IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#404 Part 1: Scarlet Goddess and feather snake and rolling ball fern!

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Suinhall. 苏因霍尔 If Herder's River connects the Ruhul Giant Island north-south waterway, then the road of great snake is main land route between Suinhall and ten thousand snake royal court. 如果说牧者之河是连接鲁赫巨岛南北的水路,那么巨蛇之路就是苏因霍尔和万蛇王庭之间的主要陆路。 Kurmis across the Al Pince fort, left ten thousand snake royal court boundaries to enter in this famous road. 库尔弥斯穿过阿尔潘斯要塞,离开了万蛇王庭的边界进入了这条着名的商道之中。 Has many villages and small towns along the way, the passing caravan is continuous, therefore has the hotel that has a rest and lives. 沿途有着许多的村镇,过往的商队络绎不绝,因此一路都有着歇脚和居住的旅馆。 Naturally. 当然。 In the jungle of that cover will also run out of robber in groups occasionally. 那茂密的丛林之中偶尔也会冲出成群的强盗。 Especially during these years, the robber of road of great snake increasingly increases, the early robber even established very covert gray influence town in the road of great snake. 尤其是这些年间,巨蛇之路的强盗日渐增多,早期的强盗甚至在巨蛇之路中建立起了非常隐蔽的灰色势力城镇。 These every large or small robber gangs and gray influences, in Suinhall and ten thousand snake royal court are notorious. 这些大大小小的强盗团伙和灰色势力,在苏因霍尔和万蛇王庭都是臭名昭着。 Is strong along with these influences day by day, their also info clerk massive Powerful. 伴随着这些势力日益壮大,他们还收纳了大量的权能者 Here to the present, became outside a law completely the region ; Their influences even arrive in the town of two countries boundary powerful, was being walked the character in edge to affect to control by these. 这里到了如今,完全成了一片法外地带;他们的势力甚至强大到两国边界的城镇,都在被这些行走在边缘的人物所影响控制。 The caravans want to pass through this trade route not only to have the complicated relations with these influences, but must train the guard simultaneously or hires the mercenary to protect, this also makes the mercenary trade union of boundary especially prosperous. 商队们想要经过这条商路不仅仅必须和这些势力有着千丝万缕的关系,还得同时自己培养卫队或者雇佣佣兵保护,这也让边界的佣兵工会变得格外兴盛。 Kurmis walks on this path. 库尔弥斯独自一人行走在这条道路上。 Does not need to fly, does not use what divine spell, with ordinary snake human same march. 不用飞行,不用什么神术,就和普通蛇人一样的行进。 Although Sukob also taught him to transform the shape of God method, but after Kurmis becomes the apostle, has not actually thought changed own shape ; He wants to maintain the appearance of present, feels everyone to look at him with looking at the average person same vision. 苏科布虽然也教授了他转化神之形的方法,但是库尔弥斯成为了使徒之后却从来没有想过改变自己的形态;他就想保持着现在的这副模样,感受着所有人看他就和看普通人一样的目光。 Kurmis in especially likes paying attention to and collecting various plants along the way, collecting these gymnosperms or is the seed of seed fern. 库尔弥斯沿途之中特别喜欢关注和收集各种植物,收集那些裸子植物或者是种子蕨类植物的种子。 Such plant.” “还有这样的植物。” What plant is this? The vitality is so how tenacious, can survive in the sand and stone seam?” “这是什么植物?怎么生命力这么顽强,在沙子里和石头缝里也能够生存?” Why some have the seed, don't some have the seed?” “为什么有的有种子,有的没有种子?” Kurmis at the back of a back-basket, inside thinks of many things. 库尔弥斯背着一个背篓,里面装着不少东西。 It seems like farmer in a mountains and plains. 看上去就像是一个山野之中的农夫。 After becoming the apostle and reincarnator, Kurmis starts gradually to discover the intelligence strength the true mystery ; He does not need to contact others again as before, can observe this world through the intelligence strength at a special angle of view, observes the secrets of other life within the body. 