IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#411 Part 1: Ruler of Life gracious gift

Chapter 411 Ruler of Life gracious gift 第411章生命主宰的恩赐 Several months later. 几个月后。 Ruhul Giant Island has started to enter the autumn, the weather becomes somewhat is slightly cold, but Suinhall compares in Wanshe royal court to be warmer. 鲁赫巨岛已经开始进入了秋季,天气变得略微有些寒冷,不过苏因霍尔相比于万蛇王庭还是要暖和许多。 One group of earth dragon cavalries pass through the land, raises the intermittent mist and dust. 一群地行龙骑兵穿过大地,掀起阵阵烟尘。 The soldiers are holding high the flag high, above is the chart emblem of Suinhall royal family. 士兵们高高举着旗帜,上面是苏因霍尔王室的图徽。 King of Osis Suinhall led the person to arrive at Meiya Domain, obtained the city Lord reception outside the Maya City city gate. 苏因霍尔之王奥西斯带着人来到了美雅领,在美雅城城门外得到了城主的接待。 King!” “王!” Maya City all subjects, welcome your arrival.” 美雅城的所有臣民,欢迎您的驾临。” However this King has not entered in the city, but after drawing an governing dragon leather sheath, shifted to another side. 但是这位王者并没有进入城内,只是拉了一下御龙皮套之后就转向了另一边。 A large crowd closely follows. 一大批人紧紧相随。 Close to an Eastern large-scale farm manor, there is the Kurmis experiment place. 靠近东方的一处大型农场庄园,那里是库尔弥斯的实验场所。 The large military forces have not arrived in the farm manor completely, saw that from afar the farmland was covered with the green vine, the rhizome turned the distortion tune to pile up together. 大队人马还没有完全抵达农场庄园,就远远看到农田里长满了绿色的藤蔓,根茎扭扭曲曲堆积在一起。 Osis upturns from the earth dragon body immediately, rushed to these farmland. 奥西斯立刻从地行龙身上翻了下来,冲到了这些农田之中。 He used the hand to dig out the fruit under vine, after seeing the genuine material object, the expression appeared unusual shock. 他用手挖出了藤蔓下的果实,看到真正的实物之后,表情显得非常的震撼。 Really!” “真的!” Brand-new crops!” “全新的农作物!” Followed also arrived in Osis behind numerous nobles and ministers, saw that this also showed the surprised expression, they also the first time were saw this type of fruit long the crops in land. 跟随在奥西斯身后的一众王公大臣也抵达了,看到这一幕也纷纷露出了惊讶的表情,他们也是第一次见到这种果实长在土地里的农作物。 Osis finishes speaking, the form walked. 奥西斯话音刚落,身后一个身影走了出来。 That is existence that has shape of God, in vine pesters in together, changed into the Kurmis appearance. 那是一位拥有神之形的存在,地里的藤蔓纠缠在一起,化为了库尔弥斯的模样。 Kurmis: Your majesty!” 库尔弥斯:“陛下!” Osis turns head immediately, his attitude was completely different, can create existence of brand-new species, how to make one be worth awing. 奥西斯立刻回过头来,这一次他的态度完全不一样了,一个能够创造出全新物种的存在,怎么都让人值得敬畏。 Mr. Kurmis, you really achieved.” 库尔弥斯先生,你果然做到了。” Kurmis guides Osis to watch his plants experimentally the brown ball vine the farmland, here brown ball vine is person in Kurmis and castle plants personally. 库尔弥斯引导着奥西斯来观看他的试种褐球藤的农田,这里的褐球藤都是库尔弥斯和城堡里的人亲手种下的。 This is the brown ball vine!” “这就是褐球藤!” They can transplant two ways to cultivate through the seed or the rhizome, every year can plant twice even three times.” “他们可以通过种子或者根茎移植两种方式进行培育,每年可以种植两次甚至三次。” Now conducts the words that replants, in the spring of next year can harvest the fruit.” “现在进行补种的话,明年春天就可以收获果实。” Why this was also Kurmis makes Osis come personally a reason at this time, only then witnessed here change, Osis believes truly. 这也是库尔弥斯为什么在这个时候让奥西斯亲自过来一趟的原因,只有亲眼目睹到了这里的变化,奥西斯才会真正相信。 Moreover now starting from, can a brown ball vine quicker popularization. 而且现在开始,可以将褐球藤更快的普及出去。 