IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#403 Part 1: New unusual occupation

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God of Desire and Alchemy state. 欲望与炼金之神的国度。 Oland kneels in the flowering shrubs, is telling own path toward God. 奥兰跪在花丛之中,向着神明讲述着自己的道路。 In Razer Kingdom, I saw the desire of false succuba and held to read promoted the maturity of Cup of Desire, saw this flower of God final stance.” “在雷泽王国,我看到了虚假魔女的欲望和执念促进了欲望之杯的成熟,看到了这座神之花最后的姿态。” I then understand, it is the thing that I look.” “我便明白,它就是我寻找的东西。” I prepare to take the carrying/sustaining desire with Cup of Desire the reincarnation carrier, or Cup of Desire is the god you grants the apostle the new body.” “我准备用欲望之杯作为承载愿望的转生载体,或者说欲望之杯就是神您赐予使徒新的躯体。” God of Desire and Alchemy knows certainly the Cup of Desire unique element. 欲望与炼金之神当然知道欲望之杯的特殊之处。 Because she is ancient Cup of Desire, therefore regarding this also not too many accidents/surprises. 因为她就是一朵古老的欲望之杯,所以对此也并没有太多的意外。 She has not expected only, but is snake human wants to pass reincarnator this path also to take the carrier through Cup of Desire. 她唯一没有预料到的,只不过是蛇人想要走通转生者这条道路也要通过欲望之杯作为载体。 road to becoming a God and last era of epoch, although has the difference, but many places are interlinked. 新纪元的成神之路上一个纪元虽然有着差别,但是许多地方还是相通的。 The god of myth great hanger-on only opened the mouth: Person is always drown to death in the desire.” 神话巨门下的神祇开口了:“人总是在欲望之中溺死。” However Oland you can actually control the desire, and discovers the desire the mystery, even seeks for own path from the desire.” “而奥兰你却能够掌控自己欲望,并且发现欲望的奥秘,甚至从欲望之中找寻自己的道路。” Oland: Because I am your apostle.” 奥兰:“因为我是您的使徒。” Because you have been directing my direction, can always see your inspection lamp in my road ahead.” “因为您一直在指引着我方向,在我的前路上总能看到您的提灯。” Oland then mentioned itself in the endless vast desert and harvest of Demon Abyss royal city, refined first Alchemy Tower there. 奥兰接着说起了自己在无尽沙海和魔渊王城的收获,在那里自己炼制成了第一座炼金塔 Alchemy Tower is the Alchemy workshop that large-scale can control, its tower builds with the unusual material. ” 炼金塔是一座大型可以控制的炼金工坊,它的塔身是用超凡材料来打造。” „The unusual material of use are more, divine blood of internal implication are more, is more powerful, the spiritual strength of storage is also stronger.” “使用的超凡材料越多,内部蕴含的神血越多,也就越强大,储存的精神力量也就越强。” Moreover Alchemy Tower after manufacture, but can also continuously strengthen continually, even can conduct the generation inheritance, the only drawback cannot carry off like lamp of divine contract casually.” “而且炼金塔从制造之后,还可以不断持续强化,甚至可以进行世代传承,唯一的弊端就是不像神契之灯那样可以随便带走。” Although Alchemy Tower is a item, but controls its core is actually tower spirit, is mature Cup of Desire unifies existence that Alchemy Tower condenses.” “虽然炼金塔是道具,但是控制它的核心却是塔灵,也就是成熟的欲望之杯结合炼金塔所凝聚的存在。” Alchemy Tower does not need the person to control, fuses the desire of person to hold to read, but mature Cup of Desire can incarnation tower spirit control it.” 炼金塔不需要人来进行控制,融合人的欲望执念而成熟的欲望之杯可以化身塔灵来控制它。” However tower spirit of Cup of Desire incarnation, is alchemist own desire and holds to read the congealment, therefore alchemist, so long as can control own desire, is loyal own holds to read, tower spirit will also never betray him.” “而欲望之杯化身的塔灵,是炼金师自身的欲望和执念凝结,所以炼金师只要能够控制自己的欲望,忠于自己的执念,塔灵也永远不会背叛他。” Alchemy Tower and core tower spirit separates independently.” 