IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#412 Part 1: If Teacher Lane also in

If Chapter 412 Teacher Lane also in 第412章如果蓝恩老师还在的话 God!” “神!” In the Ackermanmon eye showed the look of hope, not only longs for that strength, behind that strength is unrestricted. 阿克曼蒙眼中露出了渴望的神色,不仅仅是渴望那力量,还有那力量背后的不受约束。 Immortal, powerful and free existence. 永生、强大、自由的存在。 He asked old ghoul: „Isn't he family member or the apostle of original sin evil god? How can also with a divine grace King lineage/vein cooperation of Scarlet Goddess?” 他问老食尸鬼:“他不是原罪邪神的眷属或者使徒吗?怎么还会和腥红女神神眷王者一脉合作?” Old ghoul replied: He as if not receive the original sin evil god to control completely, 100-200 years ago Maya City had also presented a god war, but he is born at that time.” 食尸鬼回答:“他似乎并不完全受到原罪邪神控制,100-200年前美雅城曾经也出现过一次神战,而他就是在那个时候诞生的。” It is said that he at that time was a city Lord guard named Shiner, turned into the feather snake in the disaster, then has been avoiding the original sin evil god's control.” “据说他当时是一个叫做夏纳的城主的护卫,在灾难之中变成了羽蛇,然后一直都在躲避着原罪邪神的控制。” Finally has lived the present, actually had the strength of apostle.” “最后一直活到了现在,竟然拥有了使徒的力量。” Therefore, he is an apostle who does not have God to shelter.” “所以,他是一个没有神明庇护的使徒。” Ackermanmon said: Also can say, he is one apostle who shakes off the God control.” 阿克曼蒙却说:“也可以说,他是一个正在摆脱神明控制的使徒。” In the spacious magnificent room, others calmly stand, only have a Ackermanmon person in free taking a walk. 宽敞华丽的房间里,其他人都静静站立,只有阿克曼蒙一个人在自由的走动。 „A mortal.” “一个凡人。” Also can grasp the creation life unexpectedly the mystery.” “竟然也能掌握创造生命的奥秘。” Even if Ghoul King Thurow, ghoul that finally makes is not a race, can only say that is an unusual occupation. 哪怕是食尸鬼之王瑟罗,最终制造出来的食尸鬼都算不上是一个种族,只能说是一种超凡职业。 However now, some people created a brand-new race. 但是现在,有人实打实的创造出了一个全新的种族。 Old ghoul said at this time: „Do we want to obtain this method from his hand?” 食尸鬼这个时候说道:“我们要不要从他手里得到这个方法?” Old ghoul formerly was not such person, but after becoming ghoul, actually became even more crazy and degenerates, although he retained the reason, but plague blood incantation type of thing corroded his mind as before. 食尸鬼从前并不是这样的人,但是成为了食尸鬼之后却变得愈发疯狂和堕落,他虽然保留了理智,但是瘟疫血咒这种东西依旧还是侵蚀了他的心灵。 Ackermanmon looked to old ghoul: That controls the God authority.” 阿克曼蒙看向了老食尸鬼:“那是主宰神明的权柄。” The old ghoul look is greedy: Therefore that is very certainly powerful.” 食尸鬼眼神贪婪无比:“所以那一定很强大。” Ackermanmon said: Therefore that is not the mortal can touch absolutely, even is God not necessarily dares to touch ; You said that he suffered the penalty of God, I thought that is not this.” 阿克曼蒙却说:“所以那绝对不是凡人可以触碰的,甚至是神明都不一定敢触碰;你说他遭受了神明的惩罚,我却觉得不是这样的。” Must really be controls God to get angry, how will he remain?” “要真的是主宰神明发怒,他怎么还会存在?” Must really be Ruler of Life falls punishes, perhaps the entire Ruhul Giant Island world does not even exist.” “要真的是生命主宰降罚,恐怕整个鲁赫巨岛甚至世界都不复存在。” Entire Ruhul Giant Island is the seven gods under Ruler of Life place condenses, this Ruhul Giant God body, is inconceivable simply.” “整个鲁赫巨岛都是生命主宰座下的七神凝聚而成的,这鲁赫巨神的身躯,简直难以想象。” Before Ackermanmon is very long, has heard myth about Ruhul seven gods, however fights in that god finally, experienced Ruhul Giant God strength time. 阿克曼蒙很久以前就听到过关于鲁赫七神的神话,但是在那一场神战最后,见识到了鲁赫巨神的力量的时候。 