IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#413 Part 1: The seed pot and pyramid of feather snake

Volcano forest. 火山森林。 lizard human hurry back from various places of jungle, is shouldering various types of tools. 蜥蜴人们从丛林的各处赶了回来,背负着各种工具。 Sir Kurmis how?” 库尔弥斯大人怎么了?” How to call us suddenly.” “怎么突然召集我们所有人。” Sir voice is serious, possibly has what very important matter.” “大人声音非常严肃,可能是有什么非常重要的事情。” They overstep the hanging bridge of canal in groups, entered the front door of castle, Kurmis was waiting for them in the hall. 他们成群的踏过水渠的吊桥,进入了城堡的大门,库尔弥斯在大厅里面等待着他们。 In the castle hall the candle just went out, braves the white smoke. 城堡大厅里蜡烛刚刚熄灭,冒着白烟。 Seemingly big young, but does not know why makes people feel the shape of God forms of some vicissitudes are turning away from them. 一个看上去高大年轻,但是不知道为何让人感觉有些沧桑的神之形身影正背对着他们。 In Kurmis is lifting the lights, walks while is watching the content on mural. 库尔弥斯手里举着灯火,一边行走一边观看着壁画上的内容。 On all around mural has God, has the mortal, has the ancient story. 四周的壁画上有着神明,有着凡人,有着古老的故事。 However examines carefully, will discover that was once happened in the Maya City story. 但是细看,就会发现那是曾经发生在美雅城的故事。 Kurmis told them: This is my story!” 库尔弥斯告诉他们:“这就是我的故事!” In the story of mural has the heroic city lord, has the beautiful wife, has terrifying evil god, has just good god. 壁画的故事里有英勇的城主,有美丽的夫人,有恐怖邪恶的神祇,也有着正义善良的神祇。 However in each mural has a character, or in the corner of castle, either in sky corner. 但是每一副壁画之中都有着一个人物,或在城堡的角落里,或在天空的角落里。 It starts is an ordinary snake human guard, afterward turned into one in tens of thousands of feather snake, the story finally its all alone fled Maya City. 其开始是一个普通的蛇人卫兵,后来变成了成千上万条羽蛇之中的一只,故事的最后其孤身一人逃离出了美雅城 All stories, by this does not seem knowing that cared for the angle of view of unimportant person the misfortune is encumbered to launch luck. 一切的故事,似乎都在以这个不知道是被幸运眷顾还是厄运缠身的小人物的视角展开。 Kurmis. 正是库尔弥斯自身。 He has seen the state above wilderness, has seen the day mirror on frozen plateau, has seen the endless vast desert city of myth, even has had an audience with personally god in ancient royal city. 他见过荒原之上的国度,见过冰封高原上的天镜,见过无尽沙海之中的神话之城,甚至亲自觐见过古老王城里的神祇。 He is rushing about his entire life, but to cannot escape the evil god's control finally, in the final end of life, degenerated into the board game piece of evil god in the lunar eclipse city, becomes the participant of another disaster. 他一生都在奔波,但是到了最后还是没有能够逃过邪神的控制,在生命的最后的尽头,于月蚀城沦为了邪神的棋子,成为了另一场灾难的参与者。 Luckily, the evil god cannot work finally, instead fell into the deep sleep. 幸好,邪神最后并没能得逞,反而是陷入了沉睡。 He also shook off the evil god's control finally, even becomes an apostle, stepped path that becomes the god. 他也终于摆脱了邪神的控制,甚至成为了一名使徒,踏上了成为神的道路。 In the mural recorded all, and does not have any beautification, is the Kurmis solid experience. 壁画里将一切都记录了下来,并没有什么美化,都是库尔弥斯实实在在的经历。 However even if so, enough has made one shock. 但是哪怕如此,也已经足够让人震撼了。 A mortal, cannot experience such many myth events, has contacted world almost all gods. 从来没有一个凡人,能够经历过这样多的神话事件,接触过人间几乎所有的神祗。 Kurmis has turned around, looks to others in castle hall. 库尔弥斯转过身,看向了城堡大厅里的其他人。 