IARNBS :: Volume #5

#491: Empire treads the wave, he came! ( 3 )

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, I really am not a big shot ,我真不是大佬 Crescent Moon Super Galaxy Cluster. 弦月超星系团 Scarlet Dragon Empire border region, at midnight galaxy. 赤龙帝国边陲,午夜星系。 The profound wormhole, the every large or small spaceship communication shuttles back and forth. 幽深的虫洞,大大小小的飞船来往穿梭。 An establishment stern red industry wind battleship, sends out the air/Qi of withering, assumes in the peripheral universe fan-shaped exhibits. 一支编制森严的赤色工业风战舰,散发肃杀之气,在周边宇宙中呈扇形摆开。 What is more astonishing, the dead ahead of wormhole! 更惊人的是,虫洞的正前方! A diameter several hundred kilometers red ring-like construction, Hengli is void, crystal light that sending out flows. 一座直径几百公里的赤色环状建筑,恒立虚空,散发流淌的晶光。 Just like large-mouthed vessel big mouth of starry sky giant beast. 宛若星空巨兽的血盆大嘴。 Big and small spaceship of communication, even is the battleship and fortress, honest passes from hollow of scarlet link construction, accepts the scanning. 来往的大小飞船,甚至是战舰、堡垒,都老老实实从赤环建筑的空心里通过,接受扫描。 In the meantime. 就在此时。 Whiz! 嗖! A common personal spaceship, appears in the formations of numerous ships. 一艘不起眼的私人飞船,出现在众多舰船的队列中。 Such big security check channel?” “这么大的‘安检通道’?” Luo Liang is amazed, looks steadily at the formation front huge red ring-like construction. 罗亮惊诧,盯视队列前方庞大的赤色环状建筑。 In comparison, oneself location spaceship like insects. 与之相比,自己所在的飞船如同一只虫蚁。 Guarding of medium Empire fleet?” “还有一支中型帝国舰队的镇守?” From the information of Dark Web learning, the Scarlet Dragon Empire entry examines, may not have to this degree strictly. After all this region always stabilizes, without war......” “从暗网获知的情报,赤龙帝国入境检测,可没有严密到这种程度。毕竟这片区域向来安定,没有战争……” Luo Liang feels unusual faintly. 罗亮隐隐感受到一丝反常。 Nearby the scarlet link construction, an only Empire standard mecha fast shuttle, enters the passing spaceship to question from time to time. 赤环建筑附近,一只只帝国制式机甲快速穿梭,时而进入过往飞船内部盘查。 From Freedom Federation the visit spaceship, please enter the C2 formation, later waits for the screener to go on board to spot-check.” “来自‘自由联邦’的访问飞船,请进入C2队列,稍后等待安检员登船抽检。” The Luo Liang location spaceship, some entries permit to file, are under the guidance of Scarlet Dragon side. 罗亮所在的飞船,有入境许可备案,得到赤龙方的引导。 Goes on board to inspect?” “登船检查吗?” Luo Liang slightly does to ponder over, the vision goes to azure clothes man. 罗亮略做思忖,目光投向身旁的青衣男子。 The tour of this Empire, the traceless achievement personal bodyguard, surely needs a status. 这次帝国之行,无痕作为贴身保镖,肯定需要一个身份。 The invitation that Jiang Zhaoxue gives, can have the two quota to attend the adult ceremony banquet. 姜昭雪给的邀请函,可以带两个名额参加成人礼宴会。 Traceless fellow daoist, will you be recognized in Main Universe? Seemingly has not heard your given name in All Heavens.” “无痕道友,你在主宇宙会被人认出来吗?貌似在诸天中没听说过你的名号。” Luo Liang curious asking. 罗亮好奇的问道。 Traceless replied: I the first time am came Main Universe, this side heaven and earth must no one know. Even if in All Heavens, knows my person, few really few.” 