IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#402 Part 1: The happiness and desire god of

Lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城。 Agreement attorney school. 契律师学校。 One crowd of young people excited standing in prayer hall, but everyone nervous board the expression, a sound is not daring to send out. 一群年轻人心情激动的立在祷告堂之中,但是所有人都紧张的板着表情,一点声音都不敢发出。 They look up God of Truth and Knowledge idol, more accurate is gazing at the apostle under that idol. 他们抬头看着真理与知识之神神像,更准确的来说是注视着那神像之下的使徒。 God of future writing and contract. 未来的文字与契约之神。 Sukob. 苏科布 Sukob is going to become the agreement attorney apprentice toward this school's first batch, starts to learn the unusual knowledge young snake human to say. 苏科布向着这座学校第一批将要成为契律师学徒,开始学习超凡知识的年轻蛇人说道。 Law is only the writing, the writing does not have the strength.” “法律只是文字,文字本身没有力量。” But the person can actually give them the strength.” “但是人却可以赋予它们力量。” Because some people are protecting it, because some people approve it, it had the significance.” “因为有人在守护它,因为有人认可它,它才具备了意义。” Sukob will soon be taking the unusual road to this crowd, verifies own road to becoming a God, is the later generation that he wants to become the God reason. 苏科布对着这群即将走上超凡之路,印证自己的成神之路,也是他想要成为神明理由的后辈。 Agreement attorney and judge are maintain the person of legal and contract, is the law and contract performance outside.” “契律师和法官便是维护法律和契约的人,也是法律和契约在外的表现。” Contract and law are your strengths, is your paths.” “契约和法律是你们的力量,也是你们的道路。” When you violate your strength and path, was equal to giving up own all.” “当你违背自己的力量和道路的时候,便等于放弃了自己的一切。” I hope that you can always remember this.” “我希望你们能够永远铭记这一条。” The students take an oath in idol and Sukob front dignified, Sukob summoned the book of own witch spirit. 学生们在神像苏科布的面前庄严宣誓,苏科布则召唤出了自己的巫灵之书。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 The Gate of Truth shadow also appears in his back faintly. 真理之门的影子也在他的背后隐隐浮现。 All students raised the head completely high, everyone sees such scene for the first time, that is the God will obviously. 所有的学生全部高高抬起头,所有人第一次看到这样的场面,那是神明意志的显化。 At this moment, God prints their heart greatly. 这一刻,神明的伟岸印入他们的心底。 A strength flooded into within the body of students, blood of myth activation their within the body, implanted their within the body the seed of writing contract. 一股力量涌入了学生们的体内,将他们体内的神话之血激活,也将文字契约的种子种入了他们的体内。 When they grasp this strength thoroughly, after grasping the unusual knowledge and idea, can summon the book of witch spirit. 当他们彻底掌握这股力量,掌握了超凡的知识和理念之后,就可以召唤出巫灵之书。 At that time, they were also a true agreement attorney. 那个时候,他们也就是一个真正的契律师了。 Sukob closed the book of own witch spirit, the back shadow also vanishes instantaneously. 苏科布合上了自己的巫灵之书,背后的影子也瞬间消失。 Thank granting of God.” “感谢神明的赐予。” The students, leapt the unusual strength from an average person, that feeling is the average man is inconceivable to understand. 学生们一个个激动不已,从一个普通人一跃了超凡力量,那种感觉是常人难以理解和想象的。 Sukob also gratified looks at these people, because he wants to come casting these new student/life later generations through this school, thus own path transmission to the whole world. 苏科布也欣慰的看着这些人,因为他想要通过这座学校来铸造这些新生的后辈,从而将自己的道路传递向整个世界。 In his look full is the anticipation. 他的眼神里满是期待。 Anticipation to these students, to the future anticipation. 对这些学生的期待,也是对未来的期待。 „The present is ten thousand snake royal court, is Suinhall and Land of Sunrise.” “现在是万蛇王庭,然后是苏因霍尔日出之地。” Not only the country of this time, can be next era all countries.” “不仅仅这一个时代的国家,也会是下一个时代的所有国家。” Because each country needs the law, person who naturally also needs to maintain the law.” “因为每个国家都需要法律,自然也需要维护法律的人。” He as if saw tens of thousands of agreement attorneys move toward the distant place from here, the hand are grasping legal code. 他似乎看到了成千上万的契律师从这里走向远方,手握着法典 All students stayed in the prayer hall, is familiar unusual strength seed that they just obtain, expressed own irreverence and belief to God here. 所有学生留在了祷告堂之中,熟悉着他们刚刚得到的超凡力量种子,同时也在这里向神明表示自己的虔诚和信仰。 Sukob actually walked, he as if felt anything. 苏科布却走了出来,他似乎感觉到了什么。 Before he arrived at the front door of agreement attorney school, saw a person's shadow in the roadside. 他来到了契律师学校的大门前,在路边看到了一个人影。 That person's shadow and everyone, even is incompatible with this city. 那个人影和所有人,甚至和这座城市格格不入。 Because he seems like not the snake human appearance, but is existence that has shape of God. 因为他看上去就不是蛇人的模样,而是一位拥有神之形的存在。 However his standing swaggering on main road, actually no one detected that he is unusual. 但是他就这样大摇大摆的站在大路上,却没有任何人察觉到他的不寻常。 He throws over demon spirit to grant his weaving of long gown god, on the chest is leaving a silver little flower, looks very young. 他披着一件魔灵赠与他的神之织长袍,胸口上别着一朵银色的小花,看上去非常年轻。 Sukob approaches, he turns head immediately. 苏科布一走近,他立刻回过头来。 Sukob apostle.” 苏科布使徒。” The opposite party size up the school that this was just establishing, in school the crowd that largely accepts the learn/study, somewhat sighed. 对方打量着这座刚刚建立起的学校,还有学校里大量接受学习的人群,有些感叹。 Has not thought here, can see such a big school.” “没想到在这里,也能够见到这样大的一座学校。” Moreover allows the average person to enter studies.” “而且还允许普通人进入其中学习。” The opposite party showed the smile, that smile makes people feel kindly, but, is not intimate that. 对方露出了笑容,那笑容让人感觉亲切但是,又不属于过于亲近的那种。 It seems like our White Tower Alchemy Alliance Alchemy school should also relax the limit, making more people have the opportunity of accepting the knowledge.” “看来我们白塔炼金联盟炼金学院也应该放开限制,让更多的人有接受知识的机会。” The White Tower Alchemy Alliance Alchemy school majority only recruit to have the Powerful aptitude student, occasionally will also allow some artisans to enter helps do the experiment or becomes the staff, but is the Powerful school essentially. 白塔炼金联盟炼金学院大多数只招收拥有权能者资质的学员,偶尔也会让一些工匠进入其中帮忙做实验或者成为员工,但是从本质上还是属于权能者的学院。 But this agreement attorney school, what are more is trains the average person to study the legal and contract article, Powerful instead is a few. 而这座契律师学校,更多的是培养普通人来学习法律和契约条文,权能者反而是少数。 Who Sukob also recognizes the opposite party immediately is, said the name and status of opposite party. 苏科布也立刻认出了对方是谁,说出了对方的名字和身份。 White Tower Alchemy Alliance founder.” 白塔炼金联盟的缔造者。” mannequin alchemist Oland!” 人偶炼金师奥兰!” Sukob has not thought that here meets this apostle. 苏科布没想到在这里遇见这位使徒。 He is not clear. 他不明白。 Why opposite party such existence of arrived here from afar, but reported to the opposite party agreement attorney school that establish. 对方这样的存在为什么千里迢迢来到这里,但是还是向对方介绍了一番自己建立起来的契律师学校。 