IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#410 Part 2: The gods were stolen!

Our sacrifices had the function, was worth.” “我们的牺牲是有作用的,是值得的。” Not, Sir Kurmis.” “不是吗,库尔弥斯大人。” All that we make, will benefit ten million people.” “我们所做的一切,将会造福千万人。” …… …… The new plant species was born, follows to have brand-new intelligent race that comes. 新的植物物种诞生了,伴随而来的还有一个全新的智慧种族 Naturally received the induction as life power supreme divine artifact Mother Conch of Myriad Things, sent out the ray. 作为生命权能至高神器万物母螺自然收到了感应,散发出了光芒。 In the Creation Divine Country floor sea deep place, on the inner wall of Mother Conch of Myriad Things had/left several marks. 造物神国的底层大海深处,万物母螺的内壁上多出了几个印记。 One is the brown ball vine. 一个是褐球藤。 One is lizard human. 一个是蜥蜴人 But another side. 而另一边。 Miracle Item of submarine shape in the Fairy hot-air balloon ship, the Mother Conch of Myriad Things master naturally also induced this change. 潜水艇形态的奇迹道具妖精的热气球艇之内,万物母螺的主人自然也感应到了这种变化。 Is manipulating Sally of own big pea shooter, lifted the head suddenly, saw life mark that on oneself Mother Conch of Myriad Things are many. 正在摆弄着自己的大玩具飞机的莎莉,突然之间抬起了头,就看到了自己万物母螺上多出的生命印记。 „?” “?” How many two?” “怎么多了两个?” But turns head again, she saw the scene of life altar. 而再一扭头,她就看到了生命祭坛的景象。 Oh!” !” Originally some people are stealing the thing.” “原来是有人在偷东西。” Sally knows how the new species is born, some unexpectedly people quietly stole the Distorted Eye strength, made two new species in the world. 莎莉知道了新物种是怎么诞生的,竟然有人悄悄的窃取了畸变之眼的力量,在人间制造出了两个新的物种。 This almost can be said as by the strength of mortal, stole to the unsurpassed power of high control. 这几乎可以说是以凡人之力,窃取了至高主宰的无上权力。 However Sally does not seem angry, instead the look becomes shines all of a sudden. 不过莎莉似乎并不怎么生气,反而眼神一下子变得发亮。 She drops out oneself big airplane immediately, was screaming loudly said. 她立刻抛下了自己的大飞机,大声尖叫着说道。 Haha!” “哈哈!” Was stolen!” “被偷咯!” God was stolen!” “神被偷咯!” „The thing of god was stolen!” “神的东西被偷咯!” Sally ran suddenly, rushed to the staircase speedily. 莎莉突然跑了下来,一溜烟冲下了楼梯。 She arrived at the God Insai side to rove, was much happier, turned circle while repeats to sing is stolen the song. 她来到了因赛神的身边转来转去,开心得不得了,一边转圈一边重复唱着被偷了之歌。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 She beforehand small Fairy to the matter that she makes, repeatedly on the body of God Insai. 她将之前小妖精对她做的事情,重复在了因赛神的身上。 Sally is singing, was needless to say. 莎莉只是唱着歌,根本不用多说。 Because she knows Yin Shen definitely knows what oneself said is what meaning. 因为她知道尹神肯定知道自己说的是什么意思。 Distorted Eye is not the Sally treasure, is the thing of God Insai creation. 畸变之眼可不是莎莉的宝贝,是因赛神创造的东西。 However the thing of Insai creation are many, for example the witch doctor and mallet of God Made Man Stern and justice also has Distorted Eye wait/etc, after the Distorted Eye same ranking thing. 不过因赛创造的东西并不少,例如巫医、神造之人斯图恩、正义之槌还有畸变之眼等等,畸变之眼只是其中一样排名较后的东西而已。 It has the considerable function, but is not actually precious regarding Sally and Yin Shen. 其有着相当的作用,但是对于莎莉尹神来说其实并不算珍贵。 At least they want to make, can make one conveniently. 至少祂们想要制造,就可以随手重新制造一个。 But Sally is so happy, before is Yin Shen, said that she has not favored oneself garden, caused slightly to run away. 莎莉这么开心,是尹神之前说她没有看好自己的花园,才导致小偷跑进去了。 But these had the thief to embezzle the Distorted Eye strength time, looked how It also said himself. 而这一次有小偷盗用了畸变之眼的力量,看祂还怎么说自己。 God!” “神!” You were also stolen.” “你也被偷了。” As if fell asleep Yin Shen opened the eye, held regarding Sally that oneself are upon the jump. 似乎睡着了的尹神睁开了眼睛,抓住了围绕着自己跑来跑去的莎莉 Clamped her in the crook of the elbow, Sally immediately the sound became bigger, kept laughing, is pedalling the leg. 将她夹在了臂弯里,莎莉立刻声音变得更大了,笑个不停,蹬着腿。 Quarrelling the entire ship cabin might throw off was the same. 吵得整个艇舱都好像要被掀翻了一样。 The Yin Shen vision also saw exactly had anything. 尹神的目光也看到了到底发生了什么。 Also had the new species born, intelligent species.” “又有新的物种诞生了,其中还有一个智慧种。” Sally says: Was ugly, was ugly.” 莎莉开口说道:“丑死了,丑死了。” She was saying, attractiveness that intelligent species she of Kurmis manufacture has not made . Moreover the fine divine creative force that makes completely her making the degeneration changed the clown. 她是在说,库尔弥斯制造的智慧种没有她制造的好看,而且完全就是把她制造出来的优良造物给弄退化变丑了。 Yin Shen: Because of the birth of life, is always full of the fortuitousness.” 尹神:“因为生命的诞生,总是充满了偶然性。” Even if you and I, cannot determine life body that finally makes, is similar to such that we hoped for initially.” “哪怕是伱和我,也不能确定最后制造出来的生命体,就如同我们当初期盼的那样。” World Maya City. 人间的美雅城 Kurmis is imploring urgently as before, is imploring the forgiveness of God, thinks that this is he steals to control the retribution that the strength of God suffers. 库尔弥斯依旧在苦苦哀求,祈求着神明的宽恕,以为这是他盗取主宰神明之力所遭受的报应。 However Kurmis does not know, the birth itself/Ben of life is so. 但是库尔弥斯并不知道,生命的诞生本就是如此。 Even if Creator and Mother of Life personally the thing of creation, its final birth, may not tally with the initial tentative plan. 哪怕是造物主生命之母亲手所创造之物,其最终的诞生,也不一定能够和最初的设想相符。
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