Osis hears this name: Brown ball vine?” 奥西斯听到这个名字:“褐球藤?” This name sounded some is too ordinary, you could name this brand-new crops with your name, how called the Kurmis vine or the Kurmis brown ball vine?” “这名字听上去有些太普通了,你或许可以用自己的名字来命名这种全新的农作物,叫库尔弥斯藤或者库尔弥斯褐球藤怎么样?” He is excited and excited: „A year can plant two to three times, this and rolling ball fern is also similar.” 他非常兴奋和激动:“一年能够种植两到三次,这和卷球厥也差不多。” Kurmis told Osis: Because it should walk into the families/home of all most common people, becomes each food above person table.” 库尔弥斯告诉奥西斯:“因为它本就应该走入所有最普通的人的家里,成为每一个人餐桌之上的食物。” As for why Kurmis not with own name name, even deliberately does not raise. 至于为什么库尔弥斯不用自己的名字命名,甚至刻意不提。 He thought at this time this is steals to control the thing of strength of birth God, felt oneself suffered the penalty, where also dares to hang this matter on the mouth. 他此时觉得这是自己窃取主宰神明之力诞生之物,觉得自己遭受了惩罚,哪里还敢将这种事情挂在嘴上。 However his attitude, let Osis and it behind ministers actually looked at each other one. 不过他这种态度,倒是让奥西斯和其身后的大臣们对视了一眼。 Osis dug out a fruit of brown ball vine, nearby waiter takes the clear water to wash cleanly, this King also has no protection, forced in it own mouth directly. 奥西斯挖出了一个褐球藤的果实,一旁的侍者拿着清水来洗干净,这位王者也没有什么防备,直接就将它塞进了自己的嘴巴里。 He judges saying: Taste must miss many, cannot compare rolling ball fern.” 他评判道:“口感要差很多,比不上卷球厥。” However then shows the smile: This is not the issue.” 但是接着又露出笑容:“不过这不是什么问题。” Osis is pointing at this farmland: I see this crops to seem like the output to be very high .” 奥西斯指着这片农田:“我看见这种农作物似乎产量很高,。” Kurmis told him: Is rolling ball fern over seven times, but here is my intensive care, the ordinary peasant household is hard to achieve, but at least needs to be much higher than rolling ball fern.” 库尔弥斯告诉他:“是卷球厥的七倍以上,不过这里是我精心照料的,普通的农户难以做到,但是至少要远远高于卷球厥。” Its rhizome leaf, although evolves to come from the green space vine, but cannot eat like the green space vine, can be food.” “它的根茎叶子虽然是从绿地藤演变而来,但是不像绿地藤那样不能食用,也可以作为食物。” Because and it fused the bloodlines of some green space vines, therefore is more cold resistant than the rolling ball fern drought resistance, can plant in some situation bad regions.” “而且因为它融合了部分绿地藤的血脉,所以比卷球厥更加耐旱耐寒,在一些情况恶劣的地域也可以种植。” Osis deeply inspires, looks at the farmland that opens up, at this moment is filled with joyfully. 奥西斯深吸了一口气,看着开垦的农田,此刻满心喜悦。 He understands, these things will bring anything to him. 他明白,这些东西将会给他带来什么。 Good!” “好!” Too was really good.” “真的太好了。” All that Mr. Kurmis, you make will be always remembered by the entire civilization.” 库尔弥斯先生,您所做的一切将会被整个文明所铭记。” Countless people will obtain sufficient food because of your kindness, thinks of gratefully your kindness.” “无数人将因为您的恩惠而获得充足的食物,感念您的恩德。” However transfers the vision to the distant castle that side, distant he saw some shadows in the farmland busy. 但是将目光调转到远方城堡那边,远远的他就看到了一些影子在农田之中忙碌。 Un?” “嗯?” Osis felt not quite right, vision contraction staring. 奥西斯感觉不太对劲,目光收缩凝视。 lizard human of more than ten wear sleeveless clothing is busy at work outside the castle, growth that some people are inspecting the brown ball vine in land, or is using divine spell to harvest the fruit, piles up on the boundary ridge between fields. 十几个穿着无袖衣衫的蜥蜴人正在城堡外忙活着,有人检查着土地里的褐球藤的生长情况,或者正在用神术收获果实,堆积在田埂上。 These months get down. 这几个月下来。 