成为使徒和转生者之后,库尔弥斯开始逐渐发现灵性力量的真正奥秘;他不用再像以前一样接触其他人,就可以通过灵性的力量以一种特殊的视角来观测这个世界,观测其他生命体内的秘密。 The powerful special intelligence strength even enables him to be able the sensation, that covers the fearful Ruhul giant beast aura sky over Ruhul Giant Island. 强大特殊的灵性力量甚至让他可以感知到,那笼罩在鲁赫巨岛上空的可怕鲁赫巨怪气息。 Although. 虽然。 He is observing the empty shadow flash that aura congeals, was frightened has not gasped for breath. 他在观测到那气息凝结成的虚影的一瞬间,就被吓得喘不过气来。 Does not dare to look again. 不敢再去看。 He observes each intelligent life within the body to have the intelligence strength, the intelligence strength can affect the intelligent species life form, even some healths and lives that is affecting intelligent species. 他观测到每个智慧生命的体内都有着灵性的力量,灵性的力量能够影响着智慧种的生命形态,甚至部分影响着智慧种的健康和寿命。 intelligent species when came to the verge of death, the intelligence strength fell certainly into the decrepit. 智慧种在濒临死亡的时候,灵性的力量一定陷入衰朽之中。 Does not dry up, but is an inexplicable decrepit, rotted probably was the same. 不是枯竭,而是一种莫名的衰朽,就好像腐坏了一样。 This decrepit is very difficult to reverse, even Kurmis restores through the intelligence strength, still can only alleviate. 这种衰朽是很难逆转的,就算库尔弥斯通过灵性的力量来修复,也只能缓解。 But not possible large scale extends some intelligent species life, including he himself. 而不可能大幅度的延长某个智慧种的生命,包括他自己。 To break out of the fetter of life span, only then two means that breaks down the boundary of mortal to become the apostle, then has knowledge of the secret of reincarnation. 想要摆脱寿命的束缚只有两种办法,打破凡人的界限成为使徒,然后掌握转生的秘密。 Therefore after grasping the intelligence strength, what sky envoy or the feather snake are more is only uses to treat the aspect. 所以掌握灵性的力量之后,不论是天空使还是羽蛇更多的只是用在治疗方面。 However now. 但是如今。 Kurmis had a novel idea. 库尔弥斯有了一个新奇的想法。 If injects in the intelligence strength these plants, what will have? 如果将灵性的力量注入这些植物之中,会发生些什么? Above, Kurmis is trying this strength. 一路之上,库尔弥斯都在尝试着这种力量。 However is very regrettable, finally cannot anything harvest. 但是很遗憾,最终并没有能够得到什么收获。 Plant is not intelligent species, without means carrying/sustaining intelligence strength.” “植物不是智慧种,没有办法承载灵性的力量。” Perhaps yes, but I had not found this means.” “或许是可以的,但是我没有找到这种办法。” Although Kurmis failed, but he is then seeking and is attempting. 库尔弥斯虽然失败了,但是他还是接着在寻找着和尝试着。 A person walks fully in this is on the road of robbers and bandits, even if the Kurmis luck is good, finally bumped into the robber. 一个人走在这条满是盗匪的路上,哪怕库尔弥斯运气不错,最终还是碰到了强盗。 Kurmis walks on the track, both sides several do not know how long person's shadow lay to clash suddenly. 库尔弥斯走在小道上,两旁几个不知道趴了多久的人影突然冲了出来。 Halts to me.” “给我站住。” „The valuable thing will hand over.” “将值钱的东西都交出来。” One crowd puts on tattered, is grasping robber devils of several sticks pursues toward Kurmis. 一群穿着破破烂烂,握着几根棍子的强盗凶神恶煞的朝着库尔弥斯追来。 Halts to me!” “给我站住!” The one who blocks Kurmis is a not specialized robber, but this is also normal, the Kurmis present appearance and situation, look really do not seem like what rich man ; Takes by force him to feel more like wastes energy, only then this robber who will be poor feels dizzy will choose to grab him. 拦住库尔弥斯的是一支不怎么专业的强盗,不过这也正常,库尔弥斯现在的打扮和情况,看上去也实在不像是什么有钱人;打劫他感觉更像是白费力气,也只有这种穷得发昏的强盗才会选择劫掠他。 Moreover here has approached the city very much, generally the big robber gang will not choose this place, because the person more than one are very easy to be discovered, then in the security officers by city was exterminated. 