In the spacetogetherthundertwinkle, was thincrash-bang the rainto get down.
The person in caverndrilledfinally, puts out all kinds ofthings, then the rainwater of space.
洞穴里的人终于钻了出来,拿出各种各样的东西,接着天上的雨水。Theyopen the splitlip, stretches out the tongueto lickto lick the rainwater that the spaceis falling, the bigmouthplaceis swallowingthatrainwater.
他们张开干裂的嘴唇,伸出舌头舔舐着天上落下来的雨水,大口地吞咽着那雨水。Is feeling the hot suncoveredcoolness, on the snake humanfacesshowed the smile.
感受着烈日被遮挡后的阴凉,一个个蛇人脸上露出了笑容。Thisis, their period of timewere worth the happymatteronly. Is defendingbigsea, unexpectedlywater shortage.
这是,他们这段时日来唯一值得高兴的事情了。守着一大片海洋,竟然会缺水。Even is not only the water, anyall, theylackhere, the whole worldistheir, buttheyas ifalsoanythingdoes not have.
甚至不仅仅是水,任何所有的一切,他们都缺在这里,整个世界都是他们的,但是他们却似乎又什么都没有。Thisis the status quo. Incavern.
这就是目前的现状。洞穴内。Blimanis inspectingat presenteveryone'spresent situation, cansee the person who fell illare getting more and more, manypeoplelie downon the ground, sends out the painahem and moan.
The species of secondera, is unable in the firsterasurvival.
第二纪元的物种,无法在第一纪元存活。Blimanlooks a personreveals the paleface, opens the mouthto gasp for breathunceasingly, gazeherpaineye.
布里曼看着其中一个人露出惨白的脸庞,张开嘴巴不断地喘着气,注视到了她痛苦的眼睛。Thisis a woman doctor on ship, is not the witch doctor, is only an ordinarydoctor.
这是船上的一位女医师,不是巫医,只是一个普通的医师。Howeverinsuchworld, shealsohas no means. Not onlycould not saveothers, could not save itself.
但是在这样的世界,她也没有任何办法。不仅救不了别人,也救不了自己。She also sawBliman, the visiontransferredlittle. Shecould not speak, butputs out a hand.
她也同样看到了布里曼,目光一点点转了过来。她说不出话来,只是伸出了手。Blimanhas not spoken, butextendedownhandsimilarly, grabbed the hand of opposite party.
布里曼也没有说话,但是同样伸出了自己的手,抓住了对方的手。Finally, hearrived at cave entrance.
最后,他来到了洞口边。Herecanseeoutsidesea, the ship of sea, whatnearcave entranceis lying downisfirst mate„fostering talent”, isherequeststo livespeciallyhere
的。At this moment, even ifwascaptainBlimancame, „fostering talent”is looking atoutsideas before, is looking attheirship.
此刻,哪怕是船长布里曼来了,“树人”依旧望着外边,望着他们的船。Then, saidsteadily. „The Platinum.”„Is dying.”
The The Platinummain bodywashisdemonbeast, The Platinumwas dying, in some sense.白金号的主体就是他的魔兽,白金号要死了,从某种意义上来说。Asmagic knighthe, is dying.
是身为魔骑士的他,要死了。Going to seatime, heinmarinedoes not know, becauseate anything, orisotherreasons.
出海的时候,他在海上不知道因为误食了什么东西,或者是其他的原因。Onhisbellygrew a suppurating ulcer, the internal organsalsothenhad the problemtogether.
他肚子上长出了一块烂疮,脏器也接着一块出现了问题。Tooktwowitchmedicine, insteadwas more serious.
吃了两剂巫药,反而更严重了。Buthere, theycould not find any fiercewitch doctorto treat the disease, the examinationiswhatreason.
而在这里,他们也找不到什么厉害的巫医来治疗疾病,查看是什么原因。Hetook the lead, wantsto find the landto save the aspectas soon as possible, finally must first drop downinsteadwashe.
