IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#401 Part 1: New reincarnator

The information that the black storm diverges spreads from the God of Demon Spirit mouth, the mortal naturally does not have the Spiritual God that strong ability, can induce the change to that remote place. 黑风暴散去的信息是从魔灵之神的口中传出的,凡人自然没有神灵那么强大的能力,可以感应到那么遥远地方的变化。 Oland and one crowd of demon spirit rush to the sea above, confirmed this news specially. 奥兰和一群魔灵奔赴到大海之上,特意确认了这个消息。 Above the sea, all living things come the unusual life body and an apostle who have shape of God looks at the ten thousand li (0.5 km) clear sky in distant place, sends out to cheer. 大海之上,一群生来超凡的生命体和一位拥有神之形的使徒看着远处的万里晴空,发出欢呼。 Diverged, really diverged.” “散去了,真的散去了。” Thunder definitely flew.” “雷肯定飞出去了。” He will fly far.” “他会飞多远。” „Will he also come back?” “他还会回来吗?” Will definitely come back, perhaps he can also with us say the place that Sun raises what is.” “肯定会回来的,他或许还会和我们说太阳升起的地方到底是什么样的。” Can determine that once surrounded Ruhul Giant Island to spread ten thousand li (0.5 km) black storm indeed to diverge. 可以确定,那曾经环绕鲁赫巨岛蔓延万里的黑风暴的确已经散去了。 Oland is also excited, somewhat anticipated after the black storm diverges, will bring anything. 奥兰也激动不已,有些期待黑风暴散去之后会带来些什么。 This is an opportunity.” “这是一次机会。” Ruhul Giant Island everyone's opportunity, is a beginning of time.” 鲁赫巨岛所有人的机会,也是一个时代的开端。” Is the time of sea, is the time of distant place.” “属于海洋的时代,属于远方的时代。” He even also wants to leave Ruhul Giant Island personally, has a look outside world is what appearance. 他甚至还想要亲自离开鲁赫巨岛一趟,去看看外面的世界到底是什么样子的。 Although Ruhul Giant Island is various God origins the place, various gods arrive here, various gods start their myth here. 虽然鲁赫巨岛是诸神起源之地,诸神在这里降临,诸神在这里开始祂们的神话 Traces upward for trillion years, this lands come under the Hinsai civilization and Demon Abyss civilization of first era. 往上追溯亿万年,这片土地属于第一纪元的希因赛文明和魔渊文明。 In reality or legend, this great island so unusual. 不论是现实还是传说之中,这座巨岛都是如此的与众不同。 However many people on this island are longing for outside can leave here to explore, because the person regarding unknown has the fear, has infinite yearning. 但是这座岛上的许多人还是渴望着能够离开这里去探索外面,因为人对于未知有着恐惧,同时也有着无限的向往。 Because unknown, therefore has more possibilities. 因为未知,所以存在着更多可能性。 Because unknown, can therefore create the more different future. 因为未知,所以才能够创造更不一样的未来。 Gamer also feels is excited, witnessed the turning point of history probably with own eyes, witnessed the scene of going down in history. 伽美尔也感觉非常激动,就好像亲眼见证了历史的转折点,目睹了载入史册的场景。 Oland Sir.” “奥兰大人。” „After black storm diverges, what will bring for us?” “黑风暴散去之后,会为我们带来什么呢?” What will bring for entire Ruhul Giant Island?” “会为整个鲁赫巨岛带来什么呢?” Oland does not have the thinking to blurt out: Will bring about the hope, will bring more possibilities.” 奥兰没有思索就脱口而出:“会带来希望,会带来更多的可能性。” „The sea will present more ships, more people will go to the distant place, explores new place, establishes the new country, even creates the new civilization.” “海上会出现更多的船,更多的人会前往远方,去探索新的地方,建立新的国家,甚至创造新的文明。” Our maps no longer limit to Ruhul Giant Island, but starts to record a more remote place.” “我们的地图不再局限于鲁赫巨岛,而开始记载着更遥远的地方。” We may see once Evel person, sees the new species, brings back to the new thing.” “我们可能会见到曾经的爱维尔人,看到新的物种,带回新的东西。” Even sees another intelligent species in that legend, is the winged human clan of sky since birth.” “甚至见到那传说之中的另一个智慧种,生来属于天空的翼人一族。” The Gamer mind appeared suddenly about snake mother Themus and myth of winged human first ancestor, when certain things were close at hand may feel the fear and dislike, when was remote touched unreachable, during the imagination is beautified. 