IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#408 Part 1: Series number 7

protect fire temple. 护火神庙 Here Kurmis saw Ruler of Life idol, found the Scarlet Goddess statue in one side. " Maya City also has such temple, when holiday time will hold the celebration. "……" Consecrates Ruler of Life, sacrificial offering Scarlet Goddess. " 在这里库尔弥斯看到了生命主宰神像,紧接着在一侧找到了腥红女神的石像。"美雅城也有这样一座神庙,每到节日的时候就会举办庆典。""供奉生命主宰,祭祀腥红女神。" He looks at this Suinhall the god of asylum, directing Suinhall from move toward the civilized wildly great existence, remembered once. In the eyes of Suinhall person, Ruler of Life created snake human, but Scarlet Goddess created Suinhall and city-state civilization. It can be said that the entire snake human civilization can arrive at this many place unable to leave this god today. 他看着这位苏因霍尔的庇护之神,指引苏因霍尔从蛮荒走向文明的伟大存在,想起了曾经。在苏因霍尔人的眼里,生命主宰缔造了蛇人,而腥红女神缔造了苏因霍尔和城邦文明。或者可以说,整个蛇人文明能够走到今天这一步很多地方都离不开这位神祇。 Without his direction, no generations of symbiont samsara arrive in Su because of Tyll, snake human from changing the desolate moves toward the civilization these step must experience many ridge t surely, although present Suinhall has the sign of decline, but it once was on Ruhul Giant Island the greatest state, was culture the place of origin. Also has the medium with the aid of this temple strength and ceremony, he starts to communicate this God. " Deep sea Blood Country controls Scarlet Demoness, great First Blood Ancestor. " 没有他的指引,没有一代代的一叶共生者轮回降临在苏因季尔,蛇人从变荒走向文明的这一步必定要经历再多的坎t虽然如今苏因霍尔已经有了没落的迹象,但是它曾经是鲁赫巨岛上最伟大的国度,也是文化的起源之地。借助这座神庙的力量、仪式还有媒介,他开始沟通这位神明。"深海的血之国主宰腥红魔女,伟大的血之初祖。" The thought of Kurmis by the direction of Dreamland, arrived in the remote place. He probably infinite sinking sea. 库尔弥斯的意念透过梦界的指引,抵达了遥远的地方。他好像无限的沉入大海。 The ocean waves tide turns wells up, sound in broken bits gathers song of the life. In the endless dark and sound in broken bits, he saw wipes up. Then. 海浪潮汐翻涌,细碎的声音汇聚成一曲生命之歌。无尽的黑暗和细碎的声音里,他看到了一抹光。然后。 He stood in an ancient city, situated in a temple under. Kurmis raised the head, massive shape of God or the appearances are much more ancient exists to gaze at him. 他就站在了一座古老的城市之中,位于一座圣殿之下。库尔弥斯抬起头,大量神之形或者样貌古老得难以言喻的存在注视着他。 They the both sides situated in steps, or stand in the high place, hints Kurmis to walk toward inside. Kurmis somewhat dreads, he knows these to exist, has divine species of ancient God King bloodlines. Is known as existence of the oldest. 他们位于阶梯的两侧,或者站于高处,示意库尔弥斯朝着里面走去。库尔弥斯有些畏惧,他知道这些存在,拥有着古老神王血脉的神明种。号称最古者的存在。 He walks into the temple, red hair God is waiting for him above god throne. Kurmis salutes " Scarlet Goddess! " Suinhall person Kurmis salutes to you, came from salutes to you Maya City Kurmis. " You created this great civilization single-handedly, we thought gratefully in you. " 他走入圣殿之中,红发的神明正在神座之上等待着他。库尔弥斯行礼"腥红女神啊!"苏因霍尔库尔弥斯向您致敬,来自于美雅城库尔弥斯向您致敬。"您一手缔造出了这个伟大的文明,我们都感念于您。" Scarlet Goddess to spend cloud looks at Kurmis, noticed his hair and eye, seems carefully examining him. Long time later, this God says. " Maya City. " 腥红女神费云看着库尔弥斯,注意到了他的头发和眼睛,似乎在审视着他。良久之后,这位神明才开口说道。"美雅城。" God recalled anything, but obviously was not the beautiful picture. " On you intelligent strength, I remember that in the past Maya City had one to escape by snake human that similar Liliang corroded, as body that he resurrected. "……" It seems like, should be you. " 神明回忆起了什么,但是明显不是什么美好的画面。"