IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#406 Part 1: Distorted Eye strength( thanked 6612 hegemons)

Outside moonlight jungle. 月光丛林外。 In botanical garden that the roof is in full bloom, Kurmis is conducting a special experiment. 屋顶盛开的植物园中,库尔弥斯正在进行着一场特殊的实验。 Prepare of Kurmis in the massive plant middle ground the ceremony tied seems like him also to worry that has what accident/surprise, after all this time experimental subject is entirely different. The ceremony ties! Opening! Kurmis low lower part of the body. 库尔弥斯在大量植物中间的地面上布置好了仪式结界看起来他也担忧出现什么意外,毕竟这一次的实验对象截然不同。仪式结界!开启!库尔弥斯低下身来。 He held the jar, invested in which the strength and the section losing concentration graciousness strength own incantation seal. 他捧起了罐子,将自己的咒印之力和部分神恩力量投入到了其中。 In the intelligence angle of view, a lot of silver light fell along with the mysterious three-dimensional symbol, flood into the jar. That gorgeous red flower petal also sends out the ray to come. 灵性的视角里,大量银色的光伴随着神秘的立体符号落下,涌入到了罐子之中。那艳丽的红色花瓣也随之散发出光芒来。 However this unusual miraculous glow is the red, dyed fishy smell that jar red. The light of colored knot, silver god graciousness strength, fishy smell red illumination jar. The side is the densely covered plant, the distant place is the mysterious moonlight jungle, the top of the head is the boundless starry sky. 不过这种超凡灵光是红色的,将那罐子也染成了腥红。彩色的结界之光,银色的神恩力量,腥红色的发光罐子。身边是密布的植物,远处是神秘的月光丛林,头顶是无垠星空。 Kurmis felt own part with that flower petal fusion in one, strength of incantation seal in little assimilates to become the puppet the base. As can be seen. 库尔弥斯感觉到自己的一部分和那枚花瓣融合在了一起,咒印的力量正在一点点的将基同化成为傀儡。可以看到。 That flower petal flash starts to grow, restored the original appearance unexpectedly little. cup of the complete blood show. 那枚花瓣一瞬间开始生长,竟然一点点恢复出了原本的模样。一朵完整的血秀之杯。 On the Kurmis face showed the joyful look, he thought oneself experiment success. " Complete Cup of Bloodmist. " flower of God. " 库尔弥斯脸上露出了欣喜的神色,他以为自己的实验成功了。"完整的血雾之杯。"神之花。" But when he must feel this flower of God strength truly, the life power strength of cup of deep place blood season also thoroughly with the intelligent power strength entanglement of Kurmis in one. In a flash, the Kurmis strong intelligence had a premonition anything. This is not the good feeling. 而就在他要真正感受这朵神之花的力量时,血季之杯深处的生命权能力量也彻底和库尔弥斯的智慧权能力量纠缠在了一起。一瞬间,库尔弥斯超强的灵性就预感到了什么。这不是什么好的感觉。 The fearful crisis sets like the dark clouds common cage in his heart, he as if saw the death and end. " This is not right! " What strength is this? "……" This feeling is not right! " 可怕的危机如同阴云一般笼置在他的心头上,他似乎看到了死亡和末日。"这不对劲!"这是什么力量?""这感觉不对!" The Kurmis body has not responded, even on the face the panic-stricken expression has not sent out with enough time. 库尔弥斯身体还没有反应过来,甚至脸上惊恐的表情都没有来得及发出。 His intelligence instinct abandons that losing concentration graciousness strength that oneself separated directly, shuts off that some strength and own induction. This juice gentleman breaks the wrist practically, discarded thoroughly own part of strengths. However cannot prevent the started experiment as before. 他的灵性本能就直接抛弃了自己分离出去的那一部分神恩力量,将那部分力量和自己的感应切断。这等于说是汁士断腕,将自己的一部分力量彻底舍弃掉了。但是依旧不能阻止已经开始的实验。 The flowers that integrated the intelligent power and life power, erupted the fearful ray at this moment. That ray is the mixed grey. 那朵融入了智慧权能和生命权能的花朵,此刻爆发出了可怕的光芒。那光芒是混杂的灰色。 