他身先士卒,想要尽快找到陆地挽回局面,最终先要倒下的反而是他。Hetwitteringwas saying: „ Captain, youdid not say that wewon't die?
他呢喃着说道:“船长,你不是说我们不会死吗?Bliman: „Wewill not dietruly, will only turn intootherthingsinthisworld.”
The first mateturns head: „Whatthing?”
大副回过头来:“什么东西?”Bliman: „Looked that thisworldhasanything, ifaccording tocurrently speaking.”
布里曼:“看这个世界有什么,如果按照目前来看的话。”„Perhapsis a fish, orwhatstrangeinsect, eithershrimp.”
The first matealsoasked: „Whatfeelingworking as the fish and insectis?”Blimanasked back: „Whatfeelingworking as a treeis.” The first mateunderstood clearly: „ IfOk, Iverywantto work as a person.
大副又问:“当鱼和虫子是什么样的感觉?”布里曼反问:“当一棵树是什么样的感觉。”大副了然了:“如果可以,我还是挺想当一个人的。Bliman: „Youthought what is the person?” The first matesaid: „At leastmusthave the wisdom!”
The first matelooks at the distant place, in the eyeis revealing the hope.
大副看着远处,眼中露着渴望。„Inthisworld, having the wisdom can beis livingandhas the life!”
“在这个世界,拥有智慧才能算得上是活着和拥有生命啊!”„Otherwise, whathasto distinguishwith a beachrottenmeat?”
“要不然,和一滩烂肉有什么区别?”Was saying to be saying, first mate„fostering talent”startedto mention the nonsense, could not hear clearlyhimto sayanything.
说着说着,大副“树人”开始说起了胡话,根本听不清他在说些什么。Blimantoucheshisforehead, the discoveryis hot.
布里曼一摸他的额头,发现非常烫。Blimansitsatoneselffirst matemeeting, looks atthisearly, followsfrom the beginninginowncrew.
布里曼坐在自己的大副身边一会,看着这个最早,也是一开始就跟在自己身边的船员。Heis silent, the lookhad the changelittle. Hestands up, arrives atoutside.
他沉默不语,眼神却一点点出现了变化。他站起身来,来到外面。Heavy rain
中。Canseeis directing the personnelthenrainwater„dwarf”verybusily, includingpeoplewith the appliance, somepeoplegatheredin the waterwith the unusualstrength a basin.
可以看到指挥着人员接着雨水的“小矮人”十分忙碌,其中有人用器具,有人则用超凡力量将水汇聚到了一座水池之中。In„dwarf” the side, a girlis holdingabout a wooden basinto run, looksespeciallyearnest.
After the girlreceived the water, immediatelygoes into the cavern.
The waterpoursinpopulation that inothercannotmove, in the mouthis adding the strangewords.
It seems like praying,makingthema bit fastergood.
似乎是在祈祷,让他们快点好起来。Looks atthese, the Blimansolemnfaceappearedfinallysomesmile, hebraves the rainto walktowardoutside, held down„dwarf”frombehind the shoulder.
看着这一幕幕,布里曼原本冷峻的脸终于浮现出了一些笑容,他冒着雨朝着外面走去,从后面按住了“小矮人”的肩膀。Bliman: „Really isbusy!”
The dwarvesturn head, after the discoveryisBliman, said: „Is the captain, weare busy, todayare not manymeets, whennext timewill raindoes not know!”
小矮人回过头来,发现是布里曼后说道:“是船长啊,我们忙着呢,今天不多接一下,下次下雨不知道什么时候呢!”Blimansaid: „The bottomdeep placepresented a spring watereye, therecanobtain the clear water, laterwewater shortage.”
布里曼却说:“地底深处出现了一处泉水眼,那里可以获得清水,以后我们都不会缺水了。”Blimansaid,„dwarf”immediatelylookssurprisedlymetBliman, thenshowed the pleasantly surprisedexpression.