He believes truly. 他才真正相信。 Great eye that above that land opens, the strength that it displays finally simply is inconceivable. 那大地之上睁开的巨眼,还有其最后展现出来的力量简直是不可思议。 Ackermanmon is unreadable, how in this world to have such existence. 阿克曼蒙难以理解,这世界上怎么会有这样的存在。 Ackermanmon is recalling at the same time, the tonality also had the change gradually. 阿克曼蒙一边回想着,音调也渐渐出现了变化。 He touches the strength that oneself are unable to understand, its understanding is the divine punishment.” “他不过是触碰了自己无法理解的力量,将其理解为神罚罢了。” Therefore do not touch to surpass the limit the thing, do not lose own goal because of the powerful strength.” “所以不要去触碰超越自己极限的东西,更不要因为强大的力量而迷失了自己的目标。” Follows when Thurow behind, Ackermanmon also seems very immature, now actually changes gradually maturely. 跟随在瑟罗身后的时候,阿克曼蒙还显得很稚嫩,现在却愈渐变得成熟。 Also gradually manifested and Thurow's difference. 也渐渐的体现出了和瑟罗的不同。 He seems like. 他似乎。 It seems like a normal person. 看上去是个正常人。 Then, Ackermanmon said. 接下来,阿克曼蒙说道。 But!” “但是!” When discovered can arrive in the road of goal, can not hesitate all touches the limit, exhausts all means.” “当发现可以抵达目标的路的时候,就可以不惜一切的去触碰极限,用尽所有的办法。” Ackermanmon looked to others: Has the strength of creation life is our present goals?” 阿克曼蒙望向了其他所有人:“拥有创造生命的力量是我们现在的目标吗?” Others shake the head in abundance, Ackermanmon turns around. 其他人纷纷摇头,阿克曼蒙转过身去。 Therefore this strength again great sacred, has what relations with us.” “所以这力量再伟大神圣,和我们又有什么关系。” Everyone departs, the beautiful maidservant closes. 所有人离去,美艳的侍女关上了门。 Under lights. 灯火下。 Ackermanmon put out «Corpse Eater Cult Standard Meter», after turning several pages, placed one side. 阿克曼蒙拿出了《食尸者密教典仪》,翻了几页之后放在了一边。 The first half and latter half handwriting of this book are completely different, because this is compiles by two people. 这本书的前半部分和后半部的笔迹完全不一样,因为这是由两个人编撰而成。 The first half author is Thurow, but continues, and improves its is Ackermanmon. 前半部分作者是瑟罗,而续写并且完善它的是阿克曼蒙 Above has to the fourth-order step, even «Abyss God Graciousness Technique» was written above. 其上有一直到四阶的步骤,甚至连《深渊神恩术》都被写在了上面。 As if telling the person of this path. 似乎在告诉走这条道路的人。 Or forever falling raging fire purgatory, either forever sink into dark abyss. 要么永坠烈火炼狱,要么永沦黑暗深渊。 Ackermanmon it can be said that inherited Thurow's complete inheritance, Thurow does not have to him slightly covers up slightly, oneself all professors will give him. 阿克曼蒙可以说是继承了瑟罗的全部传承,瑟罗也没有丝毫对他有着丝毫遮掩,将自己所有的一切都教授给了他。 Thurow in name is not the Ackermanmon teacher, in fact actually handles all things that a teacher can handle. 瑟罗名义上不是阿克曼蒙的老师,事实上却做了一个老师能够做的所有事情。 In unusual knowledge, even the idea of life affects. 不论是超凡知识上,甚至还有人生的理念影响上。 However, Ackermanmon is writing the brand-new content at this moment, is his exploration and idea about higher boundary. 不过,此时此刻阿克曼蒙在写全新的内容,是他关于更高境界的探索以及想法。 He has grasped all that Thurow has left behind, now starts to explore on the shoulder of opposite party the domain that it has not arrived at thoroughly. 他已经掌握了瑟罗留下的一切,现在开始在对方的肩膀上探索连其都未曾深入到的领域。 Ackermanmon writes with vigor. 阿克曼蒙奋笔疾书。 Can see his pen often stopping, pondered. 可以看到他的笔不时的停下,进行思考。 Occasionally will cross out the thing that before wrote, or pinched one group the paper directly. 偶尔会将之前写的东西划掉,或者直接将纸张捏成一团。 