The reply of Little Primary, does not come as a surprise toLuo Liang.小初的回答,不出乎罗亮的预料。Star God Clanwhereabouts, reallyingrasping of organization.星神族的下落,果然在组织的掌握之中。Little Primarypaused , to continue saying:小初顿了顿,继续道:„BecauseStar God Clanclosesandorganizationcertainbenefits, in the currentstage, sellsthisinformation, goes against the organizationoriginal intention. Therefore, needmore expensiveprice!”
“由于星神族关及组织的某些利益,在当前阶段,出售这个情报,违背组织初衷。因此,需要更昂贵的代价!”„Said that how manywants?”
“说吧,要多少?”„100root coins. Thisisyourjurisdictionis the result. OtherwiseevenHierarch, stillhas no rightto purchasethisand otherfromhere the secret intelligence.”
“100源币。这是您的权限所致。否则就算是掌权者,也无权从我这里购买这等机密情报。”„100root coins?? WhenIhad not asked.”
A Luo Liangfaceis speechless, gives upby the idea that the Star God Claninformationseeks moneydecisively.罗亮一脸无语,果断放弃以星神族情报牟利的想法。Such when highinformationexpense, Luo Liangis flabbergasted, improvesto the appraisal of Star God Clan.
It is not difficultto see,organizationto the Rank 7mythrace that Main Universeonceperished, has the meaning of certainasylum.
The timepasses, indarkuniverse.
The civil aviationspaceshiparrives in the galaxyedge, in the field of visionalsowelcomes a mysteriousprofoundwormhole.
民航飞船抵达星系的边缘,视界中又迎来一个神秘幽深的虫洞。„Lastwormhole. Acrosshere, mustenter the Scarlet Dragon Empirearea!”
The Luo Liangvisiontwinkle, spits the one breathlightly.罗亮目光闪烁,轻吐一口气。From the rebirthinthisworld, heneverleaves the Freedom Federationstarry skyarea.
自重生在这个世界,他从未离开自由联邦的星空疆域。BigFreedom Federation, is only the insignificance of Main Universe.
The tour of thisEmpire, does not pay a man back in his own coinwithJiang Zhaoxuesimplythat.
这涉及到……Humancivilizationmost powerfulScarlet Dragon Empire!
人类文明最强大的赤龙帝国!One of fouroverlords the Main Universeten thousandclanaweslook up, Mohe Civilization!主宇宙万族敬畏仰视的四霸主之一,摩河文明!Thisinevitablyis a challenge of richrisk.
这必然是一次富有风险的挑战。ByhiscurrentdoubleRank 4upper stagecultivation base, variousmethodsentire, caneruptRank 6Planet Ranksuperpowermighty force.
以他当前双4级高阶的修为,各种手段全出,堪堪能爆发出6级-行星级的超能伟力。Thishas shocked everybody!
But if facing„Starry Sky Great Expert” the enemy of rank, basicallydoes not have the strength of resistance.
可若面对“星空大能”级别的敌人,基本没有反抗之力。If the opponentdid not speakWu De.
要是对手不讲武德。Even the slightest misstep, bypersonfromhidden placeinstantaneousinsta kill, howdeathdoes not know.
稍有不慎,被人从暗处瞬间秒杀,怎么死的都不知道。Luo Liangfrompassing throughtothisworld, alwaysprudentlysteady.罗亮自穿越到这个世界,向来慎重稳健。Cangrowdreadfully, does not go to the waveabsolutely.
能猥琐发育,绝对不去浪。Caninbackdozen of staggering blow, absolutely not the positive/directfate.
能在背后打闷棍,绝对不正面下场。„Thisonlyfeared that mustgo to‚wave’ a wave. Hopesis an interestingjourney.”
“这回只怕要去‘浪’一波了。希望是一次有趣的旅途。”In the Luo Liangeye the appearanceshines, insteadhas the restlessdesiretrialexcitement.罗亮眼中神采亮起,反而有种蠢蠢欲试的兴奋。
The steadinesswas too long, will feeldepressing, needsappropriateexpression.
当然。Luo Liangasorganizationboss, bigBOSS after concealmentAll Heavens, will not crack a jokewith the oneselflife.罗亮身为组织老大,隐匿诸天后的大BOSS,不会拿自己的性命开玩笑。If nothing else.