布里曼说完,“小矮人”立刻惊讶地看了一会布里曼,然后露出了惊喜的表情。Hejustalsoworried when rainsnexttimedoes not know, shouldwhen the time comeswhat to do.
“真的吗?”Blimannods, very naturalbig handwields.
„ Really, letstonedemoncastingislandinitiallytimeleft behindthisdesign, now should also be ableto usegradually.
“真的,当初让石魔铸造这座岛的时候就留下了这个设计,如今也应该渐渐可以用了。„Leadseveryoneto go tothereto drink to heart's content, has no needto saveslightly. „ Dwarf”cheers, the worshiplooks at the captain.
“带着所有人去那里畅饮吧,丝毫用不着节省。“小矮人”欢呼雀跃,崇拜地看着船长。„CaptainSir, youmayreallytake a long-range approach.”
“船长大人,你可真是高瞻远瞩。”„After dwarf” makes one meet the goodwaterstores up, immediatelyleads the personto go tounder the bottom.
“小矮人”让人将接好的水储存好之后,立刻带着人前往地底之下。Madeseveralpeoplehave a lookin the past, has not actually thought that almostmostactivepeoplecame, onlyleft behindfewpeopleto take care ofsickness.
原本只是让几个人过去看看,却没有想到几乎大部分能动的人都过来了,只留下了少量的人照顾伤病者。ButBlimanlooks that „dwarf”departs, actually a personwalkstoward the distant placealone.
而布里曼看着“小矮人”离去,却一个人独自朝着远处走去。Inbosom. Is holdingSeed of Three Leaves.
怀中。抱着三叶之种。Inhishandgrasps a scroll, on the scrollis drawing a blood redvortex.
他的手上握着一副卷轴,卷轴上画着一个血红色的漩涡。Proceedslittle, helooks, even ifinrainstorm, is expandinggiantstonedemon of thisislandsas beforerelentlessly.
一点点往前,他看着哪怕在暴雨之中,依旧在坚持不懈地扩大着这片岛屿的巨型石魔。Blimanis holding up the head, as ifsaw many years later scenes. „ Perhapsinnumerableyearslater, herewill really turn into a mainland. So long asgives the years and time, thesepowerful not only can construct the landlike the goddemongeneralstonedemon, but can also construct the lake and rivers, constructs the mountain and high mountains.
布里曼昂着头,似乎看到了许多年后的景象。“或许无数年之后,这里真的会变成一座大陆。只要给予岁月和时间,那些强大如同神魔一般的石魔不仅仅能够建造出陆地,还能够建造出湖泊和河流,建造出高山和峻岭。Butthesestonedemonreincarnationceremonyincantations, happen togavethem the years and time.
而那些石魔身上的转生仪式咒文,正好赋予了它们岁月和时间。Arrived at the midpoint of thisislands, heis holdingthatSeed of Three Leaves the thing of lifestrengthcarrying/sustainingcalls the roll of officers and assign them tasksthispowerfulintegratedownbody.
走到了这座岛屿的正中央,他抱着那三叶之种一点点将这件强力的生命力量承载之物融入了自己的身体。Bliman'sunder footgushed outa lot ofbloody water, andspreadsunceasingly.
, Changed into an vortexgradually.
渐渐的,化为了一个漩涡。In the vortex, Bliman'sbodyfrom the footlittlecollapse, is then littleto the waist, finallyarrives in the head.
“腥红。”Blimanaftershoutingone, the bodyflashcrashesthoroughly.
布里曼在大喊了一声之后,身体一瞬间彻底崩塌。In the center of thisislands, hechanged into an entireblood-colorvortex.
在这岛屿的中央,他化为了一整座血色漩涡。BlimanactivatedthisSeed of Three Leavesatoneselfstrength, two'sstrengthunioninone, changed intothisblood-colorvortex.