Kurmis actually felt the distortion and darkness from the ray, confusion. 库尔弥斯却从光芒之中感觉到了扭曲、黑暗,还有混乱。 Kurmis has not understood that this experiment is special, during this is not he imagines the manufacture a special plant puppet, but is collisions between two powers. Two powers have the fierce conflict in the flower of this life, the strange ray erupts from the jar, the red flower rose instantaneously several meters high. The gray ray has swept the face and body of Kurmis, screened his helpless face. The range is not broad. 库尔弥斯并未明白这场实验多么特殊,这不是他想象之中的制造出一种特殊的植物傀儡,而是两种权能之间的碰撞。两种权能在这朵生命之花内产生剧烈的冲突,诡异的光芒从罐子里爆发而出,红色的花瞬间涨到了数米高。灰色的光芒扫过库尔弥斯的面庞和身躯,映出了他那不知所措的脸。范围并不算广。 However unexpected, simply does not have the means to avoid. " ! 但是猝不及防下,根本没有办法躲开。"啊! He has not understood that had anything, sees own body to start to collapse, sends out the pitiful yell of pain. This ray is destroying to constitute the bloodlines of his body probably. 他还不明白发生了什么,就看见自己的身体开始崩溃,发出痛苦的惨叫。这种光芒好像在摧毁构成他身体的血脉。 That is the strength of distortion, two powers produce conflict the strength of later birth. The ray submerged Kurmis. Under the ray, the Kurmis life form starts to collapse. " What situation is this? 那是畸变之力,两种权能产生冲突之后诞生的力量。光芒淹没了库尔弥斯。光芒之下,库尔弥斯的生命形态开始崩溃。"这是什么情况? " This strength is destroying my body, is not good, I must make anything. However in flash that ray spreads, Kurmis intelligent strength by anchorage, is given the life form that also to collapse by Mother of Life instantaneously. "这力量在摧毁我的身体,不好,我必须要做些什么。但是在那光芒扩散开来的一瞬间,库尔弥斯的智慧之力被定住,由生命之母赋予的生命形态也瞬间崩溃。 He cannot control itself with the unusual strength, even the movement of most foundation does not achieve. 他不能用超凡力量控制自己,甚至连最基础的移动也不做到了。 Kurmis felt own one group of mud are probably same are melting, the structure of body was destroyed, the structure of skin was destroyed. The angle of view falls into a darkness, that was the structure of eye is also destroyed. 库尔弥斯感觉自己好像一团泥巴一样在融化,身体的结构被破坏,皮肤的结构被破坏。紧接着视角陷入一片黑暗,那是眼睛的结构也被破坏掉了。 This strength is not strong, but is extremely strange, if Kurmis will have a mind to guard will not have this aspect. However his was not only the front surface bumped into, but also solid ate completely. That this strength to him, seemed to drink to be violently poisonously same personally. The distortion enters the "……" distortion ~ " distortion... distortion. Distortion however life and death flash, absent-minded between. His strong intelligence felt anything. He heard the strange sound, is telling anything. 这种力量并不算强大,但是却极度诡异,若是库尔弥斯有心防备也并不会出现这种局面。但是他这不仅仅是迎面碰上了,还结结实实的吃了个全部。那这种力量对于他来说,就好像自己亲口饮下了剧毒一样。畸变入""畸变~"畸变…畸变.畸变但是生死一瞬间,恍惚之间。他超强的灵性感觉到了什么。他听到了奇怪的声音,在诉说着什么。 Following the strength of that distortion, following the source of distortion, saw the thing of this world's most powerful distortion. 顺着那畸变的力量,顺着畸变的源头,看到了这个世界最强大的畸变之物。 After seeming him to become the apostle, spies on this world with the eye for the first time, saw seven Giant God of that carrying/sustaining land following the Ruhul Giant Island strength. 就好像他成为使徒之后第一次用眼睛去窥探这个世界,顺着鲁赫巨岛的力量看到了那承载大地的七位巨神 His angle of view passes through the boundless land, during was dark saw a altar. That altar seems located in another world to be the same, the sky does not know that is anything is sending out the strange light, the top of the head is a mirror same lake, ray refraction to four directions. 