IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#407 Part 1: Last generation of King of Divine Grace

Protect Fire City. king Fu. 护火城。王富。 Has a mysterious tree in the botanical garden of royal palace deep place, it is said in Smoker years already. 在王宫深处的园林里有着一棵神秘的树,据说在斯默克尔时代就已经在了。 On this tree steadily flower of God that is sending out the sunlight Saint, but carefully looked that will discover this flower took root in grafting on the tree, formed the symbiont of rare flowered and tree. 这棵树上长着散发着太阳光圣的神之花,但是仔细看就会发现这花只是扎根嫁接在了树上,形成了罕见的花与树的共生体。 Second-generation King of Divine Grace King Smoker obtained this to bloom the Sun flower in Creator garden from God of Desire and Alchemy there, it in the growth with this tree paragenesis in the same place, turned into this appearance accidentally finally. 第二代神眷之王斯默克尔王欲望与炼金之神那里得到了这朵开在造物主花园里的太阳之花,其在生长的时候偶然和这棵树共生在一起,最后变成了这副模样。 It is the beginning generation of templates of rainbow tree, can say that a forest female celestial clan is then born because of this tree. However the list from the contour, the two has very big difference. 它是彩虹树的初代模板,可以说林中仙女一族便是因为这棵树而诞生。但是单从外形上来看,二者还是有着很大的区别。 The healthy man who is throwing over the armor brandishes a sword in the garden, the blood-color cloak brings the powerful strength tearing air, at the same time the shield also splits to change all kinds of shapes in the air. Finally he took back all strengths. 一位披着铠甲的健男人在花园之中舞剑,血色的披风带着强大的力量撕裂空气,一面盾牌也在空气之中分裂变化成各种各样的形态。最后他收回了所有力量。 The weapon, cloak and shield shrank completely, changed into one bracelet set on the arm of man. The card of life item blood family. 武器、披风、盾牌全部缩了回去,化为了一个臂环套在了男人的手臂上。生命道具血眷者之证。 Also is the proof of King of Divine Grace, symbol that the royal power god bestows. 也是神眷之王的证明,王权神赐的象征。 This generation of King of Divine Grace Osis stop, immediately has the waiter to go forward for him to put on the gown, but he is exposing as before the chest, seems especially heroic. This seems a tradition of King of Divine Grace lineage/vein, the courage, heroic, does not admit defeat. Osis stands under the flower tree, looks up this sacred tree. 这一代神眷之王奥西斯一停下,立刻就有侍者上前为他披上了袍子,不过他依旧裸露着胸膛,显得格外豪迈。这似乎也是神眷之王一脉的传统,勇气、豪迈、绝不认输。奥西斯站在花树下,抬头看着这棵神圣之树。 Not is only he, each generation of gods the kings are familiar with stare at this tree like this, has stared at Cup of the Sun on tree. 不仅仅是他,每一代神着之王都习惯这样凝望这棵树,凝望过树上的太阳之杯 Outside had a bureaucrat to wait to be very long, finally was under permission of Osis, but has not waited for its opens the mouth, Osis first asked his question. " You thought that I am the great king? " 外面有个官僚等候了很久,终于得到了奥西斯的允许走了进来,但是还没有等其开口,奥西斯就先问了他一个问题。"你觉得我是伟大的王吗?" Stood gawked in Osis behind bureaucrat, but responds respectful loud speaking of immediately. " You naturally are the great king, you are King of Divine Grace. Osis does not return, stands under the tree as before turns away is coming the person. What is also great is King of Divine Grace. "……" Rather than I. 站在奥西斯身后的官僚愣了一下,但是立刻反应过来恭敬的大声说到。"您当然是伟大的王,您可是神眷之王奥西斯头也不回,依旧站在树下背对着来人。也就是伟大的是神眷之王。""而不是我。 Bureaucrat was frightened evenly, the complexion flash becomes pale, but he then says immediately. " Great person, can become great doing. " 官僚似平被吓到了,脸色一瞬间就变得惨白,但是他立刻接着说道。"伟大的人,才能成为伟大的干。" " It seems like this tree and flower, when they link, becomes this Saint tree. How can "……" separate to regard it? " "就好像这树和花,当它们结合在一起的时候,才成为了这棵圣树。""