IARNBS :: Volume #5

#488: Invitation, familiar repertoire

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Freedom Federation, Heaven Blue Star. 自由联邦,天蓝星 Luo Liang starts the organization Primeval Ancestor jurisdiction, pays attention to Jiang Zhaoxue advanced mission. 罗亮发动组织元祖的权限,关注姜昭雪进阶任务 His thought arrives at the mission region of central star sea. 他的意念降临中央星海的任务区域。 In God angle of view grayish white field of vision. 上帝视角般的灰白视界中。 The picture locks star light to be brilliant, hand grasps the sword, to wear the slim mecha very beautiful shadow. 画面锁定一个星光绚烂、手握战刀、身穿纤薄机甲的挺秀丽影。 Luo Liang vision deep bright/light, expressed admiration. 罗亮目光湛亮,啧啧称奇。 The profession combat of never expected that Jiang Zhaoxue, has side that such heroic bearing glows. 没想到姜昭雪职业作战,有这么英姿焕发的一面。 Only pitifully. 只可惜。 Luo Liang also observes without enough time carefully, receives mission already the prompt that completes. 罗亮还来不及仔细观战,收到任务已完成的提示。 Grayish white picture solidification. 灰白画面凝固。 The Jiang Zhaoxue form, disappears from the region of central star sea. 姜昭雪的身影,从中央星海的区域消失。 Came late!” “来晚了!” But, Younger Sister Zhaoxue very strong, the only personal ability, seemingly handled advanced mission very much with ease.” “不过,昭雪妹子挺强的啊,单凭个人能力,貌似很轻松的搞定了进阶任务。” Luo Liang looks the smile, took back the attention. 罗亮面露微笑,收回了关注。 He previously used Mission Exemption Card Has not applied, will not be detected by Jiang Zhaoxue. 他先前使用的【任务免豁卡】则没派上用场,也不会被姜昭雪察觉。 Luo Liang has not paid attention. 罗亮没有注意。 In grayish white picture. 灰白画面中。 That with the Rank 5 peak foreign race expert of Jiang Zhaoxue to war, dumbfounded, the whole face vibrates. 那个与姜昭雪对战的5级巅峰异族高手,目瞪口呆,满脸震动。 Derives the light of stars, fights endless. Such fight talent and talent......” “汲取星辰之光,战无止尽。那样的战斗才情和天赋……” „In the biography......” “难道是传中的……” Star God Clan!!” 星神族!!” When these three characters, put out from the foreign race expert mouth. 当这三个字,从异族高手口中吐出时。 In a twinkling. 霎时间。 A wisp of invisible secret destiny fluctuates, is centered on this, across boundless endless Main Universe. 一缕无形的天机命运波动,以此为中心,横掠无边无尽的主宇宙 Central star sea. 中央星海。 One ultra, four tyrants and other high-rank civilization within the boundaries, these aloof prediction class organizations, some divination Grandmasters of noble character and high prestige, one after another obtain the news and omen as if by prior agreement. 一超、四霸等高级文明的境内,那些超然的预言类机构,一些德高望重的占卜大师,一个个不约而同得到讯息与预兆。 Even, in summit of All Heavens top world. 甚至,在诸天之巅的顶级世界 Big mighty force of certain ancient deep sleep, open the eye suddenly, goes to the Main Universe direction. 某些古老沉睡的大伟力者,蓦然睁开眼睛,投向主宇宙的方向。 ...... …… Takes back the attention. 收回关注。 In Luo Liang in organization friend lists, seeing Jiang Zhaoxue becomes 1st Step organization member. 罗亮组织好友列表里,看到姜昭雪成为1阶组织成员 He nods secretly, the consciousness returns to the reality. 他暗自点头,意识返回现实。 Becoming the organization 1st Step member, this is Jiang Zhaoxue is in control of the destiny, with fate anti- key one step. 成为组织1阶成员,这是姜昭雪把握自身命运,与宿命相抗的关键一步。 Luo Liang expected, after completing advanced mission, Jiang Zhaoxue meets first tells him the good news, the meaning of expression gratitude. 