IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#410 Part 1: The gods were stolen!

Chapter 410 god was stolen! 第410章神被偷咯! Beautiful red flower of God extends unceasingly upward, changed into a huge monster. 妖艳的红色神之花不断延伸往上,化为了一个庞然巨物。 The flower bud formed a ball, breeds is not existence of this world, but its root hair actually in little decayed, then spreads the rhizome, until flower cup. 花苞结成了一个球,孕育出不属于这个世界的存在,而它的根须却在一点点腐朽,然后蔓延到根茎,直到花杯 When the entire flower vanishes in the air, in flash that flower bud revolving dispersing extinguishes. 等到整朵花消失在空气之中,于那花苞旋转散开消弭的一瞬间。 A terrifying eyeball appeared. 一只恐怖的眼球出现了。 In castle everyone, some people opened the mouth. 城堡之中所有人都愣愣的这一幕,也有人张大了嘴巴。 Although knows ahead of time the ceremony will communicate some great thing, however works as its projection true emergence, the person of presence was frightened the whole body to tremble. 虽然提前知道仪式会沟通上某个伟大之物,但是当其的投影真正出现的时候,在场之人还是被吓得浑身颤栗。 Eye?” Puts on Powerful of yellow clothes to raise the head with that eye looking at each other, can see his forehead cold sweat again and again, as if must weak on the ground. “眼睛?”穿着黄色衣服的权能者抬头和那眼睛对视,可以看到他额头冷汗连连,似乎就要瘫软在了地上。 „Is this great thing that Sir Kurmis said?” People as if forgot this at once also in the ceremony. “这是库尔弥斯大人所说的伟大之物吗?”一时之间人们似乎忘记了这还在仪式之中。 „Is this eyes of god?” That eye was too big, is gaining ground makes people feel with its looking at each other oneself were gazing by God probably. “这是神的眼睛吗?”那眼睛太大了,抬着头和其对视让人感觉自己好像在被神明注视着。 The terrifying eyeball rotation, looked toward below. 恐怖的眼球转动,朝着下面看了过来。 The fierce ray changes into the light beam from high place spraying. 剧烈的光芒化为光柱从高处喷射而出。 In a twinkling. 霎时间。 The light seemed the running water the same as drip. 光就好像流水一样淌了下来。 In the eyeball gazes at most, ceremony technique most center. 在眼球所注视的最下方,仪式术阵的最中心。 Then is Kurmis front white clay jar. 便是库尔弥斯面前的白色陶缸 snake human Kurmis is the main body, in clay jar is his incantation seal puppet, the green space vine and rolling ball fern were grafted to fuse in the together product forcefully. 蛇人库尔弥斯是本体,陶缸内是他的咒印傀儡,绿地藤和卷球厥被强行嫁接融合在一起的产物。 Under the gathering of that ray strength, the plant in white clay jar started the change. 在那光芒力量的汇聚之下,白色陶缸内的植物开始了变化。 That strange plant first is the fission becomes the green space vine and rolling ball fern, was fused again forcefully together. 那诡异的植物先是分裂成为了绿地藤和卷球厥,紧接着又再度被强行融合在一起。 The leaf turned into the red, turned into the white. 其叶子变成了红色,变成了白色。 Finally. 最后。 Also changed the green. 又变回了绿色。 The fruit first grew the tenacious outer covering, not long changed. 果实先是长出了坚韧的外壳,没有多久又变了回去。 Then it grew the sharp thorn, but changed does not have again. 接着它又长出了尖锐的刺,但是也再度变没了。 It seems the strength to stimulate it to evolve toward the future disorder, but also has another strength, in unceasing pulled back it to one already in the route that arranged. 就好像有一股力量正在刺激着它朝着未来无序演化,但是又有着另外一股力量在不断的将它拉回到一条早已安排好的路线上。 This is the method of Kurmis tentative plan. 这就是库尔弥斯设想的方法。 With the aid of „the Mother of Life authority, oneself plan the path of good evolution. 借助“生命之母的权柄”,自己来规划好进化的道路。 