Plague blood incantation is the basis of ghoul strength, is a special principle incantation seal that becomes by the curse strength gathering.” “瘟疫血咒是食尸鬼力量的根本,是一种由诅咒力量汇聚而成的特殊法则咒印。” „The strength of curse can twist the reality, is a very mysterious and powerful strength.” “诅咒的力量可以扭曲现实,是一种非常神奇而且强大的力量。” „The strength of curse originates from ten thousand spirit consciousness, originates from the purgatory, originates from the places of ten thousand spirit home to return to( dream star sea).” “诅咒的力量来源于万灵的意识,来源自炼狱,来源自万灵归宿之地(梦幻星海)。” Ackermanmon and Thurow two fellows, it can be said that besides Lord of Purgatory, about two people who the curse most knew. 阿克曼蒙和瑟罗两个家伙,可以说是除了炼狱之主以外,对诅咒最了解的两个人了。 Also is relying on the understanding the curse, two people resist corpse eater to curse hardly, unceasing weeded out the Lord of Purgatory wool to arrive this step. 也正是凭借着对诅咒的了解,两个人一路硬抗着食尸者诅咒,不断的薅炼狱之主的羊毛才走到了这一步。 If, the curse is ten thousand spirit consciousness curses the strength that someone or some behavior or the thing present together.” “如果说,诅咒是万灵的意识共同诅咒某一个人或者某一个行为或者事物而出现的力量。” Then ten thousand spirit consciousness get together in together, blessed someone together, what situation will have?” “那么万灵的意识聚合在一起,共同祝福某一个人,会出现什么样的情况?” If.” “如果。” Ten thousand spirit consciousness get together in together, forms an agreement together, what will also turn into?” “万灵的意识聚合在一起,共同形成一个约定,又会变成什么样?” Ackermanmon thought of the agreement attorney. 阿克曼蒙想到了契律师。 These come from existence in witch spirit, likes drawing support from the contract the strength to restrain others, condenses spirits of the contract, finally builds spirit of legal code of country. 这些源自于巫灵的存在,就喜欢借助契约的力量来约束别人,凝聚出一个个契约之灵,最终来打造一个国家的法典之灵 Gives the legal code strength with the spirit of writing contract, when there are lots of people use the spirit of writing contract, after ten thousand snake royal court spirit of legal code as powerful as certain extent, its strength can radiate to the entire kingdom. 用文字契约之灵赋予法典力量,当有大量的人使用文字契约之灵的时候,当万蛇王庭法典之灵强大到一定程度之后,其力量能够辐射到整个王国。 So long as the agreement attorney discovered existence that violates the law and found him, can display the strength of law in ten thousand snake royal court any, eliminates to violate the strength of disciple of law, its imprisonment. 只要契律师发现了违反法律的存在并且找到他,就可以在万蛇王庭的任何一处施展律令之力,剥夺违反法律之徒的力量,将其禁锢。 It can be said. 可以说。 spirit of legal code is the person in entire country gives the legal code strength, is manifestation of their will. 法典之灵就是整个国家的人赋予法典的力量,是他们意志的体现。 Ackermanmon also thought of Thurow. 阿克曼蒙也想到了瑟罗。 Under he in the name of race, concludes with the named Crown of Wisdom great eternal thing finally the pledge. 还有他最后以种族的名义,和名为智慧王冠的伟大永恒之物缔结下的誓约。 Before Thurow lets Ackermanmon leaves, own overall scheme had told Ackermanmon. 瑟罗让阿克曼蒙离开之前,已经将自己的全盘计划告诉了阿克曼蒙 Although Ackermanmon does not know how finally Thurow is defeated, but he knows the big probability has the issue, was the original sin evil god made anything. 虽然阿克曼蒙不知道最后瑟罗是怎么失败的,但他知道大概率其中有问题,是原罪邪神做了些什么。 Thurow really summoned Moon of God at that time, this is Ackermanmon witnesses, represents the Crown of Wisdom contract really to exist. 瑟罗当时是真的召唤出了神之月,这是阿克曼蒙亲眼目睹到的,也代表着智慧王冠契约真的存在。 Divine tool that has the strong binding force. 一个拥有强大约束力的神器。 Can restrain community, even a race. 可以约束一个群体,甚至一个种族。 