而且这里已经很临近城市了,一般大的强盗团伙不会选择这种地方,因为人一多就很容易被发现,然后被城里的保卫官剿灭。 These people come up toward the Kurmis attack, does not divide the work to be clear like the skilled robber. 这些人上来就朝着库尔弥斯攻击,也不像熟练的强盗那样分工明确。 Kurmis puts out a hand, in the hand the light ball revolves together, the surrounding air currents fall into his palm, but these robbers seemed like drained the strength to fall down. 库尔弥斯伸出手,手里一道光球旋转而出,周围一股股气流落入他的掌心,而这些强盗就都好像是被抽干了力气倒在了地上。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Is Powerful!” “是权能者!” Is that strength!” “是那种力量!” Kurmis toward a person walked, that person falls down is worn out, but look panic-stricken shouting. 库尔弥斯朝着其中一个人走了过去,那人倒在地上有气无力但是眼神惊恐的喊道。 Do not kill us, we do not know that you are Sir Powerful.” “不要杀我们,我们不知道您是权能者大人。” We also the first time were the robber, please let off us!” “我们也是第一次做强盗,请您放过我们吧!” Kurmis does not believe this nonsense, but looks at the appearance opposite party also indeed not probably specialized robber, including does not have the weapon. 库尔弥斯不怎么相信这种鬼话,但是看模样对方也的确不怎么像是专业的强盗,连把武器都没有。 He asked the opposite party: Why can be the robber?” 他问对方:“为什么要做强盗?” Opposite party reply: Did not go on living, without paddies.” 对方回答:“活不下去了,没有田地。” Because of owing taxes, was taken away by the aristocrat masters.” “因为欠税,地都被贵族老爷们收走了。” Kurmis also knows that this situation, experienced too much, he sighed: Also can farm for the aristocrats, can go on living reluctantly, why can be the robber?” 库尔弥斯也知道这种情况,曾经也见识过不少,他叹了口气:“也可以为贵族们种地啊,勉强也能活下去,为什么要做强盗?” The opposite party suddenly are angry incomparable saying: Farms for them?” 对方突然愤怒无比的说道:“替他们种地?” All year round finally the grain ration cannot even be left over, every year winters does not know that starves to death to freeze to death many people, they doing everything possible are compelling us dead, simply has not worked as people us.” “一年到头最后连口粮都剩不下,每年过冬都不知道饿死冻死多少人,他们就是在想方设法的逼我们死,根本没有把我们当人。” Kurmis has doubts very much, replaces the aristocrat farm in his year is good. 库尔弥斯很疑惑,在他那个年代替贵族种地还是不错的。 Because of population and servant, is an asset, most aristocrats cherish. 因为人口和奴仆,也是一种资产,大多数贵族还是非常爱护的。 However is completely probably different to present Suinhall, the aristocrats no longer were serious the domain population and servant. 但是到了现在的苏因霍尔好像完全不一样了,贵族们不再将领地的人口和奴仆当一回事了。 Kurmis does not know why this is, can only think that is the border domain exceptional case. 库尔弥斯也不知道这是为什么,只能以为是边境领地的特例。 „The aristocrats in boundary are such cruel?” “边界的贵族都是这样残暴的吗?” Kurmis also gave an idea: Also can enter the workshop, works in the workshop can also support itself!” 库尔弥斯又提出了一个想法:“也可以进工坊啊,在工坊里做工也可以养活自己!” In him at that time, the workshop was also a good manual labor, person who did not have the paddies will choose this road. 在他那个时候,工坊也是个不错的活计,很多没有田地的人都会选择这条路。 Kurmis has not thought, oneself speaks of the workshop opposite party to shout immediately is roaring. 库尔弥斯没有想到,自己一说到工坊对方立刻大喊怒吼着。 What?” “什么?” You think that I don't know?” “你以为我不知道去吗?” The opposite party anger soars to the heavens: workshop owner is the black heart, is more brutal than these aristocrats ; They let our day and night practical training, many people have not done for several years while still alive so tired.” 