你身上有灵性的力量,我记得当年美雅城有一个被肖力量侵蚀的蛇人逃了出去,作为他复活的身躯。""看起来,应该就是你了。" On the beforehand going on patrol Suinhall road, she saw the unique element of feather snake, guessed correctly his status probably. Kurmis " is I, in the past the evil god arrived, was you saved my hometown. " 在之前巡游苏因霍尔的路上,她就看到了羽蛇的特殊之处,大概猜出了他的身份。库尔弥斯"是我,当年邪神降临,是您拯救了我的家乡。" " I still remember scene that Gate of Myth crashes, if not you, Maya City all will destroy. " Scarlet Goddess asked Kurmis ; " You said to Osis, you do want to cultivate to be similar to the rolling ball fern plant species? "……" Brand-new, but actually far ultra rolling ball fern crops. "我至今还记得那神话之门坠落的场景,如果不是您,美雅城的一切都将毁灭。"腥红女神库尔弥斯;"你对奥西斯说,你想要培育出类似于卷球厥的植物物种?""一种全新,但是却远超卷球厥的农作物。 Vivien is interested in this topic ; first, because he is the Temple of Truth sage, two are also because he is the life half god, naturally craves regarding new species new life matter. Before Kurmis again and Scarlet Goddess said king of Osis one, and Suinhall words, but also demonstrated an own intelligence strength, makes to settle in the volume ball fruit of green space vine. 费雯对于这个话题非常感兴趣,一是因为他是真理圣殿的贤者,二也是因为他是生命半神,对于新物种新生命这种事情自然非常热衷。库尔弥斯再度和腥红女神说了一遍之前和苏因霍尔之王奥西斯的话,还展示了一遍自己的灵性力量,制造出了结在绿地藤的卷球果实。 However Scarlet Goddess does not seem to feel what unusual. 但是腥红女神似乎并没有觉得什么奇特。 Let alone had seen the intelligence strength, that is the intelligence authority of original sin evil god similar personally use. 别说曾经见过灵性的力量,那可是原罪邪神肖亲自使用的灵性权柄。 Even if in last era, Ruhul giant beast once fused many lives the characteristics to change into own main body, oneself can still make such miracle ; Scarlet Goddess has fixed Ruhul Seal, therefore no longer needed. 就算是在上一个纪元,鲁赫巨怪就曾经融合多种生命的特征化为自己的本体,自己也能够制造出这样的奇迹;只是腥红女神已经有了固定的鲁赫印,所以不再需要了而已。 However which type, after the unusual strength retreats, these things also struck back the prototype. They cannot like the true natural species, breed. 但是不论是哪一种,等到超凡力量退去之后,这些东西也就被打回了原型。它们不能像真正的自然物种那样,进行繁育。 However at this time Kurmis said " this also merely is the first step, second step is most essential. " 但是这个时候库尔弥斯说道"这还仅仅是第一步,第二步才是最关键的。" " My intelligence strength and melts the spirit incantation seal revision life the shape as the guidance, then with another strength, changes into the reality it truly. " Changes into the true new species. " "我的灵性力量和融灵咒印修改生命的形态作为引导,然后用另外一种力量,将其真正化为现实。"化为真正的新物种。" The goddess in god throne shakes the head " you is not not possible to have this strength, this is the authority of control. 神座上的女神摇头"你不可能有这种力量,这已经是主宰的权柄了。 Kurmis nods, salutes will say good that from now on " you said that I am indeed impossible to have such strength. " Perhaps if I can Ruler of Life the strength of gracious gift, be able to accomplish this matter. "……" This is not I am handling this matter, perhaps is Mother of Life the gracious gift dissemination to the world. " Was the goddess above god throne shocked " you to say ten assorted? " 库尔弥斯点了点头,行礼过后说道"您说的不错,我的确不可能有这样的力量。"但是如果我能够得到生命主宰的恩赐之力的话,或许就能够办到这种事情了。""这不是我在做这件事情,或许是生命之母在将恩赐散播向人间。"