伽美尔脑海突然浮现出了关于蛇母瑟摩丝翼人始祖的神话,当某些东西近在眼前的时候可能会觉得恐惧和厌恶,但是当遥远得触不可及的时候,又会在想象之中被美化。 Oland has turned head finally, eliminates wanted to go to the idea beyond Ruhul Giant Island. 奥兰最后还是回过头,打消了想要前往鲁赫巨岛之外的想法。 He also has a more important goal. 他还有着更重要的目的。 Returns to Demon Abyss royal city Alchemy Tower, Oland starts to reorganize the travel bag immediately. 回到魔渊王城炼金塔内,奥兰立刻开始整理起了行囊。 He must receive in the storage item this tower, the preparation carried off. 他要将这座塔收入储物道具之中,准备带走了。 Tower of Babel!” 通天塔!” Tower of Babel!” 通天塔!” Oland came to three tower spirit control rooms, saw silver flower cup in pool, that is singing the head of song. 奥兰来到了三层的塔灵控制室,看到了池子之中的银色花杯,还有那在唱着歌谣的头颅。 tower spirit!” 塔灵!” Prepares to enter the dormancy, seals up entire Alchemy Tower.” “准备进入休眠,封闭整座炼金塔。” Silver Cup of Desire defers to his order to start to conduct immediately, in enters that moment before dormancy truly, this Cup of Desire has turned head to look at Oland one suddenly. 银色的欲望之杯立刻按照他的命令开始进行,但是在真正进入休眠前的那一刻,这欲望之杯突然扭过头看了奥兰一眼。 When you prepare, making the tower spirit deep meaning lead this world and time?” “你准备什么时候,让塔灵奥义引领这个世界和时代呢?” Oland replied: Quick.” 奥兰回答:“很快。” Cup of Desire flower cup gathers, wrapped own head. 欲望之杯花杯合起,包裹住了自己的头颅。 Entire Alchemy Tower the windows and doors start to be closed, when Oland goes out of Alchemy Tower time, the front door also blocks thoroughly. 整个炼金塔的的门窗开始关闭,等到奥兰走出炼金塔的时候,大门也彻底封死。 Oland looks at own Alchemy Tower, remembered just Cup of Desire to ask own words. 奥兰看着自己的炼金塔,想起了刚刚欲望之杯问自己的话。 In some sense, Cup of Desire is an Oland desire reincarnation, is representing his desire and holds to read. 从某种意义上来说,欲望之杯就是奥兰欲望的一次转生,代表着他的欲望和执念。 He is reincarnator, rather than ordinary apostle. 他已经是一位转生者,而不是普通的使徒了。 However wants to become myth, at least wants reincarnation several hundred thousand over a million times, therefore Oland not possible to take your time to conduct the reincarnation in this era through this method times. 不过想要成为神话,至少要转生几十万上百万次,所以奥兰在这个纪元不可能通过这种方法一次次慢慢来进行转生。 Therefore he must go to the next stand, ten thousand snake royal court. 所以他要前往下一站,万蛇王庭 Has a look at that God of Desire and Alchemy said apostle Sukob that found the road of new myth, actually experiencing him how to find the method of god in the epoch. 去看看欲望与炼金之神所说的那位找到了新的神话之路的使徒苏科布,见识一下他究竟是如何在新纪元找到成神的方法的。 Finally must go to ten thousand snake royal court.” “最后还要去一趟万蛇王庭。” Sees another person.” “去见一见另外一个人。” Oland started the bracelet on hand, the palm pasted above Alchemy Tower. 奥兰启动了手上的镯子,手掌贴在了炼金塔之上。 A gorgeous color light/only spreads from the hand, seems the greasepaint to smudge the world to be the same. 一层绚丽的彩光从手上蔓延开来,就好像油彩在涂抹着人间一样。 The color light/only vanishes, height ten meters Alchemy Tower loaded into his storage check like this. 彩光消失,高十米的炼金塔就这样装进了他的储物格子之中。 Gamer: Whom sees?” 伽美尔:“去见谁?” Oland: God of Truth and Knowledge apostle Sukob!” 奥兰:“真理与知识之神的使徒苏科布!” Before this, has lived in seclusion in the apostle of wilderness, the fame does not have big of Oland, many people have not even listened to him. 