IARNBS :: Volume #5

#487: The star gods peep

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Lach is Probationary Star Governor, member of Luo Liang first negotiation in organization. 洛克就是“见习星官”,罗亮组织里第一个交涉的成员。 The meeting in reality, is the first time. 现实中的会面,还是第一次。 Young Master Luo, when Heaven Blue Star, I have heard your deeds, today sees the honorable person finally.” 罗公子,早在天蓝星时,我就听闻过你的事迹,今日总算见到真人了。” Star Governor Lach shows the well-meaning smile, on own initiative with the Luo Liang handshake. 洛克执星官露出善意笑容,主动和罗亮握手。 If he knows, the present youngster, is mysterious Hierarch of that fortunately glance, only feared that has no way is so calm. 若是他知道,眼前的少年,是那位有幸惊鸿一瞥的神秘掌权者,只怕没法这么淡定。 Li Family and Lach Clan on the scene senior figure, is surprised amazed. 在场李家洛克家族的高层人物,感到惊诧意外。 The Luo Liang youngster Teacher fame prestige, the nature is undeniable. 罗亮少年导师的名气威望,自然不可否认。 But, Star Governor Lach after all is the governor of political circle, wields planet, is ready proper powerful official influential figure. 但,洛克执星官毕竟是政界的封疆大吏,执掌一颗星球,是妥妥的权贵大人物 Such political influential figure, greets personally, the initiative warm entertainment, the stance has put quite lowly. 这样的政治大人物,亲自迎接,主动热情的招待,姿态已经放得比较低了。 Trades to be the rich merchant celebrity between interstellar, only feared that must feel extremely flattered. 换做星际间的富商名人,只怕要受宠若惊。 Star Governor Lach, has heard so much about you. As the Heaven Blue Star citizen and petty bourgeois, sees your form on the screen frequently.” 洛克执星官,久仰大名。作为天蓝星的公民、小市民,经常在荧幕上看到你的身影。” Luo Liang is neither arrogant nor servile, smiles the handshake to say. 罗亮不卑不亢,微笑着握手道。 18 -year-old youngster, facing governor, unflustered, serene. 一个十八岁少年,面对封疆大吏,从容不迫,云淡风轻 This bearing, lets Li Family and Lach senior figure thinks deeply. 这份气度,让李家洛克高层人物深思。 Watches the response of Luo Liang, the Lach heart with deep veneration, verified the conclusion in their organization small group. 罗亮的反应看在眼里,洛克心头肃然,更印证了他们组织小圈子里的结论。 In Luo Family, Luo Liang with Starry Sky Great Expert Cold and Silent Moon, and even mysterious Hierarch has the tie of period. 罗家,罗亮才是跟星空大能冷月无声,乃至神秘掌权者有紧密联系的纽带。 With the rise of Luojiang Company, Star Governor Lach once went to the company to inspect personally, has met with the Luo Liang parents. 随着罗江公司的崛起,洛克执星官曾亲自去公司视察,与罗亮的父母见过面。 Luo Liang parents, although is not the mediocre generation, does not have that type with the bearing that a planet paramount character meets as an equal. 罗亮的父母,虽然不是凡俗之辈,可不具备那种与一颗星球至高人物分庭抗礼的气度。 Brother Luo, your big celebrity can attend my wedding, is really you honor my humble home.” 罗兄,你这位大名人能来参加我的婚礼,真是蓬荜生辉。” The Li Yunjie complexion is excited, warm and Luo Liang hugged. 李云杰面色激动,热情的和罗亮拥抱了一下。 Windsor as a result of the preparatory work of bridal status, without appearance. 温莎由于新娘身份的筹备工作,没有到场。 In beforehand, Luo Liang complies to attend the wedding, Li Yunjie has not hugged too in a big way expected. 