The voidtype, cannot seeBliman'sform, actuallyhearshissoundto spreadfaintly.
虚空之种,看不到布里曼的身影,却隐隐听到他的声音传出。„Seed of Three Leaves.”
“三叶之种。”„Preserves the platinumtreebloodlines.”
“保存白金树血脉。”Seed of Three Leaveshad the ability of preservedspeciesbloodlines, oncepreservedthree leaves human, butwas pollutedafterward.三叶之种本就有保存物种血脉的能力,曾经就保存了三叶人的,不过后来都被污染掉了。This momentBlimanusedthisstrengthagain, whatstores upisanotherspecies.
The blood-colorvortexsweeps acrossrapidly, rushes toThe PlatinumThe Platinum of thatdistant placeas ifto feel that the crisis, changed into the shape of demonbeastin the flash, wantsto escape.
血色漩涡迅速席卷而出,奔向那远处的白金号白金号似乎感觉到了危机,在一瞬间化为了魔兽的形态,想要逃跑。Howeverthatbloody waterembezzlesitinstantaneously, another part of vortexextendedin the cavern, samefirst mate„fostering talent”will sweep acrosslike a tongue, swallowed into the blood-colorvortex.
但是那血水将其瞬间吞没,紧接着漩涡的另一部分延伸到了洞窟内,如同一只舌头一样将大副“树人”席卷而起,吞入了血色漩涡之中。„Seed of Three Leaves. „ Preserves the snake humanbloodlines.”
The twofall into the bloodshed, did not haveanysoundagain. Underdeep place.
二者落入血海,再也没有了任何动静。地底下深处。„Dwarf”leadsonegroup of peoplealong the channel that Bliman said that has arrived at the undergrounddozensmetersplace.
“小矮人”带着一群人沿着布里曼所说的通道,一直来到了地下几十米处。Thenhere, heard the watertick-tocksound.
然后就在这里,听到了水的滴滴答答声。Laterundershining of inspection lamp, the peoplesaw a limpidbasin.
之后在提灯的照耀下,众人看到了一片清澈的水池。„Water.” The peopleclose.
“水。”众人一拥而上。„Reallyhas the spring water.” Everyone saidhappily. „Is the fresh water.”Somepeoplealsotasted.
“真的有泉水。”每个人都开心地说道。“是淡水。”有人还尝了一下。„Dwarf” and peoplegoes forwardto startto fetch waterexcited, whentheycome backin high spirits, when preparesto tell the captain the followingsituation.
“小矮人”和众人激动不已上前开始打水,然而当他们兴冲冲地回来,准备告诉船长下面的情况之时。Theyactuallydiscovered, the abovesituationchanged.
他们却发现,上面的情况都变了。Theystandin the cavernexit|to speak, are looking into that suddenblood-color of distant place.
他们站在洞穴出口,眺望着远处的那片突然出现的血色。„What is that?”„CaptainSir?”„SirBliman?”„First matealsodisappears.”In a blood redworld.
“那是什么?”“船长大人呢?”“布里曼大人呢?”“大副也不见了。”一片血红色的世界里。„Fostering talent”feltoneselfare blurry, probablyfell intoonepieceto warmlike the place that mother embraced, makingpeople feel comfortableandsatisfied. Thatalwayssufferedhispainto vanishfinally, butthatpursuedthroughoutinoneselfbehind the shadow of death, probablyalsovanishedwithout a trace. Hefelt,oneselfturned into a fishprobably, is hoveringin the sea water.
“树人”感觉自己迷迷糊糊的,好像落入了一片温暖如同母亲怀抱的地方,让人感觉舒适而惬意。那始终折磨着他的病痛终于消失了,而那始终追在自己身后的死亡之影,好像也消失得无影无踪。他感觉,自己好像变成了一条鱼,在海水里游动着。Alsoturned into an insectprobably, is floatingin the warm current of epicontinental sea.
