IARNBS :: Volume #5

#486: Prince Rutis

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Mohe Prince? Will he draw near the Heavenly Sun star?” 摩河王子?他这么快到了天阳星?” Jiang Zhaoxue is startled, the black eyebrow is lightly pressed. 姜昭雪吃惊,黛眉轻蹙起来。 According to the Empire the agreement of imperial family and Mohe Civilization, the date and time of engagement has not arrived. 按照帝国皇室与摩河文明的约定,订婚的时日还没有到。 Chi Mao hesitates saying: It is reported that the Mohe Civilization mission soon will start Empire. Prince Rutis should be wants to meet with you purely ahead of time. By the high-rank civilization technology, he does not need oneself to arrive.” 赤茂沉吟道:“据悉,摩河文明的使团即将启程到帝国鲁狄斯王子应该是单纯想提前与你见见面。以高级文明的技术,他不一定要本人亲临。” Jiang Zhaoxue looking pensive, under the taking care of court lady and maidservant, changes clothes to dress up. 姜昭雪若有所思,在女官和侍女的服侍下,更衣打扮起来。 After a half hour . 半个小时后。 Wears the lofty formal clothes and splendid attire appearance Ninth Princess, before arriving at an receiving callers palace in imperial palace . 身着高雅礼服、盛装打扮的九公主,来到皇宫内的一间会客殿前。 Ninth Princess, exempts with Mohe Prince later discussed, be please careful in word and deed.” 九公主,待会与摩河王子免谈,请慎言慎行。” Chi Mao goes into hiding in void, warned. 赤茂隐匿在虚空,告诫道。 I know.” “我知晓。” The Jiang Zhaoxue facial features are chilly, slight nod. 姜昭雪面容清冷,微微点头。 Mohe Prince Rutis, although is not the civilization successor, but places entire Main Universe, its position, possibly also above Scarlet Dragon Great Emperor. 摩河王子鲁狄斯”,尽管不是文明的继承者,但放在整个主宇宙,其身份地位,可能还在赤龙大帝之上。 His will, can decide the small civilization life and death. 他一个意志,可以决定中小文明的生死存亡。 Jiang Zhaoxue steps into the empty unmanned receiving callers palace. 姜昭雪踏入空荡无人的会客殿。 Roughly waited for the quarter of an hour. 约莫等了一刻钟。 Top a receiving callers palace rhombus installs, projects a dim data light shadow. 会客殿顶部的一个菱形装置,投射出一片朦胧的数据光影。 The innumerable data luminous spots, outlined a sending out luminous form in void. 无数的数据光点,在虚空中勾勒出一个散发光亮的身影。 After several seconds . 几秒钟后。 With the reality not the slightest difference Mohe Clan male, presents in the Jiang Zhaoxue front. 一个与现实一般无二的摩河族男性,呈现在姜昭雪的面前。 This technology, is Simulated reality Digitalization True Image. 这种技术,正是模拟现实-数据化真影 „Are you, Scarlet Dragon Ninth Princess?” “你,就是赤龙九公主?” Prince Rutis about 1.95 meters in height, the build is vigorous and healthy, wears the metal scale clothes robe, a liquid orange yellow hair, wild recklessly is hanging loose. 鲁狄斯王子高约1.95米,体型健壮,身穿金属鳞片衣袍,一头液态的橙黄头发,狂野肆意的披散着。 He occupies a commanding position, a pair of deep green double pupil is carefully examining Jiang Zhaoxue. 他居高临下,一双暗绿双瞳审视着姜昭雪 Girl Jiang Zhaoxue, the Lower Level Country Scarlet Dragon Imperial Family ninth female, has seen Rutis Imperial Prince.” “小女子姜昭雪,下游国赤龙皇室第九女,见过鲁狄斯皇子。” If the Jiang Zhaoxue sound the bead falls the jade plate, salutes to say leisurely. 姜昭雪声若珠落玉盘,款款行礼道。 Good good! This grade of looks makings, pour can also be joined to this king.” “不错不错!这等姿容气质,倒也配得上本王。” Prince Rutis stares at Jiang Zhaoxue, the eyeground is reappearing shocking, reveals the color of satisfaction. 鲁狄斯王子盯着姜昭雪,眼底浮现一丝惊艳,露出满意之色。 civilization of universe ten thousand clans, mostly are becomes person the shapes. 