Invaton the isolated island of the world.
缸中世界的孤岛上。Hasperson who the firstchoiceturned intofosters talent, naturallyhadsecond.
The lifeis very great, itcancreate the miracle.
The life is also very small and weak, appearsin the front of natureandworldtinyandweak.
生命也很弱小,在自然和世界的面前显得渺小且无力。In such brutalbadenvironment, somepeoplecould not supporteventually, comparesinsuffering of pain, will unable to see the future of hope.
在这样残酷恶劣的环境下,终究还是有人撑不住了,相比于病痛的折磨,看不到希望的未来。Perhaps, turning into a treeis notcannotaccept.
或许,变成一棵树也不是不能够接受。In a day of night.
A bodyis thin, but the abdomensticks outballmasculinesnake humanto set outhighprobablyquietly.
一个身体骨瘦如柴,但是腹部高高隆起好像一个球的男性蛇人悄悄起身。Heamongbeds, inpainfulmoanandin the breathingout of breath, left the cavern.
月光下。Heis swaying from side to side the tail, nearly is sidewaysto crawllittleclose todistant placethatblood-colorvortex.
The bigtreesstand erectbythatscarletvortex, the light that refracts, making the surroundinggroundhave the blood-color.
高大的树木屹立在那片猩红色的漩涡旁边,折射出来的光,让周围的地面都带着血色。Heclimbs over the groundlike thislittle, finallyarrived atthatblood-colorvortexwatershore.
他就这样一点点爬过地面,最后来到了那血色漩涡水岸。On the mobilewater surface, taking advantage of the moonlighthecanseefaintlyownthatdeephollowface.
流动的水面上,借着月光他可以隐隐看到自己那深深凹陷的脸。Is reflecting the red light, just like the ghostskeleton.
映着红光,犹如幽魂骷髅。Heraised the head.
他抬起头。Lookstoat presentthisworld's onlythattree.
看向了目前这个世界唯一的那棵树。On the tree, hesaw a faceslowlyearth movement, slightlyis of tranquil and facedelaywithonelooks athim.
树上,他看到了一张脸庞慢慢地动了起来,用一张略显平静和呆滞的脸看着他。Twopeople of whatwordshad not said,theyknowwill soon haveanything.
二人什么话都没有说,他们都知道即将发生些什么。After a while, onlyhears the sound that a heavy itemfell in the water.
“噗通。”Looked at the pastagain, by the blood-colorvortexdoes not haveanytrace.
再看过去,血色漩涡旁边已经没有了任何踪影。Next morning, the cavern of entirehousingis awakened by noiseby an sharpsoundimmediately.
“树!”„Were many.”
“多了一棵。”Onegroup of peopleset outto arrive by the cavern, lookedto the distant place.
一群人起身来到了洞穴旁边,看向了远处。In the morningunderSun, stood erect the secondtreein the edge of blood-colorvortex, everyonecanunderstand that probablythishadanything.
清晨太阳下,在血色漩涡的边缘竖立起了第二棵树,所有人都大概能够明白这是发生了什么。Two„dwarf”alsostandsin the crowd, is looking intothattree.
二副“小矮人”也站在人群之中,眺望着那棵树。„Has a look.”
“去看看。”Heleads the peopleto hold up a canvasimmediately, arrived under the tree.
他立刻带领着众人举起一张帆布,来到了树下。Butat this time, somepeoplethrew over the capeto bindsolidcome, toldtwo„dwarf”.
而这个时候,有人披着斗篷裹得严严实实地过来,告诉了二副“小矮人”。„Observationdisappears, inhisbellygrew the insect, howeverwedo not have the medicineto govern.”
“瞭望手不见了,他肚子里面长了虫,然而我们没有药治。”„Hehad said yesterday that ratherturns into a treealsoto feel betteris barely existinglike this.”
The peopleraised the headagain, on the crotch of discoverythattree, is hanging an observationmirror.
众人再抬起头,就发现那树的树杈上,挂着一个瞭望镜。All, it goes without saying.