他的视角穿越苍茫大地,冥冥之中看到了一座祭坛。那祭坛似乎位于另外一个世界一样,天空不知道是什么东西散发着奇异的光,头顶是一片镜子一样的湖泊,将光芒折射向四方。 The distant place has the unusual plant of being able to see clearly, even also has what huge incomparable individual to drift away. In the altar/jar is consecrating a strange eye nitrile finally. " Whose eye is that? 远处有着看不清的奇特植物,甚至还有着什么庞大无比的个体在游离。终坛上供奉着一只奇异的眼腈。"那是谁的眼睛? Quick, he saw the name of this eye in the altar. 很快,他就在祭坛上看到了这只眼睛的名字。 Although inscribes with the intelligent writing, but Kurmis is just snake human that thoroughly understands the intelligent writing. " Life altar. Distorted Eye. " 虽然是用智慧文字铭刻的,但是库尔弥斯刚好是一位通晓智慧文字的蛇人。"生命祭坛。畸变之眼。" He read the name of this eye. In a flash. 他念出了这只眼睛的名字。一瞬间。 Name that front sacrificial offering, the inscription mark of under foot, read. Medium, ceremony and real name. The three formed a ring. 面前的祭品,脚下的铭纹,念出的名字。媒介、仪式、真名。三者结成了一个圆环。 A special ceremony achieves, in the communication some type of special existence, drew out from the remote darkness its strength. Instantaneously, under foot the light of ceremony revolves, opened a channel to far-out space. The red chou became a flower bud. 一项特殊的仪式达成,沟通上了某样特殊的存在,将它的力量从遥远的黑暗之中引出。瞬间,脚下的仪式之光旋转开来,打开了一条通往遥远空间的通道。红色的花结成了一个花苞。 The flower bud revolves, but gorgeous red flower of God actually withered from the root in an instant. The flower bud launched, breeds one is not the thing of the world. The terrifying eye of that seal above altar. The projection appeared during the present world. 花苞旋转,而艳丽的红色神之花却从根部刹那间枯萎了。花苞展开,孕育出了一只不属于人间之物。那只封印于祭坛之上的恐怖眼睛。投影出现在了现世之中。 It is not myth, but the strength has actually been equal to myth. 它不是神话,但是力量却已经等同神话 In the eyeball erupted the radiant ray, kept aloof to overlook under. Gazes at to summon its Kurmis. Also is that beach rotten meat. 眼球之中爆发出了璀璨的光芒,高高在上俯瞰着下方。注视着召唤出它的库尔弥斯。也即是那滩烂肉。 The radiant light beam lasing , the flash submerges ceremony central Kurmis. The gray ray becomes more and more bright, finally becomes blazing white. 璀璨的光柱激射而下,一瞬间就将仪式中央的库尔弥斯淹没。灰色的光芒变得越来越亮,最后成为了炽白。 Under ray that the beforehand power conflict is born, Kurmis he had changed into a beach rotten meat under the strength of that original chaotic distortion, started to be insanely long together with the surrounding plant. The plant packages the entire house, twists various fearful shapes, swallows like the monster generally mutually. This is some characteristics of life power, but the intelligent power displayed the pinnacle this strength during the conflict. However the strength of distortion after condensing this eye was completely different. It seemed to be given the special strength. 在之前的权能冲突诞生的光芒下,库尔弥斯他已经在那原本的混乱畸变之力下化为了一滩烂肉,连同周围的植物都开始了疯长。植物将整个房子都包裹住,扭曲成各种可怕的形态,如同怪物一般互相吞噬。这是生命权能的部分特性,而智慧权能在冲突之中又将这种力量发挥到了极致。但是畸变之力在凝聚出这颗眼睛之后完全不一样了。它似乎被赋予了特殊的力量。 In the remote first era, God of divine creative force because some special reason made it, and gave its special mission. The Distorted Eye strength the direct revision wisdom like wisdom myth did not ban the source that planted, the case once made working as of Izuriha snake. 在遥远的第一纪元,造物的神明就因为某项特殊的原因制造出了它,并且赋予了它特殊的使命。畸变之眼的力量不像智慧神话那样直接修改智禁种的本源,例曾经制造出羽蛇的当。 Also not like life myth, the bloodlines of violent direct distortion life. This fearful eye in the acceleration time, seems to be accelerating an evolution of life from two levels. 