Came.” “都来了。” lizard human Anu stands in the crowd, asked Kurmis. 蜥蜴人阿努站在人群里,问库尔弥斯 „Does Sir Kurmis, what important matter have?” 库尔弥斯大人,有什么重要的事情吗?” Kurmis nods, making everyone listen safely. 库尔弥斯点头,让所有人安心的听下去。 Kurmis sighed: My this has seen too many inconceivable matters entire life, has had too many unthinkable experiences.” 库尔弥斯叹了口气:“我这一生见过了太多的不可思议之事,有过太多匪夷所思的经历。” But my this lifetime biggest regret, is unable to return once, by a snake human status and family member lives together.” “但是我这辈子最大的遗憾,就是无法回到曾经,以一个蛇人的身份和家人生活在一起。” Also, making you turn into present this appearance.” “还有,让你们变成了现在这副模样。” In you some and I was from the same family, or your elders possibly once were the friend of mine, was my fellow villager.” “你们之中有的和我出身于同一个家族,或者你们的长辈可能曾经是我的朋友,是我的同乡。” I wanted to lead you together, handles something in one's power, has not actually thought that will harm you.” “我原本想要带着你们一起,做一些力所能及的事情,却没想到会害了你们。” The crowd somewhat moves restlessly, Kurmis then said. 人群有些躁动,库尔弥斯接着说道。 Occurred matter was unable to change, but can actually make up.” “发生的事情已经无法改变,但是却可以弥补。” Kurmis looked to everyone: „ Therefore I made an hope to Scarlet Goddess, hopes that makes the merit of brown ball vine by me, received exchange for the method of making up for my mistake. 库尔弥斯看向了所有人:“所以我向腥红女神做了个祈求,希望以我制造出褐球藤的功绩,换取一个弥补我过错的方法。 Goddess told me, if I can become God, can make all restore such as beginning.” “女神告诉我,如果我可以成为神明,就可以让一切恢复如初。” Probably requires period of long time.” These, lizard human thorough ebullition. “不过可能需要一段漫长的时间。”这些,蜥蜴人们彻底沸腾了。 At least before then, they had not heard becomes god view, in their opinion, God lives, but is the Saint. 至少在此之前,他们还从来没有听说过成神这种说法的,在他们看来,神明都是生而为圣的。 When these words are Scarlet Goddess told Kurmis, everyone feels this should real. 但是当这句话是腥红女神告诉库尔弥斯的时候,大家又觉得这应该是真的。 Anu replaces others, asked the voice of heart deep place. 阿努代替其他所有人,问出了他们内心深处的声音。 Sir Kurmis!” 库尔弥斯大人!” You want becomes the god?” “您要・・・・成为神?” Kurmis nods, told the person of presence some secrets that only then God and apostle can know. 库尔弥斯点了点头,告诉了在场之人一些只有神明和使徒才能知晓的秘密。 various God of ancient time in the choice follower, this era the birth new thing god, the new gods will follow various God of ancient time to found divine system surely.” “古老时代的诸神在挑选从者,这一个纪元必定将会诞生出新神,新神们会跟随着古老时代的诸神创建出神系。” I cannot lucky which God follower becomes, however under the direction of Scarlet Goddess, sought for a path that became God.” “我不能幸运的成为哪位神明的从者,但是在腥红女神的指引下,还是寻找到了一条成为神明的道路。” Actually yes, but Kurmis does not want. For example abyss evil god. 其实是可以的,只是库尔弥斯不愿意。例如深渊邪神。 In the lizard human look revealed the ray, is not only makes all that Kurmis said restore such as beginning, but is they unexpectedly can follow one to be going to become existence of God. 蜥蜴人们眼神里露出了光芒,不仅仅是库尔弥斯所说的让一切恢复如初,而是他们竟然可以跟随一位将要成为神明的存在。 Regarding these Powerful, the latter as if made them look forward to, this they and Kurmis idea was completely different. 对于这些权能者来说,后者似乎更令他们憧憬,这点他们和库尔弥斯的想法完全不一样。 lizard human said loudly: We are willing to present you for the god!” 蜥蜴人们大声说道:“我们愿意奉您为神!” Then, everyone walked toward Kurmis, looks at Kurmis with the vision that hoping the wing looks forward to. 