神座之上的女神愣住了"你说什十么?" Kurmis told Scarlet Goddess " great Scarlet Goddess, please forgive my rashness, I once picked to have been to a flower petal of your piece of flower of God. "……" I turned into my incantation seal puppet this piece of flower of God, later happened sent special matter " 库尔弥斯告诉腥红女神"伟大的腥红女神,请原谅我的冒失,我曾经捡到过您的一片神之花的花瓣。""我将这片神之花变成了我的咒印傀儡,之后就发生了一些寄特的事情" Then the Scarlet Goddess look also had the change, many three leaves symbiont on the scene also looked continually together to Kurmis. Scarlet Goddess asked that he " you said you own god graciousness strength and incantation seal, integrated in Cup of Bloodmist? " In temple, even can see that on some faces the expression is it can be said that panic-stricken. 这下腥红女神的眼神也起了变化,连在场的诸多三叶共生者也一同看向了库尔弥斯腥红女神问他"你说你将自己的神恩力量和咒印,融入到了血雾之杯中?"圣殿之中,甚至可以看到有的人脸上表情可以说是惊骇。 Panic-stricken is not only Kurmis does not know profoundly, is how because this fellow did this can also complete stand here. Some the oldest start to talk in whispers. " What is he making? " 惊骇的不仅仅是库尔弥斯的不知道天高地厚,更是因为这家伙这样做了怎么还可以完好的站在这里。一些最古者开始窃窃私语。"他在做什么?" " The experiment of royal power blood Samoll family? How "……" can he also live? " "王权血裔萨莫家族的实验?""他怎么还能活着?" Kurmis is not clear, are these people so why amazed? Kurmis nods " indeed is this! " 库尔弥斯不明白,这些人为什么如此惊诧?库尔弥斯点了点头"的确是这样!" Scarlet Goddess is also curious, what did front person make " that following? " Kurmis thinks that also some lingering fear " an eye was summoned from void, looked to me. " I become in the flash cannot move, all my organs were melted, finally turned into beach muddy flesh. " 腥红女神也非常好奇,面前这个人到底做了些什么"那么接下来呢?"库尔弥斯想起来也有些后怕"一只眼睛从虚空之中被召唤而出,看向了我。"我在一瞬间就变得不能动弹,我所有的器官都被融化,最后变成了一滩肉泥。" " The powerful intelligence strength that but I must come from that evil god there felt its source by this strength, saw a altar. In the "……" altar is placing an eye, that fearful strength this eye projects. " The Scarlet Goddess fee/spent must finally Ganming white anything, he also knows that altar is anything. " Mother of Life altar! "但是我从那位邪神那里得来的强大灵性力量透过这力量感受到了其源头,看到了一座祭坛。""祭坛上摆放着一只眼睛,那可怕的力量正是这只眼睛投射而出。"腥红女神费要终干明白了什么,他也知道那祭坛是什么."生命之母的祭坛! " You through the ceremony, the strength that in the relation Mother of Life left behind. Even if Scarlet Goddess, at this moment is also Kurmis did not know the action of profound insane wild dog being startled. "你通过仪式,联系上了生命之母留下的力量。哪怕是腥红女神,此刻也为库尔弥斯的不知道天高地厚的疯犴之举给惊到了。 What is more shocking, success that this fellow bumps into. 更震惊的是,这家伙误打误撞的成功了。 Kurmis also wanted then to say anything downward, proved oneself can accomplish this matter. 库尔弥斯还想要接着往下说什么,来证明自己可以办到这种事情。 Wanted to say oneself second step after the strength of communicating Distorted Eye, after such as, in third step made the brand-new species. However Scarlet Goddess Vivien broke him " not to need, to be OK. 想要说自己第二步沟通上畸变之眼的力量后,如后在第三步制造出全新的物种。但是腥红女神费雯打断了他"不必了,已经可以了。 " If you are really receiving the Supreme God will, the destiny naturally can direct you to move toward has been doomed the good future. " "如果你真的秉承着至高神明的意志,命运自然会指引你走向早已注定好的未来。" " You do not need to explain to me, I believe all that you said real. " A God eye of band of light smile " is wanting anything as for you, I also knew. " I can give you Cup of Bloodmist. " "你不必向我解释,我相信你所说的一切都是真的。"神明的目光带着微笑"至于你想要什么,我也知道了。"