10,000 years, 100,000 years of years concentrations in moments. 也不像生命神话那样,暴力的直接扭曲生命的血脉。这只可怕的眼睛似乎在加速时光,在从两个层面加速一个生命的演化。将一万年,十万年的岁月浓缩在片刻之间。 Therefore can see had lost Kurmis of life form, started to condense the brand-new life form under that strength unexpectedly little. He turned into a feather snake again. 于是可以看到已经丢失了生命形态的库尔弥斯,在那股力量之下竟然开始一点点重新凝聚出了全新的生命形态。他再度变成了一条羽蛇。 However the life form of instantaneous feather snake collapsed, because this is not a truly complete life form, the contour of but under the intelligence distortion being born, does not have the support of bloodlines. The life form unceasing change of feather snake, can recognize sometimes, sometimes does not know is what monster. Gradually, he turned into a lizard. 但是瞬间羽蛇的生命形态就崩溃了,因为这本就不是一个真正完整的生命形态,只是在灵性扭曲下诞生的外形,不具备血脉的支撑。羽蛇的生命形态不断的变化,有的时候还能认出来,有的时候根本不知道是什么怪物。渐渐的,他又重新变成了一条蜥蜴。 Then from the lizard unceasing evolution, condenses the upper part of person finally. Under the gaze of eye, under the stimulation of movement of ray. He turned into snake human unexpectedly. 然后从蜥蜴不断的进化,终于凝聚出人的上半身。眼睛的注视之下,光芒的催动之下。他竟然又变成了一只蛇人 But at this time that was only summoned the Distorted Eye empty shadow strength in present world to start to exhaust, will soon be separated from the ceremony. Ray that however Distorted Eye is remaining, makes the Kurmis snake human shape also further change. In the body of Kurmis, presented the characteristics of some feather snakes unexpectedly. 而这个时候那只被召唤到现世之中的畸变之眼虚影力量已经开始耗尽,即将脱离仪式。但是畸变之眼残余下来的光芒,也让库尔弥斯蛇人形态也进一步变化。库尔弥斯的身体里,竟然出现了部分羽蛇的特征。 His that curly hair gradually turned into the yellow, but the pupil also turned into the golden general color in the ray. Finally. 他那一头卷发逐渐的变成了黄色,而瞳孔也在光芒里变成了黄金一般的颜色。终于。 The ray of ceremony diverges, that condenses, but the eye also vanished in the high place. Only stayed behind same place stood in ceremony technique central Kurmis, beside ceremony a plant of place rotten dry green bristlegrass. The Kurmis whole person is pities, silly standing in without the ceremony calibration line center that any strength fluctuated. " What is this? What is "……" that? " 仪式的光芒散去,那凝聚而出的眼睛也消失在了高处。原地只留下了站在仪式术阵中央的库尔弥斯,还有仪式之外一地腐烂枯莠的植物。库尔弥斯整个人都是惜的,傻愣愣的站在没有了任何力量波动的仪式刻纹中央。"这是什么?""那是什么?" He spoke acts like a madman disorderly, as if cannot only be of fearful under the strength eye to restore from that as before. He felt that oneself seemed the flash to be killed were innumerable, is then reactivated were innumerable. 他说话颠三倒四疯疯癫癫的,似乎依旧没能从那只可怕眼睛的力量下恢复。他感觉自己好像一瞬间被杀死了无数次,然后又被复活了无数次。 He felt that own group pasta was made various shapes probably equally recklessly, finally personally underwent the snake human development process probably. Kurmis absent-minded opens out to cover the entire construction the dry green bristlegrass plant that wants to walk toward below. However the whole person was found time to be the same probably, rolled from the staircase directly. Next morning. 他感觉自己就好像一团面团一样被肆意制造成各种形态,最终又好像亲身经历了蛇人的诞生过程。库尔弥斯恍恍惚惚的拨开覆盖住整个建筑的枯莠植物,想要朝着下面走去。但是整个人都好像被抽空了一样,直接从楼梯里滚了下去。第二天一早。 Delivers the young servant who the food comes to Kurmis early, saw by hut that the withered strange plant submerges. He first gawked, then flushed recklessly. 早早给库尔弥斯送饭过来的小仆人,就看到了被枯萎怪异植物淹没的小屋。他先是愣了一下,然后不顾一切的冲了上来。 