一切,不言而喻。Everyoneis gazing atmutually, as ifwantedto sayanything.
所有人互相注视着,似乎互相之间想要说些什么。Butat this time.
而这个时候。Thatjustturned intoobservation of fostering talentto movesuddenly.
那个刚刚变成了树人的瞭望手突然动了起来。Thismoves, immediatelyattractseveryone'sattention, andbreaksplan that theyspoke.
这一动,立刻吸引住了所有人的注意力,并且打断了他们说话的打算。Seeminglywas entangled together, burlonethingmovedprobablylittle, turned into a face.
原本看上去纠结在一起,像是树瘤一样的东西一点点动了起来,变成了一张脸。Onfacesteadilyeye, andopened the mouthspeech.
脸上长着眼睛,并且张开嘴巴说话了。Does not know that changed into the reason of anotherlife form, although before hissound, is similar, butalwaysfelt that the rhythmwantsto be slower, the emotionalsobecamefaint.
不知道是不是换成了另一个生命形态的原因,他的声音虽然还是和以前非常相似,但是总感觉节奏要慢很多,情感也变得淡漠了许多。„Ido not needto eat the thing, will not be hungry, I felt very warm.”
“我不用吃东西,不会饥饿,我感觉很温暖。”„Myroot hairwill absorb the energyfrom the water, mybodydoes not dread the ignition of Sun.”
“我的根须会从水中汲取能量,我的身体不畏惧太阳的灼烧。”„Thisfishy smellredseacanswallow the lifebody in sea, transformsblood energyto supplyus, makinguslive.”
The fishy smellredsea, theyheardthisname for the first time.
腥红之海,他们还是第一次听到了这个名字。Although, itcould not have said that nowby faris the sea.
虽然,它现在还远远称不上是海。Then, fostered talentclosed the eyeslowly.
说完,树人又缓缓地闭上了眼睛。Whileeveryonewantsto sayagainanythingtime, thatfosters talentopens the eyesuddenly, probablysuddenlyrememberedanything, supplementedoneloudly.
正当所有人再想说些什么的时候,那树人突然又睁开眼睛,好像突然想起了什么,大声补充了一句。„Unusualness, canturnfosters talent.”
“只有超凡者,才能够变成树人。”This, frightenedeveryoneto jump.
这一声,吓了所有人一跳。Under the tree, the peoplelookto foster talent, was worried that heopens the mouthto frighteneveryoneto jumpsuddenly, quite a whileiscompletely silent.
树下,众人看着树人,担心他突然又开口吓所有人一跳,半天都是鸦雀无声。Howeverthen, thendid not have the soundagain.
但是再然后,便没有了声息。Butfinally, two„dwarf”firstopened the mouth, itasked that thisfosters talentnewly.
“瞭望手。”„Yousaid that whatmeaningunusualness can turnfosters talentis?”
“你说的,只有超凡者才能变成树人是什么意思?”Fosters talentto narrow the eye, a trapped/sleepyappearance.
树人眯着眼睛,一副困得不行的样子。„Yes, SirBlimantoldme.”
“是,布里曼大人告诉我的。”„Fostering talentisspecialunusual species , the unusualplatinumtree, canliveunderSun of ignitionlife.”
“树人是特殊的超凡种,也只有超凡的白金树,才能够在灼烧生命的太阳下活下来。”„Can, towerunderSun of antiquetime.”
“才能够,耸立在太古时代的太阳之下。”Howthento shout,heis not willingto sayanything.
The peoplehave doubtsvery much, thisis notobservation in theireye: „Iremember,hewas notonesaidoneselfdo not needto sleep, in full vigourwithmachinesamefellow?”
众人很疑惑,这不是他们眼中的瞭望手:“我记得,他不是一个说自己不需要睡觉,精力旺盛得和机器一样的家伙吗?”Is familiar withhispersonalsoto nod: „Becoming to be how same as the old man.”
The peoplehave the inexplicablefearregardingthischange: „Is thisfellowreallyoriginalthathe?”