Because saw change that the Alchemy school that you found brings, therefore I had the idea of establishing this school.” “正是因为看到了您创建的炼金学院带来的改变,所以我才有了建立这座学校的想法。” I heard that you had spoken a few words, the school and inheritance is a civilized most important thing, the child and student is a nation's true future.” “我听说您曾经说过一句话,学院和传承才是一个文明最重要的东西,孩子和学生才是一个国家真正的未来。” I feel very reasonable.” “我觉得很有道理。” Oland well-mannered response: If possible, welcome you to come White Tower Alchemy Alliance to be a guest.” 奥兰彬彬有礼的回应道:“如果可以的话,欢迎您来白塔炼金联盟做客。” At this point, an Oland words revolution. 说到这里,奥兰话语一转。 „The scroll that you make is also impressive, White Tower Alchemy Alliance is all the rage, even I am hard to snatch.” “您制造的卷轴也非常令人惊叹,白塔炼金联盟非常风靡,连我都难以抢到。” This is an invention that surpasses the time, I will think also certainly to affect many people in the future, will affect many countries.” “这是一种超越时代的发明,我想将来也一定会影响许多人,影响许多国家。” Sukob indicates immediately, is willing to send to Oland to take the gift. 苏科布立刻表示,愿意送上奥兰一些作为礼物。 After flattered mutually, Sukob invited Oland to enter in the school. 一阵互相吹捧过后,苏科布邀请奥兰进入学校之中。 Oland and Sukob explained own purpose in coming indirectly. 奥兰和苏科布间接的说明了自己的来意。 He inquired the opposite party: My god told me, I wanted to further probably enter this world to seek to answer the tuart, but was most likely to find to answer the place of tuart is here.” 他询问对方:“我的神告诉我,我想要更进一步就必须进入这个世界寻找答桉,而最有可能找到答桉的地方就是这里。” Oland is the apostle and reincarnator, a more further meaning is anything, Sukob naturally can understand. 奥兰已经是使徒和转生者了,更进一步的意思是什么,苏科布自然能够理解。 Oland looks at Sukob, very earnest saying. 奥兰看着苏科布,非常认真的说道。 „The mysterious recluse above wilderness, why went down the wilderness finally, chose to enter this country to establish this school?” “荒原之上的神秘隐者,为什么最后走下了荒原,选择了进入这个国家建立起了这座学校呢?” I am very curious.” “我很好奇。” Oland knows that this school definitely concerns Sukob to become the God secret, the emerging Powerful occupation of that named agreement attorney has certainly any unusual place, but he does not have directly to ask the exit|to speak. 奥兰知道这座学校肯定关乎苏科布成为神明的秘密,那个名为契律师的新兴权能者职业一定有着什么不同寻常的地方,但是他没有直接问出口。 Heard that the God of Truth and Knowledge follower advocates the equivalent exchange, I am willing to pay the price to obtain this to answer the tuart.” “听说真理与知识之神的信徒崇尚等价交换,我愿意付出代价来获得这个答桉。” Sukob told Oland: In this world, the equal this view is actually the nihility.” 苏科布告诉奥兰:“这个世界上,等价这种说法其实是虚无的。” Because the standard is the person decides, but something surely beyond standard.” “因为标准是人定的,而有些东西必定在标准之外。” Some things possibly are unworthy a copper coin regarding others, but regarding oneself, is a gold ore is actually not willing to exchange.” “有些东西可能对于其他人来说不值一个铜币,但是对于自己来说,却是一座金矿也不愿意交换的。” Oland knows, oneself is impossible to obtain becomes the thing of god method about Sukob truly, this concerns a person fundamental secret. 奥兰就知道,自己不可能获得真正关于苏科布成神方法的东西,这是关乎一个人根本的秘密。 However Sukob gave Oland some direction, told own some ideas. 但是苏科布还是给了奥兰一些指引,讲述了自己的一些理念。 Why he must leave the wilderness with himself the reason, told these words. 他用自己为什么要离开荒原的理由,来讲述了这些话语。 Why must leave the wilderness as for me , because I found my path, I must become that person who gives the contract and legal force.” “至于我为什么要离开荒原,是因为我找到了自己的道路,我要成为赋予契约和法律力量的那个人。” If Oland suddenly has become aware, had the confirmation with the idea that this walks. 奥兰突然若有所悟,和自己这一路走来的想法有了验证。 If Sukob is to give the contract and legal force, then Oland wants to change alchemist with tower spirit, then changes the whole world. 