Sought for one in one piece of two buildings in confusion, found in Kurmis that in the withered plant depends on to sit. " Sir Kurmis and "……" was your? N 寻找了一番才在二楼的一片狼藉之中,找到了在枯萎植物之中靠坐着的库尔弥斯。"库尔弥斯大人、""您这是怎么了?n The servants looked to the surroundings, showed the unreadable expression. " What did here exactly have? " 仆人看向了周围,露出了难以理解的表情。"这里到底发生了什么?" But Kurmis looked to the servant, in his eye was also exactly the same look, unreadable astonishment. " Yes! What did "……" exactly have? m 库尔弥斯看向了仆人,他的眼中也是一模一样的眼神,难以理解的惊愕。"是啊!""到底发生了什么?m Kurmis is unable to understand as before, what existence oneself communicated. This world is flooding too many unknown secrets, great that he has not known. But the servant also noticed the eye of Kurmis at this time. " Sir! " 库尔弥斯至今依旧无法理解,自己到底沟通上了什么样的存在。这个世界充斥着太多未知的秘密,还有他未曾知晓的伟大。而仆人这个时候也注意到了库尔弥斯的眼睛。"大人!" " Your hair, eye? " "您的头发,还有眼睛?" Kurmis then noticed anything, immediately sets out. 库尔弥斯这才注意到了什么,立刻起身。 He tore the dense and numerous vines, stood before a bronze mirror, is observing in mirror. He looks at oneself hair, that golden elegant hair, seems like feather snake mane. But that golden special pupil, not being he should have the color, is more impossible to belong to ordinary snake human. The Kurmis complexion big change, this pair of eyes nitrile he was too familiar. " The eye of gold. How is this possible? " 他撕扯开了密密麻麻的藤蔓,站在了一面铜镜前,观察着镜子之中的自己。他看着自己的头发,那金黄色的飘逸头发,就好像羽蛇身上的鬃毛。而那金黄色的特殊瞳孔,也不是他原本该有的颜色,更不可能属于普通蛇人库尔弥斯脸色大变,这双眼腈他太熟悉了。"黄金之眼。这怎么可能?" " The eye of feather snake, how association president on my present body? " Kurmis looks at own hand, tail. He remembered the beforehand process suddenly, the journey of that incredible evolution. " I turned into a lizard, turns into snake human. Then, turned into this. " What is this? "羽蛇的眼睛,怎么会长在我现在的身体上?"库尔弥斯看着自己的手,还有尾巴。他突然想起了之前的过程,那让人难以置信的演变之旅。"我变成了一只蜥蜴,又变成蛇人。然后,就变成了这样。"这是什么? " Will I turn into a lizard? How can the "……" lizard turn into snake human? "……" "我怎么会变成一只蜥蜴?""蜥蜴怎么能够变成蛇人?"" In the Kurmis sudden heart was born a terrible idea, that was the truth that they were born. Perhaps they change to come from such a lizard. 库尔弥斯突然心中诞生出了一个可怕的想法,那就是他们诞生的真相。他们或许就是从那样一只蜥蜴变化而来的。 Because that type turns into the feeling of snake human from the lizard little, was really smooth, seemed like repeating of history. As if before for a long time is very very long, at the beginning of era. 因为那种从蜥蜴一点点变成蛇人的感觉,实在是太顺畅了,就好像历史的重演。仿佛在很久很久以前,在纪元之初的时候。 Some people made them like this, left behind the process and mark of evolution in their bloodlines. 就有人这样制造出了他们,在他们的血脉之中留下了演化的过程和印记。 Makes their. Moonlight City. 造出他们的。月光城 In the city in the biggest library, Kurmis these days has stayed here. 城中最大的图书馆之中,库尔弥斯这些日子一直都呆在这里。 He gave up continue experiment, because the ordinary experiment has no significance at this time. He experienced that to change the life truly, strength that was inconceivable. Is the divine creative force God authority. 他放弃了继续进行实验,因为这个时候普通的实验已经没有什么意义了。他真正见识到了那可以改变生命,难以想象的力量。属于造物神明的权柄。 He must ravel that eye is anything, how happened at oneself matter clearly is a matter. Kurmis felt, he can from discovers the life the mystery. " That altar. " 他一定要弄明白那只眼睛到底是什么,明白发生在自己身上的事情到底是怎么一回事。库尔弥斯觉得,他可以从其中发现生命的奥秘。"那座祭坛。" Kurmis racks brains, while said. " Where I have heard probably. " 库尔弥斯一边苦思冥想,一边说道。"