别的不说。Behindhimhastwoto regain consciousnesssoonPrimeval Ancestor, for fear thathedoes not throw up one's jobdry/does.
“无痕。”In the spaceship, the profoundwormhole of Luo Liangstaringnot far away, in the handtakes outtogether„azure clothesrags”, in the heartmeditates the twocharacter.
The azure clothesragschange towisp of light smoke.
青衣碎布化作一缕青烟。Immediately, the peripheralspace, surges the vaguerhythmripple.
The hugeboundlessMain Universeregularwilldescends, has the strength of repelblots out the sky!
庞大无边的主宇宙规则意志降落,产生铺天盖地的排斥之力!In an instant, the Luo Liangthoughtconsciousnessfreeze, seemsby the willimprisonment of entireMain Universe, movingis hardto move.
刹那间,罗亮思维意识冻结,好似被整个主宇宙的意志禁锢,一动难以动弹。Is goodbecause, thisfeelingis very short.
唰!Thatwisp of light smoke, concentratesto appearoneto cross the hands behind the back the verticalazure clothesmanin the front, seeminglyplainplain, nothas the feeling.
After azure clothesmanpresentworld, wisp of transparenttricolorripplessurroundin the whole body, andrapidrestraining.
青衣男子现世后,一缕透明的三色涟漪在周身环绕,并迅速收敛。ThatlimitlessMain Universewill and repelalsodesalinate, extinguishwithout the trace.
那无边无际的主宇宙意志和排斥随之淡化,消弭无踪。„Luofellow daoist.”
The azure clothesmanhappy expression, the soundis wear a look of clear and bright, bowstoLuo Liangslightly.
青衣男子面带笑意,声音清朗,向罗亮微微躬身。FuturePrimeval Ancestor„Thousand Years Person”.
The realitymeets, hecalledby the fellow daoist, rather thanGroup Leader. ThismadeLuo LiangguessThousand Years PersonandReturner To Onenessoncepassingexperience.
现实见面,他却是以道友称呼,而不是会长。这让罗亮揣测千秋人与归一者曾经的过往经历。„Tracelessfellow daoist, was exhaustedyou.”
The Luo Liangsmilereturns a courtesy, looksto the azure clothesman who the Primeval Ancestorincarnationstrengthhas, feelseach otherdarksomefetters.罗亮微笑回礼,望向元祖化身力量存在的青衣男子,感觉到彼此身上冥冥中的某种羁绊。Previously, inspace.
此前,在空间里。Luo Liangoncehad„exchange”withthisazure clothesrags, knowsitsgeneralusage.罗亮曾与这块青衣碎布有所“交流”,知道其大概用法。Primeval Ancestor„Thousand Years Person”isLuo Liangin the person who organizationcanbelieveunconditionally, after thisisheanalyzes, andmatter that confirmed.元祖“千秋人”是罗亮在组织可以无条件相信的人,这是他分析后,并且确认的事。AsReturner To OnenessDao Protector.
作为归一者的护道人。BetweenThousand Years PersonandLuo Lianghavemysteriousfetters, evencaninducein the positiontohisreality.千秋人与罗亮之间有一种神秘羁绊,甚至可以感应到他现实里的位置。If the opposite partywantsto plot to murder, Luo Liangcannot defend.
要是对方想谋害,罗亮根本防不住。„Luofellow daoistwas polite. Canby‚Dao Protector’ the status, returns to the fellow daoistbodyside, is honoredutmost!”
“罗道友客气了。能以‘护道人’的身份,重返道友身侧,荣幸之至!”Azure clothesman„traceless”, both eyes of ancient well without ripples, glitter the strangecolor, sizes upfront„Returner To Oneness”main body.
It seems is looking up at an unsurpasseduniversemarvelous sight, the vision seems unexpectedlyinfatuated for severalpoints, the meaning of perishing.
好似在仰视一种无上的宇宙奇观,目光竟似有几分痴迷、沉沦之意。„Althoughmylooksgraceful. Butyourbigmasters, do not needto stareare looking. Thistracelessis......”
“虽然我长得帅。可你个大老爷们,没必要这么盯着看啊。难道这个无痕是……”Luo Liangsomewhatlooked by himis scared, at heart a chill.罗亮被他看得有些发毛,心里一阵恶寒。However, from the tracelesseye, Luo Lianghad not seen that typeschemeshismale homosexualityintention.