在事先,罗亮答应来参加婚礼,李云杰没有抱太大期望。 The Luo Liang mysterious fearful background, in the prestige of federal starry sky, Lower Level Country superpower clan is hard to attain in addition. 罗亮神秘可怕的背景,加上在联邦星空的名望,一个下游国超能家族难以企及。 Luo Liang comes to support personally, are many to the Li Yunjie rising face. 罗亮亲自过来捧场,给李云杰涨脸不少。 Becoming friends with such friend, clan looks at several points to him high. 结交这样的朋友,家族都对他高看几分。 ...... …… Proper wedding tomorrow. 正式婚礼在明天。 Maple Leaf Star that Luo Liang the half day arrives in ahead of time. 罗亮是提前半日抵达的枫叶星 In the evening, Luo Liang turned down two warm hospitality, stays in the Maple Leaf Star luxury hotel. 当晚,罗亮婉拒了两家的盛情款待,在枫叶星的豪华酒店下榻。 Luo Liang was invited, with is Lin Yuhan of North Star Foundation member meets. 罗亮受邀,跟同为北辰基金会成员的林宇寒见面。 A two people of bar in old city district, slightly thought two cups. 二人在老城区的一个酒吧,小酌了两杯。 The major general of Lin Yuhan this age, in addition the splendid superpower talent and cultivation base, the discerning person can see his great potential, in the future could become the leader of Maple Leaf Country military. 林宇寒这个年龄的少将,加上出色的超能天赋和修为,明眼人能看出他的巨大潜力,未来有望成为枫叶国军方的领军人物。 Two people pure by alumnus's relations, made the friendly contacts, has not discussed what proper business. 二人单纯以校友的关系,联络了感情,没有谈什么正事。 Well! How does that two person a little look familiar?” “咦!那两个人怎么有点眼熟?” Luo Liang and Lin Yuhan wear the duckbill cap, until going out of bar, by guest discovery clue of having a mind. 罗亮林宇寒戴着鸭舌帽,直至走出酒吧,被有心的客人发现端倪。 God! Is the legendary coach and youngster Teacher Luo Liang!” “天啊!是传奇教练、少年导师罗亮!” Has heard, Teacher Luo is the Maple Leaf Country person, after he resigns, returns to the hometown, intends what for?” “早就听闻,罗导师枫叶国人士,他辞职后返回故乡,意欲何为?” Another youth, probably Major General Lin Yuhan. Is influential figure, extraordinary......” “另一个青年,好像是林宇寒少将。都是大人物,了不得……” Several guests who discover two people of status, dumbfounded, shocks excitedly. 发现二人身份的几名客人,目瞪口呆,激动震撼。 Unbelievable, two influential figure will drink in a common small bar. Close, most guests not detected. 难以置信,两位大人物会在一个不起眼的小酒吧喝酒。近在咫尺,大部分客人毫无察觉。 Next day, in the luxurious manor in Maple Leaf Star capital. 第二天,枫叶星首府的一座豪华庄园里。 Li Yunjie and Windsor this to the rookie, under many guest's blessings, conducted a romantic luxurious wedding. 李云杰温莎这对新人,在众多宾客的祝福下,进行了一场浪漫奢侈的婚礼。 This wedding, gathered Maple Leaf Country regional rich and powerful people powerful officials, big of its scene, on by far Luo Liang previous generation Earth the certain star so-called century weddings. 这场婚礼,汇聚了枫叶国各地的富豪权贵,其场面之大,远胜罗亮前世地球上某些明星所谓的世纪婚礼。 Teacher Luo, I am the Stellar Miracle faithful fan, can take a group photo with you?” 罗导师,我是星之奇迹的忠实粉丝,能跟您合影吗?” A facial features delicate long skirt young girl , the elegant face is ruddy, slightly including shy, disturbed walks. 一名五官秀气的长裙少女,俏脸红润,略含羞涩,忐忑的走过来。 Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” Luo Liang takes a look at the long skirt girl with a smile, took a group photo with her. 罗亮含笑打量长裙女孩,跟她合影了一张。 Although Luo Liang resigns, but legendary coach and youngster miracle Teacher heat degree. 罗亮虽然辞职,但传奇教练、少年奇迹导师的热度尚在。 At this grand lively wedding, has the girl to look for the Luo Liang signature occasionally. 在这场盛大热闹的婚礼上,偶尔有女孩子找罗亮签名。 Why is the girls. 为什么都是女孩子。 Luo Liang has notified the master, rejects various official chitchatting. If the young pretty girl, then can allow to pass, 罗亮跟主人打过招呼,拒绝各种正式的攀谈。如果是年轻漂亮的女孩,则可以放行, The young girl who attended the wedding, mostly stems from the prestigious family, or is the rich and powerful people thousand gold (daughter), the attractiveness makings pass through, enough Luo Liang is beautiful. 参加婚礼的年轻女孩,大多出自名门,或者是富豪千金,颜值气质都过关,足够罗亮养眼舒心。 The working as female worker star who attended the wedding, tries to chitchat to rub the heat degree with Luo Liang, was stopped and warned by the master. 一些参加婚礼的当红女明星,试图跟罗亮攀谈蹭热度,都被主人阻拦、警告。 Professor Luo, this is my contact method......” “罗教授,这是我的联系方式……” Before the long skirt girl leaves, gives a Luo Liang paper quietly. 长裙女孩离开前,悄悄递给罗亮一张纸条。 Luo Liang receives the paper, threw into the space warehouse. 罗亮收起纸条,扔进了空间仓库。 Kisses/Intimate one! Kisses/Intimate one......” “亲一个!亲一个……” In the wedding stage, the master of ceremonies gave a speech finished, the guests created a disturbance. 婚礼舞台上,司仪致辞结束,客人们起哄。 Windsor snow white drags the place the nuptial dress, will select the abundant figure high, outlined gracefully naturally. The fine bright-colored makeup accommodates, the cheek is dyeing blushing, is much more beautiful. 温莎一身雪白拖地的婚纱,将高挑丰盈的身段,勾勒得优雅大方。精美明艳的妆容,脸蛋染着红晕,美得令人窒息。 In warm of guest cheers. 在来宾的热烈欢呼中。 Li Yunjie is hugging Windsor, two people support in the presence of everyone, affectionate kiss. 李云杰搂着温莎,二人当众相拥,深情的吻起来。 Luo Liang is carrying the wine glass, the smile on face, actually gradually goes pale. 罗亮端着酒杯,脸上的笑容,却渐渐的淡去。 Li Yunjie and Windsor marriage, is actually the double Fang Family clan politics joint marriage facilitates, but both your sentiment I hope. 李云杰温莎结婚,其实是双方家族政治联婚促成的,只不过双方你情我愿。 Luo Liang associated to Jiang Zhaoxue from this. 罗亮由此联想到了姜昭雪 In this moment. 在这一刻。 In the stage, the beautiful outstanding bride, as if the incarnation is that resplendent, if the beautiful young girl of stars. 舞台上,美丽出众的新娘,仿佛化身为那个灿若繁星的绝美少女。 Luo Liang is clear, oneself is not definitely able to tolerate such picture. 罗亮清楚,自己肯定无法容忍这样的画面。 Even after a distinction of imperial family Star Fort song, he and Jiang Zhaoxue relations has not broken the freezing point, no longer is the lover relates. 就算在皇室星堡一首歌的分别后,他和姜昭雪的关系没有打破冰点,不再是恋人关系。 Not is only Jiang Zhaoxue, changes into Dong Mengyao or Lin Qingqing, Luo Liang similarly so. 不单是姜昭雪,换成董梦瑶或者林清清,罗亮同样如此。 After all, such matter, if happened, nearly in Dailv hat. 毕竟,这样的事若是发生,近乎于戴绿帽。 Luo Liang decides secretly: „The tour of following Empire, wants solution issue.” 