IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#405 Part 1: The flower of life power

! Magic Wheel House runs above the Suinhall land. 魔轮屋奔跑在苏因霍尔的大地之上。 Across the jungle prairie, across the lively metropolis and small town, this God this journey almost went all over this huge country. 穿过丛林草原,穿过繁华都市和小镇,这位神明这一趟旅程几乎走遍了这个庞大的国家。 Finally Magic Wheel House stopped on the summit of road of great snake, is looking into the whole world. 最后魔轮屋停在了巨蛇之路的一处山巅上,眺望着整个世界。 In the Vivien hand is grasping a blood red flower. 费雯手中握着一株血红色的花。 That is Cup of Bloodmist, Cup of the Sun is contaminated from now on product by the life power. 那是血雾之杯,太阳之杯被生命权能浸染过后的产物。 At the beginning of era. 纪元之初。 Scarlet Goddess just returned steps this stretch of land the time, perhaps occupies the population in entire Suinhall area is also less than a present small town nowadays. 腥红女神刚刚归来踏上这片大地的时候,居住在现如今整个苏因霍尔疆域上的人口或许还不及现在的一个小镇。 But now the Suinhall town stand in great numbers, snake human has been found in each corner in this land, even still blossoms and bears fruit above the remote another mainland. 而如今苏因霍尔城镇林立,蛇人早已遍布这片大地上的每一个角落,甚至还在遥远的另一片大陆之上开花结果。 Can call it is a prosperous incomparable civilization. 可以称之为是一个繁盛无比的文明。 However after stepping onto the prosperous peak, welcomed was the bottleneck. 然而走上繁盛的顶峰之后,迎来的便是瓶颈。 Although Scarlet Goddess found the issue finally, but actually cannot find the means of truly solving the problem. 虽然最终腥红女神找到了问题,但是却没能找到真正解决问题的办法。 Vivien under decided the resolution finally, at least first first problem solve. 费雯最后下定了决断,至少先把第一个问题解决了。 She was saying to Al Pince king: You starts from Al Pince, each generation is three leaves symbiont becomes the king.” 她对着阿尔潘斯王说道:“自阿尔潘斯你开始,每一代都是三叶共生者成为王。” I decided that starts from the next generation, no longer arranges King of Divine Grace to conduct the samsara.” “我决定从下一代开始,不再安排神卷之王进行轮回。” In the future three leaves symbiont, even if has to become the king, like King of Divine Grace lineage/vein, generations of will not conduct to assign the inheritance again.” “往后三叶共生者就算有成为王的,也不会再像神卷之王一脉这样,一代代进行指定传承了。” Royal power belongs to the mortal, dynasty also belongs to them alternately.” “王权归于凡人,王朝的交替也归于他们。” These words, were equivalent cancelled the King of Divine Grace privilege. 这一句话,相当于取消了神卷之王的特权。 Abolished the god to give the royal power oracle. 撤销了神授王权的神谕 When at the beginning of the era, this inheritance way naturally is without a doubt preponderant, Suinhall can have cannot leave this stable inheritance today. 在纪元之初的时候,这种传承方式自然是毫无疑问具有优势的,苏因霍尔能有今天离不开这种稳定的传承。 However with the change of time, the change of condition, the past optimal choice soon will also be eliminated. 但是随着时间的变化,境况的变化,昔日的最优选择也即将被淘汰。 Does not have any perfect thing, only then most suitable. 没有什么完美的东西,只有最适合的。 Under Vivien decided the resolution, but asked an opinion of next two later generation. 费雯下定了决断,但是还是问了一下两位后辈的意见。 Al Pince!” 阿尔潘斯!” Lanes Tito!”( Smoker last era name) 来恩斯蒂托!”(斯默克尔上一个纪元的名字) „The dynasty that you establish perhaps will therefore disintegrate, will you feel sorry?” “你们建立的王朝或许就会因此而分崩离析,你们会觉得遗憾吗?” Al Pince replied said: Hinsai vanished during the years, disappearance of Suinhall was doomed, although was somewhat regrettable, but this has been able to expect.” 阿尔潘斯回答说道:“就连希因赛都消失在了岁月之中,苏因霍尔的消失是注定的,虽然有些遗憾,但是这是早就可以预料到的。” Smoker: Civilization not because of dynasty vanishes alternately, Sir Vivien.” 