IAMUC :: Volume #8 纽约的英雄们

#588: Goes to the headquarters base

Ultron?” 奥创?” Kyle ponders over to talk over, this recalls finally, in Marvel original historical orbit, indeed has such a villain to exist. 凯尔琢磨念叨,这才终于回忆起,在漫威原历史轨迹,也的确有这么一个反派存在。 Is Iron Man Tony to build to protect the steel regiment of Earth, Ultron system that thus creates. The result had Ultron of independent thought that adopts the formula to deduce, human will destroy Earth finally, therefore after swallows intelligent steward Jarvis, having the steel regiment collective betrayal, the intention to eliminate Avengers and entire Earth human. 原本是钢铁侠托尼为了打造守护地球的钢铁军团,从而缔造的奥创系统。结果有了自主思维的奥创,通过公式推演出,人类最终会毁灭地球,因此在将智能管家贾维斯吞噬后,带着钢铁军团集体背叛,意图消灭复仇者联盟和全地球人类。 Godfather, my mistake, was I worried, originally wants first to ask you to discuss.” Tony sighed gently. “教父,我的错,是我太着急了,本来想先找你商量的。”托尼轻轻叹了口气。 You are not a child.” Kyle shakes the head, loosens the Tony manipulator, you have your judgment, does not need to ask everywhere my meaning, this time made the mistake, that correct mistake on the line, who must experience the failure again, can make the correct decision each time.” “你又不是孩子。”凯尔摇摇头,松开托尼的机械手,“你有自己的判断,没必要处处问我的意思,这次做错了,那再修正错误就行,谁都不可能不经历失败,每次都能做出正确的决定。” But the godfather......, you can.” “可教父……,你可以。” Tony is gazing at Kyle earnestly. The innermost feelings sighed, even if really has gone all out to pursue, is unable to arrive in the altitude of godfather forever. 托尼认真的注视着凯尔。内心叹息,果然就算一直拼命追赶,也永远无法抵达教父的高度。 Kyle shows neither approval nor disapproval, he is cross over, ahead of time knows something and mysteries, think the going astray road somewhat is difficult. 凯尔不置可否,他可是穿越者,提前知道一些事情和奥秘,想走错路还真有点难。 „Hasn't Hulk, slept?” 浩克,还不睡觉么?” Kyle looks up to Hulk, under the two stars shape, holds downward the hand of Hulk, suppresses it stubbornly in the side is unable to work loose. 凯尔抬头望向浩克,在双星形态下,将浩克的手往下拽动,将它死死压制在身旁无法挣脱。 The anger in Hulk eye has not removed, but the subconscious also told it, oneself cannot be victorious present Kyle, wants to hit the contradictory condition that wants to escape be at one type. 浩克眼中的怒火还未褪去,可潜意识又告诉它,自己打不过眼前的凯尔,处于一种想打想逃的矛盾状态。 Tony opens the mouth to explain: Dr. Banner mental by that Scarlet Witch small girl confusing. Continues he, Captain, Natasha and falcon, Avengers almost all people, lost a moment ago mental.” 托尼开口解释道:“班纳博士的心智被那绯红女巫小丫头给迷惑了。不止他一人,队长娜塔莎、猎鹰,复仇者联盟几乎所有人,刚才都迷失了心智。” That must wait for Rain to come, this situation, she is good at dealing.” “那要等雨瞳过来了,这种情况,她擅长应对。” The Kyle words just fell, resemble raising the head of sleep/felt. Sees only a rainbow light beam, plunders from the universe margin hell of remote horizon, pierces the earth's atmosphere, is just scratching his hand, hits on Hulk. 凯尔话刚落下,似有所觉的抬头。只见一道彩虹光柱,自遥远天际的宇宙尽端掠来,洞穿地球大气层,刚好擦着他的手,撞击在绿巨人身上。 Tony retrocedes subconsciously several, then, then sees in the light beam of retrogression, presents one to grasp the hammer and red cloak flap flap the handsome guy, recently was busy going on an expedition Thor that in various Nine Realms places. 托尼下意识后退几步,然后,便看到消退的光柱中,出现一位手持锤子、红披风猎猎的英俊大汉,正是最近在九界各处忙着征战的雷神 Thor, how you have free time.” 索尔,你怎么有空下来。” Kyle looks to appear in present Thor, after previous time heavenly body gathering, two people have not drunk wine for a long time together. 