到生命最后一刻。 clear/pain Gucheng somewhat regretted, if he at that time did not make that choice, all these can change? 楚孤城心里有些后悔,他当时如果不做出那个选择,这一切会不会有所改变? But he does not have other choice, all these all, the back actually has the big hand that one cannot see to promote, forces into this hopeless situation him step by step. 可是他没有别的选择余地,这一切的一切,背后其实有一只看不见的大手在推动着,一步步将他逼入这个绝境。 Bang! 轰隆! The upper air shock, a shining white such as the palm racket of jade fell to come, making heaven and earth all of a sudden not steady again, resembling to be erased thoroughly, in this space and time vanished. 高空剧震,一个莹白如玉的手掌再度拍落而来,令天地一下子就不稳了,似要彻底被抹除掉,就这片时空中消失。 „Will the immortal Chu Hao earth hope Yuan Saintess to detain where?” The Greek sound looks at clear/pain Gucheng indifferently, the palm refers to is pasting many Great Dao aura, is oppressing everyone. “仙楚浩土将希元圣女关押在何处?”希音冷漠地看着楚孤城,掌指间流转着诸多大道气息,压迫着所有人。 clear/pain Gucheng has a good laugh, does not attend to is spurting to be thin the fearsome injury of blood, said,hopes Yuan Saintess she to insist on with my immortal Chu Hao building and construction projects being right, had been sent into exile to detain by me in the boundless space and time 楚孤城仰天大笑,不顾正喷薄着鲜血的可怖伤势,道,“希元圣女她执意和我仙楚浩土作对,早已被我放逐关押在了无垠时空 The deep place, you gave up any idea of that found her. „ 深处,你们休想找到她。“ He soars again on, meets the approaching enemy all archenemies, having hair dishevelled, full is the blood, wide such as penetrating insanity type 他再度腾空而上,迎击所有大敌,披头散发,满是鲜血,宽如彻疯魔了样 Several hundreds eras studies many divine ability absolute art that senses, various frightening supreme treasure forbidden artifact display in wield, bright divine might, the startled fear past and present, has innumerable Sun probably in Hao 数百纪元来的所学所感悟的诸多神通绝学,各种恐怖至宝禁器都在祭出施展,煌煌神威,惊慑古今,像是有无数颗太阳在浩 In the vast deep space blasts open, rushes the fearful energy, earth-shaking, destroys all, space and time and universe all around annihilated silently. 瀚深空之中炸裂,澎湃可怕的能量,翻天覆地,毁灭一切,周遭的时空和宇宙都无声无息湮灭了。 Even if ancestor said that exist(ence) of boundary, at this moment in the look changes and trembling with fear, clear/pain Gucheng was also going all out very much obviously, has the dead will, must put together the rival to perish together. 哪怕是祖道境的存在,这一刻也在色变、惊颤,很显然楚孤城也在拼命了,心存死志,要拼着敌手同归于尽。 You are courting death .” “你在找死々。” The Greek sound is furious, the true body arrived, lifts the palm destruction to shake dissolves, in the white hands various types of Great Dao light in the transpiration, trillion dao technique evolve, simply probably vertical body at the beginning of epoch-making[ heavy 希音更是震怒,真身降临了,抬掌覆灭震溶,玉手间各种大道光在蒸腾,亿万道法演化,简直像是立身于开天辟地之初[重 New contracts dun prosperously. 新旺締沌。 Her white hands wield, the one after another stars are reorganizing, are sending out the bright light, is winding around the chaos mist, pounds to fall forwards. 她玉手一挥,一颗颗星辰在重组,散发着煌煌之光,缭绕着混沌雾气,砸落向前。 Tilts the ancient and modern the war, affects in the boundless space and time instantaneously, laws and order is annihilating, makes the life and cultivator startled face of no star. 倾覆古今的大战,瞬间波及到无垠时空之中去,大片大片的规则秩序都在湮灭,令无星的生灵和修行者惊颜。 