IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#590: Lookout tower and lonely throne

The Earth above about 22300 kilometers, situated in the earth-synchronous orbit above, are the quiet silent outer space edges, here is similar to a boundary that is hard to arrive. Goes again outward, is unknown outer space that human is unable to investigate specifically. 地球上空22300公里左右,位于地球同步轨道之上,是沉寂无声的外太空边缘,这里如同一个难以抵达的界限。再往外去,是人类无法具体探查的未知太空。 The scattered small satellite, surrounds Earth to revolve back and forth. Sun from a farther place, toward Earth transportation sunlight kindness. 只有零零散散小型卫星,环绕着地球来回旋转。太阳则从更远的地方,朝地球输送阳光的恩惠。 The region of when several bunches of sunlight passing over gently and swiftly outer space edges, seemed been ordinary by the transparent thing isolation, slows down the lower light slightly the propagation velocity , to continue from another side region toward the Earth discarding again. 几束阳光掠过外太空边缘的一个区域时,仿佛被透明的事物隔绝一般,稍微减缓下光的传播速度,再从另一边区域继续往地球投落。 If some people can arrive at the extraterrestrial outer space edge vicinity, certainly can see, that nearly transparent region, reveals a turreted giant space station base faintly. 如果有人能来到地球外太空边缘近处,一定可以看到,那片近乎透明的区域,隐隐显露出一艘塔状的巨型太空站基地。 Existence of this base is completely secret, the Earth super power does not know completely, in own the eyelid of satellite and under space station, has a technical divine creative force of such ultra modernization. 这个基地的存在是完全秘密的,地球超级大国完全不知道,在自己卫星和太空站的眼皮底下,存在这么一个超现代化的科技造物。 Here is the outer space base in Carl Family clan fortress- lookout tower.” “这里就是卡尔家族堡垒的太空基地-瞭望塔。” When Rain leads the Kyle people, through going straight up on aircraft carrier ‚when gate, shifts to this outer space base main hall. By three windshields, can see close at hand Moon, and star early morning embellishes, the twinkle ray vast outer space universe. 雨瞳带着凯尔众人,通过直升航母上的‘门’,转移至这处外空基地正厅时。透过三面挡风玻璃,可以看到近在眼前的月球,以及星晨点缀、闪烁光芒的浩瀚太空宇宙。 This was also too exaggerating......” “这也太夸张了……” Audience superhero this time was really blown thoroughly, stands on the smooth big steel floor, looks in the main hall the extremely advanced equipment, the projection technology, the Kryon energy and the automated intelligence system finding at everywhere, advanced man-made mechanical strength wait/etc.. 一众超级英雄这次真的被彻底镇住了,站在光滑偌大的钢铁地板上,看着正厅内极其先进的设备,随处可见的投影技术、氪金能量、人工智能系统,还有先进的人造机械战力等等。 Experience broad they, seem like as the first entering a city country folk. 见识多广的他们,反倒像是作为第一次进城的乡下人。 This does according to the request of Boss.” “这都是按照老大的要求做的。” The corners of the mouth outlined to wipe the curve, Rain take a step before, leading the people to conduct the detailed visit, the explanation of smile: To build this outer space base, almost gathered the personal connection and money of lineage/vein Carl Family clan, spends for about three years.” 嘴角勾勒一抹弧度,雨瞳在前迈步,带着众人进行详细参观,微笑的讲解道:“为了打造这艘太空基地,几乎聚集了卡尔家族的人脉和钱脉,花费将近三年的时间。” „The key spot of outer space base, the outer covering mounts the vibranium metal, can easily deal with the enemy warship shell attack. In base is energized by Kryon completely provides, can therefore display very superior light artillery localization attack. Other here people have not existed, is the God system is being responsible for managing, the man-made mechanical assistant is responsible for various regions as the manpower and ensure the outer space base can operate normally.” “太空基地的重点部位,外壳都镶嵌上振金金属,可以轻易应对敌舰炮弹打击。