无痕答道:“我是第一次来主宇宙,这方天地应当没人认识。纵然在诸天中,知道我的人,少之甚少。” Good, please the traceless fellow daoist be a guest performer a status.” “那好,请无痕道友客串一个身份。” Luo Liang is with smile on the face. 罗亮面带微笑。 Please say.” “请讲。” We come from same sect......” “我们来自同一个的师门……” Luo Liang ejects has devised good persona. 罗亮抛出已构想好的人设 „my name is Luo, immeasurable.” “我姓罗,名无量。” You are surnamed the millenium, traceless, is a guest performer my Senior Brother, and bodyguard.” “你姓千秋,名无痕,客串我的师兄,兼保镖。” Traceless, immeasurable? I remembered.” “无痕,无量?我记住了。” Qianqiu Wuhen discussed gently, nods said. 千秋无痕轻轻念道,颔首道。 The name is only Code Name. 名字只是一个代号 Qianqiu Wuhen is not his initial name, but the person of name were many, then formed this Code Name. 千秋无痕也并非他最初的名字,只是称呼的人多了,便形成了这个代号 Confesses the status. 交代完身份。 Luo Liang takes out a translucent light green veil. 罗亮取出一块半透明的淡绿面纱。 Pastes on the veil the face. 将面纱贴到脸上。 Instantly, a green liquid flow, covers on the face of Luo Liang, permeates flesh organization. 霎时,一层绿色液流,覆盖罗亮的脸上,渗入肌肤组织 After several seconds . 几秒钟后。 The Luo Liang facial features outline, various places have the slight change. 罗亮的五官轮廓,各处产生细微的变化。 The eye pupil, turned shallowly bright. 就连眼瞳,都变成了浅碧色。 Although from facial expression appearance, but can also see the Luo Liang original outline, but is not the familiar person, does not recognize easily. 虽然从神情外貌上,还能看出罗亮原本的轮廓,但不是熟悉的人,不容易认出来。 Appearance declines three points, leads insufficiently obviously, but was also sufficient.” “外貌下调三分,帅得不够明显,但也够用了。” The green liquid flow on Luo Liang face vanishes, cannot see the least bit changed/easy appearance/allow trace. 罗亮脸上的绿色液流消失,看不到半点易容的痕迹。 Light green veil named Thousand changed/easy muslin, Can from the organic texture, pure natural change an appearance of person truly. 浅绿面纱名为【千易纱】,可以从生物结构上,真正“纯天然”改变一个人的外貌。 Without the Illusion Technique factor, does not exist by the powerhouse is looked through. 没有幻术的因素,不存在被强者看破。 If Luo Liang must change the original condition, but must use again one time Thousand changed/easy muslin. 如果罗亮要变回原貌,还得再用一次【千易纱】。 From now on, I am Luo Wuliang( bright).” “从现在开始,我就是罗无量(亮)。” Luo Liang has the interest appearance. 罗亮颇有兴致的样子。 He did not certainly count on, Scarlet Dragon Imperial Family will unable to guess correctly Luo Liang and Luo possibly have the relations immeasurably, even is the same person. 他当然不指望,赤龙皇室会猜不到罗亮和罗无量可能有关系,甚至是同一个人。 Scarlet Dragon Imperial Family guessed, what's the big deal? 赤龙皇室猜测到,那又如何? If did the misdemeanor, that is Luo is immeasurable, has what relations with my Luo Liang? 如果干了坏事,那是罗无量,与我罗亮有何关系? What certificate do you have? 你有什么凭证? Luo Liang also Digitalization True Image keeps Tianyun Manor. 要知道,罗亮还有一具数据化真影留在天云庄园 Luo Liang this sock puppet identity operates, has the two intention: 罗亮这番马甲操作,有两个用意: One does not have to verify. 一者是无可对证。 Second salutes Jiang Zhaoxue. 二来是致敬姜昭雪 Wants initially. 想当初。 The Jiang Zhaoxue alias Jiang Xue, spans trillion li (0.5 km) galaxy, arrives in Freedom Federation, to settle that not mature virtual love in organization. 