Result that „ this fights, is you scene that wants to see. „ “这一战的结果,才是你想要看到的景象吧。“ Silent within, one has the sound of sigh, the ear of Gu Changge to be apart from slightly. 无声无息间,一道略微带着叹息的声音,顾长歌的耳距起。 Ling Yuxian stands against the wind, stands before ancient war ship, the black hair flutters, the bright eyes are also in sight the frigid war of immortal Chu Hao earth. 凌玉仙迎风而立,站立在古战船前,青丝飘荡,明眸也在望着仙楚浩土的这场惨烈大战。 Gu Changge has not turned head, looks at the war scene in all directions as before tranquilly. 顾长歌并未回头,依旧平静地看着四处的大战景象。 Expected. „ He said calmly. “意料之中。“他平静说道。 Immortal Chu Hao earth such destruction “仙楚浩土就这么覆灭了啊” Ling Yuxian her immortal Chu Hao earth not big grief mood, but sees such one side Imperishable state, the fast collapse destruction, some state of mind are suddenly complex. 凌玉仙她仙楚浩土并没有多大的悲悯情绪,只是看到这么一方不朽国度,快速崩溃覆灭,陡然有些心绪复杂。 The mountains and rivers collapse and land split, one everywhere float immortal mountain islands in star sea, in collapsing destruction. 山河崩溃、大地裂开,一处处悬浮于星海之中的仙山岛屿,也在坍塌覆灭。 These life stars of distant place, are also extinguishing fast forever lonesome, so the scene, said is frigid, but grand. 更远处的那些生命星辰,也在快速地熄灭永寂,这般景象,说是惨烈,但又何尝不壮阔。 Everywhere galaxy, the boundless entire world, just like the brilliant smoke and fire at this moment, after blooms in an instant is beautiful, forever dark nirvana gets down. 漫天星河,无边寰宇,此刻都犹如绚烂的烟火般,在刹那间绽放美丽后,永远地黑暗寂灭下去。 „ The immortal Chu Hao earth courts destruction, this is its fate. „ Gu Changge took back the vision, swept the eye to follow in his Ling jade Immortal Dao. “仙楚浩土自取灭亡,这便是它的下场。“顾长歌收回了目光,扫了眼跟在他身边的凌玉仙道 Ling Yuxian nods, does not want to say anything in this topic, she and Gu Changge suffers very nearly, the wind blows the black hair to sway to the Gu Changge chest front, has one type lightly 凌玉仙点了点头,不想在这个话题上多说什么,她和顾长歌挨得很近,风一吹青丝就能拂动到顾长歌的胸前,带着一种清淡的 Delicate fragrance. 幽香。 The facial expression on this moment face somewhat starts to speak but hesitates, seeming like wants to say anything. 她此刻脸上的神情有些欲言又止,似乎是想说些什么。 After clear/pain Gucheng that fights, you do not seem to return to governing Immortal Palace......” to think, she also said in a low voice “和楚孤城那一战之后,你好像并没有回御仙宫……”想了下,她还低声说道 Why Ling Yuxian also was very curious Gu Changge to alarm to the real place on that day, caused the real place phantom obviously, walking back and forth various world. 凌玉仙也很好奇为何那天顾长歌会惊动到真实之地,使得真实之地的虚影显化,逡巡诸世间。 He disturbs clear/pain Gucheng to cross the day of fading tribulation, will receive involvement of day of fading tribulation, to affect obviously, is not. 他干扰楚孤城渡天衰劫,明明会受到天衰劫的牵连、波及的,可是并没有。 Then Gu Changge also vanished to go into seclusion, she thinks that Gu Changge will return to the governing immortal word, but after she returned to governing Immortal Palace, has not seen the Gu Changge form. 而后顾长歌也消失匿迹了,她本以为顾长歌会返回御仙言,但在她回到御仙宫后,也没有见到顾长歌的身影。 Until after scenery clan remote ancestor Jing Tianyuan That side knew hopes the Yuan sacred hall to unite all Dao Orthodoxy influence punitive expedition immortal clear/pain Jietu news[ she in preparing the clan united that side the car to see Kang compared the song. 直到自景族远祖景天元那边得知希元圣堂要联合各方道统势力讨伐仙楚洁土的消息后[她才在备族联車那边见到了康比歌。 „Are you worried about my safety?” Gu Changge suddenly smiled. “你是在担心我的安危么?”顾长歌忽然笑了笑 Ling Yuxian mouth one, is actually not obstinate argumentative 凌玉仙嘴了一声,却是并未嘴硬 Since the ancient times, by exist(ence) that the real place stares, will not have the good end. „ Her elegant face shining white, handsome, the fine jade nose very curls upwards, in the eye pupil seems the billowing water glare, looking “自古以来,被真实之地所盯上的存在,都不会有好下场。“她俏脸莹白,唇红齿白,琼鼻挺翘,眼眸里似有潋滟水光,望着 Gu Changge said. 顾长歌说道。 Especially Gu Changge also establishes cut down day of pledge treason and heresy the influence. 尤其是顾长歌还建立了伐天盟这个“大逆不道”的势力。 Words that such a thinks, he will be noticed by the real place that side, Ling Yuxian is not suddenly accidental. 这么一想的话,他会被真实之地那边所注意到,凌玉仙忽然也不意外了。 Real place how? Which day, I will go to one personally.” Gu Changge as before is smiled, has not cared. “真实之地又如何?哪一天,我会亲自去走一遭的。”顾长歌依旧是笑了笑,并未在意。 „Is this you takes to cut down a day of meaning the reason?” The Ling Yuxian beautiful pupil brilliant is staring at him, as if knew the Gu Changge intention suddenly. “这才是你取伐天之意的缘故吗?”凌玉仙美眸灼灼地盯着他,似乎突然间知道了顾长歌的意图。 If this is Gu Changge establishes to cut down a day of pledge the true intention. 如果这是顾长歌建立伐天盟的真正意图的话。 That contacts with her to inquire again cuts down the day of pledge objective essential meaning, as well as Gu Changge arrives at many behaviors after Greek Yuan civilization, that all as if could also convince. 那再联系她打听到的伐天盟的宗旨要义,以及顾长歌来到希元文明后的诸多行为,那一切似乎也都说得通了。 Ling Yuxian is not an ordinary life, she naturally knows that the real place means anything regarding boundless vast all living things. 凌玉仙并不是普通生灵,她自然知道真实之地对于苍茫浩瀚众生而言意味着什么。 Even if spirits with her and elder sister Ling jade, is not willing to touch and talk about this topic domain. 纵然和她和姐姐凌玉灵,也不愿去触碰、谈及到这个话题领域。 You thought that what my intention should be? Controls various world, restores generation of day Organization, or suppress Heavenly Dao authority[ series four stringed instrument crazy east circle, no matter what slightly is light ten. “那你觉得我的用意应该是什么?掌控诸世,复辟代天组织,亦或者取缔天道权柄[统琵狂東匝任默微微轻十声。 Ling Yuxian shakes the head, full head the black hair is also dancing in the air, she fixes one's gaze on saying that „, I do not believe you.” 凌玉仙摇头,满头青丝也在飞舞,她凝眸道,“不,我相信你。” You believe that I may be useless, I do not need anybody to believe. „ Gu Changge shook the head smiled, on the face restored past serene. “你相信我可没有用,我也不需要任何人相信。“顾长歌摇头笑了笑,脸上又恢复了以往的云淡风轻 Ling Yuxian expression is complex, cuts down day road, what kind of difficulty, countless worthy people of former times predecessors pass through, but failed finally, this is one proliferates the thorn and mud, is doomed unable 凌玉仙表情复杂,伐天这条路,何等的困难,无数的先贤前人都走过,但最后都失败了,这是一条遍布荆棘、泥泞,注定不会 Has the result, not possible blind alley turn head. 有结果,也不可能回头的死路。 Regarding new student/life True World and ancient True World, each reveals the tribulation to emerge large numbers of cutting down day, but do these cut down day the fate? More is ignorant more opens. 对于新生真界、古老真界而言,每个显劫都会涌现大批的伐天者,但那些伐天者的下场呢?越是无知越是开。 Crossed ancestor of seven day fading tribulation to say boundary exist(ence) continually, and even the true road completely character, to the real place full is the awe. 