IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#412 Part 2: If Teacher Lane also in

Kurmis deeply inspires: I will not teach absolutely this method, will not use these evil despicable methods.” 库尔弥斯深吸了一口气:“我绝对不会将这种方法传授出去的,也不会使用那些邪恶卑劣的手段。” …… …… Deep sea Blood Country. 深海的血之国 Under god throne. 神座之下。 Smoker looked to Scarlet Goddess above god throne: Sir Vivien, this method regarding Kurmis really meaningful?” 斯默克尔看向了神座之上的腥红女神:“费雯大人,这种方法对于库尔弥斯真的有意义吗?” Scarlet Goddess does not know. 腥红女神也不知道。 Perhaps really day of Kurmis becomes God, even grasped the intelligence authority. 或许真的有一天库尔弥斯成为了神明,甚至掌握了灵性的权柄。 However lizard human of that day, but also the meeting is really willing to turn into the snake human appearance. 但是那一天的蜥蜴人们,还真的会愿意变成蛇人的模样么。 Scarlet Goddess said: Perhaps in your opinion does not have the significance, but regarding present him, is meaningful.” 腥红女神说:“或许在你看来没有意义,但是对于现在的他,是有意义的。” He feels himself to make mistakes, mistake that is hard to make up.” “他觉得自己犯了错,一个难以弥补的错。” He needs to see the hope and in the future, lizard human that these were just born also needs to hope and in the future.” “他需要看到希望和未来,那些刚刚诞生的蜥蜴人也需要希望和未来。” He the reason that needs one to walk, lizard human also takes a going on living reason.” “他需要一个走下去的理由,蜥蜴人也要一个活下去的理由。” What will turn into as for the future?” “至于将来会变成什么样?” Scarlet Goddess shakes the head, the spoken language somewhat sobbed. 腥红女神摇了摇头,言语有些唏嘘。 Who can know truly?” “谁又能真正知晓呢?” Scarlet Goddess lifts the hand, " Path of Wisdom » rapid congealment that just Kurmis showed that changed into a plain blood-color crystal stone board. 腥红女神抬起手,刚刚库尔弥斯展现出来的《智慧之路》迅速凝结,化为了一块古朴的血色晶石板。 But Scarlet Goddess then put out a scroll from the clothes, scroll above writes «Lane Reincarnation Law». 腥红女神又接着从衣服里拿出了一副卷轴,卷轴上面写着《蓝恩转生法》。 Sits above god throne, the Vivien expression is complex. 坐在神座之上,费雯的表情复杂。 Teacher!” “老师!” similar betrayed you to the evil god, only in order to to become God.” “肖向邪神出卖了你,只为了能够成神。” He thinks proudly oneself are strongest, thinks oneself can exceed everyone, but the talent fettered him.” “他自傲的以为自己是最强的,认为自己能够超越所有人,只是天赋束缚住了他。” Finally actually can only fall into the abyss, forever hides in the darkness, becomes evil god in another bottle.” “最后却只能堕入深渊,永远藏匿在黑暗之中,成为了另外一个瓶子中的邪神。” The reincarnation law that Lane proposed, a Anhofos god graciousness four points of secret technique made the reincarnation realize, finally was similar Jiang two links, created the Path of Wisdom complete graph. 蓝恩提出的转生法,安霍福斯的神恩四分秘术让转生实现,最后是肖将二者结合在一起,创造出了智慧之路的完整图形。 Scarlet Goddess Vivien knows the idea of teacher Lane, but last era It cannot find the road to myth. 腥红女神费雯是知道老师蓝恩的理念的,但是上一个纪元祂始终没有能够找到通往神话的路。 But this era, she according to counter pushed to calculate some Path of Wisdom contents probably. 而这一个纪元,她根据逆推已经大概推算出了部分智慧之路的内容。 After all has many myth strengths to observe, in addition the intelligence, wisdom, desires and knowledge four lawful rights the characteristics of strength solved the Vivien biggest doubts, the recombination in the past the idea of Lane reincarnation law. 毕竟有着诸多神话的力量可以观测,加上灵性、智慧、欲望、知识四种权柄的力量的特性解开了费雯最大的疑惑,再结合当年蓝恩转生法的理念。 Vivien wrote this «Lane Reincarnation Law». 费雯写出了这部《蓝恩转生法》。 Also in this «Lane Reincarnation Law» foundation, Vivien starts to get ready to refine the myth item Eye of True Knowledge, for following competes for the intelligent fruit to prepare. 也是在这部《蓝恩转生法》的基础上,费雯开始准备炼制神话道具・真知之眼,还有为接下来的争夺智慧果实做准备。 But now, It obtains «Path of Wisdom» that complete similar compiled finally. 而现在,祂终于得到了完整的肖所编撰的《智慧之路》。 It took to compare «Lane Reincarnation Law» looked, looks that the two had these places to be different. 祂拿起来对照着《蓝恩转生法》看了起来,看一看二者有那些地方不同。 The flash that although It sees has written down, but will write down uncertain representative certain links to clarify, this «Path of Wisdom» became the mysterious law, any link is possibly hiding the mystery that was inconceivable. 虽然祂看到的一瞬间就已经记下来了,但是记下来了不一定代表将其中的某些环节都弄清楚了,这部《智慧之路》的成神秘法,其中任何一个环节都可能藏着难以想象的奥秘。 Long time . 良久后。 Vivien put down «Path of Wisdom» and «Lane Reincarnation Law», It looked to the following others, long aspirates. 费雯放下了《智慧之路》和《蓝恩转生法》,祂看向了下面的其他人,长吐了一口气。 similar Huoxu was really hampered by divine blood talent.” “肖或许真的受到了神血天赋的束缚。” But.” “但是。” This is not he betrays the reason of teacher.” “这并不是他背叛老师的理由。” It that flagstone according to at one side, the voice more said that is more excited. 祂将那块石板按在了一边,话音越说越激动。 „If not he, Teacher Lane could become myth.” “如果不是他,蓝恩老师或许能够成为神话。” Teacher, but the first Insai apostle, he also has very long time, he can certainly walk to pass this path.” “老师可是第一位因赛使徒,他还有着很长的时间,他一定可以走通这条道路的。” Vivien is hard to take excitedly, even stood up, after about looked at one, turns around, pats above god throne. 费雯激动难耐,甚至站起身来了,左右看了一圈后又转过身去,拍在了神座之上。 similar living every day in this world, is to blaspheming of teacher.” “肖活在这个世界上的每一天,都是对老师的亵渎。” „If not he.” “如果不是他。” last era perhaps finally also hopeful, perhaps Hinsai can also continue.” 上一个纪元或许最后还有希望,希因赛或许还可以延续下去。” If Teacher Lane also, all......” “如果蓝恩老师还在的话,一切……” Vivien more said is more excited, but sat finally, somewhat dejected lying down in god throne. 费雯越说越激动,但是最后还是坐了下来,有些颓然的躺在了神座上。 All have not been able to change, all once changed into the silence and grief of difficult word. 一切都已经无法改变,所有的曾经都化为了难言的沉默和伤痛。 In any event, Vivien is unable to forgive similar. 只是无论如何,费雯都无法原谅肖。
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