凯尔看着出现在眼前的索尔,自上次的天体汇聚事件后,两人好久没一起饮酒了。 Is Heimdall, he sees Earth to have the unusual condition, just Nine Realms dispute processing was similar, therefore I have a look whether can help busily.” “是海姆达尔,他看到地球出现异常状况,刚好九界纷争处理的差不多了,所以我过来看看是否能帮下忙。” Periphery Thor glance chaotic city street, shrugs saying: Looks at the situation, that is true.” 索尔扫视周围混乱的城市街道,耸耸肩道:“看情况,的确如此。” You come was just the time.” The Tony vision moves downward, is staring at the under foot of Thor. “你来的刚是时候。”托尼目光往下移,盯着索尔的脚下。 Kyle relieves the two stars shape, similarly uses to point, hints under Thor. 凯尔解除双星形态,同样用手指,示意索尔下面。 Un?” Thor lowers the head, this discovered, oneself stands Hulk generous conducting the back. But Hulk the stupor had passed, lying of big font on the ground, the back also irons the Bifrost specific circle design, is sending out light meat fragrance. “嗯?”索尔低头,这才发现,自己站绿巨人宽厚的背上。而绿巨人已经昏迷过去了,大字型的趴在地上,背部还烙有彩虹桥特定的圆型图案,正散发着一股淡淡的肉香。 Excuse me, excuse me.” “不好意思,不好意思。” In the Thor volume emits several drops of cold sweat, quickly jumps down from Hulk. He does not think, experiences is entrained by Hulk in the hand, like his younger brother in the ground pounds the feeling. 索尔额上冒出几滴冷汗,急忙从绿巨人身上跳下。他可不想,体验被绿巨人拽在手里,像他弟弟那样在地上砸来砸去的感觉。 The cloud layer was broken open by a stealth hawk fighter aircraft, the fighter aircraft drives toward the city that Kyle and the others are, slowly decreases in the altitude downward, afterward deck opens, Rain is standing in the edge waiting instruction. 云层被一艘隐形鹰式战机破开,战机朝凯尔等人所在的城区驶来,缓缓的往下降低高度,后尾的甲板打开,雨瞳正站在边缘等待指令。 Takes Hulk, first boards the fighter aircraft, has a look at other person of what situations.” “带上浩克,先上战机,看看其他人什么情况。” Kyle and Thor, Tony of wear anti- Hulk armor, three people will fly, Tony shoulders Hulk on the mechanical shoulder, flies into the fighter aircraft. 凯尔索尔,还有穿着反浩克装甲的托尼,三人都会飞,托尼浩克扛在机械肩上,飞入战机。 The Avengers headquarters building, attacks after the Ultron steel regiment, damaged in a complete mess. When Kyle leads the people, when found Captain America, Black Widow, HawkEyes, falcon and the others, on everyone is basically wounded, is demoralized. 复仇者联盟总部大楼,经过奥创的钢铁军团袭击,已然损坏的一塌糊涂。当凯尔带领众人,找到美国队长黑寡妇鹰眼、猎鹰等人时,每个人身上基本都带着伤,意志消沉。 Saw that Kyle and Thor return, the Avengers members relax secretly, the worried look on face reduces some. They in the most member situation on the scene, does to fall face down by Ultron and twin sister and brother, this is also enough embarrassed. 看到凯尔雷神回归,复仇者联盟成员都暗松口气,脸上的忧色减少些许。他们在大半成员在场的情况下,还是被奥创和双胞胎姐弟干趴下,这也是够难堪的。 On hawk fighter aircraft. 鹰式战机上。 Hulk changes the appearance of Dr. Banner, with Logan, two people hugs in the same place, lies down on the chair of lowering, remains unconscious. Heroes who are under the serious attack, mostly depressed depressing sitting on chair, silent. 浩克变回班纳博士的样子,跟着罗根,二人抱在一起,躺在放低的椅子上,昏迷不醒。遭遇沉重打击的英雄们,大多消沉压抑的坐在椅子上,沉默不语。 Kyle just left the New York not 2-3 days, they defend the non- house, this really lost face. 凯尔刚离开纽约没2-3天,他们就守不住家,这实在是太丢脸了。 Now. We must first look for place recuperation, then looks for the Ultron whereabouts.” “现在。我们必须先找个地方休整一下,再寻找奥创的下落。” Steve after all is the spiritual prop in alliance, cheers up quickly. 