IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#589: Carl Family clan headquarters base

The whole body is twining the bowl big iron chain, the strong giant who braves the flaming green flame, rides the black flame horse of different lifeform, in the hand is also grasping to hold the axe that a is damaging. When it appears, keeps off when in the air of hawk fighter aircraft front, a fearful pressure fills the air to open outward. 浑身缠绕着碗大的铁链,冒着熊熊绿焰的强壮巨人,骑着异界生物的黑焰马,手上还握持着一柄破损的斧头。当它出现,挡在鹰式战机前方的空中时,一股可怕的威压往外弥漫而开。 What ghost thing is that?!” “那到底是什么鬼东西?!” God of Thunder Thor closely grips the Thor hammer, body and mind unprecedented tightening, surprised uncertain gaze mysterious lifeform beyond windshield. From the opposite party, he detected absolutely terrified aura, the goosebumps. 雷神索尔紧紧握住雷神锤,身心前所未有的绷紧,惊疑不定的注视着挡风玻璃外的神秘生物。从对方身上,他察觉到一股毛骨悚然的气息,鸡皮疙瘩都起了一身。 Blocks the monster of fighter aircraft to have the strength of slaughter god! 挡住战机的这头怪物拥有屠神的实力! Experienced Thor does not doubt this point, even he, has not grasped can defeat immediately this monster. 久经沙场的索尔毫不怀疑这一点,连他自己,都没有把握能战胜当下这头怪物。 Hellfire. Hurries to make way, on fighter aircraft has the master.” Controls Vis of fighter aircraft to send out the prompt. 地狱火。赶紧让开,战机上的可是有主人在。”驾驭着战机的维思发出提示。 Hears the Vis sound, Hellfire has not taken a stand, before the black flame horse under its body lifts immediately the hoof, yelled toward the fighter aircraft cheerfully, the resonant hoofbeat disseminated to go far away in the base, as if welcome the arrival of Kyle by this. 听到维思的声音,地狱火还未表态,它身下的黑焰马当即抬起前蹄,朝着战机欢快啼叫一声,嘹亮马蹄声在基地内传播远去,似乎以此来欢迎凯尔的到来。 The teenage boys and girls who exercises in the islands training open area, the surprise is on the rise much, looks to the black flame horse that float from the sky non-stop yelling. 不少在岛屿训练空地上锻炼的少男少女,诧异抬头,望向悬浮在空中不停啼叫的黑焰马。 „Does that dark horse want to do?”Not to mention it. The previous time, it kicked “那头黑马又想干嘛?”“别提它。上次,它踢了我一脚,屁股上还烙着马蹄印呢。” These children obviously by the black flame horse bullying, mentioned it, clenched jaws, wishes one could to give to cook it. What a pity, they add, is not the opponent of that horse. 这些孩子显然被黑焰马给欺负惯了,说起它,咬牙切齿,恨不得把它给炖了。可惜,他们加起来,也不是那马的对手。 In open-air training open area of dragon turtle island. 龙龟岛的露天训练空地上。 In this group of young children, but also has a silver-haired senior coach. When the senior coach sees the hawk fighter aircraft, the body trembles suddenly, the look excited kneels the knees on the ground. 这群年纪尚小的孩子之中,还有着一位白发苍苍的老教练。老教练看到鹰式战机时,身体猛然一颤,神色激动将双膝跪在地上。 Coach, you how?” “教练,你怎么了?” These children were shocked, their first time, saw the devil coach is so rude. 那些孩子都愣住了,他们还是第一次,看到魔鬼教练如此失态。 That is head of household's private car, is head of household's private car! Was the head of household he comes back!” “那是家主的座驾,是家主的座驾啊!是家主他老人家回来了!” The senior coach tears fill the eyes. He is the first card disciple, was Lucy from the orphanage recruitment of World War II. Their loyalty to the Carl Family clan, was the former years card disciple cannot place on a par. 老教练泪水盈眶。他是第一届卡徒,也是露希自二战时期的孤儿院招收的。他们对卡尔家族的忠诚度,是往届卡徒所都不能相提并论的。 The first card disciple, at least also 80 -year-old advanced age upward, mostly in Earth all over the world, forms the subordinate organization and family now alone, only then he and several old card people , to continue to stay in the headquarters base, holds the post teacher that trains the new card disciple. 