IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#403 Part 2: New unusual occupation

grand sudden thought of another issue. 隆突然又想到了另外一个问题。 Right.” “对了。” This legal code revises one time, is everyone must repair one time?” “这法典修改一次,所有人是不是也得重修一次?” Under the lights, is prosperous is writing anything, outside broadcast the noisy sound suddenly. 灯火下,隆正在写着什么,突然之间外面传来了嘈杂的声音。 Prosperous helpless covered the head, the expression pain. 隆无奈的捂住了头,表情痛苦。 Feather snake!” “羽蛇!” Do not run around.” “不要到处乱跑。” Let his such fellow go to the belt/bring child, that simply is a torture. 让他这样一个家伙去带孩子,那简直就是一种酷刑。 However lets the person what is cause for happiness is, what he brings is not an ordinary child. 不过让人值得高兴的是,他带的并不是一个普通的孩子。 The opposite party sway back and forth probably, can long, day by day be quickly long. 对方就好像只是打了个滚,就能够长一圈似的,一天比一天长得更快。 However more than ten days of time, he grew into a young fellow. 不过十几天时间,他就长成了一个少年人。 Opens the door prosperously toward outside, found the half-day person, finally found the opposite party in the corner of staircase. 隆推开门朝着外面去,找了半天人,终于在楼梯的一个转角处找到了对方。 This is snake human of youngster appearance, the hair slightly curls. 这是一个少年模样的蛇人,头发略卷。 Feather snake!” “羽蛇!” I am busy, do not run all over the place.” “我在忙着呢,不要乱跑了。” „Were you hungry?” “你饿了吗?” Hungry the words I make one prepare to eat to you.” “饿了的话我让人给你准备吃的。” However facing the prosperous frontline propaganda, before the opposite party displays, is completely different, quite a while has no movement. 但是面对隆的喊话,对方表现得和之前完全不一样,半天没有任何动作。 grand Zhi can walk, looks at the back of opposite party, felt that the opposite party seems exceptionally calm. 隆只能走了过去,看着对方的背影,感觉对方显得异常沉稳。 The feather snake has turned head, but the expression on face seems like not a child, is more like an old person, the look has the precipitation of years dignifiedly. 羽蛇回过头,只是脸上的表情看上去不是一个孩子,更像是一个老人,眼神凝重带着岁月的沉淀。 The feather snake looks prosperously, called his name. 羽蛇看着隆,喊出了他的名字。 Prosperous.” “隆。” Is I.” “是我。” grand Like understood anything, the expression also followed close on is becoming enforced, no longer regarded a child the opposite party. 隆立刻明白了什么,表情也紧跟着变得严肃了起来,不再将对方当成一个孩子。 „Did you come back?” “你回来了?” The feather snake nods: Yes, I came back.” 羽蛇点了点头:“是啊,我回来了。” The feather snake looks at own body, lowers the head, covered own face, having the vibrato to say. 羽蛇看着自己的身体,低下头来,紧接着捂住了自己的脸,带着颤音说道。 I finally, turned into the person finally.” “我终于,终于变成了人了。” Looks up prosperously to place that the feather snake stood, what he was just looking is a white pottery bottle, this is the thing that ships from Suinhall. 隆抬起头看向了羽蛇站的地方,他刚刚在看的是一副白陶瓶,这是从苏因霍尔运来的东西。 „Did you want to leave?” “你想要离开了?” The feather snake held that bottle, his hometown has burns the workshop of white pottery, the pattern on bottle he felt especially kind and familiar. 羽蛇捧起了那瓶子,他的家乡就有着许多烧制白陶的工坊,瓶子上的花纹他都感觉格外亲切和熟悉。 Does not leave, but was I must go home.” “不是离开,而是我要回家去了。” The feather snake has turned head to look to prosperously, told him. 羽蛇扭过头看向了隆,告诉他。 And.” “而且。” My name is Kurmis.” “我的名字叫做库尔弥斯。” Swelling this is the first time that real name that knows the feather snake , the first time is these years opposite party told others own name. 隆这还是第一次知道羽蛇的真名,也是这么多年来对方第一次告诉别人自己的名字。 Kurmis!” 库尔弥斯!” You leave is more than 100 years ago, you went back even.” “你离开的时候已经是一百多年前了,你就算回去了。” All the people are no longer the same, after you have gone back, anything could not find.” “一切早已物是人非,你回去之后也什么都找不到。” My teacher said.” “我的老师说。” In your strength the strength of intelligent authority, even if your reincarnation also as before so.” “你的力量里有灵性权柄的力量,哪怕你转生了也依旧如此。” You cannot avoid certain things forever, once all had passed, you should consider some long ago a more realistic issue.” “你永远躲不开某些东西,曾经的一切都已经过去了,你应该考虑一些更久远更现实的问题了。” You, if stays here, we can help you.” “你如果留在这里的话,我们可以帮助你。” Kurmis vision lost stared at the bottle on hand, missing of look is flowing from pupil with the conference probably came out to be the same. 库尔弥斯目光出神的盯着手上的瓶子,眼神的思念和会议好像从童孔里流淌了出来一样。 Too was forever far.” “永远太远了。” I could not consider that far issue, I only want to go home now.” “我考虑不了那么远的问题,我现在只想要回到家中。” I now, only want to go home.” “我现在,只想回家。” „...... Goes home as person.” “以人的身份……回家。” Knows prosperously is unable to stop Kurmis, but warns him to say finally. 隆知道无法阻拦库尔弥斯,但是最后还是告戒他说道。 But you are reincarnator.” “但是你已经是一位转生者了。” Kurmis.” 库尔弥斯。” Your life span has been above the imagination of average man, you also no longer are an average person, this is the issue that you must consider.” “你的寿命已经超乎常人的想象,你也不再是一个普通人,这已经是你必须考虑的问题了。” Kurmis: You talked I still to remember that recently, the original sin evil god is seriously battered, how long later matter when he restored not to know.” 库尔弥斯:“你们最近的谈话我还记得的,原罪邪神遭受重创,等到他恢复已经是不知道多久以后的事情了。” Therefore at least, I do not need to be worried about her now.” “所以至少,我现在不用担心她了。” Kurmis for is expressing gratitude prosperously: I thanked your help very much, but I chose to leave.” 库尔弥斯对着隆表示感谢:“我很感谢你们的帮助,但是我还是选择离开。” Shakes the head prosperously: This is a fair exchange, you do not need to thank us.” 隆摇了摇头:“这本就是一场公平的交换,你不用感谢我们。”
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