罗亮暗下决心:“接下来的帝国之行,一定要‘解决’问题。” In the near future. 在近期。 Luo Liang obtains the relevant information that Dark Web King transmitted. 罗亮又获得了暗网之王传来的相关情报。 According to not the precise information, the object who Jiang Zhaoxue unites the marriage, possibly is Mohe Civilization Prince Rutis. 据不确切的消息,姜昭雪联婚的对象,可能是摩河文明鲁狄斯王子 Prince Rutis? Hopes you are a tactful person.” 鲁狄斯王子?希望你是个识趣之人。” Luo Liang has badly and most extreme preparation. 罗亮有最坏、最极端的准备。 If, Jiang Zhaoxue under the pressure, bids good-bye with Luo Liang, finally chooses and Rutis joint marriage. 倘若,姜昭雪迫于压力,与罗亮分手,最终选择与鲁狄斯联婚。 Luo Liang will be direct solution Prince Rutis oneself, shuts off the possibility of green hat in the cradle. 罗亮会直接“解决”鲁狄斯王子本人,将绿帽的可能性扼杀于摇篮中。 Naturally, if can solve this matter effortlessly, that is most ideal. 当然,如果能兵不血刃的解决这件事,那是最理想的。 ...... …… Same day of wedding. 婚礼的当天。 Luo Liang has not left Maple Leaf Star, calmly cultivates in the guest room in wedding manor. 罗亮没有离开枫叶星,在婚礼庄园的客房里静修。 Controlled Spirit Link of young Kun, finally transformation to 100.” “幼鲲的御灵链接,终于转化到100。” Luo Liang looks the anticipation, feeling Kun's Body Huge strength buff that wells up. 罗亮面露期待,感受着【鲲之躯】涌来的庞大力量加持 Takes vacation in the spaceship, before arriving in Maple Leaf Star . 在飞船度假,抵达枫叶星之前。 Luo Liang cultivation base, cultivation to double Rank 4 upper stage, the strength background has risen a stair comprehensively. 罗亮修为,已经修炼至双4级高阶,实力底蕴全面上升一个台阶。 Then. 接下来。 Luo Liang starts key cultivation Master Deprives. 罗亮开始重点修炼御主剥夺】。 As the secret skill of Spirit Controller essential qualitative change. 作为御灵师关键质变的秘技。 Master Deprives Quite gives a Spirit Controller superpower profession system. 御主剥夺】相当赋予御灵师一种超能职业体系。 The great strength of this system, depends on goal Controlled Spirit directly. 这种体系的强大,直接取决于目标御灵 The object of Luo Liang choice is Controlled Spirit of Kun. 罗亮选择的对象是鲲之御灵 Luo Liang stimulates to movement the spirit type, through Controlled Spirit Link, weaves an invisible deep green big net, the rippling ripple, will be dark that huge such as mountain phantom of Kun to cover. 罗亮催动灵种,通过御灵链接,编织出一张无形的碧绿大网,荡漾水纹,将冥冥中那个庞大如山的鲲之虚影笼罩。 In phantom of Kun, the release one thread after another oppresses Soul source aura, the powder becomes gray, white, the silver tricolor rays of light, integrates in Luo Liang spirit. 鲲之虚影中,释放出一丝丝压迫灵魂的本源气息,散发灰、白、银三色毫光,融入罗亮的灵种内。 „......” “呜……” The young Kun in Spirit Pet Bag, the emergence of instinct struggles, Soul feels faint tearing pain intent. 灵宠袋里的幼鲲,本能的出现一些挣扎,灵魂感到隐隐的撕裂痛意。 However, it takes Luo Liang Controlled Spirit, after many domestications, the faithfulness is still permissible, does not have the obvious resistance. 不过,它作为罗亮御灵,多番驯化后,忠实度尚可,没有明显的反抗。 Luo Liang displays Master Deprives, Does not eliminate the Innate Ability way truly, but derives to fuse the talent of opposite party, adopts sharing and coexistent way. 罗亮施展的【御主剥夺】,并不是真正剥夺天赋能力的方式,而是汲取融合对方的天赋,采取一种共享、共存的方式。 