这位之前一直隐居在荒原的使徒,名气是没有奥兰的大,许多人甚至从来没有听过他。 However Oland actually knows opposite party is not simple, he told the unique element of Gamer opposite party, must visit his reason. 但是奥兰却知道对方的不简单,他告诉了伽美尔对方的特殊之处,还有自己要去拜访他的原因。 He found can become the God means in this era.” “他找到了可以在这一个纪元成为神明的办法。” Gamer has known the goal of Oland this journey, is to become the God of Desire and Alchemy follower, becomes new God. 伽美尔已经知道了奥兰这一趟旅途的目的,就是要成为欲望与炼金之神的从者,成为新的神明 „Can he be willing to help us?” “他会愿意帮助我们吗?” Oland does not know that Sukob can help itself, he has not had to do with this apostle, but he has as before self-confidently. 奥兰也不知道苏科布会不会帮自己,他也从来没有和这位使徒打过交道,不过他依旧有着自信。 In my heart has a method.” “我心中已经有了一个方法。” Was only the hope can find him, has been confirmed from his body.” “只是希望能够找到他,从他的身上得到验证。” Perhaps does not need him to tell me, so long as I see him, then experiences to him is making anything, has been able to get the answer that I want.” “或许不用他告诉我,我只要看到他,然后见识到他在做些什么,就已经可以得到我想要的答案了。” Goes to under temple of demon spirit pyramid, Oland these has not seen God of Demon Spirit time directly. 前往魔灵金字塔的神殿下,奥兰这一次并没有直接见到魔灵之神 Oland then Eliana under temple and God of Demon Spirit said goodbye, expressed gratitude to It. 奥兰便在神殿下和魔灵之神爱莲娜告别,向祂表示感谢。 Thank this period of time to come It to own attendance, how regarding to become the direction on God path. 感谢这一段时日来祂对自己的照顾,还有对于如何成为神明道路上的指引。 Leaves, a group of demon spirit sees off. 离开的时候,还有一大群魔灵相送。 In their hands also grabs paper, effort brandishes toward Aurar. 他们手上还抓着一张张纸条,用力的朝着奥拉挥舞。 This, is really at first sight moving is moved to tears, making one think that Oland in Demon Abyss royal city how popular, how many demon spirit do not give up him. 这一幕,乍一看实在是让人感动得热泪盈眶,让人以为奥兰在魔渊王城是多么的受欢迎,诸多魔灵是怎么样的舍不得他。 But if approached, can know that they are shouting anything. 但是如果靠近了,就可以知道他们在喊些什么。 Remembers that renders back the money.” “记得还钱。” Mails to me the thing.” “把东西给我寄过来。” Must as soon as possible!” “要尽快啊!” „The rainbow tree in city, remembers that do not send wrong.” “城内的彩虹树,记得别寄错了。” That brandishes on the paper writes the name of Oland impressively, clearly is bills signed in acknowledgment of debt. 那挥舞的之纸条上赫然写着奥兰的名字,分明是一张张欠条。 Oland wields the sleeves, carried off Alchemy Tower, left behind foreign loan. 奥兰挥一挥衣袖,带走了一座炼金塔,留下了一屁股的外债。 Sits the flight magic carpet, Oland also relaxes. 坐上飞行魔毯,奥兰也松了口气。 Every day was staring by big group of creditors, he also felt that has very tremendous pressure. 每天被一大堆债主盯着,他也感觉到有很大的压力。 Flight magic carpet flying cloud layer slowly. 飞行魔毯慢慢的飞上云层。 He looks at the West, there is also the last journey. 他看着西方,那里也是最后一趟旅程。 Why he had found in this journey became the reason of God, what God also knew itself to want to become. 他在这趟旅途之中已经找到了为何成为神明的理由,也知晓了自己想要成为什么样的神明 But there. 而在那里。 How he will find becomes the God answer- 他将找到如何成为神明的答案- When Oland and Gamer enter in ten thousand snake royal court, they obtained a shocking news. 当奥兰和伽美尔进入万蛇王庭境内的时候,他们得到了一个令人震惊的消息。 The original sin evil god god of God of Truth and Knowledge and abyss falls, two myth attacked brutally in the world, caused the fearful disaster. 真理与知识之神和深渊的原罪邪神神降,两位神话在人间大打出手,造成了可怕的灾难。 A stationing troops fort that Zach gets. 扎克哈领的一处屯兵堡。 Here has an adobe house that cannot call is the hotel, many caravans after here time will rest here, but must result to here in the soldier pays a sum of money. 