不过,从无痕的眼睛里,罗亮并未看到那种图谋他男色的意图。Thatlookis very pure!
那眼神很纯粹!Noimpurity, as ifcontainssomedao rhyme that is hardto explain.
没有一丝杂质,似乎蕴含着某种难以言传的道韵。„Un? Thistracelesscarefullyseems like, unexpectedlyis longer than mealsoleads......”
“嗯?这个无痕仔细看起来,居然比我长的还帅……”Luo Liangslightlysomenotindignation.罗亮略有些不忿。
The tracelessbody, hasplainplainaura, in the feelingaveragenotwonderful.
无痕的身上,有种质朴无华的气息,感觉上平平无奇。Butin fact!
可实际上!Hisfacial featuresjust likemarblecarving, perfectimpeccable, the statureis fine-looking, greatboundless, the visionis profound, imitates, if the end of starry sky.
他五官宛若大理石雕刻,完美无可挑剔,身材英挺,伟岸无边,目光深邃,仿若星空的尽头。IfJiang Zhaoxueis the femaleattractiveness10points.
如果姜昭雪是女性颜值的十分。ThenThousand Years Person, is the perfectpinnacle of maleappearance.
那么千秋人,就是男子外貌的完美极致。Butanybodyfirstpassesshortly, will think that hisappearanceis ordinary, the makingsare ordinary, eventreats asPasserby Ato neglecthim.
但偏偏任何人第一眼看过去,会觉得他长相平凡,气质普通,甚至将他当作路人甲忽略掉。„Alsoright! Thousand Years Personattractivenessis so high, even ifseeks after the male homosexuality, is still Itohim, bah! Bah......”
“也对!千秋人颜值这么高,就算是贪图男色,也是我对他,呸!呸……”Distracting thoughts of Luo Lianginregardlessheart.罗亮抛开心中的杂念。„WhatquestionLuo does fellow daoisthave?”
“罗道友有什么疑问?”As ifdetected that the Luo Liangmoodfluctuates, tracelessrestrainingvision.
似乎察觉到罗亮的情绪波动,无痕收敛目光。Luo Liangcoughslightly: „Does not know that the incarnationstrength of tracelessfellow daoistarrives, how manycultivation basebut alsoremains?”罗亮轻咳一声:“不知无痕道友的化身力量降临,还剩多少修为?”attractivenessanythingis unimportant.颜值什么的不重要。As the bodyguard, mustbe ableto hitis the top priority.
作为保镖,要能打才是硬道理。Luo Liangsuccessfullycorrected the oneselfpsychology.罗亮成功纠正了自己的心理。Facing the direct examination of Luo Liang.
面对罗亮的直接询问。Tracelesssomewhathesitant, hesitates saying:
无痕有些犹豫,沉吟道:„Actually, inMain Universethislevel, the cultivation baseheight, does not have the significanceme.”
“其实,在主宇宙这个层面,修为的高低,于我而言没有意义。”„Doesn't have the significance?”
“没有意义?”Luo LianginducesbyControlled Spirit Seed, discovered that the tracelessbody, does not have anysuperpowerfluctuates.罗亮以御灵种感应,发现无痕的身上,没有任何超能波动。
A cultivation basetracedoes not have.
The Thousand Years Personscrupleappearance, Luo Liangat heart is not very in addition steadfast.
再加上千秋人迟疑的样子,罗亮心里很不踏实。„Won't tracelessfellow daoist...... haveto bringcultivation baseto come?”
The Luo Liangvisionis sparkling, blurted out.罗亮目光烁烁,脱口而出。
The tracelesssurfacedoes not have the mighty waves, had not denied, said:
蓦然。Luo LiangControlled Spirit Seed, feels a superpowerfluctuationYun'sfreshtracefromhim.罗亮的御灵种,从他身上感受到一丝超能波动蕴生的痕迹。Butthatfluctuationis extremely weak, the intensitywas inferior toQuasi Rank 1Super Power User.
但那波动极其微弱,强度连准1级超能者都不如。Also is really coming of barenesscultivation base?
还真是空无修为的过来?Luo Liangstares the bigeye, the mentalitya littlecollapses.罗亮瞪大眼睛,心态有点崩。No wondersaid that the cultivation baseheightdoes not have the significance, the sentimentyoudo not havecultivation base.