接下来,所有人朝着库尔弥斯走了过来,用希翼且憧憬的目光看着库尔弥斯 Some people said: Sir Kurmis, you, if can become God, after we died, can enter your state?” 有人说:“库尔弥斯大人啊,您若是能够成为神明的话,我们死去之后也能够进入您的国度吗?” Some people asked: Sir Kurmis, you, if becomes the god, whether we can also write down in myth?” 有人问:“库尔弥斯大人,您若是成为神的话,我们是否也能够载入神话之中?” Kurmis: Embryonic form that I prepare to build a myth item, if you want, after it can make you die the intelligence and my strength fuses in together, has a brand-new shape.” 库尔弥斯:“我准备打造出一件神话道具的雏形,如果你们愿意的话,它可以让你们死后的灵性和我的力量融合在一起,拥有一个全新的形态。” When I become God time, you will also become me also to have part in our country.” “等到我成为神明的时候,你们也将成为我还有我国度之中的一部分。” As for myth.” “至于神话。” That is a lot of years later others write, I do not know.” “那是千百年后其他人所撰写,我并不知晓。” Kurmis is not self-confident, but this is enough regarding lizard human. 库尔弥斯并不自信,但是对于蜥蜴人来说这已经足够了。 All lizard human to the end do obeisance, had almost regarded true God Kurmis. 所有的蜥蜴人倒头就拜,几乎已经将库尔弥斯当成了真正的神明 Great Kurmis!” “伟大的库尔弥斯啊!” You are our gods, we are willing to consecrate you for generations.” “您就是我们的神,我们愿世世代代供奉您。” So long as you allow us to enter your state finally, travels together with you.” “只要您最后允许我们进入您的国度,与你同行。” Regarding lizard human, this is only then in myth has heard story. 对于蜥蜴人来说,这是只有神话里才听说过的故事。 They can take the person, or as the lizard human life, only then hundred years, existence that but in these legends the partner god travels together, enjoys with the god in the state of god finally is being eternal and peaceful. 他们能够作为人,或者作为蜥蜴人的一生只有百年,但是那些传说之中伴神同行的存在,最后都在神的国度之中和神一起享受着永恒和安宁。 Is becomes an average person busily to end the life, follows God to go down in history together. 是成为一个普通人忙忙碌碌过完一生,还是跟随着神明一同载入史册。 Hundred years with eternal, as if not need to choose. 百年和永恒,似乎并不用去选择。 Once was in the lizard human eye of Powerful looks like at least in these is so. 至少在这些曾经是权能者蜥蜴人眼中看来是如此。 After enters the state that is enthralled finally is what shape exists, lizard human only know the scene in myth saying, in Suinhall myth, the retinue of god is immortal, even can always the samsara. 至于最后进入神的国度以后是什么样的形态存在,蜥蜴人们只知道神话里所说的情景,在苏因霍尔神话之中,神的仆从是永生的,甚至可以永世轮回。 For example each generation of King of Divine Grace, are the retinue of god arrives. 例如每一代的神眷之王,都是神的仆从降临而来。 This makes lizard human incomparably anticipate. 这让蜥蜴人们无比期待。 Thinks of this, as if turned into this appearance is not the misdemeanor. 一想到这,似乎连变成这副模样都不是什么坏事了。 Kurmis does not know the idea of lizard human completely, but sees the ray, anticipation and hope that in their eyes glitters, feels gratified. 库尔弥斯并不完全知道蜥蜴人们的想法,但是看到他们眼中闪烁出的光芒、期待和希望,还是觉得欣慰至极。 We started.” “那我们就开始了。” Kurmis then prepares to manufacture the myth item. In the castle in volcano deep woods. 库尔弥斯接下来准备制作神话道具。在火山森林深处的城堡之中。 Kurmis unites with all lizard human, built own myth item embryo. 库尔弥斯联和所有蜥蜴人,打造出了自己的神话道具胚胎。 What he uses the first time is which white clay jar that cultivates the brown ball vine, but after above added a cover, turned into a big jar. 他用的是自己第一次培育出褐球藤的哪个白色陶缸,只是在上面加了一个盖子之后,变成了一个大罐子。 Then. 然后。 