我好像在哪里听说过。" Leafed through myth, old book and prayer poem, finally Kurmis above an ancient clay tablet found itself the information that wants to know. In the covert room in library. 翻遍了神话、古籍、祷告诗,最后在一块古老的泥板之上库尔弥斯找到了自己想要知道的信息。图书馆的隐蔽房间之内。 Kurmis takes this it is said the clay tablet that spreads from the fire protector time, what above records is City of Life myth. 库尔弥斯拿着这块据说是从护火者时代流传下来的泥板,上面记载的是生命之城神话 In the ancient time, on Origin of Life Mountain also has the state of god. That is their divine creative force also in the time of the world, that is the snake mother Themus time. But the content on this flagstone is describing the scene in City of Life, but that altar that Kurmis sees with exactly the same that on the clay tablet described. Kurmis is excited, takes this flagstone eye to stare in a big way. " That unexpectedly is the City of Life sacred altar! " 在古老的时代,生命起源之山上还有着神的国度。那是他们的造物还在人间的时代,那是蛇母瑟摩丝的时代。而这篇石板上的内容就描绘着生命之城中的场景,而库尔弥斯看到的那座祭坛就和泥板上描绘的一模一样。库尔弥斯激动不已,拿着这块石板眼睛瞪得大大的。"那竟然是生命之城的神圣祭坛!" " Initially generation of snake human, once offered to pay homage the dance under this altar to Ruler of Life. " "初代的蛇人,曾经在这祭坛之下向生命主宰献上祭舞。" Although in altar not that eye in record, but this does not hinder Kurmis controls God to relate that eye and this together. " Originally that eye is Mother of Life keeps the divine object of the world, no wonder. " 虽然在记载里祭坛上并没有那只眼睛,但是这并不妨碍库尔弥斯将那只眼睛和这位主宰神明联系到一起。"原来那只眼睛是生命之母留在人间的神物,怪不得。" The Kurmis flash understands all, understands why that eye has such fearful strength, that type can affect and change the strength of life bloodlines and essence. But if this eye is the thing that control God of this control life will high authority leaves behind, can have such strength does not seem strange. However then also the issue, how Kurmis communicates that eye. 库尔弥斯一瞬间就明白一切,明白了那只眼睛为什么有这样可怕的力量,那种能够影响和改变生命血脉和本质的力量。但是如果这只眼睛是这位掌控生命志高权柄的主宰神明留下的东西,能够拥有这样的力量似乎就并不奇怪了。但是接下来还有一个问题,库尔弥斯是怎么沟通上那只眼睛的。 Why I melted spirit that flower of God, after it turned into the puppet, will communicate on that eye? " It is not right! 为什么我融灵了那朵神之花,将它变成了傀儡后,就会沟通上那只眼睛?"不对! Not is only that flower, communicates the Dreamland ceremony. Right! The key is the name. 不仅仅是那朵花,还有沟通梦界的仪式。对了!关键是名字。 Kurmis was recalling the entire process, will bump into the communication the Distorted Eye truth to analyze immediately. 库尔弥斯回想着整个过程,立刻将自己误打误撞沟通上畸变之眼的真相分析出来的。 He communicated this powerful incomparable existence, making its strength condense a shadow during the present world, seemed like servant of God communication the will on God. Medium, ceremony and name. 他沟通上了这个强大无比的存在,让它的力量在现世之中凝聚成了一个影子,就好像是神侍沟通上的神明的意志。媒介、仪式、名字。 " The three keys of ceremony, I all achieved exactly. " "仪式的三个关键,我恰好全部都达成了。" Kurmis has not thought, he wanted to attempt to make the experiment of special puppet with the intelligent power, unexpectedly bumps into completed a communication to control God to leave behind the divine object the ceremony. 库尔弥斯怎么也没有想到,他原本只是想要尝试着用智慧权能制造特殊傀儡的实验,竟然误打误撞的完成了一次沟通主宰神明留下神物的仪式。 Actually the process is not complex, but ordinary Powerful wants to collect the life power and intelligent blood is unlikely, wisdom divine blood everywhere is, this is not difficult. However life divine blood was different, is basically related with God. 其实过程也并不复杂,但是普通权能者想要收集到生命权能和智慧血根本不太可能,智慧神血遍地都是,这个并不难。但是生命神血就不一样了,基本都和神明有关。 