怎么可以将其分开来看待呢?" Osis seemed to be convinced by the opposite party, has not then closely examined again, but asked his purpose in coming. 奥西斯似乎被对方说服了,没有再接着追问下去,而是问起了他的来意。 Osis turns around " you to see me, what matter has? " Bureaucrat bends the waist " king, temple has prepared the God sacrificial offering ceremony. "……" Therefore I come to report to you, this is very important matter. " Osis frowns, because this God sacrificial offering is not the ordinary sacrificial offering. The Osis age is actually big, although because of the bloodlines of three leaves symbiont, the divine species strength makes him seem very young, as before maturity. However until now, he does not have the heir as before. 奥西斯转过身来"你来见我,有什么事情?"官僚弯下腰"王,神庙已经准备好了神明的祭祀典礼。""所以我前来向您禀告,这可是非常重要的事情。"奥西斯皱起了眉头,因为这一次神明的祭祀并不是普通的祭祀。奥西斯其实年龄已经不小了,虽然因为三叶共生者的血脉,神明种的力量让他看上去还很年轻,依旧处在壮年。但是至今,他依旧没有子嗣。 According to the convention almost at this time, they should hold the sacrificial offering ceremony to implore God to assign the three leaves symbiont reincarnation, that is next generation King of Divine Grace of destiny. However Osis even was not happy for this matter, because he thought that some own a lot have not completed. 按照惯例差不多在这个时候,他们应该举行祭祀典礼祈求神明指定三叶共生者转生,那是天命的下一代神眷之王。但是奥西斯似平并不为这件事情高兴,因为他觉得自己还有很多事情没有做完。 As the time moves, before time that temple servant of God holds the sacrificial offering ceremony more and more, reputation its day is to let King of Divine Grace of next generation has more time to study, for the inheritance of Suinhall. 而且随着时间迁徙,神庙神侍举行祭祀典礼的时间越来越前了,美名其日是让下一代的神眷之王有更多的时间进行学习,为了苏因霍尔的传承。 And related to some links of fighting for power and profit, is temple and family does the battle, is the theocracy and between the friction in authority. Actually Osis when the opposite party comes had guessed correctly he for anything, that words also deliberately was just suppressing the opposite party. At this moment he displays a impatient appearance immediately, was saying to the opposite party. " Matter of ceremony will say next time again, recently a lot could not get out of the way. " 其中涉及到了一些争权夺利的环节,是神庙和眷干之间的争斗,是神权和于权之间的摩擦。其实奥西斯在对方来的时候就已经猜到了他是为了什么,刚刚那一番话也是刻意在压制对方。此刻他立刻表现出一副不耐烦的模样,对着对方说道。"典礼的事情下次再说,最近很多事情走不开。" " I prepared after completing the province system, after completing and Land of Sunrise alliance national policy, then had my merit to pray to God. "……" At that time I was truly great King of Divine Grace. "……" Matches to the God prayer. " "我准备在完成了行省制度之后,在完成了和日出之地的联盟国策后,再带着我的功绩向神明进行祷告。""那个时候我才是一个真正伟大的神眷之王。""才配向神明祷告。" Osis looks at the opposite party " as for the present, did not need to raise this matter again. King of Divine Grace Osis also wants to study Land of Sunrise and ten thousand snake royal court changes 奥西斯看着对方"至于现在,不用再提这件事情了。神眷之王奥西斯也想要学习日出之地和万蛇王庭进行改 Leather, although will definitely not imitate them completely, ten thousand snake royal court did not accept the system of Land of Sunrise probably overall. However in the centralization, the division province, suppressed former days the aristocrat and sends the bureaucrat to control to each region this aspect. 革,虽然肯定不会完全效仿他们,就好像万蛇王庭也不是全盘接受了日出之地的制度。但是在中央集权,还有划分行省,压制旧日贵族和向各地派遣官僚进行控制这方面上。 