The Distorted Eye strength can let by Kurmis and melts spirit incantation seal has revised the plant through the intelligence authority, has certain probability true finalizes the bloodlines, changing into new species that can breed. 畸变之眼的力量可以让被库尔弥斯通过灵性权柄和融灵咒印修改过的植物,有一定几率真正的将血脉定型下来,化为可以繁育的新物种。 This was equal to that Kurmis formulated a direction, then Distorted Eye disorder the light of life evolution, making it start to evolve in the Kurmis formulation direction. 这等于是库尔弥斯制定了一个方向,然后畸变之眼原本无序的生命演化之光,让其按照库尔弥斯制定的方向开始演变。 Although he just knows that is actually Creator keeps the divine object of the world. 虽然他刚刚才知道,那竟然是造物主留在人间的神物。 Finally. 最后。 Submerges the white ray of entire castle hall to abate, that can the eye that promotes the life to evolve also vanish thoroughly. 淹没整个城堡大厅的白色光芒消退,那可以促进生命演变的眼睛也彻底消失了。 But presented a brand-new plant in that white clay jar, the vine that is growing the green leaf takes root in the soil, has the fruits. 而在那白色的陶缸之中出现了一株全新的植物,一株长着绿色叶子的藤蔓扎根在泥土之中,结出一颗又一颗果实。 However that vine and green space vine are not quite same, the diameter wants to be tinier. 但是那藤蔓和绿地藤不太一样,直径要细小很多。 Before fruit that in the soil is long, establishes also some differences, compared in rolling ball fern small, the pulp also and rolling ball fern have the huge difference. 泥土里长出的果实和之前设定的也有些差别,相比于卷球厥小了一圈,肉质也和卷球厥有着巨大的差别。 skin shell is a rough leather, presents the brown. 皮壳是一种粗糙的皮质,呈现褐色。 Even if Kurmis is guiding, in assigned direction. 哪怕库尔弥斯在引导,在指定方向。 However the evolution of life will not necessarily go forward according to his estimate completely. 但是生命的演化也不一定完全会按照他的预想去前进。 The evolved itself/Ben of life is not steerable, Kurmis also can only conduct part of guidances, but the birth of not possible true control life. 生命的演化本就是不可控制的,库尔弥斯也只能进行一部分引导,而不可能真正的掌控生命的诞生。 In ray during dissipates slowly. 在光芒的缓缓消散之中。 The Kurmis consciousness works loose from the strength deterrent influence of that eye gradually. 库尔弥斯意识渐渐从那只眼睛的力量威慑影响下挣脱。 This he to guarantee by oneself experiment success, was increased the intensity of ceremony time, strengthened as the medium of communication. 这一次他为了保证让自己的实验成功,加大了仪式的强度,也加强了作为沟通物的媒介。 This caused the strength of summoning is too many, but he also completely immersed in the great strength of that eye, in news that and its communication contacted. 这导致召唤过来的力量太多了,而他自身也完全沉浸在了那只眼睛的强大,还有和其沟通所接触到的讯息之中。 Kurmis opens the eye, all had finished. 库尔弥斯睁开眼睛,一切都已经结束了。 Creator?” 造物主?” In the pupil of Kurmis is producing an inverted image as before that eyeball, the altar of that life. 库尔弥斯的瞳孔中依旧倒映着那颗眼珠子,还有那生命的祭坛。 It is actually Creator remains, was divine creative force God was once used to create the myriad things the thing of using?” “它竟然是造物主留下来的,难道是曾经造物神明用来创造万物所用之物吗?” Kurmis thinks of here, the anticipation is incomparable. 库尔弥斯一想到这里,就期待无比。 He felt, if that eye is the thing of God of Creation staying behind, then he wants to make the new species, compared favorably even exceeds rolling ball fern the idea success ratio of crops to be bigger. 他觉得如果那眼睛是造物之神留下之物,那么他想要制造出新物种,媲美甚至超越卷球厥的农作物的想法成功率就更大了。 No. 不。 Can certainly succeed. 是一定可以成功。 Because that is the divine creative force God strength. 因为那可是造物神明的力量。 Kurmis awakes to turn around walks toward front white clay jar, in his eye only then that brand-new birth species, impatient wants to witness this divine creative force the birth of miracle. 