连渡过了七次天衰劫的祖道境存在,乃至真正的路尽人物,都对真实之地满是敬畏。 The standing level is higher, more can realize this road precipitous difficult, as well as is doomed the uncertain vitality of not possible success. 所站层次越高,越能体会到这条路的险峻艰辛,以及注定不可能成功的渺茫生机。 Ling Yuxian follows the Gu Changge form, left this ancient war ship, in her mind also full was the complex state of mind, when she recovered, at present is one piece desolated 凌玉仙跟着顾长歌的身影,离开了这艘古战船,她脑海里还满是刚才的复杂心绪,当她回过神来时,眼前都已经是一片荒芜的 Star Territory, the broken stars fragment of big piece floats in the starry sky, the distant place is also lying many corpses. 星域,大片的残破星辰碎片漂浮在星空之中,远处还横陈着许多的尸体。 Others are slaughtering desperately, forgets courageously, after you comes the immortal Chu Hao earth to arch the fire, wants safely to depart, doesn't want to result in some is too simple? „ “别人都在拼命厮杀,奋勇忘死,你来仙楚浩土拱完火后,就想这么安然离去,不想得有些太简单的?“ Gu Changge shoulders, walks at a moderate pace from the starry sky, tone light said/tunnel. 顾长歌背负着手,自星空之中不紧不慢走来,语气平淡地道。 His front space and time is fuzzy, appears ripples, as he, as soon as the direction dissolves, that space and time blasts out immediately, the one old form coughs up blood to fly horizontally, clothes robe shatter, whole face 他面前的时空模糊,浮现道道涟漪,随着他一指点溶,那片时空顿时炸开,一道年迈的身影咳血横飞出来,衣袍破碎,满脸都 Is the blood and alarmed and afraid. 是鲜血和惊惧。 You...... you .... “你……你….” This person came from gold/metal of rising sun day civilization. 此人正是来自于旭旦文明的金老。 He on the same day and clear/pain Gucheng and the others coped with Gu Changge jointly, did not beat the heavy losses, behind has also restored the injury in the immortal Chu Hao earth, planned that and other injuries restored points, left the immortal Chu Hao earth, 他当日和楚孤城等人联手对付顾长歌,不敌重创,后面也一直在仙楚浩土恢复伤势,打算等伤势恢复一点,就离开仙楚浩土, Returns to the rising sun day civilization. 返回旭旦文明。 Today the immortal Chu Hao earth met with great tribulation, he is naturally impossible to continue to keep the immortal Chu Hao earth, goes all out to slaughter with these people, dies here. 今日仙楚浩土遭逢大劫,他自然不可能继续留在仙楚浩土,和那些人一起拼命厮杀,死在这里。 Therefore after finding appropriate opportunity, the plan escapes stylishly goes far away spatially 所以在找到合适机会后,就打算遁入时空远去 Pitifully Gu Changge has only noticed him. 只可惜顾长歌早就注意到他了。 Your this demon, so plans the common people, sooner or later by backlash, will be withstood the retribution, the day does not receive you, has the person to receive. „ “你这魔头,如此算计苍生,迟早会遭反噬的,承受报应的,天不收你,自有人收。“ gold/metal 金老 The whole face is the blood, space and time shatter, Gu Changge that finger/refers nearly seized his hole a moment ago. 满脸都是鲜血,刚才时空破碎,顾长歌的那一指险些将他洞夺。 The original injury is more serious, is more impossible facing Gu Changge the possibility that has to escape. 原本的伤势更重,面对顾长歌更不可能有逃命的可能。 Dot- I am the days of this various world common people, I must have a look but actually, who can receive me.” Gu Changge exudes unconcerned laughter, the look is very indifferent. “丶-我就是这诸世苍生的天,我倒要看看,谁能收了我。”顾长歌发出一声不以为意的笑声,眼神却很是冷漠。 Causes and effects have the circulation, you today type, because, will have the fruit in the future surely, you are strong rampantly, had retribution uncomfortable that day finally. „ “因果自有循环,你今日所种的因,将来必定有果,你再强势嚣张,终有报应不爽的那天。