宇宙万族的文明,大多是趋“人”的形态。 Human Race and Mohe Clan, the difference in the life physique are not big, something in common on aesthetic appreciation. 人族摩河族,在生命体态上差异不大,在审美上也共同之处。 Let alone, on Jiang Zhaoxue that type of compares the starry sky grand beautiful, even surpasses the civilization race the aesthetic barrier. 更别说,姜昭雪身上那种比拟星空的壮丽绝美,甚至超出文明种族的审美隔阂。 Ginger Princess, does not need to be overly courteous.” “姜公主,不必多礼。” Prince Rutis the vision burning hot, walks to go forward, by the etiquette of gentleman, bows slightly, grasps Jiang Zhaoxue to wear white hand of silk white gloves, light kiss. 鲁狄斯王子目光炙热,走上前,以绅士的礼仪,略微躬身,握起姜昭雪戴真丝白手套的素手,轻吻一口。 Jiang Zhaoxue smiles shamelessly, received to reach behind the back fast, finished the Rutis kiss hand ritual. 姜昭雪强颜一笑,快速收回手,结束鲁狄斯的吻手礼。 Although is only Digitalization True Image, Jiang Zhaoxue innermost feelings unusual repugnance and repel, even there is a disgusting feeling. 虽说只是一具数据化真影,姜昭雪内心异常的反感和排斥,甚至有一丝恶心感。 Actually, the similar upper-level aristocrat human relations, Jiang Zhaoxue has experienced much, should become accustomed. 其实,类似的上层贵族交际,姜昭雪经历过不少,本该习以为常。 Except for natural repel. The face of that ease lazy youngster, maps in her mind. 除了天然的排斥。那个闲逸慵懒少年的面孔,映入她的心灵之中。 Jiang Zhaoxue knows, oneself has the mild psychological cleanliness/mysophobia. 姜昭雪知道,自己有轻度的心理洁癖。 She likes a person truly, the innermost feelings is hard to allow the second person, the instinct to repel other opposite sex contacts. 她真正喜欢一个人,内心就难以容下第二个人,本能排斥其他异性的接触。 Meanwhile, this will also form other side. 同时,这也会形成另外的一面。 The person betrayal that she does not like possibly, has the disloyalty. 她绝不容许喜欢的人背叛,产生异心。 Therefore, in just soon the probe of Luo Liang. Jiang Zhaoxue gave certain and affirmation firm reply. 所以,在刚不久罗亮的试探中。姜昭雪给出了“一定且肯定”的坚决回复。 In the night of that champion. 在那个冠军之夜。 Before Jiang Zhaoxue hears Luo Liang „, girlfriend reply inscription, at heart unusual is uncomfortable, the vitality upwells, in the mood somewhat is nearly rude. 姜昭雪听到罗亮“前女友”的回答字样,心里非常的不舒服,气血上涌,情绪上近乎有些失态。 Even before is only „,” girlfriend, her psychological cleanliness/mysophobia, felt inexplicable listless and loses. 哪怕只是“前”女友,她的心理洁癖,感到莫名的怅惘和失落。 Jiang Zhaoxue! This king wants to marry six Princess Jiang Lingyan of your imperial family, heard that is Empire most beautiful woman. Finally your imperial family somewhat shirks, said that your talent and looks still have to win it, recommends you. Today sees, was an sovereign wrongly accuses them.” 姜昭雪!本王原本想娶你皇室的六公主姜凌燕,听说是帝国第一美女。结果你们皇室有些推脱,说你的天赋和姿容犹有胜之,将你推荐过来。今日一见,是本皇错怪他们了。” Rutis sees the repel of Jiang Zhaoxue, thinks little, grins to say with a smile. 鲁狄斯看出姜昭雪的排斥,不以为意,咧嘴笑道。 Even could see, Mohe Prince these words have estranging intention, Jiang Zhaoxue still somewhat is at heart sorrowful and low. 即便看得出,摩河王子这番话有“离间”的意图,姜昭雪心里依旧有些悲哀和低落。 Originally, she does not unite the marriage's first candidate. Six Princess Jiang Lingyan are. 原本,她不是联婚第一人选。六公主姜凌燕才是。 Jiang Lingyan is the one's own sovereign female of empress. 姜凌燕是皇后的亲生皇女。 