Osis craves, he is carrying out this matter diligently. However the person said to " king at this time, this protect fire temple wanted you to arrive on time. " Osis looks immediately to the opposite party, lowers the head to the convenience immediately then said. " The temple chief Sir said. "……" This is the will of god. " 奥西斯还是非常热衷的,他正在努力推行这件事情。但是来人这个时候说道"王,这一次护火神庙一定要您按时抵达。"奥西斯立刻看向了对方,对方便立刻低着头接着说道。"神庙的首席大人说。""这是神的意志。" Osis immediately the complexion changed, he did not seem to a good premonition. In protect fire temple. 奥西斯立刻脸色变了,他似乎有了一种不好的预感。护火神庙之中。 The bonfire of flaming combustion shoots up to the sky, the snake female is dancing the dance of sacrificial offering. The shadow waves under the flame, has the rhythm of temperament. 熊熊燃烧的篝火冲天而起,蛇女跳着祭祀之舞。影子在火焰之下舞动,带着音律的节奏。 servant of God in groups stands outside of palace and both sides, is serving their God ; The expression is solemn and respectful, like a statue. King of Divine Grace Osis corner/horn rich left side of palace, kotows in the under foot of Scarlet Goddess. 成群的神侍站在殿堂的外面和两侧,侍奉着他们的神明;表情肃穆一动不动,如同一具雕像。神眷之王奥西斯角富在殿堂左侧,叩首在腥红女神的脚下。 " Deep sea Blood Country controls the fishy smell red waste female, great First Blood Ancestor, the king of oldest race. " "深海的血之国主宰腥红靡女,伟大的血之初祖,最古者种族之王。" " Your family member Osis, to you implored, to implore your response. " Deep sea Blood Country controls Scarlet Demoness.... King of Divine Grace Osis raised the head to look up to idol, is singing the god name with the aria song, along with sacred melody reverberation in temple. After repeating several . Suddenly, idol had the change. "您的眷属奥西斯,向您祈求,祈求您的回应。"深海的血之国主宰腥红魔女・・…。神眷之王奥西斯抬头仰望着神像,用咏叹调颂唱着神名,伴随着神圣的旋律回荡在神殿之中。重复了几遍之后。骤然之间,神像出现了变化。 Scarlet Goddess idol shook the hand of Cup of Bloodmist is seeming like. 腥红女神神像握着血雾之杯的手似乎动了。 Flower of the blood-color falls on the ground, fell in the King of Divine Grace Osis front. Massive Cup of Bloodmist grow, the thick fog fills the air to come instantaneously, occupies entire temple, the cup of blood zero covers the palace. The entire temple time stopped probably. 一朵血色之花落在地上,坠在了神眷之王奥西斯的面前。大量的血雾之杯生长而出,浓雾瞬间弥漫而来,将整个神殿占据,血零之杯将殿堂遮盖.整个神殿的时间都好像停了下来。 But a form walked from spirit table, barefoot steps on above flower cup, arrived at the Osis front step by step. Osis also by anchorage. 而一个身影从神台之上走了下来,赤足踩在花杯之上,一步步来到了奥西斯的面前。奥西斯也被定住了。 He is gaining ground as before, the eye does not wink. Until God called his name ; " Osis! 他依旧抬着头,眼睛都不眨一下。直到神明喊出了他的名字;"奥西斯! At this time, another Osis will even also returned to the body of this King of Divine Grace. He looks at Scarlet Goddess, familiar eye of respectful saying. " Sir Vivien! " 这个时候,另一个奥西斯的意志似平也回到了这位神眷之王的身上。他看着腥红女神,熟悉目恭敬的说道。"费雯大人!" Scarlet Goddess told Osis " your mission to finish, now you prepare, I will take you to belong to Blood Country next month. What "……" was Osis shocked " ? " 腥红女神告诉奥西斯"你的使命已经结束了,现在你准备一番,我下个月将会来接你归于血之国。""奥西斯愣住了"什么?" " I return to Blood Country, then Suinhall what to do? " Osis is confused, has not understood what is heard the meaning of Scarlet Goddess. "我回血之国,那么苏因霍尔怎么办?"奥西斯一头雾水,没听明白腥红女神的意思。 The goddess vision dangled, tells him " the King of Divine Grace time to end, later the royal power was the mortal, rather than the god gave. "……" Osis, the dynasty always had the conclusion time. " Osis understood what is heard thoroughly this oracle. 女神目光垂下,告诉他"神眷之王的时代该结束了,以后王权便属于凡人,而非神授。""奥西斯,王朝总有结束的时候。"