又好像变成了一只虫子,在浅海的暖流里漂浮着。„Was my dies?”
“我这是死了?”„Turned into the fish, turned into the insect?”
“变成鱼了,还是变成虫子了?”„Fostering talent”opened the eyeslowly, hediscoveredoneselfreallyinblood-colorliquids.
“树人”缓缓地睁开了眼睛,他就发现自己真的在一片血色的液体之中。Butin the water of distant place, inthatredworldcenter. Is setting up a slurredshadow, is visitinghim. Whoherecognizesthatimmediatelyis, isowncaptain. „Where is this?”
“布里曼大人。”Blimanopens the mouth: „Inmybody.”
布里曼开口:“我的身体里。”„Fostering talent”has doubts: „Inyourbody?”Blimannodsto telloneselffirst mate. „Thisisourtrueappearances, First mate.”
„ The truelife speciesfixedshape, wehave not hadblood energy, haswith the god in the body that nearlydoes not extinguish, has the fusionandseizes the ability of others organ, but can also simultaneouslyhavemanylifetemplates. „ Thisbloody water, aremanifestation of myblood energyandstrength.
“真正的生命种并没有固定的形态,我们拥有血能,拥有与神同在近乎不灭的躯壳,拥有融合和夺走他人器官的能力,还能够同时拥有多个生命模板。“这片血水,就是我血能和力量的体现。Then, his wordsrevolution.
接下来,他的话语一转。„But, I can only useformyselfthesestrengths.”
“但是,我只能将这些力量为自己所用。”Hisvisionlookedto the bloody waterdeep place, as ifhas anything to send out the tremendousstrengthinthatbottom , the root of vortex. „HoweverinsideSeed of Three Leaves, can actually give others thisstrength.”
他目光看向了血水的深处,在那底部似乎有着什么东西在散发出巨大的力量,也正是漩涡的根源。“而里面的三叶之种,却能够将这种力量赋予他人。”„Fostering talent”hearsSeed of Three Leavesthisnoun for the first time, heaskedBliman.
“树人”还是第一次听到三叶之种这个名词,他问布里曼。„WhatisSeed of Three Leaves?”
“什么是三叶之种?”Bliman: „Youcanunderstandare, the oldestmoststartsto make, is usedto make the newthe oldestsameitem.”
布里曼:“你可以理解为,最古者最开始制造出来的,用来制造出新的最古者的一样道具。”„Itonlyneeds the initialbloodlinesto take the introduction, canmake a newlifebodycompletely.”
“它只需要一点初始血脉作为引子,就能够完整的造出一个新的生命体。”„Fostering talent”listens, the visionshakes. „Manufacturelife?”
“树人”听完,目光为之一震。“制造生命?”„Thisis not, Ruler of Lifeauthority?”
“这不是,生命主宰的权柄吗?”Bliman: „Does not make the newlife, makes the life, orisduplicates the life more appropriate.”
布里曼:“不是制造新的生命,与其说是制造生命,或者说是复制生命更加恰当一些。”Timeat this point, Blimansent out a sigh. „Because.”
说到这里的时候,布里曼发出了一声叹息。“因为。”„Thatlittleinitialperfectbloodlines, aremost important.”„Without the thing of thatstart, Seed of Three Leaveswould have not any function.”
The words, someas ifdrift offs, Blimanpulled back the subjectat this point, whymentioned itself to mentionownstrengthandSeed of Three Leaves.
话说到这里,似乎有些跑偏了,布里曼重新拉回了正题,说起了自己为什么要提及自己的力量和三叶之种。„Fosters talent.”
„ Youdo not needto knowthese, so long asyouknowwithmystrengththree
The leaf an activation, the twolink. ”
“我就可以做成许多事情。”„Can a speciesorgan and bloodlines, forcefullygraftingonanotherspeciesbody.”
„ For example, lets the life on land, has the organs of otherlives, temporarilycaninunderwaterdwelling.
