IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#406 Part 2: Distorted Eye strength( thanked 6612 hegemons)

Kurmis in the secret that God of Demon Spirit there knows, wants to have an audience with Scarlet Goddess, he can find once three leaves human. Although the present had turned into the snake human appearance, but contains the bloodlines of divine species as before. But this existence, in Suinhall capital city Protect Fire City temple will certainly have. But still further. 库尔弥斯魔灵之神那里知道的这个秘密,想要觐见腥红女神,他可以找到曾经的三叶人。他们虽然如今已经变成了蛇人的模样,但是依旧蕴含着神明种的血脉。而这种存在,苏因霍尔都城护火城神庙之中一定会有。而更进一步。 Lives in the Protect Fire City god the king, the Suinhall imperator. Contains existence of divine species bloodlines absolutely. Kurmis found the next step target, immediately puts down the clay tablet on hand, started to tidy up itself the thing on table. " Wanted depart. "……" Goes to Protect Fire City to look! " 居住在护火城的神着之王,苏因霍尔的最高统治者。绝对是蕴含着神明种血脉的存在。库尔弥斯找到了下一步的目标,立刻放下了手上的泥板,开始收拾起了自己在桌子上的东西。"又要出发了。""去护火城看一看!" Just, Protect Fire City also on the road that Kurmis goes home. He must return to the Maya City inevitable location. Deep sea Blood Country. 刚好,护火城也在库尔弥斯回家的路上。他要回美雅城的必经之地。深海的血之国 The blood-color crystallization sets in the state that the cage sets, is standing erect an ancient lighthouse. 血色结晶置笼置的国度之中,竖立着一座古老的灯塔。 Hearsay the bone book that is left behind by saint is consecrated in the lighthouse, sends out the radiant ray, after even can hear the saint chapter dissemination faintly, but sound. Massive shape of God or the appearances are more ancient much existence to gather under Temple of Truth at this moment, seems waiting for some great existence. Opens to spread in state edge the flower of blood-color, unceasing spreads toward the steps above. During sea of flowers spreads, the blood-color covers on. 传闻由圣徒留下的骨书被供奉在灯塔之内,散发出璀璨的光芒,靠近后甚至能隐隐听到圣徒篇章传播而出的声音。大量的神之形或者样貌古老得难以言喻的存在此刻汇聚在真理圣殿之下,似乎在等候着某位伟大存在。开在国度边缘的血色之花蔓延开来,不断的朝着阶梯之上蔓延。花海蔓延之中,血色覆盖而上。 Several form breakthrough blood-color, stood under the lighthouse. 几道身影突破血色而出,站在了灯塔之下。 Stands in the forefront, is a red hair woman who is throwing over the Hinsai priest long gown. 站在最前面的,是一位披着希因赛祭司长袍的红发女人。 All three leaves symbiont in square salute immediately, greets this third-generation truth sage, is the present God return. " Sir Vivien! 广场上的所有三叶共生者立刻行礼,迎接这位第三代真理贤者,也是如今的神明归来。"费雯大人! Scarlet Goddess Vivien returns, then before arriving at the lighthouse . She told all three leaves symbiont shocking news. " Starting today, no longer arranges the god king lineage/vein to conduct the samsara. " Theocracy belongs to temple, the royal power belongs to the mortal. 腥红女神费雯归来,便来到了灯塔前。她告诉了所有三叶共生者一个震撼的消息。"从今天开始,不再安排神着之王一脉进行轮回。"神权归于神庙,王权归于凡人。 Everyone sent out calling out in alarm, they understand this on behalf of the change of dynasty. 所有人发出了惊呼,他们都明白这代表着王朝的更替。 Once this generation of King of Divine Grace return to Blood Country, the Suinhall dynasty did not have the successor, will be doomed to disintegrate. However no one dares to question the order of Vivien, moreover most three leaves symbiont on the scene do not care about this royal power the strength. 一旦这一代神眷之王回归血之国,苏因霍尔王朝就没有继承人了,注定会分崩离析。不过没有人敢质疑费雯的命令,而且在场的大部分三叶共生者也并不太在乎这王权的力量。 Before god king samsara time, many people are not willing to become the next generation god the king, is willing to choose to be servant of God, painter, artisan or the poet. Under the lighthouse, Scarlet Goddess summoned three leaves symbiont. " Eye of True Knowledge? Did "……" save the sufficient strength? " 之前神着之王轮回的时候,许多人也并不愿意成为下一代神着之王,更愿意选择当一个神侍、画家、工匠或者诗人。灯塔之下,腥红女神召唤来了一名三叶共生者。"真知之眼呢?""积攒了足够的力量了吗?" In Suinhall servant of God, many through communicating Eye of True Knowledge inherit divine spell, this is also Suinhall life temple characteristics. Is some disparities of counter-balancing them and witch spirit, alchemist. 苏因霍尔神侍,许多都是通过沟通真知之眼来传承神术,这也是苏因霍尔生命神庙的一个特色。算是部分抵消了他们和巫灵炼金师的差距。 