如果苏科布是想要赋予契约和法律力量,那么奥兰就是想要用塔灵改变炼金师,进而改变整个世界。 However his issue was unable to understand, how Sukob is the idea and path, with own strength and reincarnation links. 但是他还有一个问题不能够明了,苏科布是怎么将理念、道路,和自身的力量和转生结合在一起的。 This point, is most essential. 这一点,才是最关键的。 Sukob has not replied the doubts of Oland, but told Oland another matter. 苏科布却没有回答奥兰的疑惑,而是告诉奥兰另外一件事情。 You can go to several places, you may find to answer the tuart there.” “你可以去几个地方,你在那里或许会找到答桉。” You can go to the agreement attorney trade union to have a look, there every day will have a lot of writing contracts to be signed.” “你可以去契律师工会看看,那里每天都会有大量的文字契约会被签订。” This afternoon time, should conduct many trials in the public trial court in lunar eclipse city, lots of guilty people will be tried the crime by the judge, the judge is my student swells.” “今天下午的时候,在月蚀城的公审法庭应该会进行多场审判,大量的有罪之人将会被法官审判罪行,法官是我的学生隆。” These are Sukob show the thing before person directly, Oland, so long as is willing to seek naturally can discover, therefore is not considered as that what secret. 这些都是苏科布直接展现在人前的东西,奥兰只要愿意寻找自然就可以发现,所以也不算是什么秘密。 However the direction of Sukob, definitely saved many times for Oland. 但是苏科布的这一番指引,肯定是为奥兰节省了不少工夫。 Oland expressed gratitude: Thank your help.” 奥兰表示感谢:“感谢您的帮助。” Sukob indicated: I have the selfishness, I also hope that Oland mister after looking, in the heart can have some feelings.” 苏科布表示:“我也是有私心的,我也希望奥兰先生在看完之后,心中能够有一些感触。” Sukob at this point, words, if has referred. 苏科布说到这里,话语若有所指。 Perhaps in the future, White Tower Alchemy Alliance will also need the agreement attorney and judge. “或许将来,白塔炼金联盟也需要契律师和法官。 Because each country needs the law, the person in each country needs to sign the contract.” “因为每一个国家都需要法律,每个国家的人都需要签订契约。” Oland has not complied, but expressed oneself will certainly look earnestly. 奥兰没有答应下来,只是表示自己一定会认真去看。 Soon leaves, Oland saw suddenly an entrance child looks around, waits and sees toward inside. 快要离开的时候,奥兰突然看到门口一个孩子探头探脑,朝着里面观望。 Oland starts has not cared, but after the vision has swept, turns around immediately, intently is staring at the opposite party. 奥兰开始的时候并没有在意,但是目光扫过之后又立刻扭转了过来,直愣愣的盯着对方。 Who is he?” “他是谁?” Oland felt faintly opposite party is unusual. 奥兰隐隐感觉到了对方的不寻常。 Because of a body of such child, he felt a very powerful strength faintly, even possibly surpassed third-order. 因为这么一个小孩子的身上,他隐隐感觉到了一股非常强大的力量,甚至可能超过了三阶。 Even if a since birth unusual species, is unlikely to have the so powerful strength in such childhood shape. 哪怕是一位生来超凡的物种,也不太可能在这样的幼年形态拥有如此强大的力量。 Even if however is he cannot depending on look at one directly, recognizes the opposite party is reincarnator. 但是哪怕是他也不能凭直接看一眼,就认出对方是转生者 Child feather snake. 小孩子正是羽蛇。 At this moment he has not restored to remember, but on the character already and once feather snake was somewhat similar, some are not good at exchanging, saw that Oland noticed him to run off immediately. 此刻他还没有恢复记忆,但是性格上面已经和曾经的羽蛇有些类似了,有些不太擅长和人交流,看到奥兰注意到他立刻跑开了。 Sukob looks at the opposite party saying: Does not know is lucky, is the unlucky fellow.” 苏科布看着对方说道:“一个不知道是幸运,还是不幸运的家伙。” Sukob remembered the story of Oland, has him and demon spirit clan unusual relations. 苏科布想起了奥兰的故事,其中就有他和魔灵一族非同寻常的关系。 God of Demon Spirit gave him to help, if you want to know that can ask this great God.” 魔灵之神曾经给予过他帮助,您如果想要知道的话可以问问这位伟大的神明。” Oland first gawked, but he understands anything immediately. 