„ For example, lets the life in swamp, cansoarabove the snowy mountainjungle.
“例如,让沼泽里的生命,可以在雪山丛林之上飞翔。Thatbloody watercentralshadowis on the rise, the visionis exuding the dim lightin the water.
那血水中央的影子抬起头来,目光在水中泛着幽光。At this moment, hespoke of the keyfinally. „ For example.
此刻,他终于说到了关键。“例如。„Lets the secondera the life, obtainsin the ability of firsterasurvival.”
“让第二纪元的生命,获得在第一纪元生存的能力。”„Fostering talent”suddenlyunderstandswhathelookedtoBliman. „Can suchmatteralsoachieve?”
“树人”突然明白了什么他看向了布里曼。“这样的事情也可以做到?”Blimannods, definitelysaid. „ Naturallycanaccomplish.
布里曼点了点头,肯定地说道。“当然可以办到。„Is only if notlife species, thesedo not have the lifebody of blood energyto be transplanted the organ, fuseslater of bloodlines, will diefast. „ But, thisdoes not have the meanssolution.”
“只是如果不是生命种,那些没有血能的生命体在被移植器官,融合血脉的之后,都会快速死去。“不过,这也并不是没有办法解决。”Blimanlooks at„fostering talent”, toldhim: „So long asyouliveinmyside, Icanprovideblood energyforyou.”
布里曼看着“树人”,告诉他:“只要你们居住在我的身边,我就可以为你们提供血能。”„Fostering talent”is staring atcaptainBliman, long timelattersays: „ Youwantin this way, letsusliveinthisworld? Blimanas beforeisthatsuperficialtone, as ifwhatscenehecancalm and personchats, evenplays a smalljoke.
“树人”凝视着船长布里曼,良久后开口说道:“你想要用这种方法,来让我们在这个世界活下来?布里曼依旧是那一副轻描淡写的语气,似乎什么样的场面他都能够淡定地和人闲聊,甚至开上一个小小的玩笑。„Myfirst mate.”
“我的大副。”„snake human, does not have the meansto survivein the firstera.”„To surviveinthisbrutalworld, the changeis inevitable, is the process that the lifemustgo through.”
“蛇人,是没有办法在第一纪元生存下去的。”“想要在这个残酷的世界生存下去,改变是必然的,也是生命必须经过的过程。”„Thesecannotadapt, was eliminated.”
“那些不能够适应的,都被淘汰掉了。”„Fostering talent”understandsthistruth, butthought that is somewhat hardto accept.
“树人”明白这个道理,只是觉得有些难以接受。„Thereforesnake human, was eliminatedfrom the beginninginthisworld?”
“所以蛇人,在这个世界从一开始就被淘汰掉了吗?”„It seems like, the species that thesewere once eliminated is the same.”Heevenassociates, in this case.
“就好像,曾经那些被淘汰掉的物种一样。”他甚至联想到,如果这样的话。Ifnotinthisworld, thatworld that butcomes to them, is also representingsnake humanwill happen one dayalsoby the worldandnaturallyeliminating, abandoning.
如果不是在这个世界,而是在他们来的那个世界,是不是也代表着蛇人终有一天也会被世界和自然给淘汰、给抛弃。Blimannods, definitely his brutalfact. „ Thisis the naturaltheorem, is the principle of life.
„ Because the worldis changing, species that alsohas therefore not hadforever, noteternal
“因为世界一直都在变,也因此没有永远存在的物种,更没有永恒Noteternaleralead. ”
没有永恒的纪元主角。”„Butyourbloodlines, may lastonotherlifebodies.”
“但是你们的血脉,可能会在其他的生命体身上存续下来。”„It seems like.”
“就好像。”„The bloodlines of first ancestorfish, spreadonyourbodies are the same.”„Fostering talent”raised the headsuddenly, heknowsthisnews for the first time.