“ gold/metal over the face is unwilling, knows Gu Changge is not possible. 金老满面都是不甘,知道顾长歌不可的。 The forehead that got down witheredly, has frightening to reappear to the pinnacle aura suddenly, entire various world entire world with shake. 原本干瘪下去的眉心,突然间有恐怖到极致的气息浮现,整个诸世寰宇都在跟着震荡。 He planned that from broken dao fruit, perishes together with Gu Changge. 他打算自碎道果,和顾长歌同归于尽。 ancestor said that exist(ence) of boundary from exploding, is the past and present is it may be said that rare, the innumerable years not necessarily have one time. 祖道境的存在自爆,可谓是古今罕见,无数岁月都不见得有一次。 River of Time appears, gold/metal must from exploding the fluctuation, swept across suddenly spreads to the endless space and time, the innumerable spaces and time nodes, perhaps were been from ancient to present peerless by fast note Czech Republic 时间长河浮现,金老要自爆的波动,陡然间席卷蔓延向了无尽时空,从古至今无数的空间、时间节点都被速注捷、恐绝伦 The breath brushes. 的息所刷。 However, Gu Changge has expected gold/metal the action. 不过,顾长歌早就预料到了金老的举动。 In his hands, a radiant light ball appears, middle is pasting the endless Great Dao aura, magnificent profound wonderful, All Heavens stars, 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 space and times and endless universe as if cases 在他手掌之中,一个璀璨的光球浮现,当中流转着无尽的大道气息,瑰丽玄奇之极,诸天星斗、亿兆时空、无尽宇宙似乎都案 Includes. 括于其中。 This is the ball of civilized supreme treasure great aspirations. 这是文明至宝宏愿之球。 Scoff! 嗤! As Gu Changge washes one's hands of lifts, one after another spirit light departs, the ball of great aspirations seems like one bright moonlight of hanging in various world, all of a sudden gold/metal embezzling. 随着顾长歌抖手一抬,一道道神光飞出,宏愿之球像是一轮高悬于诸世间的明月,一下子就将金老给吞没进去。 Rushes the endless energy, probably rivers and streams sea generally attacks, but is actually hard to proliferate. 澎湃无尽的能量,也像是江河海洋一般在其中冲击,但是却难以扩散出来。 gold/metal the eyes stare stubbornly in a big way, is hard to accept this scene, actually can only look at the own dao fruit shatter rushing energy helplessly, was embezzled by this light ball. 金老眼睛死死地瞪大,难以接受这一幕,却只能眼睁睁看着自己的道果破碎的澎湃能量,被这颗光球所吞没。 Although the ball of great aspirations is not beginning generation of civilized supreme treasure , a army strong civilization lifts all strengths and dissolves the army that the source makes 宏愿之球虽然并不是初代文明至宝,也一个军强文明举所有的力量和溶源所造的军 Withstands a grandfather saying that boundary exist(ence) rushing energy, naturally is easy. 承受一尊祖道境存在的澎湃能量,自然是轻而易举。 Gu Changge planned that the sacrifice refining up the ball of great aspirations again, happen to gold/metal from exploding all energies, may support ball of automatic performance many years great aspirations. 顾长歌打算重新祭炼宏愿之球,正好金老自爆的所有能量,可支撑宏愿之球自动运转诸多岁月。 „ Is this civilized supreme treasure? „ “这是一件文明至宝?“ Ling Yuxian is somewhat dull looks at this scene, she thinks that one ancestor said boundary exist(ence) from exploding, will sweep across trim immortal Chu Hao( Zhao earth of king, was cut to segment law. 凌玉仙有些呆愣地看着这一幕,她本以为一位祖道境存在的自爆,会席卷整片仙楚浩(王的赵土,遭切给段法。 But has not thought that finally actually so extinguishes silently does not see. 但没想到最后却这般无声无息地消弭不见。 