奥兰先是愣了一下,但是他立刻明白了什么。 Has existence of relations with God of Demon Spirit, how can be such child who the words will not say, then possibly only has one. 一位和魔灵之神有关系的存在,怎么会是这样一个连话都不会说的小孩子,那么就只有一个可能性的。 reincarnator.” “古法转生者。” Moreover looks at opposite party appearance, obviously is most ancient that reincarnation method of use. 而且看对方这模样,明显是使用的最古老的那种转生方法。 --------------------- --------------------- Oland left the agreement attorney school, then immediately arrives at an agreement attorney trade union. 奥兰离开了契律师学校,然后立刻来到了一处契律师工会。 Before the trade union . 工会前。 Silent Mer, has opened the mouth at this time suddenly. 一直沉默的加美尔,这个时候突然开口了。 Oland Sir!” “奥兰大人!” What agreement attorney and are judge? Maintenance law and person of signing contract copy clerk?” “契律师和法官到底是什么?维护法律和签订契约文书的人?” „This non- average person can do?” “这不普通人就可以做的吗?” Even regional aristocrats hold concurrent jobs this status.” “甚至各地的贵族都兼职着这个身份。” Such matter, but also needs Powerful to do?” “这样的事情,还需要权能者去做吗?” Before, including present Razer Kingdom. 在以前,包括如今的雷泽王国 The aristocrats can make the law, they have the right to interpret of law, but wants to sign the contract in their domain, must obtain their permissions and notarizations can become effective. 贵族是可以制定法律的,他们拥有法律的解释权,而在他们领地之内想要签订契约,也必须得到他们的许可和公证才能生效。 Therefore Mer's idea also by this past situation limiting, what system of completely without is understanding Sukob creating. 所以加美尔的想法也被这个过去的情况给局限住了,完全没有理解苏科布所创造的到底是一个什么样的体系。 He came from Razer Kingdom, the vision has the limitation after all. 他出身于雷泽王国,眼界毕竟还是有局限性。 However this journey, is doomed to make his vision thorough. 不过这一趟旅程,注定会让他的眼界彻底开阔。 He has looked at the god and person, has looked at the ancient surviving civilization, now should come to see this era the developed civilization. 他看过了神与人,也看过了古老的残存文明,现在该来看一看这一个纪元的发达文明了。 Oland actually earnest looks at this building, merchants and powerful officials who these are lining up to wait. 奥兰却认真的看着这座建筑,还有那些排着队等待的商人和权贵们。 As if saw what unusual thing. 似乎看出了什么不寻常的东西。 „During perhaps here law and contract, imagine with us complete different?” “或许这里的法律和契约,和我们想象之中的完全不一样呢?” After entering the agreement attorney trade union, receives his is the students in several agreement attorney schools, there are both men and women. 进入契律师工会后,接待他的是几名契律师学校的学生,有男有女。 They are ordinary time will also work in various agreement attorney trade unions, this is common. 他们平常的时候也会在各处契律师工会打工,这非常常见。 Mister hello, you are want to consult, the contract in which aspect needs to sign?” “先生您好,请问您是想要咨询,还是需要签订哪方面的契约呢?” Oland looked at others, then spoke thoughtlessly to say. 奥兰看了看其他人,然后随口说道。 I want to sign a contract of cession of property, what needs?” “我想要签订一份财产转让的契约,请问需要些什么?” The opposite party reply immediately: If you are accept the property a side, needs to transfer the property and accepts property both sides to arrive ; If you are the side of transfer property, you can establish the time and share of good transfer ahead of time here.” 对方立刻回答:“如果您是接受财产的一方的话,需要转让财产和接受财产双方全部到场;如果您是转让财产的一方的话,您可以提前在这里设定好转让的时间和份额。” If desired, we also need the sending out personnel to verify your property, this also needs the extra expense.” “如果需要的话,我们还需要派出人员去核实您的财产,这也需要额外的费用。” Then me can write the contract copy clerk for you, after you explained the provision of contract in detail, you felt can the words, can conduct last.” “然后我这边可以替您写好契约文书,和你详细讲解契约的条款之后,您觉得可以的话,就可以进行最后一步了。” Carries on the notarization by agreement attorney Sir.” “由契律师大人进行公证。” Oland grasps the key point immediately: „Does agreement attorney conduct the notarization?” 