The seeds of various plants Kurmis loads into oneself collected before the jar, but also only installed half. 库尔弥斯在罐子里面装进了自己之前所收集的各种植物的种子,不过也只装了一半。 Anu looks at this white big jar, asked Kurmis. 阿努看着这个白色的大罐子,问库尔弥斯 Sir Kurmis!” 库尔弥斯大人!” „Is this divine tool that you build? Does it name?” “这就是您打造的神器?它叫什么名字?” Kurmis thinks, shakes the head: It does not have the name, has no need for the name, is only my jar.” 库尔弥斯想了想,摇了摇头:“它没有名字,也用不着名字,就只是我的罐子而已。” Perhaps you can also call it the Kurmis seed pot.” “或许你也可以叫它库尔弥斯的种子罐。” Anu thought that this name was too ordinary, or cannot say that is a name. 阿努觉得这个名字太普通了,或者称不上是一个名字。 However ponders, if day of Kurmis becomes the god, then this jar is called the seed pot of Kurmis god. 但是细想一下,如果有一天库尔弥斯成为神的话,那么这个罐子就叫做库尔弥斯神的种子罐。 In this case. 这样的话。 As if became unattainable. 似乎就变得高不可攀了。 Anu and an numerous lizard human help various plant seeds that collects from the jungle, reorganized to put completely, this big jar well-filled. 阿努和一众蜥蜴人帮忙将从丛林之中收集来的各种植物种子,全部都整理好放了进去,将这个大罐子塞得满满的。 Anu also then asked at this time: Sir, what do we then want to make?” 阿努这个时候又接着问道:“大人,我们接下来要做什么?” The embryo of myth item made, next step naturally needs to give it the ability characteristics, gave it to collect the divine blood strength. 神话道具的胚胎制造出来了,下一步自然是需要赋予它能力特性,还有赋予它收集神血的力量。 Moreover its ability characteristics, but also needs to conduct the setting and allocation according to the latter. 而且其能力特性,还需要根据后者来进行设定和赋予。 However Kurmis is not willing to let with their all that lizard human advances uninterruptedly, sacrificed all paves itself to become the path of god. 不过库尔弥斯并不愿意让蜥蜴人前赴后继的用他们的一切,牺牲所有铺就自己成为神的道路。 Therefore he according to oneself strength, found out another means. 所以他根据自己的力量,想出了另外一种办法。 Kurmis: Then, is most essential one step.” 库尔弥斯:“接下来,就是最关键的一步。” I will give the seed the pot to become the characteristics, can make it lead to the myth fundamental characteristics.” “我将赋予种子罐成为特性,可以让它一路通往神话的基础特性。” The Kurmis look is dignified, as if what very important decision under doing. 库尔弥斯眼神凝重,似乎在做下什么非常重要的决定。 Kurmis looked at all lizard human, according to the traditional method, naturally is integrates in the myth item embryo own all that needs the followers to advance uninterruptedly, finally the strength of gathering people builds the myth item. 库尔弥斯看了一眼所有的蜥蜴人,按照传统的方法,自然就是需要信徒们前赴后继的将自己的一切都融入神话道具胚胎之中,最后集合众人之力打造出神话道具。 However Kurmis does not want in this way. 但是库尔弥斯并不想要用这种方法。 ---------------- ---------------- In castle. 城堡之中。 Kurmis drew the graph of seed pot in the blueprint, above has to melt the symbol of spirit incantation seal. 库尔弥斯在图纸上画出了种子罐的图形,上面有着融灵咒印的符号。 Each seed in jar draws lifelike, as if no longer is the ordinary plant seed. 罐子里的每一个种子都画得活灵活现,似乎不再是普通的植物种子。 Melts spirit incantation seal to fuse all thing of existence, even is the wind and rainwater.” “融灵咒印可以融合所有存在之物,甚至是风和雨水。” Similarly, it can also melt in the plant.” “同样,它也可以融于植物。” I most powerful is the intelligence strength, can take advantage of the god is also this strength.” “我最强大的就是灵性的力量,能够依仗成神的也是这股力量。” If I my own wisdom, desire and memory seal in the seed pot, and melt spirit incantation seal to integrate the plant in all intelligence the seed, changes into the unusual plant them.” “如果我将我自己的智慧、欲望、记忆封印在种子罐之中,将所有的灵性和融灵咒印融入植物的种子之中,将它们化为超凡植物。” Finally disseminates these seeds, after waiting for them cultivates to be mature, receives.” “最后将这些种子散播出去,等待它们培育成熟之后再收回来。” Can accumulate divine blood in this way, quicker builds to be my myth item alone?” “是不是就可以通过这种方式积累神血,更快的打造出独属于我的神话道具?” This method, needs the Kurmis intelligence strength and melts spirit incantation seal. 