第一届卡徒,现在至少也八十岁往上的高龄了,大多在地球世界各处,独自组建下属组织和家族,只有他和几位老卡徒,继续留在总部基地,担任培养新卡徒的教官职务。 In their mind, Kyle is the only true God in the world. 在他们心目中,凯尔就是世上的唯一真神。 Now first card people are also old, but the Kyle head of household's life span is inexhaustible, returns to the base previous time is also several years ago. They do not know, can in secret, how long shelter Carl Family clan for Kyle. 现在第一届卡徒们的年龄也大了,而凯尔家主的寿命无穷无尽,上一次回到基地也是几年之前。他们也不知道,能在暗中,替凯尔庇护卡尔家族多久。 But no matter how, so long as there is Kyle , the Carl Family clan is the Earth strongest influence. 但不管如何,只要有凯尔在,卡尔家族就是地球最强势力。 Was the head of household comes back?” “是家主回来了?” The child in training gawked staring, is difficult to cover the exciting look, then, kneels with the senior teacher on the ground, falls face down in the fighter aircraft direction, extends the highest respect and all loyal. 训练中的孩子愣了愣,难掩激动神色,而后,跟着老教官跪在地上,朝战机方向趴下,致以最高的敬意和所有忠诚。 On hawk fighter aircraft. 鹰式战机上。 The Kyle racket the Thor shoulder, blinks saying: Puts with ease, that is only I creates, but guards here porter.” 凯尔拍拍索尔肩膀,眨眨眼道:“放轻松点,那只是我创造出来,只是看守这里的守门人而已。” The iron chain that Hellfire will grab will draw in the future, when black flame Marton the associative compound, the black flame making way body, is following by the hawk fighter aircraft. 地狱火将抓着的铁链往后拉动,黑焰马顿时会意,踢踏着黑炎让开身位,跟随在鹰式战机旁边。 „Is that a porter?” “那是守门人?” The Thor corners of the mouth twitch slightly, if in the god territory, he can guarantee, Hellfire can definitely hold the post of the god the duty, leading the god territory soldier to suppress Nine Realms to be turbulent. 索尔嘴角微微抽搐,要是在神域,他敢保证,地狱火完全能担任神将职务,带领神域士兵镇压九界动荡。 Comes to this small interlude after Hellfire, the hawk fighter aircraft continues to fly toward the base fortress. The artificial intelligence steward God system of jurisdiction base, first and Vis connects with, fortress top vibranium material quality manufacture top arched, revolves is opening to intrinsic hole. 经过地狱火现身这一小插曲,鹰式战机继续往基地堡垒飞去。管辖基地的人工智能管家主神系统,第一时间与维思进行交接,堡垒顶层振金材质制作的顶穹,旋转着打开一个通往内在的窟窿。 The hawk fighter aircraft sets upright is descending toward the hole, enters the fortress intrinsic, has arrived in the spacious underground engine off room. The rear cockpit opens, when Kyle leads the person in cabin to go out, the indoor peripheral wall shines the ray, the innumerable micro air vehicles depart, conducts the scanning analysis to the personnel who the fighter aircraft and comes out. 鹰式战机竖着往窟窿降落,进入堡垒内在,一直抵达宽敞的地下停机室。后舱打开,当凯尔带着舱内的人走出,室内周边的墙壁亮起光芒,无数小型飞行器飞出,对战机和出来的人员进行扫描分析。 Welcome back, Kyle head of household.” “欢迎回来,凯尔家主。” The great mechanical sound resounds through in the basement, the Avengers members, including Thor and Tony, intrinsic expressed admiration to the fortress. 宏大的机械声在地下室响彻,复仇者联盟成员们,包括索尔托尼在内,都对堡垒内在啧啧称奇。 Outside has the camouflage projection establishment and air defense energy network, inside even fortress is the vibranium manufacture, intrinsic also has the automated intelligence system security to be responsible, here simply is one of the Earth stablest military fortresses. 外面有伪装投影设置、对空防御能量网,里面连堡垒都是振金制造,内在还有人工智能系统警戒负责,这里简直就是地球最稳固的军事堡垒之一。 You do not know. Do not look at this is an island, in fact, here is a back of turtle lifeform, can move in the sea at any time.” “你们不知道吧。别看这是个岛,事实上,这里是一头似龟生物的后背,可以随时在海上进行移动。” Tony is excited, he knows many inside stories of dragon turtle island, these will be recent his father Howard say. 