But some Suinhall servant of God, are also willing to become Eye of True Knowledge part after dying, becomes direction of Suinhall successor, inherits their knowledge. 而一些苏因霍尔神侍,在死去之后也愿意成为真知之眼的一部分,成为苏因霍尔后来人的指引者,将他们的知识传承下去。 This situation and circulation, will make Eye of True Knowledge unceasingly stronger and stronger. three leaves symbiont that salutes respectfully replied that " Eye of True Knowledge blood of myth accumulates also misses much, has a distance from the myth threshold. 这种情况和循环,也会不断让真知之眼变得越来越强。恭敬行礼的三叶共生者回答"真知之眼神话之血积累还差不少,距离神话的门槛还有一段距离。 Scarlet Goddess nods " Eye of True Knowledge to concern our next step plans, competes for the plan of intelligent True God unable to have any accident/surprise. " three leaves symbiont serious " fee/spent wants the Sir I to guarantee that certainly will be similar to expected will conduct generally. " Scarlet Goddess then walked toward above, returned to above the god throne in Temple of Truth. He somewhat held down suddenly wearily the head, said to Al Pince and Smoker. 腥红女神点头"真知之眼关乎我们下一步的计划,争夺智慧真神的计划不能出现任何意外。"三叶共生者一脸严肃"费要大人我可以保证一定会如同预期一般进行。"腥红女神这才朝着上面走去,回到了真理圣殿内的神座之上。他突然有些疲倦的按住了头,对着身旁的阿尔潘斯和斯默克尔说道。 " We must create one to have in this era half god who scrambles for the intelligent fruit qualifications comes out, this is not easy. "……" We are not wisdom Powerful, the myth item are we beat open the important bricks and stones of this era front door now. "……" Depends on the myth item, can make up for 250 million years of reincarnation time. " "我们要在这个纪元创造一位拥有争夺智慧果实资格的半神出来,这并不容易。""我们如今已经都不是智慧权能者,神话道具是我们敲开这个纪元大门的重要砖石。""依托于神话道具,才能够弥补两亿五千万年的转生时间。" Al Pince " Sir Vivien you have arranged, all are similar to the plan generally. " 阿尔潘斯"费雯大人您都已经安排好了,一切都如同计划一般进行。" Vivien nods, but this is insufficient, I must to leave behind place of enough prosperous belief, rather than Suinhall now such appearance. "……" Takes back the royal power god to give is only the first step, then should not need me to go to the manages. " Dynasty will change, later we only with providing lodging temple were OK. "……" After whom is the king of Suinhall did not need us to worry. The "……" belief belongs to temple, the royal power belongs to the mortal. " 费雯点了点头但是这还不够,我还必须为留下一个足够繁荣的信仰之地,而不是苏因霍尔现在这样的模样。""收回王权神授只是第一步,接下来应该不用我去管了。"王朝会进行更替,以后我们只用管住神庙就可以了。""至于谁是苏因霍尔之王以后就不用我们去担忧了。""信仰归于神庙,王权归于凡人。" " The sea of diverged storm can make a connection leaves the front door of outside world, the time of sea arrived, will change entire Suinhall, brings the vigor, brings to change the machine. " "散去的风暴之海会打通离开外面世界的大门,海洋的时代到来了,也会改变整个苏因霍尔,带来活力,带来变机。" After Al Pince " , how the dynasty changed is the matter between mortals, so long as world temple believed invariably is OK. " The fee/spent must then say " , but an issue of foundation cannot be solved, how should the civilization develop and go forward? " Smoker gave an idea ; " Do we could and Land of Sunrise cooperate? " Abilities of alchemist in certain aspects, is other Powerful occupations is hard to substitute. 阿尔潘斯"以后王朝怎么更替是凡人之间的事情了,只要人间的神庙信仰不变就可以了。"不过费要接着说道"但是一个基础的问题还是没能解决,文明该怎么样发展和前进?"斯默克尔提出了一个想法;"我们或许可以和日出之地进行合作?"炼金师在某些方面的能力,是其他权能者职业难以替代的。 Al Pince looks at Smoker, frowns slightly " , but in this case, we were equal to that permission makes his belief enter Suinhall. Scarlet Goddess pondered, said the Land of Sunrise belief god name of only " God of Alchemy and Desire Ibach. The "……" royal power belongs to the mortal, the belief belongs to temple, as if all countries toward this ultra potential change. Actually the following time will turn what? " 阿尔潘斯看着斯默克尔,微微皱起了眉头"但是这样的话,我们等于是允许让他的信仰进入苏因霍尔腥红女神沉思了一下,说出了日出之地信仰神祇的名字"炼金与欲望之神伊瓦。""王权归于凡人,信仰归于神庙,似乎所有的国家都在朝着这个超势变化。后面的时代究竟会变成什么样的呢?" Scarlet Goddess feels faintly, once could finish at the time of region division belief slowly, but also lacks a turning point. 腥红女神隐隐感觉到,曾经以地域划分信仰的时代可能会要慢慢结束了,只是还缺乏一个契机。
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