IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#407 Part 2: Last generation of King of Divine Grace

King as the Suinhall, how Osis possibly does not understand significance. However this was too astonishing, he is unable to understand how front this fellow accomplishes. 身为苏因霍尔之王,奥西斯怎么可能不明白这其中的意义。但是这太惊人了,他无法理解面前这个家伙是怎么办到的。 This strength is not perhaps strange regarding winged human and sky envoy, but sky envoy uses, but Kurmis sprouts up the fantasy to use on the plant. However above Ruhul Giant Island, the derivation strength of this intelligence authority is very scary. 这种力量对于翼人天空使来说或许并不算陌生,只是天空使是用在人身上,而库尔弥斯突发奇想想要用在植物身上。但是在鲁赫巨岛之上,这种灵性权柄的衍生力量还是非常唬人的。 Kurmis told this King " your majesty, I incurred the tune with the strength temporarily their shape, but is unable to fix their bloodlines. "……" Wish makes this plant species be born truly, but also needs to conduct next. " 库尔弥斯告诉这位王者"陛下,我只是用力量暂时招曲了他们的形态,而无法固定他们的血脉。""想要让这种植物物种真正诞生,还需要进行下一步。" Osis hesitates immediately, does not know that should believe Kurmis. However Kurmis then put out a evidence, he took off head cape to exempt the hat, thorough revealed own hair color. 奥西斯立刻沉吟了起来,不知道该不该相信库尔弥斯。但是库尔弥斯接下来又拿出了一个佐证,他摘下了头上的斗篷免帽,彻底的露出了自己的发色。 " I during an experiment, revise my some bloodlines permanently. " My hair and eye, turned into the golden color forever. "……" Looks at the eye of my pair of gold. " "我在一次实验之中,永久的修改我的部分血脉。"我的头发和眼睛,永远的变成了金色。""看我这双黄金之眼。" " This is the proof of bloodlines revision, it came from the Lord character God gracious gift. " Osis looks at the eye of that pair of special gold, somewhat believed Kurmis faintly. Moreover under ponders, the opposite party dares to deceive itself even, but can also bully flat God? Kurmis proposed again requested your majesty! I need to rely on the strength of god, but must be. " First Blood Ancestor, Scarlet Goddess. "这就是血脉修改的证明,它来自于主字神明的恩赐。"奥西斯看着那双特别的黄金之眼,隐隐有些相信了库尔弥斯。而且细想之下,对方就算敢欺骗自己,还能够欺扁神明吗?库尔弥斯再次提出请求陛下!我需要借助神的力量而是必须是。"血之初祖,腥红女神 Osis looks at Kurmis, he requested earnestly. Then, he does not dare to look down upon this apostle who does not have God. 奥西斯看着库尔弥斯,还有他认真的请求。这下,他再也不敢小视这位没有神明的使徒了。 However Osis also has an issue, he now was not King of Divine Grace, even lost the card of blood family. He may not communicate God, how to help Kurmis relate God. 但是奥西斯还有个问题,他现在不是神眷之王了,甚至丢失了血眷者之证。他自己都不一定能够沟通上神明,如何去帮助库尔弥斯去联系上神明 However he can confirm, Kurmis said that if, is Scarlet Goddess also focuses certainly attention on even if. Moreover he, if really can be successful, could change and reverse him to face the difficult position that. Even he also felt. 但是他又可以确认,库尔弥斯所说的如果是真的,那么哪怕是腥红女神也一定为之瞩目。而且他如果真的能够成功的话,或许能够改变和扭转他面临的困境。甚至他还觉得。 Oneself could depend on this to welcome care of God. 自己或许能够凭此重新迎来神明的眷顾。 Present Osis is only snake human Osis, rather than three leaves human Osis he was unable completely to understand the God will. " Mr. Kurmis! 现在的奥西斯只是蛇人奥西斯,而不是三叶人奥西斯他还并不能完全理解神明的意志。"库尔弥斯先生! I can help you try to find the solution, but whether finally can bring in attention of God. Also must look what you said is real. 我可以帮你想办法,但是最终是否能够引来神明的注目。还得看你所说的是不是真的。 Osis to Kurmis was saying that " attempts to deceive the disciple of God, will certainly suffer the divine punishment. " 奥西斯对着库尔弥斯说道"妄图欺骗神明之徒,必将遭受神罚。" Kurmis made a posture of prayer " , although I am not the Scarlet Goddess apostle, but has not changed to his respect. " 库尔弥斯做了一个祷告的姿势"虽然我不是腥红女神的使徒,但是对他的敬仰从来没有变过。" () () 1 second remembers the apex:. 一秒记住顶点:。
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