Finally Ackermanmon wrote in the rough draft: Ten thousand spirit consciousness gatherings, this agreement , if negative, cursed!” 最后阿克曼蒙在草稿上写道:“万灵的意识汇聚,这个约定如果是负面的,就是诅咒!” „If the fetter, is possibly similar to the contract or the pledge!” “如果是束缚,那么就可能类似于契约或者誓约!” If positive/direct, perhaps blessed.” “如果是正面的,或许就是祝福。” Ackermanmon then writes: What is the person most inevitable thing?” 阿克曼蒙接着写下去:“人最不可避免的东西是什么?” He not hesitant: Death.” 他没有犹豫:“死亡。” Ackermanmon wrote down these two characters. 阿克曼蒙写下了这两个字。 Then he wrote: „Is the thing that average person most longs for what?” 接下来他又写道:“普通人最渴望的东西是什么?” This he as if had time hesitant some: Wealth? Power and influence? Life span?” 这一次他似乎有了些犹豫:“财富?权势?寿命?” Ackermanmon felt, so long as the person obtains the long-time life span, the wealth and power and will influence become extremely easy to obtain. 阿克曼蒙觉得,人只要获得长久的寿命,财富和权势就会变得唾手可得。 When a person lives enough for a long time, his accumulation is the average person not unimaginable. 当一个人活得够久,他的积累是普通人无法想象的。 Therefore the eternal life is most important. 所以永生是最重要的。 At least comes in royal family's Ackermanmon, goes to think like this. 至少出身于王族的阿克曼蒙,是这样去想的。 Therefore finally, he delimited in the life span one horizontal. 所以最后,他在寿命上划上了一横。 Ackermanmon then wrote: If I and a race, or one group of people conclude the next cannot erase agreement, either I leave behind a book, a legend.” 阿克曼蒙接着写道:“如果我和一个种族,或者一群人缔结下一个不可磨灭的约定,亦或者我留下一本书,一个传说。” Told them, so long as read aloud reads my name, under can obtain first, longer life span, even was the eternal life.” “告诉他们只要诵念我的名字,就可以获得下一世,更长的寿命,甚至是永生。” Lets this race or the community, congeals regarding the immortal hope and blessing forever on my body.” “让这个种族或者群体,对于永生的渴望和祝福永远凝结在我的身上。” Their spirits and wills will belong to the places of ten thousand spirit home to return to finally, is dream star sea, however their thoughts will change into the blessing transmission on me.” “他们的灵和意志最终会归于万灵的归宿之地,也即是梦幻星海,然而他们的意念会化为祝福传递在我身上。” Perhaps a thought of person has not affected, but if 10,000 people, 100,000 people, even is more people?” “一个人的意念或许没有作用,但是如果是一万人,十万人,甚至是更多的人呢?” Collection simultaneous/uniform countless people regarding immortal hope and blessing in one, what existence then I will turn into?” “集齐无数人对于永生的渴望和祝福于一身,那么我会变成什么样的存在?” Ackermanmon stopped, considered a sentence. 阿克曼蒙停顿了一下,斟酌了一下语句。 Finally with very attractive literary style, wrote on the thick paper. 最后用非常漂亮的文体,在厚实的纸张上写道。 „Can that strength make me existence that the eternal life does not die?” “那股力量会不会让我成为永生不死的存在?” Can let me, even if died truly, can return from the places of ten thousand spirit home to return to?” “会不会让我哪怕真正死去了,也能够从万灵的归宿之地重新归来?” Ackermanmon does not know that this method has what flaw, but this method as if can convince. 阿克曼蒙不知道这种方法有什么缺陷,但是这种方法似乎能够说得通。 His expression is calm, as if he himself does not have to detect own this idea is also actually crazy. 他表情平静,似乎他自己都没有发觉自己这想法究竟又多么疯狂。 If at this moment, Thurow the estimate must stare dumbfounded in the side. 此时此刻,如果瑟罗在身边的话估计也要瞠目结舌。 However. 但是紧接着。 He should strike against the shoulder of Ackermanmon violently, told him to do that. 他应该会猛烈的拍击阿克曼蒙的肩膀,告诉他就这么去做。 