The Gu Changge slight nod, had not explained much, conveniently the ball of great aspirations accepting. 顾长歌微微点头,并没有多解释,随手将宏愿之球给收下。 This is he intends to make Ling Yuxian see, the ball of great aspirations is not the gate and samsara mirror of such beginning generation of civilization supreme treasure eternal life, even if known, the significance is actually not big. 这是他有意让凌玉仙看到的,宏愿之球并非永生之门、轮回之镜那样的初代文明至宝,哪怕被人知道,意义其实也不大。 This should be other later generation civilization, against makes beginning generation of civilized supreme treasure practice to encircle by “这应该是后世别的文明,防造初代文明至宝所练围的以 Ling Yuxian facial expression restored, she naturally eagle-eyed, obtains the ball and eternal life gate of great aspirations this beginning difference of generation of civilized supreme treasure. 凌玉仙神情恢复了过来,她自然是有眼力的,分得出宏愿之球和永生之门这等初代文明至宝的区别。 But now Gu Changge is in front of her, showed the great original ball. 而现在顾长歌当着她的面,展现了宏原之球。 That said that he did not worry by oneself is known he is collecting the civilized supreme treasure matter? 那岂不是说他并不担心被自己知道他正在收集文明至宝的事情? A grandfather said falling from the sky of boundary exist(ence), if in the past time, may lead to the boundless tide absolutely, but in the present battlefield , without few people to care finally wonderfully. 一尊祖道境存在的陨落,若是在以往时候,绝对可引发无边浪潮,但在如今的战场之中,没有终少人奇在意。 The life of falling from the sky was really many, the backdrop deep place one after another shooting up into the sky blood light, submerged four seas Eight Desolates, that was the blood of many extremely strong being otherwise. 陨落的生灵实在是太多了,天幕深处一道又一道冲霄的血光,淹没四海八荒,那是诸多至强存在的鲜血否。 even/including Daojing exist(ence) in this war, the means of livelihood that also has no, not to mention other lives 连道境存在在这场大战之中,也没有任何的活路,更别提其余生灵了 In a piece of shatter desolated galaxy, a flying boat that is winding around the clear light, is speeding away fast, the space and time shakes, splashes the one after another ripples. 一片破碎荒芜的星系之中,一艘缭绕着清光的飞舟,正在快速疾驰,时空震荡,溅出一片又一片涟漪。 Second sister, the immortal Chu Hao earth did not have, when treads wants? „ “二姐,仙楚浩土没了,践要里时?“ Father he perhaps not.” “父亲他恐怕也不在了。” This flying boat is quite plain, by many capital casting, crosses in the shatter space and time sufficiently. 这艘飞舟极为古朴,以多种母金铸造而成,足以在破碎的时空之中横渡。 At the present, many juniors of immortal clear/pain Jie earth imperial family, are getting together, is escaping. 而今,仙楚洁土皇室的很多子弟,正齐聚其中,正在逃命。 clear/pain Xinyue the arms calmly are holding a plain jade bottle, restores originally her of appearance, naturally not possible at this time , to continue the sufficient Yuan strong female 楚心月怀里静静抱着一个古朴的玉瓶,恢复原本容貌的她,自然不可能在这个时候,继续充元强女 This flying boat, is secret treasure, can hoodwink Heavenly Mystery, to cover up all aura, making them escape safely. 这艘飞舟,乃是一件秘宝,可以蒙蔽天机、遮掩一切气息,让他们安然逃命。 Immortal clear/pain Jietu, although destruction, so long as we still , have one day of revenging. „ She looks is becoming the ruins behind, by the big piece area that the flames of war embezzle, in the eye is carved “仙楚洁土虽然覆灭了,但只要我们还在,就还有报仇的一天。“她望着身后成为废墟,被战火所吞没的大片疆域,眼里是刻 The hatred of bone...... 骨的恨意……
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