奥兰立刻抓住了关键点:“契律师进行公证?” Opposite party nod: Contract must be able to conclude under the permission of law, finally conducts the notarization to become effective by the agreement attorney.” 对方点头:“契约必须在法律的许可之下才能够缔结,最后由契律师进行公证才会生效。” Oversteps the contract of law is not possible to conclude, without the contract of contract master notarization has not worked.” “逾越法律的契约不可缔结,没有契约师公证的契约没有效力。” Oland thinks, put out a bag gold coin, then told the opposite party. 奥兰想了想,拿出了一袋子金币,然后告诉对方。 Does not need to verify the property, this is the property that I need to transfer.” “不用核实财产,这就是我需要转让的财产。” I need you in specific time, under condition that in I arrange, gives young people named Mer, he can receive.” “我需要你们在一个特定的时间,在一个我定好的条件下,交给一个叫做加美尔的年轻人,他会自己过来领取。” The opposite party are also unalarmed by strange sights, the agreement attorney trade union will receive this request about cession of property frequently, some people leave oneself wife child the heritage, some are uses this method for trading. 对方也见怪不怪,契律师工会经常会接到这种关于财产转让的委托,有的人是将遗产留给自己的妻子孩子,有的是用这种方式进行交易。 The person who Oland will transfer established Mer, left behind his detailed status information also to have after the appearance. 奥兰将转让的人设定成了加美尔,留下了他的详细身份信息还有模样过后。 Listens to the opposite party to read out the contract article again, entered the last step. 再听对方宣读过契约条文,就进入到了最后一步。 Please along with me come.” “请随我来。” Agreement attorney Sir is waiting for you in inside.” “契律师大人在里面等待着您。” Oland entered inside, signed own name before an agreement attorney, received the copy clerk to the convenience. 奥兰进入了里面,在一位契律师面前签下了自己的名字,对方便接过了文书。 The agreement attorney asked Oland: You think that doesn't have the issue?” 契律师问奥兰:“你认为没有问题吗?” Oland replied: Does not have the issue.” 奥兰回答:“没有问题。” Then is in front of his, started some ceremony. 然后当着他的面,启动了某个仪式。 Oland saw that the agreement attorney hand is grasping legal code appearance the book of witch spirit, started own strength, in the communication some existing strength and will. 奥兰看到契律师手握着法典模样的巫灵之书,启动了自身的力量,沟通上了某位存在的力量和意志。 Under the testimony of god of writing and contract, this contract becomes effective.” “在文字与契约之神的见证下,此契约生效。” „The spirit of contract concludes.” “契约之灵缔结。” Offender must suffer the disciplinary punishment.” “违者必遭惩戒。” The concluding language that everyone establishes is not quite same, what same is most important, must communicate on the authority strength of writing and contract. 每个人设定的缔结语言都不太一样,但是其中一样最重要的是,要沟通上文字与契约的权柄力量。 The words fall, the ceremony starts. 话语落下,仪式启动。 Oland sees the contract copy clerk above writing to be eliminated, the dense and numerous writing condensed a spirit that under the ceremony was similar to the ghost. 奥兰就看见契约文书上面的文字被剥夺,密密麻麻的文字在仪式之下凝聚成了一个类似于幽魂的灵。 That spirit body is not powerful, but Oland actually smelled Sukob aura from above ; Moreover the god name of god of writing and contract that the opposite party just read, made Oland understand anything faintly. 灵体并不强大,但是奥兰却从上面嗅到了一丝苏科布的气息;而且对方刚刚念的文字与契约之神的神名,也让奥兰隐隐明白了什么。 spirit body?” 