众人对于这种变化生出莫名的恐惧:“这家伙真的是原来那个他吗?”Fosters talentto be the same withanother.
If not the necessarysituation, theylikesleeping.
如果不是必要的情况,他们更喜欢睡觉。Thisis nottheiroriginalcharacters, butis the characteristics that thiscompletenewbodybrings.
这不是他们原本的性格,而是这具全新的躯壳带来的特性。intelligent specieslooks likeoneto be closed the slaveinbodysometimes, was orderedby the body, was urgedby the body.智慧种有的时候就像是一个被关在躯壳里的奴隶,被身体所命令,也被身体所驱使。Butwedo not resist, evenendures gladly.
而我们也并不抗拒,甚至甘之若饴。Alsopassed for day.
又过去了一天。Whendoes not know, by the blood-colorvortex, had/left a treeagain.
不知道什么时候,血色漩涡旁边,再度多出了一棵树。Massiveformsstandin the cavernentrance, was guessingactuallythatis , some people of departwantto go forwardto examine.
大量的身影站在洞穴门口,猜测着那究竟是谁,有人出发想要上前去查看。Alsothere is a weakincomparablepersonto holdon the wall, the visionlooks atthatto standin the tree of shore.
也有虚弱无比的人扶在墙壁上,目光看着那立在岸边的树。In the mouthdid not say a word, butactuallystood erectfor a very long timemotionlessly.
好像。Alsoturned into a treeto be the same.
也变成了一棵树一样。Althoughineveryonemouthwas saying the life form of fostering talentis too fearful, does not wantto turn intothatappearance, butthatis onlywhen the body can also be truly complete, has not fallen intotrulydesperately.
大家口中虽然说着树人的生命形态太可怕,不想要变成那个样子,但是那只是在身体还能真正完好的时候,还没有真正陷入绝望。Whenarrivesfaced with that moment of trialandchoice, even if only a floatin the water surfacestraw, the person of drowningwill also discard to holditprobablystubbornly.
当面临审判和抉择的那一刻到来的时候,哪怕只是一根漂浮在水面的稻草,溺水的人也会像是舍弃一切将其死死抓住。Even if drop of poisonouswater, theywill also lickto lickcleanlyitlike the traveler of desertwrong path.
哪怕是一滴毒水,他们也会像沙漠迷途的旅人一样将其舔舐得干干净净。Night, somepeopleheard the sound of setting out.
夜里,有人听到了起身的声音。Thisis not strange, what is strangethatsoundgoesin the entrancedirection.
“唰唰!”Two„dwarf”alsonoticedthatsound, heset outto lookin the entrancedirection.
二副“小矮人”也注意到了那动静,他起身朝着门口的方向看去。Saw that twosnake humanare supporting by the arm, walkstowardoutsidesluggishly.
就看到两个蛇人搀扶着,慢吞吞地朝着外面走去。„Dwarf”naturallyunderstands that theymustmakeanything, hewantsto get out of bedimmediately, as to blockthem.
“小矮人”当然明白他们要做些什么,他立刻想要下床,似乎想要去拦住他们。However after getting up, healsodid not haveanymovement.
但是起来之后,他却又没有了任何动作。Like thislooksthattwopeopleaccompany, moved towardunderthatmoonlighttogetherfishy smellred.
只是这样看着那两个人结伴,一同走向了那片月色下的腥红。„Dwarf”is unable to describe the presentfeelings.
“小矮人”无法去描述自己现在的心情。Heas ifhasmanyreasonsto stopothers.
他似乎有很多个理由去阻拦别人。Does not want, do not turn into a tree, turns intoonedull-witted and sentimentalfainttree.
不要,不要去变成一棵树,变成一棵愚钝而又感情淡漠的树。Tree that the heartis unable to beat.
一棵,心脏无法跳动的树。However, healsohas no reasonto stopthem, becauseas if no a betterchoice.
但是,他又没有任何理由去阻拦他们,因为似乎已经没有了更好的选择。Howeverin any event, heis unable to imagine itselfto turn into an appearance of tree, hefeelsoneselfchest, is feeling the leapingrhythm of heart.