lizard human also had many changes. 蜥蜴人们也发生了不少变化。 Some people are unable to withstand this change until now as before dispiritedly, but many people actually started to accept this change and reality gradually. 有人无法承受这种变化至今依旧萎靡不振,而有不少人却开始渐渐的接受了这种变化和现实。 Had the big change besides the appearance, they turn into lizard human also to gain the advantage. 除了模样发生了大改变以外,他们变成蜥蜴人也并不是没有获得好处。 Is healthier the powerful, strong both legs can achieve the matter that many snake human cannot achieve. 身体更加健壮有力,强健的双腿可以做到许多蛇人做不到的事情。 They can use divine spell similarly, but lizard human divine spell and snake human have many differences, their many divine spell can the direct role in oneself. 他们同样可以使用神术,只是蜥蜴人神术蛇人有着很多的不同,他们的许多神术可以直接作用于自身。 For example turns into the stone own external skin scales, for example can drill into the bottom deep place, for example can package the deep sleep with the stone. 例如将自己的表皮鳞甲变成石头,例如可以钻入地底深处,例如可以用石头将自己包裹起来沉睡。 Wait. 等等。 And Kurmis pledged them, will give them a future. 并且库尔弥斯承诺他们,将会给他们一个未来。 This makes lizard human feel that hopes, gradually in this imitates, if in the secluded from the world general manor lived, several months got down also had the working zeal gradually. 这让蜥蜴人们感觉到了一些希望,渐渐在这个仿若与世隔绝一般的庄园之中生活了下来,几个月下来也渐渐的有了干劲。 At this moment, Osis also saw clearly the outcome of that distant place finally is anything. 此时此刻,奥西斯也终于看清楚了那远处的究竟是什么。 What thing?” “什么东西?” What monster is this?” “这是什么怪物?” Osis looks at the lizard human appearance, immediately had a scare. 奥西斯看着蜥蜴人的模样,顿时被吓了一跳。 Before he had not been serious the shadow of distant place, only thinks that is other snake human. 之前他还没有将远方的影子当回事,只以为是其他的蛇人 The result discovery is, this is one crowd is growing the grotesque kind of human form life body. 结果发现是,这是一群长着怪模怪样的类人形生命体。 Even if experienced Osis, has not seen such existence, at this moment saw in suddenly the heart was also startled quickly grasps the meaning of something. 哪怕是见多识广的奥西斯,也从来没有见过这样的存在,此刻骤然看到心中也被惊得一个激灵。 But he notices, these monster is exchanging unexpectedly. 而他更注意到,这些“怪物”互相之间竟然在交流。 They will actually also speak.” “他们竟然还会说话。” Nobles and ministers of accompanying the aristocrats also noticed, frightened again and again retrocedes, sends out to shout and wrangle. 随行的王公大臣贵族们也注意到了,更是一个个吓得连连后退,发出大呼小叫。 Has the monster attack!” “有怪物袭击!” Protects your majesty.” “保护陛下。” Grasps these monsters, quick......” “将那些怪物抓起来,快……” The guard cavalries move immediately, or the encirclement in body week of Osis and great people, either assembles the stance of showing must attack. 护卫骑兵们立刻动了,要么环绕在奥西斯和大人物们的身周,要么集结起来摆出了要攻击的架势。 Has stood side Osis, seemingly benign Kurmis actually changed the complexion suddenly, very earnest looks at Osis. 一直站在奥西斯身边,看上去和颜悦色的库尔弥斯却突然变了脸色,非常认真的看着奥西斯 Your majesty!” “陛下!” You cannot say them like this.” “你不可以这样说他们。” Osis not clear looks at Kurmis, but Kurmis told him. 奥西斯不明白的看着库尔弥斯,而库尔弥斯告诉他。 „Are the person?” “他们是人?” Osis: Person?” 奥西斯:“人?” Kurmis lowers the head, seems somewhat excited. 库尔弥斯低下了头,似乎情绪有些激动。 Your majesty.” “陛下。” Makes the brown ball vine, borrows the Ruler of Life supernatural power not to need the price.” “制造出褐球藤,借用生命主宰的神力并不是不需要代价的。” For the birth of brown ball vine, we lost the body of person.” “为了褐球藤的诞生,我们丢失了人的躯体。” Kurmis looks that these of distant place raise the head, gaze here lizard human, in the vision are having the apology. 