这里有着一处称不上是旅馆的土房,不少商队经过这里的时候会在这里休息,不过必须得向这里的驻兵交一笔钱。 Ten thousand snake royal court northern area is completely the tribe, is maintaining the nomadic custom ; The nearby basically does not have the city, but ten thousand snake royal court to control here, will conduct in some important places in the soldier, here is. 万蛇王庭的北方一带全部都是部落,保持着游牧的习俗;附近也基本没有城市,但是万蛇王庭为了控制这里,会在一些重要的地方进行驻兵,这里就是其中一处。 What?” “什么?” When matter is this?” “这是什么时候的事情?” Oland hears this news, could not bear reveal the shocking face. 奥兰听到这个消息,也忍不住露出了震惊的面孔。 The gods fight this matter, he has also heard in myth, without thinking actually happened in the side. 神战这种事情,他也只是在神话之中听说过,没想到竟然就在身边发生了。 The old men of caravan thought: Occurs 34 months ago!” 商队的老者想了一下:“就发生在三四个多月前吧!” Heard that at that time God dropped from the clouds, the people in half lunar eclipse city died.” “听说当时神明从天而降,半个月蚀城的人都死掉了。” I two months of coming time also has looked, around the lunar eclipse city situation made one unable to recognize simply.” “我两个月前来的时候还去看过,月蚀城周围的情况简直让人认不出来了。” „The beforehand several mountains were cancelled completely, the forest fired completely white, above the land is completely the endocrater, now changed into a lake.” “以前的几座山全部都被抹去了,森林全部烧成了白地,大地之上全部都是巨坑,现在化为了一座湖泊。” God on, that may really be too scary.” 神明在上,那可真的是太吓人了。” Just is they soon leaves around the Razer Kingdom matter. 算起来,刚好是他们快要离开雷泽王国前后的事情。 They have treated in the endless vast desert secluded from the world, instead missed such big news. 他们一直待在无尽沙海之中与世隔绝,反而错过了这样重大的消息。 Oland closely examines hastily: Finally how?” 奥兰连忙追问:“最后怎么样了?” The old men of caravan said: I am not clear, only heard that finally was Earth Demoness implores land Giant God to act, only returned to various god states two gods.” 商队的老者说:“我也不清楚,只听说最后是大地魔女祈求了大地巨神出手,将两位神祇送回了诸神国度。” Earth Demoness arrived, has not known that behind will have anything.” “要不是大地魔女到了,还不知道后面会发生什么呢。” Oland and Gamer know, various god states that the merchant said that is also Dreamland in Powerful mouth. 奥兰和伽美尔都知道,商人所说的诸神国度,也即是权能者口中的梦界 Oland also wants to ask some details, but the old man is also the hearsay, where knows situation that what detail and had at that time truly. 奥兰还想要问些细节,但是老者也都是道听途说的,哪里知道什么细节和当时真正发生的情况。 The edition that person of everyone caravan said is different, many words conflicts. 商队之人每个人说的版本都不同,其中很多话还是矛盾冲突的。 One will say that is the evil god arrives, God of Truth and Knowledge to stop the evil god and protection lunar eclipse city arrives. 一会说是邪神降临,真理与知识之神为了阻拦邪神和保护月蚀城降临。 One will also say that two God hit, caused the fearful disaster, was land Giant God pursued them. 一会又说两位神明打了起来,造成了可怕的灾难,是大地巨神将祂们驱逐了出去。 One will also say, is three god only tangled warfare, hits earth-shakingly. 一会又说,是三位神祇混战,打得天翻地覆。 This is also very normal, let alone opposite party at all not at the scene, even if at the scene, a God movement spans the limit that their vision can see even, their where can know that had anything. 这也很正常,别说对方根本不在当场,哪怕就算在当场,神明一个动作就跨越了他们目光所能看到的极限,他们哪里能够知道发生了什么。 It is estimated that at that time in all lunar eclipse cities the average person can notice that is space ray one flashes randomly, various different image frequencies leave, then finished. 估计当时所有月蚀城中普通人所能看到的,就是天上光芒一阵乱闪,各种异象频出,然后就结束了。 Does as for whom, as for having anything , can only and listens to others to say finally by the guess. 