IARNBS :: Volume #5

#489: Empire treads the wave, sets sail

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Heaven Blue Star, Tianyun Manor. 天蓝星,天云庄园 Luo Liang holds appreciatively in the hand the rose gold/metal invitation, smells residual elegant delicate fragrance. 罗亮把玩手中玫瑰金的邀请函,嗅到一丝残留的典雅幽香。 He slightly regretted obviously, falls into thinks deeply...... 他略显遗憾,又陷入深思…… A moment ago to the scene that Jiang Zhaoxue said goodbye attentive, at this time also came clearly into view. 刚才与姜昭雪温存道别的情景,此时还历历在目。 This time in sentimental rise that” organization space meets, in the profound star pupil of 10 points of white rich and beautiful, contains the mood of other taste. 这次在组织空间见面的“感情升温”,十分白富美的深邃星眸中,蕴含别味的情绪。 As if, what matter has to conceal him? 似乎,有什么事隐瞒着他? By Jiang Zhaoxue proud and acts with constraint, even the compliance and Luo Liang break through the final level relations, initiative like that almost in not devoting. 姜昭雪的骄傲和矜持,就算应允与罗亮突破最后一层关系,也绝不会那般的主动,几乎于献身。 Although Jiang Zhaoxue has an excuse, but some unusual details, cannot convince completely. 虽然姜昭雪有一番说辞,但一些反常的细节,并不能完全说得通。 The symptoms of these changes, complete organization advanced mission to start from Jiang Zhaoxue probably. 这些变化的苗头,好像是从姜昭雪完成组织进阶任务”开始的。 Must go to the Empire surface base in any case, has what issue, at the appointed time one and is solved.” “反正要去帝国面基,有什么问题,到时一并解决吧。” Luo Liang shakes the head the smile, the brow stretches, no longer thinks thoroughly. 罗亮摇头微笑,眉头舒展,不再深入多想。 At first, him plans to go to Scarlet Dragon Empire, to compensate for the disappointment and has a deficit, with Jiang Zhaoxue paying a man back in his own coin. 在最初,他打算前往赤龙帝国,是为了弥补缺憾和亏欠,跟姜昭雪“礼尚往来”。 Now. 如今。 Luo Liang are many important intention —— to destroy Mohe Prince and Jiang Zhaoxue joint marriage, to guard oneself to be worn green hat. 罗亮多出一个重要意图——破坏摩河王子姜昭雪的联婚,以防自己被“戴绿帽子”。 Even isn't Luo Liang able with Jiang Zhaoxue in the same place, how could of foreign race to bribe finally? 就算罗亮最终无法与姜昭雪在一起,岂能让异族之人染指? ...... …… Since resigns from the North Star Teacher duty. 自从辞去北辰导师的职务。 The Luo Liang whole person is idle, does not have the critical matter. 罗亮整个人清闲下来,没有紧要的事。 Goes to the related arrangement of Empire, these days were almost completed. 帝国的相关筹备,这几日差不多完成了。 Luo Liang confesses something concerned in Tianyun Manor, with Arnold and Zheng Qiaobai, Headmistress and the others hit to call. 罗亮天云庄园交代一些事宜,跟阿诺德郑乔柏,女校长等人打好招呼。 Meanwhile, he leaves behind one Digitalization True Image in Heaven Capital, accompanies the parents, makes the friendly contacts with the schoolmates. 同时,他留下一具“数据化真影”在天都城,陪伴父母,跟同学们联络感情。 The above all sorts, are the tour of Empire, prepares sufficient, without extra worries. 以上种种,为帝国之行,做好充足准备,没有后顾之忧。 In the consideration of Luo Liang, the tour of this Scarlet Dragon Empire has two trip modes: 罗亮的考虑中,此趟赤龙帝国之行有两种出行方式: The first type, takes the spaceship, through the jump, the shuttle wormhole goes to Empire. 第一种,乘坐飞船,通过跃迁,穿梭虫洞前往帝国 This way, the journey is remote, has certain time cost. 这种方式,旅途遥远,有一定的时间成本。 The second type, directly through the organization mission way, more convenient enters the Scarlet Dragon Empire area. 