斯默克尔:“文明并不会因为王朝的交替而消失,费雯大人。” Vivien stands before the window is gazing at the distant place, looks somewhat lost. 费雯站在窗户前注视着远方,看起来有些出神。 She rubbed hand unconscious effort of Cup of Bloodmist flower cup, flower cup was falling suddenly suddenly a flower petal, fell gently before the window. 她揉着血雾之杯花杯的手突然不自觉的用力,花杯骤然掉落了一枚花瓣,从窗台前飘落了下去。 Vivien then recovers. 费雯这才回过神来。 Seemed like Al Pince and Smoker's words makes Vivien remember once, the innermost feelings experienced the fluctuation. 看起来阿尔潘斯和斯默克尔的话让费雯想起了曾经,内心出现了波动。 Vivien looks Suinhall, above the open and spacious land the city is spread like stars in the sky densely covered, the paddies and rivers canal interlock. 费雯回望苏因霍尔,旷阔的大地之上城市星罗密布,田地和河流水渠交错。 Actually the snake human population has gone far beyond the three leaves human population, Suinhall, ten thousand snake royal court and Land of Sunrise also had to leave the Evel person in another mainland initially.” “其实蛇人的人口已经远远超过了当初三叶人的人口,苏因霍尔、万蛇王庭日出之地还有离开去了另一座大陆的爱维尔人。” In the future will turn into what appearance, you and we are unable to expect.” “往后会变成什么样子,你和我们都无法预料到。” This era and last era are completely different, we can look to wait, waits for newly to change machine the appearance.” “这一个纪元和上一个纪元完全不一样,我们可以看一看等一等,等待新的变机出现。” „The sea of storm had opened, God Insai and Ruler of Life might arrive at the world very much.” “风暴之海已经开了,因赛神生命主宰很有可能降临了人间。” Vivien said to Al Pince and Smoker: Goes back, we have known the Suinhall situation, then also some lot must be done.” 费雯对着阿尔潘斯和斯默克尔说道:“回去吧,我们已经知道了苏因霍尔的情况,接下来还有很多事情要做。” Scarlet Goddess prepared to finish this journey. 腥红女神准备结束了这一趟旅程。 Another side, together form chase behind the Scarlet Goddess route of advance. 另一边,一道身影追逐在腥红女神的前进路线后面。 Inspirational unusual Kurmis, above is pursuing the Scarlet Goddess private car, but has not caught up. 灵感超凡的库尔弥斯,一路之上追逐着腥红女神的座驾,但是始终没有追上。 In that side.” “在那边。” The Magic Wheel House wheel has ground the soil, has the remnant shadow and aura of dissipation, this let Kurmis with. 魔轮屋轮子碾过的泥土,带着消散的残影和气息,这让库尔弥斯一路跟了上来。 After arriving at the road of great snake, the opposite party seemed the tide to disappear in the world generally. 但是当来到了巨蛇之路后,对方就好像浪潮一般消失在了人间。 However the hillside that vanished green that proliferates in the final aura, Kurmis had some harvests. 不过在最后气息消失的一处绿色遍布的山坡,库尔弥斯还是有了一些收获。 The wind blows some type to bring the bright red thing, from the sky dances in the air. 风吹着某样带着艳红的东西,在空中飞舞。 From time to time hikes up, from time to time falls. 时而飘起,时而落下。 What is this?” “这是什么?” Under the hillside, Kurmis put out a hand to hold such thing. 在山坡下,库尔弥斯伸手捧住了那样东西。 Is a fragment of flower petal. 是一朵花瓣的残片。 Kurmis observed a meeting, immediately recognizes it. 库尔弥斯观察了一会,立刻认出了它来。 Is the Scarlet Goddess divine object, opens in deep sea Blood Country flower of God.” “是腥红女神的神物,开在深海血之国神之花。” That is a Cup of Bloodmist remnant petal, after being separated from the main body, is dissipating to wither gradually, it is estimated that will pass last some time thoroughly decayed. 那是一朵血雾之杯的残瓣,脱离了本体之后正在渐渐消散枯萎,估计过上一段时间就会彻底腐朽。 However Kurmis immediately its seal, precious preservation. 但是库尔弥斯立刻将它封印,珍贵的保存了起来。 ----------------------- ----------------------- The Kurmis following day is attempting to seek for all kinds of plants as before, in moonlight jungle surrounding. 库尔弥斯接下来的日子依旧在尝试寻找着各种各样的植物,在月光丛林的外围。 