库尔弥斯一醒转过来就朝着前面的白色陶缸走去,他的眼中只有那全新诞生的物种,迫不及待的想要见证这造物的奇迹的诞生。 This is creates the species the great deeds, perhaps he will therefore also be always remembered forever. 这可是创造物种的伟大事迹,或许他也将因此永远被铭记。 Kurmis took back own strength from clay jar, but the plant in clay jar has no change as before, not as usual instantaneously by striking back original form. 库尔弥斯陶缸内收回了自己的力量,但是陶缸之中的植物依旧没有任何变化,并没有和往常一样瞬间被打回原形。 Kurmis inspects immediately with the psychic force, discovered that this is the thing that he wants. 库尔弥斯立刻用精神力检查了一番,发现这就是他想要的东西。 Even. 甚至。 He has also given the name for this brand-new species. 他还早已经为这个全新的物种起好了名字。 Brown ball vine.” “褐球藤。” This is the brown ball vine, brand-new crops.” “这就是褐球藤,一种全新的农作物。” Kurmis was happily bad. 库尔弥斯高兴坏了。 Was too perfect, perfect plant bloodlines.” “太完美了,完美的植物血脉。” Has the green space vine same tenacious vitality, can in the crops that in the barren land plants, can have more cones one time.” “拥有绿地藤一样的顽强生命力,可以在贫瘠的土地里种植的农作物,一次还能结出更多的球果。” This is I wants, this is I wants.” “这就是我想要的,这就是我想要的。” However it was saying to be saying, discovered that own snake human shape is collapsing unceasingly. 但是它说着说着,发现自己的蛇人形态正在不断的崩溃。 His build becomes more and more huge, white clay jar under body getting smaller. 他的体型变得越来越庞大,身下的白色陶缸越来越小。 Gradually is big, he made an effort to raise the head withstood the vault in hall. 渐渐的大到,他只是用力抬起头就顶住了大厅的穹顶。 He as if understood anything. 他似乎明白了什么。 He looked to oneself body, at this time he suddenly discovered oneself are turning into a winged colossus. 他看向了自己的身体,这个时候他突然发现自己正在变成一只长着翅膀的庞然大物。 „It is not good!” “不好!” „The strength that this bloodlines twist was bigger, unexpectedly me toward real feather snake change.” “这一次血脉扭曲的力量更大了,竟然在将我朝着真正的羽蛇变化。” He when borrows the Distorted Eye strength, oneself were also being changed by Distorted Eye. 他在借用畸变之眼的力量的时候,自己也在被畸变之眼改变着。 Kurmis: I depend was too near, is not very far.” 库尔弥斯:“我还是靠的太近了,不够远。” However thinks, thought that this is inevitable. 但是想一想,又觉得这根本无可避免。 Because he must and melts spirit incantation seal to control the brown ball to leap with oneself intelligence strength, this will definitely suffer the radiation of Distorted Eye strength. 因为他必须用自己的灵性力量和融灵咒印控制褐球腾,这样就肯定会遭受畸变之眼力量的辐射。 This time not only again is the intelligence level, by once brilliance Spiritual God revision. 这一次不仅仅再是灵性的层面,是被曾经的光辉之神灵性的修改。 The level of bloodlines. 还有血脉的层面。 Kurmis really turned into a feather snake. 库尔弥斯真的变成了一条羽蛇。 Is winged also has the golden mane, has a big snake of pupil of pair of gold. 长着翅膀还有金色鬃毛,拥有一双黄金之瞳的大蛇。 With not too, but relied on a strength that Scarlet Goddess suspects, Kurmis could not have withstood this strength. 腥红女神所猜想的并不太一样,只是借助了一次力量,库尔弥斯就已经承受不住这力量。 Kurmis first is panic-stricken, but was quick he to be calm, 库尔弥斯先是惊骇,但是很快他就冷静了下来, Doesn't matter!” “没有关系!” Carried on reincarnation to be good again a time.” “再进行一次转生就好了。” I can also turn into snake human, doesn't matter.” “我还可以重新变成蛇人,没有关系。” Kurmis then thinks, he no longer is an average person. 库尔弥斯这才想起来,他已经不再是一个普通人了。 He is an apostle, is reincarnator. 他是一个使徒,还是一个转生者 However at this time, Kurmis transmitted one to wail behind intermittently. 但是这个时候,库尔弥斯身后传来了一阵阵哀嚎。 