我可以将血雾之杯送给你。" Kurmis is wild with joy, he also the first time is name that knows this red flower of God. " Great God, thank your benevolence and kindness. " 库尔弥斯欣喜若狂,他也是第一次知道这红色的神之花的名字。"伟大的神明啊,感谢您的仁慈和恩惠。" Scarlet Goddess " you can live to Kurmis, should thank the benevolence and kindness of Supreme God. "……" You, if really made the thing of new comparing favorably rolling ball fern, I hope that you can keep Suinhall it. "……" As the return, you can also set some requests to me. " 腥红女神对着库尔弥斯"你能够活着,应该感谢至高神明的仁慈和恩惠。""你如果真的制造出了新的媲美卷球厥之物,我希望你能够将它留在苏因霍尔。""作为回报,你也可以向我提出一些要求。" Kurmis there also dares to propose anything to request now, immediately thanked god hastily, only wanted first to attain the essential medium of Cup of Bloodmist this experiment. " Is your strength makes me be able to achieve this thing, did I thank you without enough time, how can set the request to you again? " Scarlet Goddess Vivien puts out a hand, a blood red beautiful flower was born in palm. This flower is representing the life, is representing God. The Scarlet Goddess backhand, it revolves slowly under. Kurmis! 库尔弥斯现在那里还敢提出什么要求,顿时连忙感谢神祇,只想要先拿到血雾之杯这个实验的关键媒介。"是您的力量让我才能做到这件事,我感谢您都来不及,怎么能够再向您提出要求呢?"腥红女神费雯伸出手,一朵血红色的妖艳之花诞生在了的手心。这花代表着生命,也代表着神明腥红女神反手,它缓缓旋转而下。库尔弥斯! " It was your, before you created brand-new compared favorably with the rolling ball fern crops, you can me pray that regained it. " "它是你的了,在你创造出全新的媲美卷球厥的农作物之前,你可以向我祈祷重新获得它。" Kurmis impatient going forward, one held Cup of Bloodmist. Then is excited the complexion to be red, quite a while could not speak, can only say. " Thank you. " I will certainly make the brand-new crops, crops that one type exceeds rolling ball fern more suitable snake human. " 库尔弥斯迫不及待的上前,一把捧住了血雾之杯。然后激动得面色通红,半天说不出话来,只能说道。"感谢您。"我一定会制造出全新的农作物,一种超越卷球厥更适合蛇人的农作物。" The voice falls, during his consciousness also fell into one piece to be dizzy. Recovering time, already in protect fire temple. Kurmis brought Cup of Bloodmist to leave temple, outside had many people to wait for him. 话音落下,他的意识也陷入了一片天旋地转之中。回过神来的时候,已经是在护火神庙之中了。库尔弥斯带着血雾之杯离开了神庙,外面有许多人在等候着他。 protect fire temple chief servant of God, king of Osis Suinhall, as well as many nobles and ministers and servant of God. Osis looks at Cup of Bloodmist on his hand, knows that he succeeded. Osis shouts loudly immediately. " This is the asylum of god. " 护火神庙的首席神侍,还有苏因霍尔之王奥西斯,以及诸多王公大臣和神侍奥西斯看着他手上的血雾之杯,就知道他成功了。奥西斯立刻高呼。"这就是神的庇护。" Everyone devout prayer, is extolling Scarlet Goddess. Looks at Kurmis to leave. 所有人都虔诚的祷告,赞颂着腥红女神。看着库尔弥斯离开。 Stood Al Pince under god throne has doubts, asked Scarlet Goddess Vivien. "……" Sir to spend Mai! " 站在神座之下的阿尔潘斯非常疑惑,问起了腥红女神费雯。""费霾大人!" Divine tool that " Mother of Life leaves behind, is really, the person can borrow? Smoker is also recalling myth about that altar ; " That divine tool should protect by the Ruhul 17 gods . The people could communicate that divine tool accidentally, but really can repeat again? " "生命之母留下的神器,真的是凡,人可以借用的吗?斯默克尔也回忆着关于那座祭坛的神话;"那件神器应该是由鲁赫十七神守护着,凡.人或许可以偶然沟通上那件神器,但是真的可以再次重复吗?" " Is previous time the Ruhul seven gods has not possibly noticed, when fish Giant God noticed, how to permit such. The people use oil that the Lord oil clearly leaves behind " Scarlet Goddess Vivien to say " Mother of Life opened the front door to outside world, the will and do the vision that who knows fall on where? " "上一次可能是鲁赫七神没有注意到,等到鱼赫巨神注意到了,怎么会允许这样一个凡.