但是无论如何,他也无法想象自己变成一棵树的模样,他摸着自己的胸口,感受着心脏的跃动节奏。Sonimble and resourceful, seems the flameto burn.
如此灵动,就好像火焰在燃烧。„Dwarf”is looking into the form of thatdistant place, vanishesinripples that in the red lightrippled.
“小矮人”眺望着那远处的身影,消失在了红光荡漾的涟漪之中。Althoughcannot hear, butnear the earactuallyas iftransmitted the water currentto sweep acrosswithplop the sound.
His flash, said the innermost feelingsto hide very longwordsfinally.
他这一瞬间,终于说出了内心隐藏很久的话语。„Is here, reallyDivine Country?”
“这里,真的是神国吗?”Butat this time, hisnearbycotton threadwas pulled opensuddenly, revealed a face of little girl.
而这个时候,他旁边的布帘突然被拉开,露出了一个小女孩的脸庞。Shealsosawjustpicture, someworriessaid.
她也看到了刚刚的画面,有些担心地说道。„Can theyalsoturn into the big tree?”
“他们也要去变成大树吗?”„Thesebig treesdo not likespeakingwithme, before theybecome, was different, beforetheylikedcracking a jokewithmevery much, will also give the thingtome.”
“那些大树都不喜欢和我说话,他们变得和之前不一样了,以前他们很喜欢和我开玩笑的,还会送东西给我。”After a while, the girlalsosaid.
过了一会,女孩又说。„Theysaid,wewill turn intosuch.”
“他们说,我们都会变成那样。”„Either, turns into a fish, orinsect.”
“要么,就变成一条鱼,或者虫子。”„Dwarf”as ifwanted saying that cannotlike this.
“小矮人”似乎想要说,不会这样的。Howeverfinally, anythinghas not said.
但是最后,却什么也没有说出来。Withjusthimdoes not know how to stopthat two crewto be the same in the past, at this momenthedoes not know how to reply the girl, hewantedto preventorchange, actuallypreventedandchangesweak.
就和刚刚他不知道如何阻拦那两个往昔船员一样,此刻他也不知道如何回答女孩,他想要阻止或者改变,却又无力阻止和改变。Under the brutaltheoremprinciple of thisworld, he of average person, isThe Platinumtwohe, seemssotiny.
在这个世界的残酷定理法则之下,不论是普通人的他,还是白金号二副的他,都显得如此渺小。„Dwarf”suddenlyremembered the childhood.
“小矮人”突然想起了小时候。Heprobablyalsolike the presentweak, can only look that the elegantgauzegoes far awaylittle, butanythingcannot achieve.
他好像也像现在这样无力,只能看着娜纱一点点远去,而什么也做不到。„Dwarf”looks atgirl'seyes, saidonesuddenly.
“小矮人”看着女孩的眼睛,突然之间说了一句。„Sorry, elegantgauze.”
“对不起,娜纱。”„Ireallythink that hereis the state of god, is...... thatDivine Country that wewant.”
The girlaskedhim: „Whymustsay that sorry?”
女孩问他:“为什么要说对不起?”However„dwarf”lowers the head, hefront that lowered the girl: „Becausemyalwaysanythingcannot achieve, can only , whateverthisworldcarries offall, plundersall.”
但是“小矮人”低着头,他将头低到了女孩的面前:“因为我总是什么都做不到,只能任由这个世界带走一切,掠夺一切。”Hecloses one's eyes, oneselfdo not darebeforeweakto showbefore the opposite party who the personexposescompletely: „Why arrived here, thisworldissuchbrutal, Divine Country that weseek, actuallywhere?”
The girltouches the head of dwarf, recentlyshegrows, evenwas higher than „dwarf”.
女孩摸了摸小矮人的头,最近一段时间她又长高了一些,甚至比“小矮人”还高一些了。Alsobecause ofthis, thatelegantgauze in eyewith„dwarf”becamelooks like.