罗亮料想,完成进阶任务后,姜昭雪会第一时间将喜讯告诉他,表达感激之意。 However, what is unexpected is. 然而,出乎预料的是。 Luo Liang waited long time, Jiang Zhaoxue does not have the initiative incoming signal. 罗亮等了良久,姜昭雪都没有主动来讯。 Luo Liang feels to wonder. 罗亮感到纳闷。 Will not feel that to become the 1st Step member, somewhat fluttered, doesn't pay attention to the senior?” “不会觉得成为1阶成员,就有些飘了,不把前辈放在眼里吧?” Luo Liang shakes the head with a smile, Jiang Zhaoxue is not this person. 罗亮笑着摇头,姜昭雪不是这种人。 Perhaps was in the reality has the critical matter to delay.” “或许是现实里有紧要的事耽误了。” Luo Liang can only think. 罗亮只能这么想。 He does not have to be concerned and inquire Jiang Zhaoxue anxiously, but waits for the incoming signal of opposite party. 他没有急着去关切和询问姜昭雪,而是等待对方的来讯。 In any case judging from the present situation, Jiang Zhaoxue oneself at least have no safety. 反正从目前情况看,姜昭雪本人至少没有什么安危。 Luo Liang continues the ginseng/partake to cultivate/repair Master Deprives, The Controlled Spirit Seed Space and Time system profession strength, germinates like one, is being grown healthy and strong...... 罗亮继续参修【御主剥夺】,御灵种时空体系职业力量,如同一只萌芽,正在茁壮成长中…… Until two days later. 直至两天后。 Luo Liang received the Jiang Zhaoxue incoming signal finally. 罗亮总算收到了姜昭雪的来讯。 Senior, I succeeded! Thank you advice.” “前辈,我成功了!谢谢你的指教。” Congratulations, was put on regular status.” The Luo Liang response said. “恭喜,转正了。”罗亮回应道。 Empire that side scruple moment, sends in a message: 帝国那边迟疑片刻,又发来一条留言: Young Master Luo, I want to see you.” 罗公子,我想见你。” This information, making the Luo Liang heart jump, catches unusual meaning faintly. 这条信息,让罗亮心头一跳,隐隐捕捉到不同寻常的意味。 The first point, the name of message is Young Master Luo, is somewhat unusual. 第一点,留言的称呼是罗公子,有些反常。 Luo Liang and Jiang Zhaoxue in the communication exchange of organization, continuously tacit does not use the realistic title. Even after reality meet, Jiang Zhaoxue has called his senior. 罗亮姜昭雪组织的沟通交流,一直默契的不用现实称谓。即便现实相遇之后,姜昭雪一直称呼他前辈。 Name of Young Master Luo, only when happening in the reality meets. 罗公子的称呼,只发生在现实见面时。 Second. Jiang Zhaoxue expressed that wants to see him, expressed the meaning of missing on own initiative. 第二点。姜昭雪表示“想见他”,主动表达出思念之意。 May know according to Luo Liang. 10 points of white rich and beautiful has her proudly, to act with constraint, even narcissistic side. 可据罗亮所知。十分白富美有她骄傲、矜持,甚至自恋的一面。 Normally, Jiang Zhaoxue will not have this type low value behavior. 正常情况下,姜昭雪不会有这种“低价值”的行为。 Good, in the space sees.” “好,空间里见。” Luo Liang complied without hesitation. 罗亮不暇思索的答应了。 ...... …… Root Organisation. 源点组织 A lonesome and quiet garden private. 一处幽静的庭院私人空间。 Luo Liang and Jiang Zhaoxue came. 罗亮姜昭雪先后现身。 This time. 这一次。 Two people of very tacit use realistic facial features. 二人很默契的使用现实面容。 Luo Liang is at heart clear, what Jiang Zhaoxue meets is Young Master Luo in reality, rather than Cold and Silent Moon senior. 罗亮心里清楚,姜昭雪相见的是现实里的罗公子,而不是冷月无声前辈。 In final ending of that song time. Was away from the porthole, Luo Liang once had no intention listening secretly, Jiang Zhaoxue actually liked him in reality. 在那一首歌时间的最后落幕。隔着舷窗,罗亮曾无意“偷听”到,姜昭雪其实更喜欢现实中的他。 Young Master Luo.” 