基地内的全部供能由氪金提供,所以能发挥出非常优越的光炮定位打击。这里没有其它人存在,都是主神系统在负责管理,人造机械助手作为人手负责各处区域,确保太空基地能正常运作。” Hears here, even Tony shakes the head, is really luxurious enough.” 听到这里,连托尼都摇了摇头,“真够奢侈。” First did not say that expensive vibranium and construction material quality, solely this base, a Kryon energy of day of consumption, satisfies energy requirements of small city sufficiently. 先不说昂贵的振金和建筑材质,单单这座基地,一天消耗的氪金能量,就足以满足一个小城市的能量需求。 But who makes the Carl Family clan rich! 可谁让卡尔家族有钱! Even Stark Industries, is only one of the Carl Family clan subordinate enterprises, money to the Carl Family clan, is only one string of immaterial numbers. 史塔克工业,都只是卡尔家族的下属企业之一,钱对卡尔家族来说,只是一串无关紧要的数字。 What is main is this.” Rain clapping holds, the God system is understanding immediately, the Earth blue three dimensional projection, lays aside in the main hall center. “最主要的是这个。”雨瞳拍拍手掌,主神系统顿时会意,将地球蓝色的三维投影,放置在正厅中央。 Earth projects still in real-time conducts the revolution, at the same time, the innumerable slight blue rays, emit from the Earth domain outward, and weaves the innumerable wires in the overhead crossing, can let feeling nervous that the person of intensive phobophobia looks. 地球投影犹在实时的进行公转,与此同时,无数细微的蓝色光线,从地球版图上往外冒出,并在空中交叉编织成无数线网,能让密集恐惧症的人看的发慌。 Wireless signal?” Tony narrows the eye, saw the trick. “无线信号么?”托尼眯起眼睛,一眼就看出了猫腻。 Right.” Rain nods , to continue saying: „The entire outer space base is equivalent to a signal tower. When the God system revolves here, internally, can Earth all electron message collection monitors, and to all information, conducts the analysis processing at the same time. Outward, can survey the regions beyond ten light year, if there is a foreign invasion Earth, can the earliest possible time detect, and feeds back to the non- natural office in New York.” “没错。”雨瞳点头,继续道:“整艘太空基地相当于一座信号塔。当主神系统在这里进行运转,对内,能将地球所有电子讯息收集监听,并同一时间对所有情报,进行分析处理。对外,能探测十光年外的区域,如果有外敌入侵地球,能第一时间侦测出来,并反馈给纽约的非自然事务所。” Fierce.” “厉害。” Captain America Steve except for the exclamation, does not know that should say what good, here renovated the world outlook of his second war veteran simply. 美国队长史蒂夫除了惊叹,已经不知道该说什么好,这里简直刷新了他这位二战老兵的世界观。 Rain summarized finally: „The outer space base here achievement Carl Family clan headquarters, with the going straight up aircraft carrier of ten thousand meters upper air, dragon turtle island in sea level. The three position becomes the frontline continually, has to connect mutually, the resources and information, and strength shares completely. Is invades for the foreign enemy powerful enemy specially, defense subsequent hand who reserves.” 雨瞳最后总结道:“这里作为卡尔家族总部的太空基地,与万米高空的直升航母,还有海平面上的龙龟岛。三者位置连成一线,互相有门可以连通,资源、情报,以及战力全部共用。是专门为了外敌强敌入侵,所预留的防御后手。” If Nick Director arrived here, meets Le Feng.” “如果尼克局长来到这里,一定会乐疯的。” The Natasha corners of the mouth twitch. This outer space base, simply is Nick Director, continuously long-awaited Earth defense line. 娜塔莎嘴角抽搐。这座太空基地,简直就是尼克局长,一直梦寐以求的地球防线。 Indeed. If we had known the godfather has this subsequent hand, perhaps I am not thinking makes Ultron.” “的确。如果早知道教父有这后手,我也许都不会想着造出奥创。” Even Tony this Earth top engineer, sees so the scale building base, exclaims, let alone others. 托尼这位地球顶尖工程师,看到如此规模打造的基地,都惊叹不已,更别说其他人。 Should say that worthily is Symbol of Peace.” “该说不愧是和平象征。” Sees here, I a little shut out the S.H.I.E.L.D. base suddenly.” “看到这里,我突然有点嫌弃神盾局基地了。” The falcons and HawkEyes two agent heroes, make noise the feeling. 猎鹰和鹰眼两位特工英雄,出声感慨。 