Do not shrink, do not have any boundary, do not suppress own imagination.” “不要畏缩,不要有任何界限,不要压制自己的想象。” Does!” “去干!” To/Clashes!” “去冲!” Told this world us to have is outstanding and powerful!” “去告诉这个世界我们有多么优秀和强大!” Ackermanmon as if also heard this sound, turned head to look at one behind. 阿克曼蒙似乎也听到了这声音,扭头看了一眼身后。 Before that liking stood in it behind, appreciates his form to vanish to disappear vigorously. 只是那之前喜欢站在其身后,大力赞赏他的身影早已经消失不见了。 Ackermanmon then writes: How to make a race or the community unceasing exerts an agreement, to bless or curse?” 阿克曼蒙接着写下去:“如何让一个种族或者群体不断的施加一个约定、祝福或者诅咒?” Ackermanmon left behind one line of characters finally: Crown of Wisdom pledge?” 阿克曼蒙最后留下了一行字:“智慧王冠誓约?” This as if indeed is a good way. 这似乎的确是一个好办法。 However he once saw with one's own eyes Thurow to distribute the Crown of Wisdom pledge, finally under dissipation Yu Yueguang. 但是他曾经亲眼看到了瑟罗发下了智慧王冠誓约,最终消散于月光之下。 Therefore Ackermanmon must first understand, what is the Crown of Wisdom pledge? 所以阿克曼蒙首先要去了解一下,智慧王冠誓约到底是什么? In the past Thurow distributed the pledge as king of ghoul race, why will also be defeated backlashed finally?- 当年瑟罗以食尸鬼种族之王的身份去发下誓约,又为什么会失败最终遭受反噬?- The lava volcano will wobble occasionally, but is stable in recent years, nearby dozens li (0.5 km) the range average person besides the volcano is hard to approach, the surrounding is very safe. 熔岩火山偶尔会出现震荡,但是近些年来已经非常稳定了,除了火山附近数十里的范围普通人难以靠近以外,外围是非常安全的。 In the surrounding of lava volcano domain, has a jungle of cover is the volcano forest. 在熔岩火山领域的外围,有着一圈茂密的丛林就是火山森林。 In the forest is occupying many demon monster, the person in nearby village also called him for the dense/woods of monster. 森林里盘踞着不少魔怪,附近村庄的人也称呼其为怪物之森。 However recently. 不过最近。 The name of dense/woods of monster in the , as if started becomes was really worthy of the reputation. 怪物之森的名字在附近,似乎开始真的变得名副其实了起来。 Because in the volcano forest not only has demon monster, one crowd of existences that is growing the four limbs and tail. 因为火山森林里不仅仅有着魔怪,还有一群长着四肢和尾巴的存在。 The jungle deep place has a castle and village. 丛林深处有着一座城堡和村落。 To the direction of volcano, one crowd of lizard human open up the farmland here. 面向火山的方向,一群蜥蜴人在这里开垦出农田。 „A needle juniper loosen.” They can drill with divine spell to the place in directly, can relaxed turning the soil. “把土松一松。”他们可以用神术直接钻到地里,就可以轻松的翻土。 Directs a canal from that side.” Even relaxed, digs out a canal. “从那边引一条水渠来。”甚至轻轻松松,就挖出一条水渠。 As for constructing their new homelands, is relaxed incomparable. 至于建造他们的新家园,更是轻松无比。 They excavate with ease the giant stone, laid on top of one another a tall wall and house. 他们轻轻松松的开凿出巨石,垒砌成了一座高墙和房屋。 Their figure is vigorous and healthy, shoulders the giant stone not to feel the strenuous, strong both legs stands in the land, can pick up the heavy item that snake human is unable to withstand. 他们身形健壮,背负着巨大的石头也没有感觉吃力,强健的双腿站在大地上,可以托起蛇人无法承受的重物。 Therefore frequently can see them in the jungle walk as if flying, is shouldering the stone or the wood/blockhead. 因此经常可以看到他们在丛林之中健步如飞,背负着石头或者木头。 In the jungle, lizard human are talking. 丛林之中,蜥蜴人们互相之间在交谈。 You ran too slowly.” “你跑得太慢了。” What you carry is the wood/blockhead, my, but stone.” “你背的是木头,我的可是石头。” Kurmis stands in the city wall, looks that this showed the gratified expression, lizard human as if start gradually became has the vitality/angry. 库尔弥斯站在城墙上,看着这一幕露出了欣慰的表情,蜥蜴人们似乎渐渐的开始变得有生气了。 