奥西斯彻底听明白了这神谕 However he has not thought, he is this generation of King of Divine Grace, is last generation of King of Divine Grace. He with ideal comes, to change anything, but has not made must finish. Osis crawls on the ground, is wriggling going forward, arrived at the goddess under foot. Sir Vivien! "……" Cannot finish like this, did not have when the time comes. He is somewhat excited, loud saying. Has not arrived at this time, Sir Vivien! " Were you are disappointed about this dynasty? "……" Were you are disappointed about me? " 但是他怎么也没有想到,他是这一代的神眷之王,也是最后一代神眷之王。他怀着理想而来,想要改变些什么,但是还没有做成就要结束了。奥西斯匍匐在地上,蠕动着上前,来到了女神的脚下。费雯大人!""不可以这样结束,还没有到时候。他有些激动,大声的说道。还没有到这种时候啊,费雯大人!"您是对这个王朝失望了吗?""您是对我失望了吗?" " I can also do well, I have many plans not to implement, I have started to change this country. "……" I can solve all problems, transforms this country. " Scarlet Goddess Vivien looks at Osis, shakes the head. Osis! "我还可以做得更好,我还有很多的计划还没有实施,我已经开始在改变这个国家。""我可以解决所有的问题,重新改造这个国家。"腥红女神费雯看着奥西斯,摇了摇头。奥西斯! " You said that others can also do. " "你所说的,别人也都可以做。" You do is the repetition of predecessor, is only inevitability under the trend of the times. " 你所做的不过是前人的重复,只是时代潮流下的必然性。" Osis feels some difference shames, although Scarlet Goddess these words are the truth, but made him feel uncomfortably. Scarlet Goddess knows that idea of Osis, she had taught these Temple of Truth priests on the status of by teacher. " Now but I do, is only then I and you can do. 奥西斯感觉有些差耻,腥红女神的这句话虽然是实话,但是却让他感觉到了难受。腥红女神知道奥西斯的想法,她曾经就以导师的身份教导过这些真理圣殿的祭司们。"但是我现在所做的,是只有我和你所能做的。 The gods gave the royal power the time to finish, did not have the eternal dynasty, did not have the eternally unchanging rule. " All must comply with the change of time to change, all rules should comply with the time the tide. "……" Osis. 神授王权的时代已经该结束了,没有永恒的王朝,也没有永恒不变的规则。"所有的一切都必须顺应着时光的改变而改变,所有的规则都应该顺应时代的浪潮。""奥西斯 Scarlet Goddess went all over this country, views thoroughly many issues. " God gave the royal power to continue long, to make this country lose the vigor and hope. Some "……" issue people will be solved, this national some people will also remould, but this shackles were also the time open. "……" Present Suinhall had split in fact, is kingdoms comprised of the innumerable small city-states. " Without you, can revolve. 腥红女神走遍了这个国家,也将许多问题看得透彻。"神授王权已经持续得太久了,已经让这个国家失去了活力和希望。""问题会有人解决,这个国家也会有人重塑,但是这个枷锁也是时候打开了。""现在的苏因霍尔实质上已经是分裂了,是一个由无数个小城邦组成的王国。"哪怕没有你,也能够自行运转。 " You, although sits above the throne, they are similar to the independent kingdom to go on a punitive expedition against as before generally mutually, King of Divine Grace binds this fully is fissure the string of chinaware. " But the chinaware had broken, the water has inclined from the jar, the string tied up tightly also lost the significance again. "……" With its waits for it thoroughly to become one group of sand decayed, might as well build a brand-new jar. Jar that does not have the string fetter, can put more water. "你虽然坐在王座之上,他们依旧如同独立王国一般互相征伐,神眷之王只是绑住这个满是裂痕的瓷器的绳子。"但是瓷器已经破了,水已经从罐子里面倾斜而出,绳子绑得再紧也失去了意义。""与其等待着它彻底朽烂成一团沙子,不如重新打造一个全新的罐子。一个没有绳子束缚的罐子,也可以装下更多的水。 Osis looks up Scarlet Goddess, in the look loses completely. Suinhall finished like this, am I last generation of King of Divine Grace? "……" Such hurried conclusion? " 奥西斯抬头看着腥红女神,眼神里满是失落。苏因霍尔就这样结束了,我就是最后一代神眷之王?""