至于谁做的,至于发生了什么,最后也只能靠猜测和听别人说了。 However what Oland can also guess correctly the special details probably is. 不过奥兰也大概能够猜出具体情况是什么样的。 Should be the abyss evil god conducts some conspiracy in the lunar eclipse city, finally by God of Truth and Knowledge discovering, but two person battles time cannot receive to stop, land Giant God intended pursuing in Dreamland them. 应该是深渊邪神在月蚀城进行某项阴谋,最后被真理与知识之神给发现了,但是两个人争斗的时候没能收住手,大地巨神出手将他们两个给驱逐回了梦界之中。 Gamer incomparable shock: Oland Sir, this is the war of God.” 伽美尔无比震惊:“奥兰大人,这可是神明之战。” How many people can this die?” “这得死多少人?” Gamer is unable to distinguish is what situation , not the clear three who is wrong to whom, however such situation regards as regarding the average person is the unexpected misfortune, is the true day falls the disaster. 伽美尔无法分辨到底是什么个情况,也不清楚三者谁对谁错,但是这样的情况对于普通人来说看成是无妄之灾,是真正的天降灾祸。 Oland actually from this matter, saw some unusual things. 奥兰却从这件事情之中,看出了不同寻常的一些事情。 All seemingly finished. 一切看似结束了。 The impact that however this matter has was far from the conclusion. 但是这件事情带来的影响却远远没有结束。 Before ten thousand snake royal court, was different, or Ruhul Giant Island is different. 万蛇王庭和以前还是不一样了,或者说鲁赫巨岛并不一样。 Oland says: This perhaps is a good deed.” 奥兰开口说道:“这或许是一件好事。” Gamer is unreadable: „Is this good deed?” 伽美尔难以理解:“这还是好事?” Lunar eclipse city did not have half, the mountain range was cancelled, the forest is reduced to ashes, were the rivers evaporated, how many people died did not know?” “月蚀城没有了一半,山峦被抹去,森林化为灰烬,河流都被蒸发,死去了不知道多少人?” How can this be the good deed?” “这怎么会是好事呢?” Oland nod: What is the misdemeanor, this is beyond any help.” 奥兰点头:“已经发生的是坏事,这已经无可挽回。” But regarding the future, this is a good deed.” “但是对于未来来说,这是一件好事。” Because of the final result, is the god of unseemly behavior is pursued recklessly.” “因为最后的结果,是肆意妄为之神被驱逐。” This on behalf of what?” “这代表着什么?” Gamer asked: This on behalf of this what?” 伽美尔问:“这代表这什么?” Oland was saying to Gamer: Is representing above this piece of Ruhul Giant Island, there is a new order to be formulated.” 奥兰对着伽美尔说道:“代表着在这片鲁赫巨岛之上,有了新的秩序被制定了。” Because here is the Mother of Life back garden, is the place of Ruhul Giant God protection.” “因为这里是生命之母的后花园,是鲁赫巨神守护之地。” Oland sets out, seems somewhat moves restlessly, the mood is somewhat complex. 奥兰起身,看起来有些躁动,情绪有些复杂。 Various gods can send out their apostle walk world, can disseminate their beliefs.” “诸神可以派出他们的使徒行走人间,可以传播他们的信仰。” But acts personally, obviously has crossed.” “但是亲自出手,显然是已经过界了。” This result told various God time, this is an insurmountable line, will cross its person to pay the price.” “这一次的结果告诉了诸神,这是一条不可逾越的线,越过它的人将会付出代价。” Ruhul Giant God as in the deep sleep, this era as before is the intelligent era. 鲁赫巨神依旧在沉睡之中,这个纪元依旧是智慧的纪元。 After the succuba appeared, the situation had some changes. 但是当魔女出现了之后,情况有了一些改变。 The succubas as if start to act one type to be responsible for supervising and protecting the role of this mainland, they can communicate Ruhul Giant God, gives these in God of Mother of Life back garden recklessly unseemly behavior by the disciplinary punishment. 魔女似乎开始扮演一种负责监察和守护这座大陆的角色,她们可以沟通鲁赫巨神,给予那些在生命之母后花园肆意妄为的神明以惩戒。 Appearance of Earth Demoness, an inheritance of succuba lineage/vein. 大地魔女的出现,魔女一脉的传承。 Also represented on Ruhul Giant Island to have the new order. 也代表着鲁赫巨岛上有了新的秩序。 