炼金塔和核心塔灵是独立分开的。” In this case, avoided core tower spirit being polluted by divine blood of others.” “这样的话,同时也避免了核心塔灵被其他人的神血所污染。” This aspect or Oland the inspiration of the demon spirit pyramid being able to come up, God of Demon Spirit Eliana's initial time controls the demon spirit pyramid through this method, but is centered on the ghost medium. 这方面还是奥兰从魔灵金字塔上得来的灵感,魔灵之神爱莲娜最初的时候就是通过这种方法来控制魔灵金字塔的,不过是以幽魂为核心媒介。 Oland rotated the bracelet at this time, own Alchemy Tower putting, stood erect in Yin Washen sky miracle garden. 奥兰这个时候转动了手镯,将自己的炼金塔给放了出来,竖立在了尹瓦神的天空奇迹花园之中。 This also makes God be able a clearer understanding his path, his idea. 这样也让神明能够更加清晰的理解到他的道路,他的想法。 Knows that he is going to make anything. 知道他将要做些什么。 Oland waves, Alchemy Tower starts immediately. 奥兰一挥手,炼金塔立刻启动。 Doors open, three Cup of Desire also launched the flowered package, revives from the seal again. 一扇扇门打开,三层的欲望之杯也展开了花包,重新从封印之中苏醒了过来。 Such as I said that Alchemy Tower is the Alchemy workshop that large-scale can control.” “如同我所说的那样,炼金塔是一座大型可以控制的炼金工坊。” This Alchemy workshop can make all kinds of goods continuously, the time that more powerful Alchemy Tower can open every day is also longer, because it is the workshop is the psychic force and unusual strength control, comes to revolve by tower spirit accurate.” “这种炼金工坊可以源源不断的制造出各种各样的物品,越强大的炼金塔每天可以开启的时间也就越长,因为它是工坊是精神力和超凡力量操控,由塔灵来精准运转。” Precious goods that these Alchemy techniques can make, these wonderful workmanship exquisite thing, even is the unusual item, can the lot manufacturing.” “那些炼金术才能制造出的珍贵物品,那些巧夺天工的精巧之物,甚至是超凡道具,都可以批量制造出来。” It looks like from the eyes of mortal, somewhat seems like miracle power of Fairy clan. 从凡人的眼中看来,有些像是妖精一族的奇迹之力 Although not like the dreamland strength like that direct congealment of Fairy, but establishes the good flow through the Alchemy workshop and tower spirit. 虽然不像妖精的梦境力量那般直接凝结而出,而是通过炼金工坊和塔灵设定好的流程来进行。 Oland, has introduced his tower spirit idea at this point. 奥兰说到这里,已经介绍完了他的塔灵理念。 But this is only the body of reincarnation, path that I choose.” “但是这只是转生的躯壳,还有我选择的道路。” In Demon Abyss royal city, I had not found to substitute the secret technique of reincarnation truly.” “在魔渊王城,我还并没有真正找到替代古法转生的秘术。” Yin Washen: You obtained the final answering tuart in ten thousand snake royal court.” 尹瓦神:“你在万蛇王庭得到了最后的答桉。” Oland told Yin Washen: Right, I saw the agreement attorney in ten thousand snake royal court.” 奥兰告诉尹瓦神:“没错,我在万蛇王庭看到了契律师。” When I saw Sukob is using his strength to grant legal code and contract strength , to promote the order that he wants in ten thousand snake royal court, protects order that he wants time.” “当我看到了苏科布在用他的力量赐予法典和契约力量,在万蛇王庭推动他想要的秩序,守护他想要的秩序的时候。” I understand instantaneously I then should make anything.” “我瞬间就明白了我接下来该做什么。” Oland stopped, deeply inspires. 奥兰停顿了一下,深吸了一口气。 I want to become the happiness and desire god.” “我想要成为幸福与愿望之神。” alchemist can through make the desire to me, then can belong to their tower spirit, constructs to belong to their Alchemy Tower.” 