就这样匆忙的结束?" Osis has the vibrato to say " Sir Vivien! " 奥西斯带着颤音说道"费雯大人!" " Please give me again an opportunity, making me complete the matter that I want to handle. " At least, making me arrange all ending. Even if "……" finished, Suinhall must be a complete conclusion. " "请再给我一次机会,让我做完我想要做的事情。"至少,让我安排好一切的落幕。""哪怕是结束,苏因霍尔也必须是一次圆满的结束。" three leaves symbiont is the Scarlet Goddess Vivien family member, but each family member has own will, when their samsara has own hope and ideal. Even if Scarlet Goddess, is not willing to twist their wills directly. Because makes Vivien regard as important compared with Scarlet Goddess this status, is the Temple of Truth sage. Scarlet Goddess silent a meeting, was saying to Osis. 三叶共生者都是腥红女神费雯的眷属,但是每一个眷属都有着自己的意志,在他们轮回的时候都带着自己的期盼和理想。哪怕是腥红女神,也不愿意直接扭曲他们的意志。因为比腥红女神这个身份更让费雯看重的,是真理圣殿的贤者。腥红女神沉默了一会,对着奥西斯说道。 " You can control your rest of the time freely, is thorough until your body. " "你可以自由的掌控你剩下的时间,直到你这具身躯彻底腐朽。" " You can choose the person who the right gives you most to regard as important, can choose a successor, can choose to handle other things. " That is your will. "你可以选择将权利交给你最看重的人,也可以自己挑选一个继承人,也可以选择去做其他的事情。"那是你的意志。 " But your will is unrelated with me. " "但是你的意志再不和我有关。" The Scarlet Goddess vision gazes at Osis, in the look has seriously, is ordinary like the teacher instruct pupils. " You from now on, are only the king of Suinhall, rather than King of Divine Grace. "……" I will take back the card of your blood family, reclaims your divine grace royal power. " You determined that can also continue? 腥红女神目光注视着奥西斯,眼神里有着严肃,如同老师教导学生一般。"你从现在开始,只是苏因霍尔之王,而不是神眷之王。""我会收回你的血眷者之证,收回你的神眷王权。"你确定还要继续吗? Osis deeply inspires, knocks on expresses gratitude on the ground. I want to try. 奥西斯深吸了一口气,叩在地上表示感谢。我还是想要试试。 Scarlet Goddess sighed " that to look your own. " The retreat of thick dense fog, blood-color flower cup also revolves is drilling into the bottom. 腥红女神叹息了一声"那就看你自己的了。"浓浓迷雾的退去,血色的花杯也一个个旋转着钻入地底。 But Scarlet Goddess has also turned around, vanishes in the dense fog and blood-color. All restored as usual, even Osis also forgot the lots, kneeling was bewildered under idol. But, the ring on Osis arm actually floats off suddenly. Under glare of the public eye. The card of blood family! 腥红女神也转过身,消失在了迷雾和血色之中。一切恢复如常,连奥西斯也遗忘了很多东西,跪在神像下一脸茫然。而紧接着,奥西斯臂上的圆环却突然浮起。在众目睽睽之下。血眷者之证! The King of Divine Grace Osis disciple sets out, calls out in alarm makes noise. 神眷之王奥西斯徒起身,惊呼出声。 Everyone noticed that ring fell into the hand of idol, finally vanishes in the blood-color ray does not see. " Was the card of blood keel... taken back by the god? " All temple servant of God were shocked. 所有人都看到那圆环落入了神像的手中,最后在血色的光芒之中消失不见。"血脊者之证...被神收回了?"所有的神庙神侍都惊呆了。 Initially because generation of King of Divine Grace Al Pince obtained the card of blood family to establish Suinhall, but now it by God receiving. This on behalf , the god is giving the royal power the time to finish. The king of Suinhall, King of Divine Grace. Lost the god to his care. 初代神眷之王阿尔潘斯因为获得血眷者之证建立了苏因霍尔,而如今它被神明给收了回去。这代表着,神授王权的时代结束了。苏因霍尔之王,神眷之王。失去了神对他的眷顾。 Everyone after the startled friendship, gazes at the vision immediately completely on the body of Osis. Haussy his disciple sets out. Facial color pale looks at idol. 所有人在惊谊过后,立刻将目光全部注视在了奥西斯的身上。奥西其徒起身.