IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#408 Part 2: Series number 7

He built a village castle in oneself hometown, conducted own experiment in the castle. In castle. 他在自己的故乡建立起了一座农庄城堡,在城堡里进行自己的实验。城堡之中。 Kurmis assistant who leads one group of him to recruit newly, one crowd of ordinary snake human Powerful experiment. 库尔弥斯带领着一群他新招募的助手,一群普通蛇人权能者进行实验。 These people basically are the Maya City people, even it can be said that has the complicated relations with Kurmis, was his family or once friend, business. 这些人基本都是美雅城的人,甚至可以说是和库尔弥斯有着千丝万缕的关系,是他的家族或者曾经的朋友的后商。 They unify to put on to miss Pu color clothes. Above also has the mark of feather snake. With previous difference. This Kurmis ceremony technique wants huge many, ceremony technique occupied the entire big jin (0.5 kg), used so many Powerful, but also consumed a lot of move of every materials. Stands in the ceremony technique control position, Kurmis issued the order. Inspection ceremony! After one crowd of person monitors, determined that does not have the issue. Kurmis " medium! 他们统一穿差莆色的衣服。上面还有着羽蛇的印记。和上一次不一样.这一次库尔弥斯的仪式术阵要庞大的多,仪式术阵占据了整个大斤,动用了这么多的权能者,还耗费了大量的招凡材料。站在仪式术阵的控制位上,库尔弥斯下达了命令。检查仪式!一群人检音过后,确定没有问题。库尔弥斯"媒介! The cup of blood mildew was consecrated in a ceremony technique center, blood red flower of God soaks in the limpid spring water, is sending out the light mysterious season. But Kurmis holds a special plant finally, his incantation seal puppets crawled in a ceremony technique center. 血霉之杯被供奉在了仪式术阵的中央,血红色的神之花泡在清澈的泉水之中,散发着淡淡的神秘之季。而库尔弥斯最后捧着一株特殊的植物,他的咒印傀儡匍匐在了仪式术阵中央。 At that time was planted in the clay jar plant, the vine shuttled back and forth in the soil, had the special dust skin cone. The special incantation seal strength glitters above this plant, making it seem like a living creature to be the same. 那时一株被种在了陶缸之中的植物,藤蔓穿梭在土壤里,结出了一个个特殊的灰褐色皮球果。特殊的咒印力量在这植物之上闪烁,让它像是一个活物一般。 Kurmis first to the Ruler of Life prayer, everyone recited after a hymn, opened ceremony technique. " Opening! " South offers a sacrifice to the medium! 库尔弥斯先是向生命主宰祷告,所有人吟唱了一番赞美诗过后,才开启了仪式术阵。"开启!"南祭媒介! Cup of Bloodmist integrated the blood of demon monster, twists in through the special way together, can see Cup of Bloodmist to send out the unusual light immediately. With previous time is the same. 血雾之杯融入了魔怪的血液,通过特殊的方式扭曲在一起,立刻可以看到血雾之杯散发出奇特的光。和上一次一样。 Kurmis made the strength of distortion through the divine blood conflict of life and wisdom, then took the medium by this. This everyone leaves by far, gives way to traffic the strength of distortion the cup of that blood zero sent out. Then communicated Dreamland through the ceremony, Kurmis reads the Distorted Eye real name in the intelligent language in a low voice. " Distorted Eye! " 库尔弥斯通过生命和智慧的神血冲突制造出了畸变之力,然后以此作为媒介。只是这一次所有人都离得远远的,避让开了那血零之杯散发出的畸变之力。接下来便是通过仪式沟通梦界,库尔弥斯低声用智慧语念出了畸变之眼的真名。"畸变之眼!" That sound cavity is wild ancient, probably is strange cannot send out like snake human. The flash that however the pronunciation puts out, the mutation happened. Can see that a powerful incomparable strength from the remote excessive projection came, to arrive in this castle. The blood-color flower inflated the limit instantaneously, changed into several meters high, moreover during unceasing inflation. The flower cup wife in one, changed into a spheroid. Inside seems to be breeding anything. 那音腔蛮荒古老,怪异得就好像不像蛇人能够发出的。但是字音吐出的一瞬间,异变就发生了。就可以看到一股强大无比的力量从遥远的过度投射而来,降临在了这座城堡之中。血色的花瞬间膨胀到了极限,化为了数米高,而且还在不断的膨胀之中。花杯妻在了一起,化为了一个球体。里面似乎在孕育着什么。 But the Kurmis will is also divorced from the reality in a flash, by drawing to the position that the life altar and that eyeball are. The eyeball unceasing enlargement in altar, changed into vast stars probably. Is gazing at him from the infinite high place. 库尔弥斯的意志也一瞬间脱离现实,被拉向了生命祭坛和那颗眼珠所在的位置。祭坛上的眼珠子不断的放大,好像化为了一颗浩瀚的星辰。从无限高处注视着他。 But Kurmis is under the altar the tiny dust. 库尔弥斯则是祭坛下渺小的尘埃。 This time, he is true completely with the divine tool connection that this Ruler of Life left behind in one. He also accepted many news, knew some strengths of this divine tool. Life / divine spell item Distorted Eye Series number 7 这一次,他是真正的完全和这件生命主宰留下的神器连接在了一起。他也接受到了更多的讯息,知晓了这件神器的部分力量。【生命/神术道具・畸变之眼】【序列号七】 【The thing of Creator personally creation, this is one type does not know that can call it the item of item, because it situated in existing in does not exist, frequently be at non-steady state ; The power of life and wisdom twists the conflict unceasingly, making it situated in collapse unceasingly extinguishes decayed, because under the strength of divine creative force reorganizes unceasingly.】 Ruhul seven gods...】 造物主亲手创造之物,这是一种不知道能不能称之为道具的道具,因为它处于存在于不存在之间,时时刻刻处于不稳定状态;生命和智慧的权能不断扭曲冲突,让它处于不断崩灭腐朽,但是因为造物之力下不断重组。】【鲁赫七神…】 Light of Creator life evolution combed this eye original distortion strength, gives ability that it life evolved, Distorted Eye can accelerate life between the strength of radiation collapse to extinguish and reorganization are born significantly evolutionary process......】 Although is series number 7, but is the myth item. 【生命演化之光造物主梳理了这只眼睛原本的畸变力量,赋予了它生命演化的能力,畸变之眼在崩灭与重组之间诞生的辐射之力可以大幅度加速生命的演化过程……】虽然是序列号七,但是不是神话道具。 Because of it never possibly the birth wisdom, its strength will also be perhaps special and only. However its great strength without a doubt, that only characteristics ability is also above everyone's imagination. After Kurmis sees that information, was shocked thoroughly " Creator? 因为它或许永远不可能诞生智慧,它的力量也特殊且唯一。但是它的强大毋庸置疑,那唯一的特性能力也超乎所有人的想象。库尔弥斯看到那信息之后彻底愣住了"造物主? He manages after looking at the flagstone outside Demon Abyss royal city, knows faintly some ancient secrets, he knows Mother of Life is only snake human maker, true Creator has someone else. That creates God God. 他管经看过魔渊王城外的石板,隐隐知道一些古老的秘密,他知晓生命之母只是蛇人造主,真正的造物主另有其人。那是创造神明神明 But now he on this eye, saw the name of Creator. 而现在他在这只眼睛上,看到了造物主的称呼。
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