对方怒火冲天:“工坊主更是黑心,比那些贵族更残酷;他们让我们没日没夜的劳作,很多人没干几年就被活活累死了。” They have not only worked as people us, even has not regarded the domestic animal us.” “他们不仅仅没有把我们当人,甚至都没把我们当成牲畜。” Waited till paying out money time, every does everything possible to embezzle one time, must know that these money were miserable, fill the belly continually insufficiently.” “等到了发钱的时候,每一次都想尽办法克扣,要知道那些钱原本就少得可怜,连填饱肚子都不够。” Even the domestic animal must to eat to the full, however day and night practical training cannot eat to the full the food, is tired and does not have the strength to work hungrily, they hit me, said that I am loaf.” “就算畜生也得让人吃饱啊,但是没日没夜的劳作连饭都吃不饱,又累又饿没有力气干活,他们就打我,说我偷懒。” The opposite party sat from the ground, is pointing at scar. 对方从地上坐了起来,指着自己身上的疤痕。 You look at my scar, is they hits, I was almost given to kill by the workshop owner subordinate.” “你看我身上的疤痕,就是他们打的,我差点就被工坊主的手下给打死了。” I when rather the robber does not go to the workshop.” “我宁愿当强盗也不去工坊。” More said that more feels uncomfortable, the robbers shed bitter tears ; Finally even is shouting directly, making Kurmis kill them to consider as finished. 越说越觉得难受,强盗们一个个痛哭流涕;最后甚至直接喊着,让库尔弥斯杀死他们算了。 Did not go on living in any case.” “反正也活不下去了。” Sir Powerful you kills us, making us also few pain.” 权能者大人您就杀死我们吧,让我们也少点痛苦。” Had no way to go on living.” “没法活下去了。” Kurmis somewhat sympathized with these robbers suddenly, what to do but he did not know should. 库尔弥斯突然有些同情这些强盗了,但是他也不知道该怎么办。 He left some money to give these people, without speaking any pompous words, only walked. 他放下了一些钱给了这些人,也没有说什么冠冕堂皇的话,就这样走了。 He prepares to have a look, present Suinhall turned into what appearance. 他准备去看看,现在的苏因霍尔到底变成了什么样子了。 ---------------------- ---------------------- His vanguard arrived at Suinhall Moonlight City. 他一路前行来到了苏因霍尔月光城 The city gate guard blocked him, making him make a payment to enter a city. 城门口卫兵拦住了他,让他交钱才能进城。 Kurmis has doubts: I am a doctor, moreover you looked, on me does not have the belt/bring except for goods anything, does not lead the merchant who the thing is entering a city, why must pay taxes.” 库尔弥斯非常疑惑:“我是一个医师,而且你看,我身上除了随身物品什么都没有带,并不是带着东西进城的商人,为什么要交税。” People like me, you should not make me make a payment.” “我这样的人,你不应该让我交钱。” Once in Maya City, only then led the merchant who the cargo is entering a city to pay taxes. 曾经在美雅城,只有带着货物进城的商人才交税。 However the guard said: What you are saying, enters a city not to pay taxes?” 但是卫兵说:“你在说什么,进城不交税?” I have not heard.” “我可从来没听说过。” Kurmis: „More than 100 years ago, enters a city not to need to pay taxes in Maya City.” 库尔弥斯:“一百多年前,在美雅城进城就不用交税。” This saying, the opposite party everyone smiled. 这话一出,对方所有人都笑了起来。 What?” “什么?” „More than 100 years ago?” “一百多年前?” Returns Maya City?” “还美雅城?” Hahahaha!” “哈哈哈哈!” The opposite party smile, immediately devils Kurmis surrounding. 对方笑完,立刻凶神恶煞的将库尔弥斯包围。 Your this fellow is not stirs up trouble?” “你这家伙不是来挑事的吧?” This is our general laws, the law of city Lord promulgation ; All the people of entering a city must pay taxes, otherwise in your poor devils did not mix to enter a city. “这是我们这通用的法令,城主颁布的法令;所有进城的人都必须交税,要不然你们这些穷鬼不都混进城里去了。 Looks at your, is a farmer, added oneself are what doctor.” “看你这样子,就是个农夫,还说自己是什么医师。” I added that I am Sir Powerful, you must lie to kowtow to me.” “我还说我是权能者大人呢,你要不要给我趴下来磕个头。” Hahahaha!” “哈哈哈哈!” Kurmis had also been the guard, young is guards city Lord near to wait on very much, at this moment is experiences to the peer was fierce. 库尔弥斯也曾经当过卫兵,很年轻就是守卫城主的近侍,此刻算是见识到同行的厉害了。 