面色惨白的看着神像 After losing the card of blood family, although surpasses the average man as before healthily, but he actually seemed the whole body to lose the strength, stood continually cannot come to a stop was the same. The fear and meter/rice have vast and are also not willingly flooding the Osis innermost feelings. Gods! " 失去了血眷者之证后,虽然依旧健超过常人,但是他却好像浑身失去了力量,连站都站不稳了一样。恐惧、米茫、还有不甘心充斥着奥西斯的内心。神啊!" Before idol approached him just saying that these two characters, threw down directly on the ground. The surface everyone also encircles at this time immediately, calls out in alarm loudly. " King! " King, you? "……"? "……" Comes the person! " Actually to have what? " 神像前靠近他刚刚说完这两个字,就直接摔倒在了地上。面这个时候所有人也立刻围了过来,大声惊呼。"王!"王,您怎么了?""这是怎么回事?""来人啊!"究竟发生了什么?" People are very flurried, does not understand that exactly had anything. 人们都慌乱无比,不明白到底发生了什么。 However many vision with unusual look looks at King of Divine Grace Osis, has all sorts of guesses regarding this matter of rite. And what is more, had seen faintly the day changes nears. That night. 但是还有不少人则目光怀着异色的看着神眷之王奥西斯,对于这一次祭典发生的事情有着种种猜测。更有甚者,已经隐隐看到了天变在即。当天晚上。 Osis returns to the royal palace, card about the blood family is started toward various places to spread by the hearsay that God takes back. In the royal palace Osis stays up all night, oneself for a long time sit under the Alchemy gas lamp. 奥西斯才回到王宫之中,关于血眷者之证被神明收回的传闻就已经开始朝着各处流传。王宫之中奥西斯彻夜未眠,自己一个人在炼金汽灯之下久坐。 Although he does not know oneself implored to see after God, exactly had anything, but indistinct still remembered a few words. Osis! 他虽然不知道自己祈求见到神明之后到底发生了什么,但是隐约还记得一句话。奥西斯! You can control your rest of the time freely, is thorough until your body. 你可以自由的掌控你剩下的时间,直到你这具身躯彻底腐朽。 " You can choose the person who the right gives you most to regard as important, can choose a successor, can choose to handle other things. "……" This is your freedom, is your own will. " "你可以选择将权利交给你最看重的人,也可以自己挑选一个继承人,也可以选择去做其他的事情。""这都是你的自由,也是你自己的意志。" " But you from now on, are only the king of Suinhall, rather than King of Divine Grace. "……" I will take back the card of your blood family, takes back your god to do the power. " Osis knows. This is God leaves own words. "但是你从现在开始,只是苏因霍尔之王,而不是神眷之王。""我会收回你的血眷者之证,收回你的神着干权。"奥西斯知道.这是神明留给自己的话。 In the Osis heart has panic-stricken, has unbelievable, but he said finally. 奥西斯心中有着惊恐,有着难以置信,但是最后他还是说道。 " I am King of Divine Grace. Great King of Divine Grace, has not always evaded the coward who and has escaped. "……" I will not make it end like this. " "我是神眷之王。从来只有伟大的神眷之王,没有逃避和逃跑的懦夫。""我不会让它就这样落幕的。" " The King of Divine Grace time ended, however the Suinhall time can also continue. " Osis raised the head, the vision gathered the courage and firm and resolute. " God! " "神眷之王的时代结束了,但是苏因霍尔的时代还可以延续。"奥西斯抬起头,目光重新聚出了勇气和坚毅。"神明啊!" " I can make you see, I will change all. " Kurmis brought his servant Anu to enter Protect Fire City. "我可以让您看到,我会改变一切。"库尔弥斯带着他的仆人阿努进入了护火城 This city and Pince City are equally ancient, has many story that is worth praising. Servant Anu is catching up with the sail pack animal, loses headway in the broad street center. " Sir Kurmis! " 这座城市和潘斯城一样古老,也有着诸多值得传颂的故事。仆人阿努赶着帆驮兽,在宽阔的街道中央慢行。"库尔弥斯大人!" " Do we want first to go to temple to have a look? I heard that protect fire temple can be big? " Regarding Anu , can only describe in a big way. "我们要先去神庙看看吗?我听说护火神庙可大了?"对于阿努来说,也只能形容大了。 