Powerful of auxiliary ceremony, just recovered from that Distorted Eye white ray at this moment, they are much smaller and weaker than Kurmis, is naturally hard to resist the deterrent of that eye. 一个个辅助仪式的权能者们,此刻也刚刚从那畸变之眼的白色光芒之中回过神来,他们比库尔弥斯弱小得多,也自然更难以抵抗那只眼睛的威慑。 When they recover, discovers own body in the variation. 当他们回过神来的时候,发现自己的身体在变异。 „!” Some person of painful emanation pitiful yells. “啊!”有人痛苦的发出惨叫。 I how?” They roll on the ground, that painful as if thorough soul. “我怎么了?”他们在地上滚动,那痛苦似乎深入灵魂。 My tail, my tail vanished!” They look panic-stricken own is reducing, turns into the strange limbs. “我的尾巴,我的尾巴消失了!”他们惊恐的看着自己的正在缩短,变成奇怪的肢体。 My hand, my face is quite itchy, good itchy......” on their skins grows the scale, is hard to take wonderfully itchy. “我的手,我的脸好痒,好痒……”他们的皮肤上长出鳞片,奇痒难耐。 Sir Kurmis!” They are shouting the Kurmis name. 库尔弥斯大人!”他们大喊着库尔弥斯的名字。 Sir Kurmis?” However looked at the past time, seen only had an inhuman big snake. 库尔弥斯大人?”但是看过去的时候,看到的只有一条非人的大蛇。 Kurmis has turned head, saw that snake human in castle is also like him, the body and bloodlines are linking three occurrences subsequently the change. 库尔弥斯回过头,就看到城堡内的蛇人也和他一样,身体和血脉正在继而连三的发生着变化。 They are turning into another existence, Distorted Eye projection that just summoned extremely in great strength, even if the opposite party stands in the surrounding of ceremony, affecting. 他们正在变成另外一种存在,刚刚召唤出的畸变之眼投影太过于强大,哪怕对方站在仪式的外围,也给波及到了。 Moreover these snake human Powerful and Kurmis are different. 而且这些蛇人权能者库尔弥斯不一样。 If Kurmis evolves forward, becomes unprecedented existence. 如果是库尔弥斯是向前演化,成为了一种前所未有的存在。 Then these people degenerate, is conducting the atavism. 那么这些人就是退化,在进行返祖。 They turned existence that is similar to the lizard, restores to create them before Mother of Life. 他们变成了类似于蜥蜴的存在,恢复到生命之母创造他们之前。 They are degenerating fast, although can also maintain the reason at present as before, when their brains also degenerate thoroughly, it is estimated that turned thoroughly stupid thing that does not have the wisdom. 他们正在快速的退化,虽然目前依旧还能保持着理智,但是当他们大脑也彻底退化掉的时候,估计就彻底变成了没有智慧的蠢物了。 Lizard?” They saw the opposite party, noticed opposite party's change. “蜥蜴?”他们看到了对方,也注意到了对方身上的变化。 How will we turn into the lizard?” They discovered that oneself are turning into an ugly lizard. “我们怎么会变成蜥蜴?”他们发现自己在变成一只丑陋的蜥蜴。 How will we turn into the lizard?” They are unreadable. “我们怎么会变成蜥蜴呢?”他们难以理解。 These people scared, crazy chaotic roar. 这些人吓坏了,疯狂的乱吼。 They are shouting the Kurmis name loudly, hoping Kurmis can save them. 他们高声呼喊着库尔弥斯的名字,希望库尔弥斯能够救救他们。 Kurmis looks at this, in the innermost feelings full is panic-stricken. 库尔弥斯看着这一幕,内心之中满是惊骇。 What to do?” “怎么办?” What also means has?” “还有什么办法?” At this time, he looked again to ceremony technique of ground. 这个时候,他再度看向了地上的仪式术阵。 He curled outside white clay jar, the body circled on the high place. 他将白色陶缸卷到了外面,身体盘旋上高处。 Then snake human in variation is blowing a ceremony technique center these, before white clay jar position. 然后将那些正在变异之中的蛇人吹到了仪式术阵的中央,之前白色陶缸的位置。 Then. 接下来。 He opened ceremony technique again. 他再度开启了仪式术阵。 He restrains by force the innermost feelings the terror, he summoned arrival of Distorted Eye again, the innermost feelings was saying unceasingly. 