IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#405 Part 2: The flower of life power

The farmers who let the Moonlight Domain place how learned to avoid these green space vines invading in the paddies again, how when they did not have thorough was long to clean up them. 月光领地的农夫们学会了如何避免这些绿地藤再度侵入田地之中,如何在它们还没有彻底长出来的时候清理它们。 By last day of time, under the altar crowds around is not knowing many zealots, is shouting the Kurmis name crazily. 到了最后一天的时候,祭坛之下簇拥着不知道多少狂热者,疯狂呼喊着库尔弥斯的名字。 Sir Kurmis!” 库尔弥斯大人!” Sir Kurmis!” 库尔弥斯大人!” He becomes the story. 他成为了故事。 Someday will become the history, then changes into myth. 或许有一天会成为历史,然后再化为神话 Kurmis in altar looks at all these, is anxious some not to dare to speak. 祭坛上的库尔弥斯看着这一切,紧张得有些不敢说话。 He is somewhat excited, even somewhat immerses. 他有些激动,甚至有些沉醉。 Because of his first time, received the approvals of so many people, everyone is regarding him with the vision of expectation. 因为他第一次,受到了这么多人的认可,所有人都在用憧憬的目光看待着他。 In this city, he received supporting of so many people. 在这座城市之中,他受到了这么多人的拥戴。 Before he was only a monster, regardless of he were powerful, everyone saw his flash frightened. 以前他只是一个怪物,无论他多么强大,所有人看到他的一瞬间都只有恐惧。 No one approves him, he has no companion. 没有人认可他,他更没有任何同伴。 But now, he seemed like anything to have. 而现在,他似乎什么都有了。 Kurmis stretches out the arms, the following person cheered intensely, even some people started to bow politely he. 库尔弥斯张开双臂,下面的人欢呼得更激烈了,甚至有人开始叩拜他。 Kurmis was saying to: I am a person.” 库尔弥斯对着自己说道:“我是人。” With their same people.” “和他们一样的人。” I live in the state of person, has the innumerable companions.” “我活在人的国度之中,有着无数的同伴。” He as if found own significance, true meaning of existence. 他似乎找到了属于自己的意义,还有存在的真谛。 -------------------- -------------------- Solved the green space vine event, Kurmis obtained supporting of countless person in Moonlight City, but also brought many worries. 解决了绿地藤事件,库尔弥斯月光城得到了无数人的拥戴,但是也带来了不少烦恼。 Kurmis has to move to the house outside, lived in the place of moonlight jungle not far away. 库尔弥斯不得不将房子搬到了外面去,居住在了月光丛林不远处的地方。 Here is more convenient he to do the following experiment, he prepared very long experiment. 这里更方便他做接下来的实验,一个他准备了很久的实验。 This is a stone building. 这是一座石屋。 Is Kurmis with melting the spirit incantation seal fusion stone constructs. 库尔弥斯用融灵咒印融合石头建造出来的。 Kurmis constructed a beautiful botanical garden on the roof, at this moment he lies down on the roof, in the hand is grasping a jar. 库尔弥斯在屋顶上建造了一座漂亮的植物园,此刻他就躺在屋顶上,手里握着一个罐子。 In the jar thinks of a colorful red flower petal, and it just fell gorgeous of equally time. 罐子里装着一朵艳红色的花瓣,和它刚刚掉落下来时候的一样艳丽。 Kurmis: Opens in flower of God of Scarlet Goddess state.” 库尔弥斯:“开在腥红女神国度的神之花。” This red flower has in myth multiple records, it is said all previous King of Divine Grace died, goes far away in full red sea of flowers. 这朵红色的花在神话之中就有着多次记载,据说历代神卷之王死去的时候,就是在开满红色花海的大地之中远去。 When Kurmis is small, has heard this story. 库尔弥斯小的时候,就听说过这种故事。 Al Pince king said.” 阿尔潘斯王说。” „When wind gets up, I am the lead of time.” “风起之时,我是时代的主角。” However now the wind stopped, my time ended, I passed my glory life.” “而如今风停了,我的时代结束了,我过完了我荣耀的一生。” Smoker, later should be you.” “斯默克尔,以后该是你了。” „The Al Pince king Jiang glorious inheritance gave the next generation, has not accepted as a memento stepped into blood-color sea of flowers, belongs to the God state.” 阿尔潘斯王将荣耀传承给了下一代,没有丝毫留念的踏入了血色的花海之中,归于神明的国度。” This is the story that Kurmis hears. 这就是库尔弥斯听到的故事。 But now he really sees this flower with own eyes, is only this flower strength is strange, he cannot induce the change of this strength completely. 而现在他真的亲眼见到了这种花,只是这种花的力量非常奇怪,他完全感应不出来这种力量的变化。 However this was Kurmis collects the most precious plant, he has been attempting to fuse to become the puppet with various plants recently, wants the original appearances of various completely means revision plants. 不过这是库尔弥斯收集到了最珍贵的植物,他最近一直都在尝试着用各种植物融合成为傀儡,想尽各种办法修改植物的本来样貌。 However that felt that looks like wants to dig a pit to be the same in the water, how regardless of you make an effort to ladle water, finally will restore the plane. 但是那感觉就像是想要在水里挖坑一样,不论你怎么用力去舀水,最终都会恢复成平面。 Therefore he decided. 于是他决定。 Attempts also to turn into the puppet this flower petal. 尝试着将这朵花瓣也变成傀儡。 He thought that this unusual species plant, in State of God open flower, certain and ordinary plant is different.. 他觉得这种超凡物种的植物,神之国度之中开放的花,一定和普通的植物不一样。。 Kurmis sets out, surface in the direction of moonlight jungle. 库尔弥斯起身,面朝着月光丛林的方向。 Here!” “就在这里了!” Kurmis prepares to hold the experiment here, just here is far away from the bustling streets. 库尔弥斯准备在这里举行实验,刚好这里远离闹市。 However obviously no one told Kurmis. 但是显然没有人告诉库尔弥斯 Cup of Bloodmist is not only not an ordinary plant , is not only the ordinary unusual species. 血雾之杯不仅仅不是一朵普通的植物,也不仅仅是普通的超凡物种。 This is the flower of life power. 这是生命权能之花。
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