Therefore, he probably becomes a botanical garden to be the same in the house that in Moonlight City rents temporarily. 于是,他在月光城中临时租赁的房屋变得就好像一个植物园一样。 In the room is placing large number of pots, for this reason he also hired a young fellow to help him look after these plants specially. 屋子里摆放着大量的花盆,为此他还特意雇佣了一位少年人帮他照顾这些植物。 In fact he spent three copper coin to buy this young fellow, from one side proved initially these person and he said really a point right. 实际上他是花了三枚铜币就买下了这个少年人,从侧面证明了当初那些人和他说的真的一点都没错。 Properly speaking that moment that the opposite party since he spends to buy was his slave, but Kurmis said that was the employment. 按理说对方从他花钱买下的那一刻就是他的奴隶了,但是库尔弥斯却说是雇佣。 Before the table . 桌子前。 Kurmis also studies witch spirit to record, seemed like also received grand and Sukob their influence. 库尔弥斯也学着巫灵们记录,看起来也是受了隆和苏科布他们一些影响。 „Should this plant, name?” “这种植物,该叫什么名字?” This plant native called the animal teeth fern.” “这种植物当地人叫兽牙蕨。” This......” “还有这个……” He records these plants with oneself note, some plants do not have the name, Kurmis still to name the character in the note for these plants. 他用自己的笔记将这些植物记录下来,有些植物并没有名字,库尔弥斯还在笔记上为这些植物取了个名字。 Generally this type of books, to behind will have a name likely. 一般像这种书籍,到了后面都会有一个名字。 Names with the Kurmis name. 库尔弥斯的名字来命名。 The big probability is called the book of Kurmis, or Kurmis secret standard anything. 大概率会叫做库尔弥斯之书,或者库尔弥斯秘典什么的。 However in this time Kurmis also not this idea, did not feel some own rough record plants, carelessly is accepted after passing an examination several names, can become ancient book that spreads the later generation. 不过在这个时候的库尔弥斯还并没有这种想法,也不觉得自己粗糙的记录一些植物,草草的取上几个名字,就可以成为流传后世的典籍。 He writes this, what are more is facilitates itself to remember and make the plan. 他写这个,更多的是方便自己记忆和做计划。 Around moonlight jungle all sorts of plants, even the moonlight jungle, caused the Kurmis curiosity, making the thoughts that his goes home also somewhat wash out for a while. 月光丛林周围的种种植物,甚至月光丛林本身,都引起了库尔弥斯的强烈好奇心,让他那回家的心思一时也有些冲散了。 Naturally, there is a possibility, when approaches the hometown more and more, more feels the fear. 当然,也有可能当越来越靠近家乡的时候,越就感觉到害怕。 Is afraid all that oneself see when the time comes, with imagination during complete different. 害怕自己到时候看到的一切,和想象之中的完全不一样。 In courtyard. 院子里。 Kurmis also starts to become monk the knowledge that with oneself half-way various places profit from come, then oneself homemade divine spell, attempts to test. 库尔弥斯也开始用自己半道出家各处借鉴而来的知识,然后自己自创的神术,尝试着进行实验。 Hurry up!” “快点!” Helps me bring to me that growing trend best rolling ball fern.” “帮我把那颗长势最好的卷球厥给我拿过来。” A young fellow took rolling ball fern, it places in pottery pot that ash throws. 一个少年人将一颗卷球厥拿了出来,其放在一个灰扑扑的陶盆之中。 Mr. Kurmis, what do you want to make?” 库尔弥斯先生,您到底是要做什么啊?” Collects so many things at home, unedible.” “在家里收集这么多东西,又不能吃。” Moreover is not attractive.” “而且也不怎么好看。” Moreover who rolling ball fern in basin, this basin was more valuable than rolling ball fern.” “而且谁会在盆子里种卷球厥的啊,这盆子比卷球厥可贵多了。” The young fellows do not understand Kurmis, Kurmis was saying to him. 少年人不理解库尔弥斯,库尔弥斯对着他说道。 rolling ball fern supported countless people, to us does not have any plant compares it more precious.” 卷球厥可是养活了无数人的,对于我们来说没有什么植物比它更珍贵。” It is the foundation of our civilization, is our livelihood things.” “它是我们文明的根基,是我们赖以生存的东西。” Kurmis was ready, squeezed in own incantation seal and strength rolling ball fern in pottery pot. 