Finally, only thenseveralcanleap the water surface, stood erect the eternalgodaboveskyto seebythat.
最终,只有几个能够跃出水面,被那屹立在天空之上的永恒之神所看见。Thatis, the lead of era.
那即是,纪元的主角。Alsoonly thenpastdivine species, cansaysuchwordsto come.
也只有昔日的神明种,才能够说出这样的话来吧。He can only sayfinally: „Really is this brutalworld?” The talkended.
他最后只能说道:“这真是个残酷的世界啊?”谈话结束。Blimanput out a hand, reachedoneselffirst mate. „Startshere!”
„ Fosters talent, Iwill giveyouin the body that thisworld can also have.
The first mateaskedBliman: „Icanask, whatbody will Ihave?”
大副问布里曼:“我能问一下,我将拥有什么样的躯壳吗?”Blimansaid: „Youwill change into a bodywithyourplatinumtree.” The first matesaysimmediatelywith a smile: „ Probablyalsopretty good.
布里曼说:“你将和你的白金树化为一体。”大副立刻笑着说道:“好像也不赖。„Fostering talent”raised the head, walkstowardBliman. „Violentsuddenly/violentlysuddenly/violently~”
“树人”抬起头,朝着布里曼走去。“暴暴暴~”Instantaneously, the entireblood-colorvortexrevolvedfiercely.
瞬间,整个血色漩涡剧烈地旋转了起来。Butbeforethatcavern, allsnake humanwatches the fiercesound that the vortexsends out, finallyhears with a crashloud sound.
而在那洞窟之前,所有蛇人看着漩涡发出的剧烈动静,最后听到一声砰然巨响。Water surfaceblasting open, a bigformstoodfrom the water, arrived at the edgelittle.
水面炸裂,一个高大的身影从水中站了起来,一点点走到了边缘。Everyoneseesthatbigformhelplessly, the fellowseems likegianttrees, butactuallyseems like the personto be the same is walking.
The branch and rattan that his lets fall, twogiantarms, the leafsupport of top of the head, is coveringSun of spaceprobably. Whatis more fearful, onthattreeis growing a faceunexpectedly. Eye.
他那垂落的树枝和藤条,就好像两只巨大的手臂,头顶的树叶支撑而起,遮挡着天上的太阳。更可怕的是,那树上竟然长着一张人脸。还有眼睛。„Face, ontreesteadily a face.”Whenseesthatface, everyonehas a scare.
“脸,树上长着一张脸。”当看到那张脸的时候,所有人都吓了一跳。„Did treelive?”Everyonecalls out in alarm.
“树活了?”人人惊呼。„Tree that whatsituation, thisworldwherecomes?” Before the crowd, „dwarf”thought that thishas the issue.
“什么情况,这个世界哪里来的树?”人群之前,“小矮人”觉得这有问题。„Yes”later, heguessed correctlyanythingfaintly.
“难道是・・・・・・”随后,他隐隐猜出了什么。Thatdoes not know that isanything'sexistenceis looking intothemfrom afar, thensays.
那不知道是什么的存在远远眺望着他们,然后开口说道。„What's wrong, didn't knowme?”
“怎么,不认识我了?”Thisflash, everyonecalls out in alarmmakes noise. „Fosters talent?”
Before, „fostering talent”was only a nickname.
在以前,“树人”只是一个绰号。Butnow, „fostering talent”becomesreallyfosters talent.
而现在,“树人”成为了真的树人了。Fostering talentstandsin the edge of blood-colorvortex, looks downgathers the person who comesunceasingly, extended the arm, covered the sunlightforthem. „Dwarf”goes forward, inquired that turned intofostering talent of thisappearance. „Fosters talent, how will youturn intothis?”
树人站在血色漩涡的边缘,低头看着不断汇聚而来的人,伸出了手臂,替他们遮挡住了阳光。“小矮人”上前,询问变成了这副模样的树人。“树人,你怎么会变成这样?”„Also, thisblood-colorvortexwhat's the matter?”Fosters talentto tell the followingperson, says.
„ SirBlimangave upshape of God, changed intothispiece of bloodshed. „ However my body, washefused the platinumtree and snake humanbody, made
的超凡之躯。„Inthisera, snake humanis unable to survive.”
“在这个纪元,蛇人是无法生存下去的。”„SirBlimantraded a shapeforme, makingmenot need dead can also detainmywisdom.”
“布里曼大人替我换了个形态,让我不必死去也能够留住我的智慧。”„You , if unusualness, canchoose my shape, changes a wayto existinthisworld.”
“你们如果是超凡者的话,也可以选择我这个形态,换一种方式在这个世界存在下去。”„Dwarf”dumbfoundedlooks atthatto foster talent the body that: „Fosters talent?”
“小矮人”目瞪口呆的看着那树人的躯壳:“树人?”Somepeople feel hardto accept, perhapsalsoonly thenfosters talentlike thiswith the treeforpartner the person of odd, canacceptsuchlife form! Fostered talentto sayis saying, had a yawn, heas if felt very sleepy, afterturning intothisbody.
有些人感觉难以接受,或许也只有树人这样与树为伴的怪癖之人,才能够接受这样的生命形态吧!树人说着说着,打了个哈欠,他似乎感觉很困,在变成了这幅躯壳后。Then, hereallychanged into a truebig treebeforeeveryone, fell asleeplike this.
蛮荒原始的世界。Above the islands of newbirth, presented a blood-colorlake, the edge in lakestoodto foster talent.
新诞生的岛屿之上,出现了一座血色湖泊,湖泊的边缘站着一棵树人。Butallsnake human that goes intothisprimitiveworld, look atthatto foster talentwith the lake, the expressionor the shock, orthinks deeply.
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