However he did not have to say anything again, finally the choice payment entered a city. 但是他也没有再多说什么,最后还是选择交钱进城。 Entering a city time, he remembered suddenly swelled to the words that he spoke. 只是进城的时候,他突然想起了隆对他说的话。 Kurmis!” 库尔弥斯!” You leave is more than 100 years ago, you went back even.” “你离开的时候已经是一百多年前了,你就算回去了。” All the people are no longer the same, after you have gone back, anything could not find.” “一切早已物是人非,你回去之后也什么都找不到。” Kurmis just stepped into this country, felt oneself as if entered another state to be the same, could not find slightly once aura. 库尔弥斯才刚刚踏入这个国家,就感觉自己似乎进入了另一个国度一样,找不到丝毫曾经的气息。 After more than 100 years, the angle of view that he chooses a person again regards all these. 时隔一百多年,他再一次用人的视角来看待这一切。 It seems like 100 years passed by, all were truly different.” “看来一百年过去了,一切确实不一样了。” Was this country changed, did the person change?” “是这个国家变了,还是人变了?” „...... Did I change?” “还是……我变了?” The Suinhall urban population must be much more than north, here city many can pursue the new moon several hundred years ago, even can pursue the new moon to the fire protector time, like ten thousand snake royal court cities mostly is not new. 苏因霍尔的城市人口比北方要多得多,这里的城市许多都可以追朔到几百年前,甚至是可以追朔到护火者的时代,不像万蛇王庭的城市大多都是新建立的。 In the city is sending out the odor everywhere, everywhere is the sea of people. 城市里到处都散发着恶臭,到处都是人山人海。 Above the street the person is pushing the person, does not pay attention to step on the excrement of person beast slightly. 街道之上人挤着人,稍不注意就会踩着人兽的粪便。 The hut that the outer layer lots of floor poor construct extrudes in together, piles the backlog penetrating in the same place. 外层大量的底层贫民建造的棚屋挤压在一起,堆积压彻在一起。 In twilight. 暮色里。 Has a distortion dark terrifying depression. 有着一种扭曲黑暗的恐怖压抑感。 Kurmis arrived at this slum, not far away is a fresh rural fair. 库尔弥斯来到了这座贫民窟,不远处就是一个生鲜集市。 Stinks to high heaven to faint sufficiently, but was occupied by the person here to be used to this flavor probably. 臭气熏天得足以让人晕厥过去,但是居住在这里的人好像都已经习惯了这种味道。 What Kurmis does not look at the life of these aristocrats is, he arrived here mainly to look how the floor person in this city lives. 库尔弥斯不去看那些贵族的生活是什么样的,他来到这里主要是想要看一看,这座城市的底层人是怎么生活的。 Really said with that robber is the same. 是不是真的和那强盗所说的一样。 Because he is the origin from such place, his parents is a worker who works in the workshop, therefore he grows up in the city, finally becomes the city Lord mansion guard. 因为他就是来源自这样的地方,他的父母就是一个在工坊里工作的工人,所以他才在城市里长大,最后成为了城主府的侍卫。 Every morning. 每天清晨。 Day also not bright, he noticed that worker in groups begins work like the good-for-nothing generally. 天还没亮,他就看到成群的工人如同行尸走肉一般上工。 Then has waited till the day to be completely black, these people have not come back. 然后一直等到天完全黑了,这些人都没有回来。 „Hasn't it was black, why come back?” “天都黑了,为什么还没有回来?” How such black to work?” “这么黑了怎么工作呢?” Kurmis looks secretly, discovered a thing of new model. 库尔弥斯偷偷去瞧了瞧,就发现了一种新式样的东西。 Gas lamp. 汽灯。 Also was called the Alchemy gas lamp, although builds with the Alchemy technique, but does not have the unusual strength, the Alchemy two characters add more like to laugh uproariously. 也被称之为炼金汽灯,虽然是用炼金术打造的,但是不具备超凡力量,炼金两个字加上去更像是个噱头。 However such thing completely changed the night of city, changed the Suinhall workshop. 不过这样东西彻底改变了城市的黑夜,也改变了苏因霍尔的工坊。 Since the Land of Sunrise cheap Alchemy gas lamp transmits, at night cannot stop workshop owner to earn the gleaming money again. 