罗公子。” A Jiang Zhaoxue elegant silver skirt, black hair like waterfall, pupil, if star resplendent, as if performs that day to review beautiful woman again, lets the group star gloomy grand shocking scene. 姜昭雪一袭典雅银裙,青丝如瀑,眸若星灿,仿佛再次上演那日“回眸倾城”,让群星暗淡的壮丽惊艳场面。 Luo Liang is somewhat amazed, Jiang Zhaoxue makeup appearance/allow Jingxin has dressed up. 罗亮有些惊诧,姜昭雪的妆容精心打扮过。 This beautiful graceful young girl, the face dimple is three-dimensional, the dimple splits shallowly, beautiful does not result in the local products. 这位绝美优雅的少女,脸靥立体精美,梨涡浅绽,美得不可方物。 Jiang Zhaoxue visits him earnestly. 姜昭雪认真看着他。 The star tears light blue double pupil, accumulated ripples is wiping the clear(ly) resplendent mild ripples. 星泪般的浅蓝双眸,蕴漾着一抹明灿温润的涟漪。 Luo Liang also visits her, from that two stars pupil, feels rare tender feelings, some sincere speechless mood. 罗亮也看着她,从那双星眸里,感受到一种罕见的柔情,某种深切无言的情绪。 Miss Jiang, can the mission process be smooth?” 姜姑娘,任务过程可还顺利?” Luo Liang walks to go forward, holds the hand of Jiang Zhaoxue. 罗亮走上前,牵起姜昭雪的手。 He has an intuition, after this mission, Jiang Zhaoxue to his emotion, has does not know the sublimation of reason. 他有种直觉,这次任务后,姜昭雪对他的情感,有不知缘由的升华。 By past contains, point, to today's can be seen in speech and appearance. 由以往的含蓄、点到为止,到今日的溢于言表。 „The advanced mission difficulty is big, but was reduced and solved by me smoothly.” 进阶任务难度不小,但是被我顺利化解了。” Jiang Zhaoxue has not rejected the Luo Liang holding hands, but also puts into latter's bosom on own initiative. 姜昭雪没有拒绝罗亮的牵手,还主动投入后者的怀抱。 Far more than is the difficulty is big.” “何止是难度不小。” Jiang Zhaoxue at heart silently. 姜昭雪心里默默。 Young Master Luo, I almost am buried in central star sea, parts forever with you thoroughly......” 罗公子,我差点葬身中央星海,与你彻底永别……” She is embracing Luo Liang, on the elegant face appears the expression that has a lingering fear, milk-white bosom fluctuating is uncertain. 她搂抱着罗亮,俏颜上显出心有余悸的表情,酥胸起伏不定。 On that day. 那一日。 She relies on the Star God Clan going against heaven's will strength even, foreign race expert who is unable to defeat that Rank 5 peak, most with it contending. 她即便借助星神族的逆天力量,也无法击败那位5级巅峰的异族高手,最多与之抗衡。 Behind, powerful chasing down, including star ship firepower. 后方,还有更多强大的追杀者,包括星舰的火力。 Fell into the death hopeless situation. 身陷死亡绝境。 In her mind, appears familiar faces. 她脑海中,浮现出一张张熟悉面孔。 Impression most profound face. 印象最深刻的面孔。 Except for elapsing Mother Consort, then only then that is lazy and ease, from time to time looks straight ahead to take a look at her youngster. 除了逝去的母妃,便只有那个慵懒、闲逸,时而直视打量她的少年。 Until death before. 直至死亡将临前。 Jiang Zhaoxue is clear. In person who Luo Liang survives presently, most lets her the fetters that is difficult to give up. 姜昭雪才明白。罗亮是现存活的人里,最让她最难割舍的羁绊。 At that moment. 那一刻。 Jiang Zhaoxue pledged: If can live, must treasure this hard-won fate. 姜昭雪发誓:如果能活着回去,一定要珍惜这份来之不易的缘分。 Finally, the Starfish base leader successfully escapes, making her complete mission, is out of the danger. 最终,海星基地领袖成功逃生,让她完成任务,脱离危险。 However. 然而。 In the time, Jiang Zhaoxue discovered true status that one involve secretly...... 在时候,姜昭雪发现自身秘密涉及的真正身份…… This heavy status, compared with offends the Mohe Civilization royal family directly, serious ten times continue. 这重身份,比直接得罪摩河文明王族,严重十倍不止。 