库尔弥斯做好了准备,将自己的咒印和力量塞入了陶盆之中的卷球厥之中。 Kurmis within the body only then an incantation seal, that is a very special incantation seal, can make him link with other things, changes into all kinds of puppets. 库尔弥斯体内只有一种咒印,那是一种非常特殊的咒印,可以让他和其他东西结合在一起,化为各种各样的傀儡。 He calls it to melt spirit incantation seal. 他称之为融灵咒印。 Melts spirit incantation seal.” “融灵咒印。” He used to melt spirit incantation seal, the special strength integrates in that rolling ball fern immediately. 他用了融灵咒印,特殊的力量立刻融入了那颗卷球厥之中。 Ordinary rolling ball fern starts to have the drastic change immediately, the root hair breaks open the jar to dig in the land, unceasing growing up. 普通的卷球厥立刻开始发生剧变,根须破开罐子扎入大地,不断的长大。 Intelligence corrosion!” “灵性侵蚀!” Revision!” “修改!” Suddenly, that rolling ball fern changed the appearance, turned into a brand-new thing. 眨眼间,那颗卷球厥就变了模样,变成了一个全新的东西。 The bracken grows above, the cone was long in the land. 蕨菜长在上面,球果长到了土地里面去了。 The pure intelligence strength forces in ordinary life within the body not to affect, if by incantation seal as the carrier, the situation were different. 单纯的灵性力量塞进普通生命体内没有作用,若是以咒印作为载体,情况就不一样了。 Moreover through this strength, even can revise the species the original appearance. 而且通过这种力量,甚至可以修改物种的本来面貌。 This makes Kurmis be wild with joy. 这让库尔弥斯欣喜若狂。 However this method is refining the puppet. 但是这种方法只是在炼制傀儡。 Therefore can see that his strength pulls out leaves, rolling ball fern returns to the original condition immediately. 所以可以看到他的力量一抽离,卷球厥立刻就恢复成了原状。 Even becomes suffocates, did not have the vitality not long. 甚至变得奄奄一息,没有多久就没有了生机。 This obviously cannot achieve that condition that Kurmis wants, he wants one type to be able the nature cultivation new species, compared with rolling ball fern finer food variety. 这明显达不到库尔弥斯想要的那种状况,他想要一种可以自然培育的新物种,比卷球厥更加优良的食物品种。 Kurmis is somewhat regrettable: „It is not good!” 库尔弥斯有些遗憾:“还是不行啊!” He sighed saying: If can the shapes of permanent change these plants be good.” 他叹息说道:“如果可以永久性的改变这些植物的形态就好了。” However that is creates the species the range, even Kurmis also thought that is unlikely. 但是那已经是创造物种的范围了,连库尔弥斯也觉得不太可能。 But has helped Kurmis look after the plant the youngster, at this moment is dumbfounded, he knows front this looks compared with his at the worst many person is Powerful. 而一直帮助库尔弥斯照看植物的少年,此刻已经目瞪口呆,他才知道面前这个看起来比他大不了多少的人是个权能者 But at this time, on outside street made suddenly. 而这个时候,外面的街道上突然闹了起来。 Several wear white hempen garments, the body has the person of moon chart tuart to walk above the avenue, shouting loudly. 几个穿着白色麻衣,身上有着月亮图桉的人走在大街之上,高呼着。 This is the penalty of God of Moonlight.” “这是月色之神的惩罚。” Disaster will soon arrive.” “灾难即将到来。” This is the divine punishment!” “这就是神罚!” In them behind, with a large crowd. 在他们身后,跟着一大群人。 God of Moonlight, is the person's in Moonlight City regarding the name of Ruhul Giant God Magic Fern of Moon. 月色之神,是月光城之中的人对于鲁赫巨神月之魔厥的称呼。 As ten thousand snake royal court consecrate Ruhul Giant God, carrying/sustaining the concept of earth-god also gradually passed on. 随着万蛇王庭供奉鲁赫巨神,承载大地之神的概念也逐渐传了出来。 People also had the new change regarding the cognition of death restricted area. 人们对于死亡禁地的认知也有了新的变化。 In Moonlight City, that millenniums regarding death restricted area fear and expectation, changed into a brand-new strength. 月光城之中,那千年来对于死亡禁地的恐惧和憧憬,也化为了一种全新的力量。 