第二种,直接通过组织任务的方式,更便捷的进入赤龙帝国疆域。 Naturally, goes through the mission way, often has certain condition restraint, is not the percentage hundred shij freedoms. 当然,通过任务的方式前往,往往有一定的条件约束,不是百分百的shij自由。 Luo Liang decided that with the first way, takes the spaceship to go. 罗亮决定用第一种方式,乘坐飞船前往。 According to Jiang Zhaoxue gives the time in invitation, the Heavenly Secrets Clan spaceship in his hand, the performance is enough, the time is completely sufficient. 按照姜昭雪所给邀请函上的时间,他手中的天机族飞船,性能足够,时间完全充足。 While these days. 趁这段时间。 Luo Liang just right review Master Deprives, Promotes the ability seed of young Kun Controlled Spirit. 罗亮正好温习【御主剥夺】,提升幼鲲御灵的能力种子。 This ability seed, is equivalent to brand-new profession, with Kun's Body, And the time and space say/way are closely linked. 该能力种子,相当于一种全新职业,跟【鲲之躯】,以及时间、空间之道息息相关。 Is obtaining this profession ability initial stage, the cultivation base ability leaps forward, Luo Liang naturally must seize this time. 在获得这种职业能力的初期,修为能力跃进,罗亮自然要把握好这段时机。 ...... …… After several days . 几日后。 A Heavenly Secrets Clan civil spaceship of camouflage, arrives near the Dawn Galaxy location wormhole. 一艘伪装的天机族民用飞船,抵达晨光星系所在的虫洞附近。 In spaceship cultivation room. 飞船修炼室内。 Luo Liang obtains the guidance prompt of Wisdom Brain, opens the eye slowly, the body lingers the light Space and Time fluctuation, flashes to pass. 罗亮得到智脑的导航提示,缓缓睁开眼睛,身上萦绕淡淡的时空波动,一闪而逝。 bo ~ 啵~ In Controlled Spirit Seed in within the body, the brand-new superpower source of that birth, sends out Controlled Spirit of Kun heavy/thick wilderness aura, as if can contain the annexation myriad things. 体内的御灵种内,那诞生的全新超能源泉,散发鲲之御灵的厚重蛮荒气息,仿佛能包容吞并万物。 A week of time. 前后一周时间。 The profession ability of Luo Liang Space and Time Controlled Spirit department, steps into the Rank 2 Super Power User level! 罗亮时空御灵系的职业能力,踏入2级超能者的层次! Passes Master Deprives The acquired profession ability, has certain transformation to derive the process in initial stage, if is really advanced is amazingly quick, nearly in sudden enlightenment.” “通过【御主剥夺】获得的职业能力,在初期有一定转化汲取过程,果真是进阶神速,近乎于顿悟。” Luo Liang praised. 罗亮赞叹道 Was equal to saying, Luo Liang has third superpower profession now, moreover powerful scarce space-time category. 等于说,罗亮现在拥有第三超能职业,而且还是强大稀缺的时空系 The vision shifts to outside the porthole, the wormhole of gaze not far away. 目光转向舷窗外,注视不远处的虫洞。 From time to time shuttle turnover of some spaceships from the wormhole, send out the assorted blurred ray in the silent universe. 时而有飞船从虫洞中穿梭进出,在寂静宇宙中散发各色迷离光芒。 Wants initially, the Scarlet Dragon Imperial Family fleet mission, to arrive in Dawn Galaxy, appears from this wormhole. 想当初,赤龙皇室的舰队使团,抵达晨光星系,就是从这个虫洞出现的。 Here, Luo Liang and Jiang Zhaoxue had to brush past one time. 曾经在这里,罗亮姜昭雪有过一次擦肩而过。 Under the authorization of Luo Liang. 罗亮的授权下。 The Heavenly Secrets Clan spaceship of camouflage, just like a vigorous gray civet, sneaks in the wormhole. 伪装的天机族飞船,宛若一只矫健的灰色灵猫,钻进虫洞中。 The wormhole, the navigation for ultra long-distance range, often can span the galaxy. 虫洞,适用于超远距离的航行,往往能跨越星系。 It is said that in high-rank civilization, a man-made wormhole technology, calls it „the star gate. 据说,在高级文明中,有一种人造虫洞技术,称之为“星门”。 