他强压住内心的惶恐不安,他再次召唤了畸变之眼的降临,内心不断的说着。 Ok.” “可以的。” Do not fluster!” “别慌!” I can change snake human them again.” “我可以将他们再变回蛇人。” I can.” “我可以的。” In Kurmis castle manor. 库尔弥斯的城堡庄园之中。 This Kurmis circles in the space, once again opened ceremony technique. 库尔弥斯盘旋在天上,又一次开启了仪式术阵。 Opening.” “开启。” Distorted Eye.” 畸变之眼。” Please respond to my hope, your vision projection here!” “请回应我的祈求,将您的目光投影于此处吧!” The projection of Distorted Eye was summoned again, aimed at following variation snake human Powerful. 畸变之眼的投影再度被召唤了出来,对准了下面的变异蛇人权能者 Kurmis wants old trick heavy, with making the method of green space vine changes snake human these variation. 库尔弥斯想要故伎重施,用制造出绿地藤的方法将这些变异者重新变回蛇人 However this he must be careful time a lot, the strength of summoning was also much smaller. 不过这一次他要小心得多,召唤出来的力量也要小得多。 However snake human is not a plant, their life forms are hard-to-control, Kurmis repeated several times, can see that variation changed the human form. 但是蛇人并不是植物,他们的生命形态更加难以控制,库尔弥斯重复了数次,可以看到变异者们重新变回了人形。 He can make a new plant species, even possibly under the accident of sorts makes a brand-new animal species. 他可以制造出一个新的植物物种,甚至可能机缘巧合下制造出一个全新的动物物种。 However wanted to restore species bloodlines formerly, that difficulty was former's ten million times. 但是想要将一个物种的血脉恢复到从前,那难度是前者的千万倍。 Kurmis probably was the same insane shouted, is attempting repeatedly. 库尔弥斯好像疯了一样大喊,一遍遍的尝试着。 Opening!” “开启!” After a conclusion, then continues immediately again. 一次结束之后,又马上再接着继续。 Opening!” “开启!” Opens the ceremony again.” “再开启仪式。” The ceremony starts, the flower of blood red medium blooms. 仪式开启,血红色的媒介之花绽放。 The projection of Distorted Eye was summoned. 畸变之眼的投影被召唤而出。 Following variation, had fallen into the nihility of consciousness at this moment completely. 下面的变异者们,此刻已经完全陷入了意识的虚无之中。 Saw too repeatedly the projection of Distorted Eye, to them is also a powerful impact. 见了太多次畸变之眼的投影,对他们来说也是一种强大的冲击。 Although Distorted Eye is not the myth item, but its impact of bring from some level must strong in ordinary myth. 虽然畸变之眼不是神话道具,但是其带来的冲击从某个层面上还要强于普通的神话 Kurmis bellows to make noise suddenly, does not know that was said to the following person, was saying. 库尔弥斯突然大吼出声,不知道是对下面的人说,还是对着自己说。 I will rescue your!” “我会救你们的!” I your again then adult.” “我会将你们重新便成人。” Relax, I can achieve.” “放心吧,我可以做到的。” I will certainly achieve.” “我一定会做到的。” He repeated several, seems boosting own confidence. 他重复了好几遍,似乎在坚定着自己的信心。 But is restoring the human form little variation, seems also giving Kurmis this confidence. 而正在一点点恢复人形的变异者们,似乎也在给予库尔弥斯这种信心。 Kurmis in the outer layer management of ceremony, when the opening ceremony repeatedly, oneself are also suffering the radiation. 库尔弥斯在仪式的外层主持,在一遍遍的开启仪式的时候,自己也在遭受着辐射。 The body of Kurmis is also getting bigger and bigger, even opened the entire house. 库尔弥斯的身体也越来越大,甚至将整个房屋都撑开了。 His body grew the scale, the mane becomes getting more and more long, the head was also separated from the shape of snake gradually, becomes more dignified. 他的身上长出了鳞片,鬃毛变得越来越长,头颅也渐渐的脱离了蛇的形态,变得更加威严。 However Kurmis could have ignored change on the body, he only wants the following variation restoration now. 不过库尔弥斯已经顾不上自身身体上的变化了,他现在只想要将下面的变异者恢复。 He wants completely all means that to change snake human these variation. 