IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#411 Part 2: Ruler of Life gracious gift

However to the King Smoker age, these domain had erupted the sign of rebellion, for this reason also makes King Smoker bring the army to inspect in the old age, actually goes to battle. 但是到了斯默克尔王的年代,这些领地就曾经爆发过叛乱的迹象,为此还让斯默克尔王在晚年的时候带着军队巡视,实为出征。 But now they attack the eruption war unceasingly, when the king or the external forces Suinhall begin to them, will form the united league ; These city lords and families are temple servant of God will even unite in together, resists the influence of king of Suinhall. 而如今他们更是互相之间不断攻伐爆发战争,但是当苏因霍尔之王或者外部势力对他们动手的时候,又会结成统一联盟;这些城主、家族甚至是神庙神侍都会联合在一起,抵抗苏因霍尔之王的影响力。 Except that has not betrayed Suinhall directly, here has become in fact the state within a state. 除了没有直接背叛苏因霍尔,这里已经成为了实质上的国中之国。 Laterite Territory. 红土领 Because here the land is red is well-known, the coast and business are developed, since the ancient times is depends on the sea trade to be well-known in Ruhul Giant Island. 这里因为土地是红色的而闻名,沿海且商贸发达,自古以来就是靠着海洋贸易闻名于鲁赫巨岛 However now the sea Shanghai robbers run amuck, Laterite Territory also came under the influence. 但是如今海洋上海盗横行,红土领也受到了影响。 In Laterite City nearly two years also had/left some strange characters much. 红土城中近两年还多出了一些奇怪的人物。 A strange sect developed quickly here, and attracted lots of believers. 一个诡异的教派很快就在这里发展了起来,并且吸纳了大量的教徒。 It is not born in this, but came from the remote north. 它并不是诞生于此,而是来自于遥远的北方。 The name Is called Corpse Eater Cult. 名字叫做-食尸者密教 Light and bright little building, a young people attire is appropriate, seems like feels somewhat ice-cold, is a quiet person. 宽敞明亮的小楼,一个年轻人衣着得体,一眼看上去就感觉有些冰冷,是个沉默寡言的人。 The young people are tasting food, takes the table knife gracefully after finishing eating the meat, stood scratched the mouth after behind maidservant for him, then he then set out to look to the gate direction. 年轻人品尝着食物,拿着餐刀优雅的吃完了肉之后,站在身后的侍女替他擦了擦嘴巴,然后他便起身看向了门的方向。 The entrance maidservant opened the gate, several waited for very long person to walk. 门口的侍女拉开了门,几个等候了很久的人走了进来。 Chief Sir!” “首席大人!” But an old man's name is especially special, actually called the young people are. 而其中一名老者的称呼尤为特殊,竟然称呼年轻人为。 King of Ten Thousand Snakes your majesty!” 万蛇之王陛下!” Young people Ackermanmon, was once treated as last generation of King of Ten Thousand Snakes of puppet. 年轻人正是阿克曼蒙,曾经被当作傀儡的最后一代万蛇之王 But the old man was his once literature and history teacher, was Suinhall sends people to affect and control his board game piece, finally was made ghoul by him. 而老者是他曾经的文学与历史老师,是苏因霍尔派人过去影响和控制他的棋子,最后被他制造成了食尸鬼 Ackermanmon sets out, said to the past literature and history teacher. 阿克曼蒙起身,对着昔日的文学与历史老师说道。 Now does not have ten thousand snake royal court, is Ten Thousand Snakes Ruling State.” “现在已经没有万蛇王庭了,是万蛇执政国。” Naturally did not have King of Ten Thousand Snakes again.” “也自然再也没有了万蛇之王了。” Old ghoul nods: Yes, your majesty.” 食尸鬼点头:“是的,陛下。” A while ago royal court was changed the name.” “前段时间王庭被人改了名字了。” Because in everyone's eyes, last generation of King of Ten Thousand Snakes has died in that god war. 因为在所有人的眼中,最后一代万蛇之王已经死在了那一场神战之中。 Without King of Ten Thousand Snakes royal court, but can also call it royal court? 没有了万蛇之王王庭,还能称之为王庭吗? Therefore ten thousand snake royal court highest pretors change name to be called Ten Thousand Snakes Ruling State the country's name, but these years consciousness is very difficult to turn around, most people will call him as before are ten thousand snake royal court. 