人使用主支油明留下的油器"腥红女神费雯则说道"生命之母打开了通往外面世界的大门,谁知道的意志和目光落在何处呢?" Attention that " perhaps at this moment, Kurmis is receiving. " Like Kurmis said that this was controls God through him the gracious gift dissemination to the world. Al Pince mentioned another matter " Osis unable to put down Suinhall as before, he did not want to shoulder the infamy to leave the stage as last years king. "说不定此时此刻,库尔弥斯就正在受到的关注。"就像库尔弥斯自己所说的一样,这不过是主宰神明在通过他将恩赐散播向人间。阿尔潘斯说起了另外一件事情"奥西斯依旧放不下苏因霍尔,他不想要以末代君王的身份背负着骂名退场。 But this Kurmis, will perhaps become the Osis straw to grasp. Regardless of Osis is how unwilling, the time that the royal power god gives had ended, but after this Kurmis meddles, may cause the new accident. 而这个库尔弥斯,或许将会成为奥西斯的救命稻草。不论奥西斯怎么不甘心,王权神授的时代都已经结束了,但是这个库尔弥斯插手后或许会引起新的变故。 Smoker said " is not only this, Sir Vivien. " 斯默克尔则说"不仅仅是这样,费雯大人。" " This Kurmis he is reincarnator, went out of to become God first step. "……" Does he make these now is to do? " "这个库尔弥斯他已经是转生者了,算是走出了成神的第一步了。""他现在做这些是想要干什么?" After Smoker, half a word words saying directly coming out " is doing the preparation for to become God? " 斯默克尔将后半句话直接说了出来"是在为成神做准备吗?" Scarlet Goddess by god throne, narrows the eye to look during the place that just Kurmis left, as if fell into thought deeply. " Becoming god there is so easy, 250 million years of disparity, without assisting of other God, he spans with anything. "……" And. " 腥红女神靠在神座上,眯着眼睛看着刚刚库尔弥斯离开的地方,似乎陷入了深思之中。"成神那里有那么容易,两亿五千万年的差距,若没有其他神明的相助,他拿什么去跨越。""而且。" " Regardless of he later can become the god, but he should be very difficult to become the snake human god. " Why Al Pince and did Smoker look together to Scarlet Goddess " ? " Scarlet Goddess has turned head, looks at their two people. "不论他以后能不能成为神,但是他应该很难成为蛇人的神了。"阿尔潘斯和斯默克尔一起看向了腥红女神"为什么?"腥红女神扭过头,看着它们两个人。 " He wants to draw support controls the God strength to cultivate a brand-new species idea not wrong. " But at the same time, he does not have to discover oneself also in thorough turns into a new race. " "他想要借助主宰神明的力量培育着一个全新的物种这个想法并没有错。"但是与此同时,他却没有发现自己也在彻底的变成一个新的种族。" " No longer is the pure feather snake shape that the beforehand intelligence corrosion changes, but is the direct transformation on bloodlines ; Is one type brand-new, can the bloodlines inheritance and breeds descendant's new race. " Scarlet Goddess, solid however recalled anything at this point. Deep sighing, shakes the head to speak. "不再是之前的灵性侵蚀所变化的单纯羽蛇形态,而是血脉上的直接转变;是一种全新的,可以血脉传承和繁育后代的新种族。"腥红女神说到这里,实然回忆起了什么。深深的叹了口气,摇头说到。 " Use controls the God strength is to pay the price. " "使用主宰神明的力量,是要付出代价的。" " It seems us to borrow the life the authority to arrive in the next era, actually turned into the present this finally. But "……" this price we could not see at that time, the Kurmis of present cannot see. " Al Pince and Smoker are surprised. "就好像我们想要借用生命的权柄抵达下一个纪元,却最终变成了现在这样。""而这代价当时我们看不见,现在的这个库尔弥斯也看不见。"阿尔潘斯和斯默克尔非常惊讶。 Al Pince walked one step " he to turn into a new race upward, haven't we noticed? 