也因为这样,和“小矮人”眼中的那个娜纱变得更像了。„Do not be afraid, allwill be good.”
“不要害怕,一切都会好起来的。”„Motherwill be blessingus, wecanwell.”
“妈妈会庇佑着我们的,我们都会好好的。”Before then, sheis also reading aloudsuchwordslike this, falls into the personpray of painforthese.
在此之前,她也是这样念诵着这样的话,为那些陷入痛苦的人祈祷的。Hervoicesomewhatis also strange, mother twocharacterssoundsomewhatincoherent, in additionherexpectationwith the devoutappearance, whichSpiritual Godnameread aloudto be the same probably.
---------------------------On this day.
这一天。Above the simplebed, has withstood the femaleship's doctor who suffersseems like not good.
The ship's doctorisone will always handlecleanperson very much, is combinghighponytail, wears the appropriateclothes, even ifon the ship of sea.
船医是一个总将自己打理得很干净的人,梳着高高的马尾,穿着得体的衣服,哪怕是在大海的船上。ShealsosecretlythroughtakingwitchYaolaimaintainsoneselfbeauty, butwill never tellothers.
她还会偷偷通过服用巫药来维持自己的美丽,只不过从来不会告诉别人。OnThe Platinum.
在白金号上。Sheis popular withcrew, everyonelikesrevolvingher.
她非常受船员们的欢迎,所有人都喜欢围绕着她。Althoughsomepeopleliketeasinghermouthhi, but everyone respectshervery much, is protectingher.
虽然有人喜欢打趣她口嗨一下,但是每个人都很尊重她,护着她。Evenin secret, calledherfor the flower of The Platinum.
The floweris the symbol of God, thistitleishighest.
花是神明的象征,这称号已经是最高了。As ifin other words, onthisshipsheis the goddess of crew.
似乎就是说,在这条船上她就是船员们的女神。Butat this moment, herfacial featureswithered, is sending out the odor, the bodyeverywhereis the corruptrottenskin and malignant ulcer.
而此刻,她面容枯槁,散发着恶臭,身上到处都是腐败腐烂的皮肤和恶疮。Let aloneisotherswantsto cover the noseto feel sick.
别说是别人想要捂鼻作呕。She, incomparablyloathes herselfat this moment.
就连她自己,此刻也无比厌恶自己。Peopleencircleinhersurroundings, regretted that looks ather.
人们围在她的周围,惋惜地看着她。„What to do?”
“怎么办?”„Was too serious.”
“唉……”Beforeshecould not speak, even the thingcould not eat.
之前她一直说不出话来,连东西也吃不下去。Butat this moment, shewas little pointplaceto start to speak, as ifalsohad the strength.
而此刻,她却一点点点地开始能够说话了,似乎也有了力气。Shehas not looked at others, butsets outto look at the mirror on desktopslightly.
她没有看其他人,而是微微起身直直地看着桌面上的镜子。However after looking atone, shelies downimmediatelyrapidly, rolls uponegroup, does not dareto look atthatmirroragain.
但是看了一眼之后,她立刻迅速的躺了下去,蜷缩成一团,不敢再去看那镜子。Shesawprobably the world'smost fearfulnightmare is the same, tremblessaid.
她就好像看到了世界上最可怕的梦魇一样,瑟瑟发抖地说道。„Thatis notI.”
“那不是我。”„Do not look atme, do not thinkme.”
“不要看我,不要看着我。”„Do not thinkme.”
“不要看着我。”Herwitheredboth handsholdoneselfface, actuallydid not entrain a bighaircarefully.
她干枯的双手捧着自己的脸,却不小心拽下来了一大把头发。Instantaneously, shelooks atoneselfoneselfhair, the corner of the eyeflows the tears.
瞬间,她看着自己的自己的头发,眼角流淌下了眼泪。She of beauty-loving does not seem ableto acceptoneselfappearanceat this moment, the vision of peopleto her, intoxicSunthat daywas more fearful.