In time lapse. 时间推移中。 Luo Liang induces to oneself originally pure busy spirit, gradually transforms one thread after another to belong to superpower aura of Kun. 罗亮感应到自己原本纯净无暇的灵种,逐渐转化出一丝丝属于鲲的超能气息 The spirit type can store up and transform the Controlled Spirit strength. 灵种可以储存、转化御灵的力量。 Spirit that just started, without the deviation of attribute ability. But Controlled Spirit eliminates Will give this seed ability, are many a profession cultivation system.” “刚开始的灵种,没有属性能力的偏向。而【御灵剥夺】将赋予这颗种子能力,多出一种职业修炼体系。” Luo Liang careful comprehension this process. 罗亮仔细感悟这种过程。 Merely one late time. 仅仅一晚时间。 In Luo Liang spirit, was born the Controlled Spirit of Kun superpower source, is the seed of seed. 罗亮的灵种内,就诞生了鲲之御灵超能源泉,算是种子的萌芽。 At this time, the Space and Time profession strength that the Luo Liang transformation has, steps into the Rank 1 Super Power User front door. 此时,罗亮转化拥有的时空职业力量,踏入1级超能者的大门。 According to this progress. 按照这个进度。 Luo Liang when going to Scarlet Dragon Empire, the Space and Time profession strength in Controlled Spirit Seed, is likely to touch Rank 3 Capital Rank. 罗亮在前往赤龙帝国时,御灵种内的时空职业力量,有望触摸到3级城邦级 Before catching up with Luo Liang Spirit Controller cultivation base, this progress will be very amazingly quick. 在赶上罗亮御灵师修为前,这个进展会无比神速。 However, Luo Liang not hurriedly, in the transformation cultivates in the Controlled Spirit Seed process, the intention realizes from experience the Space and Time profession strength of Kun. 不过,罗亮没有赶速度,在转化培育御灵种的过程中,用心体悟鲲的时空职业力量。 When transforms Controlled Spirit Innate Ability, Spirit Controller is equivalent to half sudden enlightenment condition, can comprehend its strength quickly the true meaning. 转化御灵天赋能力时,御灵师相当于半顿悟状态,可以更快领悟其力量的真谛。 After two days . 两日后。 Luo Liang takes the spaceship, returns to Heaven Blue Star. 罗亮乘坐飞船,返回天蓝星 Just arrived at Tianyun Manor, the Luo Liang thoughts moves. 刚到天云庄园,罗亮心思一动。 At this time, Jiang Zhaoxue advanced mission, be at the condition that the stimulation is conducted. 此时,姜昭雪进阶任务,处于激发进行的状态。 ...... …… Main Universe, central star sea. 主宇宙,中央星海。 Bang! 咻咻轰! An over 500 km in diameter starry sky base, the energy cover was shattered, the fire beam falls in torrents heartily, various types of buildings are tattered and torn, brave the strong black smoke. 一座直径超过500公里的星空基地,能量罩破碎,炮火射线尽情倾泻,各种建筑物千疮百孔,冒着浓烈的黑烟。 Catches the living witness as far as possible! The Starfish base is having the Main Universe high secret restricted data!” “尽量抓活口!海星基地掌握着主宇宙的高机密资料!” The superpower expert of all around official and folk, coordinates the battleship firepower, the spaceship and Super Power User that in the interception base escape from. 四周官方和民间的超能高手,配合战舰火力,拦截基地里逃出的飞船和超能者 In intense confrontation. 在激烈的交锋中。 A common blue Starfish spaceship, erupts the strong firepower and speed, breaks through a gap. 一艘不起眼的蓝色海星飞船,爆发出强大的火力和速度,突破一个缺口。 