阿尔潘斯往上走了一步"他在变成一个新的种族,我们怎么没有注意到? Smoker lowers the head looks at the beforehand Kurmis stand the place, falling into recollection " did he seem like as before is snake human? " But regarding the judgment of Scarlet Goddess, they believes. Smoker asked that what Scarlet Goddess " he will turn into? " 斯默克尔低下了头看着之前库尔弥斯站着的地方,陷入了回忆"他看上去依旧还是一个蛇人啊?"但是对于腥红女神的判断,他们两人还是相信的。斯默克尔问腥红女神"他会变成什么?" Scarlet Goddess shakes the head your strengths also to be insufficient the visual observation the change of bloodlines deep place, did you see his hair and eye? " That is the life and bloodlines mutation anxious drafts. " 腥红女神摇了摇头你们的力量还不足以直接观察到血脉深处的变化,你看到了他的头发和眼睛了吗?"那就是生命和血脉异变的急征。" " That altar and eye are the divine tools that Ruler of Life leaves behind, he has not become the god, is actually bathing the myth brilliance, contacts strength that he should not contact. Merely one time short borrows to control the God strength, he had turned into this. " Uses several times? " "那祭坛和眼睛是生命主宰留下的神器,他还没有成为神,却沐浴着神话的光辉,接触着他不应该接触的力量。仅仅一次短暂的借用主宰神明的力量,他就已经变成了这样。"多使用几次呢?" Moreover after has begun, he inevitable transforms toward this. "……" Therefore following. " 而且已经开了头之后,他就会无可避免的朝着这个转变走下去。""所以接下来。" " He is doomed to turn into a brand-new species. " "他注定会变成一个全新的物种。" Scarlet Goddess made the resolution ; " Just Ruler of Life created winged human and snake human initially personally, but this time does not create personally, is, the person touches the authority and strength of pond is thus born. " 腥红女神做下了决断;"只不过生命主宰当初是亲手创造出了翼人蛇人,而这一次不是亲手所创造,是凡,人触碰池的权柄和力量从而诞生。" Then, Scarlet Goddess replied the Smoker's second issue, he will turn into anything. " Will turn into what appearance as for him. 接着,腥红女神回答了斯默克尔的第二个问题,他会变成什么。"至于他会变成什么模样。 Since is the brand-new species, is representative unknown. 既然是全新的物种,那么就代表着未知。 " No one knows that will then be born anything, seemed us to be hard to imagine that initially this era can be this. The Scarlet Goddess sound felt the feeling generally, recalled once the wild land and primitive ocean of first era. " How we can imagine at that time. "没有人会知道接下来会诞生什么,就好像我们当初难以想象到这个纪元会是这样的。腥红女神声音充满了感概,回想起了曾经第一纪元的蛮荒大地和原始海洋。"我们当时怎么能够想象到。 " Life can so prosperous, the world can so beautiful. "生命能够如此的繁盛,世界能够如此的美丽。 Smoker " , even if turned into the new species, his day can still contend the position of god of snake human as before? " 斯默克尔"就算变成了新的物种,他依旧日也可以角逐蛇人之神的位置啊?" " At least at present looks like, snake human is in the position of civilized lead, becomes the God words with the aid of the snake human strength, definitely has the advantage. " Smoker as if has what idea, wants to borrow the Kurmis strength. Scarlet Goddess actually shakes the head, tells Smoker. "至少目前看来,蛇人已经占据了文明主角的位置,借助蛇人的力量成为神明的话,肯定更具备优势。"斯默克尔似乎有着什么想法,想要借用库尔弥斯的力量。腥红女神却摇头,告诉斯默克尔。 " After he had oneself race, after it multiplies community, is he meeting also willing to become the snake human god when the time comes? "……" After a brand-new race birth, will snake human also approve him with this brand-new race? Thinks they are oneself similar? Preparation God that the character who " in these snake human will soon rise, will soon rise. Will they accept them? "他有了自己的种族之后,当其繁衍成一个群体后,他到时候还会愿意成为蛇人的神吗?""当一个全新的种族诞生之后,蛇人还会认同他和这个全新的种族吗?认为他们是自己的同类吗?"那些蛇人之中即将崛起的人物,即将崛起的预备神明。