Kurmis to Anu was saying that " first goes to the royal palace, we come here to first visit here actual master. Kurmis has not first gone to protect fire temple, but first saw the imperator in this country. In the legend is flowing King of Divine Grace of blood of God. 库尔弥斯对着阿努说道"先去王宫,我们来到这里必须先拜访这里真正的主人。库尔弥斯没有先去护火神庙,而是先去见了这个国家的最高统治者。传说之中流淌着神明之血的神眷之王 Compares in searches high and low these not to know that scatters where three leaves human, this is easier to see. 相比于去四处寻找那些不知道散落于何处的三叶人,还是这位更容易见到。 Periphery Kurmis can hear everyone's talk in the vehicles, he also searches for the content that are interested in this way. " God took back his divine grace. "……" That King of Divine Grace or King of Divine Grace? " Is this will of god? What are the gods indicating? " 库尔弥斯在车辆之内可以听到周围所有人的谈话,他也通过这种方式搜寻着自己感兴趣的内容。"神收回了他的神眷。""那神眷之王还是神眷之王吗?"这是神的意志吗?神在预示着什么?" I also heard, king Xiangyao promoted the province system to anger God, Suinhall was most powerful, why must learn/study these fellows in north and East. " Right, time these fellows who we establish the civilization are one group of savages! The "……" king is decayed. " 我还听说,王想要推行行省制度惹怒了神明,苏因霍尔是最强大的,为什么要去学习北方和东方的那些家伙。"没错,我们建立文明的时候这些家伙还是一群野人呢!""王已经腐朽了。" Kurmis frowns, he just being near dawn matter. " Did Scarlet Goddess take back his care? " The card of blood keel? 库尔弥斯皱起了眉头,他还是刚刚临晓这件事情。"腥红女神收回了他的眷顾?"血脊者之证? During the thinking, before the vehicles had arrived at the royal palace . 思索之间,车辆就已经到了王宫前。 He with the special method, this had not walked into the royal palace directly, as soon as he appeared caused everyone from 他并没有用特殊的方法,就这样径直走入了王宫,他一出现就引起了所有人的自 Kurmis has not covered up own strength, the strength of god graciousness rose straight from the ground, changes into one group of sandy soil feather snake puppets to surround in the Kurmis body week. This situation forces Powerful in guard immediately, even also has third-order Powerful. Do the opposite party look at Kurmis panic-strickenly " apostle? " 库尔弥斯没有遮掩自己的力量,神恩的力量拔地而起,化为了一群沙土羽蛇傀儡环绕在库尔弥斯身周。这情况立刻将守卫之中的权能者逼迫了出来,其中甚至还有一名三阶权能者。对方惊骇的看着库尔弥斯"使徒?" The opposite party know the names of several apostles, even he also associated to have the King of Abyss characteristics, but no can correspond with this on. Osis also obtained the news, immediately arranges the meeting. Meets, Osis asked Kurmis. " Whose apostle are you? " 对方知道几位使徒的名字,甚至他还联想起了深渊之王的特征,但是没有一个和这位能够对应得上。奥西斯也得到了消息,立刻安排了会面。一见面,奥西斯就问库尔弥斯。"你是谁的使徒?" Whose apostle Kurmis " I am not. " Osis " does that your apostle strength come from where? " 库尔弥斯"我不是谁的使徒。"奥西斯"那你的使徒力量从何而来?" Kurmis " I in the apostle who under the accident of sorts becomes, which God does not subordinate. " Osis heard for the first time, has such existence. 库尔弥斯"我是在机缘巧合之下成为的使徒,并不隶属于哪位神明。"奥西斯还是第一次听说,有这样的存在。 Asking that he came straight to the point " that Mr. Kurmis, what matter did you see me to have? " Kurmis to Osis expressed that he hopes can see Scarlet Goddess. However before then, he must say a reason. 他单刀直入的问道"那库尔弥斯先生,你来见我是有什么事情吗?"库尔弥斯奥西斯表示他希望能够见到腥红女神。但是在这之前,他必须说出一个理由。 Reasonable burying can persuade this your majesty reason by one. " I want to make the brand-new species, makes to treat as plant that like rolling ball fern food originates same " 一个合理的埋由一个能够说动这位陛下的理由。"