“始祖鱼的血脉,流传在你们的身上一样。”“树人”骤然抬起头,他还是第一次知道这个消息。„First ancestorfish?”
“始祖鱼?”„Do ourbodieshave the bloodlines of fish?”„How is thispossible?”
“我们的身上有鱼的血脉?”“这怎么可能?”„Fostering talent”launched in salvosthreequestion marksto express the question. Blimanactuallyaffirmed,saidwith the indisputablesound. „ Thiswas not a supposition, dragongodAnuhad confirmed that variousGodhad also witnessed.
“树人”一连发出了三个问号对此表示质疑。布里曼却非常肯定,用不可置疑的声音说道。“这并不是一个假设,龙神阿努曾经证实过,诸神也曾经见证过。„First ancestorfishisCreator, whenallstart, species that creates.”
“始祖鱼是造物主在一切开始的时候,创造出来的物种。”„At that time, no oneknows why itmustbe called the first ancestorfish, rather than called the fishpurely.”
“只是当时,没有人知道为什么它要叫做始祖鱼,而不是单纯地叫做鱼。”„Becausedid not have the fishat that time, first ancestorword, somewhat seemed to be unnecessary.”
“因为那个时候没有鱼,始祖这个词,似乎有些多余了。”Blimanlookedto„fostering talent”, thensaidleisurely. „Untilthisera, alltalentsunderstands.”
布里曼看向了“树人”,然后悠悠地说道。“直到这个纪元,所有人才明白。”„Originally the first ancestorfish, is really myriadspeciesfirst ancestors.”
“原来始祖鱼,真的是万千物种的始祖。”„Itnot onlybredvariousfish, bredvariousbeasts.”
“它不仅仅孕育出了各种鱼类,也孕育了各种兽类。”„Whenwefocuswithin a millenniumten thousandyears of timeas before.”
“在我们依旧着眼于千年万年的光阴之内的时候。”„250 millionyears ago, exceedsin the timeandallaboveCreator, had seentoday.”
“早在两亿五千万年以前,超越于时光和一切之上的造物主,早就看到了今天。”Blimantimeat this point, cannot bearlose the Shintoism/Divine Dao. „ThatallaboveCreator, whatmighty force is the hadoutcome?”
„ In his eyes
Is the world, what? ”
的世界,到底是什么样的?”„The worldin his eyes, perhaps is really onlyrivers, a bottleNakano-shima.”
“世界在他的眼中,或许真的只是一条河流,一个瓶中之岛。”But„fostering talent”at this moment, thoroughwas silent.
而“树人”此刻,却彻底沉默了。Hedoes not know,oneselftreats asfood the fish, actuallyhas such astoundingorigin.
他一直不知道,自己当做食物的鱼类,竟然有着这样让人惊骇的来历。Blimanteasedat this time, in the soundhadsomehappy expressions „ to be full of a feeling of guilty, actuallyyoudo not needto feel.
Who „youseeswims, on the landruns, majorityis the descendant of first ancestorfish.”
The pack animal that the toothbeast that „ youraise, youenslave, withyou, is the descendant of first ancestorfish.
“只不过。”„Youby the control of lifeselecting.”
“你们被生命的主宰给选中了罢了。”„At the beginning ofthisera, inthatSupreme Godsummonedunder the bugle horn sound of mainland.”
“在这个纪元之初,在那个至高神召唤出大陆的号角声下。”„From then on, youcontrol the land.” „ Howeverthey.
„ Thenbecomesyourfood, mount.
“则成为了你们的食物,还有坐骑。„You, ifhaggles overthese, snake humanis unable to survive. „ Fostering talent”looks atBliman, nods.
The shockis an aspect, on the one hand.
震惊是一方面,还有一方面。„Fostering talent”has not regardedthisworldfromsuchangle, thisfeeling, standsabove the river of historyprobablyis watchingtrillionspecies and lifewashoutsunder.
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