库尔弥斯看着远处的那些抬起头来,注视着这边的蜥蜴人,目光之中含着歉意。 They are my assistant and student, to help me makes the brown ball vine to turn into this.” “他们都是我的助手和学生,为了帮助我制造出褐球藤而变成这样。” They are the person, is the living person.” “他们是人,是活生生的人。” Osis opened the mouth, he then understands that actually to have anything. 奥西斯张大了嘴巴,他这才明白究竟发生了什么。 Osis is sorry to Kurmis immediately: I do not know that had such matter, Mr. Kurmis!” 奥西斯立刻向库尔弥斯表示歉意:“我并不知道发生了这样的事情,库尔弥斯先生!” I withdraw the words that I just spoke, and apologized.” “我收回我刚刚所说的话,并为之道歉。” you are the heroes.” “伱们都是英雄。” Your this was made the sacrifice for snake human and Suinhall.” “你们这是为蛇人苏因霍尔做出了牺牲。” After others heard Kurmis to tell this story, became silent. 其他人听到库尔弥斯讲述了这段故事之后,也变得沉默了。 Osis catches up from afar, looks at this brown ball vine the harvest, tasted a brown ball vine fruit to conduct the flavor after manufacture to the castle. 奥西斯千里迢迢赶过来,看着这一次褐球藤的丰收,又到城堡之中品尝了一下褐球藤果实进行制作后的味道。 This time Osis has set firm resolve, he must push to the entire Suinhall city-state alliance the brown ball vine, after bringing, immediately start makes all villages in royal family cultivate, making everyone witness this Kurmis creation the miracle. 这个时候的奥西斯已经下定了决心,他要将褐球藤推向整个苏因霍尔城邦联盟,带回去之后立刻就开始让王室的所有农庄进行耕种,让所有人亲眼目睹这库尔弥斯创造的奇迹。 After a special brown ball vine banquet, Osis asked Kurmis. 一场特殊的褐球藤宴席过后,奥西斯库尔弥斯 Mr. Kurmis.” 库尔弥斯先生。” My this hope can carry off the brown ball vine, I hope that it can appear in Suinhall each city, each village.” “我这一次希望能够带走褐球藤,我希望它能够出现在苏因霍尔的每一个城市,每一个村落。” I know it priceless, but I want to thank your.” “我知道它是无价的,但是我还是想要感谢您一番。” What do you want?” “您想要什么?” Kurmis looked to Osis, he seems to have thought that wanted anything. 库尔弥斯看向了奥西斯,他似乎早就想好了要什么。 lizard human Anu lifted a map at this time, can see this is a Meiya Domain map, on the map has Maya City and other villages, is approaching the Eastern place to have a volcano. 蜥蜴人阿努这个时候抬出了一副地图,可以看到这是一副美雅领的地图,地图上有美雅城等多个村庄,在靠近东方的地方有着一座火山。 Illustrious death restricted area, lava volcano. 赫赫有名的死亡禁地,熔岩火山。 Kurmis aimed at the lava volcano, the fingertip had rowed a surrounding forest. 库尔弥斯指向了熔岩火山,指尖划过周围的一片森林。 „The place that lava volcano is very barren, the population that here occupies are not many, the only resources are the volcano forest.” “熔岩火山所在的地方很贫瘠,这里居住的人口并不多,唯一的资源就是火山森林。” Including this forest, takes the forest as the boundary, lava volcano nearby domain I hope that you divide to us, divided for made the person of contribution into the civilization and Suinhall.” “包括这片森林,以森林为界限,熔岩火山附近的领地我希望你划分给我们,划分给为文明和苏因霍尔做出了贡献的人。” There is my place of living in seclusion, is their institutes of asylum.” “那里是我的隐居之地,也是他们的庇护之所。” This is they should obtain.” “这是他们应该得到的。” Osis reads the map to consider, nods. 奥西斯看着地图考虑了一下,点了点头。 I complied.” “我答应了。” Osis brings the seed of brown ball vine, its planter cultivation law left the castle. 奥西斯带着褐球藤的种子,还有它的种植培育法离开了城堡。 But Kurmis brought lizard human to be stationed east Meiya Domain, the dense/woods of volcano become lizard human domain and new homeland. 库尔弥斯带着蜥蜴人美雅领东边驻扎了下来,火山之森成为了蜥蜴人领地和新家园。 Kurmis built the new castle in the volcano forest, lizard human built a small village around the castle. 库尔弥斯在火山森林之中建立了新的城堡,蜥蜴人则在城堡周围建立起了一个小村子。 