我想要制造出全新的物种,制造出如同卷球厥一样可以当做食物来源的植物" " But this plant be more tenacious than the rolling ball fern vitality, can adapt to many place planters, does not need the canal moisten like rolling ball fern, but also needs the suitable climate and environment. During "……" I imagine, it has the tenacious vitality, even can the protection be severely cold. " Even can also have far Yuan the output of surpassing rolling ball fern. "但是这种植物要比卷球厥的生命力更加顽强,可以适应更多的地方种植,不像卷球厥一样必须要水渠滋润,还需要适宜的气候和环境。""我想象之中,它拥有顽强的生命力,甚至可以抗御严寒。"甚至还能拥有远元超出卷球厥的产量。 Osis looks at Kurmis to be dumbfounded, felt that the opposite party is saying fantasy story. However Kurmis absolutely does not have this determination, he recognizes straight saying. * your majesty! " 奥西斯看着库尔弥斯目瞪口呆,感觉对方是在说天方夜谭。但是库尔弥斯却完全没有这份自觉,他非常认直的说道。*陛下!" " I had found a method, to prove this method feasible. "……" I need the help of God. " "我已经找到了一个方法,但是为了证明这个方法是不是真的可行。""我需要神明的帮助。" Although Osis approves the Kurmis strength, but the apostle powerful place of is not only own strength, his back God. But front Kurmis has the strength of apostle merely, his back does not have a thing in the world. Moreover regarding this talking big person, he somewhat is quite discontented. He shakes the head, the sound has the mood. In the words has the ridicule, has to feel funnily. Creates the new species? " 奥西斯虽然认可库尔弥斯的力量,但是使徒强大的地方不仅仅是自己的力量,还有他背后的神明。而面前的库尔弥斯仅仅只是有使徒的力量,他背后一无所有。而且对于这种说大话的人,他颇有些不满。他摇头,声音带着情绪。话语里面有嘲弄,有感觉到滑稽。创造新的物种?" God does not dare saying that such words, you think that who you are? This is the Mother of Life authority, how do you dare to say? Do you have to the God sense of awe? 神明都不敢说这样的话,你以为你是谁?这可是生命之母的权柄,你如何敢说出口?你还有对神明的敬畏之心吗? Kurmis looks how Osis " you know, this doesn't control the direction of God? " Osis is dumbfounded, quite a while could not speak. 库尔弥斯看着奥西斯"你怎么知道,这不是主宰神明的指引呢?"奥西斯哑口无言,半天说不出话来。 However is not interested in this paradox in Osis, he thinks that this is a lunatic who goes astray. The mortals, how can the thoughtless talk god only...... " 但是在奥西斯对于这种诡辩并不感兴趣,他认为这是一个走入歧途的疯子。凡人,怎么可以妄谈神祇……" Osis sets out, the preparation makes one deliver Kurmis to leave. 奥西斯起身,就准备让人送库尔弥斯离开。 However then, Kurmis displayed an intelligence strength. He put out a hand to put out a green space vine from the sleeve, rolling ball fern that has not grown into. Osis looks at him, does not understand that his what is this. 不过接下来,库尔弥斯展现了一下灵性的力量。他伸出手从袖子里面拿出了一株绿地藤,还有一株并没有长成的卷球厥奥西斯看着他,不明白他这是什么意思。 Kurmis had not explained that but is in front of his, used special technique grafting this plant in one. 库尔弥斯也没有解释,而是当着他的面,将这株植物用一种特殊的手法嫁接在了一起。 He stimulated to movement oneself melted spirit incantation seal to integrate in this plant. Saw on green space Fujiyuki to grow the cone instantaneously, moreover on also grew a big skewer. Osis that was also just about to leave, to/clashes immediately immediately. 紧接着,他催动了自己的融灵咒印融入了这植物之中。瞬间就看见绿地藤之上长出了球果,而且一根上面还长出了一大串。刚刚还准备离开的奥西斯,立刻立刻冲了回来。 Looks from the strange plant of aerial growth on to table, one type does not know that can call it the rolling ball fern plant. He uses the hand to touch on Teng Man cone, the eye is staring wonderfully greatly incomparable. What? What is "……" this? " 看着从地面生长到桌子上的奇怪植物,一种不知道能不能称之为卷球厥的植物。他用手触碰着滕蔓上的球果,眼睛瞪得奇大无比。什么?""这是什么?" Osis immediately excited going forward. Is inquiring Kurmis. " How do you achieve? " 奥西斯立刻激动的上前.询问着库尔弥斯。"你是怎么做到的?"
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