Now in Moonlight City, starts many God of Moonlight followers, they repeatedly request to God of Moonlight consecrate in life temple. 如今在月光城之中,就兴起了不少月色之神的信徒,他们多次要求要将月色之神供奉在生命神庙之中。 Kurmis walked from the family/home, saw that above the street has many people, does not understand that what exactly had? 库尔弥斯从家里走了出去,看到街道之上有着很多人,不明白到底发生了什么? Had/Left the matter?” “出事情了?” What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Kurmis in does not saunter outside the moonlight jungle all day, writes a book at home, where knows that had anything. 库尔弥斯整日里不是在月光丛林外面转悠,就是在家里写书,哪里知道发生了什么。 The youngster servant who he hires is actually upon the jump in the city every day, knows all cause and effect. 倒是他雇佣的少年仆人每天都在城市里跑来跑去,知道一切的前因后果。 Recently on the entire Moonlight Domain farmland grew a strange vine, can be insanely long under the ground, and is hard to eliminate ; So long as grows this type of thing, rolling ball fern will die not long.” “最近整个月光领的农田上都长出了一种奇怪的藤,可以在地面之下疯长,而且难以清除;只要长出这种东西,没有多久卷球厥就会死掉。” This type of vine grows from the moonlight jungle, then unceasing spread outward.” “这种藤是从月光丛林里生长出来的,然后不断的向外蔓延。” „The God of Moonlight follower said, this is the penalty of God of Moonlight, now everyone is afraid seriously, cleaned up this type of vine not to dare to clean up.” 月色之神的信徒说,这是月色之神的惩罚,现在所有人都害怕得不得了,连清理这种藤都不敢清理了。” The retinues were saying to Kurmis: Mister, in our family/home doesn't have?” 仆从对着库尔弥斯说道:“先生,咱们家里不就有吗?” Kurmis remembered anything, put out one to raise the strange green vine in vat from own ; In the vat full is the soil, this type of green vine is long. 库尔弥斯想起了什么,从自己家拿出了一个养在缸里的古怪绿藤;缸里满是泥土,这种绿藤都已经长出来了。 Is this type of vine?” “是这种藤吗?” Kurmis collected this type of vine, names to be called the green space vine to it ; Because it grows thoroughly in underground, in the surface grows the green leaf. 库尔弥斯收集了这种藤,给它取名叫做绿地藤;因为它深入生长在地下,表面上长出绿叶。 Its vitality is tenacious, but has no function. 它的生命力非常顽强,但是却没有什么作用。 Therefore Kurmis collected, later has not paid attention. 因此库尔弥斯只是收集了,之后就没有怎么关注。 Saying that the young fellows awe: Is it!” 少年人敬畏的说道:“就是它!” The young retinue obviously also took seriously the words of these God of Moonlight followers, this sudden strange plant, regarding is the penalty of god. 小仆从明显也把那些月色之神信徒的话当真了,把这种突然出现的奇怪植物,当成了是神的惩罚。 This is the disaster, the mortal does not have the means to resist.” “这是天灾,凡人没有办法抵抗的。” This year's crop must certainly have the big problem, now everyone is afraid, what to do does not know.” “今年的收成肯定要出大问题了,现在所有人都害怕极了,都不知道怎么办。” Kurmis actually categorical saying: Then is not the disaster, this is only relic type and the conflict between new species, absurdly since involves on anything God, this is also one type to blaspheming of God.” 库尔弥斯却斩钉截铁的说道:“这才不是什么天灾,这只是旧物种和新物种之间的冲突而已,不要妄自将什么东西都牵扯到神明身上,这也是一种对神明的亵渎。” The Kurmis hear knows probably, a new species that spread from the moonlight jungle invaded the Moonlight Domain place, caused this phenomenon. 库尔弥斯听完大概就知道,一种从月光丛林传出的新物种入侵了月光领地,导致了这种现象。 The average people are helpless, in addition some followers this situation with God's name, making people not dare to solve this problem. 普通人无能为力,加上一些信徒将这种情况冠以神之名,让人们更不敢去解决这种问题了。 Kurmis: Now receives the influence situation to be serious?” 库尔弥斯:“现在受到影响的情况严不严重?” Young retinue: Is serious, it is said in less than half place grew this type of thing ; It very quickly, moreover place that long grows in rolling ball fern specially, seems like deliberately must kill rolling ball fern to be the same.” 