Far away from the crowd and busy life, as if can make them forget once. 远离人群和忙碌的生活,似乎可以让他们忘记曾经。 Possibly is because they are different from beforehand Kurmis, Kurmis is a person, but they are one crowd. 可能是因为他们和之前的库尔弥斯不一样,库尔弥斯是一个人,而他们是一群。 Kurmis turns around, in toward the castle prepare the hall of ceremony has walked. 库尔弥斯转过身去,朝着城堡内一处早就布置好的仪式的大厅走去。 The ground chocked up the candle. 地上摆满了蜡烛。 On the wall has a sacred white relief, that is Scarlet Goddess. 墙壁上有着一副神圣的白色浮雕,那是腥红女神 Kurmis holds Cup of Bloodmist, in the communication this God. 库尔弥斯手捧着血雾之杯,沟通上了这位神明 Does his consciousness sway, arrived at that Blood Country that again is located in the bottom of deep sea. 他的意识摇摇晃晃,再度来到了那座位于深海之底的血之国 The temple of ancient vicissitudes, god throne of keeping aloof, the oldest of encirclement palace. 古老沧桑的圣殿,高高在上的神座,环绕殿堂的最古者 Kurmis situated under, looked up to red hair half god in god throne. 库尔弥斯位于下方,抬头看向了神座上的红发半神。 He reorganized a mood, but finally as before saying of some jittery. 他整理了一下情绪,但是最后依旧还是有些惊慌不安的说道。 Great Scarlet Goddess!” “伟大的腥红女神啊!” You can tell me, was I makes the mistake?” “您可以告诉我,是我做错了吗?” Therefore incurred the Ruler of Life disciplinary punishment?” “所以才招致了生命主宰的惩戒?” Scarlet Goddess told Kurmis: It has not punished you.” 腥红女神告诉库尔弥斯:“祂并没有惩罚伱。” Life power itself/Ben is so, or the myth strength itself/Ben is so.” “生命权能本就是如此,或者说神话的力量本就是如此。” Too near time that you and God depend on, is contacting the God strength seriously time, you will be affected by the strength of god.” “你和神明靠的太近的时候,当真正接触到神明的力量的时候,你就会被神的力量所影响。” Kurmis somewhat felt at ease finally, innermost feelings is frightened erratically returns to normal slightly. 库尔弥斯终于有些安心了下来,内心的惊惶不定稍稍平复。 Therefore.” “所以。” „Is Ruler of Life appreciates my?” 生命主宰是赞赏我的?” „Is the birth of brown ball vine, the Ruler of Life will?” “褐球藤的诞生,是生命主宰的意志?” Scarlet Goddess was indefinite, but was basic recently has determined. 腥红女神原本也不确定,不过最近基本已经确定了。 No.” “不。” Possibly Ruler of Life has not noticed you.” “可能生命主宰并没有注意到你。” It, even if saw it, will not care.” “不过祂哪怕看见了,也不会去在意。” This era can by the person of Mother of Life disciplinary punishment, be snake mother Themus.” “这个纪元能够被生命之母惩戒的人,是蛇母瑟摩丝。” Kurmis!” 库尔弥斯!” In which meaning is, Kurmis is not worth by the Mother of Life disciplinary punishment. 其中的意思便是,库尔弥斯根本就不值得被生命之母惩戒。 Why was Mother of Life angry initially? 生命之母当初为何而愤怒? Because Themus is Mother of Life makes personally, passes through a journey together the divine creative force, therefore snake mother Themus went against the Mother of Life will, Mother of Life will care. 因为瑟摩丝生命之母亲手制造,一同走过一段旅程的造物,所以蛇母瑟摩丝违背了生命之母的意志,生命之母才会在乎。 As for Kurmis, Scarlet Goddess did not think that on him has any is worth this great God throwing down the vision the place. 至于库尔弥斯,腥红女神并不觉得他身上有任何值得这位伟大神明投下目光的地方。 Scarlet Goddess thinks perhaps Kurmis is shouldering some mission, but now looks like, he perhaps is really only lucky. 腥红女神原本以为库尔弥斯或许肩负着某种使命,但是现在看来,他或许真的只是幸运。 Kurmis wanted to say. 库尔弥斯本来想要说。 That Distorted Eye disclosed information that telling his is Creator the thing of creation. 畸变之眼透露出来的信息,告诉他这是造物主所创造之物。 However before arriving in port, actually does not dare to say. 但是临到口,却又没敢说出口。 Perhaps is he also felt, perhaps such great existence is Scarlet Goddess is unable to guess, the opposite party does not have the means to reply. 