这个方法,必须要库尔弥斯的灵性力量和融灵咒印。 However lost the intelligence and melts spirit incantation seal, Kurmis is impossible nice again existed, therefore it must oneself part of seals in the seed pot. 但是失去了灵性和融灵咒印,库尔弥斯就不可能再好生生的存在了,所以它必须将自己的这一部分封印在种子罐之中。 So long as waits for the seed pot to become the myth item, he can regain consciousness from the seed pot again. 只要等待种子罐成为神话道具,他就可以从种子罐之中再度苏醒。 This method did not need lizard human to make the sacrifice, moreover as if must be quicker than the original way. 这个方法既不用蜥蜴人做出牺牲,而且比原本的方式似乎要更快。 Kurmis put down the pen, took up a seed from the table. 库尔弥斯放下了笔,从桌子上拿起了一枚种子。 Plant!” “植物!” Seed!” “种子!” I as if cannot leave these things forever.” “我似乎永远离不开这些东西。” Although on the mouth is saying, even Kurmis is also blurry, but he does not know, at this moment he has selected was his own path. 嘴上虽然这么说着,甚至库尔弥斯本身也是迷迷糊糊的,但是他并不知道,此刻他已经选中了属于他自己的道路。 Was similar to once Sukob, afterward Oland. 就如同曾经的苏科布,后来的奥兰。 On this day. 这一天。 Kurmis released own main body, turned into a giant feather snake. 库尔弥斯释放出了自己的本体,变成了一条巨大的羽蛇。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Bang!” “轰隆!” The feather snake is controlling the intelligence strength, unifies the wind and rain thunder and lightning, summoned various phenomenon ; Sky dark cloud theater curtain, thunder and lightning like crazy snake chaotic dance, but the feather snake shuttles back and forth in cloud screen and thunder. 羽蛇操控着灵性的力量,结合风雨雷电,召唤出各种异象;天空乌云幕布,雷电如同狂蛇乱舞,而羽蛇则在云幕和雷霆之中穿梭。 And finally, the feather snake from within the body the root of his special strength, the principle brand mark also gave to separate. 到了最后,羽蛇则从体内将他那特殊力量的根源,法则烙印也给分离了出来。 Melts spirit incantation seal. 融灵咒印。 Hiss!” “嘶!” Feather snake neighed, in the sound is mixing with the pain faintly. 羽蛇一声嘶鸣,声音里隐隐夹杂着痛苦。 Principle incantation seal of feather snake was stripped, fell to the following castle. 羽蛇的法则咒印被剥离了出来,落向了下面的城堡之中。 He own was in sole possession of incantation seal to integrate in the seed pot, immediately sees the seed pot had the intense change. 他将自己的独有咒印融入了种子罐之中,立刻看到种子罐发生了强烈的变化。 The white seed pot sends out the intense ray, an intermittent wave light has swept, in the floor crevice grew unexpectedly all kinds of plants, the fast inflation pestered in together, crawled the entire castle hall fully. 白色的种子罐散发出强烈的光芒,一阵阵波光扫过,地板夹缝之中竟然生长出了各种各样的植物,快速膨胀纠缠在一起,将整个城堡大厅都爬满了。 . 紧接着。 Feather snake own mortal body starts to collapse, in thunder that blots out the sky disintegration. 羽蛇自身的肉身开始崩溃,在那铺天盖地的雷霆之中崩碎。 The vast intelligence strength along with the flesh, changes into the golden color and red rainwater drops from the clouds. 浩瀚的灵性力量伴随着血肉,化为金色和红色的雨水从天而降。 After the white clay jar swallowed that the huge blood rain, turned into the golden yellow little. 