IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#401 Part 2: New reincarnator

The long-cherished wish of feather snake eventually realizes, he turned into snake human from a monster finally. 羽蛇的夙愿终于实现,他终于从一个怪物重新变成了蛇人 The egg of snake human was laid aside in an incubator, is looked after by grand personally, every day Sukob can also come to examine its situation. 蛇人之卵被放置在了一个培育箱之中,由隆亲自照看,每天苏科布也会过来查看其情况。 However the situation somewhat is above two people to expect. 不过情况有些超乎两人预料。 The egg of this snake human hatched quickly, the embryo takes shape not long. 这枚蛇人之卵孵化得很快,没有多久胚胎就成型了。 Bred childhood snake human from the embryo, a birth and made the sound toward Sukob prosperously. 从胚胎之中孕育出了一个幼年蛇人,一出生就朝着苏科布和隆发出声音。 Hiss!” “嘶!” The sound is strong, even is somewhat grating. 声音强劲有力,甚至有些刺耳。 grand Haoqi looks at this new student/life life body, it has since birth is being powerful the talent and strength that is inconceivable, seeming like different from the average man. 隆好奇的看着这个新生的生命体,其生来就拥有着强大得难以想象的天赋和力量,看起来就和常人不一样。 „Is this feather snake?” “这就是羽蛇?” Swells in childhood snake human toward box to wave, is greeting with him. 隆朝着箱子里的幼年蛇人挥手,和他打着招呼。 Feather snake, saw it?” “羽蛇,看见了吗?” I am prosperous!” “我是隆!” Sukob told, now the feather snake did not remember him. 苏科布告诉,现在羽蛇还不记得他。 Intelligence return, the wisdom also just returned.” “灵性回归,智慧也才刚刚回归。” Also must pass is very long, he can remember that who are.” “还要过去很久,他才会记忆起自己到底是谁。” Was shocked prosperously: Can be very long?” 隆愣住了:“要很久?” We do not look after him?” “那我们不是一直要照看他?” Sukob walks toward outside, leisurely saying. 苏科布朝着外面走去,优哉游哉的说道。 Is you, is not we.” “是你,不是我们。” grand Like grasped the head, opened the mouth. 隆立刻抱住了头,张大了嘴巴。 However Sukob just packed the thing, cancelled ceremony technique, leaves goes down the staircase. 但是苏科布刚刚收拾好东西,抹去了仪式术阵,离开走下楼梯。 The prosperity pursued from behind. 隆就从后面追了上来。 Only saw grand Bao childhood snake human to clash, shouted toward Sukob. 只看见隆抱着一个幼年蛇人冲了出来,朝着苏科布大喊。 Teacher!” “老师!” He grew up, is much longer quickly.” “他长大了,长得好快。” Only saw childhood snake human to grow in a minute, has been able to start to crawl. 只看见片刻间幼年蛇人就已经长了一圈,已经可以开始爬行了。 Sukob remembers that reincarnator should not like this, possibly is feather snake's strength has the unique element. 苏科布记得转生者应该不会这样的,可能是羽蛇本身的力量就有着特殊之处。 He is not quite possibly same, is long quite quickly.” “他可能不太一样,长得比较快。” Prosperous happy is hugging the child: That means that didn't I need really to raise him?” 隆高兴的抱着孩子:“这是不是说,我不用真的将他养大了?” Sukob is sizing up childhood snake human carefully, discovers in a minute, he grew up. 苏科布仔细打量着幼年蛇人,发现不过片刻间,他又长大了一圈。 Control intelligence strength?” “操控灵性的力量么?”
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