姜昭雪化名“姜雪”,跨越亿万里星河,抵达自由联邦,以了结在组织里那段不成熟的虚拟情缘。 Venture spirit and romance that grown Empire Princess, has not been positive and progressive richly. 那位尚未成年的帝国公主,富有积极向上的冒险精神和浪漫情怀。 But because Luo Liang the restriction and overcautious of status, cause to meet then part forever. 罗亮由于身份的制约和谨小慎微,导致相见便是永别。 When the Saint Edge school, confirmation each other. 圣锋学校,确认彼此时。 Leaves his, is actually that slightly solemn and stirring review beautiful woman. 留给他的,却是那略显悲壮的回眸倾城。 Finally. 最后。 In time of song, in Star Fort meets by chance. 在一首歌的时间里,星堡内相逢。 The Luo Liang behavior is not only the dregs, when lets Jiang Zhaoxue makes the decision, is crude and callous, causes Kindred Spirits Jade the disruption. 罗亮的行为不仅是渣,让姜昭雪做决定时,粗暴且冷酷,导致“灵犀玉”的碎裂。 At that time, Luo Liang does not know the pressure that Jiang Zhaoxue situation, faces, gave back to others one to make up the blade. 彼时,罗亮不知姜昭雪的处境,所面临的压力,还给了人家一记补刀。 ...... …… Although Luo Liang is not single-minded to the sentiment, but is not the truly mindless person. 罗亮虽然对感情不专一,但不是真正没心没肺的人。 Reviews above all sorts, many have to regret and have a deficit. 回顾以上种种,多少有惋惜和亏欠。 He decided journey that repeats Jiang Zhaoxue to pass through. 他决定重复姜昭雪走过的路途。 By the status in half hidden, spans the galaxy time, from the similar way, arrives in Empire capital Heavenly Sun Star. 以半隐藏的身份,跨越星河时光,从同样的路径,抵达帝国首府天阳星 After a half hour . 半个小时后。 The Luo Liang location personal spaceship, before arriving the huge red halo constructs, is formally enters security check channel. 罗亮所在的私人飞船,抵达巨大的赤色光环建筑前,算是正式进入“安检通道”。 Closure defense system, accepts the inspection.” “关闭防御系统,接受检查。” The diameter several hundred kilometers scarlet link construction, the crystal brilliance circulation is restless, transmits the mechanical operation the noise. 直径几百公里的赤环建筑,晶体光辉流转不息,传来机械运转的噪音。 The one after another invisible light beam and Force Field, cover the spaceship on the scene. 一道道无形光束和力场,笼罩在场的飞船。 Luo Liang personal spaceship, although is the Heavenly Secrets Clan manufacture, but is the civil tool, the flight performance is superior. 罗亮的私人飞船,虽然是天机族制造,但不过是民用工具,飞行性能优越而已。 After closure defense system, spaceship internal structure and life sign, scanned purity. 关闭防御系统后,飞船内部的结构和生命迹象,被扫描的一清二楚。 Opens the cabin door, accepts the inspection.” “开启舱门,接受检查。” Scarlet Dragon Empire transmits an order the news. 赤龙帝国传来一道命令的讯息。 The Luo Liang vision goes to outside the spaceship, surprised discovery: 罗亮目光投向飞船外,惊讶的发现: Unexpectedly superpower mecha of five people of squad, before arriving at the oneself spaceship . 居然有一支五人小队的超能机甲,来到自己的飞船前。 Other spaceship, comes mecha many, conducts the manual spot-check, some have not gone on board to inspect. Did here come a squad unexpectedly?” “别的飞船,最多来一台机甲,进行人工抽查,有些还不登船检查。我这里居然来了一个小队?” The Luo Liang complexion is strange, opened the cabin door. 罗亮面色古怪,还是开启了舱门。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Quick, five superpower mecha sneak into the spaceship rapidly. 