难怪说修为的高低没意义,感情你是没修为啊。Shoots a look attocrossing the hands behind the back the verticalazure clothesman, is indifferent to personal gains and losses, imitates, ifgiving up affectationGrand Master.
瞥向负手而立的青衣男子,宠辱不惊,仿若一位返璞归真的大宗师。Luo Liangfelt that thispersona littleinstalls.罗亮感觉此人有一点装。Youdo not havecultivation baseto speak frankly, does not needto conceal. WithisPrimeval Ancestor, will Iblameyou?
你没修为直说,没必要掩饰。同为元祖,我难道会怪罪你?At this time.
此时。Tracelessacts in a completely informal or uninhibited manner, both eyesshut, „cultivation base”, is promotingat the appreciablespeedgently.
The speed of improvementis actually quick, can be calledshocks everybody.
提升的速度其实很快,称得上惊世骇俗。Mustbe the Rank 4Country Suppressing Ranklevel, perhapsneeds about a year.
只是要达到4级镇国级的层次,恐怕要一年左右。„Thiscultivation base, howis the bodyguard, whoisprotectswho?”
“这点修为,怎么当保镖,到底是谁保护谁?”Luo Liangis incapable ofcomplaining.罗亮无力吐槽。
It is not good!
The travel of thisEmpire, the riskmaybe big, musttellclearlyhim.
这次帝国之旅,风险可不小,必须跟他讲清楚。„Tracelessfellow daoist, has a matter to stated clearly. Mythistimegoes toScarlet Dragon Empire, maybe framedby the villain. The bigprobabilityfaced with the powerful enemy of Starry Sky Great Expertrank, possiblyannoysRank 10Universe Rankhighsuperpowerhouse.”
“无痕道友,有件事须得言明。我这次前往赤龙帝国,有可能遭到小人陷害。大概率面临星空大能级别的强敌,最高可能惹到10级-宇宙级的超级强者。”Luo Liangcan see, tracelessis a not bothering about triflesperson, brings to light the mattersimply.罗亮看得出,无痕是一个不拘小节的人,索性把事情挑明一点。Humancivilizationinthistime, withoutbirthUniverse Supreme.
人类文明在这个时代,没有诞生宇宙至尊。However, Rank 10Universe Rankdefinitelyhas, andincessantlytwo.
但是,10级-宇宙级绝对是有,且不止一位两位。„Without‚Universe Supreme’undergallops the invinciblestrength, weneed further considerationagain, the conductneedis lower-key.”
“如果没有‘宇宙至尊’之下驰骋无敌的力量,咱们再从长计议,行事需要更低调一点。”Luo Liangtold the facts.罗亮实话实说。Beforehand.
在事先。Hequiteanticipatedto the strength that Primeval Ancestorarrives.
他对元祖降临的力量颇为期待。Hierarch, is the level that Universe Supremestarts.掌权者,是宇宙至尊起步的层次。ButPrimeval Ancestorcompared withitHierarch, but must overseveralmagnitudes.
而元祖比之掌权者,还要超过几个量级。Even ifMain Universehas the limit, Luo Liangdeliberately considered the strength that Primeval Ancestorarrives, at leastneedsto be on par„True Immortal”.
哪怕主宇宙有限制,罗亮寻思元祖降临的力量,至少要比肩“真仙”吧。Even ifUniverse Supreme of can be victorioushome gamecombat, sidewise compressiona number ofRank 10Universe Rank, mustnopressure.
纵使打不过主场作战的宇宙至尊,横压一批10级-宇宙级,应当没有什么压力。Thissituation, Luo Liang, even ifrushes out very bigcalamity, at leasthas the mighty forcesafeguard of moving out.
这种情况,罗亮哪怕闯出很大的祸,至少有全身而退的伟力保障。Has not thought,arrival of thisPrimeval Ancestorhas not broughtcultivation base.
可万万没想到,这位元祖的降临没有带修为。Luo Liang can only say, the anticipation of oneselfis high, thinkstoohappily.罗亮只能说,自己的期待过高,想得太美好。After all shortly after thisPrimeval Ancestorrecovers, the strengthsimplyhas not restoredmany, moreoverarrives atMain Universe, has the enormouslimit.