爱美的她似乎无法接受自己此刻的模样,那众人的目光对于她来说,比那天上有毒的太阳更可怕。„Do not gather round, does gathering round make one not gasp for breathdoes not know?”
“站远一点,远一点。”„Dwarf”this timeheard the newsto walk, dispersedeveryone.
“小矮人”这个时候听到消息走了过来,将所有人驱散了开来。Butfollowsbehindinhis„elegantgauze”saw the tears of femaleship's doctor, the expressionseems like the flashalsobecomesverysad.
而跟在他身后的“娜纱”看到了女船医的眼泪,表情似乎一瞬间也变得非常伤心。„Elegantgauze”coveredownblanketcautiouslyon the body of femaleship's doctor, thatwas„dwarf”givesherpreciousgift, a veryspaciousblanket.
“娜纱”将自己的毯子小心翼翼地盖在了女船医的身上,那是“小矮人”送给她的珍贵礼物,一张非常宽大的毯子。Entirebindssufficiently the femaleship's doctor, evencoversherface.
The little girlshortlower part of the bodyliesin the bedside, does not know that shouldsayanything, butlooks at the eyes of femaleship's doctor.
The femaleship's doctorlooksto bindoneselfblanketcompletely, in the eyereveals the gratefulmoodto see the girl.
她也知道,自己快要死了。Shegazes at the little girl, in the mouthtwitteringwas saying.
她注视着小女孩,嘴中呢喃着说道。„Turns into a tree, as ifalsoandgood.”
“变成一棵树,似乎也并不错。”„Every dayanythingdoes not serve as, does not needto think, so long asstandsthere, leisurely.”
“每天什么也不用做,也不用去想,只要站在那里,优哉游哉的。”„I, ifturnsfosters talent, Ido not wantthatlike the tumorsameface, wantsto change into the flower, likerainbowtreesuchflower.”
“不过我要是变成树人的话,我不要那张如同瘤子一样的脸,想要换成花,就像彩虹树那样的花。”„, The flower of rainbowtree, was really beautiful.”
“啊,彩虹树之花,实在是太美了。”„Sucheachseesmyperson, likeme, will be praisingmebefore.”
“这样每个看到我的人,也会像我之前一样,赞美着我。”„Pitifully, mytreeis unable to turn, can only die.”
“可惜,我连一棵树都无法变成,只能死去。”„Died, probablyalsogood.”
The femaleship's doctorlookis confused, the spoken languageis somewhat chaotic.
女船医眼神迷茫,言语有些混乱。„Oh, right.”
“哦,对了。”„Idid not have the means dead, Iwill turn into a fish, turns into an insect, orturns intowhatnauseathing.”
“我还没有办法死去,我会变成一条鱼,变成一只虫子,或者变成什么恶心至极的东西。”„Turning into the fishis also good, is at least better than the insect.”
“变成鱼也不错,至少比虫子好。”„Damn, whycan'tdiedirectly?”
“该死,为什么不能直接死掉呢?”Is listening to the words of femaleship's doctor, „dwarf” seemed also unable to continue watching.
听着女船医的话语,“小矮人”似乎也看不下去了。At this time, heassigned/life the personto lift the femaleship's doctorto arrive at the fishy smellredseashore.
这个时候,他命人抬着女船医来到了腥红之海边。„Dwarf”liesin the shore, looks in the water.
“小矮人”趴在岸边,看着水中。„CaptainBliman, can youhearmysound?”
“布里曼船长,你能够听到我的声音吗?”Has not replied, after a while, he can only waveto feed in the bloody water the femaleship's doctor.
没有回音,过了一会,他只能挥手让人将女船医送进了血水之中。Thatformfalls in the water, thenstartsto sinkfast.
那身影落入水中,便快速开始下沉。But the ignorantblurryfemaleship's doctor, in the flash of falling in the water, feltoneselfprobablygraspedby an invisibleandwarmbig handin the palm.
而原本浑浑噩噩迷迷糊糊的女船医,在落水的一瞬间,就感觉自己好像被一只无形且温暖的大手握在了手心。Shefelt that oneselfconsciousnesswas being as if pulledby a wisp of light, went to the mostdeep place of thisblood-colorvortex.