Therefore simultaneously has these two divine blood, mostly is existence of myth or last era, they will not do dead to attempt to fuse two divine blood together. The royal power blood Samoll family's result, they have not put behind. 所以同时拥有这两种神血的,大多都是神话或者上一个纪元的存在,他们才不会去作死去尝试着将两种神血融合在一起。王权血裔萨莫家族的结局,他们可没有忘却。 Even if the fearful crazy character who this family was born afterward, finally does not have the behavior that tries this doing dead. I only then Kurmis this crude person goods, anything know, but actually knows the incomplete fellow to dare to attempt. 哪怕是这个家族后来诞生的可怕疯狂人物,最后都没有去尝试这种作死的行为。我只有库尔弥斯这种半吊子货色,什么都知道一些,但是却知道得不完全的家伙才敢去尝试。 After understanding the cause and effect, the Kurmis original fear diverges gradually. The people always fear unknown, when understands unknown is anything, starts to attempt to touch this already by the strength of cognition. 明白了前因后果之后,库尔弥斯原本的恐惧渐渐散去。人总是恐惧未知的,当明白未知是什么的时候,就开始去尝试触碰这已经被认知的力量。 The attempt analyzes it, understands it. 尝试去分析它,去了解它。 " That eye has strength that can change the life form truly. "……" Right! " "那只眼睛拥有可以真正改变生命形态的力量。""没错!" " Its complete change the bloodlines of my within the body, I now and other snake human could be said as somewhat different. " "它完完全全的改变了我体内的血脉,我现在和其他蛇人可以说是有些不一样了。" Kurmis is touching own hair, own eye. In the past was so long, his hair and eye this, because this is the inherent bloodlines characteristics. Even later under his birth the descendant, this eye and hair color will also possibly inherit with the bloodlines. This is the true life mystery, is the Mother of Life authority. 库尔弥斯触碰着自己的头发,还有自己的眼睛。过去了这么久,他的头发和眼睛还是这样,因为这就是与生俱来的血脉特征。甚至以后他诞生下后代,这眼睛和发色也可能会随着血脉遗传下去。这是真正的生命奥秘,是生命之母的权柄。 " But why are so many a change, will I turn into snake human finally? " Rather than fixed in other shapes finally, even turned into a lizard? " Why I will obtain the hair of feather snake, eye? "但是为什么那么多次变化,我最后还是会变成蛇人?"而不是最后固定在了其他形态,甚至变成一只蜥蜴?"为什么我会获得羽蛇的头发,还有眼睛? Kurmis remembered the own first change suddenly, turned into the feather snake shape under that ray directly, because the bloodlines are unable to support to collapse. Many chaotic memories, appeared gradually. Kurmis covers own head immediately, looks deathly pale. The pain of although along with being inconceivable, lingering fear. 库尔弥斯突然想起了自己的第一次变化,就直接在那光芒下变成了羽蛇形态,但是因为血脉无法支撑而崩溃了。很多混乱的记忆,渐渐浮现了上来。库尔弥斯立刻捂住了自己的头,脸色惨白。虽然伴随着难以想象的痛苦,还有后怕。 " Because my intelligence and melts the spirit incantation seal strength, I in unceasing makes me turn into the snake human appearance forcefully. " "因为我的灵性和融灵咒印力量,我在不断的强行让我自己变成蛇人的模样。" " Therefore that only eye of God, when revises my life form, will be affected by me, toward the appearance restore of snake human. "……" It is affecting me, but I am also affecting it. " "所以那只神之眼在修改我生命形态的时候,也会被我所影响,朝着蛇人的模样修复。""它在影响着我,而我也在影响着它。" " But this influence also limited, wants really to turn into a genuine feather snake life body like me, was not too possible. "……" Only can in the limited degree, make the revision of certain extent. " This time Kurmis does not know. "但是这种影响也是有限度的,就像我想要真的变成一个真正的羽蛇生命体,就不太可能了。""只能在有限的程度里,进行一定程度的修改。"这个时候的库尔弥斯并不知道。 The life is evolving unceasingly, rather than irrevocable eternal. 生命是在不断演变的,而不是一成不变的永恒。 He is only thinks purely the God strength can change the life the shape, but does not know Distorted Eye in the evolution of acceleration life, original life potential releasing. Old is this really does not affect him to send some fantasies. 