小仆从:“非常严重,据说一小半的地里都长出了这种东西;它长得非常快,而且专门长在卷球厥生长的地方,就好像是刻意要杀死卷球厥一样。” Once long comes out, how to pull out does not pull out cleanly, moreover pulled out rolling ball fern also dead, because its root long arrived under.” “一旦长出来,怎么拔也拔不干净,而且拔出来卷球厥也就死掉了,因为它根都长到地底下去了。” Kurmis walks toward the city outside immediately, prepares the Moonlight Domain place each villages and small towns to have a look. 库尔弥斯立刻朝着城外走去,准备去月光领地的各个村镇去看看。 Kurmis brings the retinue process, saw that grows the green space vine the farmland to get down the examination, discovered that the situation indeed said like the opposite party is the same. 库尔弥斯带着仆从一路经过,看到有长出绿地藤的农田就下去查看,发现情况的确如同对方所说的一样。 Can see that many farmer peasant women are wiping out this type of green space vine in the paddies, but has not affected slightly, finally can only fall to the ground is photogenic to support to sob. 可以看到有不少农夫农妇正在田地之中拔除这种绿地藤,但是丝毫没有作用,最后只能倒在地上相拥而泣。 Ended!” “完了!” Was complete.” “全完了。” This is anything, is what monster.” “这到底是什么东西,是什么怪物。” It is eating our rolling ball fern, is eating us.” “它在吃掉我们的卷球厥,也在吃掉我们。” Kurmis in the agricultural edge, the person who looks at the following sob. 库尔弥斯在农田边,看着下面哭泣的人。 He can understand that the mood of farmer, the farmland is their days, the rolling ball fern crop, is deciding their family's life. 他能够理解农夫的心情,农田就是他们的天,卷球厥的收成,更决定着他们一家人的死活。 This situation collapses to describe with the sky, is not overrated. 这种情况用天塌下来来形容,丝毫不为过。 Side the Kurmis young retinue is also panic-stricken, listening to the person to mediate sees with one's own eyes, is some differences. 库尔弥斯身边的小仆从也惊恐无比,听人说和亲眼看到,还是有些区别的。 This situation, has been above the average man to imagine. 这情况,已经超乎常人想象了。 He as if felt that perhaps the arrival of disaster, Moonlight Domain must change several months later completely. 他似乎感觉到了天灾的到来,再过几个月月光领地恐怕就要完全变个样子了。 This is the divine punishment!” “这就是神罚!” This is the divine punishment!” “这就是神罚!” Kurmis held down his shoulder, held down his manic flurried heart. 库尔弥斯按住了他的肩膀,也按住了他那狂躁慌乱的心。 Does not have God to punish the mortal for no reason.” “没有神明会平白无故的惩罚凡人。” Has problems we to find the way to solve the problem, rather than turns over to the responsibility all in God, then waits for the disaster to arrive thoroughly.” “出了问题我们应该想办法解决问题,而不是将一切归责于神明,然后等待灾难彻底到来。” ----------------------- ----------------------- Kurmis night time, observed this type of green space vine, profoundly studied a habit and unique element of this type of green space vine again. 库尔弥斯夜晚的时候,观察了一番这种绿地藤,再度深入研究了一番这种绿地藤的习性和特殊之处。 Next day. 第二天。 He arrived at the city Lord mansion, saw the Moonlight City city lord. 他就来到了城主府,见到了月光城的城主。 City Lord face amazed looks that Kurmis passes through, all guard even Powerful fall down, fell into the lethargic sleep. 城主一脸惊诧的看着库尔弥斯一路走过,所有侍卫甚至权能者都倒在地上,陷入了昏睡之中。 The city Lord understands, this without doubt is one as powerful as extreme Powerful. 城主就明白,这无疑是一个强大到极点的权能者 Who are you?” “你是谁?” He is in fact afraid, but suppresses is keeping calm. 他实际上非常害怕,但是强忍着保持镇定。 Kurmis told the city lord: I called Kurmis, perhaps you did not know me, but my something wanted to look for you, hopes that you and I can cooperate.” 库尔弥斯告诉城主:“我叫库尔弥斯,你或许并不知道我,但是我有些事情想要找你,希望你和我能够进行合作。” The city Lord has actually actually heard Kurmis: I know you, recently in the city a medical skill unusual doctor, you simultaneously are Powerful.” 