Jiang Zhaoxue such as the falling icehouse, has mixed feelings. 姜昭雪如坠冰窖,心情复杂。 Reflected in the 2nd, she made the decision. 足足静思了两日,她才做出了决定。 ...... …… The reply of Jiang Zhaoxue is seemingly relaxed, Luo Liang actually feels, perhaps that advanced mission, has one hard and dangerous and twists and turns. 姜昭雪的回答看似轻松,罗亮却感觉到,那个进阶任务,恐怕有一番艰险和波折。 At this time, 10 points of white rich and beautiful, throws the bosom to hug on own initiative, he breathes a heat, does not have the careful inquisition. 此时,十分白富美,主动投怀相抱,他呼吸一热,没有仔细探究。 The Jiang Zhaoxue figure perfect cannot nitpick. 姜昭雪的身段完美不可挑剔。 The line vision exquisite, has the bone feeling. Under touching, the flesh has the meat pliable but hard to break, the snow is greasy. 线条视觉优美、有骨感。触摸下,肌肤柔韧有肉,雪腻光滑。 Supports, the willow waist that full grasps, fluctuates the wonderful peaks and ridges, among the skirt clothes the elegant spatial quiet noble delicate fragrance, making the Luo Liang blood accelerate, the innermost feelings are excited. 相拥下,那盈盈一握的柳腰,起伏美妙的峰峦,裙裳间典雅空幽的高贵清香,让罗亮血液加速,内心激动。 Luo Liang knows, tonight was possible! 罗亮知道,今晚有戏了! between the two sentiment, after twists and turns, similar successful last step. 二人间的感情,几经波折,也差不多了水到渠成的最后一步。 Although, Jiang Zhaoxue the emotion sincere initiative, has the place of fishy today. 虽说,姜昭雪今日情感深切的主动,有蹊跷之处。 But Luo Liang does not have the reason of rejection. 罗亮没有拒绝的理由。 He kisses the Jiang Zhaoxue waterdrop cherry rich and smooth red lip. 10 points of white rich and beautiful light ying, without rejection, and there is the meaning of catering. 他吻上姜昭雪水滴樱桃般的丰润红唇。十分白富美轻嘤一声,没有拒绝,且有迎合之意。 Two people of affectionate stirring up, kiss in the same place. 二人深情的激、吻在一起。 Luo Liang makes an effort to hold in the arms Jiang Zhaoxue, as if must this starry sky goddess beautiful young girl, rub the body of oneself. 罗亮用力搂住姜昭雪,似乎要将这位星空女神般的绝美少女,揉进自己的身体。 Long time later. 良久之后。 Jiang Zhaoxue has not gasped for breath, long implored the one breath, finally loosened, face dimple boiling hot, rosy like rosy cloud. 姜昭雪喘不过气来,长吁一口气,终于松开,脸靥滚烫,娇红如霞。 Young Master Luo, you had said before, can the matter of organization space, with the reality synchronization?” 罗公子,你以前说过,组织空间发生的事,会与现实同步?” The Jiang Zhaoxue star pupil wave light is billowing, snuggles on the Luo Liang chest, asked in a low voice. 姜昭雪星眸波光潋滟,依偎在罗亮胸膛上,低声问道。 That is natural.” “那是当然。” The Luo Liang smile is temperate, looks at her beautiful busy tender face earnestly, knows the meaning of this time inquiring. 罗亮笑容温和,认真看着她的绝美无暇的娇颜,知道此番询问的意思。 By the intelligence and vision of Jiang Zhaoxue. If two people pierce the final level relations, mostly under this Empire Ninth Princess psychology tacitly consents. 姜昭雪的聪慧与眼界。二人若是捅破最后一层关系,多半是在这位帝国九公主的心理默许下。 If so......” “若是如此……” The Jiang Zhaoxue appearance is bright, sips the lip line, the star tears moves, seems charming. 姜昭雪容颜鲜活,抿动唇线,星泪拨动,似有娇羞。 The words told only half, her tender body stiffens suddenly, the surface contains charmingly angry, ear pendant bright red drop blood. Spat one lightly, the Jiang Zhaoxue instinct shoved open in the skirt swayed somebody's palm, blocked the movement of its research winding path. 