所以万蛇王庭的最高执政官将国名改名叫做万蛇执政国,只是这么多年来的意识很难扭转过来,大多数人依旧会称呼其为万蛇王庭 After that god in lunar eclipse city fights, all corpse eater almost died certainly. 在月蚀城的那一场神战过后,所有的食尸者几乎都死绝了。 Either died in the disaster, either by Thurow suck dry strength. 要么死在了灾难里,要么被瑟罗吸干了力量。 But then Earth Demoness and Sukob make a move, gave «Corpse Eater Cult Standard Meter» this evil secret Dian cancelled thoroughly, at least in the lunar eclipse city was this. 而接下来大地魔女苏科布出手,更是将《食尸者密教典仪》这部邪恶秘典都给彻底抹去了,至少在月蚀城是这样的。 Only then Ackermanmon had the king of Thurow's food corpse complete inheritance to leave ten thousand snake royal court. 只有阿克曼蒙带着食尸之王瑟罗的全部传承离开了万蛇王庭 For these years. 这几年。 Ackermanmon the inheritance gradual learn/study improvement, he will have become third-order Powerful. 阿克曼蒙已经将其中的传承逐渐的学习完善,他自身也成为了一名三阶权能者 However Ackermanmon has not inherited «Corpse Eater Cult Standard Meter» the corpse eater true core disseminates again like Thurow, in Laterite City grasps the Corpse Eater Cult standard meter, only then Ackermanmon, other existences are he through ghoul that the plague blood incantation makes. 不过阿克曼蒙并没有再将食尸者真正的核心传承《食尸者密教典仪》像瑟罗一样散播出去,在红土城之中掌握食尸者密教典仪的只有阿克曼蒙一个,其他的存在都是他通过瘟疫血咒制造出来的食尸鬼 He chose to make ghoul these regarding the person who the unusual strength drooled with envy, rather than directly «Corpse Eater Cult Standard Meter» teaches. 他选择将那些对于超凡力量垂涎欲滴的人制造成了食尸鬼,而不是直接将《食尸者密教典仪》传授出去。 This. 这样。 He has the absolute control regarding ghoul that oneself make. 他对于自己制造出的食尸鬼有着绝对的掌控力。 Therefore Laterite Territory Corpse Eater Cult was once more secret, moreover is completely controlled by him. 所以红土领食尸者密教比曾经更加隐秘,而且完全受到他控制。 Ackermanmon looked to old ghoul: Said that what had?” 阿克曼蒙看向了老食尸鬼:“说吧,发生了什么?” However has not waited for old ghoul to start talking, Ackermanmon frowns suddenly. 但是还没有等老食尸鬼开口说话,阿克曼蒙突然皱起了眉头。 His body emitted the flame faintly, the back space has anything to be twisted probably. 他的身上隐隐冒出了火焰,背后的空间好像有着什么东西正在被扭曲。 As if. 似乎。 Has anything to span the space, or must Ackermanmon pulling. 有什么东西要跨越空间而出,亦或者要将阿克曼蒙给拉扯进去。 Ackermanmon has not felt amazed, but said one lightly: „The corpse eater curse started to manifest suddenly.” 阿克曼蒙却没有觉得惊诧,只是淡淡的说了一句:“食尸者诅咒又开始发作了。” Ackermanmon prevents the opposite party speech immediately, he moved toward the most deep place of room, sat on a seat. 阿克曼蒙立刻阻止了对方说话,他走向了房间的最深处,坐在了一张座椅上。 The bunch black blood-color shadow fled from his within the body. 一团团黑色的血色影子从他体内窜了出来。 Under foot ceremony technique was lightened, approached each corner the blood-color shadow transmission. 脚下仪式术阵被点亮,将血色影子传递向了各个角落。 Then. 然后。 Ackermanmon gradually stabilized own situation. 阿克曼蒙才逐渐稳定下来了自己的情况。 Ackermanmon opened the eye, read two names. 阿克曼蒙睁开了眼睛,念出了两个名字。 Lord of Purgatory.” 炼狱之主。” „...... God of Original Sin.” “还有……原罪之神。” Initially these two existed, compelled Thurow to take risks to choose the abyss, played with Thurow in the stock palms. 当初正是这两个存在,一个逼得瑟罗不得不铤而走险选择了深渊,一个将瑟罗玩弄于股掌之间。 But Ackermanmon, as if starts to face this aspect now. 阿克曼蒙,现在也似乎开始面临这种局面。 He can only alleviate corpse eater to curse, actually cannot get rid of the curse, but he is not willing to elect Thurow to choose initially. 他只能缓解食尸者诅咒,却不能摆脱诅咒,但他更不愿意去选瑟罗当初的选择。 Ackermanmon does not care about what throne, does not care about what ten thousand snake royal court. 阿克曼蒙不在乎什么王位,也不在乎什么万蛇王庭 Own freedom that however cares about, he dislikes any to have the fetter. 但是在乎的自己的自由,他讨厌自己被任何存在束缚。 He had said oneself goal with Thurow. 他曾经和瑟罗说过自己的目标。 