原本白色的陶罐吞噬那了庞大的血雨之后,一点点变成了金黄色。 But in the interior of seed pot, can see that seed is having the radical change. 而在种子罐的内部,可以看到那一枚枚种子更是发生着剧烈的变化。 Melts the strength of spirit incantation seal, feather snake the strength of flesh intelligence. 融灵咒印的力量,羽蛇的血肉灵性之力。 Was turning into the special unusual plant seed these seeds. 正在将这些种子变成了特殊的超凡植物种子。 In the castle hall, is revolving ceremony technique standing lizard human to look to the Kurmis seed pot. 城堡大厅之中,正在围绕着仪式术阵站立的蜥蜴人们看向了库尔弥斯的种子罐。 Changed.” “变了。” Seed is sending out the unusual strength.” “种子在散发着超凡力量。” Was seemingly successful.” “看起来成功了。” However all lizard human raised the head, the discovery feather snake has disappeared in the sky thoroughly. 但是所有蜥蜴人抬起头,就发现羽蛇已经彻底消失在天空。 But at this time, the Path of Wisdom graph lightened now the above of seed pot, but has not waited for the person to see clearly vanishes thoroughly. 而这个时候,智慧之路图形一闪出现在了种子罐的上方,但是还没等人看清就彻底消失了。 Above the seed pot, presented a fuzzy shadow. 种子罐之上,出现了一个模糊的影子。 Kurmis. 正是库尔弥斯 Kurmis heard the discussion of lizard human, told Anu and lizard human. 库尔弥斯听到了蜥蜴人们的议论,告诉阿努蜥蜴人们。 I name to be called the magic herb plant.” “我给它取名叫做魔药植物。” 1 before hour, 一小时前 Reporting 举报 rendao rendao 353 353 Subject 主题 366 366 Post 帖子 1218 1218 Overall 积分 Body-Fusion 合体 Rank : 6 Rank : 6 Rank:6Rank:6 Overall 1218 积分1218 Listens to TA 收听TA Reports the news 发消息 Only looks at this/should author 只看该作者 You must sow these seeds to the land, broadcasts to the trim forest.” “你们必须将这些种子撒向大地,播向整片森林。” Waiting till it is mature time, you go to collect to offer sacrifices it again to give me and my seed pot.” “等到它成熟的时候,你们再去将它收集回来献祭给我和我的种子罐。” Has to say. 不得不说。 Kurmis the method has very big innovation, certain places surpassed the predecessor. 库尔弥斯的这个方法还是有着非常大的创新的,某些地方算是超越了前人。 What a pity is the feather snake does not have the myth authority, otherwise can make the retinue of own god through this method. 可惜的是羽蛇没有神话的权柄,要不然就可以通过这种方法制造出自己的神之仆从。 For example witch spirit and sky envoy and so on. 例如巫灵天空使之类的。 Like this he can obtain the strength directly, obtains not to have the impurity to integrate own divine blood or incomplete divine blood directly. 这样他直接可以获得力量,获得没有杂质可以直接融入自身的神血或者残缺神血 Does not need to draw support from the myth item, stepped the road of half god directly. 不用借助神话道具,就直接踏上半神之路了。 Now was equal to circling one greatly curved. 现在等于是绕了一个大弯。 Above the seed pot, the figure unceasing twinkle of Kurmis, seemingly becomes more and more fuzzy. 种子罐之上,库尔弥斯的身形不断的闪烁,看上去似乎变得越来越模糊。 Anu also noticed, immediately asks. 阿努也注意到了,立刻问道。 Sir Kurmis?” 库尔弥斯大人?” Your this is how?” “您这是・・・・・・怎么了?” Kurmis said: Don't worry, Anu!” 库尔弥斯说道:“不用担心,阿努!” To refine this seed pot, I paid some prices.” “为了炼制这个种子罐,我付出了一些代价。” This is must, for the better future.” “这是必须的,也是为了更好的未来。” Kurmis raised the head, looks to all lizard human. 库尔弥斯抬起头,看向了所有的蜥蜴人 These people are his relatives, will be his future follower, follower and guardian. 这些人都是他的亲眷,也是他将来的信徒、追随者和守卫者。 