他只是单纯的以为神明的力量可以改变生命的形态,而不知道畸变之眼只是在加速生命的演变,将原本的生命潜能给释放出来。旧是这并不影响他实发一些奇想。 If I become puppet to be stiff with my god graciousness strength assimilation plant, then and melts the shape of spirit incantation seal strength revision plant with the intelligence, making it have the fruit or turns into another appearance. "……" Then I summoned that only eye of God again, can letting the ordinary plant turns into the appearance that I wanted finally? "……" Is only affecting the change of life with the aid of that eye of God, can be born the new plant that I want? " Kurmis at present one bright " right, that only eye of God can accomplish absolutely. "……" That is the authority of life, is divine object that Ruler of Life leaves behind. "……" It certainly. " 如果我用自己的神恩力量同化植物成为傀僵,然后用灵性和融灵咒印力量修改植物的形态,让它结出果实或者变成另外一副样子。""然后我再召唤出那只神之眼,是不是就可以将让普通的植物最后变成我想要的样子?""借助那只神之眼影响着生命的变化,是不是就能诞生出我想要的新植物?"库尔弥斯眼前一亮"没错,那只神之眼绝对可以办到。""那是生命的权柄,是生命主宰留下的神物。""它一定可以。" However in the flash heart gushed out the deep fear. Because he felt, oneself this is bribing the God authority. " It is not right, this strength is not my. " 但是一瞬间心中又涌出了深深的恐惧。因为他觉得,自己这是在染指神明的权柄。"不对,这力量并不是我的。" " I am borrowing that only eye of God strength, that is to control god strength only. "……" I use this strength, the great control must know. " "我只是在借来了那只神之眼的力量,那本就是主宰神祇之力。""我动用这力量,伟大的主宰不可能不知晓。" Kurmis looked to the library, looked to the Origin of Life Mountain direction. 库尔弥斯看向了图书馆之外,看向了生命起源之山的方向。 " If the great control does not allow me to handle such matter, then she will definitely prevent my, will punish me. "……" I can be safe and sound, absolutely is not only lucky. Kurmis seems to be suddenly enlighted. "如果伟大的主宰不允许我做这样的事情,那么她肯定会阻止我的,也会惩罚我。""我能够安然无恙,绝对不仅仅是幸运。库尔弥斯似乎恍然大悟。 However Kurmis at this point, a words revolution. 但是库尔弥斯说到这里,话语一转。 " If I can borrow this strength again, then indicated that controls God also to approve my. The "……" great control is drawing support from my hand, the new gracious gift will give us. " Kurmis thinks like this, the fear in heart also eliminated many. "如果我能够再次借来这力量,那么表示主宰神明也是认可我的。""伟大的主宰是在借助我的手,将新的恩赐给予我们。"库尔弥斯这样想,心中的恐惧也就消泯了许多了。 Even in the eye revealed the anticipation, was anticipating the success of idea, or is anticipating the approval of god of control. However wants to start the experiment again, but must solve a problem. " Must have that red flower of God. "……" That communicates that eye of God medium. "……" 甚至眼中流露出了期待,期待着自己想法的成功,亦或者期待着主宰之神的认可。但是想要再次开启实验,还必须要解决一个问题。"必须得有那红色的神之花。""那是沟通上那神之眼的媒介。"" It seems like. The people want to communicate God, not only needs the god name, best also need idol. Only if God left behind the mark on you, you are his apostle or family. However wanted to obtain that red flower of God again, Kurmis must find Scarlet Goddess. 就好像凡.人想要沟通上神明,不仅仅需要神名字,最好还需要神像。除非神明本身就在你身上留下了印记,你是他的使徒或者眷者。但是想要再次获得那红色的神之花,库尔弥斯必须找到腥红女神 However luckily, Kurmis knows means that one type found this goddess. Before he had nothing to have an audience with the reason of this God, but currently he has. " Scarlet Goddess family member! " three leaves human! 不过幸好,库尔弥斯知道一种找到这位女神的办法。只是之前他并没有什么觐见这位神明的理由,但是现在他有了。"腥红女神的眷属!"三叶人!
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