很快,五台超能机甲迅速窜入飞船内。 In spaceship, your two person?” “飞船内,就你们两个人?” Is three-meter black armor swordsman mecha, in the goggles the twinkle ray, stares at the Luo Liang two people to look. 为首一个高达三米的黑铠剑士机甲,护目镜上闪烁光芒,盯着罗亮二人看。 Luo Liang can feel, these superpower mecha control are talented, particularly the leader. 罗亮能感受到,这几名超能机甲的操控者实力不俗,尤其是为首者。 Right, our two person.” “对,就我们两个人。” Luo Liang is unhurriedly, hands over the procedure of entry. 罗亮不慌不忙,把入境的手续递过去。 Procedure does not have the issue.” “手续没问题。” Black armor swordsman mecha, but looked at two simply. 黑铠剑士机甲,只是简单看了两眼。 But, visits to all entries of recent Freedom Federation, we will adopt urges to return to the suggestion.” “不过,对近期自由联邦的一切入境访问,我们都会采取‘劝返’的建议。” His vision locks Luo Liang, the tone is faint. 他目光又锁定罗亮,语气淡漠。 Five mecha, simultaneously is staring at Luo Liang, sends out strong oppression strength that mecha and superpower fuse. 五名机甲,齐齐盯着罗亮,散发机甲超能融合的强大压迫力。 As for nearby Qianqiu Wuhen. 至于旁边的千秋无痕 An appearance is ordinary, the average person who cultivation base nearly does not have, was disregarded by them directly. 只是一个面相平凡,修为近无的普通人,被他们直接无视。 The superpower fluctuation of Luo Liang Country Suppressing Rank, deliberately has not actually hidden, instrument scanning clear and distinct. 罗亮身上镇国级超能波动,却没有刻意隐藏,仪器扫描的清清楚楚 Why can urge to return?” “为什么要劝返?” Luo Liang is unemotional, asked directly. 罗亮面无表情,直接问道。 Why?” “为什么?” Black armor mecha laughs, in the hand the big sword circled a circle, clang, decides on the floor. 黑铠机甲哈哈一笑,手中大剑绕了一个圈,“铿”得一声,定在地板上。 Because, recently had the folk influence, the person of malicious to Freedom Federation starts. For the personal security in your country, we give the warning and suggestion.” “因为,最近有民间势力,恶意对自由联邦的人士下手。为了贵国的人员安全,我们给予警告和建议。” In the tone has the meaning of threat! 语气中有威胁之意! Luo Liang has an intuition, this measure, what perhaps aims is oneself, possibly destroys the Jiang Zhaoxue factor including all. 罗亮有种直觉,这种措施,恐怕针对的是自己,包括一切可能破坏姜昭雪的因素。 Your urging return, is only the suggestion. Our procedure is complete, does not violate the Empire law.” “你们的劝返,只是建议。我们手续齐全,并不违背帝国法律。” Luo Liang is sharp-eyed, holds Confucius. 罗亮目光敏锐,抓住孔子。 Scarlet Dragon Empire, is Crescent Moon Super Galaxy Cluster few great nations. 赤龙帝国,乃是“弦月超星系团”屈指可数的大国。 Powerful Level 4 Civilization, naturally must have card surface of great nation. 强大的4级文明,自然要有大国的牌面 Without the reasonable excuse, Empire cannot forbid to come from all visits of federation, otherwise is the provocation on diplomacy, disrupts the human civilization internal unity. 没有合理的借口,帝国也不能禁止来自联邦的所有访问,否则就是外交上的挑衅,破坏人类文明内部的团结。 I urged you to return!” “我劝你们返回!” The black armor mecha swordsman, the tone is overbearing, shows the chill in the air that can not be questioned. 黑铠机甲剑士,语气霸道,透出一股毋容置疑的寒意。 „Starting from yesterday's martial law, the spaceships of all federations, obeyed our urging to return.” “从昨天戒严开始,所有联邦的飞船,都听从了我们的劝返。” These superpower mecha, have a powerful self-confidence. 这些超能机甲,有种强大的自信。 