Kurmis communicated in Maya City and the Kurmis village and volcano dense/woods of three. 库尔弥斯来往于美雅城库尔弥斯农庄、火山之森三者之间。 He is an apostle, is the village lord, is the dense/woods of volcano master. 他是使徒,是农庄主,也是火山之森的主人。 lizard human open the farmland in volcano, is doing all kinds of experiments, occasionally can also in the person with Maya City trade, will teach Maya City person's planting technique about the brown ball vine. 蜥蜴人们在火山脚下开辟农田,做着各种各样的实验,偶尔也会和美雅城之中的人进行交易,甚至会教导美雅城的人关于褐球藤的种植技术。 Compares in Protect Fire City and Suinhall other places, the planter of Maya City about brown ball vine is quickest. 相比于护火城苏因霍尔的其他地方,美雅城关于褐球藤的种植是最快的。 Because anybody, so long as comes to see a stretch of that farmland outside Kurmis village, knows how should choose. 因为任何人只要来看一片库尔弥斯农庄外的那片农田,就知道该如何选择了。 But Kurmis also starts to explore here is his own future. 库尔弥斯也在这里开始探索着属于他自己的未来。 He no longer as before, on the shoulder is only the carrying/sustaining his will and responsibility. 只是他不再像以前一样,肩头上只是承载着自己一个人的意志和责任。 Now he is bearing the responsibility of others and in the future, a brand-new race future. 现在他背负着其他人的责任和未来,一个全新的种族的未来。 …… …… protect fire temple. 护火神庙 King of Osis Suinhall held a grand ceremony, to greet the brown ball vine arrives in Protect Fire City. 苏因霍尔之王奥西斯举行了一次盛大的典礼,为了迎接褐球藤抵达护火城 However this ceremony also has other functions time, the function and characteristics of brown ball vine, as well as its sacred origin informs everyone, simultaneously shows Osis as the sacredness and authoritative of king. 但是这一次的典礼还有着其他的作用,就是将褐球藤的作用和特性,以及它神圣的来历告知所有人,同时彰显奥西斯作为王的神圣和权威。 The former is very necessary, after all even if he is the king of Suinhall, he is impossible to force all aristocrats and farmers plants the brown ball vine, moreover this force may let a good deed very much, finally actually turned into the misdemeanor. 前者是很有必要的,毕竟哪怕他是苏因霍尔之王,他也不可能强迫所有贵族和农民去种植褐球藤,而且这种强迫很有可能让一件好事,最后却变成了坏事。 The latter is Osis is more urgently needed, he needs to break about him now no longer is the King of Divine Grace hearsay, proves his great from other aspect. 后者更是奥西斯急需的,他现在非常需要打破关于他不再是神眷之王的传闻,从别的方面来证明他的伟大。 Attained the brown ball vine, consecrates after it in temple prayed. 拿到了褐球藤,将其供奉在神庙之中祈祷过后。 Under the insignia crowding around, Osis brought it to walk. 在仪仗簇拥之下,奥西斯带着它走了出来。 Our subjects.” “我们臣民们。” You know that this is anything.” “你们知道这是什么吗。” Under temple, snake human of sea of people looks up him completely, everyone does not know that this is anything. 神庙之下,人山人海的蛇人全部抬头看着他,所有人都不知道这是什么。 The Osis sound disseminated, entire street even half of the city can hear. 奥西斯的声音传播了出去,整个街道甚至半个城市都能听到。 This is the miracle that Ruler of Life grants.” “这是生命主宰赐予的奇迹。” In our maker, the divine object that under the great control god will is only born.” “是在我们的造主,伟大的主宰神祇意志下诞生的神物。” The crowd ebullition and in an uproar under temple. 神庙下的人群沸腾、哗然。 „Does Mother of Life grant?” 生命之母赐予的?” What thing is that?” “那是什么东西?” Is a divine tool?” “难道是神器?” Some people questioned, some people believe. 有人质疑,有人相信。 The person of question raised the head high, actually wants to have a look at that is anything. 质疑的人高高抬起头,想要看看那究竟是什么。 The believed person has crawled on the ground, makes the devout prayer gesture. 相信的人早就已经匍匐在了地上,做出虔诚的祷告姿态。 After Ruler of Life since the snake mother Themus time leaves the world, did not have myth to spread in Suinhall. 