The S.H.I.E.L.D. base and compared with here, is the difference of poor building and five-star building. 神盾局基地和这里相比,就是贫民楼和五星大楼的差别。 Kyle was acclaimed and worship words by one pile surrounds, tracing nose with no trace. 凯尔被一堆赞叹和崇拜话语所包围,不留痕迹的摸了摸鼻子。 In fact, initially he was also only and Rain speaks thoughtlessly raises, never expected that Rain not only remembered, but also the expenditure energy will build to finish. 事实上,当初他也只是和雨瞳随口一提,没想到雨瞳不仅记下了,还花费精力将之打造完工。 At that moment after this lookout tower improves achievement, only high was not initially lower than his theory, is Earth's first defense line that deserves. 当下这座瞭望塔完善后的成果,比当初他的理论只高不低,是当之无愧的地球第一防线。 This is the Rain merit. 这都是雨瞳的功劳。 Ok.” Kyle coughs, shifts the topic: Since completed, that uses here, searches Ultron and twin is.” “好了。”凯尔咳嗽一声,转移话题道:“既然建成了,那就用这里,查找奥创和双胞胎的所在吧。” Rain blinks, charming and smart-alecky say/way: Boss. No rush, completion ceremony.” 雨瞳眨眨眼,妩媚而俏皮的道:“老大。别着急,还有完工仪式呢。” Completion ceremony?” Kyle gawked staring. Then, he sees the God system, suddenly turns on an opening the ceiling of base main hall, the channel, can go nonstop to the tower end of lookout tower base. “完工仪式?”凯尔愣了愣。然后,他就看到主神系统,突然将基地正厅的天花板打开一个豁口,有一条通道,可以直通到瞭望塔基地的塔端。 But above tower end, namely outside the outer space, has a Zhang Huagui's golden chair. 而塔端之上,也即太空外面,有着一张华贵的黄金椅子。 Saw the chair, Kyle as if clearly became aware anything, changed the body two stars shape, after the body was dazzled the color energy covered, gently treads, passed over gently and swiftly hundred meters distance following the channel twinkling. He departs the outer space, sits in directly standing on the tower end golden chair. 看到椅子,凯尔似乎明悟了什么,变身双星形态,在身体被炫彩能量笼罩后,轻轻一踏,顺着通道瞬息掠过百米距离。他飞出外太空,直接坐在立在塔端的黄金椅子上。 This flash. 这一刹那。 The entire lookout tower as if changes into a throne, Kyle of two stars shape sits above, the Kryon energy of two stars energy and base supplies fuses mutually, transports as Earth to the only bright. 整座瞭望塔仿佛化为一张王座,双星形态的凯尔坐在其上,双星能量和基地供给的氪金能量相互融合,作为地球输送向外界的唯一亮光。 He like the god of Earth, is overlooking deep blue Earth, with limitless outer space universe. 他如同地球之神,俯视着蔚蓝地球,和无边无际的太空宇宙。 superhero in base, visual on Kyle dazzling brilliance, body and mind unprecedented relaxes. 基地内的超级英雄们,目视着凯尔身上耀眼的光辉,身心前所未有的放松下来。 So long as there is Kyle, Earth will not have the matter, this is similar to the invariable truth principle, making one believe since the heart. 只要有凯尔在,地球就不会有事,这如同不变的真理法则,令人打从心底里相信着。 I understand a few words that suddenly the father once spoke.” “我突然明白父亲曾说的一句话了。” Tony is looking up to the Kyle physique, said in a soft voice: He said. Even in Milky Way, in that difficult day, he does not want dead. Because he knows, if oneself died, that will not have the means to accompany in the future again side the godfather. Side godfathers, was short of a follower.” 托尼仰望着凯尔的身姿,轻声道:“他说。就算在银河系,那艰难的日子里,他也一刻都不想死去。因为他知道,自己如果死了,那往后就没办法再陪伴在教父身边了。教父身边,也少了一位追随者。” Imagines. If many years later, we died, is only left over godfather, lonely sitting on the lookout tower throne, looks at Earth and crisis infinite outer space of protection- that scene, I never have such thoughts simply.” “想象一下。如果多年以后,我们都死了,只剩下教父一人,孤独的坐在瞭望塔王座上,看着守护的地球和危机无限的太空-那场景,我简直连想都不敢想。” The hero in base main hall no one spoke, even the life span is ten thousand years of God of Thunder Thor, rare has not made noise the rebuttal. 基地正厅内的英雄没有人说话,连寿命长达万年的雷神索尔,也难得没有出声反驳。
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