他们会接受他们吗? Does Scarlet Goddess also give an example " like initial winged human and snake human, why snake mother Themus is willing to touch beautiful Mother of Life and to attract by these principle people according to day wanting area? " 腥红女神还举了个例子"就像当初的翼人蛇人,蛇母瑟摩丝为何甘愿触韶生命之母、依日要区逐那些理人吸?" Perhaps to spend zero was not swindled in certain places with the fellows of Anhofos these two Temple of Truth family backgrounds, but she can become the Temple of Truth sage, is at least representing his vision and vision exceeds the average man. 费零或许在某些地方不上当和安霍福斯这两个真理圣殿出身的家伙,但是她能够成为真理圣殿的贤者,至少代表着他的眼界和眼光是超越常人的。 He through this understanding, saw through faintly the future of belonging to Kurmis. Smoker wanted to say anything, but stopped. 他只是通过这一次的了解,就隐隐看穿了属于库尔弥斯的未来。斯默克尔想要说些什么,但是又停了下来。 Scarlet Goddess actually noticed Smoker's expression change " you to say why I haven't told him? " Scarlet Goddess then said that " this perhaps is the Supreme God will, you can be seen as the established destiny it. " Is doomed born like this era, will certainly arrive like the generations of various god. "……" Smoker. " 腥红女神却注意到了斯默克尔的表情变化"你想要说,我为什么没有告诉他?"腥红女神接着说道"这或许就是至高神明的意志,你可以将它视同为既定的命运。"就像这个纪元注定会诞生,就像诸神的世代一定会降临。""斯默克尔。" Scarlet Goddess had not said, like the pond had not asked how finally Kurmis achieves to summon the Distorted Eye strength. Smoker nods saying that compares favorably with the rolling ball fern crops to be going to appear, the new species is going to appear, the new time is going to appear. "……" This is inevitable. 腥红女神没有多说,就像池最后也没有多问库尔弥斯是如何做到召唤出畸变之眼的力量一样。斯默克尔点头说道媲美卷球厥的农作物将要出现,新的物种将要出现,新的时代将要出现。""这是无可避免的。 " We must do complies with the change of time. " "我们要做的就是顺应时代的变化。" King of Osis Suinhall was very recently badly battered, because Suinhall left recently much did not favor his sound. Although these words no one was in front of his saying that but passed on secretly noisily. " Osis has lost the god, he no longer is the god the king. "……" Does not have the divine grace king, but can also sit on the throne? 苏因霍尔之王奥西斯最近很是焦头烂额,因为苏因霍尔内部最近多出了不少不利于他的声音。虽然这些话语没有人当着他的面说,但是暗地里传得沸沸扬扬。"奥西斯已经丢失掉了神着,他已经不再是神着之王了。""没有神眷的王,还能够坐在王座上吗? " God is going to choose the new king, was attended to the talent being able to sit by divine grace above that throne. The "……" King of Divine Grace time has passed by. " Royal family bloodlines are decayed, the new king will soon add the power. "神明将要挑选新王,只有受神眷顾之人才能够坐在那王座之上。""神眷之王的时代已经过去了。"王族血脉已经腐朽,新王即将加幂。 This sound some are the rumors, some are real, some are the intentional disseminations of careerist. 这声音有些是传言,有些是真的,有些则是野心家的故意散播。 Can feel that under Suinhall tranquil surface, is turbulent, in that past fettered in Suinhall chains has loosened. Many people have lifted the head, starts king of throne that Suinhall covets keeps aloof. Without care of god, why can't I become the king? 可以感觉到苏因霍尔平静的表面下,已经是波涛汹涌,那往日里束缚在苏因霍尔身上的锁链已经松开了。不少人已经抬起了头,开始觊觎高高在上的苏因霍尔之王宝座。没有神的眷顾,为什么我就不能成为王呢? In addition Osis has been conducting the centralization, wants to promote the province system to suppress these old aristocrats, weakened once the foundation of city-state system, took back these city Lord powers. Therefore. 加上奥西斯一直在进行中央集权,想要推行行省制度打压那些旧贵族,削弱曾经城邦体系的根基,收回那些城主的权力。所以。 Present he starts to backlash. 现在的他开始遭受反噬。 