灵体?” Ghost?” “幽魂?” Reincarnation carrier?” “转生载体?” The binding force of spirit of this writing is not strong, can only have an effect in view of the average person, Oland can disregard to destroy the penalty that this contract brings directly. 这文字之灵的约束力并不强,只能够针对普通人起作用,奥兰可以直接无视破坏这契约所带来的惩罚。 However Oland knows that this is only spirit of the writing, if a more powerful contract has the spirit of more powerful writing to restrain, finally will even make his such apostle not be willing to shoulder violates the contract the price. 但是奥兰知道这只是其中一个文字之灵,如果更强大的契约就拥有更强大的文字之灵来约束,最后甚至会让他这样的使徒也不愿意背负违背契约的代价。 Thus, an ordinary copy clerk achieved function that has the unusual strength restraint. 这样,普普通通的一副文书就达到了拥有超凡力量约束的作用。 Originally is this.” “原来是这样。” Lawful right, path and reincarnation law, the three are in one unexpectedly like this.” “权柄、道路、转生法,三者竟然就这样合为一体。” After Oland saw this, finally understands why Sukob must construct to draw up a contract the attorney school, why must carry out the agreement attorney trade union in ten thousand snake royal court. 奥兰看到了这一幕之后,终于明白了苏科布为什么要建立契律师学校,为什么要在万蛇王庭推行契律师工会。 Leaves the agreement attorney trade union time, Oland from original wind peaceful cloud Qing, becomes the anticipation immediately. 离开契律师工会的时候,奥兰立刻从原本的风澹云轻,变得期待至极。 Interesting!” “有意思!” Is interesting, this was too interesting.” “非常有意思,这太有意思了。” Oland rare performance exciting appearance. 奥兰罕见的表现出兴奋不已的模样。 Walks!” “走!” „Under goes to a place to look.” “去下个地方看一看。” But Mer is still in a daze at this moment, because Oland just called him for own later generation. 而加美尔此刻还在发愣,因为奥兰刚刚称呼他为自己的后辈。 This later generation, is what meaning. 这个后辈,到底是什么意思。 He is even also thinking that bag of gold coins, that is Oland Sir leaves his, he is thinking do want to find time to come to lead? 他甚至还想着那袋金币,那可是奥兰大人留给他的,他想着自己是不是要抽空要过来领一下? However at this moment heard Oland to say later, Mer recovers immediately. 不过此刻听到奥兰说走的之后,加美尔立刻回过神来。 Oland Sir!” “奥兰大人!” Where do we receive round trip?” “我们接下来去哪里?” Oland said: „The public trial court in lunar eclipse city.” 奥兰说:“月蚀城的公审法庭。” Oland and Mer passed through the street, arrived at the distance not to calculate a far public trial court. 奥兰和加美尔又穿过了街道,来到了距离并不算远的一座公审法庭。 Today is the day of holding court, therefore in the court is lively, Oland and Mer mixed, looked for a position to sit down. 今天是开庭的日子,所以法庭之中非常热闹,奥兰和加美尔混了进去,找了个位置坐下。 In public trial court. 公审法庭内。 Changed one set of solemn silence clothes to put on the hat prosperously, after he reorganized the good correct manners discipline, entered from the channel of side porch. 隆换上了一套庄严肃穆的衣服带上了帽子,他整理好仪容之后从侧廊的通道进入。 Opens the door, can see a spacious hall. 推开门,就可以看到一个宽敞的大厅。 In the hall full is a person, is waiting for today's ruling. 大厅里面满是人,都等待着今天的判决。 And some people by the family member of trial, some people are the victim or are his family member. 其中有人是被审判者的家属,有些人则是受害人本身或者是其家属。 Likes freely prosperous replaced Keeton finally, the choice becomes a judge ; Perhaps is because he inherited Keeton's last wish, perhaps is also because he became maturer. 喜欢自由的隆最终还是接替了基顿,选择成为了一名法官;或许是因为他继承了基顿的遗愿,或许也是因为他变得更加成熟了。 Although he will make as before is his rash matter, said some frivolous words, but he understands gradually oneself should make anything, wanted to make anything, must make anything. 虽然他依旧会做出一些属于他的冒失事情,说出一些轻佻的话,但是他渐渐的明白自己应该做什么,想要做什么,必须做什么。 Under looks at everyone's vision prosperously, the expression is dignified. 