The star gates of certain most advanced techniques, even can span the ultra cluster. 某些尖端技术的星门,甚至可以跨越超星团。 Roughly small half day. 约莫小半日。 The Heavenly Secrets Clan spaceship that Luo Liang takes, shuttles back and forth in the wormhole of Freedom Federation border area. 罗亮乘坐的天机族飞船,在自由联邦边疆的一处虫洞中穿梭出来。 The spaceship continues to navigate and jump, rushes to the next wormhole. 飞船继续航行、跃迁,赶往下一处虫洞。 Before set off . Luo Liang through the North Star Foundation relationship network, handled various passes of spaceship, even there is arrived in Scarlet Dragon Empire „a visa. 出发前。罗亮通过北辰基金会的关系网,办理好了飞船的各项通行证,甚至有抵达赤龙帝国的“签证”。 As a result of the federation and Empire be at half close diplomatic condition, handles the difficulty of this type of visa to be big. 由于联邦和帝国处于半封闭的外交状态,办理这种签证的难度可不小。 Even does not have the option of tourist visa. 甚至没有旅游签证的选项。 The Luo Liang visa way, represents the cultural exchange of some alliance Upper Level Country. 罗亮签证方式,是代表联盟某个上游国的文化交流。 ...... …… The time lapse, the spaceship will soon drive out of the Freedom Federation starry sky area. 时间推移,飞船即将驶出自由联邦的星空疆域。 So long as across next wormhole. 只要穿过下一个虫洞。 The Luo Liang spaceship, can arrive in the Scarlet Dragon Empire border area. 罗亮的飞船,就能抵达赤龙帝国的边疆。 At this time, his left arm place transmitted the slight burning sensation. 这时,他左臂处传来轻微的烧灼感。 The Luo Liang consciousness touches the mark, received a news of 2nd Step member. 罗亮意识碰触印记,收到了一位2阶成员的讯息。 Come is very prompt.” “来的很及时。” Looks at the news, he showed a faint smile, entered Root Space. 看完讯息,他微微一笑,进入了源点空间 Private of modernization. 现代化的私人空间。 Living room, sofa area. 客厅,沙发区。 Your Excellency Cold Moon.” 冷月阁下。” A black robe cloak, wears the dark silver mask Dark Night King sits respectfully, the report said: 一身黑袍披风,头戴暗银面具的“暗夜君王”正襟危坐,汇报道: Dark Web receives the reliable information: Mohe Civilization the mission, will arrive in the Scarlet Dragon Empire capital in the near future Heavenly Sun Star, carries out the cooperation in some aspect with Scarlet Dragon Imperial Family.” 暗网收到可靠消息:‘摩河文明’的使团,将在近期抵达赤龙帝国首府‘天阳星’,与赤龙皇室进行某方面的合作。” Mohe mission? Such quickly?” 摩河的使团?这么快?” The Luo Liang brow concentrates. 罗亮眉头微凝。 Dark Night King has not stopped , to continue saying: 暗夜君王没有停顿,继续道: According to the intelligence analysis, Mohe Prince Rutis possibly at the Ninth Princess Jiang Zhaoxue grown ceremony, will become engaged with Scarlet Dragon Imperial Family. That Ninth Princess coming of age, only feared that is an engagement ceremony.” “据情报分析,摩河王子鲁狄斯’可能会在九公主姜昭雪的成年仪式上,与赤龙皇室订婚。那位九公主的成年礼,只怕是一场订婚仪式。” Engagement ceremony? 订婚仪式? The Luo Liang eyelid jumps, never expected that rapidness of such development. 罗亮眼皮一跳,没想到事态发展的这么快。 But is not above the reason. 但也不超乎情理。 ...... 只是…… Luo Liang sighed secretly, was the Jiang Zhaoxue life script and destiny felt that the sympathy and sighed with sadness. 罗亮暗暗一叹,为姜昭雪的人生剧本和命运感到同情和悲叹。 Had the grown day of happiness and significance to the ordinary young girl, her, actually as the trading floor of political sacrifice chip. 对普通少女具有幸福和意义的成年日,于她而言,却是作为政治牺牲筹码的交易场。 If not in the night of that champion, Luo Liang demonstrated the good energy to Jiang Zhaoxue faintly. Perhaps, Jiang Zhaoxue will also conceal to him, more impossible after just last time on point of departure test, delivers that invitation. 