Freedom Federation compares Empire, the strength is much weaker. 自由联邦相比帝国,实力要弱得多。 Under their threat warnings, no federal spaceship, but also dares to step into the Empire area. 在他们的威胁警告下,没有一艘联邦飞船,还敢踏入帝国的疆域。 If I can enter a country?” Luo Liang chuckle. “如果我非要入境?”罗亮轻笑一声。 You dare!” “你敢!” Five big superpower mecha scolded with one voice, erupts an intermittent superpower halo, each power and influence, in Rank 4 Country Suppressing Rank above. 五大超能机甲齐声呵斥,爆发出一阵阵超能光环,每一个的威势,都在4级镇国级以上。 Is the black armor mecha swordsman of head, the superpower fluctuation achieves Rank 5 upper stage. 为首的黑铠机甲剑士,超能波动更是达到5级高阶 Naturally, this does not mean that they have corresponding cultivation base. This type of profession, the battle efficiency big end came from mecha performance. 当然,这并不意味着他们本身有相应的修为。这种类型的职业,战斗力大头来自于机甲本身的性能。 Each powerful mecha, the material is precious, is equivalent to cultivation interface treasure. 每一件强大机甲,材料珍贵,相当于修行界面的一件宝物 However. 然而。 Facing five big superpower mecha violent storm superpower pressure, the Luo Liang two people are entirely still. 面对五大超能机甲狂风暴雨般的超能威压,罗亮二人纹丝不动。 Go away!” “滚开!” Luo Liang does not bear wear a look, scolds. 罗亮面带不耐,呵斥道。 You......” “你……” Five superpower mecha, one after another shocks, suspected that the ear misunderstood. 五名超能机甲,一个个都震惊,怀疑耳朵听错了。 For a long time. 长久以来。 The development of Freedom Federation is far behind Scarlet Dragon Empire. 自由联邦的发展都远远落后赤龙帝国 Their Empire person, somewhat looks down upon the federal citizen, and even some superiority feeling. 他们帝国人士,都有些看不起联邦公民,乃至有些优越感。 Federal people of these entries, even if the rich merchant politician, is respectful to them, is very weak. 那些入境的联邦人士,哪怕是富商政要,都对他们恭恭敬敬,软弱得很。 Like the Luo Liang so rampant federation person, they meet for the first time. 罗亮这般嚣张的联邦人士,他们还是首次遇到。 You obstruct again impolitely, I will start the arbitration application to interstellar alliance. Believes, the Heavenly Secrets Clan friend, will give me a satisfactory response.” “你们再无礼阻扰,我将向‘星际联盟’发动仲裁申请。相信,天机族的朋友,会给我一个满意的回应。” Luo Liang cold sound said. 罗亮冷声道。 Five big superpower mecha, complexion simultaneously changes. 五大超能机甲,面色齐齐一变。 At this time, they also received the detailed security check report. 这时,他们也收到了详细的安检报告。 This spaceship, doubtful is the Heavenly Secrets Clan product, the internal core engine cannot do false. 这艘飞船,疑似是天机族的出品,内部核心引擎做不得假。 Obviously, this federal youngster, is not the ignorant haughtiness, but really has the energy. 显然,这个联邦少年,不是无知的狂傲,而是确有底气。 ! 呼! Is black armor mecha of head, deeply looked at Luo Liang one, turns around to depart. 为首的黑铠机甲,深深看了罗亮一眼,转身离去。 Before arriving at the cabin door . 走到舱门前。 He then said: Urged the suggestion that returned to we to give. You put best into it.” 他回头道:“劝返的建议我们已经给到。你们一路好自为之。” Luo Liang thinks otherwise, starts the order to Wisdom Brain. 罗亮不以为然,向智脑发动命令。 Before the giant scarlet link constructs . 巨大的赤环建筑前。 Only spaceship from federation, in hollow across link, through entry security check. 唯一来自联邦的飞船,穿过环内的空心,通过入境安检。 Soon. 不多时。 