生命主宰自从蛇母瑟摩丝时代离开人间之后,就没有神话苏因霍尔传出了。 Although ten thousand snake royal court are always spreading, related Mother of Life and snake mother Themus had arrived at myth, but the Suinhall person is will not believe absolutely. 虽然万蛇王庭总是在传扬着,有关生命之母和蛇母瑟摩丝曾经降临过的神话,但是苏因霍尔人是绝对不会相信的。 Osis told others at this moment, Mother of Life lowers the miracle in the world again, will naturally be questioned. 此时此刻奥西斯告诉其他人,生命之母再次在人间降下神迹,自然会遭受质疑。 Moreover he takes the thing is seemingly ordinary, seems only the rhizome of some plant. 而且他拿着的东西看上去普普通通,似乎只是某种植物的根茎。 Osis sound at this moment is dignified. 奥西斯此刻的声音威严无比。 It is controls the life to grant the new crops of the world, compared with rolling ball fern better crops.” “它是主宰生命赐予人间的新的农作物,是比卷球厥更好的农作物。” Has not left the world to the high God vision, closely is paying attention to us.” “至高的神明的目光始终没有离开人间,始终在关注着我们。” It had granted us in the ancient time rolling ball fern, had present Suinhall, had the present snake human civilization.” “在古老的时代祂曾经赐予过我们卷球厥,才有了如今的苏因霍尔,有了如今的蛇人文明。” Great It knows that in our state has many people to poverty as before, therefore now......” “伟大的祂知道我们的国度之中依旧有着不少人在忍饥挨饿,所以现在……” It lowered the miracle again.” “祂再度降下了神迹。” Osis handful of the box that thinks of the brown ball vine, cried out loudly. 奥西斯捧起了装着褐球藤的盒子,高声呐喊。 God creates the myriad things.” “神创万物。” God makes the life.” “神造生命。” God blesses Suinhall.” “神佑苏因霍尔。” Three words, making people think that sacred one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 三段话,让人觉得神圣又热血沸腾。 „The Suinhall people, the snake mother and Alshvang descendants, you will witness great of God again.” 苏因霍尔的子民们,蛇母和阿尔西妮的后裔们,你们将再次见证神明的伟大。” After the last few words come out, the box on Osis sent out the radiant ray, that was arranges ahead of time. 最后一句话出来后,奥西斯手上的盒子散发出了璀璨的光芒,那是提前安排好的。 But servant of God also crawling of one after another protect fire temple in the place, bows politely toward Osis, in bows politely to the box on his hand. 护火神庙神侍们也一个接着一个的匍匐在地,向着奥西斯叩拜,更是在向他手上的盒子叩拜。 Then believes does not believe, everyone fell down completely, entire Protect Fire City snake human is facing box on Osis and his hand shouts loudly God's name, thanked the God gracious gift. 这下不论是相信还是不相信,所有人都全部倒在了地上,整个护火城蛇人都朝向着奥西斯和他手上的盒子高呼神之名,感谢神明的恩赐。 Osis said finally: Starting today, I will not make my people poverty.” 奥西斯最后说道:“从今天开始,我不会让我的子民忍饥挨饿。” Because this is the will of god, is the god anticipates.” “因为这是神的意志,是神所期待的。” At the beginning, everyone was half believing and half doubting. 刚开始的时候,所有人还是将信将疑。 Although Osis has ordered person own royal family subordinate village to start to plant the brown ball vine completely, many people wait and see as before, does not dare to go to plant this strange new crops rashly. 虽然奥西斯已经下令人自己的王室直属农庄全部都开始种植褐球藤,许多人依旧只是观望,不敢去贸然种这种奇怪的新的农作物。 Outside Protect Fire City. 护火城外。 In a snake human village some people distributed the seed, but actually does not dare to plant. 一处蛇人村落里有人分发到了种子,但是却不敢种植。 This thing really compared with rolling ball fern?” The snake human farmer peasant women are half believing and half doubting. “这东西真的会比卷球厥好吗?”蛇人农夫农妇们将信将疑。 Who knows, I have not planted.” Others swing begin. “谁知道,我又没有种过。”其他人都摇起了头。 