话说到一半,她娇躯忽地僵住,面含娇嗔,耳坠嫣红滴血。轻啐一声,姜昭雪本能推开裙摆内某人的手掌,阻断其探幽曲径的动作。 Luo Liang is somewhat surprised, judges to contain errors? He ridicules one, takes back slightly has the palm of sleek/moist intent, reveals the color of thinking. 罗亮有些意外,难道判断有误?他讪笑一声,收回略有润意的手掌,露出思索之色。 Then at this time, Jiang Zhaoxue don't revolution of body, desolate is turning away from him. 便在这时,姜昭雪别转身躯,冷淡的背对着他。 This was angry, doesn't want to manage the person? 这是生气了,不想理人? Luo Liang is somewhat funny, will roar several. 罗亮有些好笑,正要哄几句。 This matter let alone Ninth Princess, is an appearance ordinary young girl, under resisting that must act with constraint. 这种事甭说九公主,便是一个长相普通的少女,也要矜持的推拒下。 Unexpectedly. 蓦地。 The Luo Liang eyes stare, opened the mouth. 罗亮双眼瞪住,张大了嘴巴。 Crash-bang. “哗啦”一声。 The close beautiful young girl, silver skirt clothes fall the ground, revealed that pure white such as the jade, imitates, if the goddess snow carves beautiful figure. 近在咫尺的绝美少女,一袭银色裙裳落到地面,显露出一具洁白如玉、仿若女神雪雕般的美丽身段。 Luo Liang brain light buzz, in field of vision a piece holy such as snow pure white dazzling bright. The surroundings crowd is star-studded, echoes that soul-stirring, perfect, a noble young girl. 罗亮大脑轻嗡一声,视野内一片圣洁如雪的洁白明耀。周围群星璀璨,呼应那位惊心动魄,完美无瑕,不着一丝的高贵少女。 Luo Liang is shocked, the line of sight stops for several seconds, by that beautiful shocking picture attraction. 罗亮愣住,视线停顿几秒,被那绝美惊艳的画面吸引。 Young Master Luo.” Until Jiang Zhaoxue seems shames intent, quiet and beautiful elusive low calls the sound to transmit. 罗公子。”直到姜昭雪似有羞意,清幽空灵的低唤声传来。 Luo Liang where has not understood this Ninth Princess intention. 罗亮哪里还不明白这位九公主的心意。 He does not dare to delay, opens the arm, from grasps the long skirt to fall to the ground behind, tall and pleasing to the eye Jiang Zhaoxue. 他不敢耽误,张开手臂,从身后抱住长裙落地,美轮美奂的姜昭雪 In this meaningful happy time. 在这种具有意义的美好时刻。 Luo Liang not flustered action, but appraises the artistic treasure, tasting slowly from the shallow to the deep. 罗亮并没有急吼吼的行动,而是品鉴艺术瑰宝般,由浅入深的慢慢品尝。 Jiang Zhaoxue is turning away from him, is coordinates very much, whatever actually also he acts, silent. 姜昭雪背对着他,算不算很配合,却也任由他施为,默默无言。 Un? 嗯? Luo Liang in the fumble stage, where discovers not to the taste. 罗亮在摸索阶段,发现哪里不对味。 Some moment. His palm, touches the Jiang Zhaoxue cheeks place, feels residual tear stains. 某一刻。他的手掌,触摸姜昭雪的脸颊处,感到一丝残留的泪痕。 „It is not right! Has the issue......” “不对!有问题……” The Luo Liang vision twinkle, stopped the movement. 罗亮目光闪烁,停住了动作。 This happy time of being to be treasured. Jiang Zhaoxue also devotes on own initiative, why will cry? 这本是值得珍惜的美好时刻。姜昭雪亦是主动献身,为何会落泪? Meanwhile. 同时。 Such scene makes Luo Liang feel inexplicable familiar. 这样的一幕罗亮感到莫名熟悉。 Similar scene repertoire, where has met probably. 类似的情景套路,好像在哪里遇到过。 Thought!” “想起来了!” The Luo Liang thought revolves rapidly, the electric light flashes. 罗亮思维飞转,电光一闪。 He thinks just when passed through to this world , opens the scene of room with the Lin Qingqing appointment. 他想到刚穿越到这个世界时,跟林清清约会、开房的场景。 At that time, is Lin Qingqing meets on own initiative, entire process exceptionally smooth and coordination. 当时,也是林清清主动见面,整个过程异常的顺利和配合。 Young Master Luo, don't you like Zhaoxue?” 