城主却竟然听说过库尔弥斯:“我知道你,最近城中来了一位医术超凡的医师,原来你同时还是一位权能者。” I actually do not know, here came you such powerful Powerful.” “我竟然不知道,我们这里来了一位您这样强大的权能者。” If knows, I will certainly go to visit you.” “要是知道的话,我一定会前去拜访您。” The voice falls, the city Lord is genial, like treating friend general saying. 话音落下,城主非常和善的,如同对待朋友一般的说道。 Has what need, you can say with me although.” “有什么需要的,您尽管可以和我说。” Kurmis said directly: About the recent farmland by the event that the variation plant destroys, I can solve this problem.” 库尔弥斯直接说道:“关于最近农田被异种植物破坏的事件,我可以解决这个问题。” I can eliminate these variation plants, but needs you to promulgate the law, making everyone coordinate.” “我可以清除掉这些异种植物,但是需要你颁布法令,让所有人进行配合。” The city Lord hesitates immediately: Originally is this matter, but......” 城主立刻犹豫了起来:“原来是这件事,但是……” After hesitant met, the city Lord then says immediately. 犹豫了一会之后,城主立刻接着说道。 This is the God of Moonlight strength, do we meddle to enrage God?” “这是月色之神的力量,我们插手会不会触怒神明?” In city many God of Moonlight followers, is will not allow such matter to happen absolutely.” “城内不少月色之神的信徒,是绝对不会允许这样的事情发生的。” City Lord, although is the Scarlet Goddess follower, but this does not affect him regarding another God the fear and awe. 城主虽然是腥红女神的信徒,但是这丝毫不影响他对于另外一位神明的恐惧和敬畏。 Especially Scarlet Goddess in the horizon, the moonlight jungle is close at hand. 尤其是腥红女神远在天边,月光丛林却近在眼前。 , on the one hand this was also the reason that Moonlight City the God of Moonlight follower gradually emerged for these years, the moonlight jungle in side, for generations fear and inheritance makes them regard to Yu Yueguang jungle in very remote time, if God. 这也是月光城这几年月色之神信徒逐渐兴起的一方面原因,月光丛林就在旁边,世世代代的恐惧和传承让他们在很久远的时代就对于月光丛林本身视若神明 In addition God of Moonlight is also the Ruler of Life retinue, belongs to life temple lineage/vein, in the city has also had sound that must consecrate God of Moonlight in life temple. 加上月色之神本身也是生命主宰的仆从,属于生命神庙一脉,城中也一直有要将月色之神供奉在生命神庙的声音。 Kurmis has long known that worry of opposite party, very direct opens the mouth said. 库尔弥斯早就知道对方的担忧,非常直接的开口说道。 I am an apostle.” “我是一名使徒。” I have witnessed God, even has had an audience with God.” “我亲眼目睹过神明,甚至觐见过神明。” You determined that can discuss the will of god in my front?” “你们确定要在我的面前去谈论神的意志?” Kurmis indeed has not lied, he is an apostle, but he himself does not know whose apostle oneself are. 库尔弥斯的确没有说谎,他是使徒,只是他自己也不知道自己是谁的使徒。 He has witnessed God, has had an audience with God, but having an audience with is not Scarlet Goddess, is not God of Moonlight. 他亲眼目睹过神明,也觐见过神明,只是觐见的既不是腥红女神,更不是月色之神 His saying simulates two to be possible, making the city Lord guess uncertain. 他这话模拟两可,让城主揣测不定。 However this saying, obviously lived in the city principal earthquake, simultaneously looks panic-stricken. 但是这话一出,明显就将城主震住了,同时面露惊恐。 Does not dare to say anything again. 再也不敢再多说什么。 That asked you to coordinate me, I need to handle this matter as soon as possible, your citizen did not have the too much time to wait.” “那就请你配合我,我需要尽快处理好这件事情,你的领民也没有太多的时间去等待。” Drags again, really must lead to the catastrophe.” “再拖下去,就真的要酿成大灾难了。” When the time comes on your domain will have what situation, no one can guarantee.” “到时候你的领地上会出现什么情况,就没有人能够保证了。” Kurmis is not quite good regarding the Moonlight City feudal lord sense, but he chose finally, is not to help him, but to help the person on this piece of domain. 