Plants rolling ball fern, if this seed has problems, our family can't starve to death?” This saying, many people nod, they said actually not does not believe the words of king of Suinhall, but they really cannot take this risk. “还是种卷球厥吧,万一这种子出了问题,我们一家老小不都得饿死了?”这话一出,不少人都点头,他们倒不是说不相信苏因霍尔之王的话,只是他们实在是冒不起这个风险。 king said that this is the miracle and gracious gift that the god of Ruler of Life lowers, how this will have the mistake.” Some people sincerely believe incomparably, this is a very devout follower. “王说这是生命主宰之神降下的神迹和恩赐,这怎么会有错呢。”有人笃信无比,这是个非常虔诚的信徒。 King did not have divine grace, how can also believe him?” However after some people go back, actually hid the seed in secret, believed these hearsay, thought that this was the lie of king of Suinhall. “王自己都没有神眷了,怎么还能相信他呢?”但是有人回去后私底下却将种子藏了起来,更相信那些传闻,觉得这是苏因霍尔之王的谎言。 However these follow Osis to go to the nobilities of Meiya Domain place, actually first chose planted the brown ball vine ; Together with their domain vassal and citizen, follows to act together. 但是那些跟随着奥西斯去过美雅领地的王公贵族们,却第一时间选择了种植褐球藤;连同他们领地封臣领民们,也跟着一起行动。 When passed in the winter, spring gradually arrival time. 等到冬天过去了,春天渐渐到来的时候。 As before is that village. 依旧是那个村庄。 The person who has not planted the brown ball vine looks the brown ball vine that others are long, the green covered place. 没有种植褐球藤的人看着其他人地里长出来的褐球藤,层层迭迭的绿色覆盖了一地。 Moreover as if the opposite party has not handled carefully, how itself does not know plants, without experience ; However even so, the growing trend of brown ball vine far exceeds rolling ball fern that they protected carefully in water every day. 而且似乎对方也没有怎么仔细打理,或者说本身也不知道怎么种,没有经验;但是就算如此,褐球藤的长势就远超过了他们精心呵护每日里浇灌的卷球厥 Moreover the opposite party plants in that type of rolling ball fern absolutely steadily not good waste land, this brown ball vine unexpectedly is also incomparably exuberantly long. 而且对方种在那种卷球厥绝对长不好的烂地之中,这褐球藤竟然也长得无比旺盛。 This brown ball vine growing trend is good!” Looks at that to pester in the together rhizome vine, snake human on boundary ridge between fields said. “这褐球藤长势挺好啊!”看着那纠缠在一起的根茎藤蔓,田埂上的蛇人说道。 In such barren place, can grow so many leaves and roots unexpectedly, this thing does not want the water?” This fully does not conform to the experience and general knowledge that farmers for a lot of years save. “这么贫瘠的地里,竟然也能长出这么多叶子和根来,这东西不要水的吗?”这完全就不符合农夫们千百年来积攒下来的经验和常识。 Moreover the day before yesterday was so cold, this thing has not frozen to death unexpectedly, but can also be long that well.” Before many people wanted to look at the joke, but showed the unbelievable expression at this moment. “而且之前天这么冷,这东西竟然没有冻死,还能长得那么好。”之前不少人想要看笑话,但是此刻一个个都露出了难以置信的表情。 Some people envy the envy, some do not believe. 有人羡慕嫉妒,又有些不相信。 „Is leaf child long/grows well useful?” “叶子长得好有什么用?” Said is in the long fruit, perhaps below anything also steadily. “说是地里长果实,说不定下面什么也长不出来。 When harvests time, saw brown cone of stack in the paddies digs, everyone is dumbfounded. 但是等到收获的时候,看到田地里挖出来的堆积的褐球果,所有人目瞪口呆。 The snake human farmer peasant women on boundary ridge between fields shouted incomparably resoundingly, went forward to examine. 田埂上的蛇人农夫农妇们一个个叫得无比响亮,纷纷上前查看。 In the vision has does not dare to believe that also envies the lamentation. 目光里有着不敢置信,又羡慕悔恨。 „Is this real?” “这是真的吗?” Look! Actually can harvest so many grain?” “看啊!竟然能够收这么多粮食?” So many?” “这么多?” How possibly to have so many grain? How this plants.” “怎么可能出这么多粮食?