毕竟这位元祖复苏不久,力量根本没恢复多少,而且降临主宇宙,有极大限制。According toLuo Liangknows.
A levelhigherstrength, is more difficultto arrive, the receivedlimitis bigger.
……Gallops the invinciblestrength?
驰骋无敌的力量?Tracelessopens eyes, browslightlywrinkle.
无痕睁开眼,眉头微皱。Thinks,oneself the source of say/wayhas not restoredmany, is only a thoughtincarnationinMain Universe, is truly weak.
想了想,自己的道之本源没有恢复多少,只是一丝意念化身在主宇宙,确实很虚弱。„Does not dareto callinvincibly.”
“不敢称无敌。”Hegazes at the endlessAll Heavensabove, the facial expressionis humble.
他注视无尽诸天的上方,神情谦卑。Luo Lianglaughs in one's heart: Nowknows the low keymodestly.罗亮暗笑一声:现在知道低调、谦虚了吧。„But, so long asLuofellow daoistis not separated fromtenzhang (3.33 m)range. The line of sightinstitute, havingme is invincible.”
A azure clothesmanthread of conversationrevolution, the toneis lightandassured.
The Luo Liangmindshakes, seemed infectedbythatself-confidently, someinexplicabletrusts.罗亮心神一震,似乎被那自信感染,莫名的有些信任。
The line of sightinstitute, havingmeis invincible.
视线所及,有我无敌。These words, did not mean that Thousand Years Persononeselfam invincible, butrefers to tenzhang (3.33 m)line of sight, no onecaninjuretoLuo Liang.
这句话,并不是说千秋人本人无敌,而是指在十丈视线内,没有任何人可以伤到罗亮。Thisishighestboundary of bodyguard.
这是保镖的最高境界。shit!玛德!Thistracelesscultivation basedoes not have, will also installcompared withme?
这个无痕一点修为没有,比我还会装?Luo Liangcalms downquickly.罗亮很快冷静下来。
The mouth of man, ghost of deceiving people.
Hasn't Luo Liangbeen ableto understandoneself?罗亮还不能懂自己吗?Depends the jurisdiction of organizationbig shot, pulls the fierce appearanceto enlarge the flag, Luo Lianghas flickered the big shot in manyrealities, Vast Winter Palacethatthreemost beautiful womanis no exception.
仗着组织大佬的权限,扯虎皮拉大旗,罗亮忽悠过多少现实里的大佬,连广寒宫那位三界第一美女都不例外。ThisThousand Years Person, perhapsis the person of same beliefexpert.
这个千秋人,说不定是同道好手。„Luofellow daoist , if not believe that cantry.”
“罗道友若是不信,可以试试。”Thousand Years Person seems a little simple-hearted, butis not silly, sees the suspicion of Luo Liang.千秋人看似有点木讷,但是不傻,看出罗亮的怀疑。„Good, thisalsoforhello/you good.”
“好,这也是为了你好。”Luo Liangunrestrained/no trace of politeness, a fistpoundsface to faceto the face of Thousand Years Person.罗亮毫不客气,一拳当面砸向千秋人的面庞。Thisfacewas too perfect!
这张脸太完美了!SomeLuo Liangenvy.罗亮都有些嫉妒。„So long asyoucanreceive a fist, along withmegoes toScarlet Dragon Empireto ride the windto tread the wave.”
The fistlightdrivestogether the azureQilinbeastlight shadow, followsroaringanddragon of cryancient beast.
拳光拖动一道青色麟兽光影,伴随古兽的咆哮和龙吟。Thisis a fist of Luo Liang《Qilin-Dragon Scripture》convenientlydisplay, onintent domainbuff, the mightachievesQuasi Rank 5.
这是罗亮《麟龙篇》随手发挥的一拳,意境加持上,威力达到准5级。Onlyispowerfulfist intent, canmakeordinaryCountry Suppressing Rankfeelto suffocate, is hardto revolt.
光是强大的拳意,就能让普通的镇国级感到窒息,难以反抗。Iftracelesscannot block, Luo Lianghad confidence that takes back the fiststrength.
若是无痕挡不住,罗亮有把握将拳力收回。On the tracelessfaceancient well without ripples, was not disturbed, one hand behind the back, sets asideanotherhand, in same placedelimits not a visiblecircleslowly.