On the blue Starfish spaceship, provides the advanced armor and firepower, has the Rank 6 above superpower mighty force. 蓝色海星飞船上,配备先进的装甲和火力,有6级以上的超能伟力。 Pursues quickly! On that spaceship, there is a leader in Starfish base!” “快追!那艘飞船上,有海星基地的领袖!” The surrounding hunt influence, distributes massive soldiers and horses, pursues the blue Starfish spaceship. 周围的追捕势力,分派出大量兵马,去追击蓝色海星飞船。 After the dozen minutes of pursuit warfares. 历经十几分钟的追击战。 The blue Starfish spaceship is scarred, cannot escape from the field of vision range, withstands remote precision locking, the superpower expert who the back captures dies to nip does not put. 蓝色海星飞船伤痕累累,一直没能逃脱视界范围,承受远程火力锁定,背后追捕的超能高手死咬不放。 This miss, thank you give the Starfish base to bring the news. What a pity, the enemy comes too quickly, we are unable to evacuate effectively......” “这位姑娘,谢谢你给海星基地带来消息。可惜,敌人来得太快,我们无法有效撤离……” In the spaceship of damage, the leader in Starfish base, that silver-haired Mr. yellow skin, said with a sigh bitterly and astringently. 受损的飞船内,海星基地的领袖,那位白发苍苍的黄肤老人,苦涩叹息道。 The Starfish leader old person's side, is setting up a silver white light armor and figure exquisite female smartly. 海星领袖老人的身旁,俏立着一位银白轻铠、身段优美的女子。 The young woman wears the silver to fight the helmet, by the glass gobe, can only see a pair of stars beautiful pupil. 年轻女子头戴银色战盔,透过玻璃护镜,只能看到一双星辰般的美丽眸子。 Perhaps miss, we cannot run away. You and others will find the opportunity to escape.” “姑娘,我们恐怕逃不走。你等会找机会逃生吧。” The Starfish leader proposed. 海星领袖提议道。 Good.” “好。” Jiang Zhaoxue slightly does to hesitate, agreement. 姜昭雪略做沉吟,同意了。 Continues to keep this place, must die the bureau. It is not able to be separated from the field of vision, chasing down will be getting more and more. 继续留在此地,将是必死之局。无法脱离视界,追杀者将会越来越多。 Must find the law of collapsing! 必须找到破局之法! Bang! Thump thump! 轰!怦怦! superpower mighty force of both sides, collides in the starry sky, surges superpower storm. 双方的超能伟力,在星空中碰撞,激荡起一片超能风暴。 Walks.” “走。” In the confusion, Jiang Zhaoxue finds a opportunity. 混乱中,姜昭雪找准一个机会。 Buzz!! 嗡!咻! She starts battle armor, the magnificent silver crystal light blooms, changes to three meters high miniature mecha, the back gives birth to a pair of silver light wing, high-speed maneuver flees to some direction. 她启动身上的战铠,瑰丽的银色晶光绽放,化作三米高的微型机甲,背后生出一对银色光翼,高速机动的逃往某个方向。 Jiang Zhaoxue profession is the mecha soldier, the profession ability by the influence of battle armor mecha quality. 姜昭雪职业机甲战士,职业能力受战铠机甲品质的影响。 In organization, she transformed high performance battle armor, in the short time can jump over the step fight, and especially excelled at the speed. 身在组织,她改造出了一件性能优越的战铠,短时间内能越阶战斗,且尤为擅长速度。 Observes closely it!” “盯住它!” That mecha soldier is out of the ordinary, possibly carries the Starfish head and classified data......” “那个机甲战士非比寻常,可能携带海星首脑和秘密资料……” The Jiang Zhaoxue movement, naturally attracts the attention of pursuer. 姜昭雪的动作,自然吸引追捕者的注意。 She just departed a distance. 她刚飞出一段距离。 Ka! 