或许是他也觉得,这样伟大的存在或许是腥红女神都无法揣测的,对方也没有办法回答。 Possibly all, are really only the coincidences! 可能一切,都真的只是巧合吧! Kurmis implored again: Great Scarlet Goddess, looked, in I make the brown ball vine in the merit, I want to request that you help me.” 库尔弥斯再度祈求:“伟大的腥红女神啊,看在我制造出褐球藤的功劳上,我想要请求您帮助我。” Kurmis raised the head: I requested you, can turn into snake human them.” 库尔弥斯抬起头:“我请求您,可不可以将他们重新变成蛇人。” Scarlet Goddess Vivien shakes the head: I am unable to achieve.” 腥红女神费雯摇了摇头:“我也无法做到。” Scarlet Goddess told Kurmis: I can make new snake human by the bloodlines, this is not difficult.” 腥红女神告诉库尔弥斯:“我可以凭借血脉制造出新的蛇人,这并不难。” But lizard human from the level of bloodlines, perfect changes snake human, the proportion makes snake human to want difficult tens of thousands of times newly-made, this has involved the life to high authority.” “但是将一个蜥蜴人从血脉的层面,完好无损的重新变回蛇人,比重新制造出一个蛇人要困难成千上万倍,这已经涉及到了生命的至高权柄。” Except for the control of life, whom I cannot find out to achieve such matter.” “除了生命的主宰,我想不出有谁能够做到这样的事情。” This is just like from the lizard retrieves the bloodlines of first ancestor fish. 这就好比从蜥蜴身上找回始祖鱼的血脉。 In comparison, the intelligent authority is perhaps easier to achieve this point.” “相比之下,智慧的权柄或许更容易做到这一点。” Before you means of reincarnation using.” “就像你之前所用的转生的办法。” Kurmis is somewhat disappointed: But, great Scarlet Goddess!” 库尔弥斯有些失望:“但是,伟大的腥红女神啊!” They are only ordinary Powerful, cannot become the apostle aptitude person.” “他们都只是普通的权能者,其中并没有可以成为使徒资质的人。” „The method of reincarnation to them, has not affected.” “转生的方法对于他们来说,并没有作用。” However Scarlet Goddess told Kurmis: Another means that the intelligence strength can change a shape of person from the intelligent power fundamental strength, but does not need to change bloodlines of person.” 不过腥红女神告诉库尔弥斯:“还有另外一个办法,灵性的力量可以从智慧权能根本的力量上改变一个人的形态,而不用改变一个人的血脉。” You, if can become half god, then can give the intelligence authority strength to them, perhaps can also achieve to change the snake human appearance them.” “你如果能够成为半神的话,便可以将灵性的权柄力量赋予给他们,或许也能够做到将他们重新变回蛇人的模样。” Kurmis revealed the forced smile: „Becoming the god?” 库尔弥斯露出了苦笑:“成为神?” How do I possibly achieve?” “我怎么可能做到?” Scarlet Goddess told Kurmis: You because of making the brown ball vine made the sacrifice, as method that compensating me can tell you to become God.” 腥红女神告诉库尔弥斯:“你们因为制造褐球藤而做出了牺牲,作为补偿我可以告诉你一个成神的方法。” Kurmis raised the head, the vision shocks surprisedly. 库尔弥斯抬起头,目光惊讶且震撼。 Scarlet Goddess then said: But is I gives your means even if, requires lots of time to implement as before.” 腥红女神接着说道:“但是哪怕是我给你的办法,依旧需要大量的时间去实行。” When possibly you succeed, already without enough time.” “可能等到你成功的时候,已经来不及了。” „Do you also want?” “你还愿意吗?” Kurmis nods: I want certainly, so long as can turn into snake human lizard human, so long as can make lizard human integrate snake human, my anything wants.” 库尔弥斯点头:“我当然愿意,只要能够将蜥蜴人变成蛇人,只要能够让蜥蜴人重新融入蛇人,我什么都愿意。” Even if this generation is not good, even after needing many generations .” “哪怕这一代不行,哪怕需要很多代以后。” I am also willing to do.” “我也愿意去做。” Kurmis somewhat seems to be stubborn, perhaps also because just this tenacity, he arrived at today's this step. 库尔弥斯似乎有些固执,或许也正因为这种固执,他才走到了今天这一步。 