Not is only unable to carry out including the original national policy, even the throne becomes creakies. 不仅仅连原本的国策都无法推行下去,甚至连王座都变得摇摇欲坠。 Osis the anxious hope can now a help of strength, but Kurmis that just presented that naturally becomes his hope. Apostle strength that Kurmis has, matter that he is handling, can become him to reverse the aspect the key. Osis invited in the botanical garden of royal palace to be a guest Kurmis, he offered the invitation to Kurmis. " I hope that you can become my boost. " 奥西斯现在急切的希望能够得到一股力量的帮助,而刚刚出现的库尔弥斯,自然就成为了他的希望。不论是库尔弥斯本身拥有的使徒力量,还是他正在做的事情,都能够成为他扭转局面的关键。奥西斯库尔弥斯邀请到了王宫的园林之中做客,他向库尔弥斯提出了邀请。"我希望你能够成为我的助力。" " However I can help you complete your experiment, I who so long as I can achieve can satisfy you. " Kurmis somewhat hesitates , this not as he expected. "而我可以帮助你完成你的实验,只要我能够做到的我都能够满足你。"库尔弥斯有些犹豫,,这并不在他的预料之中。 Osis expressed happily to his hesitation, expressed hesitant may persuaded the opposite party. 奥西斯却对他的犹豫表示高兴,犹豫表示有可能说动对方。 What person he also saw Kurmis probably is, therefore was saying to him. " You do not want to make this country well, does your wish make this country chaotic? " 他也大概看出了库尔弥斯到底是一个什么样的人,于是对着他说道。"你难道不想让这个国家变得更好,你难道想要让这个国家变得混乱吗?" Your hometown Maya City had been hit by the disaster, you do not hope that he again by artificially disaster, becomes the sacrificial victims of these careerists! " 你的家乡美雅城曾经遭受过天灾,你不希望他再一次遭受人为的灾难,成为那些野心家的牺牲品吧!" Heath earnest your present was saying to Kurle ; " I must show that Suinhall is struggles in the great island according to day the best big state, I must tell everyone me to be the most outstanding oil am doing "……" I to found the new time, leading entire Suinhall to move toward the new future. "……" I need your help, this will let entire Suinhall, making your hometown well. " 西斯认真的对着库尔你斯说道;"我要证明苏因霍尔依日是争赫巨岛上最佳大的国度,我要告诉所有人我一定会是最优秀的油着之干""我可以开创新的时代,带领整个苏因霍尔走向新的未来。""我需要你的帮助,这会让整个苏因霍尔,让你的家乡变得更好。" Kurmis has the powerful strength, but he is not a disposition firm person, his body had once the color of ordinary civilians as before. After he heard Osis these words, somewhat is faintly excited. " Osis your majesty, you needed anything to help be able to say with me although. " But my experiment, needs your help. 库尔弥斯是拥有强大的力量,但是他并不是一个心性坚定的人,他的身上依旧带有曾经普通平民的色彩。他听到了奥西斯的这番话之后,也隐隐有些心动。"奥西斯陛下,您需要什么帮助可以尽管和我说。"但是我的实验,也需要你的帮助。 Osis tells Kurmis " me to use helps you full power, Suinhall also needs your experiment achievement, needs the brand-new crops. Kurmis " I prepare my hometown Maya City, I want to construct my laboratory there. " 奥西斯告诉库尔弥斯"我会倾尽全力帮助你,苏因霍尔也需要你的实验成果,需要全新的农作物。库尔弥斯"我准备回我的家乡美雅城,我想要在那里建造我的实验室。" Osis is generous " you to appoint the new Maya City city lord, needs any material I to satisfy you. " Kurmis " I will also need massive paddies in the future, conducts the planter of new crops. 奥西斯非常慷慨"你可以任命新任的美雅城城主,需要任何材料我都可以满足你。"库尔弥斯"我将来还需要大量的田地,来进行新农作物的种植。 Osis said that " the royal family village of Meiya Domain place supplies you completely, if insufficient, I can assign again. Kurmis relaxes " does not use, enough your majesty. " Then, Kurmis returned to Maya City. 奥西斯说"美雅领地的王室农庄全部都供应你,如果还不够的话,我可以再进行调派。库尔弥斯松了口气"不用,已经足够了陛下。"接下来,库尔弥斯回到了美雅城
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