The empress does not endure the daughter to marry foreign race to suffer hardships, undertakes the civilization politics the heavy pressure, makes Jiang Zhaoxue this Ninth Princess that does not have the birth mother to assist the sacrificial victim. 皇后不忍女儿嫁到异族受苦,承担文明政治的重压,才让姜昭雪这个没有生母帮扶的九公主成为牺牲品。 Prince, the girl makes tea for you.” “王子阁下,小女子为您泡茶。” The Jiang Zhaoxue smile lifts the hand. 姜昭雪微笑抬手。 One side she arrives, takes out the tea leaves appliance, the movement is pleasant. 她来到一侧,取出茶叶器具,动作赏心悦目。 Previous time meets in imperial family Star Fort, the Jiang Zhaoxue shoddy tea art, reveals shortcomings in front of Luo Liang. After going back, she learns from a painful experience, the been confined to barracks bored day, very learn/study diligently makes tea. 上次在皇室星堡相遇,姜昭雪拙劣的茶艺,在罗亮面前献丑。回去后,她痛定思痛,被禁足的无聊日子,很努力的学习泡茶。 While this opportunity. Jiang Zhaoxue planned that practices acquiring a skill with Prince Rutis. 趁这次机会。姜昭雪打算拿鲁狄斯王子练练手。 Rutis sizes up that say/way beautiful graceful form, the dark blue eye pupil, reveals one to immerse the feeling. 鲁狄斯打量那道绝美优雅的身影,暗绿色的眼瞳,流露出一丝沉醉感。 Pitifully.” “可惜。” On his face passed over gently and swiftly to pity with faintly ice-cold. 他脸上隐隐掠过一丝怜悯和冰冷。 Jiang Zhaoxue carries the tea, has the etiquette -type smile. 姜昭雪端上茶水,带着礼仪式的微笑。 Rutis tea, had not made the appraisal. Under Digitalization True Image, his various sense and reality not different. 鲁狄斯品了一口茶,未作评价。在数据化真影下,他的各种感官与现实无异。 Your eye is very beautiful and is very special, making this/Ben king have a look.” “你的眼睛很美丽、很特别,让本王看看。” Rutis puts down the tea, the movement is frivolous, lifts to the chin of Jiang Zhaoxue, thinks that the short distance touches this beautiful busy face dimple. 鲁狄斯放下茶水,动作轻浮,抬向姜昭雪的下巴,想近距离触摸这张绝美无暇的脸靥。 Prince please be dignified.” “王子请自重。” Jiang Zhaoxue avoids subconsciously, steps back. 姜昭雪下意识躲开,退后一步。 Prince Rutis the complexion sinks, appears not the quick color. 鲁狄斯王子面色一沉,显出不快之色。 Lower Level Country does Princess, dare to disobey his will? 一个下游国公主,竟敢违逆他的意志? Trades to be general civilization Prince Princess, facing his such character, which is not in reverential awe, submits to? 换做一般文明公主王子,面对他这样的人物,哪个不是诚惶诚恐,万般臣服? The invisible imposing manner disseminates. 无形的气势弥散开。 pa! The Rutis vision is indifferent, lifts the hand to prepare to a Jiang Zhaoxue slap in the face. 鲁狄斯目光冷漠,抬手准备给姜昭雪一个耳光。 But he remembers, this is only Digitalization True Image, so does not make the assorted material meaning. 可他想起,这只是一具数据化真影,如此做没有什实质意义。 Jiang Zhaoxue bites the lip line lightly, the complexion flood white, breath pressing, silent. 姜昭雪轻咬唇线,面色泛白,呼吸紧促,沉默不语。 At this moment, she bears the unimaginable pressure, that is came from of infinite heavy pressure Mohe Prince back four tyrants. 此时此刻,她承受不可想象的压力,那是来自摩河王子背后四霸之一的无穷重压。 Let alone her delicate young girl, is some 3, Level 4 Civilization head, wants the heart to be startled. 甭说她一个柔弱少女,便是某个三、4级文明的首脑,也要心惊不安。 A little meaning.” “有点意思。” Rutis looks the surprise, looked that to this beautiful girl who has the superior courage. 鲁狄斯面露诧异,看向这名拥有超常勇气的绝美女孩。 He instead arouses the male lifeform the conquering psychology, interested say/way. 他反而激起雄性生物的征服心理,饶有兴趣的道。 Told this king, person who you had liking?” Rutis is narrowing the eye, is staring at the Jiang Zhaoxue three-dimensional fine facial features. “告诉本王,你是不是有喜欢的人了?”