罗公子,你不喜欢昭雪吗?” Sees the Luo Liang movement to stop, Jiang Zhaoxue seems plaintive and suffering, said in a low voice. 罗亮动作停顿,姜昭雪似有哀怨和委屈,低声道。 Miss Jiang, don't you seem like specially happy? What matter hides at heart?” 姜姑娘,你好像不是特别开心?心里藏什么什么事?” Luo Liang hugs to transfer the Jiang Zhaoxue body, looks straight ahead she profound starry sky pupil. 罗亮搂转姜昭雪的身躯,直视她深邃星空般的眸子。 I...... I am too happy, therefore some sentiments not from already. Looks at Young Master Luo do not think.” The Jiang Zhaoxue pupil contains shyly, the unnatural faint smile said. “我……我是太开心,所以有些情不自已。望罗公子不要多想。”姜昭雪眸含羞涩,不自然的浅笑道。 Deceives the ghost! 骗鬼呢! The Luo Liang corners of the mouth pull. If not this unusual detail, had in addition met the similar repertoire before, he only feared that also conceals the truth in the drum. 罗亮嘴角一扯。若非这次反常的细节,加之以前遇到过同样的套路,他只怕还瞒在鼓里。 Snort! You think that I don't know? The plan in afterward leaves, in the future will cut off the relations?” “哼!你以为我不知道?打算在‘事后’离开,往后斩断关系?” Luo Liang is somewhat annoyed, gave her directly suddenly/violently chestnut/trembling, but also is not a little venting. 罗亮有些恼火,直接给了她一记暴栗,还有点不解气。 Good pain, how the senior not to want...... me to be that brutal person you.” “好痛,前辈不要……我怎会是那种无情之人你。” Jiang Zhaoxue smiles, hands holds the forehead, denied. 姜昭雪嗤嗤一笑,以手扶额,否认道。 Luo Liang has not asked the reason, the squatting body helps her wear the women's clothing. 罗亮没有直问原因,蹲身帮她穿好衣裙。 This process, Jiang Zhaoxue calmly visits him, in the pupil the circulation is happy and warm feeling. 这一过程,姜昭雪静静看着他,眸子里流转甜蜜和暖意。 In recent years, the male, wears the clothes for her for the first time personally. 这些年来,首次有一个男性,亲手为她穿衣服。 „Can you...... really come Empire?” “你……真要来帝国吗?” After looking at each other for several seconds, Jiang Zhaoxue opens the mouth finally. 对视几秒后,姜昭雪终于开口。 Yes, I have made the decision.” “是,我已经做出决定。” Language gas channel/angrily said that Luo Liang by can not be questioned. 罗亮以毋容置疑的语气道。 Jiang Zhaoxue clearly becomes aware, the decision of Luo Liang is impossible to reverse. 姜昭雪明悟,罗亮的决定不可能扭转。 Luo Liang said confidently: I have known Mohe Prince Rutis, including Empire imperial family political joint marriage.” 罗亮坦然道:“我已知晓摩河王子鲁狄斯,包括帝国皇室的政治联婚。” hearing this, the Jiang Zhaoxue complexion changes, is actually expected. 闻言,姜昭雪面色微变,却在预料之中。 Miss Jiang does not need to worry. rubs scolds a civilization prince, but also cannot do to me. Even if presents certain consequences, human civilization will not have the matter.” 姜姑娘不必顾虑。摩诃文明一个王子,还奈何不了我。纵然出现某些后果,人类文明不会有事。” Luo Liang assured say/way. 罗亮笃定道。 Then really has the civilization country life or death crisis, should not undertake by your women.” “便是真有文明家国存亡的危机,也不该由你一介女流来承担。” Listens to these words, Jiang Zhaoxue to smile, clearly moves radiantly. 听完这番话,姜昭雪嫣然一笑,璀璨明动。 My today's action, one is to each other treasuring of relations. Secondly, wants to urge Young Master Luo in the near future do not come Empire, if can put behind me, no reason why not.” “我今日的举动,一者是对彼此关系的珍惜。二来,是想劝罗公子近期不要来帝国,若是能忘却我这个人,也未尝不可。” The Jiang Zhaoxue same frank said. 姜昭雪同样坦言道。 Actually, the tertiary intention, Jiang Zhaoxue had not clarified. 其实,还有第三重用意,姜昭雪没有讲明。 Her surrendering, was truly willing. 