I violate wrong, I do not want other to undertake.” “我自己犯得错,我不想要让其他人来承担。” Regardless of how long, I am willing to make up for this mistake.” “无论多久,我都愿意去弥补这个过错。” Scarlet Goddess nods, since Kurmis agreed It then said: I know, you have grasped the Path of Wisdom reincarnation law.” 腥红女神点头,既然库尔弥斯同意了祂就接着说道:“我知道,你已经掌握了智慧之路转生法。” But reincarnation has been hard to use in this era, only if you are willing to wait for trillion years of years.” “但是古法转生在这一个纪元已经难以使用了,除非你愿意等待亿万年的岁月。” During trillion years of years, what accident/surprise will also have, who can guarantee?” “在着亿万年的岁月之中,又会出现什么样的意外,谁又能够保证呢?” Moreover lizard human could not wait for such long time.” “而且蜥蜴人也等待不了这么长的时间。” Kurmis: How should I do?” 库尔弥斯:“我应该怎么做呢?” Scarlet Goddess told Kurmis: You can create a myth item, then depends upon its strength to conduct the reincarnation in intelligence.” 腥红女神告诉库尔弥斯:“你可以创造一件神话道具,然后依靠它的力量进行灵性上的转生。” „It looks like Asai apostle Sukob, the Ibach apostle Oland is the same.” “就像是阿赛的使徒苏科布,伊瓦的使徒奥兰一样。” Naturally, you can also choose become the spirit of myth item directly, but this way you are unable to obtain the Gate of Intelligent authority.” “当然,你也可以选择直接成为神话道具之灵,但是这种方式你无法得到灵性之门的权柄。” How as to create the myth item, «Path of Wisdom» that you obtain? I told your key.” “至于怎么创造神话道具,你得到的《智慧之路》呢?我告诉你其中的关键。” Kurmis does not understand that the myth item is anything, he has not even understood that difference between God and God, does not know the road of intelligent power myth is divided into the myth items and wisdom half god two types. 库尔弥斯不明白神话道具是什么,他甚至还不明白神明神明之间的区别,不知道智慧权能神话之路分为神话道具和智慧半神两种。 Kurmis handed over Path of Wisdom, condensed an illusory chart, dense and numerous overlaps in together writing. 库尔弥斯交出了智慧之路,凝聚成了一张虚幻的图,还有密密麻麻交迭在一起的文字。 After Scarlet Goddess looks, made the adjustment above. 腥红女神看完之后,在上面做出了调整。 God graciousness four points of secret technique, this leads to the myth key.” “神恩四分秘术,这是通往神话的关键。” „The wisdom half god or the myth item, must pass through this step.” “不论是智慧半神还是神话道具,都要经过这一步。” According to me teaches to give your method, after the way of belief saved enough certain divine blood, can definitely make the myth item.” “按照我教授给你的方法,以信仰的方式积攒够了一定神血之后,就肯定能够制造出神话道具。” How should do as for behind, looked your own.” “至于后面该怎么做,就看你自己的了。” Kurmis salutes: Thank your direction.” 库尔弥斯行礼:“感谢您的指引。” Scarlet Goddess nods, the consciousness of Kurmis was separated from this state, returned to the world. 腥红女神点了点头,库尔弥斯的意识就脱离了这片国度,回到了人间。 Kurmis closes one's eyes, feels Scarlet Goddess to teach to the method of manufacturing of his myth item. 库尔弥斯闭着眼睛,感受着腥红女神传授给他的神话道具的制作方法。 He not only shocks, and feels the fear. 他既震撼,又感觉恐惧。 What shocks, unexpectedly such method to myth. 震撼的是,竟然还有这样的通往神话的方法。 What fears, this method seems like that must through the modest method, generations of accumulate to arrive in myth. 恐惧的是,这种方法看似是要通过温和的手段,一代代积累下来就可以抵达神话 So long as pondered, understands also has another method. 但是只要细想,就明白还有着另外一种方法。 So long as disregards, plunders and collects divine blood massively to obtain the eternal life. 只要不管不顾,大量掠夺和收集神血就可以获得永生。 Kurmis: This method Scarlet Goddess is willing to teach me, it seems like great It believes that I will certainly not make this matter.” 库尔弥斯:“这种方法腥红女神都愿意教给我,看来伟大的祂相信我一定不会做出这种事情的。”
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