自从日出之地的便宜炼金汽灯传来之后,夜晚也不能再阻拦工坊主们赚取亮闪闪的钱币了。 workshop owner lets the workers double-shift work, the daytime night does not shut down. 工坊主让工人们两班倒,不论是白天黑夜都不停工。 Kurmis observes these workshops time, discovered that in the workshop not only has lots of women, but also has many children. 库尔弥斯去观察这些工坊的时候,发现工坊里面不仅仅有着大量的妇女,还有着很多孩子。 Women hunchback the body, the child is thin, the scene seems like is really the terrifying. 妇女们一个个句偻着身体,孩子更是一个个骨瘦如柴,景象看上去甚是恐怖。 But thing that observation each and every family eats, is he does not know that can call it the thick liquid lake that eats, sends out stink being hard deglutition. 而观察家家户户吃的东西,是一种他不知道能不能称之为吃的浆湖,散发着臭味难以下咽。 But even this type of thing, they are unable to guarantee. 而就算这种东西,他们也无法保证。 Under ate on did not have. 都是吃了上顿没有下顿。 Sometimes, the person in slum will gather chatted, Kurmis will also join, as doctor. 有的时候,贫民窟的人会聚集在一起闲聊,库尔弥斯也会加入进去,以医师的身份。 He many people for slum treated an illness recently, area this is quite popular. 他最近替贫民窟的不少人治病,在这一带算是颇受欢迎。 This meeting time, he could not bear ask a question. 这一次聚会的时候,他忍不住问出了一个问题。 Why in the workshop doesn't use the adult male? Are majority the woman and child?” “为什么工坊里面不使用成年男性呢?大多数都是女人和孩子?” Because of move man?” “难道是因为招不到男人?” In the crowd some people snort contemptuously: How possibly, that is because the woman and child's wages are cheaper.” 人群之中有人嗤之以鼻:“怎么可能,那是因为女人和孩子的工钱更便宜。” These greedy workshop owner, so long as with half of money even 1/4 money, can hire a woman and child, some do not even ask for money.” “那些贪婪的工坊主们,只要用一半的钱甚至四分之一的钱,就可以雇佣一个女人和孩子,有的甚至不要钱。” Why they must spend to hire the man, the woman not necessarily compared with few that the man does, perhaps although the child does is slower, but the price is also low!” “他们为什么还要花钱去雇佣男人,女人不一定比男人干的少,孩子虽然干得或许慢一些,但是价格也低啊!” Kurmis was shocked: Originally is this!” 库尔弥斯愣住了:“原来是这样!” Some people replied: Here, at least living place, we at least have the freedom.” 有人回答:“我们这里还算好的,至少有一个住的地方,我们至少还有自由。” Many child ten years old were sold to these workshop owner to treat as the slave, same work in the workshop with the domestic animal.” “许多孩子十岁就被卖给了那些工坊主当做奴隶,和牲畜一样在工坊里干活。” Then, this person shakes the head unceasingly. 说起来,这人都不断摇头。 You have not gone to look, really does not result in miserably like the appearance.” “你没有去看过,真的惨得不像样子。” Every year does not know that many people die in the workshop, death was towed, has not seemed like individual completely.” “每年不知道多少人死在工坊里,死的时候被拖出去,已经完全不像是个人了。” Nearby person ridiculed that he said: Oneself cross becomes this appearance, compared with others good many, the thoughts not to have sympathized with others.” 一旁的人嘲笑他说道:“自己都过成这个样子,也没有比别人好多少,还有心思去同情别人。” Also some people said: He is worried about oneself child.” 又有人说:“他是在担心自己的孩子。” The latter half a word opposite party has not said that he was worrying that oneself child can also be this in the future. 后半句对方没有说出来,他在担心自己的孩子将来会不会也是这样。 A few words come out, immediately everyone was silent. 一句话出来,顿时所有人都沉默了。 Kurmis also asked these people: Slave, but the wealth, workshop owner should treasure properly speaking, didn't several years on the dying words, they owe?” 库尔弥斯又问这些人:“奴隶可是财富,按理说工坊主应该珍惜啊,几年就死掉的话,他们不就亏了吗?” The opposite party said: Slave is not valuable, so long as sometimes you can buy a young slave to several copper coin.” 