IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#404 Part 2: Scarlet Goddess and feather snake and rolling ball fern!

Deep sea Blood Country controls Scarlet Demoness, great First Blood Ancestor, the king of oldest race.” “深海的血之国主宰腥红魔女,伟大的血之初祖,最古者种族之王。” I saw you to arrive at the world.” “我又见到您降临人间了。” His youngster and youth time is this goddess follower, his hometown and relative were also once saved by this institute. 他少年和青年的时候都是这位女神的信徒,他的家乡和亲属也曾经被这位所拯救。 Regardless of the present how, he had received this goddess kindness. 不论现在如何,他曾经都承过这位女神的恩惠。 After setting out, looked into the distance from afar long time. 起身后,远远眺望了良久。 Kurmis cannot bear say. 库尔弥斯才忍不住说道。 Why can I always meet God?” “为什么我总能遇上神明呢?” He as if has an inherent luck, or is unfortunate. 他似乎有着一种与生俱来的幸运,又或者说是不幸。 However Kurmis shakes the head, thought that this should be the coincidence. 但是库尔弥斯又摇了摇头,觉得这应该就是巧合。 „It is not right!” “不对!” Possibly is not quite same this period of time, God starts to walk in the world, therefore made me just meet.” “可能是这段时间不太一样,神明都开始在人间行走,所以才让我刚好遇见了。” ------------------- ------------------- On the road of great snake. 巨蛇之路上。 Came.” “来了来了。” Sound is big.” “动静不小。” One group of robbers lie on the ground are listening to the sound, immediately feels the sound, set out to shout loudly. 一群强盗趴在地上听着动静,立刻感觉到了动静,起身高呼。 However finishes speaking, saw that the distant place has the shadow of vehicles to come, the speed is extremely fast, they flush away toward below immediately. 但是话音刚落,就看到远处有车辆的影子过来,速度极快,他们立刻往下面冲去。 Halts!” “站住!” Halts!” “站住!” However that future same has slid like the hurricane, their shadow has not seen clearly, the opposite party has disappeared in the distant place. 但是那来者如同飓风一样滑过,他们连影子都没有看清楚,对方就已经消失在了远方了。 Everyone look at each other in blank dismay, does not know that was anything. 所有人面面相觑,不知道刚刚过去的到底是什么东西。 What is that?” “那是什么?” If some people can see clearly, will discover that at all is not the vehicles, because the opposite party has no thing to tow in front. 如果有人能够看清的话,就会发现那根本不是什么车辆,因为对方根本没有任何东西在前面牵引。 That is one runs the house above land, the both sides earth has two big wheels, the back also has a spiral spring same wheel. 那是一座奔跑在大地之上的房屋,两侧接地有着两个大轮子,背后还有一个发条一样的轮子。 Miracle Item Magic Wheel House. 奇迹道具魔轮屋 It seems like some dreams, is the same like the goods that goes out of the fairy tale. 看上去有些梦幻,如同从童话故事之中走出的物品一样。 The item of dreamland power always so has the fairy tale same color. 梦境权能的道具总是这般带有童话一样的色彩。 In Magic Wheel House. 魔轮屋内。 The red hair half god also naturally saw the scene on road of great snake, saw that everywhere is the bandits and thieves, occupied the gray influence on this road. 红发的半神也自然看到了巨蛇之路上的景象,看到了那遍地都是的盗贼,还有盘踞在这条路上的灰色势力。 In the eyes of red hair half god, revealed a worried. 红发半神的眼中,露出了一丝忧愁。 Sighed. 紧接着叹息了一声。 Her sad is not only this disorder, but is its back root. 她忧愁的不仅仅是这乱象,而是其背后的根源。 At this time some people walked, stood in the back of red hair half god. 这个时候有人走了出来,站在了红发半神的背后。 Sir Vivien!” 费雯大人!” Had arrived at the boundary.” “已经到了边界了。” Vivien looked that to has followed in own Al Pince and Smoker: Really has very major problem.” 费雯看向了一直跟随在自己身边的阿尔潘斯和斯默克尔:“真的有很大的问题。” Suinhall these year of surfaces seem like, although is still powerful, but the floor has in fact clashed very fierce contradiction. 苏因霍尔这些年表面看上去虽然依旧强大,但是实际上底层已经爆发出了非常剧烈的矛盾和冲突。 In each cities, each city. 各个城市之间,各个城市内部。 Unceasing occurrence war and conflict. 