这到底是怎么种的。” But after the farmer peasant women in paddies were busy at work, was moved to tears to think directly the fruit of brown ball vine kowtowed, is turning toward great God that granted them to harvest to express gratitude. 而田地里的农夫农妇们忙活完了之后,更是直接热泪盈眶的想着褐球藤的果实叩头,在向着赐予他们收获的伟大神明表示感谢。 God, thank your gracious gift.” 神明啊,感谢您的恩赐。” This is not the harvest, this is the miracle, I have not seen to be long so many grain.” “这不是丰收,这是奇迹,我从来没有见过地里长出这么多的粮食。” Thank God, thank great Ruler of Life.” “感谢神明,感谢伟大的生命主宰。” Thank great King Osis.” “感谢伟大的奥西斯王。” As if after everyone put behind the brain, Kurmis. 只是,似乎所有人都将库尔弥斯忘却到了脑后。 The person who does not know only knew that this is the Ruler of Life gracious gift, only praised great of God. 不知道的人只晓得这是生命主宰的恩赐,只赞美神明的伟大。 The known person actually silent does not mention the Kurmis name, only sang praise to the King Osis merit loudly. 知道的人却闭口不提库尔弥斯的名字,只高声歌颂奥西斯王的功绩。 But at the same time. 而与此同时。 Osis brought massive brown cones to arrive at protect fire temple, launched the harvest rite again. 奥西斯带着大量的褐球果来到了护火神庙,再一次展开了丰收祭典。 Expressed that gratitude to the God gracious gift, is also publicizing his merit. 表示对神明恩赐的感激,同时也在宣扬他的功绩。 Before Osis , the words that spoke were proven thoroughly, all people who planted the brown ball vine incomparably thanked him, without planter, although regretted however under the miracle harvest proof of this brown ball vine, gave birth to the infinite awe of this King. 奥西斯之前所说的话彻底被证明了,所有种植了褐球藤的人都无比感谢他,没有种植的虽然懊悔但是在这褐球藤的奇迹收获证明下,也生出了对这位王者的无限敬畏。 Brown ball vine the place of arriving, the beforehand all Gossip all dissipate not to have the trace. 褐球藤所到之地,之前的所有流言蜚语全部都消散无踪。 At this moment under temple, everyone frantic incomparable call. 此刻在神庙之下,所有人狂热无比的呐喊。 King Osis!” 奥西斯王!” King Osis!” 奥西斯王!” King Osis in temple prayer to Mother of Life and Scarlet Goddess, is closing one's eyes heard outside shouting. 奥西斯王正在神庙之中向生命之母腥红女神祷告,闭着眼睛就听到了外面的呼喊。 His mouth said in a low voice: Osis...... king ~ 他嘴里低声说道:“奥西斯……王~” He is somewhat excited. 他有些激动。 Because this everyone no longer shouted him King of Divine Grace, but was calls him for King Osis. 因为这一次所有人不再喊他神眷之王,而是称呼他为奥西斯王 He as if at this moment, had can with the merit that Al Pince king and King Smoker compared favorably with, even possibly exceeded them. 他似乎在此时此刻,拥有了能够和阿尔潘斯王和斯默克尔王媲美的功绩,甚至可能超越他们。 Even if no longer is the king of God care. 哪怕不再是神明眷顾之王。 He is still also great. 他也依旧伟大。 …… …… Suinhall southwest direction. 苏因霍尔的西南方向。 Here biggest three domain are Charles Domain and Drumworth leads with Laterite Territory, spreads from the Al Pince time, is being controlled by three ancient families. 这里最大的三个领地查尔领德兰沃斯领和红土领,是从阿尔潘斯时代流传下来的,由三个古老家族掌控着。 Suinhall more approaches the East, for example Protect Fire City, Moonlight City and Maya City now also under king's of Suinhall control. 苏因霍尔越靠近东方,例如护火城月光城美雅城如今都还在苏因霍尔之王的掌控下。 But jumps over toward the southwest, each domain is similar to a small country, the domain master has the supreme right, only obeys the command of king of Suinhall in name. 而越往西南,每一个领地都如同一个小国家,领地的主人拥有着至高无上的权利,只在名义上听从苏因霍尔之王的号令。 Because Suinhall establishes, their ancestors once swore to Al Pince king. 因为苏因霍尔建立的时候,他们的先祖曾经向阿尔潘斯王立誓。
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