I want to obtain the eternal life.” “我想要获得永生。” „Becoming unshackled existence.” “成为不受束缚的存在。” But generally speaking, this type unshackled and existence of eternal life has a unified name. 而一般来说,这种不受束缚且永生的存在都有一个统一的称呼。 Gods. 神。 Although snake human is not clear, why the god will be called the god greatly, god name why. 虽然蛇人并不清楚,神为何会被称之为神,神这个称呼又为何伟大。 Only knows that from the beginning is so, the god was called the god. 只知道从一开始就是如此,神就被称之为神。 Ackermanmon sets out, was saying to waiting several second-order ghoul. 阿克曼蒙起身,对着等候的几个二阶食尸鬼说道。 Said!” “说吧!” What matter has?” “到底有什么事情?” Old ghoul: Several domain and cities of royal family straight lead(er), started the crops that plants a name to be called the brown ball vine with Meiya Domain and Moonlight Domain recently, actually wants high several times compared with the rolling ball fern crop.” 食尸鬼:“王室直领的几个领地和城市,和美雅领月光领最近开始种植一种名字叫做褐球藤的农作物,竟然比卷球厥的收成要高好几倍。” Ackermanmon: What unusual plant did some people discover?” 阿克曼蒙:“有人又发现了什么奇特的植物吗?” Old ghoul shakes the head: No, this time is a person makes.” 食尸鬼摇头:“不,这一次是一个人制造出来的。” Ackermanmon looked up to old ghoul: You were said that some people made the new species, can one type the plant of nature breeding?” 阿克曼蒙抬起头看向了老食尸鬼:“你是说有人制造出了新的物种,一种可以自然繁育的植物?” Man-made life, this is the Ruler of Life authority, is the Supreme God authority.” “人造生命,这是生命主宰的权柄,属于至高神明的权柄。” „Can person also achieve?” “人也可以做到?” Old ghoul once was the personnel who collected the information, at this moment has investigated clearly: Is an existence manufacture of apostle step, heard that he spied on to receive and instruct a Ruler of Life strength, possibly before was this God left, keeps the strength of the world.” 食尸鬼曾经就是收集情报的人员,此刻早已经调查清楚了:“是一个使徒阶的存在制造的,听说他窥探接引下来了一丝生命主宰的力量,可能是这位神明离开之前,留在人间的力量。” Even so, he still suffered backlash finally.” “不过就算如此,他最后也遭受到了反噬。” Moreover according to situation that the news described, he as if while making brown ball vine brand-new crops, but also made brand-new intelligent race.” “而且根据消息所描绘的情况,他似乎在制造出了褐球藤这种全新农作物的同时,还制造出了一个全新的智慧种族。” The Ackermanmon innermost feelings shock, but in surface actually does not have any expression. 阿克曼蒙内心非常震撼,但是表面上却没有任何表情。 Seemed like this person really to steal Ruler of Life some strengths, otherwise was impossible to achieve.” “看起来这个人真的窃取到了生命主宰的部分力量,要不然不可能做到。” Ackermanmon remembered Thurow, he made ghoul. 阿克曼蒙想起了瑟罗,他制造出了食尸鬼 However this can only say that is an unusual occupation, but is not a true race. 但是这只能够说是一种超凡职业,而算不上一个真正的种族。 Old ghoul then said: Moreover this person you should also know, he once also appeared in the lunar eclipse city, turned into a winged big snake.” 食尸鬼接着说道:“而且这个人陛下您也应该认识,他曾经也出现在了月蚀城,变成了一条长着翅膀的大蛇。” Ackermanmon is comparing this image immediately, recalled anything. 阿克曼蒙立刻对照着这个形象,回忆起了什么。 Feather snake!” “羽蛇!” „When original sin evil god arrives at the world carrier.” “原罪邪神降临人间之时的载体。” Initially the opposite party was being controlled by the original sin evil god, with God of Truth and Knowledge at the world war. 当初对方就是被原罪邪神控制着,和真理与知识之神在人间大战。 The intelligence control myriad things, evolve all sorts of celestial phenomena, even control rainstorm thunder. 灵性控制万物,演化种种天象,甚至控制暴雨雷霆。 Spits among the breaths to destroy the mountain peak, the puncture land. 吐息之间能够毁灭山峰,击穿大地。 Ackermanmon had looked into the distance from afar, that the first time was he experienced the God mighty force truly. 阿克曼蒙曾经远远眺望过,那是他第一次真正见识到了神明伟力。
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