炼金师可以通过向我许下愿望,便可以得到属于他们自己的塔灵,建造出属于他们的炼金塔。” Their lamp of divine contract will turn into the Alchemy lighthouse, whenever alchemist build a new Alchemy lighthouse, is equal to my reincarnation.” “他们的神契之灯将会变成炼金灯塔,每当炼金师们打造出一座新的炼金灯塔,就等于我的一次转生。” However this Alchemy Tower is different because of his desire, but has the different unusual abilities, can adapt to the different Alchemy workshops.” “而这座炼金塔因为他的愿望而不同,而具备不同的超凡能力,能够适应不同的炼金工坊。” The Oland vision has the anticipation, looks at own Alchemy Tower. 奥兰目光含着期待,看着自己的炼金塔 These alchemist will become the performer of my idea and path, pushes to myth me.” “这些炼金师将成为我理念和道路的执行者,将我推向神话。” In some sense, is servant of God that Oland will prepare in the future, his retinue and follower. 从某种意义上来说,也就是奥兰将来预备的神侍,他的仆从和信徒。 But established world divine system Yin Washen to arrive at this not to need many followers and retinues, she needs to accumulate also no longer merely was divine blood, what was more important improves own authority. 而建立了人间神系的尹瓦神到了这一步已经不需要过多的信徒和仆从了,她需要积累的也不再仅仅是神血,更重要的是完善自己的权柄。 Her follower is her strength and divine system part, all that the follower creates are filling her divine system, has the desire authority obviously completely. 她的从者就是她力量和神系的一部分,从者所创造的一切都在填补着她的神系,将欲望的权柄具显圆满。 Yin Washen asked Oland: This is a brand-new Powerful occupation, you think that their name did not have.” 尹瓦神问奥兰:“这将是一种全新的权能者职业,你想好了他们的名字没有。” Also is the name of this new occupation, seems like the agreement attorney who Sukob founds to be the same. 也就是这种新职业的名字,就好像是苏科布创建的契律师一样。 Oland remembered Tuteur suddenly, person who that guarded the most lifetime lighthouse. 奥兰突然想起了老图特,那个看守了大半辈子灯塔的人。 In the eye of Oland revealed desolate, bitter and astringent smiling. 奥兰的眼中露出了一丝落寞,还有苦涩的笑。 However he adjusted immediately, told God. 但是他马上调整了过来,告诉神明 tower keeper.” 守塔人。” Their names are called tower keeper.” “他们的名字叫做守塔人。” His sound is always steady and gentle, but his sound becomes very greatly. 他的声音向来都是平稳而轻柔的,但是这一次他的声音变得很大。 Nearly is shouting. 近乎在呼喊。 Is declaring anything to this world. 或者在向这个世界宣示着什么。 God!” “神!” They guard is not only own lighthouse, is own desire, is they to the happy path.” “他们守卫的不仅仅是自己的灯塔,也是自己的愿望,是他们通往幸福的道路。” Also is......” “也是……” Civilized light.” “文明的光。” Here, the Oland vision is looking straight ahead existence of myth great hanger-on, both hands present the prayer shape. 说到了这里,奥兰目光直视着神话巨门下的存在,双手呈现祷告状。 But all these only depend on me unable to achieve.” “但是这一切仅凭我是无法做到的。” „The god of great desire Alchemy!” “伟大的欲望炼金之神啊!” I am unable to respond to everyone's making a vow, is unable to respond all tower spirit.” “我无法回应所有人的许愿,更无法响应着所有的塔灵。” tower spirit that without the strength of myth authority, I makes once leaves I too far place, dissipates thoroughly.” “如果没有神话权柄的力量,我制造出的塔灵一旦离开我太远的地方,也就彻底消散。” I requested that you taking advantage of my strength, making me make a connection with this to future road, constructs this Tower of Babel.” “我请求您借与我力量,让我打通这条通往未来的路,建造出这座通天之塔。” The apostle is not possible to achieve this matter, having myth can respond all of distant place through the Dreamland control. 使徒是不可能做到这种事情的,只有神话才能通过梦界操控响应着远方的一切。 It seems demon spirit unable to leave Demon Abyss royal city, after Eliana becomes myth, can actually walk to be the same in the whole world. 就好像魔灵原本不能离开魔渊王城,但是在爱莲娜成为了神话之后,却可以在整个世界行走一样。 Therefore Oland must have the support force of God of Desire and Alchemy . 所以奥兰必须得到欲望与炼金之神的力量支持。 He bows politely in the place, is waiting for his god response. 