他想尽一切办法,想要将这些变异者重新变回成蛇人 By an opening ceremony. 直到在一次开启仪式之中。 Kurmis in the ray empty shadow, saw faintly variation had turned into the human form thoroughly. 库尔弥斯在光芒的虚影里,隐隐看到变异者已经彻底变成了人形。 Success?” “成功了吗?” During the feather snake Kurmis staring tread stubbornly, is exhausted has the anticipation. 羽蛇库尔弥斯死死的盯着地面,疲惫之中带着期待。 After the ray diverges, indeed presented life body of a number of nearly human form. 光芒散去之后,的确是出现了一批近乎人形的生命体。 They have the four limbs and head of human form nearly, but is actually growing a scale, behind also has a tail. 他们拥有近乎人形的四肢和头颅,但是却长着一层鳞片,后面还有着一条尾巴。 They even also want big compared with snake human strong, the vitality is more tenacious. 他们甚至比蛇人还要高大强壮,生命力更加顽强。 However. 但是。 This is not the Kurmis anticipation. 这并不是库尔弥斯期待的。 Kurmis looks at the tread long time, he threw off the vault in castle suddenly excitedly. 库尔弥斯看着地面良久,他突然激动的掀翻了城堡的穹顶。 What is this?” “这是什么?” Lizard?” “蜥蜴?” lizard human!” “还是蜥蜴人!” No, what I want is snake human, changes snake human.” “不,我要的是蛇人,是重新变回蛇人。” He opened ceremony technique again. 他再度开启了仪式术阵。 However this time, had the accident/surprise. 但是这一次,出现了意外。 He summoned the Distorted Eye strength uninterruptedly, in communication life altars, as if also awakened these continuously in existence of deep sleep in land most deep place. 他不间断的召唤畸变之眼的力量,一次次的沟通生命祭坛上,似乎也惊醒了那些一直在沉睡在大地最深处的存在。 Their consciousness regained consciousness slightly, toward life altar investigation. 祂们的意识稍稍苏醒了一丝,朝着生命祭坛探查而来。 The consciousness of Kurmis just communicated that altar, saw several terrifying shadows cover all. 库尔弥斯的意识刚刚沟通上那座祭坛,就看到了几道恐怖的黑影将一切覆盖。 Kurmis has seen. 库尔弥斯见过。 That is the shadows of Ruhul seven gods. 那是鲁赫七神的影子。 Kurmis looked at in which together terrifying remnant shadow, crashes from the sky immediately. 库尔弥斯只是看了一眼其中一道恐怖的残影,就立刻就从天空之中坠落了下来。 Sends out a pitiful yell. 发出一声惨叫。 „!” “啊!” Ruhul Giant God covered the strength of life altar, broke the Kurmis crazy action. 鲁赫巨神遮挡住了生命祭坛的力量,也打断了库尔弥斯疯狂的举措。 The giant feather snake crashes, turned into shape of God in the sky. 巨大的羽蛇坠落而下,在天空之中变成了神之形 His numerous falling in castle. 他重重的摔在了城堡之中。 Kurmis stood totteringly, he walks toward the center of ceremony, looks at dozens variation the final shapes. 库尔弥斯跌跌撞撞的站了起来,他朝着仪式的中央走去,看着数十名变异者的最终形态。 Like lizard, looks like the shape of person. 如同蜥蜴,又酷似人的形态。 „!” “啊!” His no use grasped the head, sends out sad and shrill calling out. 他无助的抱住了头,发出一声凄厉的嚎叫。 He does not know how should vent the mood of innermost feelings, can only call out like a monster generally. 他不知道该怎么发泄自己内心的情绪,只能如同一只怪物一般嚎叫。 Actually to finally, Kurmis does not dare to work again. 其实到了最后,库尔弥斯也不敢再进行下去了。 He has felt, worked these people also to collapse again, on the body, was the spiritual level. 他已经感觉到,再进行下去这些人也要崩溃了,不论是身体上,还是精神层面。 He, soon could not withstand. 就连他自己,也快要承受不住了。 However what is lucky, he saved from the degeneration these people finally, preserved their wisdom also to have the consciousness to remember. 不过万幸的是,他总算是将这些人从退化之中拯救了回来,保全了他们的智慧还有意识记忆。 Rather than turned into the lizard truly. 而不是真正的变成了蜥蜴。 …… …… The night falls. 夜幕降临。 One day and one night later, these variation woke up one after another. 一天一夜之后,那些变异者才一个接着一个醒来。 The sound broke the silence in castle. 