The spaceship drags to jump the light beam together, escapes into Subspace. 飞船拖起一道跃迁光束,遁入亚空间 What Luo Liang does not know is. 罗亮不知道的是。 At present has scenes, on the precision machinery gear through Empire this Pang Jiqi, will transmit the Empire capital shortly. 眼前发生的一幕幕,通过帝国这台庞机器上的精密机械齿轮,顷刻间传递到帝国首府。 ...... …… Heavenly Sun Star. 天阳星 Scarlet Dragon Imperial Palace, Saint Yang hall. 赤龙皇宫,圣阳殿。 Great Emperor, he came......” 大帝,他来了……” Scarlet Dragon Guard Captain Chi Mao, partly kneels in the place. 赤龙卫队长赤茂”,半跪在地。 That watches over truncates on the ancient bronzes face, reveals the deep awe, said to the Great Emperor report before palace station manager table. 那张刀削般的古铜面孔上,流露深深的敬畏,向殿台长桌前的大帝汇报道。 The man before long table, loose plainclothes, the stature is majestic, the back is stiff, has the style of soldier. 长桌前的男子,一身宽松便衣,身材雄壮,背脊挺直,有种军人的风范。 That person face line is distinct, in the detail was actually affected by a mighty force, has the feeling of frivolous mosaic. 其人面部线条分明,细节上却被一股伟力影响,有种轻薄马赛克的感觉。 But that pair of gold/metal blue double pupil, imitates the scarlet Yang hot sun, the straight thrust mind. 但那双金蓝色的双瞳,仿似赤阳烈日,直刺心灵。 The entire facial features facial features, just like Deity, cannot look straight ahead! 整个五官面容,犹如神灵,不可直视! This man, is Scarlet Dragon Great Emperor of present age. 这名男子,便是当代的赤龙大帝 Exactly said. 确切的说。 Is 17 generations of eye of Scarlet Dragon Great Emperor. 是十七代目赤龙大帝 As for his original given name, when he becomes Great Emperor, has become past tense. 至于他原本的名讳,当他成为大帝时,就已经成为过去式。 „? Does he dare to come seriously?” “哦?他当真敢来?” The Scarlet Dragon Great Emperor sound, cannot listen to the happy anger. 赤龙大帝的声音,听不出喜怒。 In Chi Mao mouth he, Great Emperor naturally knows that is. 赤茂口中的“他”,大帝自然知道是谁。 Days before. 前些日。 Chi Mao escorts from the federation Jiang Zhaoxue, afterward has reorganized an exhaustive material. 赤茂姜昭雪从联邦护送回来,事后整理过一份详尽的资料。 When the Saint Edge school. 圣锋学校时。 Goal that Chi Mao once suspected Professor Leng, the fact showed that is not the boyfriend who Jiang Zhaoxue likes. 赤茂曾怀疑的目标“冷教授”,事实证明不是姜昭雪喜欢的男友。 Professor Leng was a scapegoat died with great regret, once left behind a taunt the words: 冷教授背锅含恨而死,曾留下一段嘲讽的话语: Is only, I and your Princess sees in Saint Edge initially, but does not have any relations. Has the affection with her perhaps has someone else, hehe......” “只是,我与你们公主圣锋才是初见,可没有任何关系。与她有恋情的恐怕另有其人,嘿嘿……” Regardless Professor Leng, remaining suspected targets, few. 抛开冷教授,剩下的可疑目标,屈指可数。 For example, Jiang Zhaoxue acting data analyst location Swallows and Clouds Corps, coaches and several team members. 譬如,姜昭雪担当数据分析师所在的燕云战队,教练和几名队员。 Even Gongsun Hao, on the same day and Jiang Zhaoxue has had the conversation, includes the suspect. 甚至连公孙浩,当日与姜昭雪有过交谈,都列入怀疑对象。 But Chi Mao felt, these people are not the real goals. 赤茂感觉,这些人都不是真正目标。 Finally, a neglected blind spot, appears in the mind. 终于,一个被忽略的盲点,浮现在脑海中。 Luo Liang.” 罗亮。” Originally, Chi Mao has also observed this youngster Teacher. 