托尼一脸兴奋,他可是知道龙龟岛的不少内幕,这些都是近期他父亲霍华德说的。 Here islands fortress, is the scientific effort room and card disciple training base, and family venue, the true combat platform , to continue upward.” “这里的岛屿堡垒,是科研工作室、卡徒培训基地、以及家族会议场所,真正的作战平台,还有继续往上。” Rain is pulling the arm of Kyle lightly, said to the Tony smile: „Don't this you know?” 雨瞳轻挽着凯尔的手臂,对托尼微笑道:“这你不知道吧?” Also had the transformation afterward?” Tony eye slightly bright, impatient wants to experience. “难道后来又有改造?”托尼眼睛微亮,迫不及待的想见识一下。 Kyle smiles, hugs cherry Ji simultaneously, is hitting finger snap lightly, told in a soft voice: Vis, opens to the above gateway.” 凯尔笑了笑,抱着樱姬同时,轻打响指,轻声吩咐道:“维思,打开通往上面的门户。” Understanding.” “了解。” God system fast accordingly, then, by underground engine off room, as the mechanical mechanism/organization opens, a leaf of strange gateway raises upward. 主神系统快速应声,而后,地下停机室旁边,随着机械机关打开,一扇奇异门户往上升起。 The gateway that before that is Kyle is very long, builds, used Ancient One Mage that side deep meaning, can connect another place eternal the magic arts gate. 那是凯尔很久前打造的门户,利用了古一法师那边的奥义,可以永恒连接另一地的法术门。 Banner and Logan keep on the fighter aircraft, the God system will send people to look after their. I first lead you to have a look.” “班纳和罗根就留在战机上吧,主神系统会派人来照顾他们的。我先带你们上去看看。” Kyle and cherry Ji, Rain, take the lead to walk in the gate direction, Avengers heroes catch up with the step. 凯尔与樱姬、雨瞳,率先朝门方向走去,复仇者联盟的一众英雄们跟上步伐。 After spanning the gate . 跨越门之后。 The people arrive go straight up the master control hall of aircraft carrier. At this time, goes straight up the aircraft carrier to maintain the stagnation, float above ten thousand meters upper air, below is the deep blue sea, under can see iceberg that indistinctly dragon turtle island camouflages. 众人来到直升航母的主控制大厅。此时,直升航母保持停滞,悬浮在万米高空之上,下面是蔚蓝的大海,正下方隐约能看到龙龟岛所伪装的冰山。 „Isn't this S.H.I.E.L.D. going straight up aircraft carrier?” Steve is startled, including, when he and Bucky fights hits to sink, has a vivid memory, has not thought that is also left over one in this. “这不是神盾局的直升航母么?”史蒂夫大吃一惊,其中有一艘,还是他和巴基战斗时打沉的,记忆犹新,没想到还剩下一艘在这。 The Rain nod said: Yes. It float has continued for several years in the upper air, originally when is the supreme Caesar childhood place of residence, the present is the middle military fortress in Carl Family clan headquarters.” 雨瞳点头道:“是。它已经悬浮在高空持续好几年了,本来是超人凯撒幼年时的居住地,现在是卡尔家族总部的中间军事堡垒。” Among? Upward, won't have?” “中间?往上,不会还有吧?” Natasha caught to catch the key information, although she was the person of Carl Family clan, but does not have the headquarters base for a long time, does not know that in the family/home turned into any new appearance. 娜塔莎捕抓到了重点信息,她虽然属于卡尔家族的人,但也已经好久没回过总部基地了,不知道家里变成了什么新模样。 Is that Rain.” “是那个吧,雨瞳。” The Kyle intention moves, looks to nearby Rain, even he a little anticipated, finally completed?” 凯尔心念一动,看向旁边的雨瞳,连他都有点期待,“终于建成了么?” Yes. Under your instruction, Carl Family clan gathering capital builds in secret, after several years, just improved one week ago, but has not told you.” “是。在你的吩咐下,卡尔家族集资暗中打造,历经几年时间,刚好在一周前完善了,只是还没告诉你而已。” Rain shows a faint smile, takes a fast look around Avengers heroic one, self-confidently and said assuredly: „The thing that then sees, will frighten you to jump absolutely!” 雨瞳微微一笑,扫视复仇者联盟的英雄们一眼,自信而笃定道:“接下来所看到的事物,绝对会吓你们一跳!”
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