他叩拜在地,等待着他的神回应。 However how long Oland has not waited. 不过奥兰并没有等多久。 Because his god has been ready, prepared to divide and his own authority. 因为他的神早已做好了准备,准备好了分与他自己的权柄。 Oland!” “奥兰!” I heard your request!” “我听到了你的请求!” At this moment, I responded to your request.” “此刻,我回应你的请求。” Oland raised the head, saw the radiant ray spread from the front. 奥兰抬起头,就看到了璀璨的光芒从前方铺了过来。 Spiritual God back Gate of Myth opens slowly, God holds up the inspection lamp high, illuminates the road ahead for Oland. 神灵背后的神话之门缓缓打开,神明高高举起提灯,替奥兰照亮前路。 Probably reaches out him, made the invitation to him. 就好像向他伸出手,向他做出了邀请。 My apostle, is my peer, my crew.” “我的使徒,也是我的同行者,我的船员。” At this moment, I invited you to board my ship.” “此时此刻,我邀请你登上我的船。” Oland could not say at this moment is what mood, perhaps was relaxed, but also had several points to anticipate. 奥兰此刻说不出是什么心情,或许是轻松,还带着几分期待。 This is my forever being honored.” “这是我永远的荣幸。” On his face showed the smile, stood from the ground. 他脸上露出了笑容,从地面上站了起来。 Oland walks to go forward little, moves toward that leaf of exceedingly high penetrating place from sea of flowers the myth great gate. 奥兰一点点走上前,从花海之中走向那扇通天彻地的神话巨门。 He received Yin Washen invitation, reached that prolonged stair, finally stood above the stage. 他接下了尹瓦神的邀请,登上了那绵长的台阶,最后站在了高台之上。 The myth light submerges him, he entered gate behind. 神话的光将他淹没,他进入了门的后面。 Oland felt that own consciousness was elongated the limit, he saw the desire sea will submerge, trillion lives rigid and read him absurdly swallows. 奥兰感觉自己的意识被拉长到了极限,他看到了欲望的海洋将自己淹没,亿万生灵的执着和妄念将他吞噬。 However in the sea of billowing desire, a strength is fixing stubbornly him, making him be insufficient to be swallowed and lost thoroughly. 但是在着滚滚欲念之海中,一股力量将他死死固定住,让他不至于被彻底吞噬和迷失。 Finally. 终于。 He arrives in the end of sea of desire. 他抵达欲望之海的尽头。 Own consciousness brand mark above, with the gate of anchor entire desire in one. 将自己的意识烙印在了其上,和整座欲望之门锚定在了一起。 From now on, his God of Desire and Alchemy follower status also determined thoroughly. 自此,他的欲望与炼金之神从者身份也彻底确定。 Oland felt that oneself can also borrow this leaf of Gate of Myth part of strengths, so long as some people read aloud him to establish the good real name in the remote place, then can through the Dreamland communication in he. 奥兰感觉到自己也可以借用这扇神话之门的一部分力量,只要有人在遥远的地方念诵他设定好的真名,便可以通过梦界沟通上他。 But he can through this channel, oneself strength transmission to the distant place, respond to opposite party's hope. 而他可以通过这个渠道,将自己的力量传递向远方,回应对方的祈求。 When Oland recovers, he has stood in Gate of Myth inside, stood in the God of Desire and Alchemy back. 等到奥兰回过神来的时候,他已经站在了神话之门的内里,站在了欲望与炼金之神的背后。 He saw clearly Yin Washen appearance, silver clothes, faces that seem like some peaceful deserts. 他看清了尹瓦神的模样,银色的衣裳,一张看上去有些澹漠的面庞。 Yin Washen turns head, looks to Oland. 尹瓦神回过头来,看向了奥兰。 Oland!” “奥兰!” Receives to be your authority.” “接下属于你的权柄。” Oland raised the head, saw that the spark descended from the sky together, crashed into own within the body. 奥兰抬起头,就看到一道星火从天空降落,坠入了自己的体内。 At that time the authority about happy this mood, matched with the desire. 那时关于幸福这种情绪的权柄,和愿望非常相配。 At least. 至少。 Most people made the desire time, is longing for the happiness. 大多数人许下愿望的时候,都是渴望着幸福的。 