This piece of various God in it place. 这片诸神所在之地。 Also starts truly becomes worthy of the reputation. 也真正开始变得名副其实。 The Gamer flash understood anything: „Is this asylum of Mother of Life?” 伽美尔一瞬间明白了什么:“这是生命之母的庇护吗?” He silent a meeting, then said. 他沉默了一会,接着说道。 Originally the life above this Ruhul Giant Island, is really a luck.” “原来生活在这座鲁赫巨岛之上,真的是一种幸运。” However in the future, these in the country outside Ruhul Giant Island, seemed to be not possible to have such treatment. 不过往后,那些在鲁赫巨岛之外的国家,似乎就不可能有这样的待遇了。 Gamer has to outside yearning, thought that outside world seems to be more hopeful, is more wonderful, is more free. 伽美尔原本有着对外面的向往,觉得外面的世界似乎更有希望,更加美妙,更加自由。 Suddenly felt at this moment, Ruhul Giant Island is true security the place of asylum, even God must observe the order here, must be restrained. 此时此刻又突然觉得,鲁赫巨岛才是真正的安全的庇护之地,连神明在这里都必须遵守秩序,都要受到约束。 Oland was saying to Gamer: Naturally, this stretch of land is different.” 奥兰对着伽美尔说道:“当然,这片大地是不一样的。” These leave the Ruhul Giant Island Evel person, winged human clans.” “那些离开鲁赫巨岛爱维尔人,还有翼人一族们。” They had experienced matter, they have faced disaster, is you forever not unimaginable.” “他们曾经经历过的事情,他们面临过的灾难,是你永远无法想象的。” Gamer regarding God this existence, there is a brand-new understanding. 伽美尔对于神明这种存在,也有了全新的了解。 When God had the will, had the standpoint.” “当神明有了意志,有了立场。” When God also has the desire.” “当神明也拥有欲望的时候。” Their disputes regarding the mortal, simply are the world's most fearful disasters.” “祂们的纷争对于凡人来说,简直是世界上最可怕的灾难。” In the initial Gamer eye, God and other average people of his cognition are exactly the same. 在最初的伽美尔眼中,他认知的神明和其他普通人一模一样。 They thought that God is omnipotent, God in their eyes is bodies, might as well said is more like the sea, probably sky, like that storm thunder. 他们都觉得神明是无所不能的,神明在他们的眼中与其说是一个个体,还不如说更像是大海,像是天空,像那风暴雷霆。 In contacted for a long time after Oland, even after seeing right in front of one God of Demon Spirit Eliana. 而在和奥兰接触得久了以后,甚至在面见过魔灵之神爱莲娜之后。 The God image became in the eye of Gamer plentiful, was no longer stodgy, becomes nimbler more and resourceful. 神明的形象在伽美尔的眼中变得丰满了起来,不再死板,变得更加灵动。 However, is more fearful. 但是,也更加可怕。 Because this is one crowd of hands is grasping the myth authority, actually and holds to read controlled existence by the desire. 因为这是一群手握着神话权柄,却又被欲望和执念所控制的存在。 They have to like hating, they have the focus of being able to put down, even that rigid and likes hating the mortal more intense. 祂们也有着爱恨,祂们也有着放不下的执着,甚至那执着和爱恨比凡人更加强烈。 Even if spans for trillion years, is not willing to put down. 哪怕跨越亿万年,也不肯放下。 They possibly because reads to shelter the world, is also possible to destroy all because of a anger. 祂们可能会因为一念而庇护人间,也又可能因为一怒而毁灭一切。 Oland was saying to Gamer: Therefore needs the new god to appear, therefore the new order under the direction of Creator will soon be born.” 奥兰对着伽美尔说道:“所以需要新神出现,所以在造物主的指引下新的秩序即将诞生。” This is the God order.” “这就是神明的秩序。” New god is representing this era, is representing new intelligent species, we will protect our homelands, our civilizations.”- “新神代表着这一个纪元,也代表着新的智慧种,我们会守护我们自己的家园,还有我们自己的文明。”- Lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城。 Several months passed by, the entire lunar eclipse city cannot recover consciousness as before, after all half of the city destroyed in that disaster. 几个月过去了,整个月蚀城依旧没能缓过来,毕竟半个城市都毁灭在了那场灾难之中。 