In following day.” “接下来的日子里。” I lost the support and some strengths of body, can only own consciousness seal in this jar, wait for next awakens time.” “我失去了身躯的支撑和部分力量,只能够将自己的意识封印在这个罐子之中,等待下一次的苏醒。” My some wills and strengths will revolve as before the strength of this jar, will make the brand-new magic herb plant seed continuously.” “不过我的部分意志和力量依旧会运转这个罐子的力量,会源源不断的制造出全新的魔药植物种子。” You must do, is each comes to put out the seed from the jar after a period of time, then plants.” “你们要做的,就是每过一段时间进来从罐子里拿出种子,然后进行种植。” Kurmis really somewhat seemed to be weary, sound also gradually became must weak. 库尔弥斯似乎真的有些疲倦了,声音也渐渐的变得微弱了起来。 Some of his finally ashamed intent looks at lizard human, was saying to them in a soft voice. 他最后有些愧意的看着蜥蜴人们,轻声对着它们说道。 Anu!” 阿努!” Our relatives.” “还有我们的亲眷们。” All gave you.” “一切都交给你了。” I returned, lead you together.” “等我归来,带着你们一起・・・.” The voice falls, anything gradually also listens unclear. Anu and everyone worships on bended knees in the place, shouts loudly. 话音落下,渐渐的什么也听不清楚了。阿努和所有人跪拜在地,高声呼喊。 Sir Kurmis!” 库尔弥斯大人!” But the Kurmis form also disappeared above the seed pot thoroughly, his all deep sleep in this myth item embryo. 库尔弥斯的身影也彻底消失在了种子罐之上,他的一切都沉睡在了这件神话道具胚胎之中。 ------------- ------------- Then. 接下来。 lizard human of entire volcano forest especially is busy. 整个火山森林的蜥蜴人都格外忙碌。 Prepares the stone.” “把石头都准备好。” pyramid wants to finish today.” “金字塔一定要今天完工。” Ceremony technique? Arranged?” “仪式术阵呢?都布置完了吗?” „Did the thing of Sir Kurmis receive? Places in pyramid completely.” 库尔弥斯大人的东西都收好了吗?全部都放在金字塔里面。” In the forest, lizard human excavate giant stones. 森林里,蜥蜴人们开凿出一块块巨大的石头。 Then lays on top of one another huge linearity stones, the original castle thorough seal, will change into a huge pyramid structure construction. 然后将一块块庞大的条形石头垒砌起来,将原本的城堡彻底封印,化为了一座巨大的金字塔结构建筑。 lizard human of these first generation are not only strong big, what is more important is each is Powerful. 这些第一代的蜥蜴人不仅仅是身体强壮高大,更重要的是他们每一个都是权能者 Therefore construction this pyramid regarding them, it can be said that a very simple matter. 所以建造这座金字塔对于他们,可以说是一件非常简单的事情。 Inside and outside pyramid passes in and out only leaves behind a channel, other places covered entirely the ceremony technique and divine spell trap, preventing some people to enter arbitrarily. 金字塔内外进出只留下一个通道,其他地方都布满了仪式术阵和神术陷阱,防止有人擅自间入其中。 This channel makes lizard human go to worship their beliefs, attains the magic herb plant seed. 这个通道是让蜥蜴人们进去祭拜他们的信仰,还有拿到魔药植物种子的。 Or. 或者说。 Also leaves Kurmis. 也是留给库尔弥斯的。 lizard human are thinking waits for him some day to revive, can go out from this channel, accepts the worships of all lizard human. 蜥蜴人们想着等待他有朝一日苏醒过来,就可以从这个通道走出,接受所有蜥蜴人的朝拜。 How to think of pyramid this structure image as for lizard human, according to the Kurmis mural constructs. 至于蜥蜴人们怎么想到金字塔这个结构形象,还是根据库尔弥斯的壁画上来建造的。 Kurmis as if likes the appearance of pyramid very much, but lizard human also feels the construction of this appearance very sacred. 库尔弥斯似乎很喜欢金字塔的样子,而蜥蜴人也觉得这个样子的建筑非常的神圣。 Beforehand Spiritual God casting temple in pyramid, but they actually regarded a seal pyramid, a Spiritual God reincarnation symbolized. 只是以前神灵们在金字塔上铸造神殿,而他们却将金字塔当成了一种封印,一种神灵转生的象征了。 That day that pyramid is completed, altar of all lizard human under pyramid bowed politely. 金字塔落成的那一天,所有的蜥蜴人在金字塔下的祭坛叩拜。 