若非在那个冠军之夜,罗亮姜昭雪隐隐展示了不俗的能量。恐怕,姜昭雪在至今还会对他隐瞒,更不可能在刚临别的最后一次“考验”后,送上那封邀请函。 In this case, Jiang Zhaoxue is willing to meet with him, does not know that fermented the big courage, sustains what kind of pressure. 在这种情况下,姜昭雪愿意与他相见,不知酝酿了多大的勇气,承担何等的心理压力。 What matter also has?” “还有什么事?” Luo Liang looks to Dark Night King, the latter has not left immediately. 罗亮望向暗夜君王,后者没有立即离开。 If only a news, Dark Web King passed on a message with him directly can, does not need to meet in organization. 如果只是一则消息,暗网之王直接与他传讯便可,无需在组织里会面。 Recently, in the Main Universe intelligence community, had an important matter......” “近日,在主宇宙情报界,发生了一件大事……” Dark Night King opens the mouth slowly. 暗夜君王缓缓开口。 Important matter?” “大事?” Luo Liang looks interestingly. 罗亮饶有兴趣看过来。 Does not know that Your Excellency Cold Moon had heard Star God Clan the news of present world does not have. Our Dark Web, in the present obtains on higher civilization influential figure posts a reward command, making us assist to seize Star God Clan, looks for its trail clue.” “不知道冷月阁下听说过‘星神族’现世的消息没有。我们暗网,在近日得到高等文明上头大人物的‘悬赏令’,让我们协助抓捕‘星神族’,寻找其踪迹线索。” Reward that should post a reward to make, the amount is huge, is Starry Sky Great Expert must be jealous. Even so long as provides a clue, rewards to me and other 2nd Step members, is incomparably attractive.” “该悬赏令的奖赏,数额巨大惊人,便是星空大能都要眼红。甚至只要提供一丝线索,奖赏对我等2阶成员来说,都是无比诱人。” At this point, in the Dark Night King consistent profound calm double pupil, shows a heart movement to be charmed faintly. 说到这里,暗夜君王一贯幽深冷静的双瞳里,亦是隐隐透出一丝心动神往。 Star God Clan?” 星神族?” In the Luo Liang heart moves, these days have been diving to cultivate/repair, pays attention really few to the outside world. 罗亮心中一动,这几日一直在潜修,对外界关注甚少。 Immediately, he pays attention to dynamic and related mission in organization. 当即,他关注组织里的动态和相关任务 Quick, Luo Liang discovered that one ultra, four overlord civilization Hierarch, issued in organization posts a reward mission. 很快,罗亮发现有一超、四霸主文明掌权者,在组织里里发布了悬赏任务 However, about the Star God Clan related clue, almost does not have the explicit prompt. 不过,关于星神族相关的线索,几乎没有明确提示。 In mission description, but said that has Star God Clan in the Central Star Sea startled great wild goose one presently, the information is fuzzy and general. 任务描述中,只是说有星神族中央星海惊鸿一现,信息非常的模糊、笼统。 Must seize Star God Clan, or looks for its clue, certain apparent characteristics that can only depend upon this/should race. 要抓捕星神族,或者寻找其线索,只能依靠该种族的某些外显特性。 Star God Clan, after all is the Rank 7 God Rank civilization myth race, closes and entire Main Universe pattern. Issued that the mission know specific news, will not state clearly in public posting a reward even.” In the Luo Liang heart mused, regarding this is not accidental/surprised. 星神族,毕竟是7级神级文明的神话种族,关及整个主宇宙格局。发布任务者就算知道具体讯息,也不会在公开悬赏中明说。”罗亮心中暗想,对此不意外。 Also a little. 还有一点。 The issues of these mission, are not organization Destiny Abacus distributes, but is Main Universe Hierarch issued. 这些任务的发布,并非组织的“天命算盘”派发,而是主宇宙掌权者所发布。 In this reason, Luo Liang somewhat guessed probably. 此中缘由,罗亮大概有些猜测。 „Do you post a reward interested to this?” “你对这个悬赏有兴趣?” If Luo Liang has the happy expression, the vision falls to Dark Night King on. 罗亮若有笑意,目光落到暗夜君王身上。 „Below to this matter some doubts, is in doubt at heart. Therefore consults to Your Excellency Cold Moon.” “在下对这件事有些疑惑,心里拿不准。所以才向冷月阁下请教。” Dark Night King face slightly red, some unnatural say/way. 暗夜君王老脸微红,有些不自然的道。 Where Luo Liang cannot see, this Dark Night King, to Star God Clan greatly posted a reward somewhat to move. 罗亮哪里看不出,这位暗夜君王,对星神族的巨大悬赏有些动心了。 That large amount of posting a reward, contained the Galaxy Rank treasure resources, one ultra, four overlords all sorts of commitments, even can move Rank 10 Universe Rank. 那巨额的悬赏,包含了星空级的珍宝资源,还有“一超、四霸主”的种种承诺,甚至可以打动10级-宇宙级 After Luo Liang understands, incomparably moves. 罗亮了解之后,也是无比动心。 Dark Night King so-called consulting, possibly is considered that the Luo Liang strong background, wants to obtain raises. 暗夜君王所谓的“请教”,可能是考虑到罗亮的强大背景,想得到一些提点。 Star God Clan secret, the relations are really big, even the organization upper layer is paying attention, this matter is not you can meddle. Even if you obtain to post a reward by luck, will only bring the disaster.” 星神族的秘辛,关系甚大,连组织的上层都在关注,这件事不是你能插手的。纵然你侥幸获得悬赏,只会带来灾祸。” The Luo Liang tone aggravates suddenly, keeps a serious look. 罗亮语气豁然加重,表情严肃起来。 Was...... I understands.” “是……我明白了。” Dark Night King is so shocked they broke out in a cold sweat. 暗夜君王惊出一身冷汗。 From the Luo Liang words, his faint sensation, the Star God Clan water is very deep. 罗亮的话语中,他隐隐感知到,星神族的水恐怕很深。 ...... …… The Dark Night King form disappears. 暗夜君王的身影消失。 The Luo Liang vision twinkle, low nan said: 罗亮目光闪烁,低喃道: Once Star God Clan, with the organization goal benefit was consistent, even obtained the support of organization. Now, Star God Clan recovers, does not know that organization in what kind of standpoint, Destiny Abacus whether participates in the operation......” “曾经的星神族,与组织的目标利益是一致的,甚至得到组织的扶持。如今,星神族复苏,不知组织处于怎样的立场,‘天命算盘’是否参与运作……” Because knows some truth, Luo Liang did not suggest that Dark Night King participates in this matter. 正是因为知道一些真相,罗亮才不建议暗夜君王参与此事。 „Can Little Primary, at my jurisdiction, learn Star God Clan whereabouts? Needs the big price?” 小初,以我的权限,能否获知‘星神族’下落?需要多大代价?” The Luo Liang mind moves, the probe said. 罗亮心神一动,试探道。 He believes, infiltrates the All Heavens terrifying influence by organization, wants to know that Star God Clan whereabouts, is not the difficult matter. 他相信,以组织渗透诸天的恐怖影响力,想知道星神族的下落,不是什么难事。 If can through the Primeval Ancestor privilege, get so far as the Star God Clan whereabouts, obtains that huge posts a reward......” “若能通过元祖的特权,弄到星神族的下落,获得那笔庞大的悬赏……” Luo Liang thinks of here, a heart heat. 罗亮想到这里,心头一热。 He now in hand, although is not bad, is that Kun beast, is a bottomless pit, in the process of growth needs to consume the tremendous strength. 他现在手头上虽然不差,可是那头鲲兽,就是一个无底洞,成长的过程中需要消耗巨大的力量。 The Luo Liang Controlled Spirit profession strength, came from in Youkun Controlled Spirit, in future cultivation, is a giant gap. 罗亮御灵职业力量,源自于幼鲲御灵,在未来的修行中,也是一个巨大的缺口。 Little Primary responded quickly: 小初很快回应道: Destiny Abacus said, it knows the Star God Clan whereabouts.” 天命算盘说,它知道星神族的下落。”
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