她感觉到了自己的意识似乎被一缕光拉扯着,前往到了这片血色漩涡的最深处。Inthere, shesaw a familiarform.
在那里,她看到了一个熟悉的身影。Sheis revolving, opened the eyelittle, immediatelyrecognizes the opposite party.
她旋转着,一点点睁开了眼睛,立刻认出了对方。Sheopens the mouth, looks that the opposite party said excitedly that she is also the The Platinumcrew, isBliman'sadorer and faithfulfan.
“布里曼大人。”„Youare also living.”
“你还活着。”Blimanlooks at the femaleship's doctor, indifferentlyandsheis chatting, probably was the same in the past.
布里曼看着女船医,淡然地和她聊着天,就好像往常一样。„Iam certainly also living, is onlythisappearance, cannotpull outyouto the cigarette that Imake.”
The femaleship's doctorflashis moved to tears, the spoken languageconcentratesto choke.
女船医一瞬间热泪盈眶,言语凝噎。„Youturned into a piece of bloodshed, butIam also dying.”
“您变成了一片血海,而我也要死了。”„The Platinumdid not have, ouranythingdid not have.”
“白金号也没有了,我们什么都没有了。”Blimanshakes the head, tells the femaleship's doctor.
布里曼摇了摇头,告诉女船医。„No, allalso.”
“不,一切都还在。”„WeareThe Platinum, youwill not die, wecontinuously.”
“我们就是白金号,你也不会死,我们一直都会在。”„Itoyou a brand-newappearance, makingyouexistwellinthisworld.”
The ship's doctorsraised the head, looktoBliman: „Real?”
船医抬起头,看向了布里曼:“真的吗?”Blimanasked back: „Do youbelieveme?”
The ship's doctorssmiled, at this moment, shecanlaughfinallyhappily.
船医笑了起来,此时此刻,她终于能够开心地大笑了。Sheswims awaytowardBliman'sshadow, slowlyputs out a hand.
“船长。”„Is thatappearanceattractive?”
“那模样好看吗?”Blimanalsoput out a hand, gripped the hand of femaleship's doctor.
布里曼也伸出手,握住了女船医的手。Seemedhimto change into the bloodshedthat morningto be the same, buthegave the replyat this moment.
就好像他化为血海的那天早晨一样,只不过他此刻给予了回答。„Naturally, youare the flower of The Platinum.”
“当然,你可是白金号之花。”Blimangrabs the hand of femaleship's doctor, the bigformlowersslightly, inthateyefilledwas intelligentandwarm.
布里曼抓住女船医的手,高大的身影微微低下来,那双眼睛里充满了智慧和温暖。„PerhapsIcould not giveyouto be complete, perhapsis unable to giveyou to want.”
“我或许给不了你们全部,或许无法给予你们所有想要的。”„But, I...... all my cangivetoyou.”
The femaleship's doctorsmiled, closed the eye.
The raysurges, the entireblood-colorvortexrevolvedfiercely.
光芒涌动,整个血色漩涡都剧烈地旋转了起来。Blimanopens the mouth, calledtwospeciesnames.
布里曼开口,喊出了两个物种的名字。„snake human.”
“鱼。”Two'sorganlinks, had the newchange.
二者的器官结合在一起,出现了新的变化。snake humanpresented the evolutionprobably, butlooksfromanotherangle, seems likein the degenerationis ordinary, itwas turning intoanotherappearanceslowly.蛇人好像出现了进化,但是从另一个角度看去,又似乎是在退化一般,其在慢慢地变成了另一个模样。Blimanis controlling the Seed of Three Leavesstrength, thensayingone after another.
布里曼驾驭着三叶之种的力量,然后一句一句的说道。„Youcannotclimb up the groundagain, but can actually inunderwaterlivefreely.”
“你不能够再爬上地面,但是却能够在水下自由自在地活着。”„Youno longeraresnake human, butis actually retainingshape of God of upper bodyas before.”
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