她刚才的投怀送抱,确实是心甘情愿。 But is also a confirmation and probe. 但也是一种验证和试探。 If Luo Liang is the dregs male, main is greedy her body, or the degree of affection is not very firm, after going well, will not be rigid, was convinced easily. 如果罗亮是个渣男,主要馋她的身子,或者喜爱的程度不够坚定,等得手后,就不会那么执着,容易被说服。 When the time comes, Jiang Zhaoxue deliberately treats coldly, can make Luo Liang change the mind. 到时候,姜昭雪刻意冷落一番,就能让罗亮改变主意。 After all, even if there is a Hierarch background, does not need to antagonize people with Mohe Civilization. 毕竟,就算有掌权者的背景,也没必要跟摩河文明树敌。 If there is this situation. Jiang Zhaoxue meets the grief to be regrettable, but helps Luo Liang finally. She because of status secret, can feel relaxed to use a bold plan, does not implicate others...... 若是出现这种情况。姜昭雪会伤痛遗憾,但最终有利于罗亮。她因为身份的秘密,也能够释然采取一个大胆计划,不连累他人…… But finally, Luo Liang has not wanted her body, treasures her truly, the attitude incomparably renounces. 可最终,罗亮没有要她的身体,真正的珍惜她,态度无比决绝。 Jiang Zhaoxue is moved happily, confirmed the Luo Liang intention truly. 姜昭雪感动欣慰,真正确认罗亮的心意。 She decides to drop that plan, reckless, wants the life and death to follow with Luo Liang. 她决定放弃那个计划,不顾一切,与罗亮要生死相随。 Even if then, when the Empire meet, faced with most bad risk, most crucial time. 哪怕接下来,在帝国相遇时,面临最凶险、最关键的时刻。 Jiang Zhaoxue does not know, Luo Liang at this moment, is another psychological activity. 姜昭雪不知道,此刻的罗亮,是另一种心理活动。 numb egg! 10 points of white rich and beautiful repertoire is deeper. If a moment ago the unbearably anxious upper body, not being able to do well time were lifetime temporary experience card.” “麻蛋!十分白富美的套路更深。要是刚才急不可耐的上身,搞不好就是终身一次的临时体验卡了。” Luo Liang detects indistinctly, the tertiary intention of Jiang Zhaoxue, has to examine his will and intention, lets meaning that he gives way before difficulties. 罗亮隐约察觉到,姜昭雪的第三重用意,有考究他意志和用心,让他知难而退的意思。 From capturing/raiding the angle, has captured the fruit, passes successfully. The most rational idea following the Jiang Zhaoxue intent, does not need to take the following responsibility risk. 从攻略的角度,已然斩获果实,通过成功。最理性的想法是顺着姜昭雪的意,不用承担后续的责任风险。 But is Luo Liang this person? 罗亮是这种人吗? Now, from external to the innermost feelings, Luo Liang appreciates Jiang Zhaoxue very much, does not want for a while, finally actually goes separate ways. 如今,从外在到内心,罗亮都很欣赏姜昭雪,可不想一时的拥有,最终却分道扬镳。 Said again in plain words. The beautiful woman of this beautiful woman level, without the sentimental fetters, three years, ten years does not dislike enough. 说得再通俗点。这种倾城级的美女,哪怕没有感情羁绊,三年,十年都不嫌够。 Let alone Luo Liang invested the true feelings, is only not only. 何况罗亮投入了真情,只是并非唯一。 If the Young Master Luo will does not change, may depend on this invitation, in the near future Heavenly Sun Star will see me.” “若罗公子意志不改,可凭这份邀请函,近期来天阳星见我。” The Jiang Zhaoxue star tears circulation, raises slightly a ritual, gives Luo Liang a written invitation of rose gold/metal seriously. 姜昭雪星泪流转,欠身一礼,郑重将一份玫瑰金的请帖递给罗亮 Luo Liang received the invitation, simple examination. 罗亮接过邀请函,简单查看。 Scarlet Dragon Empire Ninth Princess Jiang Zhaoxue......” 赤龙帝国九公主姜昭雪……” Adult ceremony grand ceremony, invitation!” “成人礼大典,邀请函!”
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