对方说:“奴隶不值钱,有的时候你只要给几个铜币就可以买到一个小奴隶。” Even did not ask for money some people also or own child sold to you oneself, so long as you gave him the food to eat.” “甚至不要钱有人也会把自己或者自己的孩子卖给你,只要你给他顿饭吃。” Kurmis: How can like this?” 库尔弥斯:“怎么会这样?” Opposite party reply: Because many people cannot support themselves and child, when the slave at least did not starve to death.” 对方回答:“因为很多人根本就养不活自己和孩子,当奴隶至少不被饿死。” Kurmis silent long time: Is this?” 库尔弥斯沉默了良久:“都是这样吗?” The opposite party shake the head: Where isn't this?” 对方摇头:“哪里不是这样呢?” Kurmis suddenly is thinking, his hometown is also this. 库尔弥斯突然在想,他的家乡是不是也是这样。 Why will turn into this?” “为什么会变成这样呢?” Before was not this.” “以前可不是这样的。” Why the civilization more develops, in the past so many years.” “为什么文明越发展,过去了这么多年。” Situation has not improved, instead became worse?” “情况没有变好,反而变得更坏了?” Everyone talked at once, but no one could say a true reason. 所有人七嘴八舌,但是谁也说不出来一个真正的理由。 At this time, some people spoke a few words: If there is a food that could not finish eating to be good, like this everyone did not need to starve.” 这个时候,有人说了一句话:“要是有怎么也吃不完的食物就好了,这样所有人都不用挨饿了。” These words, made Kurmis be somewhat moved. 这一句话,却令库尔弥斯有所触动。 Yes! 是啊! The people live in this world, most important was food. 人活在这个世界上,最重要的就是食物了。 ------------------- ------------------- The distant place, a strange jungle is sending out the ray. 远方,一片奇异的丛林散发着光芒。 Special big plants rise straight from the ground from the ground, on each is hanging a big ball ; The ball powder is shining, and ray dream is chilly. 一棵棵特殊的高大植物从地面拔地而起,每一颗上面都悬挂着一个大球;球散发着光,光芒梦幻且清冷。 Kurmis looks at this jungle, read its name. 库尔弥斯看着这片丛林,念出了它的名字。 Moonlight jungle.” “月光丛林。” Above Ruhul Giant Island one of the illustrious death restricted areas. 鲁赫巨岛之上赫赫有名的死亡禁地之一。 Although the moonlight jungle does not have other restricted areas is so huge, but the danger is incomparable. 月光丛林虽然没有其他禁地那么庞大,但是却危险无比。 The person who because enters other restricted areas more or less also has to live the hearsay of return, although the range is big, but the place of real danger is not big ; The person who however enters the moonlight jungle had not heard that is earning a living the return, therefore let alone enters jungle, no one dares to be close including a surroundings big region. 因为进入其他禁地的人或多或少还有着活着归来的传闻,范围虽然大,但是真正危险的地方并不大;但是进入月光丛林的人从来没有听说过活着归来的,所以别说是进入丛林其中,连周围一大片地域都没有人敢接近。 But Kurmis arrived here , has the reason. 库尔弥斯来到这里,也是有原因的。 It is said at the beginning of era time, ancestor Alshvang of city-state person discovered rolling ball fern here, finally opened entire south came under the civilization of city-state person. 据说纪元之初的时候,城邦人的祖先阿尔西妮就是在这里发现了卷球厥,最终开启了整个南方属于城邦人的文明。 Then rolling ball fern spread to ten thousand snake royal court, spread to Land of Sunrise, spread to Razer Kingdom. 而后卷球厥更是传入了万蛇王庭,传入了日出之地,传入了雷泽王国 It can be said. 可以说。 snake human can have today's civilization unable to leave this jungle, cannot leave rolling ball fern. 蛇人能够有今天的文明离不开这片丛林,离不开卷球厥 Kurmis does not dare to enter in this jungle, transfers one revolution in the surrounding, has him of apostle strength is not afraid. 库尔弥斯也不敢进入这片丛林之中,不过在外围转一转,拥有使徒力量的他还是不怎么害怕的。 Why will rolling ball fern be born here?” “为什么卷球厥会诞生在这里呢?” Is what unique element because this place does have? Because of this jungle?” “是因为这片地方有什么特殊之处?还是因为这片丛林?” Kurmis raised the head, looks at distant place that huge strange illumination plants. 库尔弥斯抬起头,看着远处那一棵棵巨大奇异的发光植物。 