隆看着下面所有人的目光,表情非常凝重。 At this moment what because he represents is the law of this country. 因为此刻他代表的是这个国家的法律。 Holding court.” “开庭。” Was brought by trial, had read their tuart volume prosperously. 一个又一个被审判者带了上来,隆早已阅读了他们的桉卷。 His hand is grasping legal code, summoned spirit of legal code, under the terrifying spirit of legal code vision, these were trembled by trial. 他手握着法典,召唤出了法典之灵,恐怖的法典之灵的目光下,这些被审判者瑟瑟发抖。 Asked their anything prosperously, they reply anything immediately. 隆问他们什么,他们就立刻回答什么。 Their crimes, have been confirmed under the spirit of legal code strength, that crime changes into the writing immediately and spirit of legal code strength pesters together. 他们的一条条罪行,在法典之灵的力量下得到验证,那罪行化为文字立刻和法典之灵的力量纠缠在一起。 Finally. 最后。 Held down prosperously legal code, made to them in light of the spirit of legal code strength examined to decide finally. 隆按住了法典,结合法典之灵的力量对他们做出了最终审决。 That sound is seemed like by spirit of legal code and grand shouts together, just like this country's will to following was judged by trial. 那声音似乎是由法典之灵和隆一同喊出,犹如这个国家本身的意志在对着下面的被审判者进行宣判。 You because of the offense of robbery, you will shut in the prison, the prison term 20 years.” “你因为抢劫罪,你将会被关进监狱,刑期二十年。” You because of the murder crime, you will be executed.” “你因杀人罪行,你将被执行绞刑。” spirit of legal code will judge that finally the result infiltrates in each criminal body, they escape not to be possible to escape. 法典之灵会将最终宣判结果打入每一个罪犯身体之中,他们逃无可逃。 Every judged one time, everyone under stage cannot help but sets out under that spirit of legal code pressure, finally intense applause and call. 每一次宣判,台下的所有人都会不由自主的在那法典之灵的威压下起身,最后激烈的鼓掌和呐喊。 Together with Oland is also so. 连同奥兰也是如此。 Mer looks at this, in the heart has a not being able to say feeling. 加美尔看着这一幕,心中有一种说不出的感觉。 But Oland, actually saw the dawn of civilization from this. 而奥兰,却从这一幕中看到了文明的曙光。 The law and no longer is someone's thing, but is this country, everyone will and strength obviously. 法律并不再是某一个人的东西,而是这个国家,所有人意志和力量的显化。 Oland asked Mer: What did you see?” 奥兰问加美尔:“你看到了什么?” Mer replied: I do not know, but I know if possible, I hope that Razer Kingdom can also turn into this.” 加美尔回答:“我不知道,但是我知道如果可以的话,我希望雷泽王国也能够变成这样。” Oland nods: This indeed is a more civilized symbol.” 奥兰点了点头:“这的确是更加文明的象征。” Oland remembers the words that beforehand Sukob spoke suddenly, but he does not dare to comply with such matter. 奥兰突然想起了之前苏科布所说的话,但是他并不敢答应这样的事情。 Because Land of Sunrise is Yin Washen the place of belief, Sukob the behavior can be said as does missionary work, competed for Yin Washen belief. 因为日出之地是尹瓦神的信仰之地,苏科布的这种行为可以说是在其中传教,争夺尹瓦神的信仰了。 However after Oland decides to go back, making White Tower Alchemy Alliance also defer to the method in lunar eclipse city to establish the court. 不过奥兰决定回去之后,让白塔炼金联盟也按照月蚀城中的方法建立法庭。 ------------------- ------------------- Late at night. 深夜。 Oland knelt before metal idol, in the idol hand is raising a lamp, probably is illuminating the road ahead for everyone. 奥兰跪在了一副金属神像之前,神像手中提着一盏灯,好像在为所有人照亮前路。 Is occupied by the lights god in sky garden, ** with Alchemy control, receives and instructs the Yin Wa god of crowd of stars.” “居住在天空花园的灯火之神,**和炼金的掌控者,接引群星的尹瓦神。” Your apostle Oland prays to you.” “您的使徒奥兰向您祷告。” Please respond to my hope.” “请您回应我的祈求。” After repeating 12 . 重复了一两遍之后。
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