鲁狄斯眯着眼睛,盯着姜昭雪立体精致的五官。 Does not need the Jiang Zhaoxue reply. 不待姜昭雪应答。 Rutis shakes the head smiles: Do not be anxious! No matter you like anyone, who deeply is loving you, this king did not mind.” 鲁狄斯摇头一笑:“别紧张!不管你喜欢谁,谁人又深爱着你,本王并不介意。” Jiang Zhaoxue, how long could not want, this king Jiang through the star gate, entered the Scarlet Dragon location ultra cluster, became engaged with you.” 姜昭雪,要不了多久,本王将通过星门,进入赤龙所在的超星团,与你订婚。” At the appointed time, you are the fiancee of king! Is private of king!” “届时,你就是本王的未婚妻!属于本王的私有品!” As four dominate the civilization prince, the Rutis experience participates in the matter that too has plundered and held. 身为四霸文明的王子,鲁狄斯经历参与过太多掠夺、占有的事。 He pays great attention to the result. 他更注重结果。 At present this beautiful starry night pearl, Mohe Prince will certainly pick. 眼前这颗绝美的星夜明珠,摩河王子必将采摘到手。 He forever is the vanquisher of victory! 他永远是胜利的征服者! Jiang Zhaoxue likes anyone, is willing, he does not care. 姜昭雪喜欢谁,是否心甘情愿,他根本不在乎。 Possibly as for the Jiang Zhaoxue admirer, the lover who has. It looks like in Mohe Prince, these snatched away loser. 至于姜昭雪的仰慕者,可能存在的恋人。在摩河王子看来,那些都是被侵夺的失败者而已。 Engagement?” “订婚?” Jiang Zhaoxue gazes after Digitalization True Image that Mohe Prince vanishes, looks to worry about the color. 姜昭雪目送摩河王子消失的数据化真影,面露担忧之色。 When previous contact, Luo Liang has said that preparation in the near future Scarlet Dragon Empire. 上次联络时,罗亮说过,准备近期来赤龙帝国 Luo Liang, you come Empire, what intention has?” 罗亮,你来帝国,到底有什么用意?” I, must quicken pace......” “我,也要加快步伐了……” Jiang Zhaoxue returns to the Princess bedroom palace, the ponder moment, the shallow Blue Star tears pupil, appears the color of resolution. 姜昭雪回到公主寝殿,沉思片刻,浅蓝星泪般的眸子,显出坚定之色。 Receives advanced mission?” “是否领取进阶任务?” The electronic synthesis sound transmits. 电子合成声传来。 Yes.” Jiang Zhaoxue say/way without hesitation. “是。”姜昭雪毫不犹豫的道。 ...... …… mission type: Individual advanced mission 任务类型:个人进阶任务 mission rank: 1st Step 任务级别:1阶 mission content: In the Main Universe central star sea, there is named starfish secret underground organization. This organization is encountering the civilization influence Bounty to block......】 任务内容:在主宇宙中央星海,有一个名为‘海星’的隐秘地下组织。该组织正遭到文明势力的通缉封杀……】 mission goal: In chasing down of Super Power User, the shield starfish divides the leader in base to escape. Note: Carries out this mission, possibly with the interstellar society is an enemy.】 任务目标:在超能者的追杀中,掩护海星分基地的领袖逃生。注:执行此任务,可能与星际社会为敌。】 mission reward: 2 ten thousand points, the extraction rewards randomly one time.】 任务奖励:二万积分,抽取随机奖励一次。】 mission failure: Deducts 2 ten thousand points, insufficient, then deducts the life, and eliminates current half of mission number 任务失败:扣除二万积分,不足则扣除寿元,并清除当前一半的任务数】 Freedom Federation starry sky. 自由联邦的星空。 In a personal spaceship. 一艘私人飞船内。 This mission, the water is a little deep......” “这个任务,水有点深啊……” Luo Liang consults Jiang Zhaoxue advanced mission, the brow slightly wrinkle. 罗亮查阅到姜昭雪进阶任务,眉头微皱。 Looks at the mission difficulty and risk only, truly was far less than Dark Web King then advanced mission. 单看任务难度和风险,确实远不如暗网之王当时的进阶任务 But as organization boss, Luo Liang can consult the mission related many deep background. 