The Oland regular script is meeting the authority about this strength, Yin Washen inspection lamp rotation, completed the last step for Oland. 奥兰正体会着关于这种力量的权柄,尹瓦神的提灯转动,也替奥兰完成了最后一步。 You must step the road of myth, your Alchemy Tower will also become the body of your true myth.” “你要踏上神话之路了,你的炼金塔也将成为你真正的神话之躯。” It is your desire, is your body, is your path.” “它是你的愿望,是你的身躯,也是你的道路。” In the future.” “将来。” Also will become your state.” “也会成为你的国度。” Oland looked to own Alchemy Tower. 奥兰看向了自己的炼金塔 Saw that his own whole person changed into the ray, rushes toward own Alchemy Tower. 就看到他自己整个人化为了光芒,朝着自己的炼金塔奔去。 Huge lamp spirit circles, lamp of divine contract also starts to reappear. 一个巨大的灯灵盘旋而起,神契之灯也开始浮现。 Alchemy Tower and his lamp of divine contract fuse together, his desire personality and Cup of Desire melt for a body thoroughly, from now on he will also start to share everything with oneself Alchemy Tower. 炼金塔和他的神契之灯融为一体,他的欲望人格和欲望之杯彻底融为了一体,从现在开始他和自己的炼金塔也开始不分彼此了。 The Alchemy lighthouse stands erect in desire sea of flowers, a strength actually transmits to the Dreamland deep place. 炼金灯塔竖立在欲望的花海之中,一股力量却传递向梦界深处。 Original mature Cup of Desire was catalyzed again, changed into one like the God huge empty shadow. 原本的成熟欲望之杯再度被催化,化为了一个如同神明的庞大虚影。 The desire of Oland and holds to read, changed into a God embryonic form faintly. 奥兰的欲望和执念,也隐隐化为了一尊神明的雏形。 The happiness and desire god. 幸福与愿望之神。 Perhaps can also call it the god of lighthouse. 或许也可以称之为灯塔之神。 The huge empty shadow retracted finally third of lighthouse, changed into the ray photo to the four directions, as if in directing disorientation in darkness. 巨大的虚影最后缩回了灯塔的第三层,化为了光芒照向四方,似乎在指引着黑暗之中的迷航者。 Oland becomes the true Spiritual God reserve duty, accepted was his authority seed. 奥兰成为了真正的神灵预备役,接受了属于他的权柄种子。 But at this time, during was dark all intelligent sources also to feel this change. 而这个时候,冥冥之中一切智慧的源头也感觉到了这种变化。 Moon of God of concealment above vault of heaven. 隐匿于天穹之上的神之月 Made certain responses. 做出了某些回应。 Yin Washen situated in sky miracle garden saw certainly this, because inspires is he who at this moment Moon of God changes with Oland. 位于天空奇迹花园的尹瓦神当然看到了这一幕,因为此刻引动神之月变化的就是他和奥兰。 Yin Washen and Oland raised the head, the vision penetrates the day to say layer upon layer, penetrated the atmosphere and beside void. 尹瓦神和奥兰抬起头,目光穿透层层天云,穿透了大气层和之外的虚空。 Saw moon/month of one myth. 看到了一轮神话之月。 All wisdom are born from this round of moon, all intelligent homes to return to are also this round of moon. 一切智慧从这轮月亮上诞生,所有智慧的归宿也是这轮月亮。 She is the intelligent root. 她即是智慧的根源。 Yin Washen and Oland saw this simultaneously, felt that an unsurpassed will covered on their bodies. 尹瓦神和奥兰同时看到了这一幕,感觉到一股无上意志笼罩在了他们的身上。 Creator will.” 造物主的意志。” Yin Washen looks at Moon of God, says. 尹瓦神看着神之月,开口说道。 In her eyes, Moon of God and Crown of Wisdom significance some are not quite same. 在她的眼中,神之月智慧王冠的意义有些不太一样。 That is King of Wisdom comes the virtue niche to welcome the divine tool of the world Creator, is the carrying/sustaining Creator will divine tool. 那是智慧之王来德利基将造物主迎来人间的神器,也是承载造物主意志的神器。 King of Wisdom comes the virtue niche the strength, let exceed in the eternal stars projection outside time and universe entered this world. 智慧之王来德利基的力量,让超越于时光和宇宙之外的永恒星辰投影进入了这个世界。 Cup of God that Ruler of Dreamland Borloo leaves behind, foundation Dreamland, becomes Creator to depend on with the state. 