The evil disciple of abyss, the Corpse Eater Cult member is chased by all, this period of time royal court is hunting down and arresting these fellows everywhere. 深渊的邪恶之徒,还有食尸者密教的成员更是人人喊打,这段时间王庭到处都在搜捕和缉拿这些家伙。 The belief of land Giant God becomes in entire royal city fiery, because of this God just proof own great strength. 大地巨神的信仰在整个王城变得火热起来,因为这位神明刚刚才“证明”过了自己的强大。 God of Truth and Knowledge received many questions, but in the city also many people publicize for it, God of Truth and Knowledge appeared to prevent the original sin evil god, the lunar eclipse city can preserve. 真理与知识之神则受到了不少质疑,不过城中也又不少人替其宣扬,正是真理与知识之神出现阻挡了原罪邪神,月蚀城才能保存下来。 Therefore during the question, God of Truth and Knowledge also had/left many frantic followers. 所以在质疑之中,真理与知识之神也多出了不少狂热信徒。 The especially those were swollen to lead the patients who the person is rescuing, is grateful to grand and knowledge temple. 尤其是那些被隆带着人抢救过来的病人们,更是对隆和知识神庙感激涕零。 In a new school. 一座新建立的学校之中。 Ding-dong ~ “当当当当~” The ding resounds, in the spacious circular classroom all young snake human set out, expressed gratitude to the agreement attorney on stage. 钟声响起,宽大的圆形教室之中所有年轻蛇人起身,向台上的契律师表示感谢。 Thank the teacher to teach our knowledge.” “感谢老师传授我们知识。” However the teacher leaves, everyone to/clashes immediately. 但是老师一离开,所有人就立刻冲了出去。 Lots of young people play the noisy learn/study in the campus, they primarily learn/study ten thousand snake royal court legal code, if further even can also be selected to become the Powerful agreement attorney. 大量的年轻人在校园里面玩闹学习,他们主要学习万蛇王庭法典,如果进一步甚至还能被选中成为权能者契律师。 Even cannot go a step further, in the future still the meeting can become the assistant of agreement attorney or judge. 就算不能更进一步,将来也会可以成为契律师或者法官的助手。 This regarding most people, has reached the sky in a single bound. 这对于大多数人来说,已经是一步登天了。 In behind of school, has the laboratory that the God of Truth and Knowledge palace as well as prohibits everyone from entering. 在学校的后面,有着真理与知识之神的殿堂以及禁止所有人进入的实验室。 At this moment, Sukob is leading his student, making him witness one to call it the great deeds. 此时此刻,苏科布正带着他的学生,让他见证一场可以称之为伟大的事迹。 One the front door to eternal life, does not refuse stubbornly the experiment that extinguishes. 一场通往永生的大门,不死不灭的实验。 Stands in the corner at this moment prosperously, the eye stares in a big way, the mood full is excited. 隆此刻站在角落,眼睛瞪得大大的,情绪满是激动。 Although does not have the god allows is not not possible to obtain Path of Wisdom prosperously, but can see with one's own eyes a birth of reincarnator, that is also the average man not the matter that is possible to meet. 虽然没有神的允许隆不可能得到智慧之路,但是能够亲眼看到一名转生者的诞生,那也是常人不可能遇见的事情。 Sukob is grasping a stone, that is Divine Grace Stone of feather snake. 苏科布手握着一块石头,那是羽蛇的神恩石 In the laboratory center, the plan filled a ceremony technique center to put a bottle. 在实验室中央,绘制满了仪式术阵的中央放着一个瓶子。 God graciousness four points!” “神恩四分!” Intelligence source, wisdom consciousness, desire personality and knowledge remember.” “灵性本源、智慧意识、欲望人格、知识记忆。” Compares in Sukob using the reincarnation law that the spirit of contract conducts, this reincarnation law was more ancient, is disclosing the ancient times primitive aura. 相比于苏科布利用契约之灵进行的转生法,这种转生法更加古老,透露着远古原始的气息。 Sukob released the strength in Divine Grace Stone completely, 苏科布神恩石内的力量全部都释放了出来, A god graciousness four points of strength gathered above ceremony technique, changed into the tree same graphic construction. 