咔! The Starfish leader location spaceship, splits two halves suddenly, its front section change to a crescent moon shape the mysterious spaceship. 海星领袖所在的飞船,蓦然分裂成两半,其前段化作一个月牙状的神秘飞船。 This mysterious spaceship, has some black science and technology, under the strong propelling force, the speed rises dramatically several times, changes wipes Shade to sneak into the universe deep space, and chases down the large unit to spread out. 这艘神秘飞船,具备某种黑科技,在强大的推动力下,速度暴增几倍,化作一抹幽影窜入宇宙深空,一下与追杀大部队拉开距离。 The Jiang Zhaoxue star pupil concentrates, knows that oneself was used. 姜昭雪星眸一凝,知道自己被利用了。 The Starfish leader has the black science and technology of escaping, but to increase the odds of success, intentionally conceals, making Jiang Zhaoxue attract the firepower and attention. 海星领袖拥有逃生的黑科技,但为了增加胜算,刻意隐瞒,让姜昭雪吸引火力和注意。 My go it alone, the itself/Ben to share the firepower to you, creates the opportunity.” “我单独行动,本就是为了给你们分担火力,创造机会。” Jiang Zhaoxue forced smile. 姜昭雪苦笑。 In order to complete advanced mission, she is disinclined to haggle over too. 为了完成进阶任务,她懒得计较太多。 Jiang Zhaoxue stimulates to movement the pinnacle the mecha battle armor speed, mostly chasing down will cast off a distance. 姜昭雪机甲战铠的速度催动到极致,将大多追杀者甩开一段距离。 But behind the star ship, the performance is extremely good, 5, Rank 6 Super Power User assume personal command, Jiang Zhaoxue is unable easily to cast off. 可背后有一艘星舰,性能极佳,有五、6级超能者坐镇,姜昭雪无法轻易甩开。 The remote precision and superpower mighty force, attack the body , before from time to time. 远程火力和超能伟力,时而冲击到身前。 Although the Jiang Zhaoxue individual goal is small, but under the unceasing attack, is impossible to escape by luck completely. 尽管姜昭雪个体目标小,但在不断的进攻下,不可能全部幸免。 ! 噗! In narrow and small mecha cabin, Jiang Zhaoxue lip angle overflow bloodstain, complexion flood white, is injured heavily. 狭小的机甲舱内,姜昭雪唇角溢出血迹,面色泛白,受伤不轻。 In the mecha outer covering leaves behind several burned black potholes, lucky is the core has not been damaged. 机甲的外壳上留下几处焦黑坑洞,万幸是核心没有受损。 „The mecha energy is unable to continue is too long, the speed starts to drop. The head confrontation, I am not their opponents......” 机甲能源无法持续太久,速度开始下降。正面交锋,我绝非他们的对手……” The Jiang Zhaoxue star pupil flashes, is weak, a desperate weak mood, covers the heart. 姜昭雪星眸闪动,身体虚弱空荡,一种绝望无力的情绪,笼罩心头。 Snort! Has not been without a fight!” “哼!还不束手就擒!” A foreign race expert of Rank 5 peak, sneers to approach. 一个5级巅峰的异族高手,冷笑逼近而来。 „Is this advanced mission difficulty? The seniors have not really deceived me......” “这就是进阶任务的难度?前辈果然没有骗我……” In the hopeless situation, Jiang Zhaoxue is nipping the lip line, has not given up. 在绝境中,姜昭雪咬着唇线,没有放弃。 Especially in the mind appears that sluggish outstanding youngster face, making her vision firmer. 尤其是脑海中浮现那张懒散俊逸的少年面孔,让她目光更为坚定。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Jiang Zhaoxue feels a cool meaning. 姜昭雪感到一种久违的清凉之意。 The star light, by the coverglass, falls to her on, flows one pure and holy brilliance. 