史蒂夫毕竟是联盟中的精神支柱,很快振作起精神。 Tony proposed: „The Avengers headquarters were destroyed. New York, after the destruction of our person on one's own side, be not treating in the city now.” 托尼提议道:“复仇者联盟总部被毁了。纽约市区,经过我们自己人的破坏,现在还是别在城区里待着。” Or, goes to my family?” HawkEyes hesitant, finally shake the head in advance, after all on the airplane too many people, Kyle and the others presented that entertainment. “要不,去我家?”鹰眼犹豫了下,结果自己先行摇头,毕竟机上太多人了,还有凯尔等人在场,招待不过来。 Ok, I led you to go to a place.” “好了,我带你们去个地方。” Finally, Kyle makes noise, captures an attention of hero. 最后,还是凯尔出声,吸引一众英雄的目光。 Kyle sits on the driving chair, is hugging cherry Ji who has the flower fragrance, to is waiting for in side Rain asked: There?” 凯尔坐在驾驶椅子上,抱着带有花香的樱姬,对着守候在旁的雨瞳问:“那里可以吧?” Rain understands, the corners of the mouth outlined fine, the smile said: Boss. Absolutely does not have the issue, you for sometime, have not returned to there to have a look.” 雨瞳心领神会,嘴角精致勾勒,微笑道:“老大。完全没问题,你也有段时间,没回那里看看了。” Ok.” Kyle nods, gives the instruction, Vis, returns toward the family headquarters base.” “行。”凯尔点头,给出指令,“维思,往家族总部基地返回。” Good, master.” “好的,主人。” With Vis that the hawk fighter aircraft fuses together, is operating the fighter aircraft, far away from New York, leaves the inland, flies toward the direction extreme velocity of Atlantic Ocean. 与鹰式战机融为一体的维思,操纵着战机,远离纽约,离开内陆,往大西洋的方向极速飞去。 Before long. 不一会儿。 The hawk fighter aircraft arrives at the Atlantic center, decreases in the altitude downward, the lower front of windshield, presents one to float the giant iceberg in sea level. 鹰式战机来到大西洋腹地,往下降低高度,挡风玻璃的前下方,出现一座浮在海面上的巨型冰山。 „Is that the headquarters base of Carl Family clan?” “那就是卡尔家族的总部基地?” The Avengers heroes look at each other in blank dismay, only then Tony smiles with tacit understanding, the Carl Family clan headquarters base, before is his father, plans the manufacture, he knows some ultra modernized functions. 复仇者联盟的英雄们面面相觑,只有托尼会意一笑,卡尔家族总部基地,是他父亲以前策划制造的,他知道其中的一些超现代化功能。 For example projection camouflage that immediately this confuses falsehood with the truth. 例如当下这以假乱真的投影伪装。 The hawk fighter aircraft locking giant iceberg, hits downward, in Steve and the others under calling out in alarm, the fighter aircraft across a projection mutual lack of understanding, enters true Carl Family clan headquarters base- 鹰式战机锁定巨型冰山,一头往下撞去,在史蒂夫等人的惊呼下,战机穿过一层投影隔膜,进入真正的卡尔家族总部基地- What maps at present is big islands, in the island the forest, waterfall, lake and sea of flowers have it all, in the midpoint of islands, namely the summit, is situated a circle fortress, under the sunlight, is setting off the unique silver metallic luster. 映入眼前的是一座偌大的岛屿,岛上森林、瀑布、湖泊、花海一应俱全,在岛屿的正中央,也即山巅,坐落着一栋圆型堡垒,在阳光下,反衬着特有的银色金属光泽。 That is vibranium, with base fortress that vibranium makes.” Steve forced smile. “那是振金,用振金做的基地堡垒。”史蒂夫苦笑。 The hawk fighter aircraft just now enters the islands territorial airspace, as the resonant hoofbeat resounds together, the dark horse of black flame, is carrying one to look like Hulk, the whole body is actually twining the life of green flame and iron chain, blocks in the fighter aircraft front. 鹰式战机才刚进入岛屿领空,随着一道嘹亮的马蹄声响起,一匹踢踏着黑焰的黑马,载着一个酷似浩克,却浑身缠绕着绿色火焰和铁链的生灵,拦在战机前方。
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