不断的发生着战争和冲突。 Has not appeared only, is these person of one has not dared to declare that rebels against King of Divine Grace. 唯一没有出现的,就是这些人没有一个敢于宣称反叛神卷之王 However King of Divine Grace is also truly getting more and more weak regarding the control effort of this country, or does not have the means to change this present situation. 但是神卷之王对于这个国家的掌控力度确实也越来越弱,或者说也没有办法改变这种现状。 Lots of farmers lose the land, the created result is this, in addition everywhere is the robber. 大量的农民失去土地,造成的结果就是这样,加上遍地都是强盗。 Not is only on the land, the pirates above sea are not no need to say. 不仅仅是陆地上,大海之上的海盗更是不必多说。 They occupy in each islands in sea, controls the ships to grab the four directions, attacks Suinhall and Land of Sunrise boundary coast unceasingly. 他们盘踞在大海上的各个岛屿上,驾驭着船只劫掠四方,不断袭击苏因霍尔日出之地的边界海岸。 Now entire Suinhall probably one full is the fissure, soon by the water to the brace exploded the pottery jar. 如今整个苏因霍尔就好像一个满是裂痕,快要被水给撑爆了的瓷罐。 A powerful strength pressed firmly between the fingers this fine and magnificent chinaware stubbornly, keeping inside water current from erupting. 只是一股强大的力量死死的捏住了这件精致且华丽的瓷器,让内里的水流怎么也无法爆发出来。 That strength is the aristocrat, is Powerful. 那股力量是贵族、是权能者 Also is the God will. 也是神明的意志。 Is God awards the royal power the power and influence. 神明授予王权的威势。 Vivien asked Al Pince and Smoker: Both of you said, the most fundamental issue is anything.” 费雯阿尔潘斯和斯默克尔:“你们俩说说,最根本的问题是什么。” Al Pince said: Excessive population growth, but plants crops steadily is actually reducing, internal contradiction intensifies unceasingly, but actually by unusual strength suppressing.” 阿尔潘斯说:“人口增长过快,但是耕地却在不断减少,内部的矛盾不断激化,但是却又被超凡的力量给镇压了下来。” „A piece in confusion behind, is only left over desperately.” “一片狼藉背后,只剩下绝望。” Ordinary snake human is unable to transmit the call, was embezzled thoroughly, making people unable to feel the hope.” “普通蛇人连呐喊都无法传递出,就被彻底吞没,让人感觉不到希望。” Smoker: „The planter of rolling ball fern has the request regarding the land, the entire Suinhall suitable cultivated area is limited, at present has grown the certain extent, many places or extremely in barren, either not suitable development.” 斯默克尔:“卷球厥的种植对于土地是有要求的,整个苏因霍尔适合的耕地面积是有限的,目前已经增长到了一定程度了,很多地方要么太过于贫瘠,要么就不适合开发。” Farming are too few, but the population increases gradually.” “耕地太少,而人口渐渐增多。” Finally turned into this.” “最后就变成了这样。” Vivien asked them: Takes back the prestige energy that the royal power god gives, can change all these?” 费雯问他们:“收回王权神授的威能,就可以改变这一切吗?” Smoker shakes the head: This is insufficient, because this cannot solve the problem fundamentally.” 斯默克尔摇了摇头:“这样还不够,因为这不能从根本上解决问题。” Al Pince: Dynasty change also consumes the reduced population through the war, lets the land and wealth conducts to redistribute, this is a process of infinite loop.” 阿尔潘斯:“王朝更替也不过是通过战争来消耗减少人口,让土地和财富进行重新分配,这是一个无限循环的过程。” Reduces the population, redistributes ; Then the next kingdom changes again, conducts the recycling.” “减少人口,重新分配;然后下一个王国再进行更替,进行再一次循环。” This regarding mortal meaningful, but regarding Sir Vivien you, this is insufficient.” “这对于凡人来说有意义,但是对于费雯大人您来说,这样是不够的。” Or is also pointless, 或者说,也是没有意义的, Scarlet Goddess nods: Yes, cannot civilization forward, mark the civilization that turns circle, is hopeless.” 腥红女神点头:“是啊,不能够向前的文明,一直在原地踏步转圈的文明,是没有希望的。” However even if God, sometimes cannot solve all problems. 但是哪怕是神明,有的时候也并不能解决所有的问题。
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