梦境主宰波罗留下的神之杯,创建的梦界,成为了造物主依托和国度。 Because had God Insai, had King of Wisdom to come the virtue niche, had to tall Zhushen. 正因为有了因赛神,有了智慧之王来德利基,有了至高诸神。 Had this world. 才有了这个世界。 Without them, this world is only a barren desolated deathly stillness, will not ignite the flame of wisdom and life. 没有她们,这个世界只是一片贫瘠荒芜的死寂,不会燃起智慧和生命的火光。 But place that they can see , can only stop. 而他们能够看到的地方,也只能到此为止了。 They have not seen. 他们没有看到。 Then the Moon of God front door opened, revealed wisdom the place of root. 接下来神之月的大门打开,露出了智慧的根源之地。 The shadow of tree of wisdom extends from the place of root on, four fruits are hanging, on a fruit gushed out the gorgeous ray. 智慧之树的影子从根源之地延伸而上,四颗果实悬挂而下,其中一颗果实上涌出了绚丽的光芒。 Is the desire intelligent fruit to start to move toward maturely. 属于欲望的智慧果实开始走向成熟。 -------------------- -------------------- Ten thousand snake royal court. 万蛇王庭 Lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城。 Oland just from that experience to shock of Moon of God, exceeded in the strength above time to work loose from that returned to the present world. 奥兰刚刚从那见识到神之月的震撼,从那超越时光之上的力量之中挣脱,就回到了现世之中。 Moon of God?” 神之月?” What is that will?” “那股意志是什么?” Is Creator?” “是造物主吗?” Oland fierce respite, but that seedling source from actually cannot eliminate by the respite in the shock of intelligence and intelligent deep place. 奥兰剧烈的喘息,但是那种源自于灵性和智慧深处的震撼却不是靠喘息能够消泯的。 Oland set out, looks to own body. 奥兰起身,看向了自己的身体。 His body had not changed, but Oland actually knows own whole person is completely different. 他的身体并没有发生了变化,但是奥兰却知道自己整个人已经完全不一样了。 Because this body is not his true body, in 1000 the limit ended, his body will also die of old age with decayed. 因为这副身躯已经不是他真正的身躯了,等到一千年极限结束,他这副躯壳也会老去和腐朽。 He will then return to his genuine body when the time comes, returns to that Alchemy lighthouse. 他到时候便会回到他真正的身体之内,回到那座炼金灯塔之内。 If he can become myth at that time, it can be said that belongs to her state. 如果那个时候他能够成为神话,也可以说是归于她的国度。 He is true reincarnator. 他是真正的转生者 Also is the Spiritual God preelection. 也是神灵预选。 He closes the eye, can communicate that to be his own remote strength through Dreamland, sees that leaf of broad Gate of Myth. 他闭上眼睛,就能够通过梦界沟通那属于他自己的遥远的力量,看到那扇恢弘的神话之门 Oland Sir!” “奥兰大人!” „Did you come back?” “您回来了?” At this time has defended Mer of Oland also to look to him, on that exquisite Cup of Desire appeared a shadow, is speaking to Oland. 这个时候一直守着奥兰的加美尔也看向了他,那朵小巧的欲望之杯上浮现出了一个影子,对着奥兰说话。 Oland nods, looks to Mer. 奥兰点了点头,看向了加美尔。 We can go back. „ “我们可以回去了。“ Mer stopped, then excited saying. 加美尔停顿了一下,然后激动的说道。 Oland Sir, did you succeed?” “奥兰大人,您成功了?” He as if somewhat speaks incoherently, quite a while then puts out the latter half words. 他似乎有些语无伦次,半天才接着吐出后半段话。 You want......” “您要……” Became God?” “成为神明了?” How Mer can not be excited, he is witnessing an apostle of the world to move toward is his god throne. 加美尔怎么能够不激动,他正在见证着一位人间的使徒正在走向属于他的神座。 Mortal to become God, this is this world's most radiant dream, is the most luxurious fantasy. 凡人成神,这是这个世界最璀璨的梦,也是最奢华的狂想。 Mer is unable to imagine, immortal existence will soon be born in own front like this. 加美尔无法想象,一位即将永生的存在就这样诞生在自己的面前。 This real, has a dream to be the same probably.” “这真的,就好像做梦一样。” „Can mortal really become God?” “凡人真的能够成为神明吗?” Mer muttered, even if to the present, he were unbelievable. 