原本,赤茂也观察过这个少年导师 But this child flagrant, shameless expressed the appreciation to be ambiguous to Jiang Zhaoxue, he has not instead cared. 但此子明目张胆,恬不知耻的向姜昭雪表达欣赏暧昧,他反而没放在心上。 After action review. 事后分析。 Under Luo Liang and Jiang Zhaoxue were possibly acting in a play at that time, are in the glare of the public eye, becomes under the lamp black. 罗亮姜昭雪当时可能在演戏,众目睽睽之下,成为灯下黑。 Chi Mao will guess personally, with the huge material of collection, compiles to Great Emperor. 赤茂将个人猜测,和搜集的庞大资料,汇总给大帝 Empire ancient Wisdom Brain AI, has conducted the calculation. 帝国古老的智脑AI,进行过演算。 The result demonstrates that: 结果显示: Possibility that Luo Liang and Jiang Zhaoxue associate, reaches as high as 69.3. 罗亮姜昭雪交往的可能性,高达69.3。 Luo Liang and mysticalness No Heaven, as well as Dark Web has the possibility of connection, over 50. 罗亮与神秘“无天”,以及暗网有关联的可能性,超过50。 However, the above conclusion, was days before came out, this took the measure in the border defense. 不过,以上的结论,都是前几日才出来的,这才在边防采取措施。 Luo Liang this name , was just shortly, enters the line of sight of Scarlet Dragon Great Emperor. 罗亮这个名字,也是刚不久,进入赤龙大帝的视线。 Luo Liang? Is Luo immeasurable?” 罗亮?罗无量?” Great Emperor consults the information that the frontline presents. 大帝查阅完前线呈递过来的情报。 He light snort/hum, the gold/metal blue eye pupil, narrows the eyes slightly: 他淡淡哼了一声,金蓝色的眼瞳,略微眯起: This boy almost flagrant coming. Does he want to do?” “这小子几乎是明目张胆的过来。他想干什么?” As the words mood fluctuates, the peripheral void Dark Energy quantity is turbulent, air and Force Field strange distortion. 随着话语情绪波动,周边虚空暗能量汹涌,空气与力场诡异的扭曲。 Chi Mao partly kneels in the place, the atmosphere does not dare to leave. 赤茂半跪在地,大气不敢出。 Quasi Rank 8 cultivation base he, the blood has the solidification feeling. 准8级修为的他,血液有种凝固感。 After all, he is not true Starry Sky Great Expert, but touches that threshold. 毕竟,他不是真正的星空大能,只是触摸到那个门槛。 But Scarlet Dragon Great Emperor that successively holds, at least stepped into the Starry Sky Great Expert level, in which outstanding person, is arrives in Rank 10 Universe Rank mighty force limit. 而历任的赤龙大帝,至少都踏入了星空大能的层次,其中的佼佼者,更是抵达10级-宇宙级的伟力极限。 17 generations of Scarlet Dragon Great Emperor, although reaches is less than 20 years, the progress of but making, have outstanding ability and grand vision faintly the wind comments. 十七代赤龙大帝,虽然才登顶不到二十年,但取得的成效,隐隐有“雄才大略”的风评。 Jiang Zhaoxue and Mohe Prince joint marriage, is the millennium important matter of present age Great Emperor operation. 姜昭雪摩河王子的联婚,便是当代大帝运作的千年大计。 Asked Great Emperor to instruct! How this boy...... should handle.” “请大帝指示!这小子……该如何处置。” The Chi Mao tone is prudent, asked carefully. 赤茂语气慎重,小心问道。 He is clear, this moment Luo Liang life and death, in Great Emperor instant. 他心里清楚,此刻罗亮的生死,在大帝的一念之间。 In the Scarlet Dragon Empire domain. 赤龙帝国的版图内。 Great Emperor is determined a person dead, only if Universe Rank and Universe Supreme, otherwise is Starry Sky Great Expert, is hard to move out. 大帝执意要一个人死,除非是宇宙级宇宙至尊,否则便是星空大能,都难以全身而退。
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