库尔弥斯对于月光城的领主感官并不太好,但是他最后还是选择了过来,并不是为了帮助他,而是为了帮助这片领地上的人。 The city Lord also expresses the coordination immediately, once after all the grain production cut, he will also come under very tremendous impact. 城主也立刻表示配合,毕竟一旦粮食减产,他也会受到非常大的影响。 Since apostle of God is willing to express the help, he also does hold true by the rejection? 既然有一位神之使徒愿意表示帮助,他还有什么理由拒绝呢? A few days later. 几天后。 Inside and outside Moonlight City, entire Moonlight Domain received the city Lord law. 月光城内外,整个月光领地都接到了城主的法令。 Kurmis arrives above the altar that temporarily builds, is drawing support from ceremony technique, prepares to display own strength full power. 库尔弥斯来到了一座临时搭建起来的祭坛之上,借助着仪式术阵,准备全力施展自己的力量。 Apostle Sir, looked quickly the apostle Sir came out!” A Kurmis appearance, caused the stir. “使徒大人,快看使徒大人出来了!”库尔弥斯一出现,就引起了轰动。 Originally the apostle is Mr. Kurmis.” Some people recognize him immediately. “原来使徒是库尔弥斯先生。”有人立刻认出了他。 God apostle legend not with Spiritual God same shape? Why he and we are exactly the same.” Some people were skeptical. 神明的使徒传说不是和神灵一样的形态吗?为什么他和我们一模一样。”有人表示怀疑。 In altar. 祭坛上。 Kurmis releases own god graciousness strength, own melted spirit incantation seal to pour into front green space Fujiyuki completely. 库尔弥斯将自己的神恩力量释放出来,将自己的融灵咒印全部都注入了面前的绿地藤之中。 Green space Fujitomi the sky is dancing in the air, pesters together. 绿地藤朝着天空飞舞,纠缠在一起。 A giant god graciousness puppet condenses. 一尊巨大的神恩傀儡凝聚而出。 It seems like a giant feather snake, but actually comprised of the green vine. 其看上去就像是一条巨大的羽蛇,但是却是由绿色的藤蔓组成的。 Whistling!” “呼呼!” The strong winds sweep across, the green vine lets fall from the sky. 狂风席卷,绿藤从天空垂落。 The huge feather snake that the green vine composes flies toward the distant place, people then believe thoroughly, Kurmis is really apostle of God. 绿色的藤蔓组成的庞大羽蛇朝着远处飞去,人们这才彻底相信,库尔弥斯真的是一位神之使徒 Was too powerful.” “太强大了。” This is the God strength, the strength that God grants.” “这就是神明的力量,神明赐予的力量。” God in the spokesman of the world, Kurmis is the god in the will of the world.” “神在人间的代言人,库尔弥斯就是神在人间的意志。” However Kurmis consciousness at this moment melts with that god graciousness puppet for a body completely, circles in the sky. 不过库尔弥斯此刻的意识完全和那神恩傀儡融为了一体,盘旋在天空之中。 After the giant feather snake that the green vine composes flies went out of town outside went, immediately splits a lot of smaller feather snakes. 绿藤组成的巨大羽蛇飞出城外去了之后,立刻分裂成大量更小的羽蛇。 In the sky can see that many people lift the wood/blockhead to brandish below, or made the symbol around the farmland , indicating that this area had the green space vine. 在天空可以看到不少人举着木头在下面挥舞,或者在农田周围做上了记号,表示这一带有绿地藤。 The huge green space vine puppet dives, passing over gently and swiftly ground. 庞大的绿地藤傀儡俯冲而下,掠过地面。 These green space vines felt their similar summon to be the same probably, the facing set from the soil, in the puppet toward that day welled up automatically. 那些绿地藤好像感受到了它们的同类召唤一样,自动从泥土里面钻了出来,朝着那天上的傀儡涌去。 Suddenly. 眨眼间。 Kurmis a lot of green space vines will swallow, increase in oneself body. 库尔弥斯就将大量的绿地藤吞噬,增添到了自己的身体之中。 However several days of time, Kurmis solved the green space vine problem of entire Moonlight Domain place. 不过几天时间,库尔弥斯就解决了整个月光领地的绿地藤问题。 Saved the innumerable farmland, farmer family. 拯救了无数的农田,还有农夫家庭。 He also according to the habit of green space vine, compiled a series of methods. 他还根据绿地藤的习性,编撰了一系列的方法。
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