He thought that the birth of rolling ball fern is possible in Ruhul Giant God with legend to be related. 他觉得卷球厥的诞生可不可能和传说之中的鲁赫巨神有关。 Therefore Kurmis wants to seek to look here, can find any special plant. 因此库尔弥斯想要在这里寻找看一看,能不能找到什么特殊的植物。 He even also wanted to find with rolling ball fern such plant. 他甚至还想要找到和卷球厥那样的植物。 He non-stop in the moonlight jungle surrounding shuttle, arranges the frame at the back of one, puts on very brief short sleeve, the waist is treating as the waistband with the vine. 他在月光丛林外围穿梭不停,背着一个编框,穿着非常简短的短袖,腰间则用藤系着当做腰带。 Transferred continually for several days, Kurmis indeed found many novel had not seen the plant, but had not actually found that he wanted to compare favorably with the plant that rolling ball fern treated as food. 一连转了好几天,库尔弥斯的确找到了不少新奇的从来没有见过的植物,但是却没有找到他想要的那种可以媲美卷球厥当做食物的植物。 On this day. 这一天。 Kurmis is lying, when the ground is observing a plant cautiously, trembling that slightly suddenly the ground transmits. 库尔弥斯正趴在地上小心翼翼的观察着一株植物的时候,突然地面传来的微微震颤。 Came the caravan?” “来了商队吗?” Kurmis looked in the direction that the sound transmitted. 库尔弥斯向着动静传来的方向看了过去。 He noticed that the shadow came from the distant place together, suddenly passed over gently and swiftly from the path, under the setting sun had the slightly red afterglow to vanish in the distant place. 他看到一道影子从远方而来,眨眼间就从道路上掠过,夕阳下带着微红色的残光消失在了远处。 The place visited, under the hoop can see that faintly the flower blossoms the image that falls, that is blood-color flower cup. 所过之处,滚轮下隐隐可以看到花开花落的影像,那是一种血色的花杯 The average men possibly cannot feel anything. 常人可能感觉不到什么。 But as an apostle, but also had Kurmis one of the special sensation to see that process the characteristics of existence. 可是身为使徒,还拥有着特殊感觉的库尔弥斯一眼就看出了那经过的存在的特征。 His intelligence felt the bloodshed of blotting out the sky, even was singing anything to the inexhaustible the oldest song. 他的灵性感觉到了铺天盖地的血海,甚至到了无穷无尽的最古者颂唱着一个什么。 Truth sage.” “真理贤者。” Inheritance of Temple of Truth...... saint will successor......” 真理圣殿的传承……圣徒意志的继承者……” Great truth sage......” “伟大真理贤者……” The aura that on the opposite party has is huge, not like intelligent power nimble and resourceful mysterious, but actually seems the day to punish the general terrifying. 对方身上拥有的气息庞大浑厚,不像智慧权能那样灵动奥妙,但是却好像天罚一般恐怖。 That is similar to Ruhul Giant God aura. 那是类似于鲁赫巨神的气息。 Is the God private car!” “是神明的座驾!” Kurmis from lying on the ground, to sets out immediately the flash. 库尔弥斯从趴在地上,到立刻起身不过一瞬间。 When he pursues, the opposite party has disappeared in the ends of the earth faintly. 但是当他追上去的时候,对方已经隐隐消失在了天尽头。 When that God private car passes through, existence in private car as if also looked at his one eyes. 但是当那神明座驾经过的时候,座驾之中的存在似乎也看了他一眼。 That is a beautiful female. 那是一位美艳的女子。 The opposite party stand before the window, under the setting sun the full red hair is ordinary in the combustion like the flame, the vision when the private car shot a look at Kurmis one before the moonlight jungle gently. 对方立在窗户前,夕阳下满头红发如同火焰在燃烧一般,目光在座驾经过月光丛林前的时候轻轻瞥了库尔弥斯一眼。 The Kurmis actually sudden whole body shivers, his expression excited saying. 库尔弥斯却突然浑身颤抖,他表情激动的说道。 Scarlet Goddess.” 腥红女神。” He has seen the opposite party, in more than 100 years ago Maya City. 他见过对方,在一百多年前的美雅城之中。 Kurmis lying cannot help but kowtowed on the ground, is shouting loudly the god name of opposite party. 库尔弥斯不由自主的趴在了地上叩头,高呼着对方的神名。
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