声音打破了城堡之中的寂静。 No!” Looks at own appearance, everyone cannot accept, some people send out ghost general weeping and wailing immediately. “不!”看着自己的样貌,所有人都不能够接受,有人立刻发出鬼怪一般的哭喊。 How will I turn into this?” They look at the opposite party, feels own face “我怎么会变成这样?”他们看着对方,摸着自己的面庞 Right, was that eye, that white light.” Finally some people recalled anything. “对了,是那个眼睛,还有那白色的光。”终于有人回忆起了什么。 Was too fearful, was too fearful, this certainly is a dream.” Some people stood totteringly, then absent-minded throwing down on the ground. “太可怕了,太可怕了,这一定是一场梦。”有人跌跌撞撞的站了起来,然后恍恍惚惚的摔倒在了地上。 Right, I am certainly having a dream.” On the ground, he is also talking over unceasingly. “对了,我一定是在做梦。”在地上,他还不断的念叨着。 However how regardless of hypnosis, the fact is the fact. 但是无论怎么催眠自己,事实就是事实。 Sir Kurmis?” 库尔弥斯大人呢?” Sir Kurmis?” 库尔弥斯大人呢?” They arrived at the deep place of castle, saw Kurmis under Ruler of Life idol. 他们来到了城堡的深处,就看到了生命主宰神像下的库尔弥斯 This moment Kurmis turned into shape of God, only then this shape he can enter this castle. 此刻库尔弥斯变成了神之形,也只有这种形态他才能进入这座城堡内部。 Once he loosens his strength, will turn into a winged big snake. 他一旦松开自身的力量,就会重新变成了一条长着翅膀的大蛇。 Kneeling that Kurmis has hair dishevelled at this moment on the ground, on idol with that spirit table changed into a stone probably together. 库尔弥斯此刻披头散发的跪在地上,好像和那神台上的神像一起化为了一具石头。 Sir Kurmis?” 库尔弥斯大人?” Until after entering, can feel that he is also living. 直到走进了之后,才能够感觉到他还活着。 Some time ago just became Anu of Kurmis apprentice to walk, asked the opposite party. 不久前刚刚成为库尔弥斯学徒的阿努走了上来,问起了对方。 Sir Kurmis!” 库尔弥斯大人!” How to turn into this?” “怎么会变成这样?” „Were our experiments failed?” “我们的实验失败了吗?” This lizard common human form individual made the sound, Kurmis listens to the opposite party from that sound immediately is Anu. 这个蜥蜴一般的人形个体发出了声音,库尔弥斯立刻从那声音里听出了对方是阿努 Kurmis machinery has turned head, looks at the face of opposite party. 库尔弥斯机械的扭过头来,看着对方的面孔。 Anu?” 阿努?” Confirmed the after status of opposite party, he lowers the head immediately. 确认了对方的身份之后,他立刻低下了头。 Kurmis somewhat is at this moment shameful. 库尔弥斯此刻有些无地自容。 His mouth is shivering, finally said the answer. 他嘴巴颤抖着,最后说出了答案。 We do not have the failure!” “我们没有失败!” We succeeded.” “我们成功了。” Our experiments are successful, we indeed made crops that exceeded rolling ball fern.” “我们的实验非常成功,我们的确制造出了超越卷球厥的农作物。” We by the body of mortal, created a brand-new species.” “我们以凡人之躯,创造出了一个全新的物种。” This exceeds the deeds of imagination.” “这是超越想象的事迹。” At least before, Kurmis thought. 至少在之前,库尔弥斯是这么想的。 However at this moment, in his words actually filled self-ridiculed. 但是此时此刻,他的话语里却充满了自嘲。 Yes!” “是啊!” This may really be......” “这可真是……” Other person of unthinkable things, I actually really dare to do.” “其他人想都不敢想的事情,我却真的敢去做了。” Courage where I come, but also courageous.” “我哪里来的勇气,还有胆量。” Anu asked Kurmis: „But why will turn into this?” 阿努库尔弥斯:“但是为什么会变成这样呢?” Kurmis then said: „During with we conceive, so long as the medium is enough, disposable can let the life altar and that eye of God projects more strengths.” 库尔弥斯接着说道:“和我们设想之中的一样,只要媒介足够,一次性就能让生命祭坛和那神之眼投射出更多的力量。” We like general of expectation, completed a complete experiment.” “我们如同预料的一般,完成了一次圆满的实验。” But we also within the experiment, suffered that life inevitably to the influence of strength of high authority.” “但是我们本身也在实验之内,不可避免的遭受了那生命的至高权柄之力的影响。” Kurmis grasped own head, lifts up the head to look at Ruler of Life idol. 