外界的星光,透过玻璃罩,落到她身上,流淌一层圣洁光辉。 Injury, heals at the extremely quick speed. 身上的伤势,以极快的速度愈合。 Jiang Zhaoxue can ignore own secret, gets a sudden inspiration, controls the mecha outer covering, body more reveal under star light. 姜昭雪也顾不上自身的秘密,灵机一动,控制机甲外壳,将身体更多的露在星光下。 She lets loose the body mind, breathes the star light on own initiative the strength, strives to restore the injury and strength. 她放开身体心灵,主动呼吸星光的力量,争取恢复伤势和力量。 The surroundings besides the stars of spots, in the field of vision have a fiery red star. 周围除了斑斑点点的星辰,视界内还有一颗火红的恒星。 That star, gathers the strength of boundless stars. 那颗恒星,汇聚来磅礴的星辰之力。 Buzz! Bang! 嗡!轰! In an instant, the Jiang Zhaoxue whole body blooms the radiant scarlet star to be glorious, within the body superpower's strength, will restore the peak shortly, even upgrades a level sharply. 刹那间,姜昭雪周身绽放出璀璨的赤星光辉,体内超能力量,顷刻间恢复到巅峰,甚至大幅提升一个层次。 Moreover. Her mecha battle armor, absorbed huge energy, the outer covering of breakage restores rapidly. 不仅如此。她身上的机甲战铠,也吸收了庞大能量,破损的外壳迅速修复。 battle armor rank, breaks through unexpectedly temporarily, the comprehensive feature increases comprehensively. 战铠品阶,竟然临时突破,综合性能全面攀升。 This......” “这……” The Jiang Zhaoxue star pupil is bright, pleasantly surprised, felt that the oneself unprecedented great strength, imitates, if wields the starry sky the goddess. 姜昭雪星眸熠熠,惊喜不已,感觉自己前所未有的强大,仿若执掌星空的女神。 Well! What's the matter! The superpower index rises rapidly!” “咦!怎么回事!超能指数急速攀升!” That chasing down Rank 5 peak foreign race expert, reveals the color of surprise. 那名追杀的5级巅峰异族高手,露出诧异之色。 He without hesitation, wields to wipe the huge dark purple sickle light shadow, cuts to Jiang Zhaoxue. 他不暇思索,挥出一抹巨大的暗紫镰刀光影,斩向姜昭雪 The Jiang Zhaoxue star pupil is cold, the battle armor light wing fans, condenses the strong superpower mighty force. 姜昭雪星眸冷冽,战甲光翼扇动,凝聚强大的超能伟力。 Broken!” “破!” Her heroic bearing is tall and graceful, the hand grasps the sword, chops to cut together the roaring flame combustion, hundred-meter scarlet silver blade glow. 她英姿挺秀,手握战刀,劈斩出一道烈焰燃烧,长达百米的赤银刀芒。 Rumbling! 轰轰蓬! Two five Rank 6 mighty force, the collision in together, starts blazing superpower storm. 两股五六级的伟力,碰撞在一起,掀起一片炽烈的超能风暴。 Jiang Zhaoxue spits a mouthful of blood, slim slender silver mecha, flies upside down several hundred meters. 姜昭雪吐出一口血,纤薄修长的银色机甲,倒飞出去几百米。 However, in her star pupil the ray is blazing, the fighting spirit is unyielding, damage of body surface and mecha, in star light fierce Yangxia, by extremely quick speed self-recovery. 然而,她星眸中光芒炽烈,斗志不屈,体表和机甲的损伤,在星光烈阳下,以极快的速度自愈。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Is separated from the dangerous crescent moon shape spaceship. 脱离危险的月牙状飞船内。 This fluctuation? Is......” “这种波动?难道是……” The Starfish leader, the old eye breaks away suddenly, flashes through the color of shock. 海星领袖,苍老的眼睛豁然挣开,闪过震惊之色。 Not “不” That miss! Saves her quickly “那个姑娘!快去救她”
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