加美尔喃喃自语,哪怕到了现在,他还是难以相信。 Oland told Mer: Mer.” 奥兰告诉加美尔:“加美尔。” myth is a level.” 神话是一个位阶。” Is because I have the end point that wants to arrive, therefore I want to become God ; God is not only has the strength to be great, because they walk on the correct road.” “是因为我有想要抵达的终点,所以我才想要成为神明;神明不仅仅是拥有力量而伟大,而是因为她们行走在正确的路上。” Strength arrives in the end point the road, ship to lead to other shore.” “力量只是抵达终点的路,通向彼岸的船。” However now, I must be me truly the matter that wants to handle, even if some day I become true God, I can as before so.” “而现在,我要去做我真正想要做的事情了,哪怕有朝一日我成为真正的神明,我依旧会如此。” Mer looks at Oland, suddenly feels unusual feeling inferior. 加美尔看着奥兰,突然感觉到异常的自惭形秽。 Perhaps, only then such talent can become God! 或许,也只有这样的人才能够成为神明吧! Mer asked Oland: Oland Sir, why?” 加美尔问奥兰:“奥兰大人,为什么?” Why you must tell people like me, this is not the truth that I should know.” “为什么您要告诉我这样的人,这样不属于我应该知道的道理。” Why you must lead me, goes to the experience to be similar to the myth epic common journey like this.” “为什么您要带着我,去见识这样如同神话史诗一般的旅途。” This is he not clear place, in his opinion, he such base and low exists does not need to understand and understand that this is only the God truth. 这是他一直不明白的地方,在他看来,他这样卑微的存在不用去懂得和明白这样只属于神明的道理。 People like him, is not worth Oland leading him to conduct this journey together. 他这样的人,也不值得奥兰带着他一同进行这趟旅途。 Oland has not said the reason with Mer, but told Mer another to let his excited matter. 奥兰没有和加美尔说理由,但是却告诉了加美尔另一个让他激动不已的事情。 Mer, how I have been thinking this period of time is making you regain the method of body.” “加美尔,这段时间我一直在思索着如何让你重新获得身体的方法。” Or I had found, is only the beforehand condition is not very mature.” “或者说我已经找到了,只是之前条件不够成熟。” Mer's shadow enlarges from flower cup, is gazing at Oland. 加美尔的影子从花杯之中放大,注视着奥兰。 Oland Sir!” “奥兰大人!” „Is this real?” “这是真的吗?” Oland nod: Your body had vanished, even in some sense, true you had actually died.” 奥兰点头:“你的身体已经消失了,甚至从某种意义上来说,真正的你其实已经死去了。” Stays behind, only then your part, I leave behind you in the lamp spirit way.” “留下的只有你的一部分,我以灯灵的方式将你留下。” Compared with ordinary lamp spirit, you had/left something, after all your intelligence has not dried up during the time, your memory also stayed in within the body, this made you have got back to own possibility.” “不过和普通的灯灵相比,你又多出了一些东西,毕竟你的灵性没有在时光之中枯竭,你的记忆也还留在了体内,这让你有了重新找回自己的可能性。” I can attempt with the tower spirit method, turns into true Cup of Desire you, the life of Yin Washen miracle garden ; However this special life body before you have not become the apostle, you really and is flowery, and holds to read to surround by own desire.” “我可以尝试用塔灵的方法,把你变成一个真正的欲望之杯,尹瓦神奇迹花园的生命;但是这种特殊的生命体在你没有成为使徒之前,你就真的和一朵花一样,被自己的欲望和执念所包围。” Only when you before the life span ends becomes the apostle, possibly awakens the true wisdom, reclaimed once memory.” “只有当你在寿命终结以前成为使徒,才可能觉醒真正的智慧,找回曾经的记忆。” I want to tell you, even if this flower life far supernormal person imagines, but it is born the wisdom also likely pity.” “不过我想要告诉你,哪怕这种花的生命远超常人想象,但是它重新诞生出智慧的可能性也小的可怜。” Even if I helps you, is so.” “哪怕是我帮助你,也是如此。” Once starts, perhaps you really become a flower.” “一旦开始,你或许就真的成为了一朵花。” Naturally you can also choose with the present are the same, waits for your is slowly thorough turns into true lamp spirit, but at least you can also retain now consciousness some time.” “当然你也可以选择和现在一样,等待你的将会是慢慢彻底的变成一个真正的灯灵,但是至少现在你还可以保留一段时间意识。” Oland inquired Mer finally, the expression was dignified and earnest. 