The Quasi Rank 5strongfiststrength, justcontactedthatinvisiblecircle, thenstagnatessuddenly, inappearing intermittentlytricolordao rhymereverse.准5级的强大拳力,刚刚接触那无形的圈,便豁然凝滞,内中隐现三色道韵扭转。
蓬!shortly afterward, on the tracelesspalmemerges a superpowerfluctuation of Rank 4Country Suppressing Rank, shakessuperficially a fist of Luo Liang.紧接着,无痕手掌上涌现出一股4级镇国级的超能波动,轻描淡写将罗亮的一拳震开。Onepointare not many, onepoint of many.
A Luo Liangpowerfulfist, was just extinguishedreduces and solves.罗亮强大的一拳,刚好被消弭化解。Onspaceship, the complementary wavesleak of nosuperpowermighty force.
The Luo Lianga littlesurprise, found that the superpowerfluctuation of tracelessCountry Suppressing Rank, anotherflickersto dropbelowQuasi Rank 1.罗亮有点诧异,发现无痕身上镇国级的超能波动,又一瞬跌落到准1级以下。Heas beforeis the average person who thatcultivation basenearlydoes not have.
“厉害!”Luo Liangacclaimedheartfeltly, appearancelooking pensive.罗亮由衷赞叹,若有所思的样子。Thisishebumps intofor the first time, cultivation baseis lower than oneself, but can also reduce and solve the person who heattackscalmly.
这是他首次碰到,修为比自己低,还能从容化解他攻击的人。Tracelesscultivation basehas not counterfeited.
The keyis, asPrimeval Ancestorhe, „say/way”boundary is too high.
关键是,身为元祖的他,“道”的境界实在太高。„Good, the tracelessfellow daoistthenkeepssideme.”
The Luo Liangnodsaid.罗亮点头道。Luo Liangreallyletter/believes the tracelessstrengthlike thatactually not, mostdoubtful.
倒不是罗亮真信无痕的那般实力,最多半信半疑。boundaryis high, quite a lever, will have the strengthto enlarge, handles big issue with smart poweractually.境界再高,也就相当一个杠杆,将现有实力放大,竟而四两拨千斤。Maynot havecertaincultivation basesupport, skids the motionlessthatbiglever.
可没有一定的修为支撑,也撬不动那么大的杠杆。„Initially, IbecameDao Protector of Luofellow daoist, wasso the situation.”
“当初,我成为罗道友的护道人,也是这般情形。”On the tracelessfacereveals the color of recalling.
无痕脸上露出缅怀之色。Hecrosses the hands behind the backto stand, the gazestarry sky, in the mighty wavesnotstartleddoublepupil, exudesto wipe the color.
……„Un, in any caseI the method that preparesto maintain lifeandrun.”
“嗯,反正我准备了保命和跑路的手段。”Luo Lianghasanotheroneto haggle over.罗亮却有另一番计较。„Ifmeetsmay not the anti-danger, at the worstsells out...... coughs! In any caseis onlysection of azure clothesrags. To come, thisPrimeval Ancestorwill not blame.”
“倘若遇到不可抗危险,大不了卖掉……咳!反正只是一截青衣碎布。想来,这位元祖不会怪罪。”Tracelessthrough his fist„confirmation”, the strength of performanceat leastis notburden.
无痕通过他一拳的“验证”,表现的实力至少不是拖油瓶。boundaryis so high, is also keento the sensationdangerenough, toLuo Liangwill be a help, the belt/bringwill not suffer a lossin the side.境界这么高,对感知危险也足够灵敏,对罗亮是一种帮助,带在身边不会吃亏。„set off.”
“出发。”Luo Liangno longerhesitates, issues the instructiontospaceshipWisdom Brain.罗亮不再犹豫,向飞船智脑下达指令。
The civil aviationspaceshipenginestarts, sneaks in the profoundmysteriouswormhole.
The Luo Liangtwopeople of ridingspaceships, are separated fromSubspace, saysin the wormhole of Scarlet Dragon Empireborder areaanotherendpresently.罗亮二人乘坐的飞船,脱离亚空间,在赤龙帝国边疆另一端的虫洞口出现。Returns to the materialspace, the Space and Timedistortionfeelingvanishes.
The picture of spaceshipsurvey, and scene outside porthole, makingLuo Liangsurprised, the eyenarrows the eyes.
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