库尔弥斯抱住了自己的头,昂头看着生命主宰神像 His eye stared filled the blood threads, the expression became no use paces back and forth. 他的眼睛瞪得充满了血丝,表情变得无助且彷徨。 This is the divine punishment!” “这是神罚!” This is the Supreme God disciplinary punishment.” “这是至高神明的惩戒。” I made the mistake, I should not touch the God of Creation authority.” “我做错了,我不应该触碰造物之神的权柄。” That is not the strength that I can control, is not the strength that the mortal can control.” “那不是我可以掌控的力量,不是凡人可以掌控的力量。” Kurmis numerous knocking on the ground, were facing Mother of Life idol. 库尔弥斯重重的磕在了地上,面对着生命之母神像 On this day a night, he as if repeated many times this movement, on the flagstone of ground has the stained bloodstain. 这一天一夜来,他似乎将这个动作重复了好多次,地面的石板上都有着斑斑血迹。 He incomparably earnestly seeks and regret looks at idol, both hands present the prayer shape. 他无比渴求和懊悔的看着神像,双手呈现祷告状。 To high God!” “至高的神明啊!” Please forgive me, forgives me to guess your will.” “请原谅我,原谅我揣测您的意志。” Please forgive me to touch your authority, please forgive my not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth.” “请原谅我触碰您的权柄,请原谅我的不知天高地厚。” Kurmis always thinks oneself are lucky, but lucky sometimes relative. 库尔弥斯总是以为自己是幸运的,但是幸运有的时候是相对的。 Was luckier much, made him start gradually to lose itself, finally paid the price. 幸运得多了,也让他开始逐渐迷失了自己,最终为之付出代价。 What is wrong is I.” “错的是我。” Should not make others pay the price.” “不应该让别人来付出代价。” Everyone looks at Kurmis, looks nearly collapses Kurmis, 所有人看着库尔弥斯,看着近乎陷入崩溃的库尔弥斯, All during fell into was silent. 全部都陷入了沉默之中。 Some people asked: „Didn't Sir Kurmis, really have the means?” 有人问:“库尔弥斯大人,真的没有办法了吗?” Kurmis unceasing is kowtowing to God: Is my mistake, is my mistake.” 库尔弥斯不断的对着神明叩头:“都是我的错,都是我的错。” Others also sighed, some people sobbed directly. 其他人也叹了口气,有的人直接哭泣了起来。 Finally, Anu was saying to Kurmis: Sir Kurmis!” 最后,还是阿努对着库尔弥斯说道:“库尔弥斯大人!” If real making mistakes, wrong how is you.” “如果真的犯了错的话,错的怎么是您一个人呢。” We are also part, we also want to create to exceed the rolling ball fern crops, we are also touching the taboo, borrows the God of Creation authority.” “我们也是其中的一部分,我们也想要创造出超越卷球厥的农作物,我们也在触碰禁忌,借用造物之神的权柄。” You had said with us before, these will contact the God strength time the great divine creative force, may have the risk.” “您之前和我们说过,这一次会接触到神明力量的伟大造物,可能会有风险。” We are also the agreements.” “我们也是同意的了。” From the beginning, who they same are not filling with the hope and anticipation with Kurmis? 从一开始,他们谁不是和库尔弥斯一样满怀着希望和期待的呢? At this moment, Anu also understands beyond any help, even Sir Kurmis in his eye did not have the means. 事到如今,阿努也明白无可挽回,连他眼中的库尔弥斯大人都没有办法了。 Anu walks up, wants to help up own master and teacher. 阿努走上前来,想要扶起自己的主人和老师。 Meanwhile, he also saw laid aside in nearby brown ball vine. 与此同时,他也看到了放置在一旁的褐球藤。 Therefore.” “所以。” We made the brown ball vine, but was this price that we paid?” “我们制造出了褐球藤,而这是我们付出的代价?” Anu looks that the brown ball vine showed a reluctant smile, as to display a relaxed appearance. 阿努看着褐球藤露出了一个勉强的笑容,似乎想要表现出一副轻松的模样。 At least. “至少。
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