IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#402 Part 2: The happiness and desire god of

Suddenly, Oland started to grow one after another silver ** cup. 突然之间,奥兰脚下开始长出了一朵又一朵银色的**之杯。 The flowers are revolving expansion, finally changed into a silver sea of flowers. 花朵旋转着展开,最后化为了一片银色的花海。 Oland raised the head, consciousness already not among the present world. 奥兰抬起头,意识就已经不在现世人间之中了。 He saw exceedingly high penetrating place Gate of Myth, is proposing great god of lamp bowl. 他看到了通天彻地的神话之门,还有门中提着灯盏的伟岸神祇。 The god vision of only falls. 神祇的目光落下。 The hand light of inspection lamp also illuminates the region that Oland was. 手中的提灯之光也照亮了奥兰所在的区域。 Crowded silver sea of flowers drags, is pouring out the aspiration of Oland. 密集的银色花海摇曳,在倾诉着奥兰的心声。 He must become God.” “他要成为神明。” Mortal must become God.” “凡人要成为神明。” What God is?” “是什么神明呢?” Probably is related with the desire.” “好像和愿望有关。” Yin Washen opened the mouth. 尹瓦神开口了。 The sound conveys from the gate, reverberates above sea of flowers. 声音从门那边传来,回荡于花海之上。 My apostle Oland.” “我的使徒奥兰。” „Have you thought?” “你已经想好了吗?” Oland saw Alchemy again and ** god Yin Wa, before he every was one time base and low kneeling on the ground, in the heart is the incomparable irreverence and awe, but under the irreverence and awe were also void and confused. 奥兰再度见到了炼金与**之神尹瓦,之前他每一次都是卑微的跪在地上,心中是无比的虔诚和敬畏,但是虔诚和敬畏之下也是空虚和迷茫的。 However this time, Oland actually must strengthen a lot. 但是这一次,奥兰却要坚定得多。 He understood relations between god and person, knew the focus of God, found itself to become the reason of myth. 他了解了神与人之间的关系,知道了神明的执着,也找到了自己成为神话的理由。 Oland first kowtows, pastes said in the ground. 奥兰先是叩头,贴在地面的时候说道。 Great ** with the god of Alchemy!” “伟大的**与炼金之神啊!” Under your direction, in this journey, I understand what finally I want is anything.” “在您的指引下,在这一趟旅途之中,我终于明白我想要的是什么。” I also understand me the position finally on your ship, knows that what end point I want to arrive.” “我也终于明白我在您船上的位置,也知道我想要抵达什么样的终点。” Oland earnest saying: I thought.” 奥兰认真的说道:“我想好了。” Afterward Oland raised the head, looks at his God. 随后奥兰抬起头,看着他的神明 I want to become the happiness and desire god.” “我想要成为幸福与愿望之神。” Yin Washen voice put on: Happiness and desire......” 尹瓦神的声音穿了下来:“幸福与愿望……” „Do you want the authority in this aspect?” “你想要这方面的权柄吗?” The happiness is the goal is also the authority, the desire is Oland wants to achieve the method of goal. 幸福是目的也是权柄,愿望是奥兰想要达到目的的手段。 He hopes the desire that chooses a person takes the strength and method, arrives that happy other shore that he wants finally. 他希望用人的愿望作为力量和手段,来最终抵达他想要的那个幸福的彼岸。 Oland nod: Because I hope that each desire, brought is the happiness.” 奥兰点头:“因为我希望每一个愿望,带来的都是幸福。” Yin Washen looks at Oland: Sir Shirra, if can hear your words, certainly will feel happily.” 尹瓦神看着奥兰:“希拉大人如果能够听到你的这番话,一定会感觉到高兴的。” Oland: Great Ruler of Dreamland, has been directing us to god of Sir Shirra high control.” 奥兰:“伟大的梦境主宰,至高的主宰之神希拉大人一直都在指引着我们。” If we are the lights of the world, she is Sun of space.” “如果我们是人间的灯火,那她就是天上的太阳。”
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