Anu looks at broad big stone pyramid, at present appears the Kurmis appearance. 阿努看着恢弘高大的石头金字塔,眼前浮现出了库尔弥斯的模样。 Great Kurmis!” “伟大的库尔弥斯!” We have been waiting for you, witnesses you to mount that moment of eternal great place.” “我们会一直守候着您,见证您登上永恒伟大之座的那一刻。” pyramid and altar. 金字塔、祭坛。 The lizard human village of not far away. 还有不远处的蜥蜴人村庄。 The three as if formed a new system. 三者似乎形成了一个新的体系。 A new student/life belief, civilization and race, here quietly birth. 一个新生的信仰、文明、种族,在这里悄悄诞生。 Kurmis also arranges all, he attached in the seed pot, this was a very powerful divine spell item, the ordinary fourth-order could not do to his. 库尔弥斯也算是安排好了一切,他依附在种子罐之中,这是一件非常强大的神术道具,普通的四阶是奈何不了他的。 But in lava volcano surroundings and Suinhall, perhaps if myth arrives will alarm Scarlet Goddess in volcano another sea in a twinkling. 而在熔岩火山周围和苏因霍尔,如果神话降临的话恐怕霎时间就会惊动火山另一头大海之中的腥红女神 Besides constructing pyramid. 除了修建金字塔之外。 lizard human also start to sow seeds the magic herb plant seed in Kurmis seed pot, in reclamation farmland. 蜥蜴人们也开始将库尔弥斯种子罐之中的魔药植物种子进行播种,在开垦的农田之中。 They open up the special magic herb plant farmland outside pyramid Xiahe Village village, then encircles it with the wood/blockhead pile, day and night has the lizard human guarding and goes on patrol. 他们在金字塔下和村庄外开垦出特殊的魔药植物农田,然后用木头桩子将其围起来,日夜都有蜥蜴人看守和巡逻。 However occasionally will have some accidents/surprises, making the magic herb plant the seed leave the farmland, long in the other places of forest. 但是偶尔也会出现一些意外,让魔药植物的种子离开了农田,长在了森林的其他地方。 On this day. 这一天。 Anu brings lizard human to pursue demon monster, wants to hold it then to sign the contract with it. 阿努带着蜥蜴人们追逐着一只魔怪,想要抓住它然后和它签订契约。 However pursues is pursuing, they smelled strange fragrance suddenly. 但是追着追着,他们突然闻到了一股奇异的香味。 As if had anything to be mature, was lending the special aura. 似乎有什么东西成熟了,在散发着特殊的气息。 However lizard human, are familiar with this flavor, after is one in magic herb plant is mature, flavor that sends out. 但是蜥蜴人们,对于这种味道却非常熟悉,是魔药植物之中的一种成熟后,散发出来的味道。 Is the magic herb plant.” “是魔药植物。” Is the magic herb flavor.” “是魔药的味道。” lizard human made the sound, then sought following the flavor. 蜥蜴人们发出了声音,然后循着味道寻找了过去。 Finally saw obviously exceeded the plant of ordinary range. 最后看到了一株明显超越了普通范围的植物。 Comes out to seek for the demon monster trail, unexpectedly discovered long why did not know in the magic herb plant of deep woods. 出来寻找魔怪的踪迹,竟然发现了了一株不知道为什么长在森林深处的魔药植物。 Anu squatted, looks that this is growing plant that just like the crystal same fainting leaf. 阿努蹲了下来,看着这枚长着犹如水晶一样厥叶的植物。 Anu cautious is stroking the leaf: What's the matter, recently how so many classes to outside.” 阿努小心翼翼的抚摸着叶子:“怎么回事,最近怎么这么多流到外面来的。” Some lizard human explained: Just started to plant time, everyone does not have the experience, possibly is broadcast sowing the seed the time, was not blown carefully, was stepped on by other animals comes the belt/bring under the foot to here.” 蜥蜴人解释:“刚开始种的时候,大家都没有经验,可能是撒播种子的时候,不小心被吹出来,然后被其他动物踩在脚底下带到这里来的吧。” Anu is observing this magic herb plant, discovered that it thorough is mature. 阿努观察着这棵魔药植物,发现它已经彻底成熟了。
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