奥兰最后询问加美尔,表情非常凝重和认真。 In this case.” “这样的话。” „Do you also want to try?” “你还想要进行尝试吗?” Oland has not forced Mer to choose, he does not even know that this choice is a good choice. 奥兰并没有逼迫加美尔进行选择,他甚至也不知道这种选择到底是不是一个好的选择。 Mer was silent. 加美尔沉默了。 However waits for him to raise the head, in his eye gushed out the hope, that is the vision that is unable to discard and put down. 但是等他抬起头,他的眼中涌出了渴望,那是无法舍弃和放下的目光。 If possible, I want to return to Razer Kingdom.” “如果有可能,我还是想要回到雷泽王国。” I want to look at my hometown, looks at his future appearance.” “我想要看一看我的故乡,看一看他未来的模样。” Became well.” “是不是变得更好了。” „...... And was once same.” “还是……和曾经一样。” Oland obtained Mer's answering tuart, knows that he chose attempted. 奥兰得到了加美尔的答桉,知道他还是选择了进行尝试。 If your hope is strong enough, not only perhaps has a look, but changes personally.” “如果你的渴望足够浓烈的话,或许不只是看看,而是亲自去改变。” Oland led Mer to set off the homeward journey, brought the answering tuart that are seeking for finally. 奥兰带着加美尔踏上了归途,也带着自己最终寻找到的答桉。 Land of Sunrise and White Tower Alchemy Alliance, will welcome the new round of change. 日出之地白塔炼金联盟,也将会迎来新一轮变化。 The Alchemy technique and alchemist time, will welcome a round transformation again. 炼金术和炼金师的时代,将会再度迎来一轮变革。 Also promotes the sea time. 同时也推动海洋时代。 Future of civilization. 还有文明的未来。 ------------------ ------------------ Lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城。 The residential district of agreement attorney school. 契律师学校的住宅区。 Swelling is very busy every day, as Powerful he every day is especially busy, is bustling about various miscellaneous matters. 隆每天都很忙,作为一个权能者他每天都是格外忙碌,忙碌着各种杂事。 Various tuart in lunar eclipse city, even the revision about legal code and raises the tuart, even is the improvement of court system, he was trying to find out little. 月蚀城之中的各种桉件,甚至关于法典的修改和提桉,甚至是法庭体系的完善,他都在一点点摸索。 However as the special Powerful agreement attorney, familiar legal code, carries out legal code and signing contract is they grows the strength the way, true ideal, strength and path thorough fusion in one. 但是作为特殊的权能者契律师,熟悉法典、执行法典、签订契约就是他们增长力量的方式,真正的将理想、力量、道路彻底融合在了一起。 What is blank.” “什么都是一片空白。” This legal code what's the matter?” “还有这法典是怎么回事?” „Are loophole many are same as the screen?” “漏洞多得和筛子一样?” Teacher actually added that best legal code, where this was good?” “老师竟然还说最好的法典,这哪里好了?” I must violate the law, can have 10,000 methods to make spirit of legal code not have the means with me, your bad old man can only stare dry/does.” “我要犯法,可以有一万种方法让法典之灵拿我没有办法,你这糟老头子只能干瞪眼。” Besides becoming angry out of shame by forcing person, absolutely does not have the means to restrain according to the law me.” “除了恼羞成怒以力压人以外,绝对没办法将我绳之以法。” Swells this saying, sounds the punishment. 隆这话,听上去很刑。 However he also complained several, is busy at work own work earnestly. 但是他也只是抱怨几句,接下来还是在认真忙活着自己的工作。 Feeling was too rough, but now agreement attorney such several , can only like this.” “感觉还是太粗糙了,不过现在契律师就这么几个,也只能这样了。” But should also record the issue, later must revise.” “但是也应该将问题记录下来,以后一定要修改。”
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