但身为组织老大,罗亮可以查阅到任务相关的更多深层背景。 Sunstar secret organization, does not know for most parts world person, has not made anything to harm the universe the matter. 海星这个隐秘组织,不为大部人世人所知,也不曾做什么危害宇宙的事情。 However, the enterprise that this/should organization conducts, may subvert the Main Universe civilization pattern. 不过,该组织进行的事业,却有可能颠覆主宇宙文明格局。 Sunstar organization, had recovered Universe Supreme of remote time, brought the wind and cloud to Main Universe. 海星组织,曾经复苏过一位久远时代的宇宙至尊,给主宇宙带来了风云。 In the recent years, starfish organization is attempting to seek for the Star God Clan vestige, has the unknown goal. 在近些年,海星组织在尝试寻找星神族的遗迹,拥有不为人知的目的。 This all sorts of whereabouts, will civilization of interstellar mainstream tolerate it? 这种种行迹,星际主流的文明怎会容忍它? This mission except for the water depth, its difficulty relative Jiang Zhaoxue cultivation base, the risk is also big. 这个任务除了水深,其难度相对姜昭雪修为来说,风险同样不小。 Is good because. 好在。 Luo Liang has prepared. 罗亮对此有所准备。 He in the Hierarch exclusive commercial city, purchased one mission exempts notch card. 他在掌权者专属的商城,购买了一张【任务免豁卡】。 mission exempts notch card: Can exempt the penalty that the notch mission failure brings, only becomes effective to 3rd Step following mission. 任务免豁卡】:可以免豁任务失败带来的惩罚,只对3阶以下的任务生效。 This type of exempting notch card, in the Hierarch exclusive commercial city, belongs to limit purchases item. 这种免豁卡,在掌权者的专属商城,同样属于限购道具 Luo Liang after Jiang Zhaoxue enters mission, again in secret use mission exempts notch card, Does not make the latter detect. 罗亮会在姜昭雪进入任务后,再暗中使用【任务免豁卡】,不让后者察觉。 If Jiang Zhaoxue successfully completes mission, does not know this arrangement. 如果姜昭雪顺利完成任务,是不知道这层布置的。 ...... …… After several days . 几日后。 Luo Liang takes the personal spaceship, under the vacation pattern, enters Lower Level Country Maple Leaf Country. 罗亮乘坐私人飞船,在度假模式下,进入下游国枫叶国 Lan Yuehai before arriving in Maple Leaf Star, said goodbye with Luo Liang ahead of time. 蓝月海在抵达枫叶星前,就提前跟罗亮告别了。 She had self-knowledge, will not have the scandal with Luo Liang in public. 她有自知之明,不会在公开场合与罗亮发生绯闻。 In leisurely and carefree vacation, Luo Liang young Kun Controlled Spirit, Controlled Spirit Link continuously in continually transformation. 在悠闲的度假中,罗亮的幼鲲御灵,御灵链接一直在持续转化中。 Now, its transformed degree nearly 100. 如今,其转化程度近乎100。 Then, Luo Liang may Master Deprives cultivation. 接下来,罗亮可将着手【御主剥夺】的修行 In the afternoon. 当天下午。 The personal spaceship that Luo Liang takes, arrives in capital Maple Leaf Star. 罗亮乘坐的私人飞船,抵达首府枫叶星 The spaceship just stopped in Starport falls. 飞船刚在星港停落。 Had waited there for some time Li Family and Lach Clan high level, Maple Leaf Star honored and popular several influential figure, greeted Luo Liang personally. 早已等候多时的李家洛克家族的高层,枫叶星有头有脸的几位大人物,亲自迎接罗亮 In greeted crowd, besides Li Yunjie, Luo Liang also sees a familiar face. 迎接的人群中,除了李云杰,罗亮还看到一个熟悉面孔。 That is a blonde man, seems like, only then over 30 years old, the body has the high-rank bearing.. 那是一名金发男子,看上去只有三十多岁,身上有种上位者气度。。 Luo Liang recognizes, this Heaven Blue Star current member, Star Governor Lach. 罗亮一眼认出,这位正是天蓝星当今的“一把手”,洛克执星官
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