神恩四分的力量在仪式术阵之上汇聚,化为了树一样的图形结构。 That is the stable reincarnation structure. 那就是稳定的转生结构。 Also can call it Path of Wisdom, front door to eternal life and myth. 也可以称之为智慧之路,通往永生和神话的大门。 „The seed of reincarnation!” “转生的种子!” Enters me for the temporary carrier that in you prepare!” “进入我为你准备的临时载体之中吧!” Finally the entire structure fell into that bottle, changed into a special seed. 最后整个结构落入了那个瓶子之中,化为了一枚特殊的种子。 This is the seed of reincarnation, is all of strength a god graciousness apostle has. 这是转生的种子,也是一位神恩使徒所拥有的力量的一切。 This seed seems like a brain, but in the brain that pointing and trace seem like a tree or a flower. 这个种子像是一个大脑,但是大脑之中那勾缝和纹路又像是一棵树或者一朵花。 When it plants, then starts to take root to germinate immediately. 当它种下的时候,便立刻开始生根发芽。 According to order. 按照次序。 Return to an intelligence, wisdom, desire and knowledge person, finally makes reincarnator thorough rebirth on new body. 将一个人的灵性、智慧、欲望、知识进行回归,最后让一个转生者彻彻底底的在新的躯体上重生。 But can let it the soil that takes root to germinate, was one just the new life that started to breed. 而能够让它生根发芽的土壤,是一个刚开始孕育的新生命。 Sukob seals up the bottle immediately, cautious for fear that made a mistake one step. 苏科布立刻封闭上了瓶子,小心翼翼的生怕弄错了一步。 Because intelligent species is unable to be separated from the body to exist, once this shape were separated from this bottle or own carrier, vanishes into thin air immediately. 因为智慧种是无法脱离躯壳存在的,这个形态一旦脱离了这个瓶子或者自身的载体,会立刻烟消云散。 Even if the apostle and reincarnator, is so. 哪怕是使徒和转生者,也是如此。 Steps Path of Wisdom reincarnator, at this time was frailest. 踏上智慧之路转生者,在这个时候是最脆弱的。 Prosperous!” “隆!” Stood in the laboratory center, Sukob shouted itself name of student. 站在实验室中央,苏科布喊了自己学生的名字一声。 Swelled to walk from the corner at this time, in the hand holds egg of the snake human, inside life has not bred the formation thoroughly. 隆这个时候从角落里走了出来,手里捧着一枚蛇人之卵,里面的生命还没有彻底孕育成型。 This for the feather snake reincarnation the body of preparation, he will turn into snake human in this body. 这就是为羽蛇转生而准备的躯壳,他将会在这躯壳之中重新变成一个蛇人 Sukob received the egg of snake human: Where must come, has said with his mother?” 苏科布接过了蛇人之卵:“从哪里得来的,和他的母亲说过了吗?” Told Sukob prosperously: He does not have mother, is I picks from the river.” 隆告诉苏科布:“他没有母亲,是我从河里捡到的。” After some snake human bred the descendant, if not willing to raise to throw in the river directly, Sukob also knows that this matter, this situation is not rare in this time. 一些蛇人孕育了后代之后,如果不愿意养的话会直接扔到河里,苏科布也知道这个事情,这种情况在这个时代并不罕见。 He inspected carefully, finally nods. 他仔细检查了一番,最终点了点头。 Was this.” “就是这个了。” Sukob picked up the egg of snake human, its little flew the high place. 苏科布托起了蛇人之卵,它一点点的飞上了高处。 Sukob turned on the bottle in hand, an intense ray changes into the light beam and egg of link snake human as one, drills toward its within the body. 苏科布打开了手中的瓶子,一道强烈的光芒化为光柱和蛇人之卵链接为一体,朝着其体内钻去。 The Sukob eye penetration semblance, saw the intelligent species essence. 苏科布的眼睛穿透外表,看到了智慧种的本质。 The Path of Wisdom graph integrated in the embryo of that life, the intelligence and embryo union, are born immediately the rhythm of life. 智慧之路图形融入了那生